Well      06/26/2020

Internal wall insulation in the apartment in a dry way - the nuances that you did not know. Insulation of walls from the inside with foam plastic How and with what to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside

Often a situation arises when batteries central heating V apartment buildings can not cope with the heating of the home and the room becomes cold. There are a number of ways to deal with this problem, from buying additional heaters to installing autonomous heating.

However, these funds require additional energy costs or significant capital investments during installation. individual heating. Few people know that well-executed apartment insulation will significantly reduce heat loss and save you from additional costs for electricity or gas.

Warming methods

Most often, the apartment loses heat through the walls. If the room freezes in winter, then the temperature in it drops and humidity rises. The floor becomes cold, mold may appear over time.

What is the best way to insulate the walls of the apartment? To give the correct answer, you need to determine how to do it: from the outside or from the inside. Each insulation method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Internal insulation

At first glance, it may seem that it is easier. No need to call climbers, there will always be access to the insulation structure to replace some materials. However, practice has shown that insulation from the inside is ineffective and has many disadvantages:

  • the living area of ​​the rooms decreases, especially in cases where several walls are insulated;
  • internal insulation will require you to change the interior, you will have to move furniture, transfer things;
  • at the time of warming, residents are usually resettled;
  • most importantly, we isolate the wall from the heating system.

A layer of insulation will appear between the wall and the space of the apartment. Insulation will prevent heating.

If the wall is constantly cooled, it can cause it to collapse prematurely. Condensation will form between the wall and the insulation, and moisture will begin to penetrate into the rooms. To the benefits internal insulation it is worth attributing perhaps a lower cost of work.

External insulation

The heat-insulating material is attached to the facade of the building, covering all the external walls of the apartment. Insulation of the walls of the apartment in the external way has several advantages:

  • the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling will not decrease;
  • all work will take place outside the window, you won’t have to move furniture or move to relatives for several days;
  • the walls will not freeze, thaw, which will eliminate the appearance of cracks;
  • the humidity in the apartment will decrease.

Overview of materials

You need to choose the material based on its characteristics, the method of work and financial capabilities.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool (basalt fiber) is a material that can be used to insulate walls in an apartment both outside and inside. It is necessary to lay on top of the mineral wool protective covering. Inside the premises, these can be drywall, plastic, etc., and outside - siding, corrugated board and other sheet building materials that are resistant to the aggressive influence of environmental factors. Basalt wool is inexpensive and can be easily attached even to smooth walls.


Styrofoam or more modern version- polystyrene. This type of insulation is intended for outdoor use, as it can release toxic substances during prolonged use. Polystyrene is attached to the wall with special plastic nails-umbrellas.

Difficulties can arise only when insulating walls with a large number of irregularities. In this case, before installing polystyrene, it will be necessary to carry out rough plastering. After fixing the polystyrene plates, they are sewn up with a facing coating or simply plastered and painted in the chosen color.

Preparatory work

If you plan to insulate the walls from the outside, you should dismantle elements such as the air conditioning system, satellite dish, etc. This is due to the fact that thermal insulation made in large solid sheets is more effective than laying the material in small pieces.

Surface treatment

Surface preparation for installation of insulation includes cleaning and priming. Cleaning is necessarily carried out in cases where the wall of the house outside was painted or covered with a decorative “fur coat”, and at the moment this coating has cracked, peeled off and peeled off.

After cleaning, the wall is primed and kept for a while until the surface is completely dry. Optimal conditions for outdoor work - it is dry calm weather and air temperature from 5 to 30 ° C.

Material fixing

Installation of insulation should start from the top and lay out row by row horizontally. Necessary condition for maximum effective insulation- this is a spade for the line panel seam 5 cm or more, and when working with brickwork spade for the outer perimeter of your apartment.

Styrofoam or polystyrene plates are attached to the wall with the help of "fungi" at the rate of 5 or more pieces per plate. If polystyrene boards protrude beyond the edge of windows or doors, pieces of the required shape are cut with a saw.

At the next stage, the joints between the insulation boards are sealed using mounting foam. After that, the joints are glued with masking tape so that cracks do not appear in these areas over time.

ventilation gap

Effective thermal insulation of walls provides for the formation of a ventilation gap. This stage is especially important if mineral wool is used as a heater. To keep the material in its original form, free air circulation between it and the wall is necessary.

Moisture that is released outside through the wall of the house is removed along with air currents and does not settle on the insulation. This avoids unwanted moisture of the mineral wool.

Thermal insulation of the corner room

The corner room has two common wall with the street, as a result of which heat loss in such a room increases significantly. Over time, the constantly freezing corner becomes damp, the wallpaper deteriorates, and a fungus appears.


Insulation of walls outside in a corner apartment is carried out using the following technologies:

  • "sandwich";
  • ventilated design.

When insulating an apartment from the outside by the “sandwich” type, the use of three-layer panels with heat-insulating material inside is implied. Also, the insulation can be fixed between the carrier and decorative outer wall apartments.

Scheme of a ventilated facade.

A ventilated facade is installed if on top of it metal frame layer will be mounted decorative finishes, performing the function protective screen. between lining and bearing wall a corner apartment is laid a layer of thermal insulation. This is how the effect of ventilation will be achieved, preventing the appearance of dampness and condensation on the wall surface.


Wall insulation inside a corner apartment is usually carried out using foam plastic and is carried out in stages:

  • the old material is completely removed to the base of the wall;
  • the surface is treated with a primer with an antiseptic;
  • the foam is cut into pieces and glued to the wall, starting from the corner;
  • seams between sheets of insulation are sealed mounting foam;
  • a reinforced mesh is glued, on which a decorative finish will be applied.

Insulation of an apartment from the inside most often becomes necessary in houses with panel walls, since they have insufficient thickness, they quickly cool down, the heating system cannot fully cope with its tasks, and the temperature in the rooms drops. How to insulate a wall inside an apartment, and what methods and materials to use - this question confronts most homeowners in concrete high-rise buildings. External walls in such houses they become cold especially quickly, and often, due to temperature changes, they begin to dampen and become covered with mold.

Sometimes, when there is such an opportunity, the thermal insulation of the walls is carried out from the outside, as this more effective method keeping warm. However, this option is very expensive due to the complexity of its implementation, and it is impossible to carry out such events on your own, without the use of special equipment, if the apartment is located above the first or second floor. Therefore, a decision is made to insulate the walls from the inside, to the detriment of the total usable area. But be that as it may, a warm apartment of a slightly smaller area is better than large cold rooms. Internal work may well be carried out with their own hands, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to choose the right material and have the right tools.

If autonomous heating equipment is installed in the apartment, then wall insulation will help save energy resources, which are very expensive today.

Disadvantages of internal insulation

Compared with the external thermal insulation of walls, the internal insulation of the apartment has its rather significant drawbacks:

  • An insulated wall does not accumulate or retain heat, and heat losses range from 8 to 15%.

With internal insulation, the “dew point” may be inside the insulation, which leads to dampness
  • The “dew point” for internal thermal insulation is between the insulation and the wall, sometimes inside the insulation layer. This leads to the formation of condensation and the appearance of mold colonies. .
  • An improperly insulated wall from the inside will freeze all the time, and this inevitably causes irreversible destructive processes in the thickness of the material over time.

Proper insulation

So that condensation does not form under the thermal insulation layer from temperature changes in winter, and also, as a result, mold spots do not appear on the walls, you must carefully follow all technological recommendations for insulation concrete walls from inside the apartment.

An important element in the structure of the thermal insulation "pie" is a high-quality vapor barrier. It should protect the insulation from moisture penetration, which will allow the entire structure to effectively perform its functions for a long time.

What work needs to be done to achieve the goal?

  • It is necessary to purchase a high quality vapor barrier film and waterproof tape to seal the seams on the connection of its sheets.
  • For the insulation layer, you need to choose a material that has low vapor permeability. It is desirable that this indicator be lower than the vapor permeability of the wall material. In this case, moisture evaporation will occur towards the street, and not inside the apartment.
  • When gluing the insulation, its surface is completely smeared with glue using spatula-comb, and it is pressed very tightly against the surface of the wall, so that even small cavities do not remain between them.
  • To avoid excessively high relative humidity indoors, they must be equipped with additional natural or forced type. For example, for this window frames install valves through which air will enter the room.

  • Next, it is necessary to accurately calculate required thickness insulation. It will depend on the average daily temperature in the region in winter time. Thickness thermal insulation material should not be less than those parameters that were obtained during the calculations, otherwise the steam-thermal balance will be violated.
  • Before installing the insulation system, the walls must be treated with special primers. They will "treat" the wall, will not allow mold colonies to form on it, and will also increase adhesion when gluing thermal insulation.
  • Installation of insulation can only be started after the wall has completely dried.
  • It is impossible to allow the formation of "cold bridges", which can nullify the entire insulation process. The risk of their occurrence is especially high at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

What heaters and how are they used

Cork - excellent natural material for thermal insulation

Such a thermal insulator is made in the form of plates or rolls from the bark of a special variety of oak - cork. Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly safe insulation, which is very important for interior decoration.

Using high quality material, you can solve three problems at once - this is noise and sound insulation, as well as decoration walls.

An important condition for the installation of cork coating is the evenness of the wall, therefore, before proceeding with its gluing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. This process is carried out as follows:

  • The old coating is completely peeled off the wall.
  • Then the entire surface is treated, which will protect the wall from damage by fungus or mold.

  • The next step is to level the surface.
  • You can ennoble the walls with drywall, but in this case, the sheet must be completely smeared with waterproof glue or mounting foam, so that there are no voids under it. Drywall is firmly pressed against the wall and additionally fixed with anchors or plastic "fungi".
  • Cork material can be glued onto a dried wall. To do this, use a special glue designed for such purposes.

TO positive qualities material, in addition to its environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity and good sound absorption, include:

  • Ease of installation of cork wall covering while maintaining accuracy in work.
  • Aesthetically attractive respectable look.
  • Always warm and pleasant to the touch surface of the material.
  • A variety of release forms, textured patterns and shades.

Cork is not only an excellent thermal insulator. It will give the room a special decorative effect.
  • Cork insulation does not have a large thickness, therefore it does not make the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room smaller - this quality compares favorably with other thermal insulation materials.


Penofol, in essence, is a rolled polyethylene foam with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm, on one side of which it is applied, which contributes to the reflection of heat into the room.

Penofol - foamed polyethylene with a foil coating
  • Before its installation, the surface is prepared in the same way as for a cork coating.
  • Penofol can be fixed to even walls with the help of construction double-sided tape. Under any circumstances, the material is placed with the foil side into the room. This creates a kind of thermos for efficient heat retention.
  • stripes penofol are laid end to end. Between themselves, they are glued with a special adhesive tape, which also has a foil-coated reflective surface, since the entire coating must be airtight.

  • On top of the penofol fixed to the wall, a crate of slats, bars or galvanized metal profiles is installed. This frame with a tanet base for mounting lining or wall cladding drywall sheets. The plasterboard surface can subsequently be covered with plaster, wallpapered, or carefully puttied and sanded, and then painted.
  • It is very important when installing drywall or lining on the top and bottom of the structure to leave a gap that will serve vent hole for air circulation so that moisture does not accumulate.

Despite its small thickness, penofol is an excellent heat and sound insulator. It is used as a separate insulation, but it can also be used in combination with other materials. It attracts with the simplicity and speed of installation on walls, floors or ceilings, as well as long term operation.

Video: insulation of internal walls with foil material

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

When choosing a material for insulating a dwelling from the inside, you must first examine all the surfaces of the walls on which thermal insulation will be installed. If the wall is dry and there are no mold spots on it, then you can start preparing the surface and purchase insulation material. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such work on an unprepared basis. Not only that, such insulation will not give desired effect- you can thoroughly spoil the apartment atmosphere, make it damp, unhealthy, since the spores of many types of mold or fungus are extremely dangerous for people's health, especially for those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or a predisposition to allergic reactions.

In general, any of the apartment methods presented in the publication from the inside will not require any complex additional equipment, and this technological process you can do it on your own.

September 3, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

IN Lately With the constant increase in energy prices, people tend to insulate their apartments. This procedure really allows you to save on heating and make your home more comfortable, but at the same time, it must be done correctly so that you do not encounter a number of problems later. Therefore, in this article we will consider how to insulate the walls of an apartment inside, and whether it makes sense to do this at all.

Is it worth it to insulate the walls from the inside

Insulating walls from the inside, of course, is much easier than from the outside. However, I will immediately note that this is far from The best decision for several reasons:

  • after the installation of thermal insulation, the walls will no longer warm up at all, as a result of which between them and the wall will be formed. This, in turn, can lead to the formation of mold and even the appearance of cracks on the walls;
  • when the heater is located from the inside, it is not possible to insulate the ceiling, as a result, the ceiling also turns out to be “cold”, and condensation may form on it;
  • insulation from the inside takes up living space. IN big apartment this, of course, will be practically unnoticeable, but for the “Khrushchev”, where every square centimeter counts, the usable area decreases significantly.

This raises the question - why do internal insulation at all, if it has so many shortcomings? The fact is that it is not always possible to insulate the walls from the outside. For example, if the facade of your house faces the central city street or square, then local authorities are unlikely to allow you to change its appearance.

In addition, sometimes it is not possible to perform external insulation for technical reasons, for example, if the wall is adjacent to an unheated elevator shaft. Thus, it makes sense to implement wall insulation from the inside in the apartment in the following cases:

  • if it is not possible to place the insulation outside;
  • if internal insulation is used as an addition to the external one. Even if the additional insulation on the walls is thin enough, it will become much more comfortable inside the housing.

After the walls are insulated from the inside, it is necessary to ensure high-quality ventilation of the room, since the apartment, in fact, turns into a large sealed thermos. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in humidity and a deterioration in the microclimate.

In other cases, it is better to insulate the apartment from the outside.

Warming technology

The process of insulating walls with your own hands from the inside includes several stages:

Each of these stages has its own nuances, which we will discuss below.

Preparation of materials

You need to start work on insulation, of course, with the preparation of materials. Since people are often interested in the best way to insulate housing from the inside, I will say a few words about the insulation.

Basically, you can use any thermal insulation material, since the degree of thermal conductivity they differ slightly. However, it should be borne in mind that the material will not be located in housing, but outside it. Therefore, it is better to refuse polystyrene, but mineral wool is good decision- this heat insulator is much more environmentally friendly, besides fireproof.

In addition to insulation, you will need the following materials:

  • vapor barrier film - prevents the penetration of moisture into the insulation. If it is not used, then the insulation will be saturated with water, which entails a number of negative consequences;

  • material for mounting the frame - it can be wooden bars or boards. However, most often they use a regular mounting profile. In this case, you will need more brackets and guides;
  • drywall or other material for sheathing the frame (lining, plastic panels etc.)

To complete the purchase of all these materials, you must first calculate the square of the walls. Knowing what the price of each of the materials is, you can calculate the cost of internal insulation in advance.

Wall preparation

So, we figured out how to insulate the walls of the apartment from the inside. Now let's get to work.

As mentioned above, before insulating the wall from the inside in the apartment, it must be prepared. This is done as follows:

  1. first of all, it is necessary to remove the old coating from the wall - wallpaper, tiles, etc. If the wall is covered with gypsum putty or plaster, it is also desirable to remove it.
    As mentioned above, moisture will form between the wall and the insulation, as a result of which the gypsum will soak, respectively, this will not lead to anything good. You can remove the plaster with a chisel and a hammer or a puncher turned on in impact mode.

  1. then be sure to treat the wall with antiseptics that will prevent mold. Instructions for use of drugs are usually available on the package.

To achieve maximum effect from insulation, it is necessary to insulate the ceiling as well, i.e. overlap, which will be adjacent to the frozen wall. This can be done using the wet method - glue the mineral wool plates and additionally fix them with dowels. The surface of the insulation is plastered, on our portal you can get detailed information about how it's done.

This completes the preparation process.

Arrangement of the ventilation gap

The process of arranging the ventilation gap is carried out at the stage of waterproofing the walls. It should be noted that many construction sites offer thermal insulation from the inside without a ventilation gap.

The big disadvantage of such a scheme is that moisture is necessarily formed between the wall and the insulation, which does not go anywhere, which leads to the destruction of the wall. Therefore, it is better to refuse its implementation.

Arrangement of the ventilation gap is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. attach to walls wooden slats about two centimeters thick. You can arrange them horizontally in increments of about a meter. You can attach the slats to the walls with dowel-nails.
    The slats must be pre-treated protective composition so that they do not rot in a humid environment;
  2. then several holes must be made in the wall in order for the ventilation gap to work. To do this, drill holes with a diameter of about 20 mm. To prevent the holes from clogging, they must be protected with a mesh;
  3. further, a vapor barrier film is attached to the resulting crate. Moreover, it should be stretched so that a ventilation gap is formed between the wall and the film.

To drill holes from the inside in panel house for dowel-nails, you should use a puncher with a drill bit.

Frame installation

The frame is vertical racks, which are located in increments equal to the width of the heat insulator plates. In order for the insulation to fit securely to the uprights, the step between them can be made even a centimeter less than the width of the insulation.

The frame assembly process is as follows:

  1. first of all, mark the walls, according to which the racks and rails will be located. It should be noted that the distance between the wall (vapor barrier in our case) and the rails that will be mounted on the ceiling and floor must be no less than the thickness of the heat insulator so that the insulation can fit inside the frame;
  2. further, brackets are attached to the vapor barrier rails according to the markings, which will hold the racks. Multiple brackets should be used for each rack. For mounting the latter, self-tapping screws are usually used;
  3. rack rails are then attached to the floor and ceiling. They should be located strictly opposite each other so that the racks stand vertically. Therefore, before performing their installation, you should make sure that the markup is accurate;
  4. then the racks are inserted into the rails and fixed with brackets, as shown in the diagram above.

For cutting metal profile you can use special scissors for metal.

By the same principle, the installation of the frame from the bars is carried out. The only thing is that in this case guides are not used, so the racks are installed simply according to the markings.

The installation of the insulation is extremely simple - if the racks are located correctly, then the mineral wool plates are simply inserted between them, and their additional fixation is not required. The only thing to avoid cold bridges should be filled with insulation and the space between the wall and the racks.

To do this, you can cut mineral wool strips of the desired size. You can cut the plates with an ordinary hacksaw for wood.

Mineral wool fibers getting on the skin and especially in the eyes cause severe irritation. Therefore, when working with it, use personal protective equipment.

If gaps form between the mineral wool plates, they must also be filled with insulation. In addition, it is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the mineral wool to the floor and ceiling. I note that these, at first glance, trifles should not be neglected, since the effectiveness of insulation largely depends on them.

After the insulation is laid, another layer of vapor barrier should be fixed to the frame. If the frame is wooden, then you can use a construction stapler to fix it.

If the frame is metal, the vapor barrier can be temporarily fixed with tape. Subsequently, the film will be fixed with sheathing material.

On forums, people are often interested in how to insulate a wall from the inside in a corner apartment? In fact, the technology is no different.

Frame sheathing

As a rule, the sheathing of the frame in the apartment is carried out with drywall. Therefore, in the end, I will briefly describe the technology of its installation and further finishing:

  1. work must begin with cutting drywall into sheets of a suitable size. To do this, mark the sheets, then cut the cardboard on one side along the marked line with a mounting knife, then break the sheet, and then cut the cardboard on the other side;
  2. prepared sheets should be attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, which should be located at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other. Self-tapping screws must be recessed;

  1. then, at the joints of the sheets, you need to cut a chamfer 5 mm wide. If the end is rounded, the chamfer does not need to be cut;
  2. then a special self-adhesive mesh is glued to the seams between the sheets;

  1. further, the caps of the self-tapping screws and the joints between the sheets are smeared with gypsum putty;
  2. after that, the entire surface of the walls is puttied. On our portal you can find detailed information on how to properly perform puttying;
  3. then the surface is polished with a special grater, on which the mesh is put on:
  4. after that another layer is applied finishing putty and final sanding is performed.

Sanding must be done in bright light. In this case, you will see all the flaws that need to be eliminated.

This completes the wall cladding and finishing process. Now you can paint it or, for example, stick wallpaper on it.

If lining is used as a lining or wooden panels, then they are simply attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. Accordingly, the skin takes much less time.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside with your own hands.


I told you how to insulate the walls inside with minimal negative consequences. Therefore, do not try to simplify the process and move away from the technology outlined above. Its observance will allow you to make the apartment really warm and cozy.

For more information, see the video in this article. If you encounter any difficulties in the process of warming or some points are not clear to you, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

September 3, 2016

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If you have even the slightest opportunity to insulate the walls from the outside - do it. This is the most the best option because wall insulation from the inside is headache. There are only two correct and more or less acceptable options, and then, one takes up a lot of space, and the second requires significant costs during the winter. There is another way suitable for warming balconies and loggias. And for now, that's all. All other options with mounting foam, liquid ceramic thermal insulation, penofol and other materials bring only dampness and mold.

Wall insulation from the inside: what's the problem

Everyone who insulated the outer walls of a house or apartment with inside- from the room - they face the problem of the appearance of fungi, mold and high humidity. These consequences are natural, and appear regardless of the type of insulation that was used. You can get rid of moisture and fungi only by removing the internal insulation by making overhaul walls, treating them with antifungal compounds and plastering.

Let's look at the reasons. The so-called dew point is to blame. This is the line where warm and cold air, and where, as a result, condensation forms.

The figure on the left shows the situation with the dew point if the wall is not insulated. It is located somewhere in the thickness of the wall, depending on temperature and humidity, it shifts one way or the other, but it is always far enough from inner surface. In this case, moisture accumulates in the wall, freezes. In the spring, as it thaws, it evaporates, and evaporates into the atmosphere. In the room, if dampness is observed, then for a short time and at the level of sensations.

In the center, the photo shows a situation where the wall is insulated from the inside. In this case, condensate falls in the insulation, or, if this is not possible (expanded polystyrene is used, for example), at the border of the insulation and the wall. Even if the wall freezes and the condensate turns into ice, it will melt in the spring, the insulation, wall material and finish will get wet. Since before outer surface, facing the street, the distance is large, moisture dries in this case very badly, which “climbs out” in the form of dampness, mold and all the accompanying delights.

And the third option is to insulate the wall from the outside. In this case, the dew point is in the insulation. How to get it out of there is another story (making a ventilated facade or choosing the right vapor permeability of materials), but for our topic it is important to understand that in this case the wall inside the room will definitely be dry and warm.

Summing up, we can say, if possible, make insulation from the outside. Wall insulation from the inside of the premises has to be done only in a few cases:

  • if they are not allowed to be insulated from the outside (the building is a historical monument or a ban by local authorities);
  • if the wall goes into a joint between two buildings;
  • the wall opens into an elevator shaft.

But before you start this work, inspect the floor, ceiling, windows well. Sometimes most of heat does not escape through the walls, but through these surfaces, and it is easier to insulate them (in the sense, there is less trouble with the dew point).

Proper internal wall insulation in a house or apartment

There are only two ways to insulate the walls in the rooms from the inside and not get a problem in the form of dampness:

  • recreating a multi-layer wall (place a half-brick wall with insulation at some distance);
  • make the wall heated, and then insulate it.

These options work, but as you can see, they "eat up" a significant amount of space and cost decent money. In each case, it is necessary to consider what kind of insulation and how much is needed, but the wall cake remains the same.

Second wall

At some distance from the main wall, a second wall is installed with a thickness of 10-12 cm. Between the two walls, a layer of insulation is attached to the inner one, which is required for these conditions. At the same time, up to outer wall there should be a ventilation gap of at least 3 cm. In total, this entire structure will be 20-25 cm away from the main wall. It will “eat” a very considerable area.

As you can see, in this case, the dew point can be located inside the insulation or on the inner surface of the wall facing the street. To be able to remove the formed moisture, you can do forced ventilation by installing one or two exhaust fans.

Since in this case the insulation will get wet, it is necessary to choose one that is not afraid of moisture. These are polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, foamed glass. You can also use some types stone wool, but only those that are not afraid of moisture (there are some).

It is necessary to fix the heat-insulating material simultaneously with the construction of the walls. They laid it out to a certain height, fixed the thermal insulation. It is inconvenient to work, but there is no other way out.

Heating with electricity

The idea of ​​​​this method is that with internal insulation of concrete or brick wall move the dew point inside the wall. To do this, it must be heated. The easiest way is to attach an electric floor heating mat. At some distance from it, a heater is installed, on top of which there is a finishing layer.

In this case, there are no problems with the removal of moisture, and much less space is required for the installation of the system: from 8 cm (with a ventilation gap of 3 cm and a heater thickness of 5 cm).

With this method, the heat-insulating material can be any. To install it, first a crate is made, then a counter-crate, and a suitable insulation is already attached to it.

Option for warming the balcony from the inside

In the case of a loggia and a balcony, the situation is often quite different. If the authorities do not allow to put up a wall, they demand to leave the existing reinforced concrete screen, it is cut off from warm air carefully insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (EPS).

In this case, it is better to make the insulation redundant than at least slightly insufficient. The total thickness is divided into two layers. They are laid without a gap (preferably with locks), and so that the seams of the first layer overlap the sheet of the second. There should be no through access of warm air to the screen.

Very carefully it is necessary to approach the issue of warming the floor and ceiling of the loggia / balcony, to ensure tightness at their junction with the walls. Also pay attention to how the glazing will be installed: there may also be problem areas: the joint with the screen, walls, the insulation of the part above the frames. All of them must be well finished, excluding the possibility of contact between warm / cold air. In this case, there will be no problems. Even .

The argument for choosing this type of apartment insulation can be one of the reasons:

  1. External insulation is prohibited by a special decree of the city authorities, so as not to distort the facade of the building.
  2. There is a significant expansion joint between the walls of the building.
  3. Outdoor work cannot be carried out without special equipment (usually these are high-rise floors, etc.).

However, when performing insulation work, it is necessary to remember the features of these works from inside the building:

  1. If the work is not carried out correctly, the “dew point” may shift close to the room. The result is the complete destruction of the insulation.
  2. If your walls are made of brick, then the above violation has 100% implementation. Exit - correct selection warming agent.
  3. When selecting the ideal material, it is necessary to take into account the level of steam penetration and resistance to moisture.
  4. Ideal when installing insulation - minimal amount seams.
  5. Mineral wool, plaster, drywall are unsuitable for internal insulation.

Warming rules

  1. The walls need to be dried with a building hair dryer, spotlights, infrared lamps and various heaters.
  2. If you have an insulating layer - check it Current state and eliminate existing defects. If there is none, install it, because this is the main protection against moisture and vapors.
  3. Process inter-plate joints of floors and joints in insulating material.

What and how

For work on insulation from the inside, two heat-insulating materials are mainly recommended for use:

  1. Polyurethane foam.

Let's consider them in more detail:

1. Polyurethane foam

advantage this material can safely be called:

  1. Its high degree of thermal insulation.
  2. A high degree of resistance to moisture, thanks to its foam components.
  3. Excellent soundproofing ability.
  4. Resistance to various chemical influences.
  5. Neutral to alkaline and acid environment.
  6. The ability to work with him at any temperature conditions.
  7. Self-extinguishing on contact with fire.
  8. Physical resistance.


  1. Do not use metal or wooden frames, they will create cold bridges through which dampness will come into the apartment.
  2. It's clearly not cheap, and save on self-assembly, even with rented equipment, it will not work out.
  3. Despite the fact that the material goes out in a fire, it smolders and at the same time releases a whole lot of toxic substances that are dangerous to humans.

Installation steps:

  1. Swipe carefully preparatory work on the walls.
  2. Install an aluminum frame on the wall so that after applying the insulation, you can fix finishing material. Aluminum is an inert metal and therefore ideal for polyurethane. Carry out the crate vertically in increments of half a meter. Fix it qualitatively, despite the fact that it will be fixed by the material itself, it will have a large load from the finishing material.
  3. Cover with film everything that should not be affected by the spray material.
  4. We proceed directly to the application of insulation, carefully processing all the cracks and corners. To do this, you need to attract specialists with the necessary equipment.
  5. When the insulation is applied, we fasten the finishing material to the crate. It can be plasterboard or plastic panel.

The advantages of this material:

  1. High degree of thermal insulation properties.
  2. Inert to moisture.
  3. There is no need to use additional waterproofing material.
  4. Reduces the sound transmission of the room.
  5. Easy to install and weight.
  6. Inert to mold and mildew colonies.
  7. It has long term services.
  8. Affordable.


  1. Doesn't "breathe".
  2. Easily amenable to physical influence.
  3. It burns well.
  4. When burning, it releases toxic toxic substances.
  5. The adhesive properties of the material are very low. And, therefore, you will need a frame or other additional fastening.
  6. Reduces usable floor space.

Installation steps:

  1. Treat the prepared wall surface with an acrylic primer with antifungal properties. It is better not to save on it, because it is she who will take the brunt of the cold and temperature changes. Time of complete drying - 1 day.
  2. Prepare adhesive solution. It needs to be thick enough. The liquid will drain from the walls and will not make it possible to qualitatively fix both the foam boards themselves and the reinforcing mesh.
  3. Start work from below. The plates fit tightly together. Time of full drying of glue - 2 days. If you need to insert a piece of the plate, carefully cut it with a clerical knife or a special hacksaw. Gaps of 4-5 centimeters can be sealed with strong mounting foam.
  4. Drill the plates to install special fixing dowels. Stick to the principle - 1 sheet of foam = 6 dowels.
  5. Apply reinforcing mesh with tapes on a thick layer of glue. In this case, the seams of the foam and the mesh must not be allowed to coincide. Therefore, prepare the tapes in advance, with pre-planned installation, in order to avoid such a problem.
  6. The final stage is the application of putty, primer or frame for or drywall. Moreover, if the footage of the apartment allows you, then it will be better and faster to do it with drywall. After all, it is not only mounted faster, but much smoother than plaster, and especially if these works are performed by a non-specialist.

  1. To ensure a high-quality insulation layer, its thickness should not be less than 80 mm.
  2. Even if the insulation you have chosen does not require the use of a vapor barrier film, its use will be absolutely superfluous.
  3. All work should begin with a careful and detailed calculation of all materials in order to identify better and more profitable for you personally. Do not forget to include in this list both materials and the price of work on the final decorative processing the walls of your apartment.
  4. Reinforcing mesh should be used in any case, especially if you plan to plaster the wall.
  5. If it is possible to carry out work on insulation from the outside, then this will be the best option. After all, the useful area of ​​​​housing will not be reduced, and in the event of a fire, harmful and toxic substances will be dispelled in the external environment.