Toilet      06/16/2019

Description of the climbing rose “Rumba Climbing” with reviews and care. Rose Floribunda - caring for a beauty for lush flowering How to cover floribunda roses for the winter

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Rose Rumba. Appearance

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Proper planting

Proper care of the variety

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Floribunda rose (100 photos): varieties, names, planting, care, reproduction

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Arthur Bell Nicholls

Charlotte Brontë's husband.

Born in the village of Killed, County Antrim, Ireland, January 6, 1819.
Died at Banagher, County Offaly, Ireland, December 3, 1906.

Arthur Bell Nicholls is a native of the province of Northern Ireland, a fellow countryman of Mr. Bronte. Both were from a family of small farmers with ten children, and both served local clergy before going to university. In 1826, Arthur's uncle, the Reverend Allan Bell, got his nephew a job as a teacher at the Royal School. After 10 years, Arthur went to enter Trinity College, Dublin, which still exists today in Ireland. In 1844 he successfully completed it. His first place of ecclesiastical ministry was the village of Haworth, and he began his duties in May 1845.

Arthur Bell Nicholls was studious, serious, and well-read, and was considered by Mr. Brontë and all the parishioners of the village to be an excellent priest and man. A strongly built man, he loved outdoor activities and took the Brontë family's dogs for walks on the heath.

Arthur Bell lived in the house of John Brown, whose building belonged to the Brontë church school and parsonage. John Brown was a close friend of Branwell Brontë, and his daughter, Martha Brown, worked as a servant at the parsonage. A few months after Arthur's stay at Haworth, Branwell Brontë returned home in disgrace, and Mr. Nicholls saw Branwell sinking further and further over the next three years.

Arthur Bell Nicholls shared the grief of losing Branwell, Emily and Anne in 1848-1849. In 1850 there was probably no one in the parsonage who did not become as close to the Brontë family as Arthur Bell Nicholls did.

His proposal to Charlotte to marry him was a surprise to both her and her father. Mr. Bronte did not give his blessing for the marriage, and Charlotte refused Arthur. Mr. Bronte was angry at this action of the vicar, and made his life so unbearable that Arthur could only leave the village. He took up a position as a clergyman in a nearby settlement and corresponded with Charlotte. At the end of 1853 they met in secret near Haworth, and at Christmas Charlotte agreed to become his wife, and said that she would persuade her father to accept this fact. They married on June 29, 1854, and honeymooned in Ireland. Their family happiness It was huge, but tragically short. A year later, Charlotte became chronically ill and became weak and exhausted. On March 31, 1855, she died during premature birth.

Arthur Bell Nicholls remained to look after Mr Brontë until his death in 1861. He returned to his homeland and started agriculture. Arthur never served as a priest again. In 1864 he married his cousin Mary Ann, daughter of his uncle, Allan Bell. They had no children, and Arthur, as the last remaining member of the Brontë family, spent 40 years hiding from an endless stream of annoying "biographers" and antique hunters.

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The bright yellow-orange rose “Rumba floribunda” often becomes a decoration of city flower beds and garden plots. The beauty of this flower is mesmerizing and improves your mood. And the rich color creates a feeling of celebration.

How the group of varieties "Floribunda" appeared

In a huge family wild roses(rose hips) more than 400 various types. Well, it would seem, what are people missing? Why come up with anything else? But from century to century painstaking work was carried out to develop new garden varieties roses There were more petals, their shape became more complex, the colors became brighter, and the aromas became richer.

There are two options for the appearance of this group of roses. According to the first, the first Floribunda was bred by Peter Lambert in 1880. The second option states that Floribunda was bred by the Danish breeder Poulsen in 1924. Agreement was reached on one issue; the group was developed by crossing polyanthus and tea roses.

Rose Rumba. Appearance

The variety "Rumba" is a typical representative of the family. Roses of this species have been decorating flower beds for more than 50 years. Rumba flowers are unique in their own way. During the flowering process they change their color. The center is painted bright yellow, and the edges of the petals change from fiery red to orange. The Rumba rose is named after the bright and sensual outfits of Latin American dancers. The flowers are as lush as they say - double, they consist of 30-40 petals. The variety is distinguished by abundant and rich flowering throughout the summer.

How else can you tell that this is the beautiful rose Rumba? The description of the plant can be continued as follows: the bush is relatively low (maximum 60-70 cm), with a large number of inflorescences. One plant can have from 5 to 20 flowers. Flowers must be cut off gradually, because after drying they do not fall off on their own. The clusters of inflorescences gradually change shade, and the leaves remain dark green and shiny. It looks like the sheet is covered with wax.

Video on the topic

Characteristic feature

Rose Rumba is different from others garden roses absence of thorns. This is very convenient when growing along paths, since the bush does not scratch or leave snags on clothing.

The variety is not susceptible to fungal diseases and is not afraid of frost. The bushes do not suffer from overwatering or large amounts of rainfall. The plant easily tolerates poor soils, but requires a lot of sunlight.

Proper planting

The landing site should be well lit, but not exposed to winds. Before planting, the root system of the seedling is immersed in water and only then buried in the ground. Planting time is April-May. The distance between neighboring bushes is at least 30 cm. After planting, the seedling is hilled. Add when planting bird droppings or any type of manure is not allowed, the plant may die.

It is advisable to choose slightly acidic loose soil, this creates optimal conditions for the growth and development of floribunda. Despite the need for regular watering, areas with high level groundwater You should not choose for Rumba, so that the root system does not rot.

In flower beds, the Rumba rose feels good next to low-growing plants. Taller bushes will create partial shade and impair the flowering of Floribunda.

Proper care of the variety

Have you seen what the Rumba rose looks like? The photos fascinate with their beauty and splendor. But if you do not care for the plant correctly, you will not be able to achieve such beauty. However, this does not mean that the grower expects a large number of work. Rumba is very unpretentious.

The main thing in caring for flowers is correct pruning. The stem is cut 5 cm above the developed bud at an angle of 45°. Garden pruning shears must be sharp so that cracks do not appear on the cut. Before trimming the entire garden tools disinfected so as not to transfer pathogens from other species to the plant. Pruning is carried out towards the end of October. The pruned Rumba rose is treated with antifungal chemicals.

For wintering, rose bushes are wrapped, despite the fact that the variety is considered frost-resistant.

Rumba is well suited not only for decorating park areas and front gardens, but also for arranging bouquets. The flower looks especially good in decorative baskets.

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Rose ‘Hot Chocolate’ (another name is ‘Hot Cocoa’, Carruth) invariably attracts the attention of even sophisticated flower lovers. Its semi-double flowers are distinguished by a very unusual color, which perhaps only an artist can accurately describe. Everyone else should trust the breeders and rely on the symbolic name of the variety. Everyone notices the chocolate shade of its petals; even the stamens of this rose seem brownish. The color of this rose is very variable: it is usually much less red, and much less warm in tone, than it appears in most photographs. “Fire orange,” a term often used to describe her color, does not convey the hue correctly. It's a wonderfully cool, luminous, smoky, almost taupe (some would say dirty) tone that lets the base color shine through. Here the tint is much more pronounced, it's like the difference between sunglasses and tinted contact lenses. The base color of Hot Cocoa varies from a rich chestnut red-brown in cold weather to a muted nectarine red in hot weather.

Rose Rumba. Description of the variety and care rules

The foliage is very beautiful, shiny, very disease resistant. The flowers are slightly cupped and resemble camellias. The bush is very vigorous and very thorny. This magnificent variety has no rival among brown roses.

How often do we long to have her on our garden plot, but we are stopped by doubts: whether we can cope with the care and care of her. After all, like a true queen, a rose requires a worthy retinue and perfect care. When you open any specialized book on roses, an avalanche of information falls on you from its pages, according to which we must give our roses maximum care and attention, and only then will they respond to us with grateful blooms. However, today there are many varieties of roses that do not require such close attention, are decorative and resistant in our conditions. Ground cover roses of German selection from the nurseries W. Kordes Sohne, Rosen Tantau and the Danish company Poulsen have proven themselves to be excellent. Initially, ground cover roses were created for landscaping cities and parks, but in last years these roses are increasingly used in private gardens. This is due to the following factors: Firstly, roses of this group have good winter hardiness: light shelter is enough for them, and some varieties can winter under snow cover. Secondly, in recent years, new varieties have appeared that are characterized by prolonged flowering, right up to frost. Thirdly, the difference in existing forms of ground cover roses provides ample opportunities for use in garden design. Roses of this group are distinguished by the decorative nature of not only their flowers and fruits, but also the beautiful habit of their branched bushes, the width of which often significantly exceeds the height. Many varieties form dense carpets of shiny foliage covered with numerous flowers. Conventionally, the group of ground cover roses can be divided into 5 subgroups, characterized by: different types shoot growth and bush height. 1. Low bushes with creeping shoots; 2. Upright, wide bushes; 3. Low, wide, strongly branching plants; 4. Roses with arched, flowing shoots; 5. Bushes with long creeping shoots. However, this division is very arbitrary and often in the catalogs of various companies you can find roses belonging to different subgroups. So, for example, the rose "Bonica 82" is classified as a ground cover, a mini-scrub, and a Floribunda class; and "Sommerwind" is included in ground cover and Floribunda roses. Ground cover roses can be classified as universal, unpretentious and requiring minimal care, suitable for growing in rose gardens, mixborders and even for container planting. However, care should be taken in preparing the landing site. After planting, it is advisable to mulch the ground under the ground cover roses. Does not require significant effort and annual pruning roses It is carried out according to the following scheme. After planting, in the first year the ends of the shoots should be trimmed to stimulate their growth and branching. Then, annually in the spring, sanitary pruning/cleaning of the bush is carried out either to form the crown, during which frozen, broken and weak shoots are removed; ground cover roses do not need regular pruning. Every 5-6 years the bushes are pruned short for rejuvenation. Ground cover roses bloom very profusely. Abundantly flowering trees are charming if ground cover roses are grafted onto a standard. Particularly expressive are varieties with long whip-like shoots on a tall 1.2-1.5 m standard-forming tree with a weeping shape. Each gardener in our catalog will be able to choose a variety of ground cover roses according to their taste.

Floribunda is represented by a group of rose varieties, the flowers of which are in an intermediate position between those and the hybrid tea or hybrid polyantha rose. The description of the most popular varieties is well known to experienced domestic amateur flower growers, and their characteristics are of particular interest to beginners and inexperienced rose growers.

These beautiful varieties Mostly low maintenance, which is why representatives of the group invariably receive positive reviews and high marks from lovers of this decorative crop.

Floribunda roses: characteristics (video)

Variety "Rumba"

The cultivar called "Rumba" produces a tough, upright, compact plant with dense, shiny, dark green foliage. Variegated yellow petals with bright scarlet or crimson edges are collected in rosette-shaped flowers. Faded buds can dry out on the bush and need to be trimmed in a timely manner. Flowering is almost continuous, and growing this ornamental plant is possible even on poor soils. For abundant flowering planting is required in areas with good lighting.

Variety "Minerva"

The well-known Belgian variety "Minerva" belongs to the line of "blue-flowered" roses with beautifully arranged petals in antique-shaped flowers. Raspberry buds also look original, which over time change color to dark lilac and dark purple. At the stage of full opening, the bright yellow stamens are clearly visible. Minerva flowers have a sweet aroma characteristic of the variety. The plant has attractive, large, green-colored, matte foliage. Varietal advantages include good disease resistance.

Variety "Arthur Bell"

The variety "Arthur Bell" from the Irish selection of McGredy is characterized by excellent winter hardiness and early flowering. Yellow with a golden hue, the large-flowered fragrant rose consists of twenty petals that are very resistant to adverse weather. The bush is tall, with powerful spiky shoots and dense foliage. The flowers are semi-double, with attractive crimson stamens. The varietal deficiency is represented by significant burning of flowers.

Variety "Iceberg"

The climbing floribunda variety "Iceberg", popular among gardeners, is distinguished by white, flat, cup-shaped, medium-double flowers, consisting of an average of thirty petals with a clearly visible central part. Rose has a soft aroma, and the flowers are collected in lush, numerous inflorescences. The bush is well developed, has light green, glossy foliage.

Variety "Deja Vu"

When growing the Deja Vu variety, a vigorous, straight, relatively tall bush with good branching attracts attention. Cone-shaped, tight, double buds turn into flowers with bright yellow petals and a pinkish-orange border around the edge. Flowers are great for cutting, planting personal plots, landscaping of garden and park areas. Looks very good in group plantings. Deja Vu flowers are two-colored, which means they belong to the bicolor group.

Varieties and selection of roses (video)

No less popular varieties

This ornamental plant, like the floribunda rose, is fairly easy to cultivate, which means it is perfect for growing even by novice amateur gardeners. Flowers can be tiger, plain, with a contrasting reverse, or belong to the bicolor category.

Correct, but fairly simple pruning perfectly stimulates abundant and lush flowering. In addition to the popular varieties listed above, there are also no less promising and in demand for cultivation in home gardening conditions. The originators of the most popular floribunda varieties are Serbia, Germany, France and the USA,

Variety Plant Flower Varietal advantages and disadvantages
"Raffles Packlin" Erect, branched, with glossy leaves Large in size, densely double, with wavy and rugged petals of pink-red color with silver-white edges Abundant and repeated, very long flowering
"Kalinka" With dark, shiny, healthy foliage and almost thornless shoots Pink color with a salmon tint, fading to pale Pink colour with a light aroma An old and time-tested variety, in demand for flowerbed decoration.
"Stromboli" Vigorous, compact, erect, with bright, shiny, dark green leaves Bright scarlet or red, double, cupped, with velvety or fluted petals Abundant flowering throughout the season, until frost
"Red River" Low growing, with dark green, attractive foliage Neon red flowers collected in inflorescences Low-growing floribunda with very stable and long-lasting flowering
"Amber Queen" Low-growing, fairly spreading, with a dense crown and dark green foliage with a pleasant bronze tint. Large, rich apricot color with an amber tint, terry type, quite aromatic Preference should be given to fairly strong crown pruning
"Lambada" Powerful, tall, with dark green, leathery, glossy foliage Bright orange, quite large in size, with a slight aroma and satin petals curled at the tips Popular for decorating flower beds and landscape compositions and also as a tapeworm
"Midsummer" No more than a meter in height, with straight-growing and fairly powerful shoots and sufficient foliage Medium in size, rich orange-red color with yellow reverse, dense double, quartered type Resistant to powdery mildew, blight and rain.
"Mannu mailand" Vigorous and fast growing, with abundant foliage and well-developed shoots The wavy petals have a rich cyclamen color and are similar to hybrid tea roses The plant grows well with age and increases its flowering mass
"Pierrot" Upright, with good foliage, medium green, glossy foliage Bright red color, classic shape in semi-dissolution, moderate-terry type Repeatedly flowering plant with good resistance to powdery mildew, spotting and rain
"Freesia" Compact type, resistant to major diseases, with attractive dark green, shiny leaves With a pleasant aroma, beautiful bright yellow color, with dark yellow reverse petals The flowers can fall off quite quickly, and the interval between flowering is quite long.
"Lily Marlene" A compact plant covered with small dark green foliage. Blood red in color, with a light and fresh aroma and velvety petals Needs preventive treatments to protect against powdery mildew
"Satchmo" Dense with short and dense stems covered with dark green glossy foliage. The flowers are fiery red in color with an orange tint with petals collected in semi-double brushes. Resistant to all diseases and drought, with abundant wave flowering.
"Samba" A plant of medium vigor, no more than 70-80 cm in height with shiny attractive foliage Relatively large in size, flowers collected in racemes with yellow-red coloring Most often grown for cutting purposes, but the variety is also suitable for garden decoration.
"Gold Rush" No more than a meter high, with straight and fairly strong shoots of good foliage The flowers are represented by large lower light petals and small bright upper petals with folding wavy edges Unpretentious plant with excellent resistance to powdery mildew and spotting
"Chin chin" Climbing type with powerful stems and dense dark green foliage Flowers collected in brushes with large double petals of scarlet-orange color French hybrid with abundant repeat flowering
"Schneewithchen" Large, erect, with a uniform rounded crown and light green, shiny, sparse leaves Semi-double type, white in color with petals turning pink closer to flowering A very winter-hardy and hardy variety, popular for decorative design garden
"Circus" Low growing, dense, highly decorative, easy to grow Orange, with a reddish edge, fading to yellow, densely double, round, with wavy petals Good resistance to rain, drought and many diseases
"Hot Choklit" Upright, powerful, up to a meter high, with very large, dark green leaves Orange-brown, with whitish streaks, and white edging of petals New Zealand cold-resistant floribunda with abundant flowering
"Tornado" Branched, medium height, erect, with hard short shoots and dark green shiny leaves Semi-double, orange-red, cup-shaped, with golden stamens in the center The best option for decorating a flower bed, border or container
"Hocus Pocus" No more than half a meter in height with good foliage Medium size, dark red with yellowish irregular stripes along the petals Excellent cut German variety with unusual flower coloring

Application in landscape design

Variety "Sparkling Ruffles" widely used for borders and flower beds, and can also be planted in containers. French floribunda "Kalinka" forms a fairly dense, branched and spreading bush of medium height, allowing it to be used to create a hedge. Roses "Stromboli" And "Red Empire" also apply to the best varieties for forming a hedge. French floribunda "Red River" most often used when planting to create highly decorative group landscape compositions.

However, most often in garden decor well known experienced flower growers floribunda variety "Amber Queen" This rose is rightfully considered the best yellow-flowered floribunda for growing in cold climates. Large flowers are collected in loose clusters, and unusually large, bronze or dark green colored, shiny leaves successfully complement the spreading plant.

How to plant Floribunda roses (video)

'Amber Queen' has excellent disease resistance, a very short flowering period and is easy to propagate. According to hybridizers, this variety is simply ideal for growing as a standard crop and planting in the spring in open ground for landscape design.

The bright yellow-orange rose “Rumba floribunda” often becomes a decoration of city flower beds and garden plots. The beauty of this flower is mesmerizing and improves your mood. And the rich color creates a feeling of celebration.

How the group of varieties "Floribunda" appeared

There are more than 400 different species in the huge genus of wild roses (rose hips). Well, it would seem, what are people missing? Why come up with anything else? But from century to century, painstaking work was carried out to develop new garden varieties of roses. There were more petals, their shape became more complex, the colors became brighter, and the aromas became richer.

There are two options for the appearance of this group of roses. According to the first, the first Floribunda was bred by Peter Lambert in 1880. The second option states that Floribunda was bred by the Danish breeder Poulsen in 1924. Agreement was reached on one issue, the group was bred by crossing polyanthus and

Rose Rumba. Appearance

The variety "Rumba" is a typical representative of the family. Roses of this species have been decorating flower beds for more than 50 years. Rumba flowers are unique in their own way. During the flowering process they change their color. The center is bright yellow, and the edges of the petals change from fiery red to orange. The Rumba rose is named after the bright and sensual outfits of Latin American dancers. The flowers are as lush as they say - double, they consist of 30-40 petals. The variety is distinguished by abundant and rich flowering throughout the summer.

How else can you tell that this is the beautiful rose Rumba? The description of the plant can be continued as follows: the bush is relatively low (maximum 60-70 cm), with a large number of inflorescences. One plant can have from 5 to 20 flowers. Flowers must be cut off gradually, because after drying they do not fall off on their own. The clusters of inflorescences gradually change shade, and the leaves remain dark green and shiny. It looks like the sheet is covered with wax.

Characteristic feature

Rose Rumba differs from other garden roses in the absence of thorns. This is very convenient when growing along paths, since the bush does not scratch or leave snags on clothing.

The variety is not susceptible to fungal diseases and is not afraid of frost. The bushes do not suffer from overwatering or large amounts of rainfall. The plant easily tolerates poor soils, but requires a lot of sunlight.

Proper planting

The landing site should be well lit, but not exposed to winds. Before planting, the root system of the seedling is immersed in water and only then buried in the ground. Planting time is April-May. The distance between neighboring bushes is at least 30 cm. After planting, the seedling is hilled. You cannot add bird droppings or any type of manure when planting; the plant may die.

It is advisable to choose slightly acidic, loose soil; this creates optimal conditions for the growth and development of floribunda. Despite the need for regular watering, areas with a high groundwater level should not be chosen for Rumba, so that the root system does not rot.

In flower beds, the Rumba rose feels good next to low-growing plants. Taller bushes will create partial shade and impair the flowering of Floribunda.

Proper care of the variety

Have you seen what the Rumba rose looks like? The photos fascinate with their beauty and splendor. But if you do not care for the plant correctly, you will not be able to achieve such beauty. However, this does not mean that the florist will have a lot of work to do. Rumba is very unpretentious.

The main thing in caring for flowers is proper pruning. The stem is cut 5 cm above the developed bud at an angle of 45°. must be sharp so that cracks do not appear on the cut. Before pruning, all garden tools are disinfected so as not to transfer pathogens from other species to the plant. Pruning is carried out towards the end of October. Rumba is treated with antifungal chemicals.

For wintering, rose bushes are wrapped, despite the fact that the variety is considered frost-resistant.

Rumba is well suited not only for decorating park areas and front gardens, but also for the flower looks especially good in decorative baskets.

Rose Rumba has a yellow color with a red edge. The height of the bush is usually about 40-50 cm. The width is about 50 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Resistance to diseases of rose Rumba: gets sick in unfavorable years.

Description: roses Rumba

Rumba is one of the first roses to give the low-growing floribundas the bright but variable colors of Masquerade. The flowers, when opened, are yellow, but over time the edges of the petals become bright scarlet, and then crimson, while the yellow color fades. The reverse side of the petals is yellow, the center of the flower also remains yellow. The flowers have the shape of rosettes and withstand wet weather well, but the petals do not fall off, but dry up on the bush, which reduces its value as a flower bed rose. Flowers appear in clusters of 3-15 pieces on a hard, compact bush with shiny green foliage, the variety blooms profusely again. Although many superior varieties have now emerged, Rumba remains popular and widespread, especially in northern Europe. (ARE)Dense, shiny foliage covers an upright bush up to 70 in height and width. Yellow, double flowers with a red blush appear in racemes. Faded flowers turn brown and dry up right on the bush. It blooms almost continuously all summer. Tolerates poor soils, but loves full sun. Trim faded flowers. (IER)