Toilet      06/14/2019

How to make a small sofa out of paper. Ways to create paper furniture with your own hands, schemes and important nuances. Making furniture for dolls with your own hands: what improvised tools will come in handy

When a child has a doll, pretty soon every kid begins to think about arranging a home for her. With the modern development of toy production in the store for your favorite doll, you can buy almost any furniture or just a whole house at once. However, it will be much more exciting to equip everything with handmade items. This does not require any special skills or expensive materials, such as plywood, wood, metal or plastic. You can simply arm yourself with glue, scissors and paper. And how to make paper furniture for dolls, we will consider in this article.

How to make paper doll furniture

Today there are many ways to make paper furniture. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the most famous of them.

  • Origami technique.
  • Production of furniture according to drawings.
  • Gluing according to color schemes.
  • Weaving from paper strips or tubes.
  • Usage matchboxes as a building material.
  • Production of furniture from corrugated cardboard.
  • Painted furniture.
  • Making paper furniture combined materials.
  • Papier-mâché furniture.

Although all these techniques are different, they use the same material - paper and cardboard derived from it. Whichever one is chosen, one rule is invariable for all: making doll furniture requires special care and attention, because it is almost jewelry work.

Requirements for paper for toy furniture

Considering the question of how to make paper furniture for dolls with your own hands, it is worth remembering that each of the manufacturing methods has certain requirements for paper.

Almost all of the above methods require thick paper from 90 g/m 2 . It should bend well and not exfoliate at the bend points. However, for origami paper, you need less dense paper that can withstand repeated bending and maintain a beautiful look.

The same requirements apply to cardboard. By the way, for the manufacture of furniture from it, you can use both ordinary stationery cardboard and packaging corrugated cardboard.

If doll furniture will be made using papier-mâché or weaving, as consumable Old newspapers or magazines are great.

How to make paper furniture with your own hands: origami

The simplest method of making furniture that does not require special skills, materials, and most importantly time is origami (the art of folding paper figures).

All you need is a square sheet of paper and a diagram of how to fold it correctly. No glue and origami scissors are needed (unless, of course, this is its modular subspecies).

When making doll furniture in this way, you should first practice on paper from a math notebook (because of the cells, it will be easier to fold). And, having mastered this technique, make a table, chair or something else from special paper.

Schemes on how to make a chair, table and sofa using the origami technique

As an example of how to make paper furniture with your own hands (step by step), below are three origami patterns. The size of the finished product, folded over each of them, depends on the size of the sheet. Having trained several times, it will not be difficult to calculate it relative to the growth of the doll.

The first diagram shows the paper technique.

It would be nice to add a chair to the made paper table. How to do this is shown in this diagram.

Instead of paper chair, in addition to the table, it's a good idea to use a sofa assembled according to the diagram below.

for paper dolls without glue

Besides origami, there is another way to make paper furniture without glue. However, in this case, you can not do without scissors. They will be needed to cut doll furniture according to the pattern. Then you need to fold it.

A chair or slab made in this way looks more elegant than origami products. But when creating furniture in this way, you need to cut and fold it very carefully so as not to spoil it.

For printing such schemes, it is best to use paper with a density of about 100 g / m 2.

The finished product can be painted to your liking.

Making doll furniture from color schemes

In the old days, you could buy paper cut-out kits in almost any bookstore. Following the instructions, using scissors and glue, get a charming Dollhouse or a palace with furniture.

Knowing the basics of working with any graphic editors and the principles for constructing such schemes, you can easily make such blanks. If making a whole palace for a doll is not included in the plans, it would not be a bad idea to create a wardrobe, chair or bed and, after printing them out, make vintage furniture for your pet. Needless to say, this method is suitable only for laser printing, because inkjet, although more colorful, but in contact with water can float or simply burn out over time.

As for the choice of glue for this furniture, it is best to use double-sided tape or It is also acceptable to use glue gun but very carefully.

Weaving from paper tubes, as one of the ways to make doll furniture

Weaving is a rather ancient and popular type of needlework. Today it is experiencing a new revival. However, modern craftsmen are increasingly using not a vine, but paper tubes or ribbons for weaving. The finished product is painted, and then varnished and in this form is able to serve for many years.

When choosing a way for yourself how to make paper furniture with your own hands for Barbie, it would be nice to take advantage of this: today the trend is becoming more and more fashionable to use paper wicker furniture in your homes.

Among the advantages of this technique is the elegance and strength of the finished furniture, as well as its realism. In addition, the materials will cost nothing, because these are unnecessary old newspaper or magazine sheets.

But among the minuses - in order to make doll furniture in this way, you must first master the weaving technique, as well as have a certain pattern.

But, having learned how to create toy tables, cabinets or chairs for Barbie, it would be nice to try your hand at making human-sized furniture.

Matchbox furniture

Among the most used materials for the manufacture of doll furniture are matchboxes. In fact, they serve as bricks for creating tables, chests of drawers, beds, etc. Moreover, if some masters simply paste over ready product colored paper or fabric, others decorate furniture from matchboxes using decoupage, making the product realistic.

To make sure that a matchbox can be made very beautiful furniture for a doll, below is a master class on making a toy chest of drawers from two boxes of matches. To complete it, you will also need stationery cardboard, black and white paint, double-sided tape, sandpaper and two beads.

In this way, you can also successfully make wardrobes, desks And kitchen furniture. The main thing is to have a lot of matchboxes in stock.

Furniture for cardboard dolls

Quite popular today is a technique that tells how to make furniture for dolls with your own hands from cardboard and paper. In this way, not only furniture is made, but also entire dollhouses.

For this method, it is most rational to use corrugated cardboard, the source of which can be any box from a parcel or some kind of household appliances.

Most often, furniture made of this material is pasted over with paper or cloth, sometimes painted. However, in last years eco-style became especially popular. Following him, corrugated cardboard furniture is not painted, but left as it is. At the same time, do not forget: if front side the box had something printed or written on it, it needs to be turned over so that the picture remains hidden inside the product.

It is worth noting that the manufacture of real modular furniture from corrugated board is becoming quite a popular trend in the modern world.

True, it is not very durable, but it is affordable and environmentally friendly, unlike plastic, and is easily recycled or transported when moving.

painted furniture

When choosing how to make paper furniture, do not underestimate the simplest ways. One of them is to simply draw furniture on paper or cardboard and place it in the dollhouse.

Of course, with voluminous furniture made according to one of the above methods, the painted decoration of the house cannot be compared, but as an option it is quite suitable for beginner dollhouse designers.

By the way, in addition to paper, you can draw on corrugated board. It is noteworthy that some modern designers are beginning to use the method of partial hand-drawn furniture for decorating real houses.

Furniture from combined materials: a master class on creating openwork chairs from paper and a coffee cup

When fantasizing about how to make furniture out of paper, do not neglect combining it with various improvised means, for example, with paper boxes of chips or coffee cups.

For example, an excellent cradle for a baby doll will come out of a small box in the shape of a cylinder.

And from a paper coffee cup in combination with paper strips for quilling, you get a very elegant doll chair.

The seat and legs of the future chair are cut out from the bottom of the cup. Two cotton swabs are glued between the legs to add stability. As a material for the back of the chair, the remaining paper from the cup is suitable. suitable for decorating the seat with weaving, as well as for making elegant curls on the legs and back of the product.

Papier mache

Among the many ways to make furniture out of paper, the papier-mâché technique (the use of paper mass and modeling glue) stands apart.

Most often, masks or some kind of figures are made in this way, however, it is quite suitable for doll furniture. Like paper tube weaving, the papier-mâché technique is very economical, but it is also simpler.

Furniture made in this way must have a frame and dry well before it is covered with paint or varnish. By the way, if you add a little gypsum to the paper, the product will become much stronger.

Each of the above ways to make paper furniture is unique in its own way. Some are complex, others are simpler. But whichever one is chosen, the main thing is to put your soul into your work. Then the result will surely please, and your favorite children's doll will have the best house in the world.

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Probably, there is no such girl in the world who would not dream of having a toy house for dolls with furniture. A real headset, of course, will not fit in it, but it is easy to make paper figures on your own. Our detailed master class, after studying which you can easily assemble origami furniture.

For work, we need a square sheet of paper (white or color). When choosing a size, be guided by the required dimensions of the future chair.


To learn how to make an origami chair, we suggest using a video tutorial. Follow step by step instructions MK and the entire manufacturing process will take you no more than 10 minutes.

Video: Origami Chair Workshops

We form an origami table

Origami table - simple paper craft, a necessary thing in any home, even though it is a toy. It will make a great set with chairs. The work will not take you much time, and the result will certainly please you.

Assembly scheme for beginner craftsmen:

Video: Origami Table Tutorial

origami cabinet

We suggest you make a wardrobe with drawers - crafts for storing small accessories. Children put doll clothes in it.

To work, you will need 2 square sheets of paper (20 * 20 cm), which must be folded sequentially, as in the video instructions.

Video: Origami cabinet assembly workshop

Origami bed

The bed is the main subject home interior, we will try to make this thing out of paper. The assembly process is simple, so both a child and an adult can master folding skills. For work, you need a square sheet of medium density (20 * 20 cm). Please take other sizes if you wish.

Step by step description:

  1. We arrange the sheet in half, in different directions (crosswise) and outline the center.
  2. We bend the side edges to the center, 1/3.
  3. Then fold again to make a rectangle.
  4. We lower the side parts to the fold line and open the pockets, wrapping the corners along the contours.
  5. We bend the corners away from ourselves - we make legs.
  6. We get a great bed.

Video: MK creating an origami bed

If in the process of folding there are difficulties or you do not understand some points, then look at the hint of an experienced craftsman.

origami sofa

It is hard to imagine a living room without a sofa. For a guest, this is a great place to sit down, for the owner - to lie down to rest after work. Let's make a sofa out of paper using origami technique, as in the photo:

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fold the paper in half (twice) and unfold. Get a cross fold.
  2. We bend 1/6 of the page along the dotted line (see photo).
  3. We wrap the sheet along the fold opposite this strip.
  4. We wrap the side parts of the resulting rectangle, 1/3 on each side.
  5. Bend the corners forward (in the places indicated by the white arrow). We do not touch the back side of the sheet.
  6. We fold the opened white rectangles in half.
  7. Raise the part of the craft marked with a dotted line.
  8. Bend the half of the raised part down.
  9. Bend the sides forward.
  10. Pull the front (back) forward.
  11. We get a paper sofa.

Video: Origami sofa formation lesson

Schemes for folding furniture using the origami technique

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The sofa is an indispensable piece of furniture in the living room. When guests come, they will always find a place to sit, and when you are alone at home and get a little tired, you can lie down on the sofa and, as if by chance, fall asleep, doze off. Making a sofa out of paper is quite simple if you follow the simple instructions in the picture diagram.

Origami scheme: Sofa from a piece of paper

(Click on the image to enlarge the picture)

1. Fold the sheet in half twice and unfold it to make a cross fold.

2. Bend one sixth of the sheet (strip) forward as indicated by the dotted line.

3. Fold the sheet along the fold opposite this strip.

4. Bend the sides of the resulting rectangle, as shown in the figure (1/3 of each half of the figure) to get new folds.

5. Bend the sides forward at the places where the white arrow is drawn. In this case, the back of the sheet should remain in place.

6. Bend the opened white rectangles in half where indicated by the dotted lines.

7. Lift the part of the craft marked with a dotted line up.

8. Bend half of the raised part down along the line indicated by the dotted line.

9. Bend the sides of the resulting figure forward.

10. Pull the front of the "back" forward.

11. The paper sofa is ready to receive guests!