Mixer      06/23/2020

Types of assembling a house from a bar. The technology of assembling the walls of a house or a bath from a building bar. Construction and insulation of walls and floors

Environmental friendliness and high quality characteristics are inherent in wooden housing construction. From round timber, our grandfathers collected entire towers, the beauty of which still arouses admiration. And thanks to modern antiseptics and neomid wooden frame not afraid of fires and fungus. In installation on your own, it is easier to use a beam of the correct shape. How to make a log house from a bar with your own hands, the main stages of installation, the rules and recommendations of specialists can be found in this article.

We design your house

Before assembling a house from a bar, it is necessary to choose the right project. Log cabins are assembled according to standard or individual projects, may differ in architectural complexity or have simple shapes. If you plan to assemble a ready-made factory log house, then we recommend that you opt for a standard project, which has the following advantages:

  1. The log house has already been tested in operation, and the manufacturer has eliminated the main shortcomings.
  2. The material for manufacturing is used as economically as possible, so the price of a finished box is cheaper.
  3. It is easier to choose a finishing material and a roof, as you can see with your own eyes several finished houses and chat with the owners.

When choosing an individual design, timber is also the most suitable material. He has correct form and customizable to any size. Therefore, with the advent of this lumber, it became possible to collect wooden boxes the most complex and unusual form.

By choosing a beam of the desired section, any project can easily be adjusted to any region with different average temperatures and climates. For garden or country house suitable material of small section: 100x50 mm, 100x100 mm. For permanent residence, a timber with a section of 150x150, 150x200, 200x100 mm is taken. The simplest option is a square section - 150x150 mm. The square shape allows you to quickly assemble the walls without selecting the technical and external side. But provided that the bar is simple. In this case, a section of 150x150 mm must also be insulated.

One of the economical options is profiled material. The spike and groove on the technical sides of the beam are firmly connected during installation and create a reliable barrier to the wind. The walls are insulated with a tape heat insulator, right during assembly. And if the front and wrong side additionally polished, then after assembling the box, you only need to go along the walls paintwork material and the house is ready to move in.

A separate group is a log house made of glued lumber. This beam consists of lamellas, which are interconnected under the influence of a press and glue. But scientists are still arguing about the environmental friendliness of glued lumber. From the positive stands out: high strength of the walls and increased thermal insulation properties. So for the construction of a residential building from glued material, a section of 100x100 mm is suitable, at winter temperatures up to -15 degrees additional insulation no walls needed.

When choosing a project, it is worth considering what type of timber the walls will be assembled from. Since further finishing work depends on this, which means additional material investments.

Where to start?

When the project is selected, the assembly of the log house from the timber begins. The basis of the house is being prepared - the foundation. Since the material is light, any kind of foundation will do:

  1. Columnar;
  2. Ribbon grillage;
  3. Tape.

We do not recommend monolithic, as this is the most expensive option, which will be cost-effective only if the soil is mobile and heavily crumbling. For loose soil with high bedding ground water a pile or column foundation is suitable. How to build a house if the soil is swampy and mobile? wise to use screw piles. It is easy to mount them with your own hands, and there will be less “walking” in the future. But, choosing a columnar or pile foundation, it should be understood that in the future the basement of the house will have to be additionally framed and insulated. Otherwise, there will be no basement or cellar in the house, and heat loss after the basement is insulated will decrease by 15%.

One of the most popular types of foundation for a wooden frame is tape. It got its name for its external resemblance to a concrete strip rolled out on the ground. The height of the foundation is selected individually and is associated with the characteristics of groundwater.

At high level occurrence of groundwater and freezing in winter by more than 1.2 m, you can use the tape-grillage version. The design combines concrete tape, but on piles every 1.5 - 2 m. And first the piles are poured, then the formwork is made under the ribbon. Before pouring, it is recommended to calculate the cubature of the foundation, this will reduce the cost of concrete.

A detailed technology for assembling a strip-grillage foundation is disclosed in one of the previous articles.

Lego for adults

The manufacturer will deliver the finished log house to the site in a sealed package, it will be easier to assemble it with your own hands. It is difficult to assemble your house from a solid bar without experience and skills, as it is required correct connection corners. But more on that below.


Before laying the first crown, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation. The tree is airtight, and through microcracks in the foundation, moisture will get to the first crown and over time it will begin to rot. For work, you will need materials: bituminous mastic (price from 350 rubles) and roofing material (price from 220 rubles)

Waterproofing is carried out as follows:

  1. From above, the foundation is smeared with hot bituminous mastic.
  2. The first layer of roofing material is rolled out from above. When joining, the material is overlapped.
  3. The roofing material is again smeared with bituminous mastic.
  4. The finishing layer of roofing material is rolled out.

The width of the roofing material should exceed the width of the foundation by 15–20 cm. The remaining ends of the roofing material can later be hidden under the plinth sheathing.

First crown

The first crown of the log house is laid according to the level on the dried waterproofing. The cross section of the first crown is larger than the others in the box. This will increase the stability of the structure.

The first crown of the log house is the most important in the design, so to increase durability it is worth overpaying for larch or aspen. They are less susceptible to moisture, and over time acquire a hardness comparable to iron. But we do not recommend using aspen from the Volga region. The tree has a fragile core and is not suitable for construction in 90% of cases.

Before laying the first crown is covered protective compounds(Sanezh, Belinka Bio, Tikkurila, Neomid 440 and Valtti Aquacolor (price from 120 rubles / l). The laying of the first crown is carried out on laid out slats or a lining board. The slats are laid in increments of 30–40 cm across the foundation tape, the boards are sewn to base with metal pins.Racks are 10 mm thick and create an additional gap between the foundation and the strapping, which creates additional ventilation.Wooden strapping is attached to the foundation with metal anchors.But the box is attached to the base only for light structures. Big houses several floors is quite heavy and will not move from the base without additional fasteners.

Folding the box

It is not difficult to build a log house from a ready-made kit, but you will have to tinker with a solid beam. There are several options for corner joints of a beam with a balance and even:

  1. Assembly in the paw. At the ends of the beam, spikes and nests are cut out for them. It has disadvantages: it is blown, over time the material will dry out and serious insulation will be required.
  2. IN dovetail. The option is similar to the previous one, but has a special cut at an angle. Minus the difficulty drank.
  3. Into the bowl. In each beam, a bowl is made from below for the upper link. The top crown fits into the bowl and creates an airtight connection. Cons: you will need a skill and a special cup cutter.
  4. Half a tree. Half of the section is sawn in each end part. The upper crown is placed in the resulting nest. Minuses in blowing and unreliability of the connection. To increase grip, a dowel is made of wood, which connects the ends.

Corner connection with the remainder is considered warmer and more reliable. The corners and the timber are additionally connected to each other with the help of dowels. Nagels are used wooden or metal. The latter option is more reliable, but when the log cabin dries, cracks form in the walls, and metal pins spoil the appearance of the house. Wooden dowels can be made independently from the remnants of lumber or birch. Nagel will give the structure additional strength, and will not allow the beam to twist when it dries. Nails are attached to every two crowns, skipping one, in increments of at least 150 cm.

A jute insulation is rolled between each beam (price from 110 rubles). If the material is profiled, then between the spikes and grooves there is a special chute for laying tape insulation. If timber joints are needed along the length, then a joint in the root tenon is used. The essence of the connection is in the sawing of a spike and a groove, which are securely connected and additionally fastened with dowels.

Internal partitions in a log house can not be immediately assembled. They are made with a smaller section material and are attached to the main walls. But if you plan a two-story log house made of timber with your own hands, then at least one partition is assembled immediately. It serves as an additional support.

Draft floors can be laid immediately. They further serve as the basis for a warm "pie" of the finishing floor. Mineral wool or ecowool, foam plastic can serve as a floor insulation. The most inexpensive option is to use foam, it will give additional sound insulation between floors.

It is not recommended to cut window and door openings in a log house immediately. The building must stand. Even chamber drying during the first three months will shrink at least 3%, natural moisture content of at least 10%. Before inserting the frames, a pigtail is made, which will give the structure greater strength and prevent distortions during the walking of the soil.

Choosing a roof and roof

A rough roof is erected until complete shrinkage. If the timber is chamber dried or glued, then the shrinkage is negligible and you can proceed to the finishing roof. Any material is suitable as a roof: corrugated board, ondulin, soft tiles. Most economical option for garden houses - roofing material or slate. The step of the crate will depend on the choice of the roof. How softer roofing and the lower the roof, the more often the crate is made. For example, under soft tiles and the substrate is made of thin plywood.

The design of the roof is selected individually. But the fewer bends and corners in the design, the more reliable it will be. The simplest option is shed roof or gable, they are assembled by hand.

The rafter system is assembled from the laying of ceiling logs. A bar with a section of 100x50 mm is suitable for work. The technical side will be 50 mm. The front and frame of the truss system are assembled from a material with a section of 150x100 mm. They are attached to the Mauerlat, which is laid on the top of the wall. A bar with a section of 150x150 mm is taken as a Mauerlat. The most difficult thing in installation is to install the first rafters and matrix. You can attach the truss system to the walls using metal brackets or anchor bolts. Logs and Mauerlat are connected to each other with the help of a thorn-groove lock. Readers can read more in the article on roof installation.

The finished roof is insulated and waterproofed. This is necessary to reduce heat loss in the house. Next, proceed to additional insulation and decoration. A wooden house will shrink completely after three years. This time it is not recommended to carry out grandiose design finishing works, but it is already possible to live in the house.

What's the price

As you know, the road will be mastered by the walking one, but the owner’s hands are not always sharpened under construction works, or work eats up all free time. Specialists will assemble the log house in a few weeks, and the quality of work will be high. The price of installation will depend on what work needs to be done. There are two types of standard services for the installation of log cabins:

  1. Full construction.
  2. Easy Assembly.

The service differs by the list of works. Turnkey installation includes: foundation (casting, formwork), box assembly, rafter system, roofing, draft floors and ceiling, installation of windows and doorways, all internal partitions. A simple assembly may include separate jobs. For example, the foundation is made by hand, and the box and rafter system are assembled by specialists.

One of the most suitable materials For individual construction is wood. Wood is affordable, easy to work with, and in terms of cost, lumber is more value for money than other building materials. Another advantage of wood is its relative lightness, which reduces the cost of building a powerful foundation for a house.

These and other advantages of wood have led to the fact that wooden private construction is relevant and in demand. And if there is demand, then there is supply. Moreover, the natural shortcomings of wood, as a building material, are leveled by complex manufacturing technologies of modern lumber, one of which is.

Benefits of a log home

  • can be built quickly. A company (team) of three people, having minimal skills in using carpentry, locksmith tools, is able to assemble a box at home in a season;
  • log house is environmentally friendly and has a unique microclimate. In addition, a good air flow through the wood will provide a sufficient level of air exchange;
  • timber is an excellent heat insulator and allows you to save heat and save on heating;
  • no need to immediately invest a lot of money in construction and decoration. These processes can be separated in time;
  • a log house has natural beauty, presentability and style.

Stages of building a house from profiled timber

Let us briefly list all the stages of construction, and dwell in detail on the key ones that relate directly to working with timber.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for building a house from profiled timber:

stage number Name Content
1. Design - a typical project of a house made of profiled timber;
- individual project (unique).
2. Foundation - definition of the type (tape, pile, slab);
- calculation of characteristics;
- excavation;
- formwork device;
- installation of the reinforcing cage;
- pouring concrete;
- a set of strength.
3. Building a box at home - waterproofing;
- the first crown.
4. Draft floor - is laid down during the construction of the walls.
5. Box assembly - subsequent crowns;
- interior partitions;
- intermediate floors.
6. Installation of the truss system - roof truss system;
- warming of subroofing space;
- laying of roofing material.
7. Installation of individual elements - installation of columns, supports and other vertical elements;
- installation of window and door blocks;
- arrangement of stairs to the second floor (attic, attic).
8. Interior finishing - connection of communications;
- finishing (facing) of the room.
9. Outdoor treatment walls - grinding;
- treatment with an antiseptic, primer, flame retardant, painting.

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Stage 1. Design

It is impossible to build a house from profiled timber without a project. Having a project is a direct guide to action. But first things first.

First of all, you need to decide whether to focus on ready-made (typical, free).

  • standard project tied to the area and reflects the wishes of the person who ordered it. But such a project will cost much less. Given that the standard length of the beam leaves its mark on the size of the premises, we can say that there are not so many different variations. Therefore, most users acquire, or download from the network, a finished project and make the necessary adjustments to it;
  • individual project is developed from scratch, the estimated cost is shown in the table

When developing a new one or making adjustments to a finished project, you need to take into account the factors indicated in the table:

Factor Description
1. Type of residence: permanent or seasonal Influences the choice of the cross section of the beam and the need for insulation
2. Material


Natural drying timber (moisture content 15-18%);
- (humidity 12-15%)


- curved.

100x100 - for gazebos, outbuildings, seasonal houses;
- 150x150 - for a house of permanent residence with insulation, baths;
- 200x200 - for a permanent residence, elite houses.

Profile configuration:

German ("comb") does not require the use of insulation;
- Finnish (Scandinavian) makes it possible to use rolled thermal insulation material.

3. House area - the convenience of the location of the rooms;
- number of storeys;
- installation location and parameters of the stairs;
- assignment of rooms;
- the number of people living at the same time and their specific needs (for example, pensioners, disabled people);
- possible number of guests.
4. Location of the house - remoteness from communications;
- remoteness from other objects on the site (reservoir, sewerage);
- landscape design of the site;
- soil type, freezing depth;
- location of access roads;
- orientation to the side of the world (important if there is a large area of ​​glazing). Affects the energy efficiency of the house;
- distance from the boundaries of the site.

The result of the design stage will be the availability of project documentation approved by the relevant authorities, namely:

List of main documents:

  1. Foundation drawing (with detailed description composition, laying depth, material layout, etc. As well as detailed data on soil, groundwater, etc.).
  2. Building plan (prepared based on the drawing of the foundation, but also with a detailed description).
  3. Floor plan, detailed plan (partitions, windows, doors, stoves, fireplaces, etc. are indicated in detail).
  4. spreading (this detailed drawing sectional walls of the house. By spreading, you can place an order for the manufacture of timber (house kit for the house)).
  5. Specification of every detail of the house.
  6. Roof drawing, with a detailed description of the truss system and all layers.
  7. Final view of the house.

Calculation of timber for a house

At the design stage, the required amount of lumber is calculated. The calculation is carried out on the basis of the distribution specified in the project.

As already noted, the construction of timber houses can be carried out by using moldings or marked parts from a house kit.

In the table, a comparison of approaches to construction, which is better, a house kit or on-site installation (molding)

Factor moldings Domokomplekt
Design complexity The ability to implement any design project by picking up parts from a bar on site A kit for a complex project is more expensive, plus, not every plant will undertake to produce
The ability to make adjustments to the project Easier, cheaper, faster Impossible, a house set made of profiled timber is made for a specific project
Construction time Significant (2-6 months) Shortened (up to 1-2 months)
Price From 8 thousand rubles. per sq.m. From 11 thousand rubles. per sq.m. (depending on the complexity of the project)
Risks - exposure to external factors during storage;
- the risk of damage to the timber when cutting or arranging the bowl;
- risk of deformation;
- risk of additional costs (due to errors in calculations and manufacturing).
- the risk of lack of labeling (checked when paying for a house kit);
- the risk of getting poorly made bowls due to poorly tuned production equipment.
abuse Workers may inflate the price, citing the complexity of the project and the difficulty of sawing the bowls. There is a risk of getting a significant amount of waste. None.

When building a house with your own hands, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of timber needed for work, because. shortage and excess entail additional monetary costs.

  • The easiest option is to contact the seller (manufacturer). When buying lumber, the seller usually does not take money for the calculation. But, it should be remembered that the distributor is inclined to round off the amount of timber, which, given its cost per cubic meter. quite costly.
  • The second in complexity and risk is to use the calculator for calculating the timber for the house and set the parameters for the calculation. This method is quite accurate, although it is not without drawbacks. Among them: a defect in the timber, not taking into account the shrinkage of the house, trimming errors.
  • The most difficult, but also reliable, is an independent calculation for spreading. To do this, a sketch of the house is made, on which dimensions are applied, and the amount of material is calculated manually. So you can calculate the number of units of timber of the desired length. To the number obtained as a result of the calculation, you need to add 5-7% for trimming, low-quality timber.

Note. A good profiled beam has clearly defined parameters and is cut with an accuracy of 1 mm, which allows you to be sure of the accuracy of the calculations.

The choice of section of profiled timber for building a house is determined by SNiP II-3-79. The calculation for Moscow according to the standards of the specified document is given in the table:

Note. When buying timber for building a house, you need to pay attention to the presence of a cut, which is designed to reduce the likelihood of cracking the timber.

Stage 2. Foundation for a house made of profiled timber

Compensation for shrinkage of a log house

Shrinkage of a house made of profiled timber is a natural process caused by the properties of wood. Drying the timber in a natural way or in a chamber, allows you to reduce the moisture content of the wood and reduce the percentage of shrinkage. But it cannot be completely excluded. Shrinkage is 3-5% for kiln dried profiled lumber and 8% for air dried lumber.

Given this feature of profiled timber, construction companies offer two types of construction of houses from profiled timber:

  • to shrink. The work is to be carried out in two phases. First, a box is built, and after a year and a half of inactivity, they begin to install a warm circuit (windows, doors), stairs, do interior decoration, etc .;
  • Full construction. In this case, the work is carried out in one go, and the installation of elements is carried out in compliance with the requirements for shrinkage compensation.

Stage 7. Installation of individual elements

Do-it-yourself construction of a house from profiled timber is usually done under shrinkage. But if there is a need to quickly move into the house, then you need to adhere to the following recommendations when installing building and decor elements, which, unlike walls, shrink to different heights and at different speeds:

Window and door openings.

They are formed by installing the frame in a casing box (pitting, casing). Thanks to the sliding structure of the frame and the expansion gap, windows and doors do not deform when the house shrinks.

Note. When installing doors and windows is not used polyurethane foam, because it hardens and does not have sufficient flexibility. Natural insulation wrapped in a vapor-permeable film is used.

Columns, poles, racks, supports and other vertical elements.

They are installed on adjusting systems - jacks (shrinkage compensators), which will allow you to level different sizes shrinkage.

Roof elements.

Rafter legs are attached to the upper crown by using sliding elements.

As for the installation of sliding fasteners at the installation site of the ridge, opinions are divided here. Some masters advise doing it. Others emphasize the sufficiency of one sliding connection along the upper crown.


This element is advised to be installed after shrinkage of a house from a bar. At least one year after construction, when the main shrinkage occurred. Installation is carried out as follows: the base of the stairs (string or stringer) is attached to the ceiling also using sliding elements.

Stage 8. Interior decoration of the house from profiled timber

Finishing work, such as installing a drywall frame, is also recommended after shrinking a house from a profiled beam. However, the use of sliding fasteners will allow you to get to work earlier.

Fulfill plastering work or laying tiles on walls made of timber does not make sense. These materials are difficult to deform during shrinkage, which leads to the appearance of cracks or shedding of the material.

Stage 9 Exterior wall treatment

Do not forget that a house made of profiled timber needs protection from external factors; for this, after construction, antiseptics and fire retardants are applied to the walls. The frequency of their application is determined by the manufacturer of the product, and is usually 3-5 years.

Good reviews about such materials:

Fire retardants:

  • Phenilax. The cost is 650 rubles / 6 kg.
  • The cost is 440 rubles / 1.1 l .;
  • NEOMID 450-1. The cost is 1,339 rubles / 10 liters;
  • OZONE-007. Cost 4,990 rubles / 48 kg;
  • Senezh OgneBio Prof. The cost is 1,790 rubles / 23 kg.


  • Aquatex primer. The cost is 2,090 rubles / 10 liters.
  • Nortex-Transit (concentrate). The cost is 8,123 rubles / 19 kg. This composition is a transport one, i.e. It is intended only for processing wood during transportation or storage. It is not recommended to cover finished walls, because. it does not penetrate into the structure of the wood, providing only surface protection.
  • Senezh. The cost is 750 rubles / 10 kg.

Impregnation for protection and tinting of wood:

  • lacquer Krasula. The cost is 2,700 rubles / 11 kg;
  • Senezh Aquadecor. The cost is 2,680 rubles / 9 kg.

Building a house from profiled timber - video

The cost of building a house from profiled timber

The construction of a house from a turnkey timber or with your own hands consists of such factors as:

  • material;
  • fare;
  • consumables;
  • the complexity of the project;
  • the size of the house;
  • project cost;
  • payment for the services of a construction team, if they are involved in the performance of any work or consultations;
  • costs for obtaining permits for connecting communications, etc.


We hope that this instruction explains in sufficient detail how to build a house from a profiled beam on your own, and the result will please more than one generation of users.

The construction of a wooden dwelling requires carpentry skills and appropriate carpentry tools. The construction process consists of several stages, not too complicated, but very responsible. Before you assemble a house from a bar, you should carefully study the technology, choose the right material and make calculations. This will help not only to qualitatively complete the task, but also to reduce construction costs.

Site preparation and foundation construction

For erection log house best fit strip foundation. They begin work with site preparation: they remove high vegetation and stones, level all recesses and mounds, make markings. According to the marking, they dig a trench with a width of 25 cm, the depth of the trench depends on the quality of the soil on the site and the height of the building. The beam is a relatively light building material, and therefore a one-story house made of timber can be installed on a shallow foundation. If it is planned to build 2 floors or the soil under the house is too loose and unstable, the depth of the foundation should correspond to the depth of soil freezing, from 1.2 to 1.5 m.

Types of timber and logs.

For the manufacture of the foundation you will need:

  • crushed stone and sand;
  • concrete mortar;
  • boards or plywood for formwork;
  • iron bars for reinforcement;
  • building level.

Crushed stone with sand is poured into the prepared trench, and then a reinforcing mesh is formed from the rods. It is not recommended to use welding to connect the rods; it is better to take a knitting wire. Formwork is fixed on the sides of the trench and concrete mortar is poured. If it is not possible to buy a ready-made solution, you need to mix cement with sand and gravel in a ratio of 1: 3: 4; the grade of cement should be 400 or 500. It takes about 2 weeks to stand the foundation.

Laying the first row

The frame of a wooden house from a bar.

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For a log house, it is necessary to choose only whole even bars without visible defects. The first crown should consist of the strongest timber cut from the core of the tree. This can be determined by the density and arrangement of the rings on the cut. It is very important that the wood is dry and light - bars with dark spots or cuts gray color are not suitable for a log house.

During installation, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • ruberoid;
  • liquid bituminous mixture;
  • antiseptic;
  • wooden dowels;
  • plane;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw.

The surface of the foundation tape is covered with liquid bitumen, on which roofing material is laid. Such waterproofing reliably protects the house from a bar from the penetration of moisture from the foundation and extends its service life several times. The width of the roofing material should be 20-30 cm more than the width of the foundation, so that its edges hang over the same distance on both sides. At the joints, the material is overlapped by 7-10 cm, thickly coated with bitumen and pressed firmly.

Beam fastener.

When assembling the first row, you need to decide on the type of corner joints. by the most economical option is a “half-tree” connection, when the upper part is cut out at the lower beam, and the lower part at the upper one. With this method of fastening, less material is consumed, the ends of the bars do not go beyond the corners of the building. Before starting the assembly, all wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic and dried, and then holes for the dowels are drilled. These holes should be located along the beam every one and a half meters.

After processing the building material, they begin laying the first crown. First, the first 2 beams are laid out on the foundation from two opposite sides, then 2 more with cut grooves at the ends are lowered on top of them at a right angle. The corners are tightly adjusted with a sledgehammer and the entire row is leveled, the protruding sections should be corrected with a planer.

Arrangement of floor coverings

Floor for the house from a glued bar.

Related article: Strip foundation: types and features

When the first row of the log house is laid and fixed, it is necessary to mount the floor coverings and the base bearing walls. During the installation process you will need:

  • wooden beams with a section of 150x100 mm;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • level and tape measure.

In two opposite bars with inside cut out shallow grooves every 40 cm. Experts recommend cutting not rectangular, but T-shaped grooves, the ends of the beams are cut accordingly. This tie-in method is called "dovetail" and is used to increase the strength of the frame connections with internal partitions and ceilings; You can make such grooves using a manual milling machine. When installing floor beams, be sure to check their horizontalness. building level. All beams must be in the same plane, otherwise the floor of the log house will be skewed.

The erection of the walls of the building

The device of a wall from a bar.

The next step is building walls. For work you will need:

  • timber;
  • insulation;
  • building level;
  • pins;
  • hacksaw;
  • chainsaw.

In order for the assembly of the walls to be of the highest quality, special attention should be paid to connecting the corners. There are several ways of bandaging a log house: in a bowl, in a paw, on a root spike. The first 2 options are used for round logs, while the third method is ideal for a rectangular beam. Dressing on the root tenon is somewhat laborious, but at the same time it gives the maximum density of the joints. The process itself looks like this: at the ends of one beam, 2/3 of its thickness is cut off, leaving an even rectangular spike. At the ends of another beam, a groove of the appropriate size is cut out, into which the spike will enter. After joining, the bars are fastened with dowels to the previous row and the next.

In each row, the arrangement of grooves and spikes should alternate.

Nagels are metal and wooden; when building a log house with your own hands, it is better to use wooden fasteners. The standard thickness of the pins is 25 mm, the height is from 120 to 150 mm. It is recommended to drill holes for fasteners 2-3 cm deeper. The walls are assembled according to the following scheme: a row is laid, corner joints are adjusted, a heater is laid on top along the perimeter, the next crown is laid and dowels are driven in.

Building a house from a profiled beam with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. What houses are not built from: brick, concrete, natural stone, marble, clay, sandstone and shell rock, wood. Historically, wood has been and remains the most favorite building material in our region. Every year the choice of lumber in the construction market is growing. Our ancestors built their houses from raw round logs.
Today, the choice of construction timber is quite diverse: log, wood of natural humidity, rounded, profiled (both natural humidity and chamber drying) and glued beams. In this article, we will tell you how to build a house from a profiled beam step by step.

Beautiful 2-storey house built of profiled wood. Such housing can be built in 1-2 seasons.

What kind of wood is better to buy?

You can build a wooden house at any time of the year, but it is best to buy wood in winter. Wood harvested in winter is denser and gives off moisture more evenly when it dries. Profiled timber is made mainly from coniferous trees, so the air in such a house will be saturated not only with a woody aroma, but also with natural antiseptics of the released resins. Walls have such a natural property as "breathing". Up to 35% of the air passes through the wood pores, ventilating the room. The phased construction of a house made of profiled wood begins with the choice of building materials.

What is treated wood

Ready assembled kit for building.

  • profiled timber of natural humidity: length 6 m, the most common thickness is 150x100mm, 150x150mm and 200x200mm. The drying process does not stop until the house is built from this material. Whether this building material will lead or not in the process of shrinkage, no one can predict, moreover, cracks may appear on its surface. The shrinkage period takes from 6 months to 3 years;
  • chamber-drying profiled timber: drying takes place in special drying chambers. However, this does not mean that the processed building material will not shrink, it will only shrink significantly less than wood of natural moisture content. In addition, "roasting" in the oven allows you to rid the wood of fungus, insect larvae and other biological muck.

For more information about this type of building material, see the video tutorial.

It's time to start talking about the step-by-step construction of a house from profiled timber.


The beginning of construction is the foundation: a wooden house has a relatively small weight, so it is not at all necessary to build a massive capital foundation for it. Based on the soil indicators, the house can generally be placed on poles or piles.

This is often resorted to, since in this case the price of building a house from profiled timber will be slightly lower due to savings. However, most often they still build a strip foundation.

Attention to the video:

Bottom trim

During the lower strapping, a beam or log is laid on the foundation, on top of which the house is directly assembled. Before the strapping is performed, waterproofing from bituminous mastic and roofing material must be laid on the foundation. The log intended for strapping is very carefully, even in 2-3 layers, covered with an antiseptic composition.

Sometimes, on top of the antiseptic, the wood along the entire length, excluding the ends, is also treated with engine oil. The oil film prevents moisture from getting inside the wood.

What is the binding for?

If you are interested in the question of how to build a house from a profiled beam with your own hands, then you are probably wondering - why do you need a strapping at all? Wood and concrete, even waterproofed, have different thermal conductivity, so the place of their contact is most prone to decay.

Does the strapping beam need to be fixed to the foundation? Experts are divided on this issue. Some believe that it is necessary, otherwise the house may move. Others say that it is not necessary, because there have not yet been cases of a house “escape” from its pedestal. You decide.

Be sure to watch the proposed video on the topic of the article.

Laying floor joists

The material for the manufacture of floor lags is a profiled beam, a carriage (a round log sawn from two parallel sides), sometimes a 50 mm board folded in three layers. These are standard kits for building a house from profiled timber. Logs are stacked from each other at a distance of 60-80 cm, parallel to a short wall. If the length of the lag is not enough, it can be lengthened, then an additional support is constructed under the junction.

The logs serve as a frame for the floor, rough floors are laid on them (an unedged board of 15-50 mm is used), a heater and a finishing floor is already on top.

We continue to tell you how to build a house from profiled timber yourself.

Laying the first crowns

The first crown - it, like the strapping beam, must be very carefully treated with an antiseptic (however, machine working is not forbidden). When laying the first crown, do not rush, check with a rope that the lengths of the sides and diagonals match. And the level - the absence of skew.

Wall assembly

The walls are going crown by crown to the height specified in the project. Between the timber, do not forget to lay a tape insulation or tow, the crowns are interconnected by dowels. Particular attention should be paid to corner joints. The presence of drafts in the house depends on their quality.

Roof and ceiling

Of course, before you build a house from a profiled beam with your own hands, you have chosen which roof will cover your house. Ceiling bars, as a rule, accurately copy the location of the floor lag, boards, waterproofing, and insulation are laid. For the roof, a frame is made - rafters and crate. The density of the lathing depends on the material chosen for covering the roof.

Everything, the main work is completed, the house must go through the stage of shrinkage.

Finishing the house from profiled timber

After a year, the house is caulked, windows and doors are inserted, the final flooring, communications, external and internal wall decoration are made. By the way, it is best to treat the house from pests in the first three months after assembly (in case the tree was not treated before laying). See the video for more details.

Is it possible to build a house without insulation?

Is it possible to build a house from profiled timber without insulation?

I guess, yes. It all depends on the thickness of the wood used (for permanent residence it must be at least 180 x 200 mm), the climate in which the house is built, on what kind of operation is planned - seasonal or permanent.

How to assemble a house from a bar 150x150? Full overview of the issue. No experience anywhere

The embodiment and implementation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to assemble a house from a 150x150 timber may be of interest to those owners of a plot or land who want to build a fairly fast pace and without involving specialized construction teams to build a not too bulky, usually one-story building.

Whether it is a summer house or a place for permanent residence, a bathhouse or an auxiliary utility room, the opportunity to perform many of the works on your own attracts.

But in order to start building a building from a bar, you need to clearly understand the plan and scope of work to be completed, so that later your project does not turn into another long-term construction due to lack of materials or insufficient funds.

How to assemble a house from a bar 150x150, provided that the site for construction has already been selected (the purchased plot of land was analyzed for heaving and the presence of groundwater, and soil samples were taken and its nature was determined)?

As a rule, everything starts with a project.

If the building is small and one-story, choosing it yourself (there is a lot of free information on the Internet) will save you quite a lot of money, since developing projects from scratch in the corresponding company costs a lot of money. Therefore, it is best to spend your time on planning, not money.


The basis for the long life of any structure.

From what it will be, and how well it is thought out, sometimes very, very much depends. Usually, the foundation, subject to normal soils and not too uneven terrain, is chosen either as a self-leveling tape or piled concrete.

This will be enough to implement the plan. A self-leveling slab is both costly and does not justify material investments for such a not too heavy and massive one-story building.

How to make a strip foundation with your own hands has already been described in our other article, so we will not dwell on this step in detail, but rather we will immediately proceed to the assembly steps.

Advantages and disadvantages

I must say that timber is an environmentally friendly material, so for people who care about health and nature, it is just very suitable as a building material of choice.

In addition, a beam has significant advantages over a log: less material is needed for construction and it is better processed.

However, in the red- its susceptibility to helical deformation (which is successfully combated by the use of profiled material) and poor security of seams and joints, requiring additional processing.

Manufacturers have recently dried profiled material.

This procedure helps to avoid shrinkage after construction. There is also glued laminated timber - a high-tech material and geometrically stable, not subject to moisture.

Of this, although it costs more, and you need to try to build.


For the construction of walls, a timber 150x150 is taken, cut off at the corners of the laying. Everything should start from the bottom crown. This part of the building should be given the most attention.

But in the beginning, you need to think about waterproofing (if it didn’t fit during the pouring of the foundation).

Before laying the timber, it is necessary to lay roofing material with longitudinal fastenings with boards that are processed with bitumen.

One of the methods for creating a log house is half a tree. Pins are used here - special spikes - wooden or metal, designed to connect the bars.

Special holes are made, both in the corners and according to the length - a step is not less than a meter. The 1st crown is installed, and a fiber insulation is placed on top. In the future, the laying of subsequent crowns continues. Nagels are usually hammered starting from the 3rd row of the timber.

Another way to assemble is to connect along the length.

The correct technology for assembling a house from a bar

The length of the beam is 6 meters (standard). By a certain method, the ends of each of the bars are cut out so that they can be connected into a lock. Such a design from the third row must also be fixed with dowel spikes.

root thorn.

On the first beam you need to drive a spike. In the other, make a groove of the desired size. The angle of the log house is created when these parts come close. But they still prefer to collect the first crown half a tree. The entire structure is also connected with dowels.

Which assembly method to choose is up to you, based on your preferences and the characteristics of the building materials. And also it can directly depend on personal skills and abilities, if you are going to drive out a log house with your own hands.

Roof assembly

If the removal of the walls reaches an already certain design level, you can proceed to the construction of the roof.

This is a rather difficult process that is difficult to perform without preparation. The best option is a two-slope design.

Rafters are the backbone of any roof. Their fastening is carried out with staples and nails. When erecting, one should remember about laying down communications (for example, a gas pipe), as well as about arranging a chimney if a stove or fireplace is to be installed in the house.
Next, you need to lay a film on the rafters to isolate from steam, sew on slats for the counter-lattice, then - the crate itself.

The material from which the roof covering will be made is selected and installation is carried out. For example, if you took a metal tile, then our article with the appropriate title will tell you how to install it as a working surface of the roof.

Floor installation

The assembly of a log house from a bar will not do without the traditional installation of the floor, in which special care must be taken. Most often, the floor is made double, and an insulating layer is laid between its parts.

For the floor, an edged board is usually used, which is hemmed from below.

So that it does not come off in the near future, the stitches must be carried out evenly and accurately. A cranial beam will also be used for the floor. And its fastenings are made according to the lags. Finishing the floor cleanly can be done with modern coatings, and "antique", depending on the interior design of the room you have conceived.


  • In a log cabin, the ceiling should consist of several layers, the installation of which seems mandatory.
  • The lining, which is located inside and is mainly aesthetic characteristics.
  • The vapor barrier layer, which is located next and serves to protect the beams from the penetration of air from the inside, to prevent rotting of the rafters.

Insulation, which will serve to ensure that warm air does not leave the building during frosts (it is located closest to the roof).

After its installation, the implementation of the idea of ​​​​how to assemble a house from a 150x150 timber can be completed, and you can proceed with the installation of windows and doors, interior and exterior decoration of a building built by yourself.

Raw materials of profiled timber

Profiled timber is usually made from timber pine, spruce, fir, larch or cedar. They are less prone to various tree diseases than deciduous ones, grow relatively quickly, have less weight and density. Of the hardwoods, GOST 11047 considers only aspen and birch suitable for the manufacture of wall beams, but with restrictions on the location in the log house: except for window sills, rafters and beams that form two lower crowns, i.e.

e. in places of greatest ingress of precipitation, condensation. From conifers, better products are obtained, impregnated with their own natural antiseptic - resin.

Coniferous beams are subdivided into grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 depending on the number and types of permissible wood defects: cracks, fiber inclination, heel, core, sprouting, fungal and biological lesions, warping, etc.

(Only the number of knots is not standardized).

Specific requirements for the quality of wood, dimensions and characteristics of lumber and products are given in the following standards:

Manufacturing technology of profiled timber

  1. The log cleared of bark is planed from four sides, giving a square or rectangular shape in cross section.
  2. Then, with profile cutters, several parallel recesses are cut along the entire length (the width and shape depend on the purpose).
  3. As a result, a "groove-ridge" system is obtained on two opposite sides, which now become lateral and will be combined in the wall with the profiles of the lower and upper bars.

One or both front sides (“street” and “into the house”) can be flat or semicircular, imitating a rounded log.

The ribs on the outer front side are left in the form of a sharp rectangular edge or cut off with a slight slope. Such chamfers create additional protection of the joints from water ingress during rain or snowfall, accelerate its runoff along the wall.

After profiling, the beam is either immediately delivered to the consumer, or it first passes a special drying(in a drying chamber with hot steam), and in accordance with these distinguish between:

  • Beam profiled natural moisture 82-87%
  • Beam profiled dry no more 18-20%

The dimensions, like those of other types of timber, are prescribed in the standard 24454-80, starting from 100 mm in width.

The length varies from 2 to 9 m, the most common is 6 m.

In the manufacture of beams from wood with a moisture content exceeding 22% , allowances for shrinkage in width and thickness are provided in accordance with GOST 6782.1 for coniferous wood and GOST 6782.2 for hardwood. The higher the humidity of the timber, the longer they will dry out and the longer the shrinkage of the walls will last.

Possible measures to prevent cracks during lumber shrinkage:

  • Build a house in autumn or winter, then cracks will appear less often and look smaller;
  • When choosing a beam, give preference to a rectangular cross-section - in this case, only the wide side cracks, on a “square” beam a crack can go along any side;
  • A small compensation cut made in advance on the beam will make it easier for internal stress to escape.

Characteristics of profiled timber

Strength pine/spruce 420, 375 or 280 kgf/cm²

For one or another type of wooden products and structures, several values ​​are determined depending on the type of load.


  • for bending - when loading the edge, and then face;
  • for compression along the fibers;
  • stretching and shearing along the fibers.

First of all, the grade affects the strength of a certain breed. For example, here are the resistance to bending under loading of the face for pine and spruce lumber of grades 1, 2 and 3, respectively (SNiP II-25-80).

Thermal conductivity 0.1-0.36 W/(m °C) The value decreases with the thickening of the timber and increases with the increase in the moisture content of the wood.
Geometry violation

Profiling increases the reliability of joining the beams, makes the walls windproof and protected from the penetration of precipitation.

Nevertheless, after a year and a half, the structure shrinks - the bars lose moisture (even dry glued ones), decreasing in size.

In addition, the process occurs unevenly along the body of the beam, which is explained by the unequal density in different parts of the log (butt, top, knotty places). The result is manifested in the form of bending, twisting around its axis.

The profile becomes a disadvantage, since it does not allow caulking the defects that have arisen.

To initially minimize their appearance, you need to press down the wall as much as possible, for which the upper crown is assembled from the heaviest bars. The ideal option would be to build an attic floor, because the weight of a simple attic space is not enough for sufficient loading.

Disease susceptibility Since wood is a material of natural origin, its uniformity depends on the conditions of growth and development of the tree, on the degree of exposure to it during this period of microorganisms and insects.

Therefore, the presence of certain defects is almost inevitable - areas of wood on which homogeneity is violated. Their number, permissible species are normalized by the standards for each variety separately.

The higher the homogeneity of the wood, the more durable and thermally resistant the product will be. To maintain its performance at the proper level, to extend the service life, treatment with antiseptic agents is called upon.

Shrinkage up to 8% of the size
  • Bar of natural humidity 4-8
  • Bar dry 1.5-2
fire resistance group D (combustible materials) Impregnation with flame retardants and/or paints is mandatory.
Price planed profiled timber of natural humidity from 7000 rubles / m³

If notches are not made at the ends for a corner joint, then the timber is considered to be molded and its price is approximately 40% lower than the timber with bowls (made for a specific project, i.

e. when purchasing from the manufacturer a kit that is completely ready for assembly at home).

Also, the price increases with the thickness of the timber. For example, if a product with a section side of 150 mm costs 7,000 rubles.

per cube, the following will cost: 200 mm - 7400, 250 mm - 9300.

These values ​​are given for pine and spruce wood, but a bar made of Siberian larch and Altai cedar will cost from 14,500 rubles. - moldings and from 18500 - with bowls (wall kit).

The cost of dry planed timber from 7900 rubles/m³


  • A complex profile and its high-precision execution ensures a snug fit of the bars and an almost solid structure;
  • The assembly of walls is easier and faster than from non-profiled timber;
  • The air and vapor permeability of a house made of solid timber is better than houses made of glued;
  • Although the glue, which is necessarily used in the production of glued laminated timber, meets sanitary standards, it is still an artificial material, and natural solid wood looks preferable in terms of environmental friendliness;
  • Due to the low thermal conductivity of wood, heating costs are reduced, low weight - the load on the foundation;
  • A characteristic feature of profiled timber (especially dry) is its exceptional smoothness, achieved by the cleanliness of processing on high-tech equipment, so you can do without additional wall decoration;
  • Profiled dry timber approx. 2-2,5 times cheaper than glued, but at the same time it is very close to it in terms of its technical characteristics: thermal insulation, shrinkage, speed and technology of building a house, aesthetics, etc.

Disadvantages of profiled timber

  • Less durable and hard than glued;
  • As on a conventional beam (simple section), cracks form due to drying, temperature changes, deformation can occur (first of all, this concerns a profiled beam of natural moisture, a dry beam cracks much less often);
  • Despite the low thermal conductivity of wood, if the timber is less than 220 mm thick, wall insulation may be required.


When ordering a house kit made of profiled timber, delivery to the construction site becomes, in fact, one of the (no less important) stages of the production process: the slightest damage will subsequently lead to a violation of the integrity of the wall.

Therefore, the quality of loading and unloading operations, compliance with the rules for packing and placing transport packages on the cargo platform determine the safety of each element, and then the accuracy and efficiency of assembling the future home.

For greater reliability, the bars are placed on pallets, wrapped with film and packing tape (GOST 19041-85).

It is better to transport heavy packages on vehicles equipped with manipulators to prevent falls, bumps and other dangerous situations during unloading.

Alexander Kiyaev Date: 2013-05-05

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A house made of profiled timber - beautiful without finishing

Houses made of profiled timber are one of the most common types of wooden housing. The features of the building material give them many advantages, which are manifested both during construction and during living.

A profiled beam is a wooden beam (most often made of coniferous wood), processed on four sides on a special machine.

When assembling the house, the bars are connected according to the groove-comb system. Profiled timber has a smooth surface that does not require additional finishing.

In addition, it is more durable than a conventional timber, since it is made only from the middle part of the trunk. The material has low thermal conductivity (0.18-0.35 W/m3). Houses from it have numerous advantages.

- A house made of profiled timber is easy and quick to assemble. This is due to the fact that the materials necessary for the assembly of the log house are supplied in kits, which include a beam already trimmed according to a specific project and equipped with connecting locks and holes for dowels.

- The connection of the timber does not allow water to flow into the walls, and this, in turn, prevents rotting.
— Since during the production of profiled timber, stress is removed from it from all four sides, there are much fewer cracks in the walls of a house made of it than in houses made of logs.

- In the manufacture of profiled timber, only natural raw materials are used, so houses made of it are classified as the most environmentally friendly housing.
- Machining gives the surface of the profiled timber a smooth and attractive appearance, so that the house does not need external finishing.

And this leads to direct savings in construction.
- Low thermal conductivity and tight connection of the bars with each other provide high energy-saving performance at home. It warms up quickly and retains heat for a long time. In addition, to provide warmth in the house, profiled timber will need less than rounded logs.

For example, a profiled beam with a section of 140x140 mm is equivalent in terms of thermal insulation to a log with a diameter of 240 mm, 190x190 mm - 320 mm and 240x190 mm - 420 mm.

To achieve the same thermal insulation profiled timber requires up to 40% less both in volume and cost than round logs, and it is almost two times cheaper than glued laminated timber.
- A house made of profiled timber, unlike a house made of logs, does not require caulking after shrinkage, which leads to cost savings both in material and labor.
“Unlike glued laminated timber structures, profiled timber houses constantly undergo natural air exchange due to the fact that the internal structure of the wood is not disturbed.

Even with the windows closed, there is always fresh air in the house. And this means that you do not have to buy an additional 22 air conditioner. The house itself maintains optimal humidity, oxygen balance and distributes heat, creating comfortable living conditions.
- The strength of the timber and the reliability of the connections ensures the stability of the structure.

- If the construction is carried out from a bar of natural moisture, then shrinkage of the structure necessarily occurs. Therefore, it is necessary either to let the house stand for one season before installing windows and doors, or to leave the so-called technological gaps. It is possible to avoid this when using dry profiled timber (15-18% moisture content).

o Despite the fire treatment, the wood is still a combustible material, so it is possible for the house to catch fire.
- Possible damage to the walls by rodents and insects.

The price of materials and work when assembling a house from profiled timber

The first stage, from which the construction of a house begins, is the design.

Since each manufacturer of house kits has its own characteristics, it is advisable to take them into account already at the design stage. Therefore, it is ideal if the design is carried out in the same company that will build the house. Design costs 180 rubles/m2. Erection of the foundation Houses from profiled timber are placed, as a rule, on a strip foundation. If the soil moisture is such that the construction of a concrete base is impossible, screw piles are used as the foundation.

Piles can also be used if the house is on a slope.

Log house assembly
The crowns are fastened to each other with the help of dowels in a checkerboard pattern. To ensure the best heat-saving properties of a house in our region, it is recommended to use a bar with a section of 200 × 200 mm. A heater is placed between the crowns. Padding is left in window and door openings.

In order to avoid structural damage during shrinkage, retaining poles are supplied with jacks.

Roof and all
After the log house is ready, the rafter system, floor beams and roof are erected. If the structure is complex and there is a risk of damage during shrinkage, a temporary roof is made. After that, it is recommended to interrupt construction for one season so that the timber dries.

At the second stage, windows and doors are installed, engineering communications are carried out and wood is treated to protect it from the sun, moisture and insects. It is advisable to start heating smoothly to avoid stress in the tree.

Beam in profile

Profiled timber due to the clear dimensions and shape of the profile allows you to save on interventional insulation, interior and exterior decoration.

Tongue-and-groove joints between the beams prevent rainwater from entering the wall.

One of the most common materials in wooden construction is profiled timber.

During the production process, the timber blanks are given a clear size and a strictly defined standard shape.

Profiled timber is most often produced from coniferous trees (pine, cedar, spruce, larch).

Profiled timber is made only from sound (located in the middle of the trunk) wood, since it has a stronger structure. This is due to the fact that in the middle of the trunk there is practically no sap flow, as well as a higher concentration of resin (in coniferous trees) or tannins (in deciduous trees). Coniferous trunks have fewer knots, and are also less prone to rotting and are easier to process.

The most popular material is pine, because it has the best value for money. Trees growing in colder regions have better building qualities: their wood is less damp and more dense.

Profiled timber is made from edged timber with a moisture content of not more than 22%.

Before profiling, the material is kept for 3-5 months in a natural drying warehouse or in a drying chamber. The minimum section of the beam is 250 × 240 mm. With the help of a set of milling cutters, the workpiece is given the necessary shape, turned and chamfered from the corners. Then, spikes and grooves (profile) of a certain shape are cut along the entire length of the timber. Works are carried out using high-precision automated equipment.

The material is produced with a section of 95×95 mm, 95×45 mm, 145×145 mm, 145×195 mm, 195×195 mm.

Length - 6 thousand mm. For the construction of the external walls of a house or a bath, a section of at least 145 × 145 mm is used, a smaller beam goes to internal partitions.

- environmental friendliness.

All assembly steps

No chemicals are used in the manufacture. Flame retardants and biocides, with which the timber is impregnated to protect against fire and biodestruction, are harmful to humans only at the time of processing. After drying, they have no effect on people and animals;
- low thermal conductivity (0.18-0.35 W / m3) with a low density (500 kg / m3).

Compared to other building materials, profiled timber is lightweight, but has better thermal insulation properties (see table). Due to the low coefficient of thermal conductivity, a house made of profiled timber heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time;
– optimal price / quality ratio. Profiled timber is cheaper than glued timber, but more expensive than edged timber (due to more labor-intensive production).

If we compare a wall made of profiled timber and a rounded log, then with equal thermal conductivity to the first
- aesthetic appearance.

Due to the fact that the material is additionally processed on the machine, the walls do not require either external or internal finishing. Therefore, houses made of profiled timber are often built in places with low average temperatures and high humidity: you can come to such a house in the cold season and quickly warm it up to a comfortable temperature;
- the ability to "breathe".

Walls made of profiled timber provide natural air circulation and its comfortable humidity, which favorably affects the well-being of residents;
- a strong connection that protects the walls from rainwater between the bars, which, in turn, prevents rotting.

- combustibility (treatment with flame retardants is required);
— exposure to adverse effects of atmospheric phenomena;
- susceptibility to biological damage (treatment with bioprotective agents is required);
- can crack when the structure shrinks (if the beam is not previously dried to at least 20%);
- additional insulation of the walls from the outside is required;
- after the construction of a house or a bath from a profiled beam, it is impossible to work on redevelopment or superstructure.

more on the topic:
What to build a wooden house?

Solid wood houses
Wooden houses from beams against frame-panel

How to make a profiled beam yourself?

Every year, the assortment on the lumber market is expanding more and more. Building materials suitable for the construction of wooden houses are becoming more and more advanced and modern.

How to work with ordinary timber, which was not profiled from the very beginning? Especially considering how quickly it is being replaced by more modern counterparts, such as glued or profiled timber and others.

The least expensive in work is the most common edged timber. And today it is possible to perform beam profiling even with your own hands.

Profiled timber

Distinctive features

Profiled timber- This is a building material made of coniferous wood and having specific dimensions.

As a rule, pine, spruce or cedar is taken as the basis for the timber. If we look at the beam more closely, we can see that its inner side is planed very evenly, and the outer one has a semi-oval shape.

It happens that all sides of the beam are even.

Unlike the usual one, the profiled beam has grooves on the sides that allow the beams to be joined one to the other. This is done for better bonding of the bars to each other. An important advantage of profiled timber is its environmental friendliness, because glue is not used in its manufacture.

In addition, profiled timber is attractive to the mass buyer for its price and ability to retain heat, as well as ease and convenience of assembly, which, of course, is an important factor for those who are engaged in construction on their own.

With all the positive qualities of a profiled beam, like any other building material of wood origin, pores may remain on it.

Because of this, mold or fungus can gradually form on it. To avoid this, wood must be treated with special protective compounds.

When using wood as a building material high risk of cracking, which indicates its poor quality.

Over time, these defects can become more noticeable, and they have to be constantly monitored for the appearance of through cracks. On the profile beam, the probability of cracking tends to zero.

Independent profiling of a bar can be done in several ways.

This can significantly save your finances and get high-quality competitive building material. Some people think that this is impossible. However, practice shows that with the desire, time, patience and relevant experience, nothing is impossible.

Advantages of a do-it-yourself profiled beam

Of course, it is much easier and faster to buy ready-made building material, but the independent production of building materials in the form of profiled timber has not lost its relevance.

Self-made profiled timber can save tens of thousands of rubles. But it takes a lot of time.
2. By making a beam on your own, you can give it any geometric shape, which will allow you to further make it more densely stacked, and this, in turn, will ensure the absence of drafts.

In addition, being engaged in the production of timber, only you will be responsible for its quality, which means that you will be 100% sure of it.
3. Finished profiled timber walls do not require further finishing. Therefore, such laying of building material is important, which will hide the insulation. By making building material yourself, you can foresee this important point.

With your own hands, you can ensure a higher quality of the connecting grooves, which will affect the density of the bars adjoining each other.

Which profile type should you choose?

When choosing the most suitable profile for you, you should first give an adequate assessment of your experience in the field of manufacturing building materials.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in the production of timber. However, some efforts still have to be made, spending a lot of time.

The easiest way is to opt for the profile of the simplest designs. In this case, you will not need to use any specialized tool, you will not need to do complex calculations.

On the basis of already existing standards developed for the main connections of wooden parts, profiled beams are made.

The calculation algorithm can be found in the available documents. It is possible to manufacture a profile of two types:

- profiling through the bar;
— profiling through triangles.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a profile, it is necessary to calculate its dimensions.

Calculation is required for each section. The calculation algorithm can be taken from the existing GOST. When laying a beam from this category, it is necessary to use a heater with a thickness of at least five centimeters.

Do-it-yourself production of profiled timber

In the manufacture of profiled timber, you can use various methods.

The easiest will be to work with a manual milling cutter with a power of at least one and a half kilowatts. It is necessary to work with the tool using special nozzles.
In the presence of a simple profile, a cutter with a diameter equal to ten centimeters is used. With a complex profile shape, nozzles can be different.

How to assemble a house from a profiled beam

With such a tool, you can independently make a beam of any complexity, even with a D-shaped side. But in this case, you can not do without a grinder and a special electric planer.

The most important thing when working is to follow the calculations exactly, because the term “profiling” itself implies perfect cleanliness and dimensional accuracy.

The advantages of this method are:

- the exact end result, provided that the workpiece is of high quality, is achieved due to the accuracy of the milling cutter;
- with a good sharpening of the milling nozzle, no additional grinding is required.
In addition to the obvious advantages, this method also has its drawbacks:
- the high cost of the milling machine;
- the difficulty of selecting suitable nozzles, since they are not produced for all machines.

What can you use a circular saw for?

Another method for profiling a beam is carried out using improvised tools.

One such handy tool is a circular saw.

Its cost will be about five thousand rubles. And choosing the right tool is based on the brand of the manufacturer.

An important aspect when choosing a saw should be the ability to carry out cuts of different depths with it.

The advantages of this method are:
- the ability to control the accuracy of the dimensions of the cut;
- The end result is perfectly straight and smooth grooves.
The negative aspects of working with a circular saw are:
- shallow depth of cut;
- the inability to clean the groove;
- the need to change the tool settings after each operation performed;
- low speed of work.

It is most convenient to work with a circular in the manufacture of a triangular groove.
Both tools are allowed.

So, for example, to cut a rounded quarter, you can first use a circular saw, and then refine the fillets with a milling machine. It is better not to dispose of the remaining waste immediately, because they may be needed to connect the bars to each other.

Features of glued laminated timber

This type of beam is popular in the construction of private houses.

In its manufacture, modern technologies are used. Separate boards are cut out of coniferous wood, which are also called "lamellas". Then these boards are planed to perfect smoothness, and then glued with a special compound.

The finished workpiece is placed under a powerful press. The great advantage of glued beams is considered to be its length, which can reach 18 m.

In terms of strength, profiled timber is inferior to glued timber, since during its manufacture the strongest outer part of the tree is removed. While the additional strength of the glued beam is achieved by pressing and gluing. Thanks to these manipulations, glued laminated timber practically does not deform over time.
Although the price of glued beams exceeds the cost of its competitor by almost two times, which is due to the peculiarity of the manufacture of beams.

After buying a piece of land, the desire arises to build a house on it. Often, due to the limited budget, this remains only a wish. We will consider the independent construction of a small house without the help of specialists.

This will help you save a lot and realize your plans.

We will build a house from an unprofiled beam measuring 150x150 mm. This is a long-standing technology that gained wide popularity in the 70-80s of the last century, which inexperienced builders can easily handle.

So, in this article, you will learn how to build a house from a bar with your own hands, you will see a specific project of a log house measuring 6x4 m, you will learn how to lay and choose a foundation, build walls and a roof.

House project

Any construction begins with a project.

As we already wrote, this house project is 6 x 4 in size with an attic floor. A columnar foundation was chosen as the base. As you can see in the photo above, the house is sheathed with false beams. A metal tile was chosen as the roof.

Let's say right away that this house is not insulated and serves as a summer cottage. If you want to build a house from a bar for permanent residence, then you need to make a thorough insulation of the floor, roof, walls.

On our website there is an article in which the calculation of the thickness of insulation for walls is made. (link)

Below is a project of the house that you see in the photo.


We wrote about various types of foundations repeatedly in the "Foundation" section.

We also said that for light structures made of timber, a columnar base is best suited, because it is the least expensive and least laborious. The columnar foundation discussed in the article "link" was chosen as the basis for this house from a bar.

You can also make other types of foundations, such as tape, pile, screw, shallow, slab, but they are all much more expensive.

As you can see in the diagram, 15 pillars need to be laid to build the box of this wooden house.

For the porch you need 2 more pillars.

We will not describe in detail all the nuances of such a foundation in this article.

Bottom trim

Immediately after the construction of the foundation, you can proceed with the installation of the lower trim. This is one of the stages at which many people make mistakes.

Since the house is built of timber, the lower trim has its own subtleties. To get started, look at the layout of the beam.

Now let's look at some points related to this stage. See the connection of the timber in one row a little lower in the chapter “Walls of the house”.

  • Before laying the first beams on the pillars, you need to put two layers of roofing material, thereby making the waterproofing of the wood, which will protect the lower crowns from getting wet and rotting.
  • All elements of the lower trim must be treated with antiseptics, since this part is most exposed to moisture rising from the surface of the earth.
  • Pay attention to the boards nailed from the inside to the strapping beam.

    The size of this board is 150 x 50 mm. They serve as a ledge on which the floor boards will lie in the future.

  • Internal partitions are made of timber 100 mm wide, but 150 mm can also be used

house walls

As we have already mentioned, the outer walls of the house are built from unprofiled timber with a section of 150x150 mm.

Between each bar there is a gasket in the form of a heat-insulating material. As such a material, felt or a more modern interventional insulation lnovatin is used.

For ease of installation, when laying the flax tape, it is shot with a construction stapler. The tape is taken slightly less than the width of the beam itself.

In order to prevent water from entering the interventional seams during rain, a chamfer is removed from the upper edge of the front part of the beam.

Now consider the connection of the beam to each other.

The beam must be interconnected not only in one row, but also in height.

Connection in one row

Several connections were used in the construction of this house. For this we use a chainsaw and a chisel. In more detail, this topic is discussed in the article "Methods for connecting timber"

Connecting rows

To fasten the crowns in height, round wooden dowels with a diameter of 20-30 mm are taken.

Let's consider this connection in more detail.

Nagels have long been used in wooden construction. You have probably heard of houses built without a single nail.

Do-it-yourself house made of profiled timber

In our case, wooden pins with a cross section of 20-30 mm are also used. Their length should be greater than the height of the beam. The maximum length is unlimited and depends on how long the drill you have.

Nagels are best bought on the construction market. Making them with your own hands is quite difficult and time consuming.

Main stages

You have made the strapping and it is time to build walls.

  • A linen tape is rolled onto the lower strapping around the entire perimeter and everything is fixed with a stapler.
  • Cuts are made in the next beam and a row is laid.
  • After that, you need to fix the two rows together with the help of dowels.

    To do this, make a hole with a drill and hammer the dowel. If your drill is longer, then you can first lay three or more rows, and then drill everything together.

  • The height of the dowel must be a multiple of the height of the beam. In our case, it can be 15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm, etc.

Important. The holes in the timber should be slightly wider than the diameter of the dowel. The height of the hole is also made more by a couple of centimeters.

This is necessary so that, with the inevitable shrinkage of the house, individual bars do not hang on the dowels.

Why such a multiplicity?

The thing is that for a reliable connection, it is necessary that the dowel is at the junction of the crowns in the middle. In addition, if the dowel sticks out of the upper crown, then for laying the next row, you will have to make holes in the beam in advance, which is not always convenient.

In what places to connect the walls of the house with dowels?

  • The walls of the timber are connected with dowels every 1-1.5 m.
  • There must be a connection in the corners and at the junction of the walls.
  • Pins should also be installed near window and door openings at a distance of 15 cm.

Roof truss system

There are various options for the truss system.

We will consider the most simple and understandable, in our opinion, option and give a brief instruction. In more detail, all the nuances of building a roof, including the truss system, see the section of the same name.

Everything must be done in the order indicated below.

1. We lay seven boards with a length of 6 m and a section of 150 x 50 mm on the end at equal distances and fasten them with self-tapping screws or nails to the walls

We make temporary flooring from boards to facilitate further work

3. We construct an auxiliary structure and install a ridge run. This will greatly facilitate the task of laying the rafters.

4. We install rafters in the amount of 7 pieces on each side. To do this, we use boards 4.5 m long with a section of 150 x 50 mm.

We attach the lower part of the rafters to the wall and the boards that we laid in the first paragraph. These boards serve not only as a base for the floor of the second floor, they are also puffs for the rafters, which gives the whole structure greater rigidity.

How to attach the rafters to the Mauerlat, read the article (link).

6. We connect the upper part of the truss system lying on the ridge, as shown in the diagram

We make a crate for the subsequent roof. What will be the crate, continuous, at intervals, what material to make it depends on the type of roof. Various options for roofing can be found in the "Roof" section of our website.

In this project, the crate was made from unedged boards 25 mm thick in increments of about 5 cm.

8. We build a frame for further sheathing of the pediment, not forgetting where the windows will be located

We install metal tiles and remove the auxiliary structure made in the 3rd paragraph.


Since this log house was built for summer living, the floors and roof are not insulated. In this project, a 45 mm thick tongue-and-groove board was used for the floor of the first and second attic floors, which was laid along the length of the house.

If you go to insulate the floors, then you can find out how to do it yourself in the article "link".

Wait for the continuation of this article in which we will look at how to install windows and doors in a wooden house and install a truss system.

We hope this article was useful to you and you will build your first house from a bar with your own hands.

It is possible to build a log house from a bar for the purpose of both permanent residence and temporary. The log house is built from a building material such as timber, and glued is also possible. If you plan to live permanently in a house made of timber, then the building material must be planed, and if for a temporary one, it is not necessary. In any case, the beam is laid with the planed side inward.

Scheme of types and cross sections of the beam.

Features of log cabins from a bar

Assembling the beams with your own hands, unlike log walls, should be done directly on the finished tape-type foundation. Houses or log cabins built of timber necessarily shrink, which excludes the laying of walls immediately after the construction of the house. Usually they wait at least about a year or two years to lay high-quality walls that will last a long time. A building material such as timber has only positive characteristics.

Figure 1. Scheme of assembly of shields for the base.

You can use profiled timber, saving on finishing materials. A timber can retain moisture in its structure for a long time, so the shrinkage of a built house takes a long time. It is not necessary to erect a log house alone, it is necessary to invite an assistant. The process of building a house from a bar with your own hands is not difficult.

To build a high-quality log house, be sure to use wooden dowels, which are easy to make with your own hands. For this purpose, ordinary boards or their trimmings are used, which remain after performing any work, for example, related to the installation of the crate. It is better to perform pins from harder scraps of boards; for this, they are trimmed on one side with a saw. Then they are sawn into boards having a width of 120 mm, the main thing is that they turn out to be even.

How to lay the foundation for a log house from a bar

The principles of the strip foundation

Figure 2. Scheme of arranging the foundation with ventilation.

The first step in the construction of a beam is laying the foundation. Before performing work, a soil analysis is carried out at the construction site, which is reduced to geological research related to finding the level of groundwater and determining the soil composition.

Related article: Interior in green tones

For each type of terrain with a certain soil composition, special types of foundations are provided that will serve for decades, and the presence of groundwater will not have a devastating effect on them. Before starting to lay the foundation for a log house, it is necessary to dig a trench for the future structure. This is due to the removal of the fertile soil layer. First, sand is poured into the trench, which is compacted by filling it with water. After that, a stone is poured into the trench to begin reinforcing the foundation.

It is possible to reinforce with reinforcing bars both at the top of the foundation and at the bottom. This will give the highest strength to the entire future structure of the log house. Reinforcement is carried out using concrete, if you do it yourself in a concrete mixer, it will not cost as much as if you buy ready-made concrete in a hardware store. Delivery of concrete is carried out by such a type of transport as a mixer truck, and it can only enter areas with the largest area, otherwise the concrete will have to be unloaded in another way.

The best option would be to use a concrete mixer installed on the site. This will allow you to independently prepare a concrete mortar for reinforcing the foundation, but the quality of the composition will not be as high as that of ready-made concrete. Reinforcement is laid at the bottom of the trench with sand and stones, and then this space is poured with concrete. The entire foundation tape, if it is tape, is poured with concrete to ground level. The foundation can also be arranged using formwork, and a columnar type of foundation is also suitable for a certain composition of the soil.

Figure 3. Scheme of the reinforcement cage for the foundation.

When using a concrete mixer, it should not be closed in the place where its engine is located, since a constantly circulating air is required to cool it after and during operation. Before the construction of a log house from a bar after the foundation is complete, it should take from a week to a month for the structure to fully stand.

For a certain type of soil, for example, swampy, it will be necessary to make a spatial frame. Only after that formwork is created and a concrete solution is poured into it. If the foundation is laid in warm weather, then its surface must be laid out with sawdust or other material, for example, moss, roofing material. You can simply fill it with water. The thickness of the formwork boards should be about 40 mm. It is necessary to choose boards for the formwork of the required height and length.

Related article: Plastic floor plinth: advantages, features, installation

Foundation plinth device

The initial size of the shields is usually taken as the distance between the center lines of the base. The shields are assembled directly on the ground using special linings. The assembly diagram of the shields for the base is shown in fig. 1. Shields with a smooth side should be facing the inside of the plinth.

In the foundation basement, special windows for ventilation should be provided, which are located at a distance of 15-20 cm from the ground surface. They are located on opposite sides of the basement structure, each opposite the other. To create them, you can use asbestos-cement pipes adjacent to the ends of the shields, as shown in Fig. 2. This position of the pipes will allow you not to fill the ventilation holes with concrete.

Figure 4. Methods for joining a beam.

The reinforcement frame of the base is located in the upper part, this is shown in fig. 3, then the concrete screed is poured. Reinforcing bars should be laid in an overlapping manner, tying them with wire.

In this way, you can get a rigid structure that is firmly connected to the foundation of the future structure. Starting to pour the concrete solution into the formwork, on the shields you should mark the pouring line from above. When the base of the log house is ready, they begin to lay the first crown.

For proper styling the top trim on the base is lined with roofing material in two layers, taking into account the entire perimeter of the structure. To do this, a strip of roofing material is bent along, and then placed on the base. To make the strapping, they use even bars on which there are no cracks, various jumps, or rot.

How to build a log house from a bar

To protect the gaps between the bars from water ingress, chamfers should be removed from the upper edges, the size of which will be 10x10 mm. The joining of the corners of the log house should be done using the tenon-groove method. It is possible to connect the beam on the dowels and on the root tenon, as shown in fig. 4 in schematic form. The connection of the corners of the initial crown can be carried out using the half-tree method, and the fastening of subsequent rows is carried out on dowels using root spikes. The main tools and materials for construction are:

  • timber;
  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • pins;
  • nails.