Toilet      06/16/2019

What paint to paint wooden windows. How and with what to paint wooden windows so that it lasts for more than a couple of seasons? How to paint wooden windows

Despite the popularity of plastic double-glazed windows, many homeowners prefer traditional wooden windows. Such structures, in comparison with plastic ones, have many advantages: they are environmentally friendly, safe, and most importantly - very durable. However, behind wooden windows you need ongoing care. Over time, the paint layer and protective impregnations wear off and require replacement. Correct paint for wooden windows will help preserve the color of the window frame and its integrity for a long time.

What paint to choose for wooden windows

Beginning craftsmen often do not know which paint is best to paint. wooden windows. The wood coating must have the following characteristics:

  • increased resistance to moisture, pests and fungus;
  • elastic structure that can withstand expansion from moisture;
  • a breathable, porous surface that will allow air into the room.

These paint characteristics will not only extend the life of the windows, but also improve their performance. Knowing the characteristics will help you figure out which paint to choose for painting wooden windows. different materials.

Paints and varnishes for interior and exterior window decoration

Alkyd paints are usually used indoors. They have an elastic structure and give the windows an aesthetic appearance. appearance. The flexible structure of the coating is achieved thanks to oil inclusions.

For outdoor work, more durable coatings are required, such as acrylic and nitro paint. Such paints and varnishes dry very quickly, and they do not have a strong odor, and after drying, a durable film is formed on the window frame. However, paints are not suitable for window sills. You can figure out how to paint wooden windows only by taking into account the characteristics of different materials.

Universal paint

If you want to save money on painting wooden windows, purchase universal paints. Such coatings can be used for both interior and exterior work. Universal paints and varnishes include atmospheric glossy enamel.

When purchasing a coating, pay attention to its resistance to temperature changes and precipitation. In the realities of the Russian climate, it is recommended to use alkyd enamels and acrylic coatings on water based.

Characteristics of various paints

In addition to the above coatings, oil, enamel and adhesive paint compositions are used to paint wooden windows. To decide which paint to use in your home, compare all the climate characteristics: humidity, precipitation and temperature differences. It is also important to consider the condition and type of wood being painted.

Polyurethane and acrylic coatings

Acrylic and polyurethane based paints are considered the most resistant to adverse conditions, especially moisture. Such coatings contain toxic organic solvents, which make the composition durable. Among these two types of paints, polyurethane paints are more durable, they are extremely wear-resistant, therefore they are recommended for use in exterior decoration. However, polyurethane paints There is one drawback - high cost. In this regard, acrylic ones are inferior to them, which is why they are more popular among novice craftsmen. It is also important that acrylic coatings can be diluted with water and mixed with pigments to obtain complex shades. However, white paint is most often chosen.

Alkyd paints

Today, alkyd paints are increasingly being chosen. In addition to resistance to weather conditions, this type of coating has another advantage - it can withstand treatment with aggressive agents. detergents and oils. The paint composition applied to the primed surface can last up to 5 years. Such paint can withstand temperatures from plus 60 to minus 50. This paint is good for application to coatings located on outdoors.

Nitrocellulose window coverings

Nitrocellulose paints are also suitable for treating wooden window frames. The only feature that is worth remembering when using such coatings is the mandatory active ventilation of the premises during operation and drying. The paint contains acetone, which releases vapors after application. In addition, the paint burns very easily, so it should be stored away from sources of ignition. White coatings are very popular.

Homeowners are increasingly covering their window frames transparent compounds. Varnishes perfectly protect wood and allow you to admire the natural structure of the material. The composition of transparent varnishes is identical to alkyd enamels, with only one difference - coloring pigments are not added to the varnishes. The choice of such material - The best decision, if you want to preserve the wood texture. The main condition is that the selected material must meet the operating conditions.

Do-it-yourself painting of wooden windows

Before processing a wooden frame, you need to understand that different breeds require different works:

  • oak does not require moisture impregnation, but they need to be protected from woodworms and other pests;
  • pine absorbs moisture well, so it simply needs treatment against water and pests;
  • Larch, unlike oak and pine, is resistant to both pests and moisture, so it does not need impregnation.

Painting tools

Before any work you need not only to buy high-quality coating, but also prepare the entire instrument. If you don’t know how to paint wooden windows with peeling paint, start by preparing the surface. To do this, the coating is sanded and small nails, chips and other protrusions are removed. Working surface should be as smooth as possible. For work you will need the following tools:

  • pliers, cutters and other devices for removing screws and nails;
  • spatulas and sandpaper to remove paint if it has peeled off;
  • When disassembling, be sure to remove the glazing beads; to secure them after cleaning, you need a hammer;
  • for small frames you will need brushes, for large ones you can use rollers;
  • containers or cans for paint;
  • To remove glazing beads, a nail puller is needed; it is also used to remove the sashes;
  • You will also need putty and a spatula for it; the composition is used to treat dents and chips of old frames;
  • antiseptic composition for wood processing;
  • solvent for removing paint from brushes and glass.

When treating windows with acrylic paint, color or pigment is often used. With their help, you can give the composition the required shade; it is recommended to buy ready-made colors, since not everyone can do the tinting the first time. To find out what kind of paint to use on wooden windows, here are some tips and tricks.

Very important for painting works choose right time, this will ensure excellent adhesion of the paint to the wood. It is optimal to paint windows on a warm, not very sunny day (as ultraviolet radiation destroys paint pigments). It is best if there is low humidity on this day. For most paints, the optimum humidity is less than 80 and the temperature is above 5 degrees, but even under these conditions the coatings dry perfectly.

Advice! It is better to paint wooden windows from the outside. Thanks to this, you can keep the room clean.

Also, the paint can peel off due to a poor base and unfavorable indoor conditions. It is recommended to carry out wet cleaning to remove dust and dirt at the place where painting will be done. You should also learn how to remove the old coating.

Method for removing old paint

Before coating old frame you need to remove the first layer of paint, for this they use the following technology:

  • The window frame is heated with a hair dryer or blowtorch. Not good old layer The coating will quickly begin to bubble, which will allow you to remove all the paint with a spatula. If similar method If it doesn't work, you'll have to soak the frame in solvent and remove the paint with scrapers and spatulas.
  • It is important to prepare the frame itself; it should be smooth and easy to close. If there are problems with slamming, it is necessary to grind off the unevenness that prevents closure. For such work, grinding equipment is used. Cleaning the coating is done carefully, otherwise the wood layer may be damaged.

If you cleaned the paint with a solvent, be sure to thoroughly dry the frame after the procedure.

To understand how to clean wooden windows from old paint, you should use not only solvents, but also special liquids for removing old coatings. Similar substances can be purchased at hardware store. To remove paint, apply liquid to the surface and wait until the paint turns into lumps. The resulting mass can be easily removed with a spatula or a stiff brush. This cleaning will ensure ease of subsequent work.

Preparing a window for painting

In order for the frame to look neat after applying paint, it is necessary to remove all fittings, the doors themselves, and protect the glass before painting. If the latches and hinges are faulty, they are repaired and replaced. Locks and handles that cannot be removed are simply wrapped with masking tape to protect them from paint. This will avoid unnecessary cleaning.

In addition to fasteners and handles, glass sheets also need to be prepared for painting. Most often, white paints and varnishes are used for coating, which after drying are very noticeable on the glass. Therefore, even before mixing the paint, the joints of the frame and the glass are sealed with wide masking tape on both sides. For novice craftsmen, it is better to cover all the glass with newspapers. We paint the frames carefully so as not to create unnecessary work for ourselves.

Note! The adhesive tape is not attached to the frame tightly, but with an indentation of 1.5-2 mm. This distance will allow the paint to penetrate into the cracks of the frame, thereby protecting the wood from destruction and from moisture accumulation.

It is not recommended to use old glazing beads for glass on old frames. Such structures wear out quickly, so it is better to replace them with new ones. To prepare, new glazing beads are sanded, coated with primer and paint. After drying, they are nailed to the frames. We choose high-quality coating materials so that after a while we do not have to replace some elements with new ones.

Why do you need putty?

Adherents of old technologies use a mixture of rosin, wax and turpentine for priming. Today, such compositions have become obsolete and are rarely used. Construction departments are full of a variety of primers, putties and other compounds intended for painting. Most often, acrylic materials are used to prime the surface of wood. Applying putty includes the following steps:

  • The frame is inspected for damage. If metal parts are worn out or have cracks or areas of rust, they are treated with a metal primer.
  • Before applying the primer, the surface of the wood is impregnated with an antiseptic. This measure will protect the array from beetles and rot, which will significantly extend the service life of the structure.
  • After applying the antiseptic, the frame is re-inspected. Antibacterial impregnation will not cover serious cracks and chips; these are the ones that need to be covered with putty. The procedure is performed in stages, filling the cracks over and over again. If you put a large layer of material on the wood, it will fall off along with the paint.
  • If cleaned window frame If you plan to paint it, then apply the putty in a medium layer (the material will not be visible under the white paint). For processing under varnish and stain, the putty is tinted to match the color of the solid wood. You can also make your own putty composition from epoxy resin and wood fibers.
  • First, apply the composition on the chips in one layer and wait for it to dry. After this, the layer is cleaned of nicks and protrusions.
  • After drying, apply a second layer and also clean it.
  • The procedure is carried out until the frame becomes level.

Note! Before applying a primer for a specific coating, the surface is degreased with a solvent. It is recommended to apply the primer with a roller, as this provides more flat surface.

Painting the frame in several layers

After puttying, the frame becomes smooth, which means the paint will lie evenly. To ensure that the coating has a dense surface, a multi-layer application method is used. Painting is quite simple:

  • the working surface is cleaned of dust and dirt so that the fresh paint does not form lumps;
  • the composition is opened, mixed and filtered through a fine mesh.

Some craftsmen apply paint from a can to the prepared coating, which is highly not recommended. Usually, various materials coatings are sold very thick, and a thick film of paint and solvent forms on their surface. When applied, this composition produces a thick layer that will drip down and form thick accumulations of paint. Such a coating will not look aesthetically pleasing, and will quickly crack over time.

It is not recommended to pour the entire jar into the dilution vessel. Add a little paint to achieve the desired consistency. You should not choose the solvent yourself; ask a consultant about what composition is recommended for this coating.

The first layer of paint is made liquid so that it penetrates into the structure of the array. Before applying a second coat of coating to an already painted surface, the first one must be completely dry. The third layer promotes adhesion to wood. For two finishing layers, the composition is made thick to prevent drips. If drops and accumulations of paint form, they are removed with a cloth with a solvent. You should not wait for the drips to dry; they quickly harden and spoil the appearance of the entire frame.

When painting a window frame, the brush is lowered into the vessel only halfway. This will protect the instrument from the formation of excess and constant leaks. Coating begins on the side that faces the street.

Note! It is best to work with several brushes of 3-4 sizes. To cover a large area, use a thick one, and for difficult areas use a small one, a couple of centimeters wide.

Window frames are painted with a flat brush; it creates a flat and even stroke. To ensure an even line, place the brush on top of the frame bar and release it, allowing the brush to move under its own weight. Under the force of gravity, the tool draws a smooth, almost perfect line.

After completely painting the window, you need to wait until the frame is completely dry. Only after the coating has completely dried is the protective tape removed. It is worth remembering that before work you should remove the paint from wooden windows.

Having become familiar with the features different coatings and application rules, you can paint the windows yourself without the help of specialists. When choosing a coloring composition, you should correlate its characteristics with the operating conditions of the coating.

Every day, a balcony window is affected by various factors, both externally and internally. Naturally, in order for it to serve as long as possible and at the same time maintain its proper appearance, it is necessary to ensure reliable protection. And the painting wooden frames will prevent premature deterioration of the quality of the window.

For reference!

Window frames are usually painted every year or two, as the outer layer of paint may begin to crack during this time.

Paint selection

  • The penetration of moisture into the interior of a wooden frame can sometimes lead to irreversible processes: putrefaction, mold formation and even destruction, which, undoubtedly, can harm both your health and budget. Therefore, choosing paints and varnishes, preference should be given to moisture-resistant ones.
  • Another important requirement for painting materials for window frames is their elasticity. Only then will the paint layer remain intact during the process of typical wood deformations - shrinkage and swelling.

For reference!

When choosing paint, mainly focus on two parameters: the type of wood from which the frame is made, and the climate in the area.

  • For mild climates, oil paint is the best solution.
  • Old wooden window frames are painted using glossy enamel, which is weather-resistant. It is suitable not only for outdoor use, but also for indoor use, that is, it can be considered a universal material.
  • “Weak” wood species that are not resistant to atmospheric influences are additionally protected with a layer of varnish.
  • Painting wooden frames using alkyd paint protects the wood from the destructive effects of sudden fluctuations in temperature, moisture, and more. This coating is elastic and durable, has high decorative characteristics, and is easy to maintain - it can simply be washed using almost any detergent composition.
  • For painting the surface of flashings outside and with inside You can use different compositions. For example, alkyd paint is suitable for interior painting, and acrylic paint for exterior painting.

The rules for choosing paint colors are quite simple:

  • For window systems a light one is suitable from the sunny side, then it will not absorb the rays of the sun, but, on the contrary, will reflect it, and the frame will not dry out for a long time;
  • those facing the shadow side can be painted in dark colors.

Wooden window painting technology

The process of painting wooden windows depends on their condition, but one way or another, the window must first be prepared.

Preparatory work

The most convenient time for painting frames is a spring day without precipitation, when it is warm outside and the sun is not shining too brightly.

In progress preparatory work During restoration, the existing layer of paint is removed, then all defects are repaired.

Cleaning methods

Three methods are used to remove old paint from frames.

  • Thermal. A hair dryer is used for cleaning. Under the influence of temperature, this layer softens, after which it can be immediately removed with a spatula or even simply kitchen knife. The temperature of the hair dryer must be controlled, otherwise the material may overheat and begin to smoke.

For reference!

  • Chemical. To remove the old coating, you can use an aggressive remover. This method is considered the least labor-intensive. The remover is applied to the old paint layer using a brush. After a while it begins to dissolve. The paint may also turn into a jelly-like mass. One way or another, it is cleaned off with a steel spatula. Sometimes the process has to be repeated until the window is completely cleared.

Do not forget that aggressive compounds are dangerous for the skin, so when working with them, you need to take safety measures: wear rubber gloves and protect your eyes with goggles.

To make cleaning more convenient, you first need to remove the locks and handles and remove the glass.

  • Mechanical. This is the most labor-intensive method, but is suitable for processing any paintwork. The paint is removed manually or using an electric tool, for example, a grinder or a drill with special attachments in the form of wire brushes (brushes). Manual method more suitable for performing small amounts of work. Scratches left after using scrapers, scrapers or other tools are cleaned with emery.

For reference!

Wooden frames must be degreased before painting, since the presence of fat on their surface impairs paint adhesion. That is why the entire surface to be finished must be thoroughly cleaned with a solvent.

Repairing chips and cracks

After cleaning, defects are usually found on the surface of wooden frames. To seal them, use acrylic-based putty intended for exterior work. The composition is applied in a thin layer in several approaches. If a transparent finish is intended, then the putty should either match the shade of the wood or be tinted with color.

For reference!

You can make your own putty mixture. Epoxy glue and fine sawdust are suitable for this.

Surface grinding

Sanding is used several times during the preparatory work:

  • wooden frames are processed completely, after completely cleaning the old paint layer;
  • during the puttying process, each layer is processed, after which the entire surface of the wooden frame is cleaned;
  • sand the fine pile that rises after applying antiseptic to the wood.

For reference!

A wooden surface, as a rule, is sanded twice: first with coarse sandpaper, after which the surface is “finished” with fine sandpaper. sandpaper.

Applying primer

Primers that impregnate frames protect wooden frames from rotting. In addition, paint consumption is reduced and its adhesion to the surface is improved. The primer is applied using a brush. The liquid is thoroughly rubbed in the direction of the fibers.

After completing the preparatory work, the surface of the wooden frame becomes smooth and even.

Techniques for painting window frames

Before painting, the room should be thoroughly cleaned, as dirt or dust may settle on the freshly painted surface.

Even for professionals, it is sometimes difficult to carefully paint window frames without staining the glass. Therefore, they recommend the use of livestock painters. It is carefully glued along the perimeter of the wooden frame onto the glass, flush with their surface. Glass is processed in the same way on the other side. Coloring usually starts with outer surface, then switch to internal. In this case, depending on the characteristics of the surface to be painted, several brushes are used. For example, wide ones are more suitable for smooth areas, and small ones for hard-to-reach areas. Apply paint to the corners with short, light strokes.

The masking tape placed around the perimeter must be removed until the paint is completely dry, since this will be difficult to do later.

You can completely protect the glass surface from paint using a soap solution. Before painting begins, the glass is covered with thick foam. As soon as it dries, you can start painting, and at the end the foam is simply washed off with plain water.

The technology for painting windows involves applying paint in two layers.

  • The paint for the first layer should be more liquid so that it penetrates the wood better. It is applied with progressive movements from top to bottom. The corners are painted especially carefully, otherwise white spots may appear on the finished surface.
  • After waiting for the paint to dry completely, begin applying the second layer. It is very important that the coating does not flow, so it should be thicker than when applying the first one.
  • If, when painting frames, the coloring composition gets on the glass, the easiest way to clean it is with a knife or blade after it has completely hardened. This must be done carefully so as not to scratch the glass.

Despite the fact that modern PVC windows have a number of positive qualities When making renovations, some owners are in no hurry to replace their old wooden frames with fiberglass or plastic. It is for such wood connoisseurs that our article will be written, in which we will reveal the secrets of how to remove old paint from window frames and how to paint wooden windows with your own hands. Our article will help you avoid making repairs every year and will extend the life of your wooden frame.

Window painting

A wooden window frame is one of the most labor-intensive areas in apartment renovation:

  • from the outside it is susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation;
  • from nutria - elevated temperature, condensate and dry air;
  • insects can appear in it both outside and inside the apartment;
  • Mold and mildew easily develop on external surfaces.

Such unfavorable factors destroy the structure of the wood, so it is better to treat the frame with special impregnations that will help avoid such troubles in the future.

What tools and materials will you need?

Preparing tools for painting windows

Repairing a wooden window frame with your own hands requires careful preparation of the base. You need to start by inspecting the condition of the material, both outside and from the side of the apartment, after which all the necessary tools and materials are prepared.

We'll talk about the paint itself a little later, but besides it you will need:

  • solvent;
  • putty for woodwork;
  • tassels with different sizes working cloth;
  • rollers of different diameters;
  • a scraper so that you can remove peeling paint;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • empty containers for paint and primer.

Also, do not forget about your protection. Be sure to prepare goggles, a respirator, and gloves.

How to choose paint?

Choosing paint for wooden windows

Considering that the window is an integral part of the apartment, which protects the room from atmospheric influences, the frame from the outside should easily cope with external factors, tolerate excessive heat or cold, not be afraid of high levels of humidity, etc.

The paint must provide:

  • resistance to high humidity and does not rot from the outside;
  • wood's resistance to shrinkage and swelling;
  • sufficient air exchange in the apartment.

A comparison table of the most popular paints for wooden windows is given below.

View Paint characteristics
Water-based acrylic paint, odorless It is highly resistant to moisture, can be used both outside and indoors, and is also perfect for further painting of gratings; has a vapor-permeable, breathable structure and a rich color palette; available in price and application; does not have a pungent odor.
Silicone resin paint The paint is odorless and very similar to acrylic analogues; elastic; has a thick consistency; forms a glossy film; differs in dirt-repellent features.
Silicate water-soluble paint Penetrates deeply into the wood structure; has no pungent odor; resistant to moisture and natural disasters; has a high level of adhesion. Fiberglass has antiseptic properties.
Polyurethane new paint Dries quickly; wear-resistant; frost-resistant; non-toxic; without smell; does not fade under sunlight.
Water-dispersion paint Eco-friendly, quick-drying composition; does not fade or fade under sunlight; frost-resistant; amenable to tinting; odorless, can be used even in children's rooms
stain Odorless; allows you to preserve the texture of the wood; unpretentious; easy to apply and dries quickly; does not form stains; has different color.

Here are a few practical advice from experienced finishers who will make your life easier:

  1. For painting a wooden frame with your own hands, it is better to use alkyd paint on oil based. This is a more durable and elastic material that has excellent decorative features and does not have a persistent odor. Purchasing such paint for the frame will save financial costs on painting window grilles, because for metal this material can also be used.
  2. “Repairing” the frame should be done in this way: for external work it is worth choosing acrylic paint, and for interior work– alkyd. Using different paint compositions outside and inside the apartment, you can preserve the texture of the wood, and also paint window grilles in the future.
  3. You can also use a universal composition - atmospheric glossy enamel. This paint is equally good for both outdoor work on a wooden frame and for indoor work, because it does not have a strong, lingering odor.

Please note that the color of the frame depends on where it is installed:

  • If the windows face the sunny side, choose a paint that is as light as possible. This helps to reflect the sun's rays from the surface of the wood, which is why it will not dry out quickly.
  • If your windows are always in the shade, the outside can be painted with darker coloring compounds, but here it all depends on your wishes.

I would also like to mention such a process as painting plastic windows.

We are all accustomed to the fact that a PVC window can only be white, but this is absolutely not true. Coloring PVC windows can be completely different, but if you once installed white frames, and after the renovation they do not fit into your improved apartment design, you should not even think about replacing them (unless, of course, you are completely satisfied with their quality). PVC frame It is allowed to paint, just be careful, because not all paints and varnishes are equally good for this. If there is a great need for painting, think carefully about the whole process and acquire special materials and tools.

Preparing the surface for painting

Preparing windows for painting

In order to carry out quality repairs on the outside of your frame with your own hands, select the most optimal time of year so that you are not hampered by burning Sun rays, heavy rains and, especially, snow. The ideal time of year is spring.

A wooden window frame dries well at temperatures of at least 5°C and at a humidity of no more than 80%.

Please note that it is not recommended to paint a damp surface, as the paint may bubble and the entire finish will have to be re-done. Also, paint can peel off due to dampness, poor quality soil and poorly prepared surfaces.

First of all, the restoration of the frame should begin with the dismantling of the window grilles, after which it is necessary to begin preparatory work.

Surface preparation, first of all, consists of high-quality cleaning, which is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the old coating using coarse sandpaper or a scraper. Try to act carefully while performing work so as not to damage the wood. A special solution will help speed up the cleaning process. To do this, the frame is coated with a special liquid, and after some time the paint turns into “cottage cheese”, which is easily removed with a spatula. After this, the frame is simply cleaned with sandpaper.
  2. Unscrew all fittings from the window, or remove all sashes completely. It is also necessary to remove all grilles. To avoid staining with paint, protect all parts that could not be removed with masking tape.
  3. Then you need to prepare the glass. To do this, it is best to use newspapers and tape.
  4. Replace all old glazing beads with new ones. Please note that new ones need to be painted separately and then nailed to the finished window

Applying putty and primer

DIY window painting

The priming and puttying stage looks like this:

  • With your own hands, cover everything with primer for metal work. hardware which may be susceptible to corrosion.
  • Next, you need to use antiseptic substances that should be used to coat the tree - this will protect it from rotting.
  • Fill all kinds of gaps, cracks and other defects. But, be careful not to overdo it with a layer of plaster, because too thick sections may fall off. To do this, you can use putty, which is intended for woodwork; it is based on acrylic. If you do not want to use paint, but decide to make do with stain, first paint the putty in the same shade so that it does not bleed through.
  • After applying the putty and drying it, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper, then the remaining dust is removed and the evenness is checked.
  • Then it's time to prime. To do this, you can choose a primer together with an antiseptic - 2 in 1. The primer forms a transparent protective film, which does not interfere with the preservation of natural wood grain. Also, the primer does not allow the frame to rot even when exposed to high humidity. But before applying primer, it is worth degreasing the surface using white spirit.

Window painting technology

We paint the windows ourselves

When making repairs, before you start painting the frame with your own hands, you need to thoroughly clean the room, wash off the remains of the saw, which can settle on only the painted surface.

Today on the construction market you can find compounds that are designed specifically for woodworking. From the total number the following manufacturers can be distinguished:

  • Deluxe;
  • Caparol;
  • Remmers.

As practice shows, imported brands are several times higher in price than their domestic counterparts. The average cost of painting a wooden frame varies between 600-10,000 rubles, if you entrust the work to a master rather than using your own hands.

When repairing a window frame with your own hands, before applying paint to the surface, mix it thoroughly in a jar.

The first layer is diluted with a solvent to a watery consistency, which will allow the paint to penetrate into all cracks and irregularities. After applying this layer, the surface is left to dry.

The paint for the second layer is mixed in a thicker consistency so that the mixture does not form smudges. If this cannot be avoided, a solvent will help wash off the streaks, but until the paint has completely dried.

If the second coat of paint does not help achieve the desired result, you can apply a third coat.

Therefore, if for some reason you do not want to say goodbye to the old wooden frame, you can repair it yourself, both outside and inside the room. By following our tips and recommendations, you can easily extend the life of your wooden windows and forget about painting them for several years.

The short period has passed when installing plastic double glazed windows was considered fashionable and stylish, and the tree is gradually regaining its lost popularity. Many owners of wooden frames have already changed their minds about replacing still strong wooden window frames with practical plastic and are deciding how to restore them with their own hands and what paint for windows is best.

Requirements for dyes

To obtain high-quality, durable painting of window frames, it is necessary to take into account all operating conditions. Enamel for windows and doors (if there are additionally wooden doors, it is recommended to paint them at the same time as the frames) must meet the following parameters:

  1. Location. For wooden doors and frames located on the street side, the dye must have increased moisture resistance and the ability to withstand temperature changes. If you plan to paint windows in the bathroom or kitchen, then you need to pay attention not only to the moisture-repellent properties of the product, but also to its resistance to abrasion, because wooden frames in these rooms have to be washed frequently.
  2. Availability of additional “bonuses”. For example, fire retardant or antiseptic additives that will protect the wood from fungus or fire.
  3. Environmentally friendly. The selected material should not have a toxic effect on the human body.
  4. No smell. For outdoor work, the smell is not of great importance, but indoors the smell should not persist for a long time. Long-lasting odor associated with repairs chemical substances disrupts the cozy atmosphere of the home.
  5. Drying speed. This parameter is very important when making window frames with your own hands from the street side. For outdoor work, it is recommended to use quick-drying compounds.
  6. Easy to apply with your own hands. Many novice craftsmen, when painting window frames and frames with their own hands, encounter difficulties when applying the dye (drips, uneven coloring), and the quality of the work does not meet decorative requirements. In order for DIY painting to be of high quality and aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to take into account the fluidity and hiding power of the enamel.

By selecting enamel for windows and doors taking into account these parameters, you can ensure high-quality and durable window repairs with your own hands.

Choosing a coloring agent

For wooden structures in residential premises, the following types of paints will be optimal.


Acrylic - latex or water based - quick-drying, after drying they form a smooth, beautiful film. They are easy to work with and are recommended for use by beginning craftsmen who decide to paint wooden frames with their own hands.

Due to the fact that water or latex is used as a solvent, there is only a slight odor when working with the coloring agent, and after 1-2 hours after drying, the odor completely disappears. Acrylic water-dispersion paints can be used to paint inside and outside. If acrylic-latex ones are used, then they should be indicated “for external or internal use” (latex polymer without additional additives is weakly resistant to temperature changes).


Made on the basis of organic resins and oils, they have a high ability to penetrate into the wood structure. After drying, alkyd dyes form a durable film that is resistant to weather conditions, abrasion and chemicals. Disadvantage: organic-based alkyd substances have a persistent odor that does not fade away for a long time.

Products based on aqueous solvents are less durable. But after drying they have almost no odor and are suitable for painting wooden surfaces in the rooms. These solutions take quite a long time to dry, and when used outdoors, a day of warm, clear weather is required.


This composition is based on oil solvents Due to its ductility, it weakly penetrates the wood structure, but forms a durable moisture-repellent layer on the surface. It takes a long time to dry and after drying for a long time has a specific smell. Oil dyes are not used very often for coloring.

Which enamel to choose? Each master decides this for himself, based on the characteristics decorative design and your skills.

Color solution

It’s not enough to choose a composition with suitable chemical properties. Wooden frames must not only be protected from external influences, but also processed in accordance with the interior.

The paint and varnish industry offers consumers a large color scheme the above coloring agents. The windows can be painted either purple or red, but how will this fit into the main design?

Interior decorators for interior decoration recommended to use:

  • traditional shades of white;
  • coloring “like light wood”;
  • beige, light yellow and other sunny tones, if this suits the interior design.

Of course, the window base can be painted any color you wish, but it is worth remembering that too bright or too dark colors bring dissonance to the design of the room.

Painting outdoors is not so demanding when it comes to color tones: frames can be of any color, as long as they are in harmony with the facade.

What you need for painting

Before you start restoring wooden frames with your own hands, you need to prepare necessary tool and consumables. From Supplies you will need:

  • wood putty to level the base;
  • wood sealant for filling cracks;
  • protective impregnations (if the paint does not contain additional protective additives);
  • degreasing solvent;
  • masking tape.

In addition to consumables, the following tools will be needed:

  • scrapers for removing old coating;
  • plane and other tools for leveling the base;
  • putty knife;
  • screwdrivers and hammer;
  • a set of “skins”;
  • brushes

Preparing the base

To make wooden frames look beautiful, it is not enough to simply clean and paint them. Failure to comply with all preparatory stages may lead to the following:

  1. The consumption of paints and varnishes will increase.
  2. After the painted surface has dried, all the unevenness of the wood will become visible.
  3. The decorative coating will have weak adhesion to the base and will soon begin to crack and peel.

If you want to have it for a long time beautiful windows and do not repaint them every year, then before you paint it yourself, you need to carry out the following preparation:

  1. Remove any remaining old paint using scrapers.
  2. Remove window handles and latches.
  3. Clean the surface with sandpaper to a smooth base.
  4. Carefully inspect the frame base. Fill dents and other defects with putty, remove uneven surfaces with a plane. If large cracks appear on the windows during operation, they must be sealed with sealant.
  5. After leveling, smooth the surface again with sandpaper, wash and dry well.
  6. Cover the glass with masking tape to prevent primer and enamel from getting on them.
  7. Treat the wood with a degreasing solvent. This is necessary to remove invisible fatty traces from the base that reduce adhesion. From safe degreasers when self-repair It is recommended to use alcohol-containing compounds, for example, such a solution as cheap and accessible to all craftsmen as white spirit. Alcohol-containing products dry quickly and do not leave an unpleasant odor.
  8. Apply protective impregnation. This step is necessary if the selected enamel or primer mixture does not contain wood-protecting additives. All wood fibers are treated with impregnation using a brush and left until completely dry.
  9. After the impregnation has dried, the selected primer is applied. The primer should be applied by carefully painting all areas of the surface, moving along the wood fibers. Adhesion depends on priming decorative covering with the base and consumption of paints and varnishes. Don't skimp on primer: experienced craftsmen For durability of the repair, it is recommended to apply it in 2-3 layers - each subsequent layer after the previous one has dried.

After the last layer of primer has dried, you can begin painting.

Features of painting work

Painting wood frames is a little different from traditional wood painting. To get an excellent result, painting should be done as follows:

  1. Apply a strip 3-5 mm wide to the surface near the glass with a thin brush. This will prevent paint from splashing when the brush touches the glass and will allow you to thoroughly paint the wood-glass joint.
  2. Carefully paint the glazing beads near the glass.
  3. Paint the opening part of the sash and where it attaches to the window frame.
  4. Paint all horizontal parts.
  5. Apply paint to vertical parts.

After this, the window frame is painted and, lastly, the window sill. After the first layer has dried, the second decorative layer is applied in the same order.

For DIY window restoration to be successful, experts recommend the following:

  1. Apply the dye along the wood fibers.
  2. For the first layer, make the enamel more liquid.
  3. If drips occur, remove them immediately with a cloth soaked in solvent.
  4. Remove masking tape immediately after painting is completed. If this is not done and the enamel dries, then removing the adhesive tape can damage the decorative coating.

Having selected the necessary paint and varnish composition and following the proposed recommendations, even a novice master will be able to carry out high-quality restoration work.

October 14, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I’m sure that’s the only way to keep correct course in "high design".

With the advent PVC wood began to lose its position, but if you are a true connoisseur natural materials, you will never give up wooden windows. At proper care they will faithfully serve you for decades, bringing a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort to your home.

Be ready!

Painting wooden frames requires preliminary preparation grounds. For what?

  1. First, you won't be able to apply a new coat of paint evenly.
  2. Secondly, over time, the bottom layer will begin to peel off, undermining the top one.

Well, was I convincing enough? Don't want to waste your time? Let's move on to removing the old paint.

If the old coating is already fairly “worn out,” it can be removed mechanically using a regular spatula or dish net. The last handicraft tool is useful for cleaning small “flakes” of coating.

If the windows were factory painted using polyurethane or catalytic paint, wipe the frames before cleaning soap solution and polish. This will allow you to complete the procedure quickly and efficiently.

If the last painting of the frame was carried out quite a long time ago, it is recommended to remove the layer using a thermal method. Propane cylinders for hiking are used for firing.

Before removing the old paint, the container is turned over with the nozzle down, holding it strictly vertically. A lit match is brought to the open valve and, determining the intensity of the flame with the valve, the frames are burned. After heating, the paint is cleaned mechanically using a spatula.

The next stage of preparation is processing with coarse sandpaper. If cracks and chips are visible on the frame, putty is applied and sanded again.

If you have to remove old paint from several frames, rent a heat gun with a special attachment that allows you to work on double-glazed windows.

If the frames were painted with oil paint, preliminary cleaning of peeled and cracked areas is carried out with a scraper or brush.

Windows that have been painted a long time ago are often damaged by fungus, so before painting the frame, treat special means from mold. The same procedure is carried out on frames previously painted with alkyd varnish.

The right to choose

Criterias of choice

The next question that requires attention is what paint is best to paint wooden frames. Before you paint the frame, answer yourself a few questions:

  1. What type of wood was used to create the frames?
  2. Under what conditions will the frames be used? high humidity, temperature)?
  3. Is it possible to re-process?
  4. Is the new paint compatible with the old coating?

  • Enamel, oil and dispersion adhesive coatings are used to color wood. From personal experience I recommend looking towards acrylic and polyurethane paints, which are the most modern paint and varnish compositions.
  • Polyurethane coatings Tikkurila, Sirca, Akzo Nobel and Sayerlack have proven themselves excellent in painting the external parts of frames. You can safely use them in the country house, balcony and apartment.
  • If your goal is to update the appearance of window frames or window sills, look for odorless paint, such as alkyd and nitrocellulose enamels. As an alternative, you can consider paints used for finishing walls and ceilings: zinc white, oil paints MA-15 and MA-11, enamels PF-560 and PF-115.

No matter how tempting the idea of ​​painting the frames and window sills in a dark shade may look, refuse it. The thing is that the dark pigment fades, as a result, all your efforts will be invisible in 1-2 years.

  • Before painting a frame that has a coating layer, grout it with putty and primer tinted to match the paint. After drying, the surface is sanded and painting begins.
  • Oil-enamel compositions are applied to the frame, previously painted with two layers of oil paint.

Warm up the enamel a little; this improves its coating characteristics.

Paint rating

If the windows are no longer the same

Your fight against peeling paint may not be successful. Besides, wooden structures They often lose their appearance, revealing their age.

Don’t despair, I have instructions for you that will allow you to turn an ordinary wooden frame into a designer element with your own hands. Next we will talk about decorative painting with an aging effect. So you can easily get vintage, shabby chic, country, etc.

Old frames can be made even older, giving them the effect of honorable age. For this, the techniques of craquelure, brushing, staining, gilding with patina, liming and aging are often used.

Who's the oldest here?

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase “old windows”? Scuffs of paint, signs of age, slightly sagging doors. And if the last point is a little non-functional, then the first two can easily be implemented to achieve a vintage style.

To realize the plan we will need two shades of paint. The first bottom layer should be as contrasting and rich as possible. If you purchased light paint, do not rush to go to the chocolate store; take a closer look at colors that not only allow you to get a shade, but also vary its saturation.

The second color should be light; shades of coffee latte, baked milk and ivory are optimal. The main color is applied with a brush after the base has completely dried.

Now you can arm yourself with sandpaper and work until the dark shade appears through the light shade. And now your frames acquire the patina of time and become the protagonist of the interior.

How everything was cracked!

Another way to quickly age is to use craquelure compositions. Here you cannot get by with ordinary acrylic or alkyd paints, you will need a special craquelure varnish, which “tears” upper layer, forming cracks.

You can use several shades for the base, this will make your cracks multi-colored.

Execution sequence:

  1. Paint for wooden window frames of the base color (the color of the cracks) is applied to the prepared surface and left until completely dry.
  2. Craquelure varnish is applied over the paint.
  3. After it dries, you can apply the main color and admire the scattering of cracks.

Brushing technology

Brushing refers to mechanical methods, so feel free to arm yourself with chisels, skins, metal brushes and drills.

The main goal of the method is to remove the soft top layer of wood, this allows it to be successfully combined with other aging methods. If this is your first time taking up the procedure, try your hand at hardwood, it could be oak, walnut, ash, larch. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn the window frame into a sieve.

The brushing technique is not suitable for beech, maple, pear, teak, and cherry.

What is the best way to consolidate the result? Of course, stain and varnish, for example, Syntilor Vernis BSC Brilliant or Tikkurila Unica Super.

You killed me

Stain treatment – additional method, which is more often used with craquelure and brushing. Some of the stain is washed off the surface with a damp sponge, while the edges, bends and cracks take on a darker shade, which is secured with antique wax and varnish.

If you were unable to get the desired result from the first treatment, work on the cracks with a thin brush with an aqueous solution of stain.

Old, very old

Olding is notable for the fact that it allows you to achieve various effects, here you have sunburn, swamp moss, fading, and even salinity. Almost everything chemicals designed for hard rocks wood The result is fixed with varnish.

Summing up

Now you know how to clean wooden windows from old paint, why to prepare and how to paint the frames correctly, all I have to do is offer you a video in this article and invite you to a discussion on the topic “Wooden windows: to be or not to be.”