Toilet      17.02.2019

How to wash old fat from dishes. How to wash dishes from soot and old fat, simple techniques

The kitchen is the place where masterpieces are born. In the midst of a culinary experiment, it is not always possible to notice how splashes of fat fly from the pan onto the walls, leaving streaks. And then the question arises of how to wash the fat with kitchen furniture, especially since there are many means, including folk and household chemicals. In order not to make a mistake with the choice and not harm the kitchen environment, you need to know the nuances of each of them.

Means for removing grease from kitchen furniture

If you remove greasy splashes and drips from furniture immediately, then this is easy to do. Sometimes it is enough to wash them off with a damp sponge, maximum - with the addition of a drop of dishwashing detergent. However, it is not always desirable or there is an opportunity to wash the kitchen to a shine after cooking. And the fat, meanwhile, dries up, getting rid of it becomes more and more difficult.

Not too old stains are easier to wipe off with folk methods. They are gentle and safe, including non-toxic. But for tightly dried fat, more powerful tools will be needed. However, no matter what tool is used, you will need sponges, brushes (for small parts, pens, decorative elements an unnecessary toothbrush, preferably hard), rags, napkins is ideal.

The whole process is in a simple circuit: the surface should be slightly moistened, apply the product, rub with a sponge, leave for a few minutes to act, rub again, rinse with water. If necessary, repeat the procedure, then wipe the surface dry. Next - more about different ways cleaning.


At present, when there are a lot of liquids, gels, powders for cleansing the most different surfaces, many still prefer to use folk methods. They do have a number of advantages:

  • sparing for surfaces;
  • safe for health;
  • do not spoil the skin of the hands;
  • accessible and inexpensive;
  • harmless to small children, pets.

But they have a drawback - they are not as effective for removing fat as industrial ones. Therefore, it makes sense to use them when the fat layer has not yet eaten tightly.

So, getting rid of fat with folk remedies most often occurs with the help of:

  • soda;
  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar;
  • alcohol;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice or citric acid.

Baking soda and mustard are great for cleaning kitchen furniture, stoves, and sinks. They are gentle yet effective. The powder should be diluted with a small amount of water to make a thick slurry. Then apply to oily spots and act according to the above scheme. If the abrasive properties of these substances are required, then we proceed as follows: pour a little powder onto a slightly damp sponge, wash what is needed. For wooden furniture a slurry of soda with vegetable oil is used. Vegetable oil dissolves fat, and soda neutralizes it.

Before washing something with vinegar or alcohol, you should test it on a small, inconspicuous area, because these substances are not suitable for all materials. Vinegar for cleaning should, of course, not be concentrated. The maximum is six percent. If you are afraid of doing harm, you can take vodka instead of alcohol.

To clean kitchen furniture from grease with salt, it (salt, not furniture) should be ground in a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting fine powder with water or - for greater efficiency- with lemon juice to a mushy state. Well, then, as usual - apply, three, rinse. Alternatively, you can use lemon juice alone, after diluting it with water in a one-to-one ratio. Citric acid is also diluted. Either its solution is used - a more gentle option. Either a slurry is prepared from it, then applied to a greasy coating.

Excellent detergent and disinfectant properties of laundry soap. In fact, it is industrial means, but in fact harmless, like folk. Its foam can wash any objects from any dirt.

Household chemicals

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease with improvised means is understandable. If the cleaning in the kitchen has not been carried out for more than one week (alas, this happens), or someone has been in charge there without a hostess and soiled everything, something more serious than soda or vinegar will be required. It is good that there is "chemistry" for all types of pollution and materials.

Before using any drug, you must carefully study the instructions. After all, a tool that is suitable, say, for tiles, can harm wooden or plastic surfaces.

Furniture in the kitchen is best cleaned with gels, liquids and sprays. Abrasive powders act aggressively, they can scratch, especially a glossy surface. The table below is a mini overview of the most popular drugs.

Name Advantages Flaws Fits Doesn't fit
shumanit Removes old fat, soot, soot When applying, carefully protect the skin, eyes and respiratory organs. Cookers, ovens, tiles painted, aluminum, wooden surfaces, plastic
Silit Bang Economical, easy to use, does not leave streaks The sprayer does not always work as it should, the solution is too liquid Chrome-plated, ceramic surfaces, plastic and glass Natural wood surfaces
Mister Muscle Cleans all types of dirt, disinfects Doesn't always work against chronic fat may leave streaks Any non-glossy kitchen surfaces glossy, polished, lacquered

The innovation of the last few years among the means with which it is easy to wipe off any dirt at home, including stubborn fat, is a melamine sponge. It works on the principle of an eraser: that is, I simply cut off a piece from it and rub off everything I need with a corner. The sponge wears off and disappears. However, it is not yet fully known how toxic this miracle remedy is. Precautions include using it with gloves, with a window open, and away from children and animals.

Silit Bang

Mister Muscle


More and more popular are devices that can remove any dirt on kitchen furniture. We are talking about steam generators. This is a device into which water is poured, if necessary with drugs. Then it produces steam, with a jet of which we easily and simply clean the entire kitchen. The secret is that with ordinary wet cleaning you can use hot water, which also cools quickly, but not boiling water. The temperature of the steam produced by the generator reaches 150 degrees Celsius, which allows you to remove even the most old fat, dirt, fungus and mold.

In addition to fighting grease, the steam cleaner:

  • has the ability to clean without chemicals;
  • disinfects;
  • destroys unpleasant odors;
  • does not cause allergies.

The cleansing process is quick and easy. When using a steam cleaner, you need to be careful not to burn yourself, because the temperature is very high. Remove children and pets from the room. Do not hit the jet of steam on houseplants.

The nuances of cleaning taking into account the surface

Understanding what and how to remove grease from kitchen furniture, the most important thing is to determine exactly what the item you are working with is made of. Wash with abrasive products (powders) gas stoves, ovens, rough plastic panels. You can not use them on glossy, enamel, polished coatings, as scratches may appear.

MDF facades cannot be treated with "harsh chemistry" containing chlorine. But this chemistry is suitable for cleaning tiles, plumbing and clearing blockages. How to clean unfinished wood furniture? The safest thing is to wash with soapy water. After that, carefully wash off the soapy traces and wipe it dry. Any products on such furniture should be used with caution, as natural wood Like a sponge, it absorbs everything into its pores. Therefore, it is better to test a small amount of the product on a small inconspicuous area. In general, in order not to make a mistake and not cause harm when using a new remedy, you need to carefully study its contraindications and test it on a small part.

Rules for the care of a polished surface

Most grease removers, both industrial and folk, are suitable for matte surfaces. How do you clean polished furniture? Better to keep it from getting dirty. To do this, it must be wiped daily with a soft cloth using a special cleaning and polishing wax. It is important not to clean with ordinary water - this will lead to the appearance of streaks and a specific plaque.

Dangerous bacteria, grease, fumes accumulate on the dishes - you need to get rid of them

Want to know how to clean a pan of old grease or clean a pot, kettle, oven grate and other kitchen utensils? To do this, you need salt, soda, lemon acid etc. I successfully use them and am ready to tell you how to do it correctly.

Cleaning your dishes regularly will keep them looking like new.

Methods for cleaning grease from dishes

To launder old fat dishes, there is not always enough detergent, and aggressive powders and liquids can damage the surface. Cleaning dishes at home with folk methods not only effective, but also safe, because home remedies will not cause allergies and will not harm your health. So I'll tell you about best practices cleaning dishes with your own hands using home remedies.

Soda, salt, vinegar, mustard will make your dishes shine

Method 1: Soda and citric acid

Take 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda and citric acid and mix them in a container. Moisten the dishes to be cleaned with water, and pour the mixture into it. Soda and acid will react with water and, after a while, the fat will be taken in lumps. It will only be wiped off.

Lemon and baking soda will help clean pans, pots, and even glassware from plaque

Method 2: Salt and Vinegar

To remove old fat, pour 2 tablespoons of soda into the bottom of the pan and add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. The mixture should cover the bottom, so if the resulting solution is not enough, increase the amount of ingredients proportionally.

To clean the pan of fat, pour salt, and then pour vinegar

A soda-vinegar solution is suitable for dishes with thick walls and a resistant coating. To clean more fragile utensils such as glass or plastic utensils, it is better not to use this method.

After cleaning with a solution of salt and vinegar, the dishes must be washed.

Method 3: Vinegar Baking Soda

You can wash dishes from old fat in a more gentle way - use a paste of soda with vinegar. These two drugs must be mixed with each other in equal proportions. The resulting mixture - treat oily areas and leave for 15-20 minutes.

A paste of baking soda and vinegar will soften the grease.

Method 4: Mustard Powder

Mustard - excellent tool from fat and soot, which was used decades ago. It is safe even for children and is suitable for cleaning stains of any complexity. In order to clean the pan of old fat, heat it on the stove.

Before removing the fat, you need to heat the pan on the stove

Allow the utensil to cool slightly before cleaning so that it is easy to clean. Pour a little mustard powder on top (on average, 1-2 tablespoons are enough). Then wipe the surface with a slightly damp sponge and leave the mustard mixture in the pan for 15-20 minutes. Grease stains will soften and will be easier to move away from the surface when cleaning.

The resulting paste will play the role of a cleanser. Using a brush or sponge, carefully clean the surface of the dish, then rinse it cold water. This method will help clean pans and pots, as well as wash glassware for the oven.

Mustard powder will quickly cope with chronic fat

There is another way to wash greasy dishes using mustard powder. To do this, we need a large basin to fit the dishes. Take water in a basin and dissolve 1-3 tablespoons of mustard there, dip the dishes in the solution and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then the dishes should be washed in the usual way.

Before soaking dishes in a mustard solution, they should be thoroughly washed. You can even use a metal sponge if the surface allows. So the fat will dissolve faster.

Cleaning grease from cast iron cookware

How to wash the pan from old fat, if it is made of cast iron? I offer you a simple recipe using cheap ingredients, their price is affordable for everyone.

Even old stains can be removed with baking soda, laundry soap, and other home remedies.

For cast iron products, I offer you a simple recipe, which includes the following ingredients:

  • a piece of laundry soap;
  • packaging of PVA glue;
  • a glass of soda;
  • a heat-resistant container in which soiled utensils will fit.

First, it is tedious to soften the fat, then wash the pan


Image Procedure

Step 1

Grate laundry soap on a grater.

Step 2

Pour water into a basin and bring it to a boil.

Step 3

Pour soap shavings into the water. Soda and glue for cleaning dishes are also sent there. Fire should be kept to a minimum.

Step 4

Stir the mixture until the soap is completely dissolved.

Step 5

Dip the pan into the solution, boil it for at least 2 hours. Top up with water if necessary.

When the fat becomes soft, it can be cleaned with a metal or ordinary sponge.

Cleaning the barbecue grill

If you don't know how to clean a barbecue grill without using household chemicals, try a few simple home methods:

  • Coca Cola. Feel free to pour this carbonated drink onto the grate. After a few minutes, the surface must be thoroughly wiped. Grease will be washed off easily and quickly.

  • After rinsing in soda, it will be easy to clean the grate

  • Liquid soap. Grease the grate liquid soap, wrap in a bag or cling film and leave in this form overnight. The next day, wash the product with a washcloth or brush. A brilliant result is guaranteed to you.

  • After soaking in liquid soap, the grate should be washed in the traditional way.

  • Soaking in hot water. If the layer of fat is not very old, you can simply soak the grate overnight in a basin or sink filled with hot water. After that, the fat from the dishes is rubbed off with the hard side of the washcloth.

  • If the grate is very large, you can soak it in the bathroom

    Getting rid of fat on the kettle

    Grease often gets on the kettle when cooking on the stove. It is not always possible to wash stains with ordinary detergent. I know several folk methods. So, how to wash the kettle from fat:

  • Baking soda. Wet the kettle, and pour a little baking soda on a damp sponge. Walk the hard side over the surface of the dish, and grease stains can be easily removed.

  • In the photo - the process of cleaning the kettle with baking soda

  • Toothpaste. If the spots are not very dry, you can use a milder product. Toothpaste will help clean the surface to a shine.

  • Toothpaste will help clean the kettle from fat

  • A mixture of baking soda, salt and vinegar. If the stains, on the contrary, are very old, you can try a more powerful solution. In equal proportions, mix salt, soda and vinegar 9%. Use this mixture and a sponge to clean the entire surface of the teapot.

  • Vinegar and citric acid will help enhance the effect of soda.

    Safety regulations

    Despite the fact that all recipes are homemade from safe ingredients, there are some rules to be aware of. Take note of these tips:

  • Airing. If you heat dishes with a prepared cleaning mixture on the stove, it is better to open the windows in the kitchen.

  • Be sure to check the room after using non-native recipes

  • Hand protection. Any procedures should be carried out with rubber gloves. Even safe home remedies like mustard powder, salt and citric acid can harm the skin of the hands, and a concentrated vinegar solution often leaves redness and peeling on the hands.

  • Protect your hands from aggressive cleaning agents

  • New sponge. For best result I recommend using a new sponge. And after cleaning the dishes, it is better to throw them away.

  • The sponge you used to clean grease should not be used for washing dishes.


    I talked about the most effective ways cleansing kitchen utensils, which I personally used - the result exceeded expectations. You will have to try one of them. You can write your secrets on how to wash dishes from fat in the comments. And additional instructions are posted in the video in this article.

    Not every woman with the current crazy pace of life has time to keep track of every speck formed in the process of cooking. But when the walls of the kitchen or the facades of the headset are covered with an impressive layer of soot, we move on to more decisive action. This is where many people have the question of how to wash greasy stains on kitchen furniture. I'll tell you everything I know for sure.

    Household chemicals

    Usually, in matters of cleaning, housewives are divided into two camps: those who prefer to use very effective household chemicals, and those who get rid of stains with folk remedies. If you fall into the first category, this section is for you.

    Range chemicals, as well as their price - very extensive

    Household chemicals have one indisputable advantage - they act quickly, efficiently and are able to cope with almost any pollution. There are a lot of options for cleaning surfaces - you can buy Shumanit, Mister Muscle, Silit Beng or Amway. The type of agent will depend on the type of contamination and the surface on which it was formed.

    Eg, do not remove from facades based on MDF or plastic materials with abrasive particles or chlorine. In such a situation, it is better to use furniture care products.

    In general, when working with purchased substances, several recommendations should be followed:

    1. The first thing after buying a particular cleaning product, its instructions are carefully studied.. She in the smallest details describes the features of its application.
    2. Never exceed the indicated concentration. So you risk damaging the surface.
    3. The use of detergent should only be done with rubber gloves. Otherwise, you risk damaging the skin of your hands and getting burned.
    4. Before cleaning, it is better to open the window in the kitchen so that the pungent smell of substances does not cause dizziness.

    Proven folk methods

    “If our mothers and grandmothers could somehow wash grease off kitchen furniture without chemicals, then why are we worse?” I think many housewives are absolutely right. With the help of proven tools at hand, you can no less effectively deal with old stains. The main thing is to know what to use, and I will help you with this.

    Recipe 1. Mustard Powder

    Not sure how to clean off grease in your favorite kitchen? Use the usual mustard powder, which for decades has helped restore any surface to its original appearance. All you need is:

    • moisten contaminated areas with water;
    • sprinkle them with a small amount of mustard powder;
    • wipe the surface with a dry cloth;
    • remove the remaining powder with a sponge dipped in warm water.

    By itself, mustard is an excellent fat dissolver, so after cleaning it will simply remain on the napkin. Thus, it is easy to clean the stove, refrigerator, sink or kitchen set(but only with protective coating). A wooden kitchen needs to be rid of fat in other ways, about them below.

    Recipe 2. Soap and soda combination

    Washing the kitchen of grease with a combination of soapy water and soda is nowhere easier. This method is especially well suited for cleaning household appliances or kitchen utensils:

    • Grate the most ordinary soap on a coarse grater. This manipulation will allow him to quickly dissolve in water.

    • Fill the resulting chips with water so that you end up with a slightly cloudy solution. Wipe down all contaminated surfaces.
    • Without waiting for the solution to dry, pour a little on the sponge baking soda and wipe the previously treated areas with it.
    • Wait for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse the surface with a cloth dampened with water.

    Baking soda is an excellent abrasive soap solution not only helps to get rid of fat, but also disinfects the treated areas. But this recipe has one caveat - it should be used to clean stoves, tiles or metal elements. . Glossy or varnish coating soda will scratch.

    Recipe 3. Oil and soda

    Above, I promised to tell you how to wash a wooden kitchen set from fat. So, a combination of oil and soda will help to gently clean the tree:

    1. Mix vegetable oil and soda in a ratio of 1 to 2. You should get a thick mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream.
    2. homemade remedy apply to problem areas.
    3. Go over the surface with a soft-bristled brush, removing any remaining grease from it. Don't rub too hard, as you risk damaging the wood.
    4. Leave the gruel on the surface for another 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with a damp cloth.

    Recipe 4. Alcohol-acetic solution

    If you are thinking not only about how to clean kitchen furniture, but also how to disinfect it, then this method is for you. It is perfect for washing headsets, household appliances and various kitchen utensils:

    • Mix together one part of table vinegar with the same amount of alcohol (it can be replaced with vodka).

    • Add two parts of ordinary water to the resulting liquid.
    • Pour a third of a teaspoon of essential oil into the mixture. I would recommend tea tree oil as it is known for its disinfectant properties..
    • Pour homemade product into a spray bottle and spray contaminated areas with it. Let the solution soak in for 10-15 minutes.
    • Now you just have to clean the kitchen furniture from grease with a damp sponge or cloth.

    As a bonus, after such processing, you will get a pleasant light aroma of essential oil flying around the kitchen.

    Recipe 5. Ammonia

    From ammonia, available in almost any medicine cabinet, can make an excellent grease cleaner. I warn you in advance - in the process of working with this substance, it is better to open the window.

    • Mix a tablespoon of ammonia with a liter of water.
    • Dampen a sponge or rag in the solution and walk it over all contaminated surfaces.
    • Wait literally 5 minutes and remove the solution with a damp sponge.

    So easy and accessible means you can instantly wash the kitchen set and household appliances.

    Recipe 6. Hydrogen peroxide

    Fat suffers not only Appliances and a headset, but also dishes. It is especially difficult to remove dirt from a baking sheet. Hydrogen peroxide can make this task easier:

    1. Add baking soda to a small amount of hydrogen peroxide until the consistency of sour cream is formed.
    2. Apply the resulting mixture on a baking sheet, leave it to sour for at least half an hour.
    3. Use a brush to remove any excess fat and rinse the baking sheet with clean water.

    Steam cleaning

    You can also use steam to clean kitchen cabinets from grease. However, for this you need a steam cleaner. I want to note that this is a very effective way of treating surfaces, which also disinfects them perfectly.

    You can use a steam cleaner with your own hands:

    • clean the headset, household appliances and walls from drops of grease and other contaminants;
    • remove residues of burn, oil or scale;
    • restore shine to surfaces of stainless steel or glass;
    • destroy harmful fungus, bacteria and unpleasant odors in the kitchen.


    After the proposed options and recipes, you should no longer have questions about how to clean the fat in the kitchen. You only have to choose suitable option and enjoy perfectly clean surfaces.

    If you want to learn more visual information about how to get rid of old stains, be sure to watch the video in this article. Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the comments below.

    Daily cooking requires no less frequent cleaning in the kitchen. If you do not fight the fat that has appeared on the walls, as well as kitchen furniture in a timely manner, then it will become more difficult to get rid of it in the future. Save main room in the house in perfect order wet cleaning will help.

    Wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days, it is enough just to keep things in order. Having learned how to wash grease from kitchen furniture, everyone will be able to effectively eliminate old stains!

    What inventory to choose for cleaning?

    Effectively wash the fat in the kitchen, and at the same time not damage the surface of the headset, the right tool will help. It must be remembered that the use soft tissue and sponges are the most gentle option for such cleaning. Textiles are relevant: cloth, microfiber, flannel.

    From use metal brushes for furniture it is better to refuse. The use of such equipment will only damage the surface, and also lead to scratches. The most effective result in the cleaning process is easily achieved if you pre-soak the fat (applying the product on it) for 30 minutes.

    Do not forget that the formation of scratches from a hard brush will only lead to the fact that the dirt will clog into the voids much faster.

    A wide selection of materials for cleaning the kitchen surface confuses many housewives. It must be remembered that a standard sponge or flannel rag will cope with its function no worse than highly specialized materials.

    During wet cleaning, you should choose the right inventory, namely:

    1. Use rubber gloves. This precaution will protect the skin from cleaning products, as well as keep the manicure intact.
    2. Buy a regular sponge. Such material will make it possible to delicately get rid of new, as well as old problematic stains.
    3. Apply a rag to final stage cleaning. With its help, it will be very easy to remove the remnants of imported detergent, as well as wash off the folk remedy from the headset.
    4. Use a soft brush. Using such equipment, it is easy to cope with complex pollution: on relief details, previously scratched surfaces.

    How to wash old fat in the kitchen?

    In order to wooden kitchen(and not only) has served the family for many years, you should choose the right cleaning products. It is better to use furniture powders to a minimum, as they can damage the integrity of things and lead to scratches. Before choosing household chemicals for your kitchen, you should carefully study the composition of the product. Eco-friendly products will allow you to remove grease from kitchen furniture as safely as possible. They are made on a natural and mineral basis, make it possible to effectively cope with old stains. Eco-substances are safe for family health as well as the environment.

    Do not buy detergents that contain acids and ammonia to remove grease. Such components will effectively cope with fat, but at the same time damage the headset. For cleaning glossy surfaces, as well as easily scratched furniture, it is important to use the most gentle chemicals, especially gels and sprays.

    In order to remove old fat, it will take much more time than in the case of a fresh stain. Remove dirt from hoods, stoves and other metal surface It's hard enough. Cleaning such a section of the kitchen is best done in 2-3 stages. Each time the surface must be pre-soaked and then processed.

    To wash a kitchen set made of MDF and at the same time finished with a film or plastic, it is best to use specialized tools. The composition of the chemistry should not include abrasive or chlorine. When choosing a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition, as well as instructions. Household chemicals for glass, wood or metal surfaces may vary.

    If you have not previously used the product (regardless of whether it is household chemicals or a folk remedy), it is better to test its quality before use. Miss Clean magazine recommends testing the product on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the headset, such a measure will protect the furniture from unwanted damage.

    Before cleaning the headset from fat, you need to carefully read the instructions. Using any Chemical substance It is recommended that you take the following safety precautions:

    1. Observe the indicated concentration of the product when cleaning the surface. Remember that using a substance in excess of the norm is dangerous for the integrity of the furniture.
    2. Make sure the room is ventilated. By opening the window, it will be very easy to prevent chemical poisoning and (dizziness) from a strong smell.
    3. Put on rubber gloves. Such a measure will protect the skin on the hands, as well as manicure and nail plates.
    4. Make sure that there are no small children or pets in the kitchen during cleaning.

    It is extremely dangerous if the baby knocks over the concentrated composition on himself or drinks, seduced by the bright color of the substance or packaging. It is important to understand how to wash off fat effectively and safely.

    Cleaning folk remedies

    Fairly simple and effective method fight against greasy spots the use of laundry soap with soda is considered. Soap should be grated on a coarse grater and add a little water. The dirty surface is wiped with a sponge, which is pre-moistened in this solution. Then a small amount of soda is applied to the material and problem areas are treated. After 20 minutes, the consistency is washed off. This option is suitable for cleaning tiles, stoves and other metal surfaces. However, do not forget that soda powder is an abrasive.

    Water with vinegar (preferably apple cider) will help to remove fat qualitatively. This option will allow you to get rid of fat in the kitchen, but it will require patience from the hostess. It is necessary to moisten the dirty area with a rag and wait until the fat moves away, and then wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth.

    A baking powder will help remove fat from the headset. A little water is added to the component to form a slurry. Then the necessary areas are wiped with a sponge, and after 30 minutes the product is washed off with water.

    Vodka or alcohol will help get rid of grease stains. The sponge is pre-wetted in such a solution, then greasy places on the furniture are wiped with it. If this cleaning option did not bring results, then the problem area is thoroughly moistened with vodka (alcohol) for 30 minutes.

    Perfectly cleans bad smell and take care of the tree essential oil(spruce or eucalyptus). Add a few drops of oil to the water and wipe the surface with a sponge during the final step.

    Using a slice of lemon in the fight against old stains is also quite effective. This option will allow you to safely clean the headset from fat. For this, preliminarily Kitchen Cabinet you need to rub a slice of lemon so that the juice flows from the surface. After 10 minutes, the surface is treated with a damp cloth and again with a paper towel.

    Citric acid will help to effectively clean the headset from dirt. 15 g of acid and a little detergent are added to 1 liter of water. Such a cleaning liquid should be moistened with problem areas and then wipe the surface with a clean cloth.

    Usage vegetable oil and soda is another method of dealing with dirt. To prepare the consistency, it is necessary to take both components in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. It is recommended to leave this mass on furniture for 30 minutes. After that, the formed lumps of fat should be removed with a rag. To remove dirt, you do not need to rub the problem area with a sponge. If the first time the procedure did not bring the desired result, it is worth processing the headset again.

    Clay in combination with vinegar is also suitable for fighting stains in the kitchen. To prepare the mass, it is necessary to dilute the clay with vinegar until a slurry is formed. Removing contamination is quite simple if you rub the surface a little with a sponge with such a home remedy. To launder the cleaning mass, a soft sponge is perfect, which must first be rinsed in water.

    When dealing with fat, regardless of the method chosen (household chemicals or folk remedies), you must remember about safety measures. Cleaning agent for kitchen furniture will not harm your health only if you ventilate the room every time after cleaning. When processing glossy or glass surfaces, you need to be especially careful. household powder as well folk remedies(with a porridge-like mass) are not suitable for this cleaning option - they scratch and matte the surface. Gloves must be used to protect hands, and all bottles, sponges and bowls of detergent must be out of the reach of children and pets. Compliance simple rules will help keep the furniture clean and attractive in such an important part of the house as the kitchen.

    Want to know how to clean a pan of old grease or clean a pot, kettle, oven grate and other kitchen utensils? To do this, you will need salt, soda, citric acid, etc. I use them successfully and am ready to tell you how to do it correctly.

    Methods for cleaning grease from dishes

    Detergent is not always enough to wash old grease from dishes, and aggressive powders and liquids can damage the surface. Cleaning dishes at home using folk methods is not only effective, but also safe, because home remedies will not cause allergies and will not harm your health. Therefore, I will tell you about the best methods for cleaning dishes with your own hands using home remedies.

    Method 1: Soda and citric acid

    Take 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda and citric acid and mix them in a container. Moisten the dishes to be cleaned with water, and pour the mixture into it. Soda and acid will react with water and, after a while, the fat will be taken in lumps. It will only be wiped off.

    Method 2: Salt and Vinegar

    To remove old fat, pour 2 tablespoons of soda into the bottom of the pan and add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. The mixture should cover the bottom, so if the resulting solution is not enough, increase the amount of ingredients proportionally.

    A soda-vinegar solution is suitable for dishes with thick walls and a resistant coating. To wash more fragile kitchen utensils, such as glass or plastic dishes, it is better not to use this method.

    Method 3: Vinegar Baking Soda

    You can wash dishes from old fat in a more gentle way - use a paste of soda with vinegar. These two drugs must be mixed with each other in equal proportions. The resulting mixture - treat oily areas and leave for 15-20 minutes.

    A paste of baking soda and vinegar will soften the grease.

    Method 4: Mustard Powder

    Mustard is an excellent remedy for fat and soot, which was used decades ago. It is safe even for children and is suitable for cleaning stains of any complexity. In order to clean the pan of old fat, heat it on the stove.

    Allow the utensil to cool slightly before cleaning so that it is easy to clean. Pour a little mustard powder on top (on average, 1-2 tablespoons are enough). Then wipe the surface with a slightly damp sponge and leave the mustard mixture in the pan for 15-20 minutes. Grease stains will soften and will be easier to move away from the surface when cleaning.

    The resulting paste will play the role of a cleanser. Using a brush or sponge, carefully clean the surface of the dish, then rinse it with cold water. This method will help clean pans and pots, as well as wash glassware for the oven.

    There is another way to wash greasy dishes using mustard powder. To do this, we need a large basin to fit the dishes. Take water in a basin and dissolve 1-3 tablespoons of mustard there, dip the dishes in the solution and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then the dishes should be washed in the usual way.

    Before soaking dishes in a mustard solution, they should be thoroughly washed. You can even use a metal sponge if the surface allows. So the fat will dissolve faster.

    Cleaning grease from cast iron cookware

    How to wash the pan from old fat, if it is made of cast iron? I offer you a simple recipe using cheap ingredients, their price is affordable for everyone.

    For cast iron products, I offer you a simple recipe, which includes the following ingredients:

    • a piece of laundry soap;
    • packaging of PVA glue;
    • a glass of soda;
    • a heat-resistant container in which soiled utensils will fit.


    Image Procedure

    Step 1

    Grate laundry soap.

    Step 2

    Pour water into a basin and bring it to a boil.

    Step 3

    Pour soap shavings into the water. Soda and glue for cleaning dishes are also sent there. Fire should be kept to a minimum.

    Step 4

    Stir the mixture until the soap is completely dissolved.

    Step 5

    Dip the pan into the solution, boil it for at least 2 hours. Top up with water if necessary.

    When the fat becomes soft, it can be cleaned with a metal or ordinary sponge.

    Cleaning the barbecue grill

    If you don't know how to clean a barbecue grill without using household chemicals, try a few simple home methods:

    1. Coca Cola. Feel free to pour this carbonated drink onto the grate. After a few minutes, the surface must be thoroughly wiped. Grease will be washed off easily and quickly.

    1. Liquid soap. Lubricate the grate with liquid soap, wrap it in a bag or cling film and leave it overnight. The next day, wash the product with a washcloth or brush. A brilliant result is guaranteed to you.

    1. Soaking in hot water. If the layer of fat is not very old, you can simply soak the grate overnight in a bowl or sink filled with hot water. After that, the fat from the dishes is rubbed off with the hard side of the washcloth.

    Getting rid of fat on the kettle

    Grease often gets on the kettle when cooking on the stove. It is not always possible to wash stains with ordinary detergent. I know several folk methods. So, how to wash the kettle from fat:

    1. Baking soda. Wet the kettle, and pour a little baking soda on a damp sponge. Walk the hard side over the surface of the dish, and grease stains can be easily removed.

    1. Toothpaste. If the spots are not very dry, you can use a milder product. Toothpaste will help clean the surface to a shine.

    1. A mixture of baking soda, salt and vinegar. If the stains, on the contrary, are very old, you can try a more powerful solution. In equal proportions, mix salt, soda and vinegar 9%. Use this mixture and a sponge to clean the entire surface of the teapot.

    Safety regulations

    Despite the fact that all recipes are homemade from safe ingredients, there are some rules to be aware of. Take note of these tips:

    1. Airing. If you heat dishes with a prepared cleaning mixture on the stove, it is better to open the windows in the kitchen.

    1. Hand protection. Any procedures should be carried out with rubber gloves. Even safe home remedies such as mustard powder, salt, and citric acid can harm the skin of the hands, and concentrated vinegar solution often leaves redness and flaking on the hands.

    1. New sponge. For best results, I recommend using a new sponge. And after cleaning the dishes, it is better to throw them away.


    I talked about the most effective ways to clean kitchen utensils that I personally used - the result exceeded expectations. You will have to try one of them. You can write your secrets on how to wash dishes from fat in the comments. And additional instructions are posted in the video in this article.