Mixer      03/13/2021

The best sports for a preschooler. Didactic game "Sports Riddles for the lower ring

Olga Oledibe
Presentation for older children preschool age: "For children about sports"

Children about sports

What's happened sport:

Sport- this is the main component physical education. also in sports organized competitions in various sports disciplines(types sports) – from banal football to windsurfing. Sports are amateur but sometimes professional.

As it was before…:

The first attempts at sports arose even among the cavemen, it was a struggle. IN Ancient Greece already there was a wide variety of species sports. The greatest development was received by various types of wrestling, running, discus throwing and chariot competitions.

Who it athlete?

An athlete is a person engaged in any kind sports professionally, or amateur

Professional sport

These are the views sports in which athletes fight for awards and participate in competitions.

Amateur sport is sport where a person is engaged in those kinds sports the way he wants.

Kinds sports

Species a lot of sports: these are swimming, jumping, running, wrestling, tennis, hockey, football, basketball, golf, volleyball, throwing, gymnastics.

Kinds sports divided into group and individual.

More than one person involved:


1 person participates:


Every athlete receives awards!

Awards are prizes received athlete in competition.

These are medals, cups, wreaths, bowls, figurines, certificates.

Awards and certificates

Athletes train for 4 hours a day in order to compete

Types of competition:



World (World Championship)

European (Europe championship)

Any competition is judged by judges. Their number depends on the type sport and type of competition. This is from 2 to 8 judges!

The most important competitions are the Olympic Games. They are held every 4 years.

There are summer and winter


They exist to athlete I could train my muscles and just keep fit.

Nutrition athletes

Athletes spend a large number of energy, so they need to eat protein in their food, as well as carbohydrates and fats, but in smaller quantities. Proper nutrition athlete provides him with a good state of health, for winning competitions


sports team game, the purpose of which is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, using individual dribbling and passing the ball to partners with the feet, head and other parts of the body - except for the hands. The team that scores more goals wins the match.

Sports a team game on an ice or grass field in which the ball or puck is hammered into the opponent's goal with special clubs.


Basketball is played by two teams. The goal of the game is to get the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the other team from getting possession of the ball and putting it into their own basket. The ball is played only with the hands.


Command sport game , during which two teams compete on a special area divided by a net, trying to direct the ball (hands only) to the side of the opponent so that he landed on the opponent's court.

Sports playing the ball with and rackets on a special court (a court divided by a net. The goal of the game is to send the ball to the opponent’s half with a racket hit so that he cannot beat it back or beat it off in violation of the rules.


Sports a game with a shuttlecock and rackets on a court divided in half by a net. The goal of the game is to land the shuttlecock on the opponent's side and prevent it from falling on your side.


View sports, which implies overcoming certain distances by swimming for minimal amount time.

Sports team game with an oval-shaped ball on a special site. The object of the game is to pass the ball to each other with the hands (back only) or kicked (in any direction, ground him in in-goal or score against (in the form of the letter H) enemy.

Command sports ball and bat game. Two teams are participating. The essence of the game: the players of the attacking team stand in turn at the base and beat off the batted ball sent to them. While the ball is flying, the players run from one base to another. Defenders try catch the ball and hit it in "defector".

Sports acrobatics.

View sports, competitions in performing acrobatic exercises related to maintaining balance (balancing) and rotation of the body with and without support.

Riddles about sports

1. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?

What kind of net is in the yard?

Don't interfere with the game

You'd better leave.

We play …___

2. Play in the yard in the morning,

The kids played.

screams: "puck!", "by!", "hit!" -

So there is a game... ___

3. In this sports players

All dexterous and high.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly, So this is it.

4. Everyone kicks the ball with their feet, kicks,

Like a nail is driven into a gate

Everyone screams for joy: "Goal!".

The ball game is called ...___

5. One hit with a racket -

The shuttle flies over the net.

Seryozha, though he beat hard,

Volanchik hit the net.

Anton won today.

What did they play? IN ___

6. The tournament is on. The tournament is in full swing.

We play with Andrew in pairs.

We both go out to the court.

We hit the ball with rackets.

And against us - Andre and Denis.

What are we playing with them? IN …__

7. The boxers have a projectile - a pear.

And in this sports"fruit" better.

There kicks the ball athlete

At the gate in the form of the letter H,

The ball is very similar to a melon.

View call this sport?

Sooner or later, almost all parents think about the issue of determining their child in the sports section. Someone leads the baby in their footsteps, others are interested in his opinion, others calculate their capabilities, others think about whether it is necessary at all. How many people, so many opinions.

Realizing that determining the need to attend a sports section and choosing one of the sports for a particular child can be quite a difficult task, we have prepared a material covering various aspects of the issue of sports in a child's life.

The role of sport in a child's life. Pros and cons of visiting sports sections

First of all, it is necessary to immediately distinguish between the concepts of "sport" and "physical activity".

Sport is work, overcoming oneself, development of endurance, patience.

Physical activity is a broad concept that implies a variety of movements and workouts without focusing on achieving a specific result.

Visiting the section in most cases implies a focus on certain achievements, sports success. Physical activity is easy to maintain at home without visiting specialized institutions.

Sure to plan sports career with a three-year-old is a rather risky business, because according to statistics, out of 100 children attending sections, a maximum of three get into professional sports. Therefore, it is recommended not to build castles in the air and clearly understand why a child needs this or that sport.

Doctors recommend choosing a sport for practicing, based on the desires, capabilities and temperament of the crumbs. Often one or another type is useful for certain diseases: swimming is recommended for diabetes and scoliosis, figure skating- with osteochondrosis. If the pediatrician offers one or another type of activity as a treatment, you should not dismiss it, it’s better to try it, perhaps it is the sport that will allow the baby to overcome all health difficulties.

Separately, it is worth noting the role of sports sections in shaping the personality of the child, his worldview, attitude towards himself and others. By exercising, communicating with peers who are passionate about the same sport, listening to a coach, the baby will gain knowledge, improve health, develop not only physical, but also mental, creative abilities.

Children who are passionate about sports in the preschool period are less likely to experience negative habits during their school years. Regular training, keeping fit and regimen is a habit that is reflected throughout life.

But how to make sure that the kid is carried away by the proposed sport and attends the section with pleasure? Everything is simple. We have prepared a number of recommendations and rules for you to resolve this issue.

  • Pass a medical examination. Even if this is not required in the section for visiting, be sure to visit specialists: a pediatrician, a neurologist, an oculist, an orthopedist, a surgeon, an otolaryngologist. Do a blood and urine test, an electrocardiogram, an ultrasound of the heart. Almost all sports have health restrictions. For the safety of classes, you need to make sure that the baby has no contraindications;
  • Decide on the goals of visiting the sports section. Physical development, health promotion or achievement of high results.
  • Assess the psycho-emotional readiness and inclinations of the child. There are a number of tests and surveys to determine the child's propensity for a particular sport, indicating the conditions suitable for a particular baby. One of the indicators is the personality type of the child:
    • phlegmatic people are more suitable for athletics and figure skating;
    • choleric - team sports, boxing, wrestling;
    • sanguine - skiing, fencing;
    • melancholic - equestrianism, dancing, shooting.

Some conditions for a successful visit to the sports section:

  • Choose something interesting for your child, and not allowing you to realize your ambitions or complexes. Don't make big plans for the future professional career athlete. The correct goal of playing sports with preschoolers is harmonious development.
  • Section attendance must be voluntary.. If the baby does not enjoy playing the chosen sport, there will be no benefit.
  • Features of the mental and physical development of the child. Sometimes it happens that the baby really wants to play a certain sport, but is not yet ready for medical or physical indicators. In such a situation, it is better to offer the peanut the view available to him, pulling up the physical and mental form to right level. Since skiing is available for professional training only from the age of 10, it would be more useful to offer the crumbs to train on their own or attend a gymnastics or dance section.
  • Section location. Introducing an additional load into the life of a preschooler, the distance to the educational center is important. Long hikes or trips to the place of activity will exhaust you and the child, depriving him of free time and cutting down on the amount of creative and mental training.

As you can see, choosing a section is not difficult. Guided by these simple rules easy to find required view sports for a particular child.

When talking about sports sections, you need to draw your attention to the obvious pros and cons of this type of activity. Sports, professional or amateur, have their risks and obvious benefits. Before you give the baby into the hands of a trainer, you need to understand the benefits of this and the possible consequences.

Benefits of doing sports:

  • Physical development. Regular training has a positive effect on the child's body, allowing him to develop in accordance with age indicators;
  • Health promotion and hardening;
  • Development of motivation, learning to work for results. The main goal of any sport is to achieve excellence. The path to the goal lies through constant studies, overcoming one's desires. Reward for perseverance - high performance, awards, medals;
  • Character formation. Overcoming himself, persistently pushing towards the goal through the thorns of fatigue, difficulties, the little champion tempers such character traits as perseverance, perseverance, patience;
  • accustoming to the regime;
  • Development of horizons, communication skills. Almost all sections stimulate their pupils through trips to various competitions, in which the child: gets acquainted with his peers from other cities, countries; discovers new cities, culture; sees differences between approaches, people, countries;
  • Increasing self-esteem. If the section suits the child, he does it with pleasure, then the first victories (even over himself) will come very soon. Seeing his progress, development, the baby will feel capable, smart, skillful.

Cons of sports sections for a child:

  • Decreased time spent on mental and creative pursuits. With an excessive passion for sports, some children reduce their interest in general education disciplines and the manifestation of their own self. In this case, it is important for parents to keep this issue under control;
  • Exhaustion and complications from excessive exertion. A purposeful and interested in the result of the child can not always correctly assess their strength. Introducing sports into the life of a preschooler, you need to carefully monitor compliance with temporary norms, age loads;
  • Psychological aspect. If the section does not suit the baby, it is difficult for him to master the basic elements or achieve a result, there is a high probability of a decrease in self-esteem and other undesirable deviations in the perception of his own self. Separately, it is worth mentioning the psychological difficulties that arise with excessive pressure from parents or a coach. In order for the sports section to be beneficial, classes must bring joy and satisfaction;
  • Injuries. Sport is a risk. Not a single athlete, and even more so a beginner or amateur, is immune from bruises, sprains and even fractures. Parents and children must clearly understand this. The development of safety precautions and strict adherence to the instructions of the coach should be perceived by the baby as a law. Try to convey this to the little athlete at the stage of preparation.

Understanding the pros and cons of classes in the sports section, knowing how to choose what is necessary for your child, you can proceed directly to choosing a direction.

Sports for preschoolers. Choosing a section for a child

Depending on temperament, age, characteristics of physical and psychological development, health, crumbs are available to him different types sports. Most popular:

Team games

Football, volleyball, handball, basketball, etc. Suitable for almost all children. In addition to physical development, they contribute well to the development of:

  • sociability;
  • strategies;
  • group cooperation.

Being engaged in a team sport, active sociable children receive required amount communication, and closed learn to interact with other children.

Water sports

Swimming, water polo, diving. Unlike team games, they do not have age restrictions, the first classes can be started already with a newborn child. Beneficial features from water procedures, swimming is often used in medicinal purposes in the fight against diseases of the spine, muscle underdevelopment. Children visiting the pool and learning various water sports have:

  • excellent posture;
  • strong muscles;
  • hardening;
  • strong immunity.

Martial arts

Wushu, karate, boxing, judo, taekwondo, Greco-Roman wrestling, etc. When a child is so active that parents do not know how to help the baby direct the energy in a positive direction, they come to the aid of the ancient, full of philosophy of the art of combat. Being engaged in the wrestling section, baby:

  • learn to manage their emotions;
  • increase muscle mass;
  • become flexible and coordinated;
  • learns the philosophy of non-contact resolution of a conflict situation;
  • learn to defend.

Martial arts are not advised for aggressive and physically weak children.


Athletics, acrobatics, rhythmic and artistic gymnastics. The sport is the most popular among girls. The desire to improve the capabilities of one's own body and the manifestation of the results achieved in an aesthetic form distinguishes this sport from others. The creative component allows us to talk not only about the physical benefits of classes, but also about the development of internal potential. Gymnastics with the right loads:

  • improve posture;
  • develop muscles;
  • temper character;
  • form a slender and graceful silhouette.

Large loads on the spinal column in early childhood, in most cases, do not allow athletes to achieve high growth.

Winter sports

Skiing, skating, snowboarding, sledding. Amateur acquaintance with the possibilities of skiing can begin at early age(2-3 years), children from the age of 10 are recruited into the professional section. winter views, thanks to the peculiarities of training, allow:

  • harden the body;
  • develop the muscles of the whole body, especially the arms and legs;
  • improve coordination;

Figure skating

Of course, on the one hand, this is a winter sport, but the study of its basics by preschoolers should be placed in a separate category. This is the hardest kind to master. So much perseverance and perseverance to achieve results does not require any of the species available to kids. Each element is first of all studied in the hall, brought to automatism the smallest details and only after that they are worked out at the rink. Before you offer your child this sport, warn him about it. This sport is most suitable for children who are distinguished by activity and the desire for competition. With regular exercise:

  • the muscles of the whole organism develop, especially the arms and legs;
  • improves coordination;
  • character is tempered;
  • will, perseverance, diligence are formed.


Choreography, aerobics, ballroom and modern dances, the number of directions of this type is difficult to count. Simplest, affordable way the general physical development of the child, revealing the creative potential and bringing aesthetic satisfaction.

There are many options for the sports development of preschool children, the choice of direction depends on the preferences of the parents and the child, the state of health and the age of the future athlete. Let's look at what types are available for a particular age.

  • swimming(amateur level is available from birth, sports sections - from 3 years). The benefits of swimming can hardly be overestimated. Even amateur activities allow children to develop better than their peers. When training 2-3 times a week:
    • immunity is strengthened;
    • the spine is unloaded and strengthened;
    • the musculoskeletal corset is strengthened;
    • improves blood flow;
    • mental state stabilizes.

A visit to the swimming section is recommended for children with endocrine diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with myopia, overweight. This sport is suitable for all children, with the exception of children who are allergic to water purification components (chlorine), suffering from otitis media, and some skin diseases.

  • Football(from 1 year of playing with parents, from 3 years - section). Team sport, you can start teaching from the first attempts to walk on your own. First, teach the baby to kick the ball, at 2 years old explain the basic rules. At 3 years old, you can start going to a special section. Football helps:
    • strengthen the body, cardiovascular system, hand-eye coordination;
    • develop communication skills.

Football is contraindicated in flat feet, asthma, peptic ulcer, in violation of the stability of the cervical vertebrae.

  • Gymnastics(basic exercises - from birth with the help of massage, exercises, fitball, section - from 3 years old). To visit the art section or gymnastics the child must pass a medical examination and selection in the section itself. When training 2-3 times a week:
    • develops flexibility, stamina, clarity of movements;
    • posture is formed;
    • there is a learning expression of inner creativity through movement.

Gymnastics is contraindicated for scoliosis, myopia, bronchial asthma, malformations of the cardiovascular system.

Increased loads during gymnastics often affect the growth of the child. Children who fall behind in this indicator should postpone classes.

  • Figure skating(3-4 years). Artistic children who love winter and easily endure the cold can try themselves in a beautiful and rather complex form. Training 2-3 times a week allows you to:
    • train the heart muscle;
    • develop stamina, plasticity, grace;
    • strengthen the muscles of the spinal column, arms and legs;
    • temper;
    • strengthen immunity.

Contraindicated in diseases of the pulmonary system, myopia.

What sport to send a child from 4 to 6 years old

Children who have crossed the 4-year mark already have access to a large number of different sports. Most popular:

  • Team games(5-6 years). Hockey, volleyball, basketball, etc. are added to football at this age. It is advisable to coordinate the choice of a specific direction with the baby, giving him a chance to try his hand at several types. Regular attendance allows you to:
    • develop stamina, speed, speed of reaction;
    • strengthen the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, visual-motor coordination;
    • direct energy in the right direction;
    • develop communication skills.

Flat feet, ulcers, asthma, cervical vertebrae are contraindications for this species.

When visiting the hockey section, parents should be attentive to the posture of the child. This sport involves increased development of the dominant hand, which can lead to a curvature of the spinal column.

  • Martial arts(5-6 years old) - aikido, boxing, sambo, etc. Introduction to the ancient types of martial arts will allow the kid not only to acquire physical skills, but also to look at the world around him from the point of view of philosophy. The ability to use various combat techniques will not make the baby aggressive. Vice versa. Understanding and accepting the philosophy of martial arts, children become more peaceful, restrained. When visiting the section, the following occurs:
    • development of endurance, reaction, flexibility, accuracy of movement;
    • training in self-defense skills;
    • decrease in the level of aggression;
    • general strengthening and hardening of the body.

It is forbidden to visit martial arts sections during an exacerbation of diseases, with cardiovascular diseases, and spinal disorders.

  • Tennis(from 5 years old). Ambitious, well-controlled, mobile children can be offered big or table tennis. Intensive training in this type:
    • form dexterity, reaction speed, hand strength;
    • strengthen the will;
    • learn to win
    • help improve coordination;
    • develop the respiratory system.

The ban on tennis in children with asthma, eye diseases, flat feet, instability of the cervical vertebrae.

  • Athletics(5-6 years). Not the most popular but very interesting view sports. The variety of species studied by children allows us to speak of a broad preparation for any test. Jumping, running, throwing a hammer, discus and other subtypes are studied by everyone at the first stages in order to choose a specific direction for development. Classes athletics during the preschool period helps:
    • strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
    • develop agility, speed, strength, endurance;
    • form the will, patience.

It is forbidden for diseases of the heart, kidneys, diabetes and progressive myopia.

  • Karting(from 5 years old). Many boys, who are passionate about cartoons about cars, are happy to engage in such sections. If your baby has a desire to drive with the breeze, then offer him this view. Regular exercise helps:
    • development of reaction and concentration;
    • strengthening the muscles of the arms and neck;
    • raising self-esteem.

  • Fencing(from 6 years old). For individualistic children who strive for victories, but do not have a penchant for long runs or intense training, this type of development is well suited:
    • coordination;
    • stress resistance;
    • mind, strategy, calculation;
    • endurance, agility;
    • attention, speed of reaction.

Fencing gives a sufficient load on the whole body, contributing to the formation of posture.

This sport is contraindicated for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, progressive eye diseases. Not recommended for slow kids.

  • Skis(you can learn to ride from 2-3 years old, section from 8-10 years old). Cross-country skiing, biathlon, sledding, snowboarding, with seeming simplicity, are recommended for children of a strong physique. Most often, training in sections does not imply an amateur level. If the baby is well built and proportionately developed, regular training will help him:
    • strengthen the musculoskeletal corset;
    • improve coordination of movements;
    • develop endurance;
    • improve balance;
    • develop the psyche and temper the character.

This sport is not recommended for children with disorders of the motor apparatus, visual impairments, heart defects, weak blood vessels.

  • Cycling(10 years). It would seem that children learn to ride a bike at the age of 3, but the professional riding section invites you to start learning only from the age of 10. This is primarily related to high level injury. But with all the dangers, 2-3 workouts per week allow you to:
    • improve lung function;
    • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
    • systematically develop the muscles of the whole body.

Cycling limits visiting in case of exacerbation of any disease, it is not available to children with a weak heart, eyesight. A complete ban on training in children with asthma and epilepsy, disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Horseback Riding(from 6 to ponies, from 10 to horses). For restless, insecure children, this sport can become not only an assistant in development, but also a treatment. Regular attendance at training helps:
    • active work of the muscles of the back and legs;
    • stabilization of the mental state;
    • general development.

Communication with animals, combined with good exercise, allows children to learn about their bodies, develop muscles, and improve their well-being.

Equestrian sport is contraindicated in children with asthma, allergies to wool or sweat of horses, with instability of the cervical vertebrae, scoliosis.

List of sections for different ages wide enough and for each baby you can choose the look that suits him individual characteristics. If the species of interest to you and the child is not yet available by age, do not postpone visiting the section. good to choose accessible view aimed at developing qualities useful in the future.

If the baby has some restrictions for the selected species, then it is worth offering him an affordable option, explaining the situation.

Try to avoid coercion or threats if the little one does not want to attend the section of his choice. Often, in order to understand their preferences, a child needs to try more than one or even two options. Many sports clubs offer free trial lessons. Before you pay for a long visit, offer the crumbs to try different variants and decide. This way, you are more likely to be able to find what you need faster.

In some families, traditions of mastering certain sports. But if the baby does not want to follow in the footsteps of his parents, you should not insist. Sport is a joy in a voluntary activity. Under coercion or pressure, various psychological difficulties can develop.

The lack of desire to engage will lead to a decrease in performance, and due to the lack of progress, the crumbs may develop low self-esteem and an incorrect perception of their Self.

Let sport be in your child's life, introduce him to the capabilities of the human body, the philosophy of a world without violence. Having come to the section, the baby will not only train his muscles, but also learn from the examples of other athletes, communicate with peers who have the same interests as him. Accustomed to a healthy lifestyle from early childhood, the baby will strive to follow it all his life, keeping fit, denying negative factors. Be attentive to the hobby of the chosen species, monitor the health of the crumbs, comply with safety requirements and, perhaps, it is your crumb that will become the new Olympic champion.

"Whoever is friends with sports never grieve", a summary of a sports-themed lesson for children senior group kindergarten

Abstract directly educational activities for children of senior preschool age 5-6 years

Teacher Belobaeva Elena Valerievna

Description of work: a summary of directly educational activities on sports topics for children of the older group, where in the process of playing activities the educator consolidates the knowledge of children about sports, athletes, introduces them to the sports facilities of the city.

Target: Development of interest in preschool children in a healthy lifestyle through the replenishment of knowledge about sports.
- consolidate children's knowledge about various sports, athletes;
- to give elementary ideas about sports complexes and facilities in Achinsk;
- arouse the desire to go in for sports, cultivate the desire for a healthy lifestyle.
Materials and equipment: paired pictures "Sport", split pictures "Sports facilities of the city", chips of different colors, ball, sports equipment, musical accompaniment.
Preliminary work: talk about healthy way life, viewing illustrations on sports topics, watching sports TV shows and cartoons (at home), memorizing poems and proverbs about health, physical education, sports. Children enter the group and sit on chairs. Under the sports march, a group of speakers enters, in the hands of sports equipment (ball, rope, hoop, gymnastic stick, cubes). Children read poems
1. To be healthy in full
Everyone needs exercise.
To start in order -
Let's workout in the morning!

2. To develop successfully,
You need to play sports.
From exercise
There will be a slim figure.

3. To make it more fun
We'll take the ball as soon as possible.
Let's stand straight, legs wider
Raise the ball - three or four,
Rising up on your toes.
All movements are easy.

4. We will take the rope in our hands,
Hoop, cube or stick.
We learn all movements
We will become stronger and better.
Let not everything be given at once,
We'll have to work!

Educator:- Guys, what do you think we'll talk about today? Why did you decide so? (statements, reasoning of children)
Educator:- Yes, today we will talk about health, physical education and sports.

Game exercise "Seat those who ..."
The purpose of the exercise is to help participants get to know each other better.
The teacher offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have a common feature. For example:

- Swap places those who like to play sports (children change places).
- And now those who are engaged in sports circles and sections.
- Swap places those who like to play football.
- Now those who can skate.
- Swap places those who ski.
- Now those who like to go to the pool with their family.
Educator:- Well done boys! I can see that you really love sports. So you can easily guess my riddles!

Game exercise "Tell me a word."
1. I'm in a hurry to train,
In a kimono I fight deftly.
I need a black belt
After all, I love ... karate.
2. Play in the yard in the morning,
The kids played.
Shouts: "Puck!, By!, Bey!" -
There is a game going on - ... hockey.
3. In this sport, the players
All dexterous and high.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring
The ball hits the floor loudly
So this is... basketball.
4. Horse, rope, log and bars,
The rings are next to them.
I'm not going to list
Lots of projectiles.
beauty and plasticity
Gives us ... gymnastics.
5. Let's assemble a team soon
And we'll find a big field.
We break through the corner -
Let's hit our heads!
And at the gate the fifth goal!
We love football very much.
6. Here the team wins,
If the ball does not drop.
He flies with a pitch aptly
Not at the gate, through the net.
And a playground, not a field
Athletes in ... volleyball.
7. A skater is dancing on the ice,
spinning like autumn leaf.
He performs a pirouette
Then a double coat.
… Ah, no!
Not in a fur coat, he is lightly dressed.
And now the duet is on the ice.
Oh, they ride well!
The hall held its breath.
The sport is called ... figure skating.
8. Run light on a winter road
Athletes on skis with a rifle in hand.
Until the finish line soon, the fans around,
Favorite sport I watch is ... biathlon
9. The tournament is on. The tournament is in full swing.
We play with Andrew in pairs.
We both go out to the court.
We hit the ball with rackets.
And against us - Andre and Denis.
What are we playing with them? In ... tennis.

Educator:- Guys, you did a good job with this task and correctly named the sports! What are the names of people who play sports?
Children:- Athletes!
Educator:- Each athlete has his own name. I invite you to play. Let's get in a circle. I will throw the ball and name the sport, and you return the ball to me and name the athlete who plays this sport:
- football - football player;
- hockey - hockey player;
- figure skating - figure skater;
- gymnastics - gymnast, gymnast;
- swimming - swimmer;
- running - runner;
- jumping - jumper;
- boxing - boxer;
- skiing - skier, etc.

Educator:- Well done! Did you know that every sport needs its own sports equipment? A hockey player - a stick, a skier - skis, a figure skater - skates. Let's select an item for each athlete, without which he will not be able to practice his favorite sport.

Didactic game"Find a Pair"
Children are given pictures, some show a sport or an athlete, others show sports equipment. Children must find a couple, justify their choice, name the sport.

Educator:- Guys, where do athletes go in for sports? (children's statements)
Educator:- In our city there are sports facilities where not only athletes, but also ordinary people who love sports, physical education and come to rest there with the whole family. And what, you will find out if you collect pictures.

Didactic game "Fold the picture"
Children with the help of chips of different colors are divided into subgroups. Each subgroup collects an image of one of the sports facilities in our city: track and field arena "Record"; pool "Neptune"; ice skating rink "Zvezdny" After the picture is collected, the children name the sports facility, the sports that are played there.
Educator:- All these facilities are located at the city stadium "Olympus". Do you want to find yourself in the stadium right now and do some fun exercises?
Children:- Yes!

Children perform movements in accordance with the text:
Line up in order!
Everything is charging!
Left! Right!
running, swimming,
We grow bold
Tanned in the sun.
Our feet are fast
Marks our shots
Our muscles are strong
And the eyes are not dull.
Line up in order!
Everything is charging!
Left! Right!
running, swimming,
We grow bold
Tanned in the sun.
(A. Barto)

Children stand in a circle.
Educator:- People say: “Whoever is friends with sports never grieve!” I wish you to be healthy, strong, strong, dexterous and always be friends with sports! This concludes our lesson. What do you remember the most? What did you like the most? What will you tell your parents tonight?

Instead of a fun exercise (if the time and schedule of the GCD allows), you can invite children to the gym, warm up and play outdoor games.

To consolidate knowledge about various sports, about sports equipment;

Broaden the horizons of children general concept about the Olympics;

Raise interest in various types sports and the need for systematic physical education;

Enrich children's vocabulary (coach, stadium, athlete, goalkeeper, etc.)



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Slides captions:

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about various sports, about sports equipment; To broaden the horizons of children, to give a general concept of the Olympics; Increase interest in various sports and the need for systematic physical education; Enrich children's vocabulary (coach, stadium, athlete, goalkeeper, etc.)

Guys, the Winter Olympics will be held in Sochi soon. Many athletes will come to Russia. Athletes from all over the world come to the Olympics to compete and determine who is the strongest, who is the bravest, who is the fastest and most agile. What is the Olympics? This is a fair sports fight! To participate in it is a reward! Anyone can win! Today we will get acquainted with different sports.





Figure skating



Guess the riddle There, in armor, everyone is on the ice platform Fighting, grappling in a sharp fight. Fans shout: "Hit harder!" Believe me, this is not a fight, but - ...

You will become strong, dexterous, well-aimed. Strengthen the health of sports. Take the ball and two rackets, Come out to play on the court.

In the gym there is a shield on the left, And on the right, like a twin, it hangs, There are baskets on the rings, And a circle in the middle. Athletes all rush at a gallop And hit the poor ball on the floor. His two groups of guys in the basket want to "throw away". They will get it ... and again on the floor! The game is called...

This game has its own attributes: T-shirts, shorts, people are shod in boots. The goalkeeper stands alone at the gate, People rush across the field in a crowd, From the stands the word “Goal!” is heard like an explosion. What are the two teams playing? IN...

Area. Mesh in the middle. The team captain is Svetka. And every player is a match for her. In the other team - Igorek. He brought five with him to play a "party game" in ... .

A figure skater is dancing on the ice, spinning like an autumn leaf. He performs a pirouette Then a double sheepskin coat ... Oh, no! Not in a fur coat, he is lightly dressed. And now the duet is on the ice.

It is very difficult to be, do not argue, The most accurate in this sport. Just race down the track That even I can do. Try to run for a day yourself, And then hit the target, Lying on your back, from a rifle. You can't do without training! And the target is not an elephant for you. The sport is called...

Which item for which sport?

I have no time to get sick, friends, I play football, hockey. And I am very proud of myself, What gives me health is sport! Sport, guys, is very necessary. We are close friends with sports. Sports-health, sports - a game, Physical education - cheers! Hooray! Hooray!

Internet resources: http://ru.wikipedia.org http://www.google.ru http://www.strana-sporta.com

Elena Stadnik
Conversation "What is sport?"


Introduction to the concept sport.


1. Introduce children to the meaning sports in human life.

2. Form a positive attitude towards sports.

3. Cultivate interest in classes sports.


Physical development, speech development.


Olympian bear, illustrations about sports.

Conversation flow:


Guys, look who came to us. This is an Olympian bear. Hello Mishenka.

Misha the Olympian:

Good morning, guys. I came running to you from training. I want to ask you if you know what such a sport and why do we need it?

(children's answers)

Well done, you know what you need sport, but that's what such a sport none of you answered. I will tell you now and show pictures.

Sport- component physical education. If physical education is a field of activity aimed at strengthening and maintaining health. These are outdoor games, morning exercises, physical education classes. That sport is a competitive activity and preparation for it. During the competition, the best athletes who have achieved results in their own way sports, they are awarded medals. There are different types sports. Every athlete trains daily to achieve the highest results. Sports can and should be practiced from childhood. When I was little, I went skiing with my mom and dad. I really like ski sport and so my parents sent me to school "Ski Training". I train a lot, I have already gone to competitions and won first place. Pursuing sports, you become strong, dexterous, purposeful and strengthen your health. I really like one poem about sports,listen:

Sports do not like the lazy,

Those who give up quickly.

Unreliable, cowardly.

He laughs at them.

He is very blessed

To those who are strong in spirit.

And gives victory

Only hardy he!

Do any of you go to classes? Tell (children's answers).

Whatever kind sports did you want to practice?


Misha, would you like to get to the Olympics?

Misha the Olympian:

This is my dream to which I aspire. Soon our country will host the Olympics in the city of Sochi, I will watch and cheer for my country Russia. I'm very sorry to part with you, but I'm waiting for training. See you.


Thank you Misha for your story. Now the kids know that such a sport. Come to us again, we will be waiting for you.