Mixer      06/16/2019

Pest cherry weevil elephant. Cherry weevil Cherry weevil biological control

cherry weevil

The adult insect is brightly colored. There are small bristles on the body. Caterpillars of the yellow weevil or white color (Fig. 30). They harm fruits by chewing holes in them in which eggs are laid. After some time, larvae emerge from the eggs. Penetrating inside the fruit, pests make it unfit for consumption.

Rice. thirty. cherry weevil, larva, damaged fruits

From the book Garden is the breadwinner the author Dubrovin Ivan

CHERRY KVASS Wash and sort the cherries, remove the ponytails and pits. Pour a full bottle of cherries, put the seeds in the same place, fill them with cold boiled water and put in a cold place until the water acquires a cherry taste. Drain and replace with new water.

From the book Peas, Beans and Beans author

CHERRY ORDER LIQUID Sort and wash the cherries. Pour it into a bottle and sprinkle with sugar. Tie the bottle with cheesecloth and let stand in the sun for 5-6 weeks until the cherries ferment. Then drain the cherry juice, bottle and cork, leave in a cold place.

From the book Garden without pests author Fatyanov Vladislav Ivanovich

Five-spot weevil This is a small brown beetle with a body length of up to 0.5 cm. It is recognized by white spots on the back. The eggs are white, about 1 mm long. The larvae are cream or white, 6 mm long, with a brown head and a slightly curved body shape. Peas

From the book Pest Control author Ivanova Natalya Vladimirovna

Five-spotted, or spotted, weevil A small brown beetle up to 0.5 cm long is recognized by white spots on the back. Eggs are white, 1 mm long. The larvae are cream or white, 6 mm long, their heads are brown, their shape is slightly curved. Five-spot weevil

From the book Strawberry. Strawberry. Varieties, care, seasonal calendar author Zvonarev Nikolai Mikhailovich

Onion secretive trunk, or weevil The insect got its name due to the presence of a long, bent down and having cylindrical shape proboscis. The beetle is black in color, has light scales, the body length is only 2–2.5 mm. Onion damaged by onion weevilWhite eggs

From the book Handbook of a skilled gardener author

Rhubarb weevil This is a beetle covered with light gray or brown scales on top, its body length is 4–6 mm, there are dark or light gray elytra. Adults feed on buckwheat and sorrel leaves in spring. On these plants, the females lay their eggs in the petioles of the leaves. Here

From the book The Big Book of the Gardener and Gardener author Mironov Anatoly N.

Raspberry-strawberry weevil This insect is common wherever strawberries are cultivated. The beetle reaches a length of approximately 3 mm (Fig. 9). The female beetles lay their eggs in the buds of the plant. Their fecundity is extremely high: up to 50 eggs per bud. adults

From the book Ploskorez Fokin! Dig up, weed, loosen and mow in 20 minutes author Gerasimova Natalia

From the book 1001 answers to important questions of the gardener and gardener author

Apple flower beetle Adult insect is a brownish-gray beetle with a body length of 3–5 mm. The larva is white, with a brown head, and has no legs. Distributed in all regions of the European part of Russia. Adults spend the winter in cracks in the bark or under

From the book Canning and the best cooking recipes experienced horticulturists and horticulturists author Kizima Galina Alexandrovna

Strawberry-raspberry weevil The most common pest of strawberries strawberry-raspberry weevil. It severely damages the buds of strawberries and raspberries. The strawberry-raspberry weevil is a small black beetle covered with gray hairs, with a long proboscis.

From the book The New Encyclopedia of the Gardener and Gardener [Supplemented and Revised Edition] author Ganichkin Alexander Vladimirovich

From the author's book

3.1. Cherry Orchard As many people know, cherry is a perennial tree culture. Exist different varieties cherries, for example, growing as a tall tree in the form of a bush. tree trees form one trunk, and they grow to a height of up to five meters. bushy forms

From the author's book

Weevil (raspberries, strawberries) 200 g dry mustard 1 bucket of waterPour mustard hot water, cool to body temperature. Spray raspberries and strawberries with a warm solution during budding. After spraying the beetles, collect on burlap or polyethylene and

From the author's book

Cherry liqueur Remove the pits from the berries. Crush and put in a bottle. Fill with vodka, plug with a cotton swab and let it brew for a week, shaking the contents twice a day. Boil the syrup at the rate of 500 g of sugar per 250 ml of water. Cool and add to berries. Let it brew

In addition to diseases, cherries can also be affected by pests. Cherry pests can not only damage the crown of a tree and its leaves, thereby weakening its vital functions, but also encroach on your crop. In the end, you just end up with nothing. In this article, we will list the main pests that can be found on cherries. We remind you that similar pests can occur and be dangerous for your other trees in the garden, but in this article we will focus primarily on the pests most often found on cherries.
About others possible pests your garden, you can find out from the article "Pests of plants"

Cherry pests with photos and descriptions of methods of dealing with them

A large white diurnal butterfly, similar to cabbage. In spring, its caterpillars eat buds, buds, flowers and leaves of pome and stone fruits, bird cherry and hawthorn. As a result, individual branches, and sometimes completely trees, are exposed.
Hawthorn cocoons hibernate on trees in nests of dry leaves, braided with cobwebs, clearly visible late autumn. Each nest can contain up to a hundred greyish-brown caterpillars with three black and two brown-orange stripes on the back. Caterpillar hunger is black, the body is covered with hairs.

Control measures

cherry weevil

The beetle is yellow-green in color, 5-9 mm long. Appears during flowering, feeds on flowers, and with the appearance of ovaries, bites into their flesh, laying eggs. A week later, caterpillars hatch, which feed on the contents of the bones. Having matured, the caterpillars fall to the ground, pupate there and overwinter in the phase of an adult beetle or larva.

Control measures

Autumn digging of the soil near the trunk circles and plowing between rows. Installing trapping belts at the beginning of bud break, checking them every other day and destroying the beetles hiding there. Shaking beetles from bushes in cool weather early in the morning while they are inactive. To do this, spread under the bushes polyethylene film, fallen beetles are collected and destroyed.
Good results are double spraying of trees (immediately after flowering and after 10 days) with 0.3% karbofos. From folk remedies against the cherry weevil, spraying with a decoction of tomato tops is used immediately after flowering. To do this, 1.4 kg of the tops of the stepchildren are crushed, boiled in 10 liters of water for 30 minutes, add 40 g laundry soap, filter and spray with this solution.
You can also spray with a decoction of bitter wormwood. To do this, dried plants are crushed, insisted in water for a day, then boiled for half an hour, 40 g of soap are added, filtered and sprayed with this infusion. For 10 liters of water, you need to take 350-400 g of dry plants. This spray kills aphids, weevils, and many other pests.


The moth is snow-white in color with a golden tuft of thick hairs at the end of the abdomen. Its caterpillar has a grayish-black color, against the background of which chains of red convex pimples stand out sharply with tufts of brown hairs sticking out of them, and at the end of the body there are two large orange spots. Caterpillars overwinter in a ball in nests, as if woven from 5-7 leaves hanging on a tree.

Control measures

Remove and destroy caterpillar nests from trees in a timely manner. In the spring, crawling caterpillars can be much more difficult to overcome. In the spring, after bud break, insecticides are sprayed against caterpillars that have emerged from cocoons. Spraying is repeated at the end of summer during the hatching of young caterpillars.

cherry moth

A dangerous pest of cherries and sweet cherries. Caterpillars damage buds, buds, flowers and shoots. The front wings of the cherry moth are reddish brown with white spots and a dark transverse stripe. The hind legs are light gray, narrow, with a long fringe. The butterfly lays its eggs near the kidneys and in cracks in the bark. In spring, small green-yellow caterpillars, about 0.5 cm long, emerge from them, which feed on buds and young leaves. After flowering, the caterpillars slide into the soil in the near-stem circle and pupate. After 30 days, butterflies reappear, again lay eggs, which hibernate until spring.

Control measures

Cherry slimy sawfly

It damages the leaves of cherries and other stone fruits, skeletonizing them. Sawfly insects are black with transparent wings and brown veins on them. It overwinters in the larval phase in an earthy cocoon in the soil under trees. The larva is yellowish-green with a thickened head, similar to a small leech. The adult larva is covered with black mucus.
After overwintering, the larva pupates, and at the end of June and in July, adult insects fly out of the pupae and start laying eggs. The females lay their eggs one at a time inside the leaves on the underside. The larvae hatch in late July - early August. They feed until mid-September, and then go to winter in the soil.

Control measures

Autumn digging of the soil near the trunks and plowing between rows to kill wintering larvae. During the appearance of larvae (July - early August), spraying with karbofos (10-40 g per 10 liters of water). Iskra-M preparations for caterpillars (5 ml per 5 l of water) or Iskra DE (1 tablet per 10 l of water) are also used, the solutions of which are sprayed before flowering, after flowering and after harvesting.

Aphid cherry

The insect is brownish-purple in color, 2-2.5 mm long. Aphid eggs overwinter on the terminal shoots of the bush. The larvae hatch at the beginning of bud break and settle on the underside of young leaves, sucking their juice. Young seedlings and root shoots are especially damaged by aphids. With severe damage, the leaves dry up, and weakened plants can die in winter from frost.

Control measures

Planting resistant cherry varieties: Polevka, Ideal, Fertile Michurina. Spraying trees with 10% karbofos (75 g per 10 l of water) during bud break or bud separation. You can also treat trees with a solution of Iskra (1 tablet per 10 liters of water). Processing bushes with infusions of dandelion, tobacco, marigolds, tomatoes. Good results are obtained by processing with infusion wood ash with soap. 0.3 kg of wood ash is poured into a bucket and 3 liters of boiling water are poured. A day later, add 2 tbsp. spoons of finely planed tar soap. All stir and add water to obtain 10 liters of solution. Then filter and add 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar. Spraying is carried out before flowering and 12 days after its completion.
When carrying out treatments, ensure that the solutions fall on the underside of the leaves, where the aphid is located. During the summer, root shoots should be regularly removed, which can turn into a hotbed of aphids.

ringed silkworm

Nocturnal brown-yellow moth with a dark transverse stripe on the front wings, reaching 4 centimeters in span. Her caterpillars are quite large - up to 5.5 centimeters, bluish-gray in color, covered with soft hairs. On the back there is a bright white stripe bordered by two orange ones, and on the sides there are wide blue stripes. Caterpillars overwinter, already fully formed, inside the shells of eggs that the butterfly lays on thin shoots in the form of a tiny bracelet consisting of parts similar to beads - more than 100 pieces in each.
Caterpillars emerge from the eggs shortly after bud break, before flowering, and, feeding mainly at night, quickly eat young leaves and buds. They can completely bare trees if they do not collect colonies in a timely manner, which they arrange on the forks of branches, braiding them thickly with cobwebs.

Control measures

They remove silkworm colonies until they spread along the branches. The microbiological drug Entobacterin is used against them. One of the methods of struggle is pruning small branches with ringed silkworm eggs. Branches are placed in glass jars, tightened on top with coarse calico, and in July they are exposed open to the garden. Temnomuses emerging from clutches infect fresh clutches of ringed silkworm eggs.

The quality and quantity of the harvest in the berry garden directly depends on the care of the trees. Cherry is one of the favorite treats of all kinds of caterpillars and beetles: some eat leaves, others need fruits to survive.

The main diseases and pests of cherries in our latitudes:

  • coccomycosis;
  • clasteosporiosis;
  • moniliosis (aka gray rot);
  • cherry aphid;
  • cherry fly;
  • shoot moth;
  • slimy sawfly;
  • cherry weevil.

The first three items on the list are diseases caused by bacteria and fungal spores. Treatment mainly consists of spraying by special means. The following list consists exclusively of harmful insects.

You can determine the disease and the method of treatment yourself or by calling our professional gardeners. Over the years of practice, our specialists at a glance at the tree will identify the causative agent of the disease and carry out effective treatment.

How to deal with cherry pests

Depending on the type of damage done to the tree, you can determine the type of malicious insect. Fighting with one poison against all insects at the same time will not work, since there is no universal remedy.

Cherry pests and their control:

  • cherry aphid will retreat from the tree if the root shoots are cut in time and all weeds near the trunk are removed. A good effect is sprayed with infusions of onions or garlic.
  • cherry flies- unique pests of cherries and cherries, they manage not only to spoil the berries of a “captured” tree, but also to leave it as a legacy to their descendants 🙂 The fact is that fly larvae hibernate in the near-trunk circle. With the onset of heat, cherry pests move to the tree. Digging up the earth around the trunk in autumn period, you can reduce the number of insects.
  • shoot moth Cherry leaves feed the larvae. The butterfly lays its eggs near the buds, the hatched caterpillars eat all the greenery and go into the ground for the winter. The number is reduced by digging up the near-stem circle in the fall. The main pests of cherries are shown below (photos increase by clicking), in the images you can see what a shoot moth looks like.
  • Slimy sawfly feeds on leaves. It hibernates in the ground, buries itself at least 10 cm deep. As in previous cases, you have to dig.
  • Weevils- insect pests of cherries that eat seeds in fruits. From the moment the buds open, the beetles will have to be hunted out on the branches and destroyed by hand until the fruits appear.

    Otherwise, the yield will be reduced to zero. They hibernate in the trunk circle, so in the fall - a shovel to help.

The above methods of insect control can be considered solely as prevention. In cases where cherry pests have practically occupied trees, treatment with special insecticides is indispensable. Poisons and other means of insect control are selected according to the type of pest. This article is accompanied by an image of small dirty tricks. Your attention is presented to the pests of cherries in pictures. With their help, identifying a harmful insect living in your garden is as easy as shelling pears.


Cherry pests video

Cherry weevil (elephant)

The distribution of the cherry weevil (elephant) is quite extensive and coincides with the distribution of fodder plants: various types of cherries, sweet cherries, plums, apricots, hawthorn and cherry plums. It covers the middle and southern parts of Europe, the Western and Eastern Mediterranean, Central Asia. With mass reproduction, it can destroy most of the cherry crop.

Cherry weevil beetle golden crimson, with a green metallic sheen, 7-9 mm long. The head is extended into a tube in the anterior part. The larva is legless, curved, off-white in color, with a small brown head, up to 8 mm long.

Cherry weevil beetles hibernate in the upper layers of the soil.

Cherry pests (with photos) and methods of dealing with them

In early spring they leave their wintering grounds and at first feed on buds and buds, sometimes on leaves, then on unripe cherry fruits. They gnaw quite large holes on the ovary. 2-2.5 weeks after cherry blossom, females start laying eggs, gnawing in the fruit pulp deep holes and placing the egg near the bone. About a week later, a larva hatches from the egg, which penetrates the still fragile bone and eats out the core. The period of development of the larva lasts up to a month. Having finished feeding, they get out of the fruit and go into the soil to a depth of 5-10 cm. Here the larvae make cradles and turn into pupae in late summer - early autumn. In autumn, beetles emerge from the pupae, remaining in the soil until the next spring.

Cherry weevil control measures

  1. Digging the soil in the garden in early spring or autumn destroys a significant part of the wintering pest.
  2. As a mechanical method of struggle good results gives shaking off beetles. It is carried out in the spring, early in the morning, while the beetles are inactive, since with an increase in temperature, most of them fly apart. To collect beetles, lay under the trees a bed of synthetic film, tarpaulin or other material. In order not to damage the bark of trees, the ends of the poles are covered with burlap. The collected beetles are placed in a bucket with a solution of table salt or saltpeter, or a little kerosene is added to the water. Shaking starts from the beginning of bud break and is carried out 4-5 times with an interval of 5-6 days.
  3. Spraying trees after flowering with chlorophos (15-20 g of 80% emulsion concentrate per 10 l of water), karbofos (75 g of 10% emulsion concentrate or wettable powder per 10 l of water), trichlormetaphos-3 (50-100 g of 10% - emulsion concentrate per 10 liters of water). If necessary (a large number of weevil), the treatment is repeated after 7-10 days.
  4. Instead of insecticides, decoctions and infusions of tobacco, aconite, larkspur or yarrow can be used. Spraying is done during bud break, before flowering and after flowering. It is also important here to collect damaged carrion and remove it from the garden.

Therefore, the owner of a cherry orchard and even one tree under the window needs to know how, when and how to process cherries in the spring so that they please with a long-awaited healthy and plentiful harvest.

  1. From whom and from what it is necessary to save the cherry
  2. Cherry diseases
  3. cherry pests
  4. When and how to process cherries

From whom and from what it is necessary to save the cherry

It is impossible to describe all 200 diseases and more than 600 pests that can choose a cherry tree in one article. We briefly describe the most common infections and dangerous pests. What is good - almost all of them can be got rid of if you correctly spray the tree in the spring.

Cherry diseases

Most often in middle lane cherry hits clasterosporiasis or perforated leaf spot. This fungal disease can infect individual branches or the entire tree.

It begins with the appearance of round light brown spots, which soon turn into holes and the leaves die. The affected branches and trunk of the tree, buds and flowers also die. Productivity drops, and the tree itself dies without treatment.

What pests threaten cherries, and how to deal with them?

For prevention, copper oxychloride and Bordeaux mixture are used.

Moniliosis- a very unpleasant fruit rot that destroys a ripening crop.

It develops in the middle of summer when it is hot and humid. It can spoil all the berries in a few days. Monilial fungus spores must be destroyed in the spring using Bordeaux mixture and fungicides.

coccomycosis cherry affects leaves and fruits.

Its presence is given out by small reddish spots on the upper part of the leaf (and spores below). The pathogen overwinters on fallen leaves. Affected trees become vulnerable to infection and frost. Young trees die in winter. Treatment and prevention: spraying three times: before and after flowering and after harvesting.

Also dangerous are diseases such as:

  • anthracnose,
  • rust,
  • monilial burn,
  • scab,
  • cherry gommose.

cherry pests

Since spring, the tree has been subjected to numerous and incessant attacks. Some worm bugs crawl out of the cracks in the bark, others crawl out of the soil and tear upwards, others hatch from pupae and larvae somewhere else and rush to it at the smell of cherries. And some sit in the soil and enthusiastically gnaw at the roots.

These terrible creatures include aphids, weevils and sawflies. different types, cherry fly, numerous codling moths, sapwood, harmful cherry fly (its nasty worms spoil all the fun), and also, insects with beautiful names butterfly-hawthorn, goldtail, goldfish silkworm and a host of others.

How to care for cherries so as not to leave a chance for pests to spoil the crop and the tree? We recommend that you adhere to the following rules.

When and how to process cherries

The first treatment in the spring should be carried out before the start of sap flow and with dormant buds. Since in different regions it happens in different time, then by folk omens, proceed to garden work it is necessary after the first flight of bees, on a clear day.

First you need to cut the tree, remove the remnants of old foliage, cover cracks and cuts with pitch, loosen and fertilize the soil, remove root shoots.

  1. Dilute urea (750 g per 10 liters of water) and spray the entire tree and the soil under it to the diameter of the crown. The urea will simultaneously serve as a fertilizer and will kill pests on and under the bark, as well as fungal spores.

When processing, do not forget about safety! Protect your eyes and respiratory organs!

  1. After a while, whitewash the trunks and lower branches - where you can get it. This reliable protection from larvae crawling out of the soil. At the same time, pour a layer of ash around the trunk, which will exclude the invasion of ants for sweet juice.
  2. In the presence of fungal diseases (scab, clasterosporiasis, coccomycosis) experienced gardeners it is advised at this time to treat the soil around the tree with the Nitrafen preparation - this will destroy the spores in the soil, and they will not rise from warm air up to the branches.

If the owner of the garden tries not to use chemicals, then in a week (this should be before flowering!) Spray the whole tree with one of these biological products: Fitoverm, Healthy Garden or Akarin.

But if in the previous season the cherry was sick with one of the above infections, then you should use more strong means from diseases (select one of them):

  • 3% Bordeaux mixture;
  • 1% blue vitriol(100 g per 10 liters of water);
  • 3% iron sulfate.

For preventive purposes, you can use the chemical preparations "Horus", "Corsair", "Aktellik" - strictly according to the instructions. Usually one treatment is enough to prevent the development of diseases. But, if signs of the disease appear with the opening of the leaves (dots, spots, twisting), then re-treatment will be required.

The second time you can spray the cherry only after flowering is completed (so as not to interfere with the bees pollinating the color).

Composition of the second treatment:

From folk remedies, this is an infusion of field chamomile: 150 g of flowers per 10 liters of water, leave for a day. Then add half a piece of grated laundry soap, diluted in 0.5 l warm water. Such spraying is carried out twice with an interval of 7 days.

From chemical treatments karbofos showed itself best: 70 g of dry preparation per 10 liters of water. This excellent tool and from aphids, and from caterpillars, which massively appear after flowering.

Cherry trees attract not only people who wish to eat ripe fruits, but also insects. What are cherry pests and their control? Photos and descriptions will help to better understand the enemies of plants and find ways to destroy them.

Fruit trees in our gardens become the subject of close attention of insects that affect almost all parts of the plantations. Leaves and ovaries, flower buds and already ripe fruits, small and large branches suffer from pests. With a massive infestation of aphids, caterpillars of various species, leafworm mites can cause serious damage to the garden, weaken or even destroy it.

Which uninvited guests are the most dangerous? How to treat cherries from pests, and when is it better to carry out such work?

cherry weevil

Small, golden-reddish beetles up to 5 mm long from an early vein feed on cherry buds, young foliage and flowers. And such damage speaks of a serious danger of pests, however, weevils do not disdain pouring fruits, eating away recesses to the very bone. Here cherry pests lay their eggs, and the hatching larvae continue to wreak havoc by destroying the core of the seed. Spoiled fruits fall off, and the larvae from them move to the ground, where they safely pupate and wait for spring.

In early spring when the snow has melted, but the buds have not yet awakened, cherry weevils can be manually shaken off on improvised materials spread under the trees, collected and burned. This method is convenient if they grow in hell undersized varieties, but completely unusable when the pest threatens large trees 5-7 meters high.

Therefore, a more competent and long-term method is the device of trapping belts. They will save plantings not only with a vein, but also for most of the summer.

When attacking weevils, they also use means chemical protection, and folk methods. How to spray cherries from pests in this case? From beetles, modern insecticides help, which irrigate crowns, boles and trunk circles. Processing is carried out with an early vein, after flowering and in autumn, the field of leaf fall.

In addition, cherries can be treated with a daily infusion of odorous or pharmacy chamomile. On a bucket hot water you will need 100 grams of vegetable raw materials and half a bar of crushed laundry soap.

Slimy and other species of sawflies

If larvae appear on the leaves, simultaneously resembling slugs and caterpillars, then the slimy sawfly threatens the cherry on the site. The cherry pest shown in the photo and the fight against it should be under the special control of the gardener.

Smooth greenish-black larvae do not exceed 4-6 mm in length and appear on young foliage. Once on the upper part of the leaf plate, the sawfly eats away its juicy part, without touching the veins and the lower part. As a result of this exposure, the damaged tissue dries quickly, and the leaves on the tree become covered with burn-like spots. Mass infection leads to premature leaf fall, weakening of plants and their poor wintering. In autumn, the larvae enter the soil, and in the spring they fly out, becoming adults, ready to continue the genus of insects.

No less dangerous for cherries are close relatives of the described pest: yellow plum and pale-legged, cherry sawflies. They also damage leaves and ovaries, and closer to autumn they move to the ground and winter safely at shallow depths.

To combat the sawfly, insecticides are used if this does not damage the ripening crop. With minimal infection, the larvae are picked by hand or washed off with a stream of water on a film or cloth spread under a tree.

Instead of chemicals for treating cherries from pests, experienced gardeners recommend taking a strong infusion of smoking tobacco.

cherry aphid

Cherry or black aphids appear on the tops of young branches in the first month of summer. Rapidly breeding insect pests of cherries in a matter of days cover the juicy parts of the shoots with a dense ball. Feeding on the juices of the plant, aphids lead to deformation of the affected leaves and stems. As a result, the garden suffers, the yield drops:

  1. Stops or stops the growth of trees.
  2. Plants wilt and aphid-damaged areas easily develop fungal infections.
  3. The chances of getting a crop next year are reduced.

When the cherry pest shown in the photo appears, the fight against it should consist not only in the treatment with chemicals, but also in the observance of agricultural technology.


  • reduce the population garden ants, spreading aphids on cultivated plants;
  • carry out competent regular pruning of diseased and fattening shoots;
  • do not get involved in the introduction of excessive amounts that provoke the formation of young foliage;
  • clean the stem from the old bark and whitewash the trunks.

In addition to the treatment of cherries from pests using insecticides, the treatment of plantings with an ash-soap solution and an infusion of mustard powder are effective in the fight against aphids.

cherry fly

Seemingly harmless flies can bring no less harm. cherry fly, for example, dangerous pest cherries, due to which you can lose almost the entire crop. The larvae laid by insects feed on fruits and spoil them. When the cherry falls to the ground, the grown insect goes to wintering. surface layer soil.

Miner flies are no less dangerous. Cherry pests are found along the passages in the leaves. The winding tunnels inside the leaf blades indicate that the eggs laid have turned into larvae, ready to emerge and become a new generation of adult insects by spring. With a massive infection, the leaves suffer so much that the tree cannot properly prepare for winter, as a result of which it freezes, gets sick, and produces a smaller crop.

Butterfly hawthorn, goldentail and other cherry pests

From early spring, not only bees circle over the cherry orchard, but also different kinds butterflies. Not all of them hunt for nectar. Cabbage-like hawthorn, golden tail, cherry moth are bright representatives of cherry pests.

Caterpillars of these species actively eat buds and foliage, so it is important to recognize the enemy as early as possible and start fighting him. In the caterpillar stage, insects are harvested by hand or sprayed with chemicals. How to treat cherries from pests, the gardener decides. But when choosing an insecticide, it is important that the chemical provides long-term protection and does not harm the crop.

Since many butterflies manage to give two or three generations per season, the processing is carried out not only in early spring, but the appearance of foliage, but also at the end of summer.

Cherry pest control and prevention measures

No matter how fast and efficient modern facilities insect control, processing cherries from pests will not give the desired result if there is no competent prevention.

Throughout the season, fallen leaves are regularly picked and destroyed. The same is done with mummified, unripe fruits.

Cherry pest control, as in the photo, should be to irrigate plants with chemicals. But this is far from the main stage. The main works are carried out in the fall and include:

  • diseased, dry and damaged branches;
  • slices, as well as cracks in the bark and damaged areas with gum disease, are treated with garden pitch;
  • fallen leaves, branches and remaining fruits are carefully picked and burned;
  • the soil under the trees is loosened and carefully dug up;
  • with the onset of the first cold weather, the garden is sprayed with a 5% solution of urea.

In the spring, the condition of the trees is checked again and a comprehensive treatment is carried out from insects and diseases. fruit crops. Most often, for this purpose, systemic tools are used that are effective against a whole range of hazards. It is important to irrigate not only the trees themselves, but also the soil under them. Re-spraying is necessary after flowering. Another treatment can be done in the summer.

Processing the garden from the cherry fly - video

What does the enemy look like? fruit trees- photo and description.

Cherry weevil (the second name is cherry tubeworm) is one of the main pests of fruit crops in any garden - plums, cherries, apricots, cherry plums, and, unfortunately, it is common everywhere. Massively appear in the gardens during the flowering of cherries. The generative organs of plants are the first to feel the harm from these beetles: the weevil damages the buds, after which they crumble and no longer bloom.

The length of the body of the tube turner reaches about 7 mm, the surface is copper-colored, covered with light hairs, and a strip cuts through the middle of the back. The elytra are dotted with dots.
Cherry weevils endure winter in top layer land, and appear during the swelling of the kidneys, which the beetles feed on. Also, their diet includes flowers and young leaves, the cherry weevil gnaws on the ovary.

In early May, mating takes place, and then the females lay eggs. The female cherry weevil gnaws a furrow in the pulp of the fruit to lay an egg in it. The larva penetrates into the bone for food, and then into the ground, from which they crawl out already as beetles.

Cherry damaged by weevil, how to deal with it?

In order to protect your crop from these pests, you need to take some control measures. In large areas of a production nature, chemicals and control methods are used to get rid of the cherry weevil, because they are more effective in in large numbers pests. In this case, spraying is carried out immediately after the start of flowering plants.

However, in garden plot you can get rid of the tube runner and mechanical action:

  • Freeing tree trunks from rotten bark;
  • whitewashing with lime solution;
  • disposal of fallen leaves and exfoliated bark;
  • dig up and loosen the ground under the foliage of trees, because pests - beetles are hiding there.

Do not forget to also shake the crowns of trees several times so that cherry weevils fall on the soil and you can destroy them, it is in early spring that they live on the buds of branches.

Latin name: Rhynchites auratus Scope.

Family: Pipeworkers (Attelabidae).

Other names: Cherry Elephant, Cherry Pipe Roller.

Cherry weevil is a pest of stone fruit and fruit crops. Most often found on apricot, cherry, sweet cherry, cherry plum, hawthorn and plum. It feeds on fruits, buds and flowers of plants. Harm is caused both by larvae and by the beetles themselves. Reproduction is bisexual. Only one generation develops per year. * Imago spend the winter in the soil.

*Imago is the final part of the development cycle of insects, during which they are capable of reproduction.

Description of the cherry weevil

The cherry weevil is a golden green beetle with a purple metallic sheen. The size is from 5.5 to 10 mm. The body of an adult is covered with light hairs. Shiny head equal in length and width, rostrum most often equal to pronotum, sometimes longer. The eyes are slightly protruding, small.

Females and males differ in appearance. In males, on the sides of the prothorax, there are sharp long spikes directed to the sides.

One female can lay up to 150 eggs. Eggs are oval-elongated white in color from 1 to 1.5 mm.

The white larva is bent in an arcuate manner, covered with reddish hairs, grows up to 2.5 mm.

The pupa is 5-6 mm in size. white, also covered with reddish hairs.

Development of the cherry weevil

Imago crawl out of the soil simultaneously with the swelling of the buds, a massive flight of insects occurs during the flowering of stone fruit crops. Beetles don't like high humidity prefer warm weather. Fruits, young shoots, flowers, buds and leaves are mainly damaged.

Mating occurs in early to mid-May, after a week the females begin to lay eggs. It happens that the process is delayed until the beginning of July. It stops during the period of hardening of the fetal bone.

To lay an egg, the female gnaws out in the soft surface of the fruit. round hole, the bottom of which is located on the surface of the bone. One egg is laid in this hole. Further, an annular groove is gnawed around this hole, the waste material is used to make a cork that prevents the pulp from overgrowing, and also allows the free flow of air for the larva.

The larva hatches in 10-14 days. After leaving the egg, the larva penetrates into the bone, where it feeds on the nucleolus for about a month. The end of development coincides with the moment of fruit ripening, which allows the larva to easily leave the fruit and go to the ground to pupate.

In the soil at a depth of 12 cm, the larva creates for itself a "house" of a spherical shape, the walls of which are strengthened with the help of saliva. The walls of the cocoon become waterproof. Most of larvae pass the stage of pupation in the fall of the same year, some - the next. Imago does not come out of the soil until spring.

Distribution geography of the cherry weevil

A rather widespread insect, coincides with the place where stone fruit crops are grown. Covers Central Asia, the middle and southern parts of Europe.


A mass outbreak of reproduction can lead not only to a complete loss of the crop, but also to the death of the trees themselves (due to massive damage to the foliage).

Methods of dealing with the cherry weevil

mechanical way. It is carried out in early spring in cool damp weather, when the beetles are inactive and just sit on the leaves of the tree. The method consists in shaking them from a tree onto a film or tarpaulin and further destruction.

agricultural method. In early spring and autumn, loosening of the soil around the tree is carried out, the old bark is to be removed and destroyed, as well as regular whitewashing of the stems with lime mortar.

Traps. The straw is impregnated with insecticidal preparations, trapping belts are formed from it and laid out around the trees. The trap can be removed after fruit ripening.

Chemical way. Organophosphorus compounds, biological pesticides, neonicotinoids and pyrethroids are used to spray the crowns and boles of trees.