Toilet      03/08/2020

Processing rounded logs after assembly. Processing the log house and baths outside after construction. Decorative exterior and interior processing of a wooden house

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During operation, any wooden house must withstand the impact of a number of climatic factors, but under the condition of its reliable protection. Impregnation of the walls of the log house with an antiseptic is a great way to ensure it, protecting it from decay, and the wood will become unattractive for pests.

Do logs need additional protection?

When choosing a log for a log house, you need to think in advance about its durability.

The fact is that different ways treatments greatly affect the resistance of wood to decay:

  • rounded logs are especially susceptible to moisture, compared to other types of round logs, their natural protection is practically reduced to nothing during processing. The fact is that during calibration, not only the bark is removed from the trunk, but also a thick layer of dense wood;

Note! Sometimes when processing side surface even the core of the trunk comes out. In this case, the log has practically no natural protection, so impregnation is simply necessary, and as deep as possible.

  • but they lose only the bark, the protective layer of very hard wood remains. Impregnation is also needed here, but the durability of a log house made of such material will be higher. The only thing that can confuse is the high price of debarked round timber compared to round timber;

  • occupy an intermediate position between debarked and rounded.

Impregnation of wood with antiseptics not only provides protection against decay and insects, but also shows the texture of the wood. So you can apply a layer of clear varnish on top, and the wooden surface will already look good.

You can find recommendations for a log house not to use impregnations at all, they say the round timber will be perfectly preserved anyway. But it’s better to process the wood, at least in order to save it. appearance, and the protection will be more reliable.

How to process logs

The choice of special compositions for the treatment of wooden surfaces is very wide. For the most part, all popular antiseptics give good protection from moisture and insects, the only thing is not to confuse the means for external processing and internal processing. Indoors, compositions are usually used that do not then emit substances harmful to humans.

Internal processing of log cabins

Log processing with inside is also necessary, although the operating conditions will be more gentle than outside, but the humidity level can vary over a wide range, and you should not forget about insects.

As for the types of agents used, it is possible to distinguish such types of solutions as:

  • easily washable Salt solution is an example. It's too much a budget option, it can only be recommended for processing auxiliary buildings, and then as a temporary measure;

  • penetrating - processing a rounded log with such a composition guarantees the penetration of the antiseptic to a decent depth (depending on the type of wood, but it will reach a depth of 5-7 mm in most cases). They do not wash out over time, and they also allow the wood to breathe;
  • film-forming- are used rather to decorate the surface of the tree, the liquid does not penetrate deep into the tree. Such compounds are applied after impregnation with an antiseptic to give the desired shade to the tree.

For the treatment of wooden surfaces inside the house, for example, SenezhAkvadecor can be used. It does not stain the surface of the wood, it is absorbed deeply enough and does not create an impermeable layer on the surface after drying, so that rotting from the inside does not threaten the logs.

The processing of the log house after installation from a log includes the impregnation of the truss frames, as well as the elements wooden floors. Since they will not be visible, it can be advised to use compositions with a coloring property. This is done so that the treated and untreated area can be clearly distinguished.

Antiseptics can stain wood in green tint, but the shade of the flame retardant-treated surface is reddish. Of course, such compositions are not suitable for processing the floor or ceiling.

Log houses and baths are very popular, which is quite natural, because a wooden house is considered more environmentally friendly than a brick or stone one. A frame is made, as a rule, from rounded timber. In winter, the walls of such a house are warm, and in summer they keep the desired coolness. In order for a log house to serve for a long time, it needs processing, grinding and high-quality impregnation. But how to process a log house, how and when to do it? Is it possible to do without it?

Why process logs

Wood is a living material, it is prone to fungal infections, mold, in addition, wood can exfoliate, dry out or, conversely, swell. To avoid the troubles associated with the properties of wood, it is necessary to carry out processing.

Inside the walls of the house are not exposed to aggressive effects environment, which cannot be said about baths made of wood. In addition to the indicated environmental impact on the walls of a wooden log house from the outside, elevated temperatures and humidity affect the walls inside the bathhouse. Because of this, the need is so important additional protection bath walls from the inside.

Last but not least is the appearance of the house. Therefore, the processing is not only functional, but also aesthetic, since almost all means of impregnation for a log house have decorative properties.

The processing of the log house takes place in several stages. various formulations, among which:

  • antiseptic;
  • fire retardant;
  • bleaching.


Before treating the log house with impregnation, its grinding is required, which decides whole line questions:

  • eliminates roughness;
  • masks cracks;
  • removes the bark;
  • makes it look better.

In addition, grinding prepares the logs for impregnation with other substances after this work. Grinding is carried out when the upper surface of the beam dries well. If you try to sand raw wood, this will lead to delamination of wood fibers.

Grinding is carried out in several ways:

  1. First, a grinder and an abrasive disc are used.
  2. Then a grinder and nozzles with varying degrees of graininess are used.
  3. After the final grinding is carried out with a fine-grained nozzle.

The sawdust left after grinding is removed or used for horticultural work. After grinding the rounded timber, it is possible to directly impregnate the log house.

bleaching agents

To protect the surface of the rounded timber from damage by a fungus that causes blue wood, the log house is additionally treated with bleaching agents:

  • "Sagus";
  • "Saga";
  • "Neomid 500";
  • "League" - a new drug, notable for the fact that it is able to reanimate an old tree, relieves a log house of blackness, blue, returning its former appearance.

First, the log house is treated with a bleaching agent, and then with an antiseptic.

Antiseptic treatment

Impregnation with an antiseptic is used to increase the service life wooden structures and is carried out both inside and outside the premises of the house and bath. Antiseptics prevent the development and reproduction of bacteria inside the walls. The initial impregnation with an antiseptic is carried out by the manufacturer of the rounded timber, after which the wood is aged for at least another six months - a year for complete drying, and only after that it is delivered to the facility.

For the treatment of internal and external surfaces, antiseptic compositions that are easily and difficult to wash out are used. Easily washable dry quickly and have less resistance to moisture, they are applied to internal surfaces. Difficult-to-wash dry extremely slowly, but are quite resistant to precipitation washout, recommended for external processing of logs.

Antiseptic preparations used for the outer surfaces of the timber:

  • "Neomid 440" (protects timber from bacteria, fungal diseases and viruses for up to 15 years);
  • "Aquatex" (in addition to the basic protective functions, it gives the beam the appearance of precious wood, and also protects the walls of the bath from rotting, water, sunlight);
  • "Procept Ultra";
  • "League-Bioshield".

Antiseptics for impregnating the log house inside:

  • "Neomid 430";
  • Procept Interior.

The antiseptic is made using synthetic and natural oils, which are able to penetrate the wood fibers, after which they form a stable connection. Coating with antiseptic preparations is carried out in several stages. Each next layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Processing is not allowed until the rounded timber is dry, as well as in wet weather.

Fire retardant treatment

Since wood is flammable, first of all, you need to think about fire protection. Flame retardants must be used for the treatment of log cabin wood in any case.

For fire impregnation, the following means are used:

  1. "Neomid 530" - in addition to fire-fighting properties, it has protection against biological damage, as well as decorative properties.
  2. "Senezh Ognebio" - provides protection against decay, fire, insect pests.
  3. "Phenilax" - protects against fire and internal damage, penetrating into the depths of the wood.
  4. "KSD" - this tool, in addition to fire retardant properties, is an antiseptic.
  5. "Pirilax SS-20" - used to process the walls of the bath inside.
  6. "Pirilaks 3000" - baths are processed outside with this tool.

Fire protection is shown when an open flame or high temperatures acts on the logs. After ignition, a foam layer appears on the treated walls of the log house, which stops the access of oxygen to the surface and prevents the fire from spreading.

Stages and methods of applying the compositions

So, the processing and impregnation of the log house is carried out in several layers. Logs must first be covered:

  • bleaching agent to avoid premature aging of wood;
  • antiseptic - the first layer is applied by the manufacturer;
  • refractory layer.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the means by which to process the ends of the logs of the log house. The fact is that the end part of the log absorbs moisture more than the side part. To prevent the wood from absorbing moisture, it is necessary to cover the logs with a water-repellent layer.

The ends of the logs must be covered at least 5 times, Special attention, giving the logs of the lower tier, while the side part will be covered in 2 layers. It is advisable to carry out the processing of the lower tier additionally by all means, since the log house below is subject not only to climatic influences, but also to the influence of dampness from the ground.

Layering methods:

  1. You can cover the surface with a roller or brush, this method is suitable for thick mixtures.
  2. With the help of a sprayer (pulverizer) - for aqueous solutions.
  3. The surface can be covered by immersion, so the timber is covered evenly on all sides.

It is not worth saving on the processing of a wooden frame, so that you do not have to bear additional costs to eliminate all kinds of problems.

The irresistible desire of the inhabitants of megacities to at least one step closer to nature led to the rapid development of suburban construction. It's not hard to understand. That the most popular form of suburban real estate is a wooden house, living in which is characterized by a number of advantages that life in a brick building cannot give. Log houses and bathhouses built from environmentally friendly wood, in their originality, environmental friendliness, internal microclimate and comfort, are significantly superior to buildings made from other building materials. Due to suburban construction attention is paid, there is probably no such homeowner who does not know that a quality log house is required to build a reliable home. To carry out its preparation, before starting construction, it is necessary to prepare the material - wooden logs. Wood, which is based on cellulose, is in itself a favorable environment for the development of mold and microorganisms, and, given the fact that the log house is constantly on outdoors, as well as in conditions of constantly changing temperature and humidity, favorable conditions are created that accelerate the damage to wood by fungus and other microorganisms. To prevent the premature loss of the original appearance of the building and the damage to the wood by mold, it is necessary to treat the log house with an antiseptic, which is an integral stage in the construction of any structure from a log house. How to properly process a log house and how to choose an antiseptic - read on.

Antiseptic treatment of log cabins: the urgency of the problem

Being in conditions of constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the wood loses its original appearance, gradually crumbling and acquiring gray shades. Despite the fact that this does not affect the strength of the wood in any way, however, it does not deliver pleasant emotions either, since the appearance of the building is irrevocably deteriorating. To prevent such harmful effects, it is enough to apply the appropriate paint and varnish or antiseptic. One of the varieties of bacterial damage to a log building is mold damage, which poses no less danger to wood. In the old days, the defeat of a white construction fungus (mold) was considered a construction "plague", in order to prevent further dissemination which houses had to be burned. Today, mold is no longer as scary as it used to be, and in order to prevent its occurrence, it is also timely enough to carry out an antiseptic treatment of the log house.

In addition to white fungus, there is a large number of bacterial agents that cause wood decay. These include: red, gray, green and other types of rot. But the greatest danger among them is blue rot or the so-called "blue", favorable conditions for the development of which are fresh cut, high humidity, poor ventilation in the premises and low ambient temperature. The presence of "blue", which, spreading, can affect up to 70-80% of the wood in one week, indicates a fungal infection and indicates the imminent decay of the wood. Unlike the white fungus (mold), the development of which can be stopped, it makes no sense to fight the "blue" fungus, and its appearance must be prevented at the stage of material procurement. And the use of an antiseptic will help in this.

Log cabins photo

What does the protective treatment of the log house include?

In addition to the antiseptic treatment of the log house, there is a need for its complex treatment, which implies a number of measures, the implementation of which will ensure the comprehensive protection of wood. Distinguish between internal and external processing of wood.

Outdoor wood processing

Due to the fact that the outer side is constantly in the open air, it is exposed to adverse environmental factors such as precipitation, sudden temperature changes and direct ultraviolet radiation. All this has a negative impact on the quality of the material and contributes to the active reproduction of mold and fungi in wood, the appearance of biological pests and the acceleration of decay. To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out antiseptic treatment of wood, which will provide biological, bacteriological and chemical protection wood. Since wood is characterized by high flammability, it also needs fire retardant treatment.

Another problem that needs to be addressed is the appearance of cracks on the surface of the wood, which occur when the wood dries out after it is moistened, especially when exposed to elevated temperatures or when water freezes in microcracks. To prevent this problem, it is necessary to carry out additional processing of the log house, which, in addition to solving this problem, will give the building the desired decorative appearance. Grinding the log house will help to cope with the solution of this problem.

Internal wood processing

Due to the fact that the inner side of the log house is in a relatively favorable conditions she doesn't need special treatment. However, this situation changes radically when it comes to wooden bath, the inner walls of which are in conditions of high humidity and high temperatures. With this in mind, they, like the outside of the log house, need antiseptic and fire retardant treatment.

Wooden frame photo

Grinding a log house: how to machine a log house?

Grinding a log house, which is an integral step in outdoor processing, is a laborious process that requires specialized skills and tools. Grinding a log house or its mechanical processing is the first stage of complex processing of a log house, which allows you to eliminate bumps, microcracks and bark residues. In addition, a log house that has been previously sanded absorbs fire retardant and antiseptic compounds more efficiently, which significantly reduces their consumption. Sanding the log house allows you to improve the appearance of the log house and effectively emphasize the natural texture of wood.

To ensure the effectiveness of grinding, it is carried out after the surface layer of wood has dried, when the texture and color of the wood have not yet changed. Grinding raw wood is not advisable, as it contributes to the scuffing of wood fibers and damage to the wood structure.

Most in a simple way wood grinding is its processing with the help of a grinder equipped with abrasive disc. If you want to improve the quality of processing, as well as speed up the process, you can use grinder, equipped with nozzles, which are characterized by varying degrees of graininess. For the final cleaning of the log house, use a fine-grained nozzle. When finished, use a vacuum cleaner to remove sawdust.

Fire retardant treatment of a log house: the choice of a fire retardant composition

Not less than milestone log cabin preparation is on fire protective treatment, implying the impregnation of wood with specialized compounds. The action of flame retardants is based on their ability, when exposed to open fire or high temperatures, to release substances that form a foamy fire-retardant layer that prevents access to oxygen and thereby stops ignition and the spread of fire.

The most common fire retardants that have won the trust of consumers are the Pirilax compositions. For processing inner surface log cabins of saunas and baths, it is recommended to use the composition of the SS-20 brand, which can withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures (up to 110 degrees). To process the outside of the log house, it is recommended to use the compositions of the "Lux" and "3000" brands, which can be applied both with a brush and with a spray. Component composition flame retardants contributes to their deep penetration into the wood structure, which significantly reduces material consumption. The absence of substances toxic to humans in the impregnation guarantees their environmental safety.

The compositions of the above brands are far from the only means used for the fire-retardant treatment of wood. Flame retardants manufactured in accordance with innovative technologies also have antiseptic properties.

Antiseptic processing of a log house: a guide for a novice master

In order to increase the service life of the log house and preserve its original appearance, it is necessary to carry out one more stage of integrated wood protection - antiseptic treatment, which is carried out both from the outside and from the inside. The use of an antiseptic agent contributes not only to extending the durability of timber and logs, but also reliably protects the log house from the effects of wood-eating insects, which can render any structure made of wood unusable.

In order to conduct a high-quality antiseptic treatment, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of an antiseptic, which is a tool that has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect, which guarantees the protection of the log house from mold and microorganisms. Since antiseptic treatment is carried out from the outside and from the inside, it is important to understand the types of antiseptics, the effectiveness of which depends on their type and proper application.

How to choose the right antiseptic for a log house?

Experts propose to distinguish between two types of antiseptics:

  • Washable antiseptics , intended for internal processing of a log house and characterized by low resistance to precipitation;
  • Hard-to-wash antiseptics , which include synthetic and natural oils, are designed to treat the outside of the log house and are characterized by resistance to leaching under the influence of precipitation. Their only drawback is slow drying.

Today, the construction market offers a wide range of antiseptics from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Due to the variety of tools presented, craftsmen who do not have sufficient experience may encounter a number of difficulties. To simplify the choice of antiseptic composition, experts have proposed several rules, following which you will not go wrong when choosing an antiseptic.

Rules for choosing an antiseptic composition:

Rule #1. Give preference to the means of trusted manufacturers who have managed to establish themselves in the construction market. By giving preference to well-known brand, you can be sure of the quality of the selected composition;

Important! The most popular products that are in demand among consumers are the products of domestic brands "Neomid 200" and "Senezh". As for foreign manufacturers, Tikkurila and Teknos brands are in the greatest demand.

Rule #2. Next rule relevant not only for antiseptics, but also for any other product. High-quality antiseptics cannot be cheap, and therefore, experts recommend giving preference to products that are at least in the middle price category. In addition, it is not recommended to purchase funds from your hands, since by buying antiseptic compounds in a reliable online store, you are less likely to run into a fake, which can be not only ineffective, but also toxic;

Rule number 3. The label of a quality antiseptic composition should indicate that it is designed to protect against all types of biological agents: insects, fungus, rot and mold. In addition, in the process of implementing the tool, the supplier must comply with the conditions for its storage;

Rule #4. For external processing, it is necessary to use antiseptics that are difficult to wash out, which, despite a longer period of preservation of their properties, need to be periodically updated. This is due to the fact that any product, under the influence of moisture, will be washed out, and the outer coating needs to be updated.

How to carry out antiseptic treatment of wood? Walkthrough

The treatment of the log house with antiseptic compounds is carried out several times, at various stages of construction. Currently, the manufacturer often offers wood that has already undergone preliminary antiseptic treatment.

Important! Even though the cost of antiseptic treated wood is somewhat higher than that of an untreated log house, you will save time and money during the construction process, since you do not have to treat the log house immediately after assembly. Factory pre-treatment is characterized by deep penetration of antiseptic compounds, which guarantees reliable protection of wood.

Many craftsmen ask themselves the question: “Is it necessary to process a fresh log house immediately after its purchase?”, And there are also often disputes regarding the processing of a log house immediately after its assembly.

Despite the fact that some builders believe that the application of antiseptic impregnations reduces the efficiency of air exchange, preventing the log house from drying out in time, however, this assumption is fundamentally wrong. Modern means, made on a water basis, do not reduce the environmental friendliness and quality of the log house. Having carried out the primary antiseptic treatment of the log house, you will reliably protect the log house for six months until it reaches its final drying and shrinkage, after which you can carry out the final processing of the log house.

Important! As for the time frame for processing the log house, according to experts, the final processing of the log house is best done after the wood has dried (19-20% moisture content), after which the final finishing can be carried out.

There are several options for processing wooden log cabins:

Manual processing, implying the application of antiseptic compounds with a roller or brush. Despite the fact that this work is long and painstaking, applying antiseptics manually allows you to provide reliable protection for every centimeter of wood. If you have enough time, give preference to this particular method, as it allows you to qualitatively process the joints of timber or logs, the end parts of the log house and other problem areas;

Applying compositions with sprayers- more modern way antiseptic treatment, which can significantly save time. Modern spray guns allow you to distribute antiseptic compounds over the entire outer surface of the log house in a short time.

Important! In the process of applying the antiseptic, make sure that there is not a single untreated area left. To make it easier to control the application of the antiseptic composition, you can purchase tinted products. The use of a tinted composition is advisable if you plan to carry out decorative finishing in the future.

In both cases, antiseptic impregnation is applied in two layers. The first layer is applied after the final drying of the wood (treatment in rainy weather strictly prohibited) and left for several days to dry. After that, re-processing is carried out. If you use a brush, the antiseptic composition must be applied evenly in even strokes, periodically changing the direction of the brush.

IN Lately effectively used antiseptics based on oils or wax, giving the surface some decorative effect. Experts recommend using antiseptics based on tree resins, beeswax and natural oil(usually linen).

Often there are disputes about the need to treat log cabins with antiseptic compounds. One side claims to handle natural material chemical compounds, motivating this by the fact that quite recently the log cabins were left untreated, and the other quite justifiably claims that the means used in modern construction, guarantees maximum air exchange and extends the service life of wooden buildings.

Protective antiseptic impregnations significantly prolong the effective operation of log houses, which covers any theoretically expected harm. The practical use of antiseptics confirms that the use of antiseptic formulations contributes to the maximum preservation external beauty and natural color of wood, and also protects against aggressive natural factors. From a material point of view, the effectiveness of the use of impregnations is also justified, since it is better to spend a small amount on an antiseptic than to subsequently dismantle the log house and replace elements that have rotted and been attacked by insects.

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and safe housing that will never lose popularity. Natural wood does not emit toxic hazardous substances, has a pleasant forest aroma and promotes a rapid exchange of oxygen. In such a house there is always fresh air, a comfortable environment and a cozy atmosphere.

Logs are easy to stack, which reduces installation time. Due to their low weight, they do not require a deep expensive foundation. And thanks to the natural beauty and aesthetics of the materials, serious and expensive finishing is not required.

However, wooden houses have a significant disadvantage. Wood - natural material, which is subjected to negative influence environment. The sun's rays, moisture and precipitation, insects lead to the fact that the material gradually darkens and collapses. Mold, cracks and fungus appear, and the structure loses its original appearance. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to process the log house inside and out with the help of various means.

Why do we need to process the log house from the outside

  • Protects wood from destruction;
  • For a long time it retains the original appearance of a bathhouse or a log house;
  • Prevents the appearance of fungus and rot;
  • Interferes with influence of insects and moisture;
  • Increases service life wooden house or baths;
  • Improves the aesthetic qualities of logs, if necessary, you can change the appearance of the facade, get the desired color, shade or shine;
  • Fire retardant treatment is required for log house, since fire is a significant threat to wood.

What means to choose

Today the market offers a lot of tools for processing a log house inside and out. It is important that they are environmentally friendly and retain the natural properties of wood. In addition, the products must perform the protective functions of the tree from moisture, insects and other negative factors. Decorative properties are also of great importance. There are four main groups of funds that will be needed to process the house from the outside:

  1. Antiseptics are deeply absorbed into the wood, increasing the resistance of logs to moisture and microbes. Among antiseptic agents, wax, protective varnish and oils are distinguished. They destroy mold and blue.
  2. Flame retardants prevent the spread of fire. At elevated temperatures, the composition of the product comes out of the log and forms protective film. Such products prevent instantaneous ignition and resist open fire for several hours.
  3. Preservative solutions and impregnations keep the wood in good condition. Special impregnating materials keep the surface smooth and even, prevent cracks. And film-forming compounds also create a water-repellent barrier. For these purposes, a primer or wood oils are suitable.
  4. Protective finishes are more intended for decorating wood. These are paints and varnishes for wood. They protect wooden surface from fading and dirt. There are also special bleaching compounds that will not allow the wood to darken over time.

Do not choose one tool that will immediately protect against mold and rot, insects and fire, while still performing decorative functions. Practice shows that such impregnations are not very effective. To achieve a high-quality and durable result, it is better to use fire retardants, antiseptics and decorative paints and varnishes separately.

Top best outdoor woodworking products

brand Characteristic Price
Senezh (Russia) Difficult-to-wash formulations high class in 20 types, including bleaching and renewing compositions, antiseptics for baths, houses and gazebos; protect against fire, pests and moisture, provides protection for more than 10 years! from 380 rubles (5kg)
Belinka (Slovenia) Natural and safe products of high efficiency, protect against ultraviolet, moisture, insects and fire, a wide range of products from 400 rubles (1l)
Pinotex (Estonia) Polymer-based products protect against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstand sudden temperature changes, therefore they are optimal for outdoor processing. from 280 rubles (1 l)
Neomid (Russia) Effective impregnation for houses, baths and wooden floors, protects the surface from moisture for 5-7 years, produces special means for end processing, good combination price quality from 200 rubles (1 l)
Tikkurila (Finland) Moisture-resistant products, create a thin protective film and provide reliable protection against precipitation, are of high quality and positive reviews from 250 rubles (1l)
Aquatex (Russia) Produced in the form of a primer and impregnation, colorless and tinted options (15 colors), protects against fungus, UV and moisture, suitable for medium-class wood from 200 rubles (1 l)
Sitex (Russia) Suitable for any type of wood, protects logs from moisture, keeps the appearance of the building for 10 years, colorless and tinted options (12 colors) from 200 rubles (1 l)

How to process a log house from the outside

  • For the first time, the log house is treated with antiseptics inside and out immediately after assembly. Pay special attention to the processing of ends and logs in contact with the foundation. Antiseptics are applied in two layers;
  • Primary processing cannot be desired at temperatures below 10-12 degrees!;
  • The next processing is done after the log has completely dried and the log house has shrinked. This takes 6-12 months. This finish implies the final complex and multi-layer processing of the house, which will protect the log on long term. It is important to apply antiseptics on a dry and clean wood surface!;
  • Before processing, the logs are ground to remove the top layer, in which fungus and microbes have accumulated during shrinkage. It will remove the defects of the log and level the surface. Sanding wooden walls is a must for an old house, as it is important to completely remove the old coating;

  • Processing with a brush will take a lot of time, but it will become the highest quality, most effective and durable. Spray guns are used to speed up the process. But for processing ends, corners and hard-to-reach places, take only a brush;
  • First of all, antiseptic agents are applied in two or three layers. After drying, the wood is treated with flame retardants in one or two layers and also left to dry. The next layer is a primer. It will protect the wood from cracking and level the walls;
  • Carefully process the ends. These parts of the logs absorb moisture faster than others, and therefore are more prone to rotting. To avoid this, each end processing is done in 4-5 layers;
  • The final stage is a decorative coating that will preserve the appearance of the house and protect the surface from sunlight. With the help of colored paintwork materials seek certain color or shade, matte or glossy gloss. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, use transparent paints.

How and how to paint a log cabin outside

Painting is the final stage of processing the log house outside and inside. Today there are many various colors and varnishes. For outdoor painting, choose rough and resistant compounds. Consider the popular types of funds:

  • Glazing transparent varnishes will retain color and emphasize the texture of wood, protect the surface from moisture, mold and rot;
  • Covering opaque varnishes will help to achieve the desired shine and shade, protect from insects, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Oil paints penetrate deep into the structure of the log, keep the surface from moisture and dirt. But they dry for a long time (two weeks) and eventually lose color !;
  • Acrylic paints and varnishes water based- natural safe products that provide a dense elastic coating. They protect against moisture, cracking and fungus. Such compositions allow the tree to "breathe", but are expensive;
  • Alkyd varnishes form a hard and flat surface, keep color for a long time and provide protection against moisture. However, such products do not allow the wood to "breathe", which eventually causes the log to dry out and crack;
  • Yacht varnish is suitable for places with high humidity and lots of rainfall. This reliable protection from moisture, which is not affected by weather and temperature changes. Such a varnish does not fade and prevents yellowing of wood, however, when painting, it emits an unpleasant odor;
  • Stain - affordable and cheap way finishing log cabin inside and outside. It protects against fungus and pests, does not disturb the pattern of wood and makes the color more saturated. However, stain requires subsequent varnishing;
  • Oils and waxes are eco-friendly, safe products that are deeply absorbed into the wood and protect the logs from moisture and dirt. Wax will give the surface a translucent matte sheen.

To qualitatively paint the log house, wait for the primer to dry completely. Stir thoroughly before painting. First, paint is applied in two or three layers. Before applying each new layer, wait until the previous one is completely dry. For painting, use a roller, for hard-to-reach places, corners and ends - a brush.

When using an airbrush, it is not always possible to achieve an even and smooth coating. In addition, unpainted areas may remain. Apply the last coat of paint in a thin layer from top to bottom.

After complete drying of the paint, varnish is applied in two or three layers. For an even coverage without buildup, let each coat dry, applying the product in long, even strokes. For decorative coating you can use only varnish or only paint. However, the use of both means will consolidate the result and enhance the effect, enhance protection and increase the operational life of the wood.

If you do not know which means for processing the house inside or outside to choose, contact MariSru b for help. Masters of the company will help you choose the right materials, qualitatively and quickly perform the processing and painting of a wooden house or bath!

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and safe housing, and will always be popular. Natural wood compared to others building materials, does not emit toxic hazardous substances, contributes to the rapid exchange of oxygen in the room and simply has a pleasant forest aroma. There is always fresh air in a wooden house, it is warm in winter, and cool in hot summer days, a comfortable environment and a cozy atmosphere will delight you for many years.

The ease of assembling the elements made at the factory from Logs or profiled timber significantly reduces the installation time. Due to the relatively small weight of the walls of a wooden house, a deep expensive foundation is not required. And also, thanks to the beauty and unique patterns of wood, given to us by nature, the aesthetics of materials will not require serious and expensive finishing.


However, despite all the positive features, wooden houses have a minus. Wood as a natural material is exposed to negative environmental influences. The sun's rays (ultraviolet), moisture in the form of precipitation, insects lead to the fact that the material can gradually darken and collapse. It may also appear mold, cracks and fungus, and the structure may subsequently lose its original appearance. But in the modern world, these problems can be avoided, due to the necessary processing of the log house inside and out with the help of various means.


  • Protects wood from destruction;
  • For a long time it retains the original appearance of a bathhouse or a house made of logs or profiled timber;
  • Prevents the appearance of fungus and rot;
  • Interferes with influence of insects and moisture;
  • Increases the service life of a wooden house or bath;
  • Improves the aesthetic qualities of logs, if necessary, you can change the appearance of the facade, get the desired color, shade or shine;
  • Fire retardant treatment is a must for a log home, as fire is a significant threat to timber.


There are many different types of processing aids on the market today. wooden houses both outside and inside. It is very important that the products you choose for processing are environmentally friendly and preserve the natural properties of wood. Also, the products must perform the protective functions of the tree from moisture, insects and other negative factors. Decorative properties are also of great importance. There are four main groups of funds that will be needed to process the house from the outside:

  1. Antiseptics are deeply absorbed into the wood, increasing the resistance of wood to moisture and microbes. Among antiseptic agents, wax, protective varnish and oils are distinguished. They destroy mold and blue.
  2. Flame retardants prevent the spread of fire. At elevated temperatures, the composition of this agent comes out and forms a protective film on the surface of the wood. This agent prevents instant ignition and resists open fire for several hours.
  3. Preservative solutions and impregnations keep the wood in good condition. Special impregnating materials preserve the smoothness and evenness of the wood surface and prevent cracks. And film-forming compounds additionally create a water-repellent barrier, which prevents absorption excess moisture wood and, accordingly, prevents the creation of a damp negative environment in the wood. For these purposes, a primer or wood oils are suitable.
  4. Protective and finishing products are more intended for decorating wood, in a word, for creating and maintaining the aesthetic appearance of a house or bath for a long time. These are paints and varnishes for wood. They protect the wooden surface from fading and dirt. There are also special bleaching compounds that will not allow the wood to darken over time.

You should not choose one tool that will immediately protect against mold and rot, insects and fire, while also performing decorative functions. Practice shows that such impregnations are not very effective and will not give the desired result. To achieve a high-quality and durable result, it is better to use flame retardants, antiseptics and decorative paints and varnishes separately, since each of them will give a more significant effect in their intended area.


and their characteristics




Senezh (Russia)

Difficult-to-wash high-class compositions in 20 types, including bleaching and renewing compositions, antiseptics for baths, houses and gazebos; protect against fire, pests and moisture, provides protection for more than 10 years!

from 380 rubles (5kg)

Belinka (Slovenia)

Natural and safe products of high efficiency, protect against ultraviolet, moisture, insects and fire, a wide range of products

from 400 rubles (1l)

Pinotex (Estonia)

Polymer-based products protect against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstand sudden temperature changes, therefore they are optimal for outdoor processing.

from 280 rubles (1 l)

Neomid (Russia)

Effective impregnation for houses, baths and wooden floors, protects the surface from moisture for 5-7 years, special products for processing ends are produced, a good combination of price and quality

from 200 rubles (1 l)

Tikkurila (Finland)

Moisture-resistant products, create a thin protective film and provide reliable protection against precipitation, are of high quality and positive reviews

from 250 rubles (1l)

Aquatex (Russia)

Produced in the form of a primer and impregnation, colorless and tinted options (15 colors), protects against fungus, UV and moisture, suitable for medium-class wood

from 200 rubles (1 l)

Sitex (Russia)

Suitable for any type of wood, protects logs from moisture, keeps the appearance of the building for 10 years, colorless and tinted options (12 colors)

from 200 rubles (1 l)


  • Immediately after assembling a wooden house or a bath, it is necessary to treat it with antiseptics for the first time inside and out. We recommend paying special attention to the processing of ends and elements in contact with the foundation. Antiseptics must be applied in at least two layers;
  • Primary processing cannot be carried out at temperatures below 10-12 degrees!;
  • The next processing is done after the complete drying of the log or timber and the complete shrinkage of the log house. It takes 12 - 18 months if the wooden house was made from materials natural humidity. This finish implies the final complex and multi-layer processing of the house, which will protect the log for a long time. It is also important to apply antiseptics on a dry and clean wood surface!;
  • Before processing, additional grinding of the log or timber is necessary to remove the top layer, in which fungus and microbes may have collected during shrinkage. It will remove the defects of the log and level the surface. Grinding wooden walls definitely needed for an old house, as it is important to completely remove the old coating;

  • Processing with a brush will take a lot of time, but it will become the highest quality, most effective and durable. Spray guns are used to speed up the process. But for processing ends, corners and hard-to-reach places, take only a brush;
  • First of all, antiseptic agents are applied in two or three layers. After drying, the wood is treated with flame retardants in one or two layers and also left to dry. The next layer is a primer. It will protect the wood from cracking and level the walls;
  • Carefully process the ends. These parts of the logs absorb moisture faster than others, and therefore are more prone to rotting. To avoid this, each end processing is done in 4-5 layers;
  • The final stage is a decorative coating that will preserve the appearance of the house and protect the surface from sunlight. With the help of colored paints and varnishes, a certain color or shade, matte or glossy shine is achieved. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, use transparent paints.


Painting is the final stage of processing the log house outside and inside. Today there are many different paints and varnishes. For outdoor painting, choose rough and resistant compounds. Consider the popular types of funds:

  • Glazing transparent varnishes will retain color and emphasize the texture of wood, protect the surface from moisture, mold and rot;
  • Covering opaque varnishes will help to achieve the desired shine and shade, protect from insects, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Oil paints penetrate deep into the structure of the log, keep the surface from moisture and dirt. But they dry for a long time (two weeks) and eventually lose color !;
  • Acrylic paints and water-based varnishes are natural safe products that provide a dense elastic coating. They protect against moisture, cracking and fungus. Such compositions allow the tree to "breathe", but are expensive;
  • Alkyd varnishes form a hard and even surface, retain their color for a long time and provide protection against moisture. However, such products do not allow the wood to "breathe", which eventually causes the log to dry out and crack;
  • Yacht varnish is suitable for places with high humidity and heavy rainfall. This is a reliable protection against moisture, which is not affected by the weather and temperature extremes. Such a varnish does not fade and prevents yellowing of wood, however, when painting, it emits an unpleasant odor;
  • Stain is an affordable and cheap way to finish a log house inside and out. It protects against fungus and pests, does not disturb the pattern of wood and makes the color more saturated. However, stain requires subsequent varnishing;
  • Oils and waxes are eco-friendly, safe products that are deeply absorbed into the wood and protect the logs from moisture and dirt. Wax will give the surface a translucent matte sheen.

To qualitatively paint the log house, wait for the primer to dry completely. Stir thoroughly before painting. First, paint is applied in two or three layers. Before applying each new layer, wait until the previous one is completely dry. For painting, use a roller, for hard-to-reach places, corners and ends - a brush.

When using an airbrush, it is not always possible to achieve an even and smooth coating. In addition, unpainted areas may remain. Apply the last coat of paint in a thin layer from top to bottom.

After complete drying of the paint, varnish is applied in two or three layers. For an even coverage without buildup, let each coat dry, applying the product in long, even strokes. For a decorative coating, you can use only varnish or only paint. However, the use of both means will consolidate the result and enhance the effect, enhance protection and increase the operational life of the wood.

In this article, we have described the TOPICS in detail:

For high-quality processing and painting, we recommend contacting specialists with experience and relevant skills.

When building houses produced in-house, VECODOM carries out processing only with proven impregnations, varnishes and paints, taking into account the opinions of our customers.

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