Toilet      06/21/2021

How to insulate a metal roof. How to insulate the roof from the inside - tips for carrying out work. The cost of insulation work



By insulating the roof from the inside with your own hands, you will achieve two important benefits. Firstly, you will be able to get rid of heat losses, which in houses with non-insulated roofs amount to 15%. Secondly, by insulating the attic space, you will get additional space that can be turned into a full-fledged living room.

Photo of roof insulation

To fulfill effective insulation roofs from inside your house, you will need to use the appropriate materials. They have special requirements that must be taken into account when choosing.

  • Density. Thermal insulation properties are higher for those materials whose density is low. For roofing, it is recommended to choose an average density;
  • Thermal conductivity. Try to use materials that have the lowest thermal conductivity. So the protective layer will practically not release such significant heat from under the roof;
  • Water absorption. This is the property to absorb and retain moisture in the pores of the material. We do not need to accumulate moisture, therefore, when choosing heat-insulating glass wool or mineral wool, be sure to check whether it is hydrophobized;
  • Resistant to low temperatures. Most roof insulation materials easily withstand temperatures as low as -50 degrees Celsius. This is quite enough for any region of our country. But specify how many cycles of freezing and thawing the material can withstand;
  • Burn resistant. The material must not present a hazard in this component. It is possible to get rid of such a lack of some heat insulators due to special impregnation;
  • Chemical resistance. The selected thermal insulation should not collapse or lose its properties under the action of chemical substances. But you must not allow contact with them either;
  • Environmental friendliness. Since many equip the roof space under the roof in residential attic, you need to use exclusively safe, environmentally friendly materials based on natural or non-hazardous components.

Insulation materials used

Considering all the requirements for materials for roof insulation from the inside, the choice will be between several optimal options for heat-insulating roofing materials.

  1. Mineral wool. This is the most popular way to insulate a roof from the inside. Choose basalt wool, be sure to ask in the store when buying mineral wool for a product safety certificate. Dimensions, thickness, geometry of products are selected in accordance with the parameters of the roof itself.
  2. Glass wool. Not so long ago, glass wool was used very widely in matters of roof insulation. But now the emergence of safer, environmentally friendly materials has brought glass wool to the background. The thermal insulation properties are not bad, the efficiency is high level. But when insulating the roof with glass wool, be sure to follow safety measures, wear protective suits, gloves, goggles, protect the respiratory tract from glass dust. For allergy sufferers, such material is contraindicated.
  3. Polymer heaters. These include plates made of foam or expanded polystyrene. For the price, a very attractive option for roof insulation, but in practice it has its drawbacks. For starters, polystyrene foam and polystyrene burn easily, emit copious amounts of smoke that is dangerous to the body. They should be chosen for roof insulation only in situations where there are no alternatives.
  4. Expanded clay. If you have insulated the floor in the house, expanded clay will be familiar to you. It has excellent thermal insulation properties, but it is incredibly difficult to work with it when insulating the roof from the inside. Theoretically, it is possible to use it, but in practice, not all experienced craftsmen undertake such work.

Stages of roof insulation

Photo of insulation - mineral wool

Now you can begin to consider the main stages of work aimed at warming the roof with inside. Beforehand, we advise you to watch the video instructions, to get acquainted with all the nuances of thermal insulation clearly, using the example of experienced craftsmen.

Process internal insulation roofing includes four main stages.

  1. Roof waterproofing installation. It is best to lay the waterproofing layer during the laying phase roofing material to the roof surface. The material is mounted perpendicular to the rafters, observing a slight sag. The smooth side of the waterproofing should be facing up. Be sure to glue the strips of the waterproofing sheet with adhesive tape to prevent the formation of cracks and gaps. Then on rafter legs it is required to fill the counter-rails with the help of bars, and lay a crate of boards on them. Laying of roofing material begins on top of the board. If roof coverings already completed, the waterproofing layer will have to be mounted under the rafters using a stapler. All joints are carefully glued with adhesive tape.
  2. Installation of thermal insulation material. Take insulation mats required thickness, lay them between the rafters. Laying should be done in a spacer or using a rough binder. The lining is made from thin slats, fishing line, twine, which is fastened with nails on the rafters. Fill with mats of thermal insulation material all the space between the rafters. Excess elements are cut off with a sharp knife. If you want to get the most effective thermal insulation in order to equip the attic for living quarters, all layers of material are laid with an offset from the bottom seam.
  3. Installing vapor barrier on the roof. Vapor barrier films have one smooth side, which must be laid in the direction towards insulation material. The rough side is responsible for the absorption of wet fumes, therefore it is directed into the room. Laying the vapor barrier film correctly is very important so that it can work effectively. Having mixed up the laying sides, condensation will soon begin to appear on the surface. The material is mounted with a stapler, the joints are connected with adhesive tape.
  4. Installation of profiles or guide bars. They are necessary for the installation of cladding decorative materials and create the necessary ventilation gap.

Foamed roof insulation

Today, roof insulation with the help of foamed insulation is gaining more and more popularity. A prime example is polyurethane foam.

The method of roof insulation in this way has several features:

  • The roof does not need additional preparation from the inside;
  • The roof sheathing must be solid, carefully treated with antiseptics;
  • For spraying polyurethane foam on the roof use special installations. They supply pressurized carbon dioxide. On the video you can see how they function;
  • The method of roof insulation with foam insulation requires the invitation of specialists. It is financially unprofitable to purchase an installation;
  • A layer of foam is applied to the inner surface of the roof, reaching the required thickness of the insulation;
  • When the foam dries, it forms a layer of waterproof, seamless material on the roof, which is characterized by low thermal conductivity;
  • The only drawback of foam insulation insulation is vapor tightness. To eliminate it, you need to equip the attic with an exhaust system. But it is required only for the arrangement of a residential attic.

Insulating the roof from the inside is easy with your own hands. But before starting work, it is necessary to study the theory, choose best option insulation and observe the sequence of laying layers of thermal insulation.

- almost the most main element in the house. It protects the building from atmospheric precipitation, makes it possible to organize normal conditions in the house.

And like other structures, it almost always needs high-quality insulation. Especially when it comes to unprepared roof structures from ordinary slopes.

Here, the lack of insulation will be simply a fatal mistake, which will lead to a serious decrease in the temperature in the house.

1 Features of insulation

Do not be mistaken, considering that you do not need roof insulation if you have attic space. Most pitched roofs are always equipped with an attic space.

This is possible due to the fact that the slopes are in any case formed at an angle, they are mounted on special supports. Unlike the same roofing material, which flat roofs insulated immediately on the floor.

But even in the case of roofing felt, care must be taken to insulate the roof with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or other suitable insulation.

The presence of an attic, of course, creates a kind of air gap, similar to a veranda or dressing room at home.

But if you are considering the design of a slate roof or other similar solutions, then the whole system is so flimsy that it is simply not able to delay cold air, which means that the attic does not fulfill its functions.

If we are talking about processing the attic, then there is nothing to think about at all. The roof of the attic should be insulated without fail, otherwise it will always be cold in the house.

We also note that when processing the attic, it is necessary not only to tightly lay the insulation, but also to seal it with a vapor barrier film, as well as to think over solutions for finishing.

And let us immediately note that finishing will largely determine the method of insulation pitched roof and how much time and money you have to spend on this process, as is the case with.

2 What material to use?

Builders pay serious attention to the selection suitable material. Indeed, it depends on the insulation what properties the structure will have in the end and how effectively it will be able to protect you from the cold in the future. The prices for all the work depend on it.

In work, you can use a wide variety of heaters, but in most cases they use only a few options that have proven themselves from the best side.

So, when arranging the thermal insulation of a pitched roof, they use:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Polyurethane foam.

Let us now analyze each of the presented materials separately.

2.1 Mineral wool

Mineral wool when insulating an attic or an ordinary slate roof is used very often. And in general, in this regard, it is rightly considered number one in the world of heaters.

2.2 Styrofoam

Styrofoam can also be insulated, it's good. At a low price, it has almost the same characteristics. As the previous material under consideration. Absolute hydrophobicity and lack of reaction to external influences make it very durable.

But Styrofoam burns in fire and has a vapor-tight structure. And if it is still possible to somehow cope with the second factor, then the flammability of polystyrene foam cannot be removed.

And using heaters with a flammability class when finishing a wooden roof with a pitched roof is already a rather risky decision.

It is also a little more difficult to insulate with foam plastic. Since, unlike mineral wool, it must be cut very clearly in order to correctly and securely fix it between the rafters. There are no such problems with cotton, because it can deform and shrink by a certain percentage of its volume.

IN Lately Increasingly, foam plastic is used to insulate pitched roofs, which has gone through the extrusion process. That is, it was melted down in a high-pressure furnace.

This insulation costs more, but it has higher rates and flammability class G1 (ordinary foam has a flammability class G2 or even G3).

2.3 Polyurethane foam

In our area, polyurethane foam is rather exotic. But over the past few decades, he began to rapidly gain popularity.

Such a heater is made from foamed polyurethane. It can be produced both in slabs and in the form of liquid foam. It is not recommended to use slab polyurethane foam for roofing, given how much it costs and all its properties, it will be much more profitable to turn to the use of mineral wool.

But the application of liquid polyurethane foam is already a much more interesting and useful process. The fact is that in liquid form, polyurethane foam can fill frames of any shape. It will evenly fill all the cracks and openings, and without your participation in this.

Agree, it is much more convenient to work this way, especially if you need to process the construction of a slate roof or a sloping roof. Where the frame is extremely uneven.

Plus, polyurethane foam in its ready-made does not need a thorough hydro or vapor barrier. And it has a flammability class NG, that is, it does not burn in fire.

2.4 Warming technology and its nuances

Now let's turn to the technology of insulation. To a part, subject to all the rules and taking into account the nuances, the work can be done independently.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside will largely depend on the type of insulation used. That is why we have devoted so much time to the analysis of modern variations.

So, it is easiest to work when it is necessary to equip thermal insulation gable roof and do . In this case, you can work with any heater. If you have to finish the roof with complex shapes, then you will have to tinker with the foam.

There can also be problems with mineral wool, but only if you decide to buy hard slabs, and these are almost never used for internal roof insulation.

With foam, you will have to spend time on its very precise fit to the frame and the size of the rafters; in case of an error, you will have to cut it off and measure it all over again. It is easier to work with mineral wool, but not much.

But polyurethane foam in liquid form fits almost perfectly. But it can only be applied with special equipment and in protection. Therefore, you will no longer be able to work on your own. You'll have to turn to the experts.

2.5 Operation algorithm

The technology itself is very simple and consists in creating a kind of insulating cake from waterproofing, thermal insulation and vapor barrier.

On both sides, the cake is closed with a crate and flooring. If you need to work in the attic, then inner part limited to only one crate.

When finishing the attic, boards or any other are stuffed on top of it. top coat. Even including plastering.

Stages of work:

  1. We inspect the surface of the roof frame, if necessary, repair the slopes.
  2. We install a waterproofing film.
  3. We lay the insulation between the rafters. If the dimensions of the rafters are not enough, we mount another level of the frame (this happens very rarely).
  4. If necessary, we mount the second level of insulation. We lay it with dressing of the seams between the plates, to reduce the likelihood of air bridges of cold.
  5. Additionally, we fix the thermal insulation with screws or dowels.
  6. We lay the vapor barrier film.
  7. We fill the crate.
  8. Installing the finish coat.

When working with polyurethane foam, the installation of a vapor barrier can be completely abandoned. And its application always takes place in one step, by filling the frame with foam.

2.6 The process of roof insulation from the inside with mineral wool (video)

Country living in a private house has ceased to be the prerogative of a single number of citizens. Individual construction housing is rapidly developing, and people have to solve issues of improvement, in particular - with insulation. It is quite easy to insulate walls from heat leakage, but it is much more difficult to properly insulate the roof of a house. However, we are solving the issue - it is enough to carefully approach the choice of material and competently carry out thermal insulation work with your own hands.

Depending on the side of the roof from which the insulation is laid, there are two methods of thermal insulation:

  • from the inside (otherwise called the "principle of a false ceiling");
  • outside ("rolling ceiling principle").

Most often, residents have to insulate the top of the house in the first way, since most moves to a new place of residence occur during the warm season. When the first frosts begin, the problem makes itself felt. This is due to the arrangement of houses - a large number of heat leaves the room not only through doors and windows, but also through the roof. To minimize losses without dismantling the roof, the thermal insulation of the roof is made from inside the house.

Features of the choice of materials

The urgency of the problem is established; now you need to choose the right material. The question of saving money should not be brought to the fore here. It's better to consider three important factors, information about which is usually indicated on the packaging:

  • thermal conductivity of the insulating material (the value should be minimal; optimally - up to 0.04 W / m ⁰С);
  • resistance to mechanical and climatic influences, which, in turn, depend on the region of residence;
  • the weight of the insulation (the heavier it is, the greater the load on the roof elements, and this is undesirable).

To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to choose a sufficiently soft and elastic material so that it fills the free space between the rafters. You will also need vapor and waterproofing. The best materials to prevent moisture from entering the insulation are:

  • ruberoid;
  • glassine;
  • polyethylene film;
  • special vapor barrier membrane.

It is necessary to take into account the features of the area; if precipitation is often observed, it is worth choosing a denser material to insulate the roof from the inside.

There are several ways to ensure the proper quality of thermal insulation. The most common are:

  • glass wool installation;
  • internal lining with mineral wool boards;
  • installation of polystyrene panels;
  • pouring PPU (polyurethane foam).

The most expensive is the last method of insulation. Also, polyurethane foam is not advised to be applied in the cold season, and when foaming the roof with it, ensure sufficient ventilation. If the tenants still decide to insulate the roof from the inside with their own hands using this material, it is necessary to take into account the rapid increase in its volume, followed by solidification.

Implementing any of the first three methods (listed above) is much easier, and the work can be reduced to several stages, presented below. This applies to both types of roofs (flat or pitched), however, due to the popularity of the latter, the process will be considered for them.

Preparing the roof for insulation

Do-it-yourself direct thermal insulation of the roof should be preceded by the following steps:

  • inspection roof structure, replacement of rotten or deformed elements with new ones;
  • treatment inner surface roofs with an antiseptic to prevent mold formation and anti-corrosion liquid so that metal parts do not rust;
  • analysis of the state of water supply, heating, communications, electricity and other networks, if they pass under the rafters.

Insulation is selected according to the distance between adjacent rafters. If its width is less than this value, gaps or cold bridges will appear, and the effectiveness of thermal insulation will decrease. Because of such an unreliable roof device, all the work will go down the drain.

Work with wet insulation is excluded. It should lie down for 2-3 days in a dry, ventilated room with low humidity. Especially for mineral wool - when interacting with moisture, its insulating properties are almost halved.

Required Tools

In addition to waterproofing and insulation, for comfortable work you need to stock up on the following equipment:

  • construction stapler;
  • nails (preferably up to 50 mm long);
  • clerical / ordinary knife (for cutting the insulator);
  • fishing line or slats (for fixing the insulation).

If the room under the roof becomes residential, most likely it will be sheathed with wood or drywall for wallpapering. It is advisable to carry out the operation 2-3 days after the insulation work, since the insulation material will expand slightly, taking extra bed. After preparing the necessary time to study the question of how to insulate the roof with your own hands, and implement your plan.

The sequence of work on the roof sheathing from the inside

If the residents of a private house decide to do all the work with their own hands, it is important for them to adhere to the following sequential steps:

  1. The distance between the rafters is measured. insulating material cut into a width of 1-2 cm more than the measured one.
  2. In the absence of waterproofing, it must be installed. It should envelop the rafters completely and is attached to them with stapler brackets. When fixing the roofing material (or other waterproofing agent) in the spans, it is fixed to the crate on which the roof lies.
  3. The arrangement of rafters and other elements is such that it allows providing for the output of insulation under the overhang of the upper part of the house. There will be no layer between the insulation and the roofing material (polyethylene, membrane, etc.), so the moisture will be removed in a timely manner.
  4. After installing the waterproofing material along the edges of the rafters at a distance of 3-4 cm from it, nails are driven in 10 cm apart. A cord (fishing line) is stretched between them, creating a small air barrier to drain liquid.
  5. Next, the nails are nailed to the edge of the rafters, if the material placed between them is fixed with a fishing line. Nails are not required when installing the lathing from the bars.
  6. The insulation is placed in the grooves between the rafters with a slight contraction. Then it will straighten out, optimally filling the space. It is advisable to make two layers of insulation, while the joints of the first layer should not coincide with the joints of the second.
  7. A fishing line is stretched over the heat-insulating material or a crate is nailed. Between parallel horizontal sections must be at least 30 cm.
  8. A vapor barrier is attached over the insulation with a stapler. It is overlapped (10-15 cm), and the joints are glued with adhesive tape. If the room will be used for living, it will be necessary to finish the inside with chipboard, clapboard, drywall. It is desirable to maintain a gap between the sheathing material and the vapor barrier; for this it is necessary to fix the latter not with a stapler, but with planks.

Features of flat roof insulation

One or two device pitched roofs removes more moisture compared to almost horizontal counterparts. For good insulation a bulk layer is added to the flat top of a residential building, which is a mixture of cement, sand and expanded clay. It is located above the waterproofing, that is, it acts closest to the roof. The bulk mixture makes the structure heavier, but only similar device"layer cake" guarantees decent thermal insulation of a flat roof.

This instruction gives an exhaustive answer to the question of how to insulate the roof with your own hands quickly and conveniently. The whole process takes a little time, but requires a responsible approach at each stage, especially when choosing a material.

Following the presented plan is doubly comfortable - the upper floor of the premises will be insulated from the inside, and the roof will remain intact. Obviously, even with your own hands you can get a durable warm roof without using the services of repair teams.

Without high-quality thermal insulation at home, it will not be possible to save on heating in the winter. Walls and floors are not all ways through which heat leaves a living space. In addition to them, it is also necessary to insulate the roof.

Scheme of internal insulation

A kind of cake is a high-quality roof insulation from the inside, consisting in almost all cases of three main layers:

  1. Waterproofing
  2. thermal insulation
  3. vapor barrier

However, the basis of the entire structure is the truss system, which will act as a base link. Inside it is easiest to lay a heat-insulating layer.

Properly selected materials for each of the layers of the cake are the basis of high-quality insulation. The market is rich in various products, but you should not pay attention only to cheap options, preferring the golden mean.

The main purpose of the waterproofing layer is to protect the insulation from moisture from outside. It, accumulating inside it, destroys the structure of the material and renders it unusable. The task of the vapor barrier layer is to keep rising vapors out.

To protect against wet environments, special membrane or film materials are used. The permeability indicators of the former are better, but their market value is more expensive. Since it will not be possible to ensure complete sealing of the insulation, it is necessary to provide for ventilation gaps and seams.

Introductory video on the insulation of a pitched roof in a house

Choosing a thermal insulation material

Many manufacturers offer consumers a wide variety of heat insulators, each of which has positive and negative sides. Among all performance Special attention given to the following:

  • The level of moisture absorption - the lower the given ability of the materials in question, the more long term their services can be counted
  • Thermal conductivity - it should be as low as possible. However, this indicator is relative, since an increase in porosity and importance can significantly worsen it.
  • Insulators with low density have much better thermal insulation performance.

Material selection video

Your attention should also be paid to such characteristics as environmental friendliness, chemical resistance, flammability and frost resistance.

The most common for roof insulation from the inside received mineral wool and glass wool. They have all the necessary characteristics and are relatively easy to use.

Expanded polystyrene is no less popular. In addition to high thermal insulation properties, it practically does not absorb moisture, durable and tough, resistant to high temperatures and open fire. A significant disadvantage is the susceptibility to settling by rodents. That is why it has not received wide distribution.

Other, less common methods of internal insulation are also possible:

  • The use of spraying is one of the most expensive methods, which is recommended to be entrusted to a professional master. If it is necessary to insulate an ordinary attic, and not - you should choose this method. Material costs will pay off with operational characteristics
  • Insulation with liquid compositions (polyurethane foam or foam concrete) is not very popular, as it requires the use of specialized equipment for work

If thermal insulation of a classic attic space is necessary, an additional one is made above the ceiling (expanded clay, sawdust, sand, etc.).

Let's start warming the roof with our own hands

The most common case is the insulation of pitched roofs with roll materials. First of all, you need to draw up instructions for yourself, following which you can count on a high quality result. Consider the case when the roof has not yet been laid.

First you need to go through the attic again and make sure that all the components are in in perfect order. If defects are found (rotting, cracks, etc.), they should be repaired immediately.

Sometimes various communication systems are laid on the roof: electrical wiring, heating, water supply, etc. They are also subject to thorough inspection and elimination of defects. Only after the establishment of order can proceed to further work.

The first step is to apply a waterproofing film on outer surface. In order for it to fulfill its purpose, several rules must be considered:

  • It is necessary to lay the film across, while at the joints an overlay of strips of about a meter is made, which is glued with adhesive tape
  • It is necessary to select material for waterproofing only after purchasing a heater so that they match each other in terms of characteristics
  • In no case should you pull it tightly over the surface. At sub-zero temperature it will begin to shrink and, as a result, may burst

Having completed work with waterproofing, it is necessary to proceed with the arrangement of the crate. For her, bars treated with antiseptic materials with a size of no more than 25 mm are recommended. Corrosion-resistant self-tapping screws are used for fixing

Roofing materials can be attached directly to the crate. Things will be a little different with soft roof. Between it and the wood, it is recommended to place moisture-resistant drywall or chipboard.

The next stage is the laying of heat-insulating material in the gaps between the rafters. It is recommended to adjust the slabs according to the width between the rafter opening, the mats are cut into pieces equal to each other.

The material is laid in such a way that there are no gaps between the elements. It should also not be pressed very tightly against the roof so that there is a ventilation gap.

Another feature is the laying of heat-insulating material not in one, but in two layers. At the same time, they are located relative to each other with an offset so that the through joints close.

Having finished laying the insulation, you can proceed to the next step - tensioning and fastening the vapor barrier film or membrane. It is recommended to nail it to the rafters with staples. It, unlike waterproofing, stretches much denser.

Next, you can proceed to the final stage of roof insulation from the inside - interior decoration. Over the vapor barrier film is stuffed wooden frame to which the desired finishing material will be attached.

Video on thermal insulation with polyurethane foam

Some Helpful Tips

Insulating the roof from the inside, not everything can go as smoothly as it seems at first. In addition, any truss system has its own characteristics.

We list a number of rules that may come in handy when performing work on roof insulation:

  1. Particular attention must be paid to waterproofing and vapor barrier when working with mineral heaters. They are most susceptible to the accumulation of moisture inside, causing a destructive effect.
  2. Sometimes, under a light roof, the roof truss system is erected from a beam of small section. In this case, you will have to use a combined thermal insulation method, placing the material not only between the beams, but also under them.
  3. When step truss system too large, the insulation is additionally fixed with a wire that is pulled between the screws screwed into the rafters
  4. So that the insulation is not tightly located between the rafters, its width must be greater than the similar characteristic of the openings
  5. Do not make too many layers of insulation. For example, for thermal insulation with a thickness of 20 cm, two layers of 10 cm each will be better than four layers of 5 cm each.
  6. The insulation can be placed close to the super diffusion membrane. In all other cases, it is necessary to leave a ventilation gap
  7. It is necessary to monitor the ventilation gaps, which should not be blocked by heat-insulating material

In custody

Absolutely everyone can make high-quality roof insulation from the inside, which will serve for decades, reliably retaining heat and keeping cold out. However, for those who do not want to waste their time and energy, professionals offer their services. The cost of work can vary between 5-25 USD. e. per square.

The reasons why you have to deal with roof insulation in country house, maybe several - you bought a house with an uninsulated roof, they just gave it to you. But one of the reasons simply "breathes" with the nobility of the soul - you decided to refuse the services of professional builders and insulate the roof from the inside with your own hands.

Add to your desire to work the ability to be accurate in detail, and roof insulation will be a hit with you

One thing needs to be clear for sure - it will not be possible to do without preliminary thorough theoretical preparation.

Therefore, we present the result, which, regardless of the material used, will need to be strived for (see photo):

  1. Roofing material, the one that takes the blow of bad weather on itself. It can be a tile, a metal tile or, simply, slate.
  2. Lathing, actually refers to the system for creating a roof.
  3. Secondary crate, already for attaching the next layer.
  4. waterproofing panel.
  5. Insulation is the main element of the insulation system.
  6. Vapor barrier panel.
  7. The crate is often installed after the insulation for its additional fastening.
  8. Internal lining.


Among the various types of insulation that you can be offered to solve the problem of how to insulate the roof from the inside, the following appear:

  • . This is the most common type of insulation, and if you use basalt-based wool, then we can say it is recommended. A wide variety of composition and geometry options offered will ensure that you find what you need that matches the pitch of your roof's main slabs. When purchasing this type of insulation, it is only necessary to require a certificate of sanitary safety of the material from the seller.

Often, even on inclined planes, no additional fixation of the insulation is required - the main thing is to accurately select its dimensions

  • Glass wool. This material has been used for quite a long time very widely. But today, due to the emergence of more environmentally friendly materials, glass wool is gradually losing its popularity. In any case, if you decide to use glass wool for insulation, then do all the work in special work clothes, which you won’t be sorry to throw away later. Be sure to cover your face, eyes, first of all, hands. You should not use glass wool if allergies are constantly “registered” or sometimes “stay” in your house.
  • polymeric materials. The use of polymeric materials in the form of styrofoam or foam boards is a very tempting solution, but beware of taking it hastily. It's not even that these materials are combustible, the worst thing is that when burned, polymers emit a lot of smoke, sometimes very dangerous for the body. Therefore, the use of polymers should be attributed to extreme, hopeless situations (learn also).
  • Expanded clay. This material is well known as an excellent heat insulator, but insulation broken roof from inside or slanted downright uncomfortable. After all, expanded clay is a mass of small burnt fractions that will simply roll down. Perhaps, but somehow it didn’t take root, the use of expanded clay and for insulation flat roofs, although it is often used for floor insulation.

And it all ends with such "beauty". Insulation of the roof from the inside, especially with foam plastic, can be carried out in a matter of hours