Mixer      06/12/2019

How to quickly wash the microwave from grease. How to wash the microwave inside and out: professional and popular advice. Machine care

A microwave oven is an essential appliance in every kitchen. But due to regular use, it quickly becomes dirty, and if you ignore this, then the heated products will begin to become bad smell, and the oven itself will quickly fail. Let's try to figure out how you can wash the microwave using various cleaning products, most of which are always at hand.

Basic rules to follow:

  1. Before cleaning the microwave, it must be turned off.
  2. Do not use hard brushes or metal cleaning scrapers as this will damage the surface and render the oven unusable.
  3. Microwave cleaning should be carried out using very little water, this will prevent damage to parts that are sensitive to high humidity.
  4. Do not disassemble the oven when washing.
  5. At the end of the active cleaning process from the inside, you should open the door and dry the device well.

Cleaning methods

Popular cleaners microwave oven:

  1. Lemon acid. We mix 1 tsp. acids with 50 ml of water room temperature or slightly warm, apply to internal and external contaminated surfaces for 5-10 minutes, then wipe and wash off the residue with water. Cleaning the microwave with citric acid does not give off an odor, so it is absolutely safe. If for some reason acid residues still enter the human body through food, then you should not be afraid of this - it is harmless to health.
  2. Lemon. Instead of acid, you can simply use lemon. This product is also harmless, and in addition to cleansing, it will give the microwave a fresh aroma and a natural shine. You can clean the microwave with lemon as follows. We cut the fruit into 2 parts and squeeze the juice out of it, add 200 ml of water to the juice and heat the solution in the microwave oven at maximum power. It is necessary to ensure that the steam begins to settle on the walls of the device in the form of condensate, for this, as a rule, 5-7 minutes are enough. We turn off the device and wait another 5-10 minutes, after which you should remove the container and wipe all surfaces with a rag. Cleaning in this way allows you to remove the remnants of dirt in the microwave, and the pleasant smell of fresh lemon will accompany you in the kitchen for a long time.
  3. citrus peel. It will also help to find the answer to the question of how to quickly wash the microwave. To do this, the peels of any citrus fruits are placed in a bowl with wide base, after which the contents are poured with water and put in the oven for 5-6 minutes. it should be the maximum possible. This method allows you to quickly clean the microwave and, just like with a whole lemon, refresh the device and give a pleasant aroma to the entire room.
  4. Vinegar. If the previous methods did not help you cope with such a seemingly simple task as cleaning a microwave at home, then it's time to try vinegar. The disadvantage of such a tool is that the product has a specific pungent odor, which will certainly spread in the kitchen and can remain in the oven itself for a long time, therefore, when cleaning with vinegar, you should long time leave the oven door open and ventilate the room well. The procedure itself, which allows you to clean the microwave oven, is as follows. Vinegar and water are combined in a ratio of 1:1, after which the container is placed inside the device for 5-7 minutes, and then it is necessary to leave the door closed for another 15-20 minutes in order for the dirt to soften. After it was possible to clean the microwave inside with the emitted vapors, you need to ventilate the room well and open the door with the window open. After that, the remnants of all contaminants on the walls can be washed out.

    An important nuance: do not allow the solution to get on the grate, this can ruin the device!

  5. Soda. It is impossible to use soda in a standard format in the case of a microwave, since damage to the surface by microscopic particles will disable the device. However, when choosing a way to easily wash a microwave, this product should not be completely excluded. Baking soda can be used for non-contact cleaning. It is done like this. A wide bowl is taken, where 2-3 tablespoons of soda powder are poured, the powder is poured with water and placed in the oven at maximum power for 15-20 minutes. With this method, you can get rid of stubborn dirt.

Chemical cleaning methods

How to clean a microwave in 5 minutes? Chemistry to help you!

Chemical detergents and cleaners should be used with care.

As much as you'd like to avoid synthetic cleaners, there are a few products that can help clean up stains quite easily and without much harm and extend the life of your microwave:

  1. Mister Muscle. We spray the product on the surface, turn on the microwave oven at full power for 1 minute, then wipe the surface with a damp cloth, completely removing the remnants of the solution.
  2. Laundry soap. The use of this indispensable household assistant is also relevant in our case. Soap must be lathered and the walls treated with this foam, leaving it for 30-40 minutes, then rinse everything with water. In the event that the solution is not completely removed, during the first cooking you will feel a specific smell that is not dangerous for the stove itself, but may cause discomfort for you.
  3. Fae. This tool is suitable in the case of light pollution. Wet a soft sponge with water and fairies. We put it in the chamber and leave it at low power for 20-30 seconds, carefully watching so that the sponge does not melt. Then we wash off the remnants of softened contaminants.
  4. Special tools for microwave. If you still haven't found the best effective method how to wash the microwave and how to clean the microwave from grease, you can try specialized cleaning products. As a rule, the instructions clearly spell out how to use them. Traditionally, the product is kept on contaminated surfaces for 5-10 minutes, after which the surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a soft sponge or cloth. It is absolutely not necessary to make physical efforts in order to clean the microwave inside from fat: the product will do everything for you.
  5. Napkins. They allow you to quickly remove fat and food residues without the need to use water. Wipes not only remove dirt, they also disinfect, while being absolutely non-allergenic.

The choice of agent depending on the surface material

The internal coating of your device can be:

  • enamelled;
  • ceramic;
  • from stainless steel.

enameled coverage is the most common. It is present in most economy class models. The process of cleaning smooth enameled surfaces is not particularly difficult if you avoid products that can damage them. Even small scratches, barely noticeable to the eye, are unacceptable. Regular exposure to hot steam deprives the surface of its original hardness, therefore, as a rule, such furnaces do not last a very long time. In no case should moisture get into the bottom to avoid rust.

Stainless steel is more resistant to high temperatures material. But quickly washing a microwave of this type will not work. Carbon deposits and fat deposits are instantly absorbed into the surface, but they do not want to be cleaned quickly. Abrasives and any acids, incl. lemon and acetic are strictly prohibited in cases with stainless steel. Contaminants can only be removed with specialized solutions or through steam exposure.

Ceramic coatings are the most picky in terms of care. All of the above remedies can be applied to them. However, it is worth remembering that, as in the case of the two previous materials, you can wash the microwave using abrasives and hard sponges only once, ridding it of fat and leaving it forever inoperative.

However, prevention is always easier than cure. This statement is also relevant in our case. We talked about how to clean the microwave inside, how to quickly clean the microwave, but it's much easier, in fact, to follow simple advice care and maintenance. Use special caps during the cooking process, wipe surfaces regularly, periodically leave an activated charcoal tablet or a container of salt in the chamber, and your appliance will serve you for many years. You will never have to really and seriously think about how to clean and maintain your microwave.

When cleaning the kitchen, you should pay enough attention to household appliances. This is especially true for the products with which we cook food. One of them is a microwave oven. Today it is in almost every home. Its versatility allows housewives to find an indispensable assistant in the kitchen in the microwave, so it is often used at work.

However, splashes of grease, evaporation from liquid products can greatly contaminate the inside of the unit. The impossibility to wash the inner walls of the furnace from dirt in a timely manner leads to the fact that the stains eat into. So how to quickly clean the microwave? By what means?

Microwave ovens have relatively recently entered the life of housewives. Today, with their help, we can not only warm up the cooled products, but also defrost them, cook food, and sterilize cans for seaming.

The simplicity of the device allows it to be used even by the elderly and small children. The latter, due to their age, are still not accurate enough, so it is very difficult to avoid contamination of the device, including persistent ones.

Before answering the question of how easy it is to clean a microwave from grease and other contaminants, you need to sort out the main points correct use device.

Before you use one of the small life hacks that tell you how to clean the microwave, you need to familiarize yourself with general rules for cleaning:

  • disconnect the device from the mains;
  • refuse hard brushes, especially those in the bristles of which iron is present. Its remaining particles inside the oven will burn it as soon as you turn on the device;
  • use water in minimal quantities;
  • do not abuse cleaning products;
  • do not disassemble the device yourself, do not try to remove top covers. This work is only for professionals.

We can wash the internal fat with detergents sold in household chemical stores. They are made specifically for microwave ovens. The one with the corresponding icons on the label will be safe.

Usually, the products are made in the form of sprays or solutions. Using them is very simple:

More precise instructions for each cleaner are printed on its label.

Sprays must be used very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the grating under which the magnetron is located. Liquid should not get in there.

Special products designed for cleaning ovens will also perfectly wash grease. They need to be spread with a sponge over the inner surface of the oven, wait a few minutes and rinse with a wet cloth. After that, the microwave should be left open for a couple of hours to weather the remnants of the cleaning agent.

Another means of household chemicals, very effective in combating kitchen pollution, is laundry soap, despite its unpleasant odor and unpresentable appearance. These two negative qualities are offset by the antibacterial and disinfectant properties of soap.

To wash the oven, you need to prepare a solution of chips laundry soap And warm water. Whisk a rich foam, which is applied to the inner surface of the microwave, then wait 30-40 minutes. The dirt should go away without a trace.

Many say that I rub and clean the device with special tools, but the effect is zero. If you can't clean the oven chemical compounds or afraid to use them, try to use effective folk ways suitable for home use.

There are many ways to clean the microwave from fat. All of them are available at home. You need to choose your method based on the degree of contamination, as well as the time period that has elapsed since the last cleaning of the furnace. If fresh stains can be removed very easily, then old ones will have to be pretty tricky.

Pretty quickly, you will wash the oven with plain water. To do this, pour liquid into a shallow container, place it in the oven and turn it on for a couple of minutes at maximum power.

During boiling, moisture in the form of condensate covers the walls of the microwave and dissolves grease smudges. At the end of the procedure, clean all walls with a soft cloth or sponge. If some part of the fat continues to remain on the walls, the procedure should be repeated.

If in some places the pollution is very strong, then they can be removed using mustard powder or drinking soda. These universal products will perfectly wash the surface, but at the same time they will not harm the coating, as they are quite soft.

You can remove the stubborn thick layer of fat with vinegar and lemon.

Vinegar is a universal remedy in any kitchen and in every home. It is not only added to dishes, but also actively used as a cleaning agent for different surfaces and appliances. Despite the pungent odor, which, by the way, will disappear after a short period of time, too strong pollution is washed with vinegar, including on microwave ovens.

If greasy spots not very occupied the inner surface of the microwave, it is enough just to apply the solution on soft tissue and walk it along all the walls of the device.

In the case when there are old spots of fat, you need to use another, more effective method. In a dish suitable for use in microwave ovens, pour one liter of water and dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar in it.

Place the container inside the appliance, turning it on maximum power. The operating time of the product is 10-15 minutes. At the end of the cycle, do not open the oven for approximately one hour. During this time, the vinegar vapor will cover the walls of the microwave and dissolve a layer of fat on them. The spots will be erased without a trace.

If you find the use of vinegar unacceptable because of its smell, you should use another, more fragrant and no less effective tool- lemon.

You can not only wash the microwave with lemon, but also get a fresh citrus scent in the kitchen. In addition to lemon, you can use other citrus fruits - orange, grapefruit.

We clean the microwave with lemon as follows:

  • cut two or three small lemons into slices;
  • we place them in dishes intended for use in the oven;
  • pour one glass of water;
  • we put inside the device, which we turn on at maximum power for 10-15 minutes;
  • after the completion of the heating cycle, we wait another 10-15 minutes;
  • unplug the appliance and start washing.

We wash off the remaining fat with plain water and a soft cloth. This will be very easy to do, since the vapors released by the lemon have already fulfilled their function - they have dissolved fat and other impurities.

With this method, you can use not only the whole lemon, but also its zest. The procedure will be the same as above.

If there are no lemons, the same can be done with citric acid. It is enough just to dilute its crystals (30 grams) in 200-300 ml of water, evaporate the liquid in the oven and rub it. Just don't wait for the smell of lemon in this case.

How to clean a microwave with baking soda?

Despite the skepticism of microwave oven manufacturers towards baking soda, this available remedy can become a real panacea in the fight against grease and other contaminants on the inner surface of the device. If you use the powder correctly, it will not be difficult to wash the microwave inside.

It is important not to use baking soda as an abrasive tool for aggressive microwave cleaning. Otherwise, surface damage cannot be avoided.

In order to qualitatively wash the microwave from the inside, you need to use a simple recipe:

  • dilute five tablespoons of baking soda in 0.5 liters of water;
  • place the container with the solution inside the oven and turn on the unit at the highest power for about 15 minutes;
  • when the evaporation process is completed, leave the device closed for 10-15 minutes;
  • Use a soft cloth to wipe all the inner walls of the product.

Who at least once used this method, was able to verify its effectiveness and continues to clean the microwave with it. This method is especially effective in the fight against old fat.

Cleanliness will be incomplete if, after washing, an unpleasant odor comes from the appliance. You can also get rid of it with the help of available means.

If you washed the oven, but felt when you first turned it on, this means that the appliance was not wiped well enough. It's not scary. You just need to wipe it all over again.

All of the above tips will not only make irrelevant the question of how to easily and quickly wash the microwave from grease and other contaminants, but will also allow you to keep the device constantly clean. Agree, because cooking and heating food in a shiny oven is much more pleasant than in a dirty one.

The microwave is one of the most useful and important appliances on modern kitchen. But for adequate operation of the microwave oven, it is necessary to monitor not only its serviceability, but also appearance. Many housewives are thinking about how and with what to clean the microwave inside and out without the use of potent expensive products or physical effort. In any kitchen, you can find tools that will help you quickly and seamlessly bring the microwave to its proper form.

About how to properly wash the microwave inside, there are disputes and conversations in all the kitchens of the country. Someone thinks that it is worth using only special tools, someone prefers folk recipes, others do not wash the device at all, believing that this procedure is useless. But since you still have to clean the microwave oven sooner or later, you should remember the basic rules:

  • You can wash the microwave only after disconnecting from the mains (with the exception of certain methods).
  • Water in in large numbers can seriously damage the oven mechanism.
  • Aggressive products, as well as hard brushes, are prohibited.
  • Disassembling the device to wash it with the utmost care is also not recommended.
  • Turn on the stove in the network only after the complete drying of all surfaces.

Since you still have to clean the inside of the microwave from fat, you should choose one of the four most well-known methods of getting rid of dirt from the oven in advance:

  • Cleaning the oven with steam or water is considered the easiest, safest and cheapest way to clean up the microwave, if there is not too much dirt and they are fresh enough. For this procedure, you will need a container for a microwave oven, into which one glass of clean water should be poured. After the container is placed in the oven, it should be started for 10 minutes at maximum power. Boiling water in an enclosed space will create a steam bath, which will cause food particles to soak on the walls of the microwave chamber.

Tip: In order not to think about how to quickly clean the inside of the microwave, choose a device with a steam cleaning function when buying.

  • Cleaning the appliance with vinegar is the most popular option for housewives, because it saves the microwave not only from grease and dirt, but also from the characteristic smell. To carry out the procedure, a container with the following solution should be placed in the oven chamber: 1 glass of water and 3 tablespoons of vinegar essence. To obtain a decent result, 10 minutes of operation of the device at the maximum possible power is enough. After the end of the “bathing procedures”, all walls of the oven should be wiped with a damp and then dry cloth to remove vinegar from the surfaces.

Note: Ten crushed tablets of activated charcoal left overnight in a closed microwave can get rid of an unpleasant smell from the device.

External cleanliness of the microwave oven

If the housewife figured out how to clean the microwave inside with vinegar and other means, then it's time to take care of its external cleanliness. Microwave surfaces - walls, door and dashboard need no less careful care than the chamber itself. Friends who came to visit may not even look at how thoroughly the oven was washed from the inside, but everyone will see the stained buttons and cloudy glass.

To know how to clean a microwave oven inside and out, it is enough to take the advice of experienced housewives who willingly share information about all the methods and options for cleaning procedures.

  • Cleaning the glass of a microwave oven door is easy with a classic window and glass cleaner. If for some reason it is undesirable to use such a remedy (for example, allergies or intolerance to a pungent odor), then it is quite possible to limit yourself to a self-prepared solution: 1 part table vinegar, 1 part ethyl alcohol and 2 parts pure water. Such a tool perfectly eliminates all dirt on both the door and the walls, so there will be no more questions about how to clean the microwave.

Important: Since it is not always easy to clean the microwave oven from the outside, and the process itself takes a lot of time, for the period of “bathing procedures” the device should be disconnected from the mains for the safety of the attendant.

  • The back wall of the microwave oven should be regularly cleaned of dust with a dry cloth. This is true for the side walls as well. After removing dust, you can wipe all surfaces of the oven with the same solution that was used for the door. If there are serious food stains on the walls, you can use a soap or powder solution, which after the procedure should be removed with a wet cloth with plain water.

Features of the care of the microwave

In order not to think about how to quickly wash the microwave inside or from its surface before guests arrive, you should constantly keep the oven clean. It is the prevention of severe pollution that works in this case better than any miracle cures from eminent companies. For example, if you cover dishes that are being prepared or heated in the microwave with a special lid, then the need to wash the device will automatically disappear.

After each use of the appliance, it should be gently wiped with a damp cloth to wash off food stains that have not yet hardened. If you use this recommendation, then there will be no need to look for tips on how to clean the microwave inside. Fresh dirt is removed much easier, so to get rid of them you only need a soapy solution.

Without special need, you should not turn to professional cleaning products or aggressive cleaning compounds: this is not only expensive, but also not very useful for the device itself, and for the person who will carry out these procedures.

The surfaces of the oven should also be freed from dust regularly - for example, once a week. You can wipe the dust from the microwave at the same time as this procedure and on other surfaces, so as not to make additional efforts.


The microwave oven in the kitchen is no longer an innovation. Many housewives are accustomed to using it to reduce cooking time. It helps to quickly defrost food, warm up cold food and much more. But the frequent use of such equipment is not without pollution.

If you put something in the microwave without a lid, you can be sure that the walls and ceiling will get dirty. Two or three days and it’s already unpleasant to look into it, let alone cook something there.
And to scrub it all, especially from the ceiling, especially if you have a grill there ...
There are 2 easy ways to clean the microwave very quickly and without much effort, I always do this. Therefore, the methods are tested in practice: o)

Method 1: Cleaning the Microwave with Lemon

The tool that is used here is the most affordable and frequently used in the kitchen, so it will not be difficult for anyone to find it.

And we need:

  • one ;
  • pure water;
  • a glass or any container that is suitable for a microwave oven.

First, take a lemon and cut it in half. We need to squeeze out all the juice that it contains. Therefore, you can use a juicer or just use the power of your hands. Squeeze the juice into a microwaveable bowl.

Then, you can cut the rest of the squeezed lemon into small slices. We put them in a container with juice and fill it with clean water. The volume depends on the dishes you are using, do not fill to the very brim.

If there is no lemon in the house, then you can add a little to the water citric acid.

We put a glass with lemon, lemon juice and water in the microwave. We set the power to maximum (if there are such settings in your microwave oven), set the time to 3 minutes. You can set it longer if dried food remains on the walls in the microwave.

After the time has elapsed, we take out a glass of lemon and leave the microwave to brew in pairs for another 5 minutes. Essential oils lemons will dissolve all the dirt
After that, we take any sponge or napkins, and wipe the entire surface. All dirt and even dried food will be removed with light movements.

Such a simple method will greatly facilitate tidying up in the kitchen and will not require large expenses.

Method 2. Wash the microwave with baking soda

By the way, citrus fruits can be replaced with baking soda. Add water to baking soda to make it a porridge-like consistency.

Very gently rub the walls and door with a cloth, remove the drip tray and wash it under water. Clean the surface and wipe dry. This method helps to clear food particles well.

But you can make it even easier: the second method is exactly the same as the first, only soda is used instead of lemon.

In a glass of water, dilute a tablespoon of soda and pour it into a suitable container;

- set the maximum power;
- put the container in the microwave and turn it on for five minutes;
- after the expiration of this time, do not immediately pull out the vessel, wait 10 minutes for the stains to get wet;

- now you can pull out the container with soda solution and wipe the stains with a soft sponge or napkin

Lemon is more pleasant to use, because the whole kitchen is filled with freshness.

What you need to know
Inner surface The device is covered with a special layer that reflects microwave waves. This layer is very thin and easily damaged. To find out how to wash a microwave, you need to know how it should not be washed:

Do not use abrasive scouring powders or other substances that may scratch the surface;
- do not wash the microwave inside with hard rags

How to clean a microwave
- you can use a soft cloth;
- When washing, do not press hard and rub.

PS.Remember, that regular care behind the microwave does not take much time, but it helps to extend the life of your oven.
To keep your microwave always clean, use a special plastic lid for MP, which is sold in almost any household store, or cover the plate with the food being heated with another plate, lid or cling film.
If the food will be splashed, then at least not on the walls of the microwave. It's easier to clean the lid than the microwave :o)

Nevertheless, according to the results of monitoring user requests, such a phrase is quite popular. That is why we called our today's article that way and will try to answer the topic as fully as possible.

The fastest way to clean your microwave

Get rid of chronic fat and old stains inside the microwave, the "vinegar steam" method will help. In 99% of cases, it will be enough to make the microwave clean again. Procedure:

  1. 1. Pour 2 cups of water into a deep plate, add a couple of tablespoons of regular vinegar there.
  2. 2. Put it in the microwave and turn on the strongest heating (at 900) for 10 minutes.
  3. 3. When finished, open the oven and wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Grease and stains should be easy to wash off.
  4. 4. Wipe the walls several times to get rid of the smell of vinegar. Everything, the microwave shines.

Under the influence of steam, the fat simply sags and it is not difficult to wipe it off. Usually, no additional funds are needed, except, in fact, water. By the way, this recommendation for cleaning the microwave oven is given by almost all manufacturers in their service books.

But, if you are not looking for easy ways, or this method did not help you, then let's first figure out why. And then we will consider more powerful means.

How to clean your microwave with home remedies

If you have something from the list presented in your house, then you can use one of the suggested methods. We are sure that you have at least something, yes there is!

  • Lemon acid
  • Lemon
  • Vinegar

Clean with lemon or citric acid

This method is one of the most effective, but it should not be constantly used for microwave ovens: the enamel is destroyed.

  • Take 0.5 liters of water and dissolve 4 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of citric acid in it. Squeezed lemons can also be put in water if you don't mind.
  • Then you need to pour the solution into a cup designed for use in microwave ovens, and turn it on at the highest power.
  • The procedure lasts 5-15 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. We leave the water with lemons for another 5 minutes after turning off the device, after which we wipe all surfaces with a napkin, wetting it in the same solution. And you can not wet.

Cleaning the microwave with baking soda

If you started cleaning unscheduled, and you didn’t have any lemons or citric acid on hand, you can use baking soda as a handy tool.

The effect of this method will be no less worthy than the previous one. Moreover, baking soda also has the ability to kill bacteria.

But, again, they will die without it, under the influence high temperatures. But by carrying out such a procedure, you will know that the surface is not just clean, but almost sterile!

  • Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water.
  • Pour into a heat-resistant dish and put in the microwave.
  • Turn on the microwave for 10-15 minutes and let yourself boil.

Microwave Cleaning with Vinegar

Using Vinegar to Clean Your Microwave Oven - fast and effective way . The only one minus - a pungent smell of acid although it fades fairly quickly.

It will take 2 tablespoons of the usual 9% bite and half a liter of water. Then we proceed in the same way as always: we combine all this in a heat-resistant dish and set it to heat up.

These are such simple ways, and the effect is simply amazing. But, we repeat, if you use a special lid, these tips will not be useful to you at all.

Now let's consider the case when the oven is so dirty that you don't know what to grab onto.

Of course, we know that it was not you who did it, but, for example, sluts - tenants! And in the end, the inside of the oven became not white, but monotonously brown. Here you can’t get off with ordinary water and home remedies.

Have to shell out for special chemistry. We will tell you below how to choose it and how to apply it.

Store-bought microwave cleaners

For starters, try to get by with "little blood."

Add a few drops of regular dishwashing detergent to a glass of water. But keep in mind that when boiling, abundant foaming will begin, so choose a larger vessel and fill it with water no more than half.

But if that doesn't help, then go to the store. So what to do?

Special tools for effective cleaning of the microwave are now just a mass and the price range is simply huge. But we do not recommend you to take what is more expensive.

Usually, you just overpay for a promoted brand. Household chemicals of domestic production are no less effective than the products of world-famous market sharks.

Therefore, to begin with, read the composition on the preparations you like and compare it. We are sure you will be surprised to see almost the same components.

Most of these chemistry comes in the form of a spray, which is very convenient to use. Detailed instructions are available on each package, but the method of application is quite similar.

It is necessary to spray the composition on all internal walls, leaving for a few minutes. After that, remove dirt with a damp cloth.

The exception is the magnetron grating (the one that looks like foil), which should not be applied household chemicals to avoid damage to equipment.

Be sure to thoroughly wash the remnants of the product and you can do this with the same magic boiling glass.

The best microwave cleaner

Green & Clean - the price is about 300 rubles, the manufacturer is Poland. Consumer reviews about it are unanimously positive. You can’t call it cheap, but it is almost one and a half times cheaper than the goods of famous analogues.

What can be done to ensure that the microwave is always clean?

After all, everyone knows that it is clean not where they clean, but where they do not litter. One has only to cover the plate with another plate and the fat does not splatter on the walls.

But you don’t always want to follow this rule, laziness is mother and all that. And in the end, we have what we have: tightly adhering fat drops on the walls, smoky ten and an unpleasant smell inside the chamber.

To prevent this matter, in stores household appliances need to purchase a special cover for heating in a microwave oven.

It costs mere pennies, but what an effect! You do not have to clean the walls afterwards, in principle.

The only thing that will get dirty is the pallet. But rinsing it is not difficult at all. And most importantly, this cover is quite voluminous and always in sight. She will not fall off the plate, like other dishes, but will perfectly protect.

As for these covers, I would like to say the following: if the design does not provide for a small air vent, then they tend to shrink during prolonged heating (after all, a vacuum is formed).

If such a thing happened, there is no need to panic and try to tear off the tightly stuck cover, along with the pallet. One has only to tuck a little at the base with a knife: air will get under it, and it can be easily removed.

And another TSU: if you already went to buy such a cover, then take two at once, fortunately, they are quite inexpensive.

This is in case one disappears from sight, and in a hurry, instead of searching, you take and put a plate of liver into the oven. Which just explodes in the process of warming up and washing it off is still a pleasure ...

What not to do when washing a microwave oven

First, do not forget that the microwave oven is covered with enamel from the inside. That's why, no iron brushes and other coarse abrasives!

Micro-scratches form on the surface, invisible to the naked eye, but so convenient for the ubiquitous fat. It will be perfectly located in them and then washing the oven will be much more difficult.

Even in the microwave there is such a square that looks like an iron shield. In no case do not fill it with foaming agent and do not rub it roughly. Foam will fall under it and the device will simply fail: it will start to spark, for example.

And in general, there is no need for fanaticism and the use of foaming agents. Believe me, a glass of water can work wonders. But you won’t wipe off the foam later, a fact, and your food will smell like “Fairy” for dishes for a long time.

Also, be careful with the shadow located at the very top. But, we will talk about how to clean it in the next block.

How to clean a microwave oven

Some housewives use such a barbaric method: they turn on the grill, but do not put food on it.

As a result, the fat burns out, but what a child! And for the device it is not useful, to put it mildly. The stove is not designed to run idle, and in this way you will bring its failure closer.

How to clean the ten then? The sweetest thing is to buy special sprays designed for this purpose.

But, if your motto is: "The economy must be economical", then we suggest you do this:

  • take an ordinary wire, bend it with a hook that repeats the shape of the ten tube;
  • wrap it with cotton;
  • then dip it all in alcohol and clean the ten.

Simple, effective, and most importantly - free!

How to remove the smell from the microwave

Any citrus will do just fine with this.

To do this, you just need to put it in a glass that you put inside the oven for steaming. You can use crusts, or you can use juice, it doesn't matter.

You will overcome the musty smell, in any case. If from the first time, after steaming and subsequent wiping, the smell still remains, then duplicate the procedure already in a clean oven. Then leave the oven open until dry.

So, we have considered everything possible ways. Now you know how to clean the microwave at home without spending extra money. We hope you find our tips helpful!