In a private house      06/16/2019

Cherry weevil control. Cherry weevil How to cure cherry weevil

Gardeners know that the cherry tree is quite attractive to pests. fruit trees. Under the threat of the negative impact of pests, both the trunk of the tree, and the buds, and the leaves, and its fruits.

To protect cherries from pests and avoid negative consequences, trees need both preventive measures and direct protection when traces of a particular pest are found on a cherry tree. In this publication, we will talk about pests of the cherry orchard, about prevention, as well as about the rules and means of protecting cherries.

Preventive treatment of cherries from pests

The health of a developing and fruiting cherry directly depends on the correct and systematic care of it in the complex of all agrotechnical measures, among which in the foreground is the preventive spraying of the tree, that is, protecting the cherry from pests. Conventionally, such preventive treatment of cherries from pests can be divided into two main seasons: spring and autumn.

When should cherries be treated for pests?

Cherry trees are sprayed in spring in order to preserve buds, flowers and fruit ovaries. To avoid burn damage to the leaves and bark of cherries, such preventive spraying should be carried out in early spring before bud break, that is, before the start of sap flow.

A good result is obtained by spraying with an aqueous solution of urea at the rate of 700 grams of urea per 10 liters of water. It is necessary to subject both the crown of the tree and the near-stem circle of the soil to such spraying. In the future, you can spray once a month with suitable biological products, for example, Akarin, Healthy Garden and Fitoverm.

  • After leaf fall, it is advisable to carry out sanitary pruning of a cherry tree: remove deformed, diseased branches and unpromising shoots that thicken the crown excessively.
  • It is very important to treat in the fall the cracks in the bark that exude gum. They must be cleaned and covered in the same way as cut branches.
  • All the resulting waste during such processing, along with fallen leaves, must be carefully collected and better burned in a suitable place.

After the first frost, it is advisable to treat the entire cherry orchard or several cherry trees with a 5% urea solution, which, due to its high concentration, is able to cope with existing pests and most fungal and viral infections. Spraying will be complete if both the crown and the near-trunk soil circles are subjected to it.

How to treat cherries to protect against pests?

  • blue vitriol in an aqueous solution, at the rate of: 100 grams of its powder per 10 liters of water;
  • an aqueous solution in 10 liters of 3% Bordeaux mixture;
  • water solution iron sulphate, based on: 300 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water;
  • concentrated aqueous solution of urea, at the rate of: 700 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. It is very important to achieve a very fine spray of this solution in order to avoid burns of the tree bark;

Experienced gardeners offer a long-standing homegrown way of treating the garden with diesel oil diluted in water, mist spraying to prevent burns. Very important all autumn protective treatments hold cherries from pests until the first frost.

The main pests of cherries

Fruit-bearing plants and trees are full of pests that damage all their parts: from bark to fruit. The most dangerous of them include: cherry weevil, cherry slimy sawfly, leaf aphid, cherry fly, plum codling moth, hawthorn butterfly and golden tail.

Cherry elephant (Cherry weevil)

The cherry elephant is a golden crimson beetle belonging to the bucarok family, the body of the cherry weevil is 5 to 9 mm long. In the spring, young beetles begin their raid on the still unopened buds of trees, then they devour both flowers and fruit ovaries, and young cherry leaves. This beetle acts quickly and actively, that without timely processing, significant losses threaten the crop.

Cherry weevil females lay their eggs in young cherry fruits, gnaw a depression in the pulp of the berry, place their egg in the shell of the still soft stone, which in the future feeds on the contents of the cherry stone.

The fight against weevil will be successful in the following steps:

  • in autumn, remove all exfoliated old bark, followed by whitewashing with a thick solution of slaked lime;
  • the waste of such processing, together with fallen leaves, must be destroyed by fire;
  • dig near-stem soil, where the main part of weevils hibernates, without damaging the roots of the tree, but deep enough to destroy a significant number of them;
  • in the spring, during the period of bud swelling, it is important not to miss the moment by spreading a suitable fabric, mechanically gently shake off the attacked weevils from the branches and destroy them;
  • immediately after flowering, cherries should be treated with an interval of a week with appropriate insecticides: an aqueous concentrated solution of karbofos, at the rate of: 70 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water; and then with a mixture of trichlormetaphos-3: 70 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water;

Proponents of biological protection measures can resort to spraying with an infusion of field chamomile, which will require 150 chamomile flowers. Flowers must be poured with 15 liters of water and insisted for one day. Strain the finished infusion and add 60 grams of grated finely for stickiness. laundry soap stir until completely dissolved.

Fight with it dangerous pest it is better prophylactically and it is advisable to start this work with autumn digging trunk circle tree, and in the summer season continue such a struggle by periodically loosening it.

Showed themselves well against cherry slimy sawfly drugs such as: "Kemifos" or "Fufanon", which are resorted to only if the crown of the tree is affected by more than one tenth of it. To a lesser extent, such damage does not threaten the development and maturation of the ripe cherry crop.

For processing, you will need to dissolve 10 milliliters of the above drugs of choice in 10 liters of water.

leaf aphid

Cherry leaf aphids are small sucking insects that are green, but more often black. Attacking the whole colony on young shoots and leaves, they manifest themselves only as already damaged shoots, which, losing juice and stopping growth, curl up and die, which causes significant damage to the harvest of cherry berries. In addition, trees damaged by aphids suffer from a decrease in immunity, become painful, and do not tolerate winter well. For these reasons, cherries must be monitored carefully and periodically.

This observation begins with ants, whose active scurrying along the trunk of a cherry suggests that they herd their herds of aphids and transfer them to fresh places of juicy grazing, because they feed on their sticky sweet excrement. In any case, the fight against aphids must begin with the fight against ants using known methods: sticky trapping belts, home-made and sold in special stores, or, having stirred up underground anthills, pour boiling water over them to destroy both insects and their larvae.

You can fight leaf aphids with effective insecticides: Inta-vir and Fitoverm, accompanied by instructions for use, but this measure is associated with the waiting time for the ripeness of the berries, which can become an obstacle to their use. Some practice spraying with tobacco infusion with the addition of soap chips of laundry soap; an aqueous solution of a piece of laundry soap in 10 liters warm water; three-day infusion of 0.5 kilograms of ash in 10 liters of water; three-day infusion of potato tops, tomatoes, dandelion leaves (optional) in the proportion: 1 bucket of water plus a bucket of one of the listed herbs. If you have good water pressure in the hose, then the aphids can be knocked down with a jet of water.

It is very important that the introduction of the appropriate cherries mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus will make its juice tasteless for aphids. Whereas a nitrogen-containing line of fertilizers, on the contrary, will provoke the rapid reproduction of this dangerous pest.

A white butterfly, outwardly similar to the well-known cabbage, lays its eggs imperceptibly in two or three periods.

Visually, its larvae are detected when the arguing work is in full swing to devour the foliage and buds of the cherry until the branches are completely exposed. Able to winter in nests right on the tree. They can be seen and must be collected to destroy.

Preventively against hawthorn, it makes sense to spray insecticides before bud break: Actellik or Ambush. Bioprotection lovers can use biopreparations. Treatment against hawthorn should be carried out both in spring and again at the end of summer.

The light brown butterfly lays its eggs in unripe cherries, inside the fruit of which caterpillar worms develop, eating the fruit and filling it with their excrement, which makes them unsuitable for food.

Cherry branches should be periodically inspected so that, if clutches of the plum codling moth are detected in a timely manner, they are treated with benzophosphate or carbophosphate.

cherry fly

Outwardly similar to an ordinary ubiquitous annoying fly, slightly smaller. It affects cherries of the middle and late ripening period.

With its fertility and ability to lay eggs in immature cherry fruits, it can damage about 30% of the total crop.

The first signs of its presence are found on individual berries with dents, and some become soft to the touch. Effective against cherry fly spraying with insecticides: "Diazinon", "Dimetoat" and "Spinosad", the instructions for use of which indicate the waiting period for the harvest.

Goldentail (golden silkworm)

The second name of this butterfly is the golden silkworm. The caterpillars hatched in its nests cause the same damage to the crown of the cherry tree as the caterpillars of the hawthorn. As a result of such a feast of the goldentail, skeletonized leaves appear, entangled in cobwebs, firmly attached to the branch, where the caterpillar of this pest hibernates.

With the onset of heat, they get out of these nests and begin to feed on swollen buds. Having found the spider nests of the golden tail when examining the tree, tear them off and destroy them. Effective against the golden tail in the caterpillar stage, an aqueous solution of karbofos 0.3% according to the instructions.

It is necessary to regularly visually inspect the crowns of cherry trees in order to timely detect pests and recognize them.

It is very important to comply optimal timing processing the garden against pests and deal specifically with those that are found after the fact, and not “just in case”.

Strictly avoid chemical processing cherry during its flowering, to avoid the death of very important pollinators - bees and others beneficial insects, without which the yield will significantly decrease.

Spreading cherry weevil (elephant) quite extensive and coincides with the distribution of fodder plants: various kinds cherries, sweet cherries, plums, apricots, hawthorn and cherry plums. It covers the middle and southern parts of Europe, the Western and Eastern Mediterranean, Central Asia. With mass reproduction, it can destroy most of the cherry crop.

Cherry weevil beetle golden crimson, with a green metallic sheen, 7-9 mm long. The head is extended into a tube in the anterior part. The larva is legless, curved, off-white in color, with a small brown head, up to 8 mm long.

hibernate beetles cherry weevil V upper layers soil. In early spring they leave their wintering grounds and at first feed on buds and buds, sometimes on leaves, then on unripe cherry fruits. They gnaw quite large holes on the ovary. 2-2.5 weeks after cherry blossom, females start laying eggs, gnawing in the pulp of the fruit deep holes and placing the egg near the bone.

About a week later, a larva hatches from the egg, which penetrates the still fragile bone and eats out the core. The period of development of the larva lasts up to a month. Having finished feeding, they get out of the fruit and go into the soil to a depth of 5-10 cm. Here the larvae make cradles and turn into pupae in late summer - early autumn. In autumn, beetles emerge from the pupae, remaining in the soil until the next spring.

Cherry weevil control measures

  1. Digging the soil in the garden in early spring or autumn destroys a significant part of the wintering pest.
  2. As a mechanical method of struggle good results gives shaking off beetles. It is carried out in the spring, early in the morning, while the beetles are inactive, since with an increase in temperature, most of them fly apart. To collect beetles, lay under the trees a bed of synthetic film, tarpaulin or other material.

    In order not to damage the bark of trees, the ends of the poles are covered with burlap. The collected beetles are placed in a bucket with a solution of table salt or saltpeter, or a little kerosene is added to the water. Shaking starts from the beginning of bud break and is carried out 4-5 times with an interval of 5-6 days.

  3. Spraying trees after flowering with chlorophos (15-20 g of 80% emulsion concentrate per 10 l of water), karbofos (75 g of 10% emulsion concentrate or wettable powder per 10 l of water), trichlormetaphos-3 (50-100 g of 10% - emulsion concentrate per 10 liters of water). If necessary (a large number of weevil), the treatment is repeated after 7-10 days.
  4. Instead of insecticides, decoctions and infusions of tobacco, aconite, larkspur or yarrow can be used. Spraying is done during bud break, before flowering and after flowering. It is also important here to collect damaged carrion and remove it from the garden.

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage sandwich with meat - great idea for a quick bite or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little spice. There is no onion in these sandwiches, if you wish, you can add an onion marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches, this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, it remains to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the variety group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground, is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, medium ripening - 55-60 and late terms - at least 70 days. When planting seedlings of tomatoes at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

unpretentious plants The “second plan” of sansevieria does not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal maintenance. The stable decorative effect and extreme endurance of only one type of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very fast growth - Khan's rosette sansevieria. The squat rosettes of their stiff leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balance of the distribution of favorable and unsuccessful days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. In June, gardening and gardening can be done throughout the month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be their optimal days for sowing with plantings, and for pruning, and for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a festive menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this meat is preferable for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - mushrooms, boletus and other goodies are best harvested for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with an interesting, non-trivial foliage color. I have different Japanese spireas, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry ... And there is one special shrub that I will talk about in this article - the viburnum vesicle. To make my dream of a low maintenance garden come true, it's probably the perfect fit. At the same time, it is able to diversify the picture in the garden very much, moreover, from spring to autumn.

June is not accidentally one of the favorite months of gardeners. The first harvest, new crops in the vacant places, the rapid growth of plants - all this cannot but rejoice. But the main enemies of gardeners and gardeners - pests and weeds - also this month use every opportunity to spread. Planting work is on the wane this month, and seedling planting is at its peak. The lunar calendar in June for vegetables is balanced.

Many owners of cottages, equipping the territory, think about creating a lawn. Imagination draws, as a rule, magical pictures - an even carpet of green grass, a hammock, a deck chair, a barbecue and lovely trees and shrubs around the perimeter ... But, faced with the breakdown of the lawn in practice, many are surprised to learn that it is not so easy to create a beautiful, even lawn. And, it would seem, everything is done correctly, but here and there incomprehensible bumps appear or weeds sprout.

June chart garden work able to surprise anyone with its richness. In June, even lawns and ponds require attention. Alone ornamental plants have already completed flowering and need pruning, others are just getting ready for the upcoming show. And donate ornamental garden in order to take better care of the ripening crop - the idea is not the best. IN lunar calendar June will be the time to plant new perennials and potted compositions.

Cold pork leg terrine is a meat appetizer from the category of budget recipes, because pork legs are one of the cheapest parts of the carcass. Despite the modesty of the ingredients, appearance dishes and their taste highest level! Translated from French, this “game dish” is a cross between a pate and a casserole. Since there were fewer game hunters in times of technological progress, terrine is made more often from livestock meat, fish, vegetables, and cold terrines are also made.

In pretty pots or trendy florariums, on walls, tables and window sills, succulents can last weeks without watering. They do not change their character and do not perceive conditions that are comfortable for most capricious indoor plants. And their diversity will allow everyone to find their favorite. Similar either to stones, or to bizarre flowers, or to extravagant sticks or lace, fashionable succulents have long been not limited to cacti and fat women.

Trifle with strawberries is a light dessert common in England, the USA and Scotland. I think this dish is prepared everywhere, only called differently. Trifle consists of 3-4 layers: fresh fruits or fruit jelly, biscuit biscuit or biscuit, whipped cream. Usually they prepare custard for a layer, but for a light dessert they prefer to do without it, whipped cream is enough. This dessert is prepared in a deep transparent salad bowl so that the layers are visible.

Weeds are bad. They interfere with the growth of cultivated plants. Some wild herbs and shrubs are poisonous or may cause allergies. At the same time, many weeds can be of great benefit. They are used and how medicinal herbs, and as an excellent mulch or component of green manure, and as a means of repelling harmful insects and rodents. But in order to properly fight or use this or that plant for the good, it must be identified.

Delicious, everyone's favorite cherry quite often becomes an object of defeat a large number pests and diseases, due to which the productivity of trees decreases, they weaken and disappear.

Cherry pests and their control is an urgent problem for gardeners throughout the entire growing season of the tree. Protect cherry trees from destructive action external factors and get good harvest timely prevention and measures taken to combat diseases and pests will help.

The main cherry enemies are:

  • cherry aphid;
  • gray rot, moniliosis;
  • shoot moth;
  • perforated spotting of foliage (clasterosporiasis);
  • anthracnose;
  • cherry weevil;
  • coccomycosis.

Cherry pests and their control: cherry aphid

This is very dangerous enemy cherries, its colonies can greatly harm the tree. Under the blow of such a small (about 2 mm) insect, characterized by a brilliant black (rarely green) color, leaves fall, the juice of which these creatures ruthlessly suck out.

The most comfortable habitat for aphids is the underside of leaves, pedicels and tops of branches. In summer, some insects move to the young shoots growing under the tree, returning back in autumn. The appearance of aphids is always accompanied by an invasion of ants, whole hordes of which feed on its secretions. The eggs laid by aphids overwinter on the young branches of the tree; larvae appear in spring initial stage bud break and after a short period of time turn into full-fledged females, ready to continue the new generation.

Cherry pests and their control (photo) is the most urgent problem when they are detected on a tree. The fight against aphids primarily consists in cutting out the root shoots near the cherry and destroying the weeds that it occupies. Before bud break, cherry pest control is effective folk remedies: this is a spraying with a solution of dandelion, onion, garlic, yarrow or ash. An infusion of wormwood leaves, tobacco and laundry soap is effective, the latter being added for better adhesion of the solution to the leaves and the formation of an airtight film under which the aphids suffocate. It is recommended to plant plants under the trees that will repel aphids. These are marigolds and marigolds.

If pest concentrations are high, use chemicals. These are pesticides "Inta-vir" or "Spark", the use of a 0.1% solution of "Decis" will be effective. Spraying is required in the evening in calm weather. Deadline processing - 3 weeks before the start of the cherry harvest.

cherry weevil

This beetle of a bronze-green color with a raspberry tint infects the fruits of the cherry, preventing them from even ripening. Small in size (about 1 cm), it settles on a tree during its flowering period, feeding on buds, flowers and cherry ovaries. In the middle of summer, the females gnaw through the green pulp of the fruit and lay their eggs on the bones. After a couple of weeks, larvae appear that gnaw out the bones from the inside. This leads to premature fruit drop. At mass defeat you can say goodbye to the crop with such a pest.

The insect hibernates in the soil, therefore, to destroy it in autumn period the ground around the trees needs to be dug up. Cherry pest control in the spring will consist of regularly shaking the beetles from the tree and destroying them.

From chemicals in the fight against cherry weevil with its significant accumulation, the use of such compounds as Inta-vir or Karbofos is effective. Processing should be done twice: after flowering and again, after 7 days. Fufanon, Kinmiks, Aktellik and Rovikurt are effective. Preparations are required to spray the trees after they bloom.

shoot moth

This pest, in the spring - a yellowish-green caterpillar, and in the summer - a motley little butterfly, has chosen cherry buds. Gnawing into them, it leads to the drying of the latter. Outwardly, it seems that the increments are damaged by frosts. Caterpillars also infect young leaves, wrapping them in cobwebs, and buds, gnawing out stamens from them. Next, the ovaries of the tree suffer.

To turn into pupae at the beginning of summer, they go underground in order to please the world with butterflies in early June. Those, in turn, lay their eggs near the formed buds.

Cherry slimy sawfly

It is a small black flying insect whose larvae are similar to small leeches. Winters at a depth of about 15 cm, pupates in late spring. In the middle of summer, adults lay eggs in leaves, which then mercilessly, to the very veins, eat the larvae that have appeared. Such harmful activity leads to premature fall of damaged leaves.

Cherry pests and measures to combat them primarily require the attention of the gardener when a tree lesion is detected. The sawfly can be overcome with Iskra, Inta-vir or Antara.


In other words, gray fruit rot - fungal disease, which manifests itself in early July and affects the flowers, leaves and shoots of a tree. high humidity and heat - comfortable conditions contributing to the active development of the disease. On the fruits, gray-ashy pads are formed, which increase and completely cover the berry. Sometimes rotten cherries become dark bluish in color, as if mummified, which is why they look varnished. The pulp of the affected cherries acquires a loose structure, completely losing its taste qualities. Most of fruits fall off, some become black, dried up, remain hanging until the coming spring, with the onset of which spores develop on diseased fruits, dangerous for healthy cherries.

Cherry pests and their control is a problem that becomes most relevant during the ripening period, when the number of people who want to try delicious fruit increases many times.

The fungus overwinters in dried ovaries, affected inflorescences, dry fruits and branches, therefore, to get rid of sources of infection, these parts of the plant must be collected and destroyed. Sick branches must be cut out, while capturing 10-15 cm of healthy tissue, and then burned.

Cherry care in spring - pest control during bud break, which consists in processing trees and soil around or Bordeaux mixture. In the spring, before flowering, it is recommended to spray the cherry with Topsin M fungicide, and immediately after flowering - with copper oxychloride.


This is perforated leaf spot, which is a fungal disease; it spreads to leaves, shoots and fruits stone fruits. Sick trees are characterized by the appearance on the leaves of red-brown spots up to 5 mm in size. spring period. Sometimes the spots are framed by a red border. After 1-2 weeks, the tissue on the affected areas begins to crumble, falls out, forming through holes. Reddish spots also appear on the shoots, cracking of the bark and release of gum are observed. The fruits dry out and become deformed. Warm, humid weather is the most comfortable environment for the development of this disease.

The pathogen transfers wintering on annual growths and branches in the form of a mycelium, so diseased branches must be cut and destroyed. To localize sources of infection, it is necessary to collect and destroy fallen leaves and fruits. Trees are recommended to be treated with the same preparations as in the treatment of moniliosis.

Cherry coccomycosis

This is a fungal disease that most often affects the leaves, less often the fruits of such garden tree like cherry. Pest and disease control while caring for a plant is a top priority to save the latter. Cherry coccomycosis manifests itself as follows: first, red-brown dots appear on the surface of the leaves, which merge, growing into whole spots. On the underside of the leaves, spores of the fungus form in the form of a white-pink bloom. The leaves fall off prematurely, and the fruits become ugly, remain unripe and become unusable. The pathogen transfers wintering in fallen leaves. Coccomycosis reduces the winter hardiness of the tree, which can lead to the death of the latter. The spores of the fungus become active in the spring, when the tree begins to bloom.

Therefore, at the end of summer, cherry pests and their control (see photo in the article) are the main things that the gardener should focus on to save the tree. Fallen leaves near diseased trees need to be collected and burned, the soil around the trees should be dug up. Of the chemicals, the use of a 4% solution of urea is recommended; in the spring, treatment with Bordeaux mixture is desirable. After flowering, you should apply the drug "Topsin-M" or

cherry anthracnose

This disease mainly affects the fruits, on which dull spots form during the ripening period, gradually developing into dark small tubercles, on which a pink bloom subsequently occurs. In dry weather, the fruits become mummified, giving the impression that they were dried by the sun. In the years of wet and rainy summers, the number of fruits affected by this disease can approach 80%. Sick fruits must be collected and destroyed.

The treatment of the disease is carried out with the drug "Polyram", which requires spraying the trees three times: before and after flowering, then 14 days after the second treatment.


In hot weather, high humidity plants often have this problem. The upper side of the leaf is covered with rust-like spots. Gradually, they increase, which leads to leaf fall. The tree weakens, its winter hardiness decreases. Decreased fertility. Collect and burn fallen diseased leaves. The tree is sprayed with copper chloride.

plum codling moth

Almost everyone is affected by the plum codling moth, the butterfly of which is characterized by a lead tint, while the pupa, which is 7 mm long, has a yellow-brown color. The greatest harm the tree is inflicted by the caterpillar. The defeat of the fruits by the plum codling moth can not be determined immediately, on the berries nothing but a dark spot, barely visible on the thin peel, is noticeable. The fight against pests of cherries and plums consists in the treatment with drugs such as Anometrin, Ambush, Sherpa, Citkor. The second time the trees are recommended to be sprayed after 14 days.