Toilet      06/26/2020

Roof calculation. How to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba hipped roof How to calculate a square meter roof

Before calculating the area of ​​​​the roof, it is necessary to draw up an accurate plan with the application of all sizes in uniform digital indicators. In addition, you need to know what roofing material will be used for roofing, waterproofing, vapor barrier, thermal insulation. Having a calculation of the roof area, each developer will be able to economically build his roof.

Roofs can have a different shape:

  • one, two or four
  • hip or semi-hip
  • forceps;
  • multi-pitched

The easiest way to calculate roofs that do not have kinks on the slopes and are regular triangles or trapezoids. But modern builders are increasingly using multi-pitched or hip roofs, where, along with triangles, there can be irregular rectangles, rhombuses and others. geometric figures.

Therefore, if school knowledge geometries are still fresh in memory, you can calculate the roof area yourself, and if you have been at odds with geometry for a long time, then it is better to order the calculation of the roof area to a knowledgeable specialist or use special online tools. We will talk about this in our article.

Drawing up a roof plan

If the rafter system is already ready, and there is no house project where the roof plan should be, then you will have to draw up a roof plan yourself.

drawing up a roof plan

The entire roof is measured and a drawing is drawn up, which will show the roof in plan. In addition, you need to measure the height of the roof, from the ridge to the ceiling. If the roof is multi-level and has different heights, everything is measured and marked on the drawing, where is the height of the roof. If you have the ability to draw, it is better to make an additional drawing of the roof in projection, for better visibility.

With such a drawing, it is easier to imagine the appearance of the future roof, decompose it into its constituent geometric elements and calculate the roof area . The dimensions of the future roof are not limited to the dimensions of the perimeter of the house. To them, you need to add the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the roof overhangs, where they are expected.

Examples of calculating the area of ​​​​various roofs

A shed roof is easy to calculate - you need to measure the width and length of the building, add the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the estimated overhangs and multiply the resulting numbers. But with pitched roofs this approach will be wrong, because here you need to take into account the angle of the roof and all individual elements (skylights and other similar structures).

  • Before calculating the area of ​​​​the roof, all complex elements roofs are divided into separate components - triangles, squares, etc.
  • When calculating the area of ​​​​a gable roof, you need to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach slope by the cosine of the angle of inclination of the roof. This refers to the angle that is formed by the slope and the overlap.
  • the length of the slope is taken from the ridge to the extreme line of the cornice
  • In the same way, all other roofs with several slope planes are calculated. The area of ​​\u200b\u200beach slope is found separately and multiplied by the cosine of the angle that is formed by the slope and a straight line parallel to the ground.
  • After that, all the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bare summed up, and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof of the house is obtained. .
  • If the roof slope is an irregular rectangle, it should be divided into regular geometric shapes and calculated separately for each , and then sum up all the data obtained.

Let's give an example of calculating a gable roof for a house (8 x 6 m), the length of the rafter leg is 3.68 m, the length of the overhang is 0.5 m, gable overhang- 0.5 m.

We calculate the area of ​​​​one slope - Sabcd \u003d Lcd x Lbd \u003d (8 + 0.5 + 0.5) x (3.68 + 0.5) \u003d 37.6 m2.

The area of ​​the entire roof S \u003d 37.6 x 2 \u003d 75.2 m2.

Roof elements such as chimneys and ventilation ducts, dormers, dormer windows or skylights, parapets. If the shape of the roof is very complex or the developer is not able to make calculations on his own, you should contact specialized web resources where they offer to calculate the roof area online .

roofing factor

In addition to the fact that the roof area is calculated, it is also necessary to make calculations of the roofing material that is required to cover this area. At the same time, the figures for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe required roofing material will differ significantly. The fact is that individual roofings are laid with overlaps, and therefore the consumption of materials increases. When calculating the roofing material required to cover complex roofs, it is better to use the roof area calculator.

If it is planned to cover the roof with slate, then the calculation is as follows: S= (2 x A+B) x (2xA+C) X cos 30,

where S is the total area, A is the width of the overhang, B is the length of the house, C is the width of the house. 30 * - the angle of the roof. If the length of the house is 15m, the width is 10m, the width of the overhang is 0.5m, the cosine of 30 degrees is 0.87, the total roof area is 202.2 kV m.

  • How to find the roof area if a metal tile is used as a coating?

useful formulas for area calculation

It is necessary to take into account such nuances as the total length of the skates, valleys, overhangs, cornices. When using metal tiles or profiled metal for complex roofs as a covering, it must be borne in mind that inevitable and very significant waste will follow.

If, with less complex roofs, experts recommend buying roofing material with a margin of 7-15%, then for complex roofs, the margin of material should be increased to 20%.

The calculation of a soft roof is made according to the same formula as for a slate roof. The consumption of roofing material depends on its type and laying technology. The areas of skates, valleys are considered separately and ordered separately, because they are no longer measured in square meters, but in linear meters.

Before calculating the area for any structures and roofing materials, a calculation is made for the connection of individual elements, which are almost always overlapped. At the same time, material consumption increases depending on the size of the overlap, the angle of the roof. Since, the greater the angle of inclination, the smaller the overlap of the roofing material is allowed.

roof pitch table

When calculating the area for complex roof configurations and a large number of drops, you can perform a calculation by applying slope correction factors from the table to the area of ​​​​the horizontal projection (or individual sections)

You should not start laying roofing material without having it laid out on paper before your eyes. In this case, the error in the installation of the roofing will be minimized, and you will not have to buy the missing material to replace the damaged one.

  • 9 degrees - coefficient. 1.01;
  • 14 degrees - coefficient. 1.03;
  • 18 degrees - coefficient. 1.05;
  • 23 degrees - coefficient. 1.08;
  • 27 degrees - coefficient. 1.12;
  • 34 degrees - coefficient. 1.20.

Naturally, there is an overhang.

Calculation for a hipped roof

For a square: a x a.

a is the length of the side.

b is the width of the figure.

a - the base of the figure,

h is the height of the figure,

How to calculate the roof area of ​​a house

At the beginning of construction, the question always arises, how to quickly and correctly calculate the roof area? This operation seems simple only at first glance. In practice, it turns out that the calculation can be quite complicated even for experienced craftsmen. Since the total amount of money spent on the construction of the roof directly depends on its correctness. Given the high cost building materials and cost installation work, you can try to reduce the cost of the entire project. Let's try to figure out what is needed to perform the correct quadrature calculation.

Friends, U-ra, it happened and we are pleased to present to you online calculator to calculate the roof area, now you do not need to figure anything out on a piece of paper or in your mind, everything just indicated your parameters and received an immediate answer. Now you will know exactly how much material you need to cover the roof. Here is a link to the calculator -> Roof area calculator, online roof calculation. In addition, we have many other construction calculators, you can see a list of all of them on this page: Construction calculators

Main stages of work

The calculation of the roof area should always start with:

  • getting acquainted with the future project of the roof of the house and remembering the most key parameters: ridge length, slope angle, height, width and length;
  • determining the type of roofing material to be used.

One of the most important characteristics is a special calculation coefficient, which is present in absolutely all formulas. Its value depends on the angle of the roof slope and is determined by the following relationships:

  • with a slope of 9 ° slopes, the coefficient will be 1.01;
  • for 14° - 1.03;
  • for 18° - 1.05;
  • at 23° - 1.08;
  • at 27° - 1.12;
  • for 34° - 1.2.

The specified range of roof slope angles is the most popular options used in construction in our latitudes. It is possible to determine the parameters of a structure with a complex geometric shape by breaking it down into separate small figures, which can be easily calculated by summing up the obtained values ​​at the end. Experts recommend adding about 10% to the result, which is the standard margin in construction.

Formulas and definitions

The simplest calculation option is to determine the area pitched roof with any bias. Houses with this kind of roofing usually cover simple materials, and the most common shape is a rectangle. To calculate the roof area, we need to know the length of the slope and its width, which should be multiplied together with a predetermined calculation coefficient.

It should not be forgotten that the value of the slope overhang area, which is mandatory for roofs of this type, should be added to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shed roof of the house.

To calculate the area gable roof at home, there are many more values ​​and factors to consider. So, for a slope with a length of 6 linear meters and a ridge of 9.5 linear meters, the calculation formula will take the following form: the length of the ridge should be multiplied by the length of the slope and multiplied by the number of slopes (in our case 2). If you need to calculate the amount of metal tiles for this roof, then you should first determine the dimensions of one sheet of roofing material. The formula that will allow you to calculate the number of sheets of metal tiles is as follows: the length of the ridge is divided by the width of the roof sheet and rounded up. To carry out such calculations, it is important to know well the geometric parameters of the roof of the house and the geometric parameters of the roofing material.

Final Conclusions

The area when using other materials can fundamentally differ. For this reason, for each particular case, it is necessary to apply individual approach, careful analysis and competent calculation. Most a difficult situation arises when it is necessary to calculate the quadrature of roofs of complex shape. To get a reliable result, you should follow a few simple rules.:

You should be aware that when calculating the area, it is important not to forget to take into account ventilation ducts, skylights, chimneys, parapets, hatches and other elements. In case of violation of this rule, there is a high probability of a shortage of building materials during the arrangement of the roof. Correct and competent calculation of the area will provide all the conditions for the optimal use of funds associated with the purchase and cutting of material during the construction of the roof of the house.

How to calculate the roof area of ​​a house. Formulas, schemes and calculation

Calculating the area of ​​​​the roof, for those who know how to use a tape measure and a calculator, will not be difficult. Because the whole calculation comes down to calculating the areas of individual slopes, and if the roof of the house is not complicated, but the usual two- or four-slope, then it will be even easier to calculate the area.

There are a huge variety of types and geometric shapes of the roofs of private houses, but the roof slopes themselves, as a rule, come in four geometric shapes:

  • rectangle
  • trapezoid
  • equilateral triangle
  • parallelogram

In this article, we will only consider the area pitched roofs, we will not calculate the area of ​​flat and inverted roofs, because the area of ​​such roofs, in most cases, will be equal to the area of ​​the house or its part located under this roof.

And if you learn to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach such slope separately, the formulas of which are presented below in the diagrams, then it will be very easy to calculate the total roof area.

It must be remembered that the more slopes on the roof, the more difficult it will be, not only in terms of construction, but also roof insulation, its decoration and maintenance. And during the construction itself, there will be a lot of unused scraps, which will become unnecessary financial costs.

And so, before you get a calculator and start counting, you need to have a roof plan on hand. If there is none, then you will have to take a tape measure, a sheet of paper, a pencil and start measuring the slopes.

What sizes of slopes are needed, and what exactly to measure, depends on the type of roof of a private house, which are described in detail in one of the previous articles, and here I will tell you how to correctly apply the area calculation to a specific type.

Calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bshed roof

This is the simplest calculation that can be done without a detailed house roof plan.

It is necessary to measure the length C and the width D of the slope.

It is not difficult to calculate the length of the slope, it is necessary to measure the length of the building and do not forget to add roof overhangs on both sides. If for some reason it is not possible to measure the width of the slope, then you will have to measure the height of the roof B and the projection of the slope A (according to the diagram). After we apply the Pythagorean theorem and find the width of the slope C.

Calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba gable roof of a house

The calculation of such a roof, I think, is also not difficult.

Calculation of the area of ​​the hip, semi-hip and hipped roof of a private house

For calculation it is necessary to mentally break hip roof into four separate slopes, as shown in the diagram, and then count each slope separately.
After splitting, you should have two trapezoids and two equilateral triangles if the opposite slopes are equal.

Now we calculate the areas of these geometric figures using simple geometric formulas, then add the resulting areas of the figures. This completes the calculation, as you have seen, there is nothing complicated here.

Half-hipped roof area a private house is considered exactly the same, except that the triangular slopes will be smaller than those of the hip, and the main large slopes must be divided into two geometric shapes, a trapezoid and a rectangle, calculating their area separately.

Counting Technology hipped roof area the house is no different from the hip, we also break the roof into four slopes, only here we should already get four equilateral triangles. The area of ​​these triangles is calculated in the same way as in the previous examples.

Calculation of the area of ​​​​a complex roof with numerous slopes

Such roofs, as a rule, include domed and multi-gable roofs of private houses, containing a large number of various slopes.

Although the formulas for calculations are very simple, it will still not be easy to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a roof. The whole difficulty will lie in a large number of measurements, because each slope will have to be measured separately, and the more complex the roof, the more difficult it will be to do. The task can be made easier by having an accurate roof plan.

Complex roof area calculation technology

To begin with, we break the roof into separate flat slopes. As already mentioned at the very beginning, the slopes of a complex roof can be in the form of three geometric shapes:

  • equilateral triangle
  • rectangle or square
  • trapezoid
  • parallelogram

Calculation of material for the roof of a private house

Calculating the material for the roof is much more difficult than calculating the area of ​​​​the roof itself. Sometimes the roof area is half less area ordered material. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations and not to buy too much, and it happens even worse when there is not enough material, you need to contact the specialists from the company from which you will order the material. For most organizations, this service is free. They will very accurately count the number and size of the sheets and give you a layout of them on the roof.

Since roofing materials are usually rectangular in shape, and roof slopes are not always, sheets will have to be cut and adjusted to the angles of the slope. And than harder roof, the more you will have unnecessary scraps. It must be remembered, no matter what material you choose for roofing, during installation, the layout of the sheets should always be at your fingertips so that you do not cut off the wrong sheet when cutting.

How to correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof

The construction of each house does not begin with digging pits and not with pouring foundations.

Construction begins with the development of the project and the execution of calculations.

With the roof, everything happens in the same way: before proceeding with its installation, a careful calculation of the height, the size of its surface is performed, the number of structural elements and the amount of material for the roofing pie are determined.

The strength and reliability of the roof, as well as the amount of financial resources that will be spent on its installation, depend on the correctness of the calculation performed.

The surface calculation always starts with:

  • measurements of the main parameters of the roof: the angle of inclination, the length of the ridge, the length, width and height;
  • determining the type of roofing material that is planned to be used in the future when installing the roof.

One of the most important characteristics is the calculated coefficient used in almost all formulas in calculations.

The value of this coefficient depends on what is the angle of inclination of the slopes on your house.

For the most popular tilt angles, the coefficient is:

  • 9 degrees - coefficient. 1.01;
  • 14 degrees - coefficient. 1.03;
  • 18 degrees - coefficient. 1.05;
  • 23 degrees - coefficient. 1.08;
  • 27 degrees - coefficient. 1.12;
  • 34 degrees - coefficient. 1.20.

If the shape of the roof is complex, irregular in shape, then during calculations its surface is divided into separate regular figures, the area for which is considered elementary.

And at the end the results are summarized.

The order of calculations for a pitched roof

This is geometry from a school course.

Homes on which suit pitched roof, are usually covered with simple materials.

And rectangle is the most common shape.

Therefore, it is enough to measure the length and width of such a rectangle and multiply them.

Also, do not forget the coefficient mentioned above.

We calculate a gable roof

Surface calculations gable roof more difficult.

Yes, and there are many more factors to consider in such calculations.

To begin with, we decompose all complex elements into separate simple shapes: rectangles, squares, triangles.

Indeed, on the roof, each corner is formed only by an overlap and a slope.

Therefore, in order to calculate the roof surface, it is necessary to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach slope by the cosine of the angle of inclination.

With this calculation, the length of the slope is the distance from the ridge to the cornice line.

In exactly the same way, any roof with any number of slopes is calculated.

You just need to sum the resulting surfaces of all the slopes, multiplied by the cosines of their angles.

If the roof element has a complex irregular shape, then it is also divided into several simple geometric shapes and the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of them is considered.

Then all surfaces are summed.

Let's look at how this is done in the following example: the house has dimensions of 10 x 8 meters.

The rafters are 4.5 meters long.

Naturally, there is an overhang.

The length of the overhang is standard - 50 cm.

First, we calculate what surface one slope has:

S = (10 + 0.5 + 0.5) x (4.5 x 0.5) = 55 square meters.

Since the building has two such slopes, the total area will be 55 x 2 = 110 square meters.

Despite the fact that on any roof there are ventilation ducts, chimneys, dormers and skylights, parapets, they are not taken away from the resulting area value.

We consider a hipped roof

Then you should determine how difficult each of them is.

The simplest hipped roof has a pyramidal shape.

Therefore, when calculating its surface, the formula for the pyramid is used.

If all the slopes are the same size, then it is enough to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone of them and then multiply by four.

In the case when the hipped roof has a complex shape, then it is divided into simple figures and the surface of each of them is calculated separately.

Indeed, for such a roof for different slopes, the angles of inclination can differ significantly.

It should also be remembered that dimensions are taken not along the perimeter of the building, but along the overhangs of the cornices.

We calculate the hip roof

In order for the calculation of the hip roof to be performed correctly, it is necessary to take into account the following:

  • window size and chimney size;
  • the length of the slope (between the ridge and the eaves);
  • details that are roofing not included (overhangs, parapets, etc.);
  • when performing the calculation, the adjoining roofing slabs, block ledges, standing folds are not taken into account.

Calculating the surface of a hip roof consists in finding the area of ​​two end triangles and two trapezoids.

In any case, if the hip roof has a complex shape, it is divided into several simple figures and calculations are made separately for each of them.

And then the calculation results for each figure are summarized.

You should know that even though the hip roof is the best roofing solution, its installation is not cheap.

Calculation for a hipped roof

The hipped roof is one of the varieties hipped roof.

So let's say this is a classic roof with four slopes.

The basis of this design is a quadrilateral.

And the slopes are isosceles triangles converging at the central upper point.

Such a roof is the most economical, since there are no gables in it.

More about the construction of a hipped roof with your own hands.

ABOUT soft roof Unique here. The entire range of the Unikma construction company is presented.

Since the slope is equal to an isosceles triangle, then:

b is the length of the base of the triangle;

S is the area of ​​the triangular slope.

Calculation of a broken mansard roof

The area of ​​​​a broken mansard roof, despite the apparent complexity, is quite simple to calculate.

To do this, first of all, make a roof plan indicating all dimensions.

The entire roof will be a set of simple geometric shapes: triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoids.

For a square: a x a.

a is the length of the side.

b is the width of the figure.

a - the base of the figure,

h is the height of the figure,

a and b are the dimensions of the upper and lower bases.

After the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of the simple figures into which the broken mansard roof is divided is calculated, the results are summarized.

Video about construction calculator to calculate the roof.

Sergey Novozhilov is an expert in roofing materials with 9 years of experience practical work in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

  • Construction is often called an exact science. One cannot but agree with this, because in fact, any building does not begin with the preparation of the foundation for the foundation, the erection of walls or the purchase of the necessary building materials. First of all, it is “built” on paper - a project is prepared, which includes sketches, drawings and all kinds of calculations.

    One of the conditions for the "correct" construction of the roof is the choice of building materials and a well-compiled estimate for their purchase. Therefore, it is so important to know how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof. For this, many resort to online calculators, which are widely presented on various sites on the Internet. Nevertheless, professionals recommend performing calculations "manually" taking into account the characteristics of a particular object.

    If you know how to calculate the roof area correctly, and adhere to the required scheme when preparing project documentation, then the roof will undoubtedly turn out to be quite strong and reliable. Moreover, this will avoid unnecessary financial costs when buying building materials and its installation.

    What determines the calculation of the roof

    The roof calculation scheme depends primarily on architectural features buildings. For example, for outbuildings, they mainly use the easiest option for calculations - flat, attic - are more diverse:, and others, and each of these types involves its own calculation methodology.

    Among the defining parameters should also be noted:

    In almost any formula, the so-called design coefficient is used in calculations, which is selected based on the angle of inclination of the roof slope.

    geometric shapes

    Upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that the range of the most common forms of individual slopes is limited to elementary geometric shapes, such as:

    • rectangle/square;
    • trapezoid;
    • parallelogram;
    • isosceles triangle.

    Of course, the design of modern roofs is much more diverse and, as a rule, it cannot do without a serious complication of the roof structure: its shape and dimensions change. However, even in this case, the "three pillars" on which the calculation is based remain elementary figures. The area of ​​​​any complexity for calculating the area is divided into a number of simpler ones. The desired area, therefore, is nothing more than the sum of the areas of the constituent elements.

    That is why, even if you have already graduated from school a long time ago, but are still at odds with elementary geometry, it will not be difficult for you to calculate the roof yourself.

    Just in case, we recall the formulas for the areas of the main figures:

    How to measure slopes and calculate roof area

    When there is no roof plan with the exact dimensions at hand, they are removed independently. You will need a tape measure, calculator, and other tools needed when working at height.

    For roofs with symmetrical slopes, it is enough to measure only one.

    shed roof

    To calculate the area, use the formula for a rectangle:

    S=K x L, where K is the length, L is the width.

    You can also measure the slope without climbing the roof - it is enough to measure the length and width of the house, taking into account the size of all overhangs:

    • the width of the slope will be equal to the resulting length of the building;
    • length - calculated according to the Pythagorean theorem, taking the height of the roof and the projection of the slope as the legs.

Often, they seek to order work on measurements from roofing companies for fear of making any mistake. However, if you know a few simple rules, you can correctly and accurately measure the roof yourself.

We draw a diagram in a plane

First of all, you need to draw a diagram of your roof in a plane. “Quite often, clients try to draw all kinds of 3D projections, but in fact, in order to correctly calculate the amount of material, the most elementary drawing is needed, representing the view from above, - comments Andrey Opuk, CEO LLC "First Roofing" - Such a drawing does not even have to be drawn to scale.

When you arrive at the company’s office for the final calculation, the manager will simply ask you clarifying questions from the series “Do I understand correctly that you have an adjoining here?” etc. You just give the necessary comments.

Even a computer program that automatically calculates the material divides the roof into segments, which are triangles, trapezoids and other elementary figures.

Let's start measuring

To make it easier and faster to measure the roof, it is best to do it together. You do not need any special devices such as a laser rangefinder.

As practice has shown, long enough tape measure, which is sold in any building supermarket. With it, you need to fix the dimensions of all the edges.

Measurements usually take place as follows: one person comes closer to the edge of the roof and fixes the end of the tape measure at the place where the rafter leg ends, and if the roof is old and it is to be dismantled, where the roofing ends.

The second person fixes the tape measure on the top of the roof (on the ridge).

There is one rule that must be followed: in addition to the ribs, it is necessary to measure all the slopes. The fact is that often the sizes of the slopes do not match perfectly. There may be slight shifts that are invisible to the naked eye. There is nothing fatal in this, but they should be taken into account in the calculations, and therefore measure each slope separately.

In no case no need to take all measurements from the side of the attic, from inside. Otherwise, you will get very approximate dimensions.

Ilya Bykov, Key Account Manager, First Roofing LLC:

Firstly, roof measurements are best done already after the crate is ready. Having only truss system, measurements are also possible, but using the crate, they will definitely be more accurate.

Secondly, it is imperative measure the perimeter of the roof, where the eaves plank is then assumed. This size is also necessary to count the number of sheets of metal tiles (or corrugated board).

Thirdly, do not forget that the metal tile does not end rafter foot. Usually, a release of 5-10 cm is made in order for the roof to look good. When you make the final calculation, be sure to voice your wishes for the release to the manager.

Fourth, it should measure the perimeter of the pipe outlets from the outside. This is necessary to order the abutment strips, which are needed for leakage protection.

If skylights or dormer windows are planned, also measure them and indicate their location on the drawing. This will save several meters of shingles.

If the calculation is carried out without taking into account the roof windows, there will be no problems: the installers will cut the material to size. If any buildings adjoin your house, this should also be reflected in the drawing.

Metal tile from stock or in size?

Sometimes people prefer to order large sheets of metal tiles, for example, 6 or 7 m wide, so as not to mount them with overlaps. We note in particular that overlaps are not the cause of leaks, since this is impossible constructively.

With regard to savings in this case, we note the following.

Firstly, "fighting" for size, you get quite long terms production(in season up to two weeks). Naturally, this is not a problem if you are not in a hurry.

Secondly, if your roof area is about 200 sq.m., then saving due to large sheets, it can be a maximum of 4-5 square meters, however, this benefit is likely to come to naught when you will be calculated the cost of shipping and packaging. For the delivery of metal tiles with a length of, for example, 7 or 6 meters, a gazelle is no longer suitable.

In addition, manufacturing plants are required to supply roofing materials in packaging, and it is sold running meters. It turns out that delivery and packaging standard sizes may cost less.

We also note that when ordering large sheets of metal tiles, the installation process may become more complicated. Lifting together to the height of a two-, three-story house a sheet 7 meters wide is quite difficult. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the polymer coating by shuffling a metal tile sheet against a ladder or rafters.

The article was prepared by the experts of the "First Roofing".

But the roof slopes themselves are, as a rule, four geometric shapes:

  • rectangle
  • trapezoid
  • equilateral triangle
  • parallelogram

In this article, we will only consider the area of ​​pitched roofs, we will not calculate the area of ​​flat and inverted roofs, because the area of ​​such roofs, in most cases, will be equal to the area of ​​the house or part of it under this roof.

And if you learn to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach such slope separately, the formulas of which are presented below in the diagrams, then it will be very easy to calculate the total roof area.

It must be remembered that the more slopes on the roof, the more difficult it will be, not only in terms of construction, but also roof insulation, its decoration and maintenance. And during the construction itself, there will be a lot of unused scraps, which will become unnecessary financial costs.

And so, before you get a calculator and start counting, you need to have a roof plan on hand. If there is none, then you will have to take a tape measure, a sheet of paper, a pencil and start measuring the slopes.

What sizes of slopes are needed, and what exactly to measure, depends on the type of roof of a private house, which are described in detail in one of the previous articles, and here I will tell you how to correctly apply the area calculation to a specific type.

Calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bshed roof

This is the simplest calculation that can be done without a detailed house roof plan.

It is necessary to measure the length C and the width D of the slope.

It is not difficult to calculate the length of the slope, it is necessary to measure the length of the building and do not forget to add roof overhangs on both sides. If for some reason it is not possible to measure the width of the slope, then you will have to measure the height of the roof B and the projection of the slope A (according to the diagram). After we apply the Pythagorean theorem and find the width of the slope C.

Calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba gable roof of a house

The calculation of such a roof, I think, is also not difficult.

Calculation of the area of ​​the hip, semi-hip and hipped roof of a private house

For the calculation, it is necessary to mentally break the hip roof into four separate slopes, as shown in the diagram, and then count each slope separately.
After splitting, you should have two trapezoids and two equilateral triangles if the opposite slopes are equal.

Now we calculate the areas of these geometric figures using simple geometric formulas, then add the resulting areas of the figures. This completes the calculation, as you have seen, there is nothing complicated here.

Half-hipped roof area a private house is considered exactly the same, except that the triangular slopes will be smaller than those of the hip, and the main large slopes must be divided into two geometric shapes, a trapezoid and a rectangle, calculating their area separately.

Counting Technology hipped roof area the house is no different from the hip, we also break the roof into four slopes, only here we should already get four equilateral triangles. The area of ​​these triangles is calculated in the same way as in the previous examples.

Calculation of the area of ​​​​a complex roof with numerous slopes

Such roofs, as a rule, include domed and multi-gable roofs of private houses, containing a large number of different slopes.

Although the formulas for calculations are very simple, it will still not be easy to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a roof. The whole difficulty will lie in a large number of measurements, because each slope will have to be measured separately, and the more complex the roof, the more difficult it will be to do. The task can be made easier by having an accurate roof plan.

Complex roof area calculation technology

To begin with, we break the roof into separate flat slopes. As already mentioned at the very beginning, the slopes of a complex roof can be in the form of three geometric shapes:

  • equilateral triangle
  • rectangle or square
  • trapezoid
  • parallelogram

Calculation of material for the roof of a private house

Calculating the material for the roof is much more difficult than calculating the area of ​​​​the roof itself. Sometimes the roof area is half the area of ​​the ordered material. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations and not to buy too much, and it happens even worse when there is not enough material, you need to contact the specialists from the company from which you will order the material. For most organizations, this service is free. They will very accurately count the number and size of the sheets and give you a layout of them on the roof.

Since roofing materials are usually rectangular in shape, and roof slopes are not always, sheets will have to be cut and adjusted to the angles of the slope. And the more complex the roof, the more unnecessary scraps you will have. It must be remembered, no matter what material you choose for roofing, during installation, the layout of the sheets should always be at your fingertips so that you do not cut off the wrong sheet when cutting.

The correctness of the calculations when planning a new construction or repair can significantly save on basic and consumables. Roofing cake is one of the key components of the house. In the process of its design, you need to know how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof, be able to calculate the area of ​​​​each of its elements. For this, there are special computer programs. But, unlike the machine, the calculation "manually" gives a more accurate result, since it allows you to take into account the nuances of further laying of the roofing material.

Geometric roof shapes

The variety of geometric shapes of the top of the house determines the complexity of the calculation of its area. The most common stingray figures:

  • rectangle;
  • trapezoid;
  • isosceles triangle;
  • parallelogram.

It is quite simple to calculate the roof area if it has one, two or four slopes. The more elements - the more difficult, the more measurements and mathematical operations need to be done.

The calculation can be done in two ways:

  1. Make calculations based on the plan of the top of the cottage. All linear dimensions of each slope are necessarily prescribed on it. It remains only to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach element and find their sum.
  2. Take "live" dimensions from the finished roof and perform mathematical operations. This option is more accurate, since an absolutely exact match between the actual dimensions of the top and its plan is very rare.

In both cases, you need to pay attention to symmetrical slopes. First of all, this applies to the elements of a two- or four-pitched roof.

Calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone- and gable roof

These two types are the simplest, since the slopes of the single-slope and gable tops of the house usually have a rectangular shape. The calculation of their area can be performed even without a detailed plan. It's also fairly easy to take measurements.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200ba shed roof is equal to the area of ​​​​one roofing rectangle:

A and B are the width and height of the slope, respectively.

These parameters can be found even without climbing to a height. It is enough to find out the length and width of the house and add the overhangs of the top of the house to them. Next, you need to measure the height of the roofing pie itself and, using the Pythagorean theorem, calculate its length. Now you can multiply the obtained parameters and get the desired result.

According to a similar scheme, the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba gable roof is calculated. It can always be imagined as two sheds. Accordingly, and similarly, the dimensions of this type of roof are taken. If the slopes are symmetrical, you can remove the parameters of only one of them. Knowing the length, you can calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pediment of a gable roof, especially if it is planned to be lined with wall decking or siding.

The result for each roof element is determined by the same rectangle area formula:

Having known the area of ​​​​both elements, by simply summing them up, the total value for a gable roofing surface is calculated.

Calculation of the area of ​​hip, hip and semi-hip roof

These roof options have a more complex configuration, so it takes more time to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mansard roof. All of them are four-slope, which means that more measurements need to be taken.

A kind of roofing surface, composed of two trapezoids and two triangles, is called a hip. In most cases, its opposite sides are equal, and the triangles are isosceles. For such a symmetrical hip roof, it is enough to calculate the value for only two neighboring elements and multiply the result by two. If the dimensions of each of them are different, you will have to measure the entire roof.

After the measurements, you can calculate the value for each element. For trapezoidal elements, you need to use the following formula:

S=(a+b) x h / 2, where

a - width along the lower overhang,
b - ridge width,
h is the height.

For triangular elements, the formula is applied:

S= a x h / 2, where

a - the width of the slope along the lower overhang,
h is the height of the slope.

Well, at the end, as in the previous cases, the sum of the results of the calculation of all elements is calculated.

The half-hip design differs from the hip design in that instead of trapezoidal elements, it has hexagonal elements, the lower part of which is in the form of a rectangle, and the upper part is trapezoid. Accordingly, the measurement process is slightly different. In a hexagonal element, you need to measure its two components separately, and do the calculations separately. The formulas can be viewed a little higher in this article. Again, the total area of ​​​​the half-hip roof is the sum of the results of the calculation of all its elements.

The traditional tented top is made up of four isosceles triangles. Usually it is symmetrical, so measurements can only be taken on two adjacent elements. It is only necessary to find out the height of each of the slopes and their width along the lower overhang. Further, according to the formula given just above, each element is calculated and the final calculation of the hipped roof is made.

Calculation of roof area with slopes with complex geometry

Multi-pitched roofs with elements with complex geometry no longer surprise anyone. These are the so-called dome and multi-gable structures. These solutions for the top of the house are very attractive. It is much more difficult to calculate the roof area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a configuration than in the case of conventional four-slope options. But an accurate calculation is necessary, since there are a large number of slopes, each of which has a different shape. The construction of such structures is quite expensive and the slightest mistake will inevitably lead to additional expenditure of money and time.

The main difficulty in the process of calculating a multi-pitched roofing surface is the stage of sizing, and the more elements in the structure, the more difficult it is to make measurements. Here you can not do without lifting to the roof. In any case, it is necessary to make a drawing of the roof and measure each slope. For each of them separately, it is necessary, using the formulas given above, to calculate the area, then, summing up the data obtained, find the total roof area.

The issue of calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof must be approached very scrupulously. After all, roofing materials are quite expensive and errors in calculations will lead to extra costs. It must be remembered that when buying roofing materials, it is necessary to make a small margin, since they are overlapped, and it is not taken into account when calculating the roof area.