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The best floribunda roses: white, yellow, blue. Floribunda rose - cultivation and care

We owe the development of these varieties to the work of a Danish breeder, who, at the beginning of the last century, began crossing polyanthic and hybrid tea roses. The resulting specimens were subjected to further selection work, as a result of which the world saw another wonderful variety. The floribunda received official registration in 1952, after which the floribunda rose, the main varieties, planting and care for open ground which is discussed in our article, confidently won numerous fans.

The advantages of these varieties have been appreciated by gardeners all over the world. Varieties of floribunda roses are distinguished by a variety of colors, long flowering, and relatively good frost resistance, which makes growing less problematic. In addition, the following feature is characteristic of many species: the petals change their color as they bloom. This allows you to achieve the effect of multi-colored flowering, when several shades of the same or related color are visible on one bush at once.

Among the popular varieties are the following:

  1. Diadem (diadem). The bush differs in the compact sizes and plentiful blossoming. The color of the petals is pale pink, fading to snow-white. The leaves are dark, small in shape. The plant is characterized by a high degree of frost resistance, as well as immunity to common diseases.
  2. Carte Blanche (Carte Blanche). Amazing beauty snow-white roses are collected in numerous inflorescences. On one bush, the height of which does not exceed 90-100 centimeters, there are up to 15 brushes. Flowers have a bright aroma, as well as excellent winter hardiness.
  3. Lilli Marleen (Lilli Marlene). The bright red flowers of this plant are distinguished by a delicate aroma. The plant forms a very compact shrub up to half a meter tall. This species can be a great addition to the garden group. Roses are distinguished by strong immunity against common diseases, as well as frost resistance.
  4. Kimono (Kimono). Fragrant bush with long flowering. It is advisable to plant kimono floribunda roses in open, lit areas. This variety is famous for its ability to change the color of the petals from rich pink to soft pastel under the influence of sunlight.
  5. Fiesta Flamenca (Flamenco). Forms bushes 70-80 centimeters high. One of the best cut roses, it has an original carmine color, is very unpretentious, and its flowering can last more than three weeks.

A characteristic feature of this type of roses is the formation a large number buds. For this, the plant needs a lot of strength and nutrients, therefore main task gardener is to provide the plant with the necessary conditions.

Disembarkation dates

Usually experienced gardeners recommend planting roses in early spring. This method has its advantages and disadvantages, but the main argument in favor of autumn planting is often the reduced cost of seedlings, which is half the "spring" price. Of course, for beginners, the cultivation of floribunda roses should begin in the spring, but subject to the basic rules of planting and care, the plant will safely overwinter and enter the new season stronger and healthier.

For the middle band, you should focus on the following dates:

  • Spring planting starts from April 20 and lasts until May 30.
  • Floribunda roses are planted in autumn from September 10 to October 20.

For more northern regions, the deadlines are shifted by two to three weeks. If seedlings will be grown in greenhouse conditions, it is wiser to carry out spring planting two weeks earlier.

Planting floribunda roses

For successful cultivation roses of this species will need enough time and attention. First of all, you need to properly prepare a landing site. Basic requirements: good lighting, protection from drafts and low lying ground water. For a rose garden, southern slopes, as well as high flower beds and landscape compositions. It would be ideal to consider the option when a light shadow falls on the planted bushes in the afternoon. So you can prolong flowering, as well as avoid sunburn and premature drying of the shoots.

Seedlings are selected strong, with a developed root system and green bark. In addition, two or three strong shoots with intact bark will be formed on a healthy bush. Special attention should be given to the root neck. It should be about 5-8 mm in diameter, uniform in girth below and above the graft.

How to board:

  • A hole for a rose is dug in advance, removing and debugging the upper fertile layer. A drainage layer is poured at the bottom of the pit, providing an outflow of excess moisture.
  • The upper part of the earth is mixed with humus, well-rotted manure and phosphate fertilizers.
  • The seedling must be installed vertically upwards, carefully straighten the roots. They are pre-examined, dry and damaged processes are removed, and the main root processes are cut to 20-25 centimeters. After planting, the aerial part is also cut off. It should rise above the soil level by 30-35 centimeters.
  • The soil is poured in small portions, lightly tamping with your hands. Ideally, there should be no air voids near the roots.
  • An important condition proper fit is the location of the root collar. It should be immersed in the soil by 5-8 centimeters. If this is not done, the bush will actively begin to form "wild" shoots. In addition, under the influence of sunlight, the root neck can dry out, which can lead to the death of the entire bush.
  • After planting, actively water the soil, and mulch the root area with straw, peat or sawdust of coniferous trees.
  • In the first days after planting, it is advisable to shade the bush a little from direct sunlight.

There is another way to plant a floribunda. To do this, it is necessary to pour a bucket of water into the prepared hole, and plant the seedling immediately after that. The stalk must be immersed in water to the place of inoculation, and the soil is poured and compacted. After such planting, watering is not required.

Further care

A successful planting makes all the difference, but without proper care, roses will never bring the expected result in breeding. Floribundas are not capricious, but unsuitable growing conditions inevitably affect the duration and volume of flowering. To prevent this from happening, it is important to learn the basic requirements for plant development.

Important conditions for proper care:

How to properly cut a floribunda rose, as well as some care secrets, can be seen in a thematic video.

Description of varieties of floribunda roses, its planting and further care in the open field are discussed in the information of our article. This beautiful plant is suitable for growing beginners, because the flowers are not whimsical. By choosing appropriate place for growing and arranging proper care, you can count on long flowering and always a bright aroma.

floribunda - noble, plentiful flowering plants, the beauty of which cannot be conveyed by any description. This variety is obtained by crossing hybrid-polyanthus, nutmeg and tea-hybrid varieties. For the first time, Svend Poulsen took up this process in 1924, and then others joined the crossing. garden roses. And in 1952 new variety called "Floribunda".

Biological features of the Floribunda rose

This variety is a slender, upright plant 120 cm high, sometimes a little sprawling.

The flowers of this variety outwardly resemble, but are somewhat smaller in size. But the shape can be very diverse: flat, goblet and in the form of a bowl.

Did you know? Roses were held in high esteem in ancient India. There was even a law that said that anyone who brought this flower as a gift to the king could ask him for anything.

Floribunda blooms for a long time and abundantly (up to 10 flowers). They can be either simple, with shiny leaves, or terry.

The Floribunda rose is not difficult, it is not afraid of frost, but even if it damages the plant, it will recover faster than other species. Compared to hybrid tea varieties, Floribunda is resistant to many diseases, for which it has received some awards.
This variety is used as a decoration of the site and for cutting. Gardeners appreciate Floribunda for:

  • "self-cleaning" - flowers fall off on their own after flowering;
  • variety of sizes;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • many remontant varieties;
  • frost resistance;
  • the ability to grow both in pots and on.
In addition, Floribunda blooms almost the entire season, delighting bright flowers variety of shades and exuding a pleasant .

Popular varieties

Floribunda roses have many varieties and when choosing an option for their site, many gardeners are lost. We describe only the most popular:

  1. Tall (up to a meter) bushes are distinguished by dense decorative foliage. The flowers are small, double, pure white. Carte Blanche blooms profusely from summer to autumn and can only occasionally be subjected to fungal diseases.

  2. Low (70-80 cm) bushes bloom throughout the season with medium-sized double flowers. The color of the flowers is pastel yellow, with a reddish border around the edges. All the beauty of the flower can be seen only after the full blooming of the bud, which exudes an original aroma. linseed oil.

  3. It is a sprawling bush, up to 60 cm high. The stems are covered with shiny dark green leaves. Inflorescences consist of medium-sized pink-salmon terry flowers. This variety is often planted in the foreground. Bluevender is resistant to several diseases and has received many high awards.

  4. very different original flowers. Many delicate bluish-lilac buds form on the stems. The variety is susceptible to air humidity, temperature changes and is not immune to various. Blue Baju is popular because of its unusual flowers.

  5. The bushes of this variety are powerful, decorative. Inflorescences - large with dark red classic roses. It is valued for its high resistance to disease and is often used to decorate gardens and arrange bouquets.

  6. Frisia. Bushes - dense, compact, up to 70 cm high. It blooms with fragrant bright yellow double flowers. Feature- flowers do not fade even in the sun. Blooms the very first of the family of roses and pleases the eye until the frost.

  7. It is grown in greenhouses almost all over the world. The bushes are low - up to 70 cm, covered with smooth greenish foliage with a bronze tint. The flowers are medium sized, fiery red, lightly scented and slightly double.

  8. A new variety, which is distinguished by unusual bright crimson bunk flowers. The lower petals are 6 cm in diameter, the upper petals are slightly pointed, densely collected, 3 cm in diameter. The brightness of the color is maintained throughout the season. Such a rose is practically not susceptible to diseases and can grow in any conditions.

  9. Vigorous straight bush 70-80 cm high. It is characterized by smooth dark green leaves and bright red double cup-shaped flowers. In inflorescences 3-10 buds are collected, each of which has corrugated, velvety petals. Aroma is weak.

Did you know? Released not too long ago undersized roses With small flowers- Patio. For miniature varieties they have too large leaves and flowers, and also, most often, they are classified as floribunda.

Reproduction: planting and rooting cuttings

Roses can be propagated by grafting or. However, the most The best way for Floribunda - propagation by cuttings.

It is necessary to cut cuttings during the period when the shoots become stiff. To do this, 8-centimeter cuttings are cut, and it should be remembered that the top cut should be straight, and the bottom cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

The hole for the seedling should be 15 cm in diameter, and the distance between the holes should be 20-30 cm. On the one hand, the recess should be vertical, because only in this case the plant will turn out to be slender and upright. The stalk is half placed in the ground and with a film. Until the cuttings take root, they must be watered regularly, loosen the ground, feed and “let them breathe” (remove the film). For the winter, the cuttings are covered.

Important! The first buds need to be cut off - they interfere with the development of the root system.

planted on permanent place possible in 3 years.

Planting a Floribunda rose: preparing holes and soil for planting seedlings

This species loves rich in organic matter, good soil. Only with a sufficient amount of mineral components, Floribunda roses develop more vegetation and tie more generative buds.

Basically, floribunda - unpretentious variety, which takes root quickly. The main rule: the place of vaccination should be buried in the soil by 3 cm.

Before transplanting Floribunda, you should prepare. To do this, take a bucket of sand, and add 0.5 buckets of fine clay, a little bit of bone meal. All this is poured into a hole prepared for planting. After planting, it is necessary to water the soil well and cover the soil with sawdust to retain moisture.
Keep your distance when planting roses. Otherwise, the number of flowers on each bush will decrease and the likelihood of developing fungal infections will increase.

Since this variety loves the sun and fresh air, the planting site should be sunny and protected from cold winds. The best time to plant is spring.

Features of caring for Floribunda roses

All known varieties of Floribunda rose need good lighting, and this must be taken into account when planting and caring for them.

How to water

A large amount of greenery causes a strong evaporation of moisture, and, as a result, water loss. So the soil around the bush is desirable. This will not only keep moisture, but also stop growth.

Floribunda should be watered regularly, as the soil dries out. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the substrate is not waterlogged.

Important! Do not allow stagnant moisture and water to get on the buds and flowers.

How to feed

This variety should be fed several times during the season. The first time is brought in in the spring. Subsequent top dressing is carried out during flowering and every 2-3 weeks until the rose fades.

How to cut

Almost all types of roses require pruning. And Floribunda is no exception. Some of its varieties need to be cut more strongly, while others will need a simple and even weak haircut.

Thanks to pruning, the following positive aspects are achieved:

  • the plant is updated;
  • the bush is given a decorative form;
  • flowering is prolonged;
  • certain diseases are prevented;
  • the number of buds increases.
The first, main pruning of Floribunda roses is performed in the spring, as soon as the first leaves bloom. On the strongest shoots, 2-4 active buds are left, leaving a length of shoots of 10-20 cm. When pruning in spring, it is necessary to cut off shoots that are more than two years old.

If the shoots are weak, they leave only 1-2 healthy buds.

Pruning is considered optimal, in which 4-7 healthy buds remain on the branches. Summer pruning helps prolong flowering.

How to cover for the winter

In order for the Floribunda not to suffer from frost, it needs to provide shelter for the winter. To do this, do the following:

  • cut off all leaves and inflorescences;
  • cut the bushes to about 40-50 cm;
  • to a height of up to 30 cm they are spudded with earth;
  • shelter natural materials: oak leaves, spruce branches;
  • the top is covered with non-woven material.

The term floribunda means gratefully blooming or blooming profusely. This is a variety obtained by crossing hybrid tea and polyanthus. This was first done by the breeder Poulsen in 1924. Then the crossing of hybrid-polyanthus, tea-hybrid and other garden roses began, resulting in a hybrid. The birth of this name is considered to be 1952.

The flowers are very similar to the hybrid tea in their shape and beauty, but are slightly smaller in size. And the shape can be very diverse: goblet, flat and similar to a bowl. They bloom long and profusely. It can be both double and simple flowers with shiny leaves. These are mostly slender, straight plants, sometimes slightly spreading, up to 120 centimeters high.

Floribundas are not afraid of frost, and if frost does damage them, then they recover faster, than others. Compared to other hybrid tea varieties, this rose is the most resistant to various diseases. For these qualities, she even received awards.

They propagate by grafting or cuttings. The plant is used both for decorating the site and for cutting. The more new varieties appear, the more popular it becomes. It comes in different colors: red and orange, pink and yellow. The flower is highly valued for its “self-purification”, that is, the buds fade and immediately fall off on their own. This species is distinguished by large inflorescences, the number of flowers can reach up to ten.

Gardeners liked Floribunda for many of its qualities: it is very unpretentious, frost-resistant, blooms almost the entire season, with pleasant aromas, and the flowers are of the brightest and most different colors. Yes, and you can plant it anywhere, starting with flower pots and ending garden paths. It is well suited for creating a beautiful border, as well as for a miniature decorative fence.

How to care for a rose?

Care includes three main stages:

  • landing;
  • pruning;
  • shelter.


This rose is very easy to grow. She is very unpretentious and therefore takes root quickly. It must be remembered that the vaccination site should be deepened into the ground by 3 centimeters.

Before planting a plant, it is necessary to prepare the ground. To do this, take one bucket of sand, humus and peat, add half a bucket of fine clay, a handful of bone meal and superphosphate fertilizers. And all this is poured into the hole prepared for planting. After planting, it is necessary to water the ground well and cover it with sawdust to retain moisture longer.

cutting propagation - this is the best way for floribunda. It is necessary to cut cuttings when the shoots become stiff. Cuttings are cut about eight centimeters long, while remembering that the upper cut should be straight, and the lower one - 45 degrees. The cutting should be almost half in the ground. The pit for planting the cuttings should be fifteen centimeters deep, and the distance between the cuttings should be no more than thirty centimeters. One side of the hole should be vertical, then the plant will be straight and slender. After planting, it is necessary to cover with a film.

Until the cuttings take root, they needs to be watered regularly, feed, loosen the ground around them and periodically open the film. We must remove the first buds so that they do not interfere with the development of the root system. They need to be covered for the winter. Usually new plants are planted in a permanent place in the third year.

These roses love sunlight, warm and fresh air, so the place for planting the plant should be sunny sheltered from cold northern winds. It is better to plant them in the spring.

They are planted close to each other, up to about seven bushes per 1 sq. meter. In a group planting, flowers will look better and more spectacular. They decorate borders well, especially in large flower beds, rightfully occupying the main place there. And if you plant different roses, then Floribunda will look better in the background, because it is bright and spectacular. Usually one flower appears first. It is recommended to pluck it so that the inflorescence later turns out to be even.

How far to plant depends on the variety. But, if you decide to make a group planting, then it is better to plant as thickly as possible to get a solid carpet. Floribunda usually requires an area of ​​60 by 30 centimeters to feed. Since roses bloom for a long time and are very profuse, they are very well suited for mixed plantings. If you have a small garden or corner, then miniature ones are perfect. patio. They do not need to be planted outdoors. They grow easily in pots or containers.


In order for the bushes to constantly rejuvenate, it is necessary to periodically prune. It is usually done twice: in autumn and spring. But the main one is considered spring pruning. Since the formation of the bush depends on it. As soon as you remove the insulation from the flower, you need to start pruning. And also if you planted it in the spring. Pruning can be strong and medium. It depends on how quickly the rose can recover and produce fresh shoots. If a weak pruning is done in the spring, then it blooms early, as the shoots will develop evenly. Weak pruning is done on four or six eyes. And already in June, Floribunda will bloom and will delight all summer.

But if you made a strong pruning, then the shoots will stretch out, and they will bloom only in August, and maybe even in September. Continuous flowering, almost 4 times per season, will provide summer pruning. Such pruning is usually done in the varieties "Heart of Danko", "Red Poppy" and others.

We pay attention to the base of the bush - it is from there that young flowering shoots grow. Since the plant blooms profusely throughout the season, dry, thin and damaged branches must be removed when pruning. And we leave strong shoots (they are usually few).

A few tips:

  • always need to cut off the top;
  • you can leave only 3 or 5 of the strongest and strongest shoots;
  • shoot height 10 centimeters;
  • if pruning is medium, leave 4-6 buds;
  • if the main stem has lateral processes then they need to be shortened.
  • for the bush to be beautiful, the buds must be outside the bush;
  • if patio roses, then they are cut almost to the ground, as they give a lot of shoots.
  • if the branches are older than two years, then they must be cut off.


  • remove all leaves and inflorescences that remain on the branches;
  • cut bushes to about 40 centimeters;
  • spud them with earth by 30 centimeters;
  • cover with fir paws or oak leaves;
  • you can add non-woven material on top.

If the winter is snowy, she will sprinkle the flower on top with more snow. Now they are not afraid of any frosts, and they will live perfectly until spring.

Do not forget to feed the flower, then it will bloom very luxuriantly and brightly. long time. For greater effect, alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic ones are humus and compost, and mineral ones are well suited for potassium, urea and saltpeter.

The most famous varieties of Floribunda

The rose pleases its owners with the following types:

New varieties

Today, more and more new hybrid types appear on the market, which, according to their characteristics, are classified as a group.

One of these types is spray rose, in which the inflorescence is like a separate bouquet. This bouquet type is very popular today, it is good for cutting.

Another group that is still referred to as the heroine of the article is the recently appeared mini flora.

One of the American firms brought out a new group flora-tea roses, which brought together the most best qualities Floribunda and hybrid tea flower. The main difference is that no inflorescences develop on the main shoots, and new shoots are already with them. But they were not singled out as a separate group.

In the 80s, undersized plants with small flowers appeared, they were called patio. It is difficult to attribute them to the miniature group, since the leaves and the flowers themselves are quite large. Most often they are also referred to as Floribunda.

Do not forget that when planting roses, you need to choose varieties so that they please you all season. Your site will be very luxurious if you pick up the original color combination.

Floribunda rose is a chic flower that can decorate any site. In addition, this flower is winter-hardy, has good disease resistance, and is quite unpretentious in care. Let's figure out what it is, consider the description of these flowers, and also find out the main rules for care and cultivation.

Floribunda roses are the result of crossing and roses. They are distinguished by large inflorescences and abundant, almost continuous flowering. From the "ancestors" they got a wide range of shades, and from the polyanthus - resistance to both cold and cold.

The way such a rose looks is largely determined by the variety. The inflorescences of these roses can be both flat and cupped, as well as simple or densely double. The diameter of the flowers ranges from 4 to 10 cm. They also differ in the height of the bushes - from 30 to 120 cm. A number of varieties have a pleasant light aroma.

Flowering begins in mid-summer and continues until autumn: flowers are often renewed and new ones bloom instead of faded ones.

Floribunda rose is suitable for growing as a shrub or standard plant on garden plot, as well as potted for an apartment or a loggia. It withstands cutting well, so it is often used for bouquets.

The most beautiful varieties

Varieties of Floribunda roses impress with their diversity. Consider the most impressive of them.

Galaxy. A sprawling and bushy variety, from 60 to 80 cm high (in hot climates it can grow up to 1.5 m). Well branched, grows mainly in width. The buds exude a linseed oil scent and are orange-yellow in color with a reddish edge. A fully opened flower has a creamy hue, usually fading to white along the edges; autumn flowers may have a soft pinkish hue. Flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm, form brushes of 3–9 pcs.

Lilly Marlene. An award-winning variety that has been popular for over 40 years. The bush is compact, from 50 to 70 cm. The buds are velvety, dark red, collected in brushes. Blooming flowers have a fiery rich red color. The shape is cup-shaped, usually about 8 cm in diameter. Flowers have a fresh aroma, but it is felt only up close. Foliage is reddish at first, then becomes dull green. The variety is resistant to diseases, so it is often planted in parks and other in public places. Can be good choice for a hedge.

Diadem. The variety is popular due to abundant flowering and beautiful flowers of a pale pink hue (usually fade almost to white). The reverse side of the petals is slightly darker than the front, and due to the cup-shaped shape and dense doubleness, this contrast is clearly visible and gives the variety a special charm. An upright and branched bush can reach 90 cm. The leaves are disease resistant. Such roses are resistant to cold and wet weather.

Shocking Blue. The attention of amateurs is attracted by an unusual pinkish-fuchsia shade of flowers, and the play of chiaroscuro can give them a purple or dark purple hue. Collected in brushes of 3-9 pieces, the shape of the flowers resembles a hybrid tea. They have a pronounced aroma.

One of the advantages of the variety is the elongated and narrow shape of the bush: long shoots are well suited for cutting, so Shocking Blue is often grown for commercial purposes. At the same time, the plant responds well to pruning, releasing new shoots with flowers after it. The height of the bush is about 70–80 cm, the foliage is plentiful, bright green.

Planting a Floribunda Rose

The site should be well lit, warm, protected from the cold wind.

The root system of this rose loves space, the size of the holes for seedlings should be at least 50 cm in diameter. In the case of group planting, you can plant up to seven bushes per 1 sq. m. The place for should be located 2-3 cm underground, which will allow the plant to form additional roots.

After planting the bush, it is necessary to water it abundantly, and also sprinkle the ground around the plant with sawdust - this will retain moisture and also inhibit the growth of weeds.

Bush care

Floribunda rose care should consist of watering, pruning, periodic feeding and. Although floribundas are even easier to care for than some other varieties of roses, some rules must be followed.

You need to water regularly and plentifully (a bucket of water per bush), about once a week, in the heat - twice. It is best to do this in the evening so as not to burn the plants. In early autumn, watering is reduced or stopped altogether, depending on the weather (if it rains rarely, you can water it every 10-12 days).

Pruning is preferably done in the spring, which will speed up flowering, but if necessary, it can be done throughout the season. Shoots that are more than 2 years old are cut off, and, of course, damaged and dried branches; the lateral processes of the main shoot are shortened.

Top dressing should be carried out several times, including mineral fertilizers after pruning, nitrogen-containing - in the spring, organic - periodically during flowering. In autumn, top dressing with superphosphote and potassium salt is acceptable.

Before the onset of cold weather, the plant must be covered. To get started, collect all the inflorescences and leaves, prune. The earth needs to be spudded, covered with leaves or spruce paws, and then with a special non-woven material.

Bush propagation

Let's consider what kind of care for young plants will be required for Floribunda roses.

The best propagation method for these flowers is cuttings. For a cutting, a stiff shoot about the thickness of a pencil is suitable. Such a branch must be cut into pieces of 8 cm, calculated so that the upper cut is 0.5 cm above the kidney. It should be straight, and the bottom should be at an angle of 45 degrees.

After removing the leaves and thorns, treat the lower cut with phytohormones. The groove should be 15 cm deep, and one edge should be made strictly vertical - this will ensure straight growth. The distance between the cuttings should be 15-30 cm.

Cover the planted cuttings with polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions. During the rooting period, regular watering, airing, loosening the soil and top dressing will be required. The first buds need to be removed - then the roots will become stronger, and the plant is stronger.