Well      04.03.2020

Do-it-yourself tile garden path technology. Path of tiles in the country. Recipes from experts. Pavement Width

Paving slabs for paths in the country are made from the most different materials. Rubber, wood, stone, concrete - all have their own pros and cons, different types, the nuances of manufacturing and the specifics of styling, which you need to be aware of in order to be able to choose. The more knowledge, the easier it is to choose the material that is suitable for your dacha, making the area around the house not only utilitarian, but also beautiful.

You also need to take into account color, shape, size, styling methods, and other nuances with which you can turn design planning into a creative process and search for beautiful combinations. But it's easiest to start with materials.

Varieties of tiles

Before buying, it is important to take into account all the nuances of a particular type. Consider the most relevant tile options.


Plastic is the cheapest existing materials in any area. It does not require complex processing, polymers are cheap for it, operational properties as a result, not too high, but the price compensates for them.

There are different types:

Modular. Looks like honeycomb light tiles bright color that has special mounts to link disparate modules into a single canvas. The material is pure plastic. The cost is very low. It looks cheap, in two or three years it becomes unusable, because it is unstable to temperature extremes, it easily cracks from frost, and melts from heat. It has a specific advantage - it will not be possible to slip on it if it is not completely covered with ice.

Polymer sand. It looks like solid plastic tiles in a bright color, also with fasteners. Material - plastic mixed with sand in different proportions. The cost is small, but more expensive than modular. It also looks cheap because the plates look plastic. Not suitable for an old wooden or stone house, it would be appropriate only for a house sheathed with siding. More resistant to temperature extremes and lasts longer. It has a specific disadvantage - it is very easy to slip on it, since the surface remains smooth.

decking. He is - terrace board. It looks like a wooden parquet, consists of two layers. Below - a modular tile with fasteners, on top - several strips with gaps to allow moisture to pass through. The material is plastic mixed with wood chips in different proportions, most often one to four. It is quite expensive, it looks respectable and beautiful, on a par with natural wooden surface. This is the main plus - aesthetics in the absence of the main disadvantages of wood.

Plastic tiles in general have a list of advantages:

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Instability to sudden changes in temperature, weather conditions. In the sun, the plastic burns out, cracks from the ice formed in the cracks, swells in the heat, and can be deformed.
  • resistance to aggressive chemicals. Household acid spilled on the coating will cause it to deform.
  • Instability to high weight. A person can withstand easily, but a car is no longer there.
  • fragility. Wears out much faster than rubber and concrete coatings.
  • Unaesthetic. In very rare cases, plastic tiles look good if they are not decking.


Plastic - good decision if you do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on styling. You can put it near outbuildings in the depths of the site, forgetting about the problem of paths for several years.


For the manufacture of rubber tiles, secondary raw materials are used - outdated car tires. At the same time, its price is higher not only than that of plastic, but also than that of cheap clinker or concrete tiles.

Pluses include:

  • Safety. Rubber is a soft material, falling on which it is difficult to get injured. If children or the elderly will rest in the country, rubber paths will be very convenient for them.
  • Durability. Rubber slowly wears out, its service life is ten years.
  • Ease of installation and repair. Rubber does not have fasteners like plastic, but it cannot break, does not require special alignment, and is easily replaced if any element of the finished track fails.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes and moisture. Rubber does not melt in the sun, does not crack in frost, is completely insensitive to moisture. Doesn't rot.
  • Light weight and resistance to mechanical damage. Rubber cannot be broken, cannot be crushed, it is easy to transport without thinking about accuracy. It does not crack, easily withstands the weight of not only a person, but also a machine.
  • UV and chemical resistant. Will not fade in the sun, will not suffer if you spill gasoline or household acid on the track.
  • Noise isolation. For tracks in the country, this factor is not so important, but if you are annoyed by loud sounds, the clatter of heels, the noise of steps, choosing rubber is a good solution, because they are completely drowned out.

But no material is perfect, rubber also has disadvantages:

  • Lack of ice resistance. In summer, you can’t slip on rubber even after rain, but in winter, when ice freezes on top, it’s just as easy to fall on it as on a slippery stone path.
  • Flammability. Rubber burns, although it takes time to ignite. In the process, emits black suffocating smoke.
  • Possible dishonesty of the manufacturer. If the concrete tile is just going to be brittle and it will be obvious, then poorly made rubber can give off harmful substances. Therefore, it is necessary to check its quality especially carefully.


Rubber is a good option to lay by the pool or in a place where children will play. But in order to give this material an aesthetic sufficient for the front yard, considerable effort will have to be made.

From natural stone

Natural stone is made simply - it is simply crushed and leveled so that beautiful shapes are obtained. Apply:

  • slate;
  • quartzite;
  • granite;
  • shungite.

For people who are not sorry for the money, there is an option to pave the paths with marble.

The stone has its advantages:

  • Durability. Natural stone practically does not wear out - this can be seen on the paving stones of old cities, which were laid many centuries ago. The paths from it are actually eternal, the maximum that can happen to them after a couple of decades of rain and snow - a beautiful even shape can become somewhat more free, grass will grow between the plates.
  • Natural beauty. A natural stone - beautiful material which only a tree can match. It is not painted like artificial materials, but the simplicity, naturalness of its colors in itself looks good, especially if they are chosen with taste, so that they fit the garden and buildings.
  • Moisture insensitive. Nothing will happen to the stone, even if it lies in the mud or in a puddle for six months.
  • Insensitivity to temperature changes, to ultraviolet, to ice. The stone does not crack, does not fade, does not melt - nothing can happen to it.
  • Reliability. Stone tiles cannot be broken, a person can pass through it, or a car can drive through it - it will withstand any weight.

But of course there are disadvantages:

  • Color uniformity. Yes, the natural colors of the stone are beautiful with their veins, with their different scales, with their variety of shades. But the brightness that artificial material, then the abundance of flowers, with which you can lay out any pattern or pattern, is not characteristic of them.
  • Big weight. Stone is a heavy material. It needs to be loaded onto vehicle, you need to unload, you need to lay out tracks for them - all this requires human labor, time, effort. In addition, not every foundation will withstand a stone.
  • High price. Natural stone is an expensive material, especially some of its varieties tend to be the most beautiful. Using a different coating can be much cheaper.
  • Instability to some biological threats. Moss can grow on the stone, fungus or mold can grow. It won't hurt him in and of itself, but it can change him. general form paths for the worse.
  • Difficulty with form. Hard types of stone are difficult to cut into tiles of the same size and shape, because they are often sold in a rather bizarre form, with many angles, with irregular bends. It will take effort to make a decent path out of this chaos.
  • Icing. The stone has no protection against ice; even in summer, on some of its varieties, you can slip and fall.


Stone is a versatile material. It is better not to place it near water sources, but otherwise it will look good in any area of ​​​​the site.


Paving slabs that came from Holland, invented back in the nineteenth century. It is made from clay with an admixture of coloring substances - first it is formed, under great pressure pushing through the hole, then fired once. The resulting result is highly dense and has a whole list of advantages:

  • High durability. Clinker wears out almost as slowly and reluctantly as natural stone. You can walk on it for decades before the effect is visible.
  • Durability. Can last almost as long as natural stone. Neither rain, nor wind, nor the scorching sun can harm her.
  • Resistance to temperature extremes, frost. No heat, no cold, no ice will affect the clinker, as well as biological threats.
  • Variety of colors, shapes. Clinker is made artificially, so it can be given any color and any shape, from banal plain rectangles to fancy polygons with a complex pattern.

The cast variety is considered somewhat more fragile, but big difference between results technological processes No.

They have the same benefits:

  • Variability. Many colors, many shapes, patterns on the surface - concrete tiles are perhaps the most diverse and can even be made to order.
  • Low price. Concerning stone and clinker, concrete is starting to look like a cheap solution, although of course it costs more than rubber and plastic.
  • Sustainability. Does not suffer from temperature changes, is not subject to biological threats, does not fade in the sun, does not crack under ice, wears out for a long time.

There are, of course, downsides:

  • Relative fragility. Concrete begins to crack and crumble earlier than clinker and natural stone - these are its characteristics. This happens especially quickly if the goods were produced in one region and are used in another.
  • Installation difficulties. If a mistake was made during the installation process, it will be difficult to correct it and you will have to start from the very beginning.


Concrete is a versatile material that is suitable for any part of the site.

Planning and design

If you can choose a material, guided by a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site and tastes, then this will not work with the rest of the characteristics. The design of the tile should match the design of everything else, it should fit into the overall concept.

To make this possible, you need to approach planning sequentially:

  • Make a site plan. It is necessary to put a house, outbuildings, the largest flower beds and beds on it - everything that has at least something to do with the landscape.
  • Make a plan for future tracks. Paths should lead from the house to the outbuildings and to the gates, and they should go the way the inhabitants of the house walk, and not the way it seems beautiful on the plan. Go around large obstacles, take into account "little things" like hanging over the place where the path should pass, branches.
  • Assess prospects. According to the plan, you can figure out what the tile should be so that everyone is comfortable. If the site has a well or a pool, you need to take a rough texture and material that is not afraid of moisture. If the site has weak soil, which crumbles easily and does not hold gravity well, it is better to forget about natural stone. Also estimate the budget of the enterprise and whether cars will drive along the paths, think about how much the maximum temperature difference is. How much heat and how much cold will the path have to endure? How many will walk on it?

The rate of abrasion depends on how much they walk. From maximum temperatures and differential - the necessary frost resistance. If a car will drive along the paths, the tiles should be thicker. And it depends on the budget how expensive it will be.

Deciding what to be specifications, you can move on to more pleasant and complex matters: to design.

You need to take into account:


According to the norms, footpaths should be no narrower than seventy-five centimeters, so that an adult can easily walk along them.

When the plan is ready and the final laying pattern is selected, you can take on the selection.

The nuances of choosing a tile

First you need to focus on the exact characteristics. Size, shape, frost resistance, wear resistance - all this you should know before you go to the store. And already directly in the store, you need to imagine how it should look good tile how it differs from low-quality and what documents to ask the seller.


Each tile has a set of characteristics that you need to consider when buying. The first one is size. Exists:

  • Small. This is good because you can lay out any pattern or pattern on a narrow country path from it, and also because you don’t have to think too much about the base and whether it will withstand. But there is a big minus - it will take more work. After all, laying out three large tiles in a row is much easier than forming a row of a dozen small ones.
  • Average. Universal option. The drawing will no longer work, but here is a beautiful complex pattern - completely. It is not necessary to think about the foundation yet; difficulties with laying should not arise either. Ten by ten centimeters is an example of a good medium tile.
  • Big. The patterns are only the simplest, and you will have to think about the base - if it is not strong enough and even, the tile can sag on one side or crack. But if you have the strength and time to prepare, and you prefer the monochromatic beauty of a geometric order to complex patterns, this is a good choice.

The average size of the product is a universal option

After the size, you should decide what shape should be:

  • Square. For square tiles, simple patterns are suitable - they can be laid out in a checkerboard pattern or create a semblance of a brick pattern. It is best if they are multi-colored and this will make them look more fun.
  • Rectangular. It is also possible to lay out a chessboard, but not so effectively, but a brick pattern, a “herringbone”, laying in waves will look. You can create a pattern with different colors.
  • wild stone. This is what the tiles are called. natural stone, which are not made according to the shape, but according to the way the stone was split. Patterns with them will not work, and in order to form a path, you will have to make an effort. To facilitate the work, you can first carry it out on paper.
  • complex shapes. Clover, hexagons, circles, stars - they are all a pattern in themselves. It is enough just to lay them according to the picture.

Very small tiles can be used to make a meaningful drawing, regardless of the shape - a stained glass window is made according to the same principle. Also, if you want to do something specific, fantasy, invented on your own, for which there is no necessary forms, you can always contact the manufacturer and place an order.

It will cost twice as much as a regular product - or even five, depending on the complexity of the form.

Then choose the thickness:

  • Two to four centimeters. Used for footpaths. If you are going to lay paths in the country solely in order to walk on them, this option is suitable for you.
  • Six to eight centimeters. Will withstand very intensively moving people or a car. Hardly needed in the country.
  • Eight to ten. It can withstand the weight of any cars, it is usually used at enterprises, gas stations and in private yards where a car will be parked.

To give a thick tile is definitely not needed - and this is good, because the thicker it is, the more expensive it is.

After that, you need to choose purely technical parameters. Abrasion resistance is indicated on the package, the higher it is, the more reliable the track will be that you get. Frost resistance is indicated next - the value shows how many freeze-thaw cycles the tiles can endure.

The best options have an indicator of more than two hundred and you should focus on them.

The last parameter to pay attention to is color. It depends on him how impressive the resulting track will look.

Lots of options:

Having decided for yourself what the material should be according to all its characteristics, you can go to the store and choose a specific batch there.

What to look for when buying?

The tile must not only fit the site in terms of design, it must also meet quality standards. Determining whether they are going to deceive you is quite simple. Need to:

  • Ask the seller for documentation. Any batch of goods must be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which confirms that it is manufactured in accordance with state standards, as well as a test report, which contains all information about wear resistance, frost resistance, and other qualities of the product. If the seller is hustling, trying to change the subject, there is a high probability that something is wrong with the goods - it is better to go to other people.
  • Check a random tile from a batch. Even if the product that you are offered is bad, the top, visible layer in the package will be done well so that you do not guess anything. The request to get the tile from the middle is normal, especially if you are ready to buy this particular package later.

If you think that laying paving slabs is a job only for professionals, then this review will prove you otherwise. Take 10 minutes to read the article, and you will know all the nuances of the technology and be able to make the tracks as good as the experts. It does not require special skills and sophisticated equipment, the main thing is to do everything carefully and observe correct sequence works.

Step by step description of the workflow

Now let's figure out how to make paths from paving slabs in the country.

The workflow can be divided into several stages:

  • Planning and breakdown of the territory;
  • Acquisition necessary materials and tool;
  • Foundation preparation;
  • Laying tiles;
  • Leveling the surface and sealing the seams.

We now turn to a detailed consideration of each stage.

Stage 1 - planning paths and marking the site

This is the preparatory part, which will help us a lot in the future.

Within this stage, the following works are performed:

  • You should have a site plan at hand, or rather, you should transfer it to Blank sheet paper. Just draw in the correct scale the configuration of the area where the work will be carried out. On the sketch, indicate all the objects that can create interference and that need to be bypassed;
  • Garden paths are located so that it is convenient for you to move around and that they go around all natural obstacles. If you have already lived on the site for a year or two, then the location of the paths is easy to determine: wherever you often go, paths will be trodden. You only need to reflect them on the project to see the estimated amount of work;

  • Layout plan garden paths should include their width. Immediately determine the size of the sites. As for the width, where people often walk, it should be a meter and a half, and where movement is infrequent, you can limit yourself to 75-80 centimeters. If you drive a car along the track, then consider its dimensions and add a margin of half a meter on each side;

  • You must also decide which tile will be used and how it will be laid. Competently combining and choosing interesting scheme laying, you will be able to make beautiful paths. There are a lot of options, below are just a few examples that are popular and used quite often;

  • When you have decided on the location of the tracks and their configuration, you can start laying out the site. First of all, you need to drive the pegs into the places where the tracks begin, and then place them along the entire length at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other. If you have a lot of bends, then the pegs are located closer to accurately mark the configuration of the future structure;

  • The cord is pulled at a height of 10-20 cm above ground level. You can use any twine or fishing line, the main thing is to set the contours of the track so that later you can clearly see where you need to work;

  • If you need to make semi-circular corners, you can use the simple method shown in the diagram below. A peg is driven in in the middle, a cord of the required length is tied to it with the same peg or a simple stick, and a rounding is drawn. Everything is simple and accurate at the same time.

Since you will be digging a trench along the marking line, the pegs must be hammered to a depth of 35-40 cm. Then, when preparing the bed for the path, they will not fall, and will stand as expected.

Stage 2 - the acquisition of the necessary materials and tools

Material Selection Guide
paving slabs It should be remembered that paving slabs for paths in the country is selected depending on the load on the surface. If cars drive at least occasionally on the surface, then the thickness of the elements should be 70-80 mm, and if people walk along the paths, then 50-60 mm will be enough. Outdoor tiles do not have a huge number of colors, but if you wish, you can find unusual options.
Curbstone Before choosing borders, it is worth deciding on a tile. Then you will know the color of the tracks and will be able to choose the best frame for them. I do not recommend laying without borders, as the process will be much more difficult
Crushed stone or gravel If you will use crushed stone, then take options for a small or medium fraction. As for gravel, a standard composition will do; all large stones must be removed from it before use. I recommend using the first option, as it can create a stronger foundation.
Building sand There are no special requirements here. The main thing is that the composition does not contain plant roots and pieces of clay
Geotextile With the help of this material, we will strengthen the base and improve the removal of moisture. This will prevent subsidence of the tracks and their washing away during heavy rainfall.
Cement The composition of the brand M400 or M500 should be used. With it, we will make a mixture for the base and filling the joints after laying

Now let's deal with the tool that will be needed for laying paving slabs:

  • Roulette, level and rule;
  • Rubber or wooden mallet;

  • Trowel;
  • Hose with diffuser or garden waterer;
  • Rake and broom;
  • Profile or rail for leveling the surface;
  • Rammer, you can make a manual version, but it is much easier to rent equipment, it is inexpensive.

Stage 3 - preparation of the base

A very important part of the workflow, which consists of the following steps:

  • Removal of soil to the desired depth;
  • Installation of a curb;
  • The construction of a pillow under the tile.

We will analyze each stage in detail and start by digging a trench under the track:

  • Sod is pierced along the rope with a shovel, you need to hold the bayonet vertically and make a straight line to a depth of at least 20 cm. That is, first of all, the top layer is cut through and a landmark is set;

  • Next, you need to remove the soil, the depth of the trench should be about 30 centimeters below the level of the future track. It is important to carefully remove excess ground, it is easiest to start with two strips along the cord. So you will remove the earth on the sides, and in the middle it will be easier to work;

  • The earth is removed over the entire area on which the tiles will be laid. In the process of work, periodically check the level to remove the soil in approximately the same way.

Now let's figure out how to put a border:

  • Since the height of the sides is greater than the tiles along the edges, you need to make trenches 15 cm below the already excavated surface. The width of the trench should be approximately the bayonet of a shovel, this is quite enough to install the sides;
  • First, about 20 cm of crushed stone is poured, it is leveled and compacted, 5 cm of sand is poured on top. After that, you can pour water on the surface and tamp, controlling the plane with a level. It is important to make a flat base on which the border will be located;
  • A small layer of cement mortar is applied to the sand cushion (4 parts of sand to 1 part of cement). After that, a curb stone is exposed along the cord. On the solution, it will stand stably, you only need to adjust its position;

  • When you put several elements, then additionally check the plane with a level. This will help to set the design evenly and clearly;

  • Laying continues like this until the very end. For reliability, you can apply a small amount of the solution on the side. The design should stand for about a day before you can proceed to the next stage of work.

Now let's figure out how to make a base for a tile:

  • To begin with, a layer of crushed stone or gravel 15 cm thick is poured. After that, the material is evenly distributed over the surface and it is rammed. You can work with both special equipment and manual fixture from a piece of log with a handle. It is important to compact the crushed stone well over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bits laying;

  • A layer of geotextile material is laid on top of the rubble. It will create a barrier to the penetration of sand into the rubble and improve the drainage of the surface. Laying is very easy: the canvas spreads across the width of the track. At the joints, for reliability, make overlaps of 10-15 cm;

  • A layer of river or construction sand 5 cm thick is poured over the insulating layer. It must be carefully leveled and moistened with a hose or sprinkler. After that, the final alignment and compaction of the sand cushion is carried out. It is important to make an even and solid foundation;

  • Lastly, a layer of dry cement-sand mixture is poured, which is prepared from 4 parts of sand and 1 part of cement. The composition is evenly distributed over the surface, the easiest way is to level it with a homemade rail. It is done simply: a board is cut along the width of the curb, cutouts are made in it so that it falls on desired level. Then you simply smooth the surface, ensuring the uniformity of the cement-sand mixture.

If you have unstable or heaving soil, then it is better to place geotextiles not only under sand, but also under crushed stone. Two layers of material will strengthen the surface and prevent crushed stone from sinking into soft soil.

Stage 4 - laying tiles

If you have done the preparation correctly, then the installation will be quick and easy.

The work consists of the following:

  • Work starts from the extreme point. You must lay the tile in front of you so as not to step on the previously prepared base. First, the first row is laid out, you must tightly attach the elements to each other and make sure that they are located in one line;

  • The row is aligned along the line, after which the plane is checked. If necessary individual elements tapped to level the surface. If some tile has sagged, then it must be lifted, after which a little cement-sand mixture should be put with a trowel and leveled;

  • If you have a straight tile, then it is easiest to lay it row by row, using the rail as a guide. Everything is simple here: two extreme tiles are laid, a landmark rests on them and is pressed on the other side so that it does not move. Then along the line you can lay out a row very quickly, and at the same time it will be perfectly even;

  • If the tile is laid diagonally, then for a guide it is easiest to pull a cord along one of the joints. It simply presses against the edge of the tile and helps you see if you are laying out a row evenly. To better understand this option, a diagram is shown below;

  • If cutting tiles is required, then this process is carried out after laying all the whole elements. The work is done using a special power cutter or grinder with a disc for concrete. The element is marked and then carefully cut along the line, the work is simple, but noisy and dusty.

Stage 5 - leveling the surface and sealing the seams

When the laying work is completed, you can proceed to the finishing part of the process.

Everything is pretty simple here:

  • To begin with, the surface is checked with a long, even rail or rule. If there are protruding sections on it, they should be trimmed with rubber mallet. The differences should be minimal, so until you check the track in all directions, do not continue work;

  • Then a sand-cement mixture is prepared, which is poured in a small layer on the surface. The easiest way to hammer the composition into the joints is with a brush with a hard bristle. Just treat the surface so that the sand gets into all the cracks, after which the excess is gently swept away;

  • Further, the surface is well wetted from a hose or sprinkler. It may turn out that in some the mixture will sit down, then you need to apply it again and moisten the tile again. Drying takes 2-3 days, the mixture sets during this time and a very durable surface is obtained.


After reading the review, you can easily lay paving slabs with your own hands. The process is simple and does not require much experience and special skills.

One of the most popular and sought-after building materials used for landscaping a summer cottage is tile. The paths laid out of such material are durable and beautiful, while the technology of their laying does not require special professionalism, therefore, if desired, it is understandable and accessible to everyone. The range of tiles for country paths, presented on domestic market, allows you to choose the most suitable option corresponding to certain external characteristics, technical parameters and financial opportunities.

Varieties of tiles for country paths

Variety of tiles that can be used for paving paths in the country is large, therefore, without creating a certain classification, it is quite difficult to make a choice in favor of one or another type. So, depending on the material manufacturers distinguish the following types of tiles intended for laying paths, namely:

  • paving slabs;
  • polymer sand tiles;
  • rubber tiles.

Paving slabs based on concrete mix. This is perhaps The most common a type of tile that has an affordable price and acceptable performance. Can be done in two different technologies - vibrocasting and vibrocompression. The technology for manufacturing tiles by vibrocasting involves pouring a concrete mixture in special forms which are placed on the vibrating table.

After the composition sits down, the tile is dried about 12 hours in a warm place. The main advantage of this material is appearance that can be pleasing to the eye various forms, texture and color. A significant disadvantage is low rates strength and frost resistance. By the way, it is quite easy to make such a tile at home, which is what smart summer residents actually use.

Vibrocompression is considered more advanced technology, which ensures the tile is properly strength and durability to sudden changes in temperature. Concrete mix poured into a mold, which is amenable to constant tamping until the solution becomes a characteristic density. The disadvantages include meager color scheme and a small number of forms.

Polymer sand tiles

The main difference from the above types of tiles is the replacement of the primary cement binder with a polymer component. Because of which increase significantly performance of this material. Possess high level heat resistance, lack of slip high strength and low surface abrasion. Compared to concrete tiles possess greater plasticity, which eliminates the possibility of cracking;

The technology for the production of this material arose relatively recently, but the absence of any shortcomings, except, of course, high cost really amazing. This coating can last over 10 years without any change in color and texture. Rubber tiles has elasticity and safety, which is especially important in winter season, but rich color palette capable of making everyone happy.

Any of the above types of tiles can have varied texture, and the most popular for paths in the country are such forms of tiles as:

  • coil;
  • square;
  • wave.

Cost and specifications

The price range inherent in the tiles for the tracks allows you to satisfy any financial inquiries, so let's look at what the building materials market can offer us today.

The greatest demand is for vibropressed paving slabs, which have the most acceptable cost and technical indicators:

  • its density is 2000 kg/m3;
  • frost resistance is within 200 cycles;
  • the abrasion index does not exceed 0.55 g/cm2;
  • water absorption reaches 6%;
  • the cost of such material, depending on the color, shape and thickness, varies from 320 to 580 rubles / m 2.

Vibrocast paving slabs are distinguished by an acceptable cost, which varies from 300 to 400 rubles / m 2, which itself testifies about lower performance indicators, namely:

  • the average density of the material is about 2300 kg/m3;
  • abrasion coefficient - 0.2 g/cm2;
  • frost resistance - from 250 to 400 cycles.

Polymer sand boards have more high settings, while their cost is not much different from the previous options:

  • the average density is about 1780 kg/m3;
  • mass water absorption is not more than 0.15%;
  • abrasion index 0.1 g/cm2;
  • frost resistance exceeds 100 cycles;
  • the price for this type of product is set within 480−600 rubles/m 2 .

Rubber tiles have highest operational characteristics, as evidenced by their cost, which on average is 1650 rubles / m 2, which is three times more compared to concrete and polymer sand material.

  • the density of the rubber coating can vary from 850 to 1000 kg/m3 depending on customer requirements;
  • frost resistance exceeds 200 cycles;
  • indicators of abrasion, resistance to mechanical damage And allowable loads outnumber all expectations.

Paving slab laying technology

Laying paving slabs does not require any specific knowledge and a lot of experience, therefore, armed with patience and good spirits, you can begin to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. So, for fruitful work you will need:

In general, the whole technology can be divided into certain steps, the essence of which is described below:

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in the hand-made laying of the path in the country house, so you should not delay such an exciting activity and get to work faster. After all, the result will surely please you, and the finished track, with proper care, will serve you faithfully not one year.

Do you know how a woman goes shopping? I went in the evening for kefir - I returned with sausage, a cake, a bottle of martini plus a package of juice for a promotion as a gift. Maybe on the way you can see some jars for bulk products in a nearby store. She, in principle, did not need them, but she liked the picture. That's exactly how I went to the supermarket today for essential groceries. Everything was strictly according to the list, until I wandered into the sale department. Imagine, I go in, and there they are ... Flashlights for giving on solar panels! Since I am an incorrigible shopaholic summer resident, I simply could not resist such a temptation.

And immediately mentally flew to her site. Evening descends to the ground, crickets start singing in the jasmine bush, the delicate aroma of night violets is entangled with puffs of smoke from the barbecue. As soon as the sun sets, globular lanterns turn on along the sides of the main alley. Their light is still dimmed, but when it gets completely dark, they will illuminate the path well. Yes, stop! Path ... This terrible path, trodden between the flower beds, will be proudly called the dacha alley? Well, no, it urgently needs to be planned and ennobled.

How to choose a tile for the track

Bullet jumping out of the grocery, I rushed to the construction market. First you need to think about how to arrange the tracks on the site. In terms of area, my cottage is not large. Landscape designers advise in such cases to abandon straight alleys. After all, straight lines will simply connect the gate with the house, the gazebo with the play area. Boring! To visually enlarge the space, small plot it is better to make ornate paths with rounded turns. Rectangular avenues that go around flower beds and lawns of the correct geometric shape are ideal for estates of solid areas. Moreover, they should not cross the central part of green spaces.

How to tile

How to lay out a tile track? There is a whole technology for laying a country path. In principle, nothing complicated, if desired, I myself can handle such a task. First of all, you should make markings on the ground - draw the contours of the future alley. Wooden pegs or a stretched rope will do. Then carefully remove the top layer of soil with a shovel. The borders need to be made perfectly even - remember the drawing lessons. We remove at least 10 cm of turf, sand will be poured in its place, the builders call it a sand cushion. It is carefully tamped down and paving slabs for a summer residence are laid on top. The only tool that is used is a mallet.

The choice of material - varieties of tiles

Summer residents have the widest selection materials from which to make tracks on the site. Most Popular:

  • a natural stone,
  • wood (boards or saw cuts),
  • pavers,
  • plastic,
  • concrete,
  • brick,
  • gravel.

Any design specialist will tell you: you need to choose the material from which the tiles for the garden are made, taking into account general style site design. Your country house from a brick? Lay a red brick path to it. Implementing eco-design ideas? Use wood saw cuts on a background of green lawn grass. Do you want to make an alley with patterns? Multi-colored paving stones are best suited for this purpose.

The universal material is stone. It is perfect for any style of country landscape. Here the main requirement is that at least one face of the stone should be even. Alley made of natural stone is durable, this is its most important advantage.

Walkway made of wood

As road tiles wood can be used. The densely stacked saw cuts look very nice. You can use circles of the same diameter or trees of different thicknesses. Another option is boards of any shape and size. They can be painted, which will make it possible to update your cottage at least every season.

Paving stone path

Most best option for the path - paving slabs that can withstand temperature extremes, high humidity and heavy loads. Its main advantage - paving slabs for giving will allow you to create beautiful patterns on your path.

But for those who like to save money, paving stones are not suitable. Since this material must be bought with a good margin. The fact is that if marriage is even slightly noticeable on a separate tile, it can no longer be used. The slightest crack will cause great damage, and this is fraught with problems.

Path of bricks

If you like "patterned" alleys, you can use it as building material brick. Such a tile for a path in the country is laid on a mortar, unlike all other types. Be sure to make a border on the sides of the alley, otherwise it will part in a couple of years.

By the way, the flashlights I have chosen, which we talked about at the very beginning (remember?), will be ideally combined with any track. Whatever material I choose - whether it's outdoor tiles for summer cottages or eco-wood - they will favorably emphasize the romantic mood on my site. I bought flashlights, but with overhaul lanes will have to wait. My dear readers, which option do you vote for? Maybe you are already embodying your design fantasies on your plots? Share your experience, which is better to buy a tile for a walkway in the country?

Country paths - 50 photos

The final stage in the design of any personal plot is the laying of beautiful paths. Such products carry both functional and aesthetic meaning. There are a huge number of variations in the arrangement of paths on suburban area, and among them you will definitely choose the most ideal option for yourself.

Features and Benefits

Tracks in the country are constantly subjected to mechanical influence, and therefore the material for their creation must be as durable as possible and sufficiently resistant to any load and abrasion during operation. It is for this reason that certain requirements are imposed on the tile:

  • Its thickness should start from 3 cm, and if you are going to transport along such paths garden equipment, then from 4 cm and even higher. You also need to pay attention to the parameters of the product. The smaller they are, the stronger your tile will be. For large slabs, the possibility of rapid cracking is quite high, unlike small ones, so it is best to choose the latter option.

  • The source material of the product is of great importance. It is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the tile itself, as well as clarify the technology of its production.

  • Pay your Special attention and how the tile looks, which is intended for paving paths in the country. If it is excessively bright in color, then it is quite possible that a lot of dye was used in the manufacture, which usually makes this kind of product quite loose and prone to rapid cracking. And a very smooth surface of a tile (for example, concrete) can lead to the fact that such a path on the site will become extremely dangerous in the rain or in the winter season. Excessive smoothness is usually obtained by increasing the water content in concrete mortar, which also negatively affects the quality of such street coverage.

  • The styles of paths that are created from tiles can be the most unimaginable. The main thing is that they should be successfully combined with all the buildings on the site and fit perfectly into the overall design of the space.

  • To highlight the natural grace of the site, the paths are best created taking into account all the plants and in harmony with all the uneven terrain. Then they can be laid in any possible direction, beautifully skirting the flower beds and surrounding small architectural forms. Versatility similar product will allow you to decorate your personal plot as stylishly as possible, and sometimes even exclusively.

  • It is also best to lay country paths in the autumn season. At this time, the earth in the garden becomes dense, so it will not need to be rammed for a long time.


There are 3 subspecies of tiles suitable for laying in the garden:

  • Vibrocast. Cast paving stones are great for paving paths, but they are not able to withstand heavy loads, so they are most often used as a street pedestrian surface. During production, it can be painted in various colors, as it is made of white cement.

  • Vibropressed. Such a tile is significantly inferior to vibrocast in a variety of colors and shapes, but significantly surpasses it in strength. Most often used as a road surface.

  • Hyperpressed. The method of production of such tiles has high performance, almost entirely automated, which reduces the cost of production. This is the cheapest tile.

In addition to tiles, for paving paths in your backyard, you will also need to purchase a border to give the flooring a finished look. You will have to choose between two main types of curb tiles:

  • Traditional;

  • Pencil.

The traditional border is a product in the form of a rectangle of small length. They are used for horizontal mounting.

A pencil border is laid at the junction of 2 materials to create smooth transition from one to another.

Forms and design

For mounting neat tracks on household plots different types of products are used. You can become the owner of a colored or one-color product, purchase embossed tiles, with outlandish patterns or perforated (with holes), with very smooth surface or matte.

The most popular options include such types of products as:

  • Paving stones. It differs from other types in ease of installation and practicality. With time given material it will definitely acquire an interesting “aging” effect, which will look great when decorating a site in a country style. Tiles of different colors will allow you to create original ensembles with intricate patterns.
  • "Gzhelka"- This is an unusual model with a beautiful repetition of patterns that change in size.

  • "Scales", as well as the grid and cobweb - the most original variants
  • "Cloud" has a pattern that copies the earthen surface.

  • classic look Tiles can be either smooth or rough. The image consists of 4 sectors, which are separated by stripes. Patterned paths that pass through alleys and arches of properly selected vegetation will give a fabulous atmosphere to the entire space of the site. The area around your home, laid with symmetrical tiles, guarantees it the effect of amazing cleanliness and accuracy.
  • Caso option will help create an image in the popular Gothic style.

  • Parquet element has a relief surface.
  • "Honeycombs" in the form of a hexagon, they require a lot of time to install, but the end result is very pleasing to the eye.

  • "Wave" has a wavy carved surface and is very similar to slate.
  • "Fleece" stands out with an unusual, but elegant ornament.

When installing and decorating the track, you need to consider a number of rules:

  • It must be fully compatible with uniform style suburban area and be the main component between the various elements of the backyard territory.

  • Each coating has its own specific length and width, which must be taken into account in the final selection.
  • Smooth paths are far from suitable for any design. Winding paths can be the best option for decor.

  • It is best that the paths are set at the same level with the flower bed, lawn, or even slightly lower. Near them you can put benches and stylish lamps.

  • Sculptures of birds and animals will significantly enliven the summer cottage. Also, flowerbeds or stylish borders of small flowers are used to decorate the paths.

  • The tile installation scheme can be in a checkerboard pattern or in the form of a neat Christmas tree. Laying chaotically suitable for decorating the landscape in a popular rustic style.

To give a special look to your site, the paths on it should be planned and created in a well-thought-out design. You should know that the decoration of the territory around all kinds of architectural or unusual objects will look very original. For example, a platform that bypasses a small pond, laid with neat tiles, looks quite catchy in combination with pebbles.

Patterned paths that pass through alleys and arches of properly selected vegetation will give a fabulous atmosphere to the entire space of the site. The area around your home, laid with symmetrical tiles, guarantees it the effect of amazing cleanliness and accuracy.

Modular slabs can be mounted even on a regular road, and despite the fact that they will feel the load and different climatic conditions every day, such as precipitation, UV radiation, their appearance will not deteriorate even after many years of constant use.

The cost of the work may depend on the choice of a particular design style. Laying country tiles with different artistic subtleties can be called a creative matter, it requires careful project development landscape design. Therefore, the price of such projects is quite high.


Nowadays, there is a huge amount of materials with which you can equip paths in your summer cottage. The most requested of them:

  • natural stone,
  • wood,
  • paving stones of various types and colors,
  • plastic,
  • concrete,
  • brick (clinker),
  • gravel.

Experienced Designer will tell you that you need to choose the material from which the tiles for your site will be made, taking into account the unity of the decoration style. If your dacha is made of brick, then lay a path of the same material towards it. And if you want to embody the idea of ​​eco-design, then use wooden flat saw cuts paved against a green lawn. If you dream of creating an alley with unusual decorations, then choose multi-colored paving stones for it.

from gravel

You can start with one of the most simple ideas- laying country paths from gravel. To the benefits this option can be attributed to a huge selection of fractions and colors with a minimum of costs and labor efforts.

From stone

The most versatile of all the materials presented is stone. It will suit all decor styles. garden plot. The most important condition is that at least one of its faces should have a flat surface. The stone alley is very durable, and this is its most important advantage.

Tile from natural stone stands out for its excellent durability and density. The most commonly used granite and marble. The "glowing" product consists of a stone with a built-in led lamp. Such elements can easily withstand heavy loads.

from wood

Wood can also be used as a country tile. Very stylish look tightly laid wooden saw cuts. You can use circles different sizes. Another one interesting idea- use boards large and small. They can be painted, and if necessary, you can update your site every new season without any problems.

From paving stones

Best Option for the installation of the track - this is a paving stone that can withstand different temperatures, high humidity and significant loads. Its main advantage is the creation of beautiful patterns on the track. But if you want to save money, paving stones will definitely not suit you, since this material must be purchased with a large margin. The thing is that if a crack appears on any tile, it can no longer be used. Even an imperceptible crack will give a significant deformation, which will spoil the appearance of the track.

from brick

If you like patterned alleys, you can use ordinary brick as a building material. Such a “tile” for a path in the country is installed on a solution, which distinguishes it from other types. Without fail, it will be necessary to install a curb on the sides of such an alley, otherwise it will “disperse” in 2-3 years. Another option is to use clinker bricks. This is a very popular material for country paths: it costs a little, is easy to install and has a pleasant range of colors.

Made of rubber

In the production of rubber plates, raw materials from the processing of tires from cars are actively used. Such tiles are distinguished by noise-absorbing qualities, and also have high frost resistance and resistance to moisture. Since rubber is considered a material that lends itself well to painting, different types tiles from crumb rubber can have an extensive color palette.


Concrete is a truly versatile material from which you can make amazingly beautiful things. To create a garden path from unusual concrete slabs, you only need cement mortar and an ordinary form with a unique decoration. Special forms for creating concrete garden paths can be purchased today in many construction stores. With their help, you can arrange comfortable paths throughout the garden or house adjoining area with your own hands.

Made of plastic

Plastic tiles are produced from a mixture of sand and polymers. The material has excellent strength and anti-slip characteristics.

There are several types on the market today. plastic tiles for paving paths:

  • perforated (lattice) plates;