Toilet      06/13/2019

Cerapadus - children of cherry and bird cherry. Description and characteristics of cerepadus, useful properties of a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, planting and care

Cerapadus - children of cherry and bird cherry

Cerapadus are hybrids between cherry and bird cherry. Their name is the first syllable from the Latin names for cherry ("Cerasus") and bird cherry ("Padus"). Cerapaduses are plants obtained from the pollination of cherry flowers with pollen of bird cherry (cherry and bird cherry), if, on the contrary, flowers of bird cherry (bird cherry and cherry) were pollinated with cherry pollen, then the hybrids are called "padoceruses".

The first to receive cerapadus was I. V. Michurin. In an effort to increase the winter hardiness of cherries, he decided to introduce into their heredity, as they say now, the bird cherry winter hardiness gene, for which he crossed the cherry with the Maak bird cherry. In fairness, I note that now scientists tend to mistake this type of bird cherry for a cherry.

Cerapadus with brushes of its fruits resembles a bird cherry, and their size resembles a cherry. The cerapadus obtained by I. V. Michurin had from 3 to 6 fruits in the hands, each weighing 1-1.5 g. The taste of fruits is different: from indigestible, literally cinchona, in some trees, to relatively pleasant in others. I. V. Michurin predicted a great future for this plant for breeding new especially productive varieties of cherries, the fruits of which will be arranged in tassels, like a bird cherry, and not alone or in pairs, as is the case with cherries.

Interest in cerapadus resurfaced in the sixties, when a devastating mushroom disease- coccomycosis. It is expressed in the fact that reddish-brown spots appear on the leaves in June. The leaves turn yellow and fall prematurely, and the trees weaken and freeze even in relatively warm winters. One of the ways to save cherries is to create winter-hardy, coccomicose-resistant rootstocks for it. It was then that they remembered the cerapadus. They just have these qualities, and cherry, being one of their ancestors, is well grafted onto them. Years of persistent work, and at the Oryol Experimental Station (now VNIISPK), the breeder A.F. Kolesnikova created cerapadus, which became the first rootstock for cherries - VP-1, and a little later OVP-2, OVP-3 and Rubin. These rootstocks are indeed coccomycosis-resistant, winter-hardy, and the trees grafted onto them are characterized by high productivity. All these rootstocks are included in the State Register.

In the joint work of the Crimean OSS VNIIR and VSTISP (Moscow), using the Michurin cerapadus No. 1, clonal rootstocks of medium growth for sweet cherries were obtained - VTs-13 and LTs-52. The productivity of trees on these rootstocks is high. Of particular interest is the rootstock LTS-52, which, in comparison with VTS-13, is more resistant to coccomycosis and forms less shoots.

But scientists have not forgotten the predictions of I. V. Michurin that cerapadus in the future, obviously, will provide for cultivation in gardens and completely new independent species. And this prophecy also came true. A.F. Kolesnikova received the first ever forms of cerapadus with completely edible fruits. I say this with full responsibility - I myself have tried everything in her collection garden. They are highly resistant to coccomycosis, winter hardiness, productivity, and, although they are inferior to cherries in fruit quality, they are quite suitable for technical processing. With the inclusion of cerapadus in repeated crosses with cherries (by the way, this took more than 20 years), A.F. Kolesnikova received the varieties Dolgozhdnaya and Novella, which are already popular, which, although classified as cherry, are actually nothing more than cerapadus . The fruits of these varieties are cherry in size and have enough cherry flavor, the number in the brush is 3-4.

Variety Novella included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements for the Central Black Earth Region. It is characterized by increased resistance to coccomycosis and partial self-fertility. No less important is the winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds. The ripening period is medium early. Fruits weighing up to 5 g, almost black, taste score - 4.2 points. Yield 15 kg per tree. General purpose variety.

Professor A.F. Kolesnikova continued her work with cerapadus in Orlovsky state university, where it received interesting forms Pedagogical . True, their fruits are smaller than cherries, but 6 pieces per brush. Taste rating - 4 points.

At the Moscow Institute of Horticulture (VSTISiP), with the participation of cerapadus No. Rusinka . It stands out for its high winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds. Self fertile. This circumstance provides him, for example, in Moscow, annual fruiting. Here Rusinka gave her usual (8-10 kg per tree) harvest even after the last two treacherous winters. The ripening period is late. The fruits are medium-sized (3.0 g), almost black, sweet and sour (taste score 4.0 points). They are quite suitable for fresh consumption, but still mainly for technical purposes.

A lot of work with cerapadus was carried out by O. V. Zhukov at VNIIGiSPR (Michurinsk). Here, the bird cherry-cherry hybrid padocerus-M was bred, which served as the initial form for creating the cherry variety Diamond . In turn, Almaz became the ancestor of a wonderful variety named by O. V. Zhukov Kharitonovskaya (by the name of the mother who helped him in his work). The variety is included in the State Register for the Central Black Earth Region. An unexpected death interrupted the work of the breeder, but his work continues, and varieties have already been isolated from the padoceruses he received. Firebird, Crown, Aksamit.

This is how the prophecy of I. V. Michurin comes true, and the cerapadus are gaining strength and, as a man-made fruit crop, and as stable rootstocks for cherries and sweet cherries.

Cherry hybrids and related crops owe their appearance to the eternal desire of breeders to develop new plants with impeccable characteristics: high-yielding, fast-growing and early fruiting, with large delicious fruits resistant to frost and common diseases.

Sweet and sour cherry or duke

If various varieties Ordinary or already growing in your garden, and the soul requires something unusual, try planting cherry hybrids crossed with cherries, bird cherry or plums. The fruits of such hybrids combine beneficial features both parent plants and have a peculiar taste - sometimes very pleasant, and sometimes specific, for an amateur.

Alas, the hopes of breeders have not yet come true - the bred hybrids of cherries and bird cherry, sweet cherries or plums have not earned rave reviews from gardeners. Despite improved performance, hybrids still could not significantly outperform mother plants in terms of taste, and they also have certain disadvantages.

Video about cerapadus from flowers to berries

Cherry is valued by gardeners for its high winter hardiness and compactness, but its fruits seem to many to be too sour. Sweet cherries, on the contrary, bring tasty sweet fruits of larger sizes, and are more resistant to diseases than cherries. Breeders have long dreamed of combining these advantages in one plant, but most often crossing cherries and cherries led to the creation of sterile hybrids, which, after abundant flowering fruits were not set.

The first fruitful hybrids of cherries and sweet cherries appeared in the 17th century in Western Europe, in Russia they were given the short name "Dukes" in honor of the English old variety May Duke. But the European dukes turned out to be unstable for the harsh Russian winters. And only at the end of the 19th century in Russia Michurin developed a domestic hybrid of cherries and sweet cherries Krasa Severa, which is characterized by increased winter hardiness.

Cherry is valued by gardeners for its high winter hardiness and compactness, but its fruits seem to many to be too sour.

Of course, modern varieties of cherry-cherry hybrids are much superior to the Beauty of the North in terms of yield, taste and fruit size. Currently, in Russian gardens, such cherry varieties as Miracle Cherry, Meteor, Early English, Toy, Naughty, Night, Sister, Meeting, Chernyavka, Late Shpanka are more common. And breeders do not stop there, continuing to cross one duke with another, duke with cherries or dukes with cherries.

Among the advantages of modern varieties of sweet cherry:

  • rather large fruit sizes (from 10 to 17 g);
  • sweet taste of fruits with a pleasant slight sourness;
  • rich cherry aroma;
  • abundant fruiting;
  • winter hardiness is higher than that of cherries;
  • good resistance to coccomycosis and moniliosis.

Breeders do not stop there, continuing to cross one duke with another, duke with cherries or dukes with cherries

Cerapadus and Padocerus

Behind these frightening Latin words are the names of amazing fruit trees - cherry-bird cherry hybrids (bird cherry in Latin "Padus", cherry in Latin "Cerasus"). The difference is that when cherry is pollinated by bird cherry, a hybrid is obtained. cerapadus, and if, on the contrary, cherry pollen fell on bird cherry flowers, a hybrid is formed padocerus. It is worth noting that crossing cherries is possible only with Japanese bird cherry, common bird cherry and virginskaya do not give hybrids.

A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry was also bred by I.V. Michurin at the beginning of the 20th century. So far, only one form of cerapadus out of three obtained by Michurin has survived. But on the basis of cerapadus, several varieties of cherries have been created, which received resistance to coccomycosis from bird cherry. In addition, wonderful rootstocks for southern cherry varieties are obtained from hybrids of cherry and bird cherry, providing trees with frost resistance, violent growth and a powerful root system.


Popular varieties of cerapadus with fruits collected in brushes, similar in size and taste to cherries: Meeting, Long-awaited, Rusinka and Novella.

Not everyone likes the taste of the fruits of cherry and bird cherry hybrids, therefore, most often the fruits are used for technical processing.

Cherry with plum flavor

Growing plums in Russian gardens is complicated by the fact that it fruit tree often freezes, from which the crop suffers greatly. Due to this good option for gardeners, a plum-cherry hybrid can become, which combines winter hardiness and unpretentiousness of cherries, the size and amazing taste of plums with a slight taste of cherries, as well as drought resistance, early maturity and high yields.

cherry plum

Plum-cherry hybrids obtained from Bessey's sandy creeping cherry and different types plums are compact bushes various shapes with a developed root system and beautiful fruits that appear already in the second or third year. It is convenient to take care of low trees, and they take up very little space in the garden. Due to late flowering, cherry plums are practically not exposed to spring frosts, and if this happens, then the ovaries are almost not damaged, and fruiting is preserved.

The fruits of plum-cherry hybrids that ripen by the end of summer have a bright aroma, look attractive, their taste depends on the variety, but still more like a plum. Cherry plum jam and compotes are excellent!

Disadvantages of plum-cherry hybrid:

  • the fruits ripen almost simultaneously and quickly deteriorate on the branches;
  • in taste and size, cherry fruits are inferior to plums;
  • the stone of the fruit is difficult to separate from the pulp.

In domestic gardens, cherry plum varieties such as Mainor, Novinka, Piramidalnaya, Beta, Opata, Far Eastern Dessert, Samotsvet are common.

Apparently, it is in human nature not to "wait for favors from nature", but to create varieties and types of plants with attractive properties on their own, by artificial means. The appearance of hybrids is proof of this.

What is a hybrid

The term "hybrid" in botany refers to an organism obtained by crossing different forms. As a result, the genetic material of different cells is combined into one single cell.

Of course, cases of natural hybridization are known: for example, grapefruit is the result of a natural crossing of a pomelo and an orange, but in the vast majority of cases this is a carefully controlled process. A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, tangerine and orange, peach and nectarine, plum and apricot - all these are the results of many years of painstaking work of biologists.

The purpose of obtaining hybrids in botany

The desire of breeders to experiment on the breeding of hybrids of various fruit plants is explained by the desire to improve their initial characteristics: yield, resistance to pests and immunity to diseases, frost resistance, as well as to obtain new taste qualities, improve appearance or improve transportability.

cherry hybrids

Cherry is a popular plant, so breeders could not bypass it. Several successful cherry hybrids are known. First, cherries can be cross-bred with sweet cherries. The hybrid is called Duke and has increased winter hardiness and resistance to certain diseases, as well as sweeter fruits than cherries. The cherry-plum hybrid is very beautiful during flowering, tolerates frost well and does not require careful care. There is also a hybrid of cherries and plums, the fruits of which have a unique double taste. Finally, the work of breeders on crossing cherries with Japanese bird cherry Maaka can be called successful. We will dwell on this hybrid in more detail.

Padocerus or cerapadus?

The hybrid of cherry and bird cherry is not very widely known. As a rule, novice gardeners have not heard anything about him at all. However, by crossing these plants, you can get as many as two interspecific hybrids: padocerus and cerapadus. These names may seem somewhat tricky and worthy of dinosaurs rather than fruit trees, but in fact everything is simple and logical: they are formed from the Latin names of cherry (Cerasus) and bird cherry (Padus). Figuratively speaking, cerapadus is a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, whose mother is cherry, and whose father is bird cherry. This option turned out to be more successful and became more widespread in horticulture. If bird cherry flowers are pollinated by cherry pollen, then you get already padocerus.

It must be said that only the Japanese bird cherry Maaka is suitable for crossing with cherries, which combines the features of both bird cherry and cherry, but has bitter fruits. In some sources, it is now referred to as cherry, although it would be fairer to say that it occupies some intermediate position between these species.

Features of the hybrid: appearance and properties

The hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, the photo of which is presented in the article, is more like bird cherry, and its fruits are located on the tree with tassels: several pieces on one stem, and not singly or in pairs, as is the case with cherries. The berries are dark, almost black, juicy, tasting from sour-bitter to sour-sweet. Outwardly, the fruits of cerepadus are more like cherries.

Initially, as a result of selection in the 20s of the last century, Michurin obtained 3 types of cerapadus: No. 1 (from steppe cherries and bird cherry Maak), large cerapadus (Ideal was used) and sweet cerapadus. The fruits of cerapadus No. 1 were not only bitter, but also poisonous, as they contained hydrocyanic acid.

A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry even now, after many years of work by breeders, has fruits that are not particularly sweet. Interestingly, the more frost-resistant cerapadus have, the more bitter their berries.

Repeated crossbreeding of cerapadus with sour cherries has resulted in popular cultivars. For example, the cerapadus varieties Dolgozhdnaya and Novella have fruits with a completely “cherry” taste and size, the Pedinstitutskaya variety is distinguished by large tassels of berries, and Rusinka has a particularly high winter hardiness and fruits quite suitable for fresh consumption. Most often, the harvest of cerapadus has a technical purpose and is used for juices and syrups.

The value of cerapadus

A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry is valued for the fact that it really has high resistance to frost and has a very well developed root system. Another important property - the resistance of cerapadus to diseases - was remembered in the 60s of the last century, when coccomycosis fell on cherry orchards - a disease in which the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall already early summer, and the trees themselves weaken and do not survive in the winter. In this case, cerapadus are successfully used as a stock for seedlings of varietal cherries, along the way, significantly increasing their frost resistance.

Note: the stock is the plant to which the stalk with the bud of the variety of interest to the gardener is grafted. Rootstock plays very important role: it provides complete nutrition to the upper part of the plant, i.e. scion.

Care and reproduction

As for care, cerapadus are very unpretentious, they can grow anywhere and on any soil, special attention do not require, including treatment with fungicides. Care comes down to pruning, forming a bush or crown of a tree, and weeding the trunk circle. Regular feeding is also not required.

Cerapadus reproduce, as it should be for hybrids, exclusively by cuttings in order to avoid splitting the acquired characters.

A hybrid of bird cherry and cherry: useful properties

Cherry fruits have a very rich composition: vitamins A, C, E and group B, organic acids, micro and macro elements. IN traditional medicine cherry is used as an expectorant, antipyretic, antiviral and bactericidal agent, as well as for the prevention of heart disease. reduces blood clotting and increases hemoglobin.

Cherry fruits thanks to high content tannins are very effective as a fixing agent, while normalizing the functioning of the intestines and improving the condition of the walls of the stomach. Bird cherry is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Maaka bird cherry is generally extremely rich in biologically active substances.

It is impossible to say for sure whether cerapadus inherited absolutely all the beneficial properties of both of its "parents", but it is reliably known that a decoction of its berries has a pronounced antipyretic effect, and the fruits themselves have a rich chemical composition.

A hybrid of bird cherry and cherry: recipes in cooking

Cerapadus fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, so even those who are not good at cooking can always just freeze the berries to use them for compote or fruit drink in winter. In general, if the question arises of what to cook from a hybrid of bird cherry and cherry, it is enough to adopt any traditional recipe in which its "parents" appear. Thus, you can cook jam, make tinctures and liqueurs, or you can use these sour berries as a filling for pies and pancakes.

Cerapadus is a plant obtained by pollinating cherries with bird cherry pollen. A hybrid of bird cherry and cherry was obtained by I. V. Michurin and is now quite often cultivated in home gardening. If cerapadus is obtained by pollinating cherry flowers with bird cherry pollen, then such a hybrid is called padocerus.

Description and characteristics

Bird cherry crossed with cherry is a tree with a powerful and well-developed root system. By appearance the plant is more like a bird cherry, which blooms in early spring period and forms fruits that look more like small cherries.

Taste qualities berries vary greatly depending on the varietal characteristics. Some forms form tart and inedible fruits, and some varieties are characterized by fruits with a pleasant, sour-sweet pulp. From bird cherry, cerapadus inherited high rates of winter hardiness and sufficient resistance to most diseases, including coccomycosis. The main value of this horticultural crop is the ability to use it as a strong and frost-resistant stock for grafting varietal plants.

The best varieties

Breeders have bred several varieties of cerapadus and padocerus, which very successfully combine a decent annual yield, unpretentiousness and a high level of winter hardiness. In the conditions of home gardening, varieties and hybrid forms with self-fertility and frost resistance are most in demand.

Variety name Fruit Botanical description Varietal features
"Novella" Mid-early variety with almost black berries weighing up to 5 g The plant is vigorous, with a very powerful root system. Increased resistance to coccomycosis and partial self-fertility
"Rusinka" The berries are medium-sized, weighing no more than 3 g, almost black, sweet and sour taste Plant no more than 2.5-3.5 m high, with a relatively compact crown Self-fertile variety with high level winter hardiness of wood and flower buds
"Firebird" Medium-sized, dark coral, glossy, round-heart-shaped, with moderate density. The taste is sweet and harmonious Plant no more than 2.5 m high, with a compact, tightly compressed and dense crown Regular good yields and moderate winter frost tolerance
"Crown" Arranged in groups, the taste is harmonious and pleasant, sweet, with a slight sourness. shrub plant with great strength growth Comprehensive stability, prospects and good yields
"Long-awaited" Round, dark cherry. The flesh is dark red, tender, juicy and dense. The stone is large, well separated from the pulp Below average vigor, with a powerful root system and a rounded crown Annual and abundant fruiting

Not all gardeners and consumers like the taste of fruits of hybrid forms of cherry and bird cherry, so the harvested crop is used for all types of technical processing.

Cerapadus: growing (video)

Landing Rules

Cerapadus seedlings can be planted both in spring and in early autumn period. The plant has sufficient winter hardiness and perfectly takes root before the onset of winter cold. Cerapadus planting technology is as follows:

  • seedlings planted in April take root best;
  • for landing, a place well-lit by the sun should be taken without drafts and cold gusty winds;
  • for cultivation, it is desirable to allocate a site with neutral soil with medium or increased fertility;
  • if necessary, a preliminary deep digging of the soil is carried out with the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, the composition and amount of which may vary depending on the type of soil;

  • planting pits for spring planting of seedlings of berry crops should be prepared in the fall;
  • the standard diameter of the landing pit should be approximately 70 cm with a depth of half a meter;
  • average distance between landing pits should not be less than 2.5-3 m, which will provide the necessary nutrition area for the plant;
  • two buckets of well-rotted humus or manure with potash and phosphate fertilizer should be poured into the bottom of the pit;
  • before planting, the root system of the seedling should be lowered into water to saturate the roots with moisture before planting.

After planting, the plant must be watered with two or three buckets. warm water and then mulch trunk circle peat. The plant can be used as a very good rootstock for growing seedlings or as a skeleton former.

Cerapadus is less demanding on growing conditions and does not need additional measures to protect against fungal diseases. Agricultural technology includes the following activities:

Cerapadus can be formed in the form of a trunk or a multi-stemmed shrub. To lay the first tier, pruning is carried out at a height of 60–70 cm. Three or four of the most developed side shoots should be left. In subsequent years, tiers for the second and third order are formed.

Sanitary pruning involves the removal of dry, diseased and broken branches. th. To protect against diseases and pests, spring spraying crowns "Horus", 1% Bordeaux liquid, "Planriz" and "Alirin-B". As chemical insecticides it is recommended to use "Kinmiks" and "Fufanon".

How to care for cherries (video)

Cerapadus is an excellent rootstock for heat-loving varieties and hybrid forms of cherries. The presence of a powerful root system, high resistance to cold winters, fairly rapid development and growth make the plant attractive to domestic gardeners and allow diversifying gardens with southern varieties of cherries.

If you come across in the market new culture- a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, be sure to buy. She does not get sick, is more productive, and picking fruits is a pleasure, as the berries grow in large brushes. Imagine - cherry in a bunch

This hybrid is called not very affectionately - cerapadus (cherry-bird cherry hybrid) or padacerus (bird cherry-cherry). It is clear why its varieties on the market are passed off as cherries. After all, the berries are difficult to distinguish. The only thing that gives them away is that they are collected in brushes. The size of the fruit is not inferior to the cherry, the taste is not worse. The trees themselves are very winter-hardy, have a powerful root system, due to which they bear abundant fruit every year and are distinguished by increased resistance to diseases. And the fruits collected in a brush, like bird cherry, are another plus for growing this crop. Such plants are not afraid of moniliosis, coccomycosis, clasterosporosis and other traditional cherry diseases. By the way, even a culture simply grafted onto bird cherry is already becoming more resistant to diseases than on ordinary rootstocks. There are not many varieties yet, but they are quite good. The most popular varieties now are Long-awaited, Novella and Meeting with fruits of the size and taste of cherries and the number of fruits in the brush 3-4. They are highly resistant to coccomycosis, winter hardiness, productivity. There is one drawback - they are inferior in quality to cherries. But Kharitonovskaya, Firebird, Crown, Aksamit and self-fertile variety Rusinka with almost black sweet fruits are quite competitive (although the sizes are smaller than those of the best varieties cherries). In general, they cannot completely replace cherries yet, but they already need to be planted - on compotes, jam will fit perfectly.

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