Mixer      04/12/2019

Esmarch's mug: rules for use. Esmarch rubber mug reusable

German surgeon F.A. Esmarch invented an ingenious device for douching and enemas, which was named after him - Esmarch's mug. This device is a reusable hygienic device made of rubber, plastic, silicone, and sometimes metal containers, which is equipped with a flexible 2-meter rubber tube. This device is used for washing the intestines and vaginal douching associated with inflammatory processes and such an insidious and common thrush (candidiasis).

Esmarch mug advantage

The open mouth of the mug is the main advantage. It is very convenient to collect solution for procedures through it. The hygiene item considered by us for multiple use is airtight and easy to use. There are mugs of two numbers (No. 2 for 1.5 liters, and No. 3 for 2 liters).

Esmarch's mug withstands repeated disinfection. Rinse the mug and tip hot water with the addition of baking soda or a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The material from which the mug is made is not destroyed by contact with solutions of acetic acid and potassium permanganate. The mug does not stick together, its shelf life is three to four years, and operation - 2.

Vaginal douching using Esmarch's mug

  • For vaginal douching, we use Esmarch's mug and a special tip that comes with the mug. Before use, the tip must be boiled for 5 minutes. The mug you use for douching should not be used for enemas. This mug is a subject of your personal hygiene.
  • For douching, mug No. 2 is used, for 1.5 liters of solution. The mug is hung on the wall (it should be at a distance of 75 cm above the vessel or bath), depending on where the manipulation will be performed. The jet should be weak, in order to avoid vasospasm, and the duration of the procedure should be 15 minutes.
  • Ideally, it is better to carry out the manipulation in the bathroom, lying on your back with bent knees, and throw your legs back on the edges of the bath.
  • Pour the prepared solution into a mug and release the air, then turn off the faucet. Wash before the procedure. After that, very carefully insert the tip into the vagina, lubricated with petroleum jelly to a depth of 5-7 cm and open the tap slightly, start slowly injecting the solution. The purpose of douching is to irrigate the vagina, not a vaginal bath. After douching, you need to lie down for about 20 minutes. Prepare a blanket and a magazine in advance so as not to freeze, and so that you have something to do for the necessary 20 minutes of calmness in the bathroom.
  • The solution must be room temperature. Do not dilute with unboiled water. The solution should cool naturally after boiling.

Using Esmarch's mug for bowel lavage

  • The mug is filled with a solution and hung up to a height of 1.5 meters above the floor. The tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly, air is released and the faucet is closed.
  • The patient becomes in a knee-elbow position (the pelvis should be above shoulder level). The tube is inserted into the anus with rotational movements. If pain is felt during the manipulation, then the water is blocked and the liquid is allowed to distribute evenly throughout the intestines, and then the manipulation is continued. Complete the procedure before all the water pours out so that air does not get in. There should be some liquid left in the mug.
  • After the procedure, the patient should lie on his back so that the liquid enters the deep layers of the intestine (2 minutes). Then you should turn to the right side. If there are no strong urges, then in this position you can lie down for 15 minutes. The minimum required time is 5 minutes. The enema requires room temperature water.

Contraindications to the use of Esmarch's mug

Douching is contraindicated in such cases:

  • Inflammatory processes of the genital organs of an acute nature.
  • You can not manipulate during menstruation.
  • During pregnancy.
  • First month after childbirth.
  • The first few weeks after an abortion or surgery.

Enemas are contraindicated in such cases:

  • Colon cancer and Crohn's disease.
  • Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Acute appendicitis and acute peritonitis.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding and cardiovascular failure.

Scope of the Esmarch mug

With the help of Esmarch's mug, you can get rid of constipation, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, while losing a few kilograms.

This item medical invention is used to reduce intracranial pressure, for administration through the large intestine, solutions of salts and medicines.

Apply a mug before visiting the bath and sauna for effective cleaning of the large intestine.

The benefits of this invention are great, but it must be remembered that before starting self-treatment, especially in the case of thrush, these procedures can only be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can significantly harm and complicate the course of the disease. Be attentive to your health.

Mug of Esmarch- a reusable sanitary and hygienic device, which is a rubber container (mug) equipped with a flexible tube up to two meters long. Esmarch's mug is used for washing the intestines, as well as for vaginal douching.

Mug Esmarch - Best price!

Esmarch rubber mug (reusable) No. 2 (volume 1.5 l) RUB 145.00
Esmarch's rubber mug (reusable) No. 3 (volume 2.5 l) RUB 160.00

The main advantage of the Esmarch mug is the presence of an open neck, through which it is convenient to collect the solution for washing. This product is designed for repeated use, it is convenient to operate and sealed. Mugs of two numbers are actively used (the division is based on the volume of the device): No. 2 with a capacity of 1.5 liters and No. 3 with a capacity of 2.5 liters.

Mug Esmarch disinfection

The mug withstands repeated disinfection at home to wash the mug and tip using hot water with the addition of baking soda, and in medical institutions a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is used. Esmarch's mug is not destroyed by contact with aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate and acetic acid. Inner surface mugs do not stick together.

Shelf life: 3.5 years
Service life: 2 years.


Name quantity
Rubber heater body with built-in sleeve (1.5 l or 2.5 l) 1 PC
Cork 1 PC
screw closure with through hole 1 PC
tip medium 1 PC
Tip uterine 1 PC
Rubber or PVC tube, length 145 cm 1 PC
Plastic clamp (for tube) 1 PC
User manual 1 PC

Instructions (How to use the Esmarch mug):


Esmarch's mug must be filled with the composition (boiled or settled water at room temperature is suitable, more heat solution is used for spastic constipation, and cold water may cause spasm), close and hang up to a height of one and a half meters above the floor. Release air from the tube, and then close it (if there is no faucet, then just pinch it). The tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly or oil. The person taking the enema becomes in a knee-elbow position, so that the pelvis is above shoulder level.

Insert the tube into the anus, performing accurate rotational movements. Then release the liquid by releasing the hose or opening the tap. If pain is felt during the procedure, then the water is blocked and the liquid is allowed to distribute through the intestines, after which the process is continued. To eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to complete the introduction of liquid in the presence of a small amount of water in the mug at the bottom, otherwise air will enter the intestines.

Put the patient on his back, placing an oilcloth and a roller under the hips. It is recommended to lie down in this position for 1-2 minutes so that the liquid passes into the deep sections of the intestine. After that, you can roll over to the right side. If there are no strong urges, it is worth lying down in this position for 15 minutes. The minimum liquid retention time is 5 minutes.

When conducting enemas, absolute contraindications are:
. Crohn's disease
. Rectal cancer
. Acute inflammatory or erosive and ulcerative lesions of the intestinal mucosa
. Acute appendicitis
. Acute peritonitis
. Gastrointestinal bleeding
. Severe heart failure


When using Esmarch's mug for vaginal douching it must be taken into account that optimum temperature liquids: 37-40°C.

For douching, Esmarch's mug No. 2 is used - the volume is 1.5 liters, the mug must be equipped with a vaginal tip (boil before use). Hang the mug on the wall so that it is 75 cm higher than the vessel, and open the tap. At first, the jet must be very weak, otherwise vasospasm may occur. The duration of douching is 10-15 minutes.

The procedure is carried out immediately after washing, in the supine position. The legs should be bent at the knees, a vessel is placed under the pelvis. The tip is very carefully inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 cm, spreading the outer labia with your hand (the entrance to the vagina is pre-treated with petroleum jelly).

Indications for douching: in the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages and vagina, as well as in order to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

When douching contraindications are:
. Acute inflammatory processes of the genital organs
. Period
. Pregnancy
. First weeks after childbirth
. The first weeks after an abortion or surgery.

Producer: Kievguma, Ukraine

With this product also buy:

Esmarch's mug is a medical device for performing a cleansing enema. This is a disposable or reusable kit consisting of:

  • liquid reservoir with a capacity of 1, 1.5 or 2 liters;
  • rubber outlet tube;
  • clamp;
  • tip.

The product is used for douching, vaginal irrigation, bowel cleansing.

What is an Esmarch mug, and what does it consist of? The mug is made of transparent polyethylene, PVC, plastic or rubber. Previously, metal and glass fixtures. The tank has a graduation on the outside (division value - 250 ml), holds 1-2 liters of liquid. Thanks to the markings applied, it is possible to control the volume of the administered treatment solution. The mouth of the mug has a special hole through which liquid does not spill. For fixing on the rack, the tank has holes-holders.

A rubber tube 150 cm long with a clip at the end was removed from the mug. This mechanism regulates the rate of infusion of the solution. The kit comes with a hard and soft enema tip.

Esmarch's disposable silicone mugs have special roller clips. The tip of the tube is rounded, has an end and side hole, machined silicone grease, which prevents injury to soft tissues and provides easy insertion.

How to use Esmarch's mug at home?

  1. The reservoir is connected to the tube and the tip is put on.
  2. The mug is filled with a liquid for a cleansing or therapeutic enema and hung by special holders to the rack at a height of 70–75 cm (not higher than 1.5 m) from the level of the couch.
  3. The faucet is opened to release air when the liquid starts to flow - it is blocked if the device is not equipped with a locking device, the tube is pinched with fingers.
  4. The tip is lubricated with vaseline oil so as not to injure the sphincter. Using a disposable kit, this is not necessary.
  5. The person should lie on the left side, bending at the knee. right leg(this position is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the intestine).
  6. The tip is carefully inserted into the anus (no need to push the tube all the way to the limiter, this can cause pain).
  7. After that, it is necessary to open the faucet so that the liquid slowly pours in.
  8. While the solution is flowing, you need to stroke the stomach in a clockwise direction, this will help reduce discomfort, relieve muscle tension and improve intestinal motility.
  9. At the end of the procedure, the tube is removed, it is recommended to lie down for 5-15 minutes, then empty the intestines.

Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap and put on medical gloves. It is contraindicated to make enemas with Esmarch's mug for intestinal bleeding, rectal cancer, ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes, acute peritonitis and heart failure.

A rubber mug can be used many times. After the cleaning procedure, the tank, tube and tips are disinfected with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or boiled in hot water with addition baking soda. The service life of the rubber mug is 2 years.

Sterile mugs are for single use and do not need to be boiled or processed. disinfectants. special shape the tip does not injure the mucous membranes, the lubricant applied to the tube facilitates insertion into the rectum or vagina. The tip has several holes for even distribution of liquid.

Esmarch's disposable mug, instructions for use:

  1. Wash hands with soap or wear sterile gloves.
  2. Close the roller clamp on the outlet tube.
  3. Fill the tank with warm water.
  4. Open the clamp and drain a large number of liquid to let air out. The clamp is then closed again.
  5. Remove the protective cap from the tube and insert its end into the anus at a distance of 8–12 cm.
  6. Hang the mug at a height of 1–1.5 m from the floor level.
  7. Open roller clamp.

If during the manipulation there is pain in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness, the mug should be lowered a little lower and the solution should be injected more slowly. At the end of the procedure, the tube is removed from the rectum with a napkin, the mug is disposed of.

The use of Esmarch's mug in gynecology

Esmarch's enema No. 2 can be used for home douching of the vagina for inflammatory diseases, bacterial and fungal infections of the reproductive system. The procedure is performed after washing. The woman takes the position "lying on her back", with her knees bent and her legs spread apart.

A vessel is placed under the pelvis. For douching, soft tips are used, previously lubricated with hypoallergenic oil. The mug is hung on a rack or wall. A tube with a tip is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-10 cm and the tap is slowly opened. The pressure should not be strong, it can break the cervical barrier and provoke the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity. The duration of douching is 10-15 minutes.

It is contraindicated to do the procedure on your own, without prior consultation with the attending physician. You can not irrigate the vagina during menstruation, in the first 2 weeks after childbirth, abortion or diagnostic curettage, pregnant women.

Esmarch's mug is convenient fixture for performing cleansing enemas and douching at home. It is impossible to carry out procedures without examination and prescription of a doctor, self-treatment can lead to a deterioration in well-being, the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, and serious complications.


There are two ways of conducting an enema: a simple one, using a pear as an enema, and a complex one, using Esmarch's mug. Be very careful: to give yourself an enema, you need certain skills and considerable skill. You can give yourself an enema both in and in the hospital under the supervision of a nurse or doctor.

To put an enema in you will need a pear or an Esmarch mug (they are sold in every pharmacy). You can use a large rubber heating pad to carry out the enema. Before buying an Esmarch heating pad or mug, be sure to check the composition of the entire kit, as many of them are sold without tips and faucets (clamps) for the hose. Before use, the tip to be inserted into the anus must be thoroughly boiled for at least 30 minutes. Water for enema is used boiled, clean, at room temperature. Please note: if the water temperature is equal to body temperature (+37C), then the intestines will not contract and the two liters of water that you introduce into yourself will simply be absorbed in the intestines like ordinary drinking water. You can not carry out an enema with hot water (temperature above + 40C), as you can get a burn of the intestinal mucosa.

Before the procedure, 1-2 liters of boiled water at room temperature is poured into Esmarch's mug, you can also add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. A mug or a rubber heating pad is raised up, and the tip is lowered down. At this time, the entire system is filled with water and all the air comes out of it. The valve on the rubber tube is blocked. The easiest way to put an independent enema is this: get on all fours, lower your head down, with one hand insert the tip, lubricated vegetable oil or Vaseline, 5 cm deep and open the tap on the hose. The head during the procedure must be kept down at all times. After all the water has entered the intestines, remove the tip and try to keep the water inside for another 5-10 minutes. After the end of the procedure, the Esmarch mug and the tip must be washed with warm water and soap. Additionally, the tip is boiled for at least 30 minutes.

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Despite the fact that many refer to bowel cleansing with an enema with some prejudice, this procedure is often useful, and sometimes irreplaceable. But in order to minimize discomfort, you need to learn how to do it right. An incorrectly administered enema can cause not only discomfort, but also pain. Therefore, this procedure should be approached as seriously and responsibly as possible.

First, it must be remembered that there is whole line diseases in which using an enema is categorically contraindicated. First of all, it is ulcerative colitis, intestinal infections, intestinal bleeding, intestinal tumors. These cause thinning of the intestinal walls, making them extremely vulnerable - therefore, by putting them, cause quite complications, for example, provoke an injury to the intestines. And this, in turn, is fraught with peritonitis.

Also, do not give an enema at the slightest suspicion of appendicitis - this can not only distort the inflammation of the appendix, which is sometimes very blurry even without that, but also worsen general state sick. Also, contraindications to cleansing the intestines with an enema are the anus and in the acute phase. If there are no contraindications to administering a cleansing enema, it is necessary to ask the patient to lie on his side with his legs crossed - this position is most convenient for administering an enema. The vaseline-lubricated enema tip is inserted into the rectum 3-4 centimeters (the whole procedure is performed extremely slowly and carefully), towards the spine. It is also necessary to introduce the liquid slowly, controlling its pressure - it should not be too strong. Medicinal enemas are made similarly to cleansing enemas.

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An enema is an effective tool that helps cleanse the body, lose weight and normalize bowel function. One of the main advantages of this method is that it is quite possible at home.

Enema with salt

A cleansing enema with salt is a very effective procedure. If you suffer from frequent constipation, prepare a solution of 1 liter of water at room temperature and 2 tablespoons of table salt. To lose weight in the abdomen, dilute 1 teaspoon of table salt in 1.5 liters of clean drinking water. Carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per week. Course - 10 enemas.

Enema with lemon

The composition of lemons includes useful organic acids, proteins, groups B, E, PP and C, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, as well as minerals - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, iron, manganese, fluorine, calcium, sodium, sulfur, copper , zinc, molybdenum and boron.

Enemas with lemon juice are especially indicated for weak stomach muscle tone, as well as intestinal atony. Dissolve ½ cup of lemon juice in 1 cup of boiled water. Carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per week. Course - 10 enemas.

It is necessary to refuse to carry out enemas with lemon juice for people suffering from biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, enterocolitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum.

Enema with apple cider vinegar

An enema with apple cider vinegar will help cleanse the intestines, remove fluid from the body and get rid of extra pounds. For 2 liters of boiled water at room temperature, take 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar. To speed up the process, you can add 2 teaspoons of salt to this mixture. Carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per week. Course - 10 enemas.

Chamomile enema

Chamomile has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. If you suspect the presence of inflammation in the rectal area, make a microclyster from a decoction of chamomile. Take 4 tablespoons of plant flowers, pour 1 liter warm water and let it brew for 15 minutes and strain. Such an enema not only cleanses the intestines, but also relieves spasm, eliminates the formation of gases, and accelerates the absorption of beneficial and nutrients. Course - 5 enemas. It is necessary to carry out the procedure every other day.

Contraindications for cleansing enemas

Refusing to conduct cleansing enemas is necessary for those who suffer from inflammatory diseases in the rectum, gastrointestinal tract, sharp pains in the abdomen, as well as after surgery. You can repeat the course of enemas no earlier than six months later.

Bowel lavage - is the fastest and effective method. For this, pears or syringes are used, but the volume of such devices is very small, it is much more convenient to use Esmarch's mug. The device is a bowl made of rubber, silicone, plastic or glass and an outlet tube with a tip. Using it is quite simple, but you should read the instructions or consult a doctor.

Enema is a common procedure. Often it is used for the purpose of losing weight, cleansing the intestines. For home use a device called Esmarch's mug is suitable. The product is simple but effective. Even if you have an Esmarch mug, you know how to use the product yourself, you still should not do enemas without first consulting a doctor. After all, the product got its name in honor of the invention of the surgeon Esmarch.

The size, types, shapes, devices are different, but most often the container looks like a flat pear. Cups are made of glass and metal, but rubber and silicone products are more popular among consumers. Esmarcha varies within 1-2 liters, but there are more capacious models - 3 and even 4 liters. The kit includes a hose with a clamp.

Modern kits are equipped with a faucet. Tips are various kinds, depending on which procedure the device will be used for. Also, the choice of the tip depends on the age of the patient, his personal preferences. Buy a disposable mug or a reusable product. It is worth buying a combined product that will serve as a heating pad, but with the possibility of enemas and douching.

How to properly assemble the device

You will not have any difficulties with collecting Esmarch's enema. The structure of the product includes the following parts:

  • containers;
  • hose of a certain length;
  • clamp or faucet;
  • tubes and tips

It is necessary to attach the hose to the tank, a tap (or clamp) is attached to its end. After that, insert the tube into the hose and put on the tip. If you are interested in how to use the Esmarch mug at home with maximum comfort, then pay attention to the model with a faucet. She significantly more convenient option with clamp.

DIY manufacturing

If you need to give an enema, but there is no place to buy an Esmarch bowl, you can assemble an analogue of the device yourself. In traffic jam plastic bottle a hole should be made into which the fitting and silicone tube are inserted. The edges must be securely fastened - plumbing tape and glue will help with this. A marker can be used as a tip. It is important to cut it, rub the edges with sandpaper.

A clothespin for drying clothes acts as a clamp in the design. The container will be a bottle with three holes at the bottom. Large - to fill in the liquid and two small ones for the rope, through which you can easily hang a homemade enema. Esmarch's mug will not take long to figure out how to use.

When to do the procedure

It is important to understand that outside help in cleansing the intestines can lead to negative consequences and even harm health. Therefore, an enema should be prescribed by a doctor, regardless of your awareness and goals that you set before the procedure. An enema is needed in the following cases:

  1. preparation for surgery or examination of the intestine (colonoscopy, etc.);
  2. before and after childbirth;
  3. constipation;
  4. detoxification and nutrition of the body in case of poisoning.

The procedure is effective in losing weight and removing toxins.

Vaginal douching is another important activity for which Esmarch's kuhol is needed. Most effective for eliminating the symptoms of thrush. The doctor prescribes douching with herbal preparations for cleansing with certain diseases, for the administration of medicines.

Contraindications for use

In some cases . Tumors, inflammation of the anus or rectum exclude the procedure. With diarrhea of ​​unknown origin, hemorrhoids, Crohn's disease, enema is contraindicated. With intussusception of the intestine, as well as symptoms acute abdomen Esmarch's mug can be used only in individual cases and only as directed by a specialist. No less important contraindications are ulcers and intestinal bleeding. Douching should not be done in postoperative period, during menstruation, during pregnancy.

Features of an enema at home

If you have purchased an Esmarch mug, you will learn how to use it yourself by reading the instructions or the following recommendations. Collect the item. Close the faucet (or use a clamp), then pour the required amount of liquid into the container. Make sure there is no air in the tube before use. Hang the mug on a tripod or other device. Lubricate the tip before inserting it. Xylocaine gel, improvised means are suitable. Lie on your side and cross your legs, then insert the tip into the anus. Required depth input - 5 cm.

Thanks to the faucet, you can control the flow rate of the liquid. Remember, you can not try to pour in a large amount of solution - limit yourself to 2 liters. Increase the efficiency of the procedure. To do this, you need to stroke your stomach with your hand, which will allow the liquid to enter each valve of the intestine. Stimulation of intestinal motility is achieved by retracting and relaxing the abdomen. It won't be redundant breathing exercises: Inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 5.

You will achieve the maximum effect if you can roll over on your back after infusion of the liquid and make a “bike”. The whole procedure takes 20 minutes, but with a strong urge to defecate, you can defecate earlier.

Proper disinfection

If you used a disposable device, you can throw it away. When buying a reusable mug, you should definitely take care of its careful processing after the procedure. It is necessary to repeatedly rinse the hose and container with soapy water and a solution of potassium permanganate, and then use clean water. Instead of potassium permanganate, it is also suitable acetic acid. If the tip is silicone, then it should be disinfected in a similar way, and in older models it had to be boiled after soaking in soapy water and washing with water.