Toilet      03/03/2020

Finnish peat toilet for a summer cottage. How to choose a peat toilet for your dacha and which one is better. What is a thermal toilet

Among the majority of dry toilets for summer cottages, the most popular and high-quality ones are Finnish toilets. They create quite comfortable conditions for using the toilet in the country.

After all, the lack of normal conditions of use makes many people think about improving them. So, for example, an ordinary toilet with a pit often causes a lot of inconvenience due to unpleasant odor, and Finnish dry closets successfully solve this problem.

Another problem may arise from getting rid of the accumulated impurities of ordinary cesspool from a street toilet, and Finnish dry toilets are very convenient so that you can quickly and promptly empty their containers.

But you can use the Finnish toilet most effectively only after learning more about its structure, operating principle, and even reviews from those who already use it.

Finnish manufacturers are very compact plastic structures that are very easily transported from one place to another, they use dry powder as a peat filler, most of them are completely energy independent, and therefore are considered an economical toilet device.

Their complete biological properties and the absence of the use of chemicals during operation are among the primary advantages of such toilets.

And its aesthetic appearance and convenience allow you to use such a device in the restroom with maximum comfort and convenience.

Also, one of the attractive characteristics of Finnish toilets is their ease of operation and installation. It does not need to be connected to a water supply because in its design and principle of operation there is simply no water supply.

And the ease of maintenance when cleaning filled containers fully justifies the purchase of such a toilet.

After all, in order to clean this toilet, it is enough to simply empty the container of accumulated sewage and dispose of peat with sewage directly onto compost heap, where all this turns into a complete fertilizer for the garden or vegetable garden.

And in terms of their profitability, such toilets are well worth their cost. After all, their service only includes the purchase of peat, the consumption of which is not so great.

Photo: peat for dry toilet

Finnish toilets have several popular brands, which are already known not only to most sellers in the portable plumbing market, but also to many buyers:

  • Ecomatic;

Photo: refilling the Ecomatic dry toilet
  • Biolan;

Photo: Biolan
  • Duomatic;
Photo: Duomatic
  • Ekolet;

Photo: Ekolet
  • Peat.

Photo: Torfolet

Today, such brands of Finnish toilets as Ekomatic or Torfolet now belong to the Finnish company Kekilla.

If we compare Finnish toilets with Russian manufacturers, we can note several advantages of dry toilets from Finnish manufacturers:

  • appearance Finnish toiletries look more elegant than Russian ones;
  • Finnish dry toilets, of course, are much more expensive than Russian ones, so they are not available to every buyer;
  • the large volume of Finnish toilets significantly exceeds the volume of Russian ones. Thus, toilets made by a domestic manufacturer have a volume of containers for collecting sewage from 60 to 120 liters, and the volume of containers of composting toilets from Finnish manufacturers is 110 liters or more;
  • the ventilation device in Finnish dry closets is fully equipped with all the necessary devices: a pipe, a weather vane, hoses, while Russian dry closets only have forced ventilation in some models;
  • Finnish dry closets have warm seats that are made of foamed and compacted foam, while Russian dry closets most often have plastic seats in their design, which cold weather very cold and because of this they cause a lot of discomfort.

Such an overview comparison is not quite enough to have a complete picture of dry closets from Finnish manufacturers and to draw your own conclusions about which models to choose: domestic or Finnish.

After all, it’s no secret that often an expensive thing is justifiably expensive, and it will then show itself on the positive side throughout its operational period.

Therefore, to compare and understand why Finnish toilet devices are so good, let’s consider two models of Finnish dry toilets: Ecomatic and Biolan.


Among the models of Finnish dry toilets called Ecomatic, three names are often found on the market of autonomous portable sewerage equipment, which can practically mean the same model, the same brand, as well as a manufacturer from the same country, but different companies.

This is how you can find Finnish dry closets:

  • Kekillä Ekomatic;
  • L&T Ekomatic;
  • Ekomatic.

In fact, these are the same dry closets, the only difference being that each can be represented by one or another Finnish company. They all have the same technical characteristics and features in installation, operation and maintenance.

You cannot complain about Ekomatic that it emits unpleasant odors; it is always kept clean and can easily provide real urban comfort in a rural area or at a summer cottage.

Such toilets do not require water or electricity or connection to a central sewerage system.

The volume of storage containers is sufficient for 3-4 people to comfortably use the toilet throughout summer season.

When using the Ecomatic toilet, you do not need to buy expensive chemical sanitary liquids.

Photo: peat fillers for dry toilets

Its peat fillers, on the basis of which it works, perfectly correspond to all the necessary sanitary standards and rules.

Ekomatic device and operating principle of a dry closet

Photo: dimensions and operating principle of the dry closet

The technical characteristics of Ecomatic toilets include the following parameters and criteria, which are specified in any technical data sheet of the product:

  • volume storage tank or a container for the accumulation of sewage and compost masses - 110 l;
  • depth of the toilet structure – 780 mm;
  • toilet width – 600 mm;
  • height of the toilet structure to the seat – 500 mm;
  • height of the toilet structure to the handle – 900 mm;
  • the colors of the models can be different - green, gray, gray granite, beige, but never bright or variegated;
  • the weight of the entire structure of the toilet fixture is 10 kg.

Photo: biotoilet Biomarket

The set of Ekomatic toilets, as a rule, includes the following components of internal fittings and structural elements:

  • The toilet body consists of a tank, a top with a tank and a lid from the tank. The housing can be manufactured either by Russian manufacturers, together with Finland, or by Finnish ones. Of course, the cost of the product will depend on this;
  • ventilation pipes in the amount of 2 pcs. have a cross-sectional diameter of 78 mm and a length of 78 cm. This is quite enough for all harmful fumes and gases to escape beyond the reach of a person or his living space;
  • fastening elements - 2 clamps, the diameter of which is 75 mm;
  • ventilation cover to protect the pipe from snow, rain, hail and other precipitation or debris getting inside it;
  • ventilation flexible pipes in the amount of 1 piece, 2 meters long and 82 mm in diameter;
  • fitting – 1 piece for connecting the drainage hose to the toilet body;
  • drainage hose 1.5 meters long and 16 mm in diameter;
  • The seat is warm with a cover.

Photo: installing a dry toilet seat

The design of the Ecomatic dry closet is designed to provide maximum comfort to those who will use it.

After using the toilet, you need to turn the handle on the tank left and right, so thanks to this mechanism, the filler from a dry mixture of peat and sawdust will cover the sewage in sufficient quantities.

This device is very convenient and you will not need to constantly pour consumable peat material with a ladle into the toilet seat, etc. Peat contains microorganisms for which sewage entering the tank becomes a nutrient medium.

Photo: installation of a peat dry closet

Thanks to this very process of organic processing of human waste products, the entire contents of the toilet are recycled, the liquid evaporates, and the compost can be used as fertilizer.

Important! During installation, you need to place the structure in the right place, the choice of which is yours (experts still recommend installing dry closets away from residential premises), and then lead the ventilation pipe through the ceiling and roof to the street.

The total length of the ventilation pipe together with the hose is 3.5 m, so this length should be quite enough to take the pipe outside the premises of a separate house on the street or a toilet room inside a country house.

Excess liquid, which is formed as a result of the action of bacteria in the peat, accumulating, must be drained by gravity through a drainage hose into a separate container or outside the premises into a ditch.

This water, which is filtered through peat filler, is absolutely harmless to the environment. Moreover, by diluting it with water in a ratio of 1:3, you can get excellent liquid fertilizer.

Photo: waste disposal

The compost toilet tank, when opened with a special handle, moves freely onto a wheelbarrow or trolley and is transported to the place of its disposal or waste storage in the form of a compost heap or a special compost tank.


Pavel Samsonov, Naberezhnye Chelny

I bought an Ecomatic for my small dacha outside the city about a year ago. I can only say one thing: I threw away a lot of money, but it’s of little use. No, of course, the point is that the toilet turns sewage into fertilizer. However, there are probably more flies near this toilet than if I had made a cesspool closed type. Or you could buy a Russian toilet, cheaper, and the effect would be the same. So it’s not true what they write about smells. Although they are not very sharp, they attract flies, and this is no longer hygienic. This year I decided to move the toilet outside to a separate house. So think before you buy such a toilet for a lot of money.

Liliana Rasulovna, Moscow

Our family is small - 4 people. And we had to somehow solve the problem with the toilet in the country. At that time there wasn’t much money to buy an expensive septic tank or dig trenches for pipes and dig drain hole, and we don’t have much time for all this. Therefore, we decided to buy a dry closet, which can be moved anywhere and is not so troublesome to install - we just installed the ventilation and that’s it. We installed the toilet in a separate room at the dacha, the room is closed by a door, and therefore no unpleasant odors bother us, and there are certainly no flies to be seen. Excellent toilet - we are satisfied.

Petrovich, Tula

A year ago, my wife and I purchased an Ecomatic dry closet for our dacha. They didn’t immediately find out what manufacturer it was, they said in the store that the toilet was Finnish, so we were filled with trust. And then it turned out that when we started using it, after a couple of weeks, the handle on the tank, where the mechanism for dumping peat into the tank is located, began to jam. What to do? We went to the store. A month later they sent us a specialist who adjusted the tank handle and now everything works properly. We talked to this little guy as a repairman, and he said, well, you have a toilet jointly produced by Finland and Russia, so it turned out to be a small marriage. Although, he says that he rarely saw the same models break down, so they shouldn’t break. Here's the story. But after the repair, the dry closet still works properly and without any problems. This may be an isolated incident, but it was not very pleasant, to be honest.


For the most part, the prices for composting toilets made in Finland are significantly higher than the prices of Russian toilet designs based on the biological principle of operation.

Moreover, even among the model range of other brands, but the same representative of the Finnish production of dry composting toilets, Ekomatic differs in price.

Its average cost is - 18990 rub.. However, the most modified and improved models can cost 24100 rub..

Not all dacha owners have the kind of money to be able to easily and calmly purchase a Finnish dry closet.

And, nevertheless, such dry toilets as Ekomatic fully justify their cost and create the maximum possible comfort in the conditions of organizing a restroom in the country.

Such a toilet device can be easily installed in the house, or you can equip it in a more original way, making a Finnish peat toilet for a summer house with a house, which can be located away from the living space.


Among Finnish toilets, another leader in sales is the Finnish garden toilet Biolan.

Unlike the small Ekomatic model range, Biolan has the most expanded range of modifications, which differ significantly from each other in both design and price.

So, the most common models of toilets from the Biolan series are:

  • Biolan Naturum;

  • Biolan Komplet;
Photo: Biolan Komplet
  • Biolan white and blue with separator;

Photo: Biolan white and blue with separator
  • Biolan compost;

Photo: Biolan compost
  • Biolan Populett;

Photo: Populet
  • Biolan Icelett.

Photo: Aiselet

Among such diversity, it is very difficult to decide which model to choose for your dacha.

Important! In order to facilitate the choice and more fully understand what features and parameters this or that Finnish toilet model from the Biolan series has, you just need to study their technical characteristics in more detail.

Thus, the Biolan Naturum dry dry closet has a more cylindrical tank configuration, and therefore belongs to the drum dry closets, which should only be installed inside heated rooms.

Such models are designed to serve from one to five people who permanently reside in the house. And although the design is called dry, it still allows you to wash the toilet with water, and sometimes you can even use it under a bidet.

Photo: Biolan Naturum dry toilet refill

Great a budget option/, which may be available to most buyers, is the Finnish dry closet Komplet from the Biolan series.

Saturated green color the housing will create an atmosphere of solidity and some semblance of visual comfort for the room in which such a toilet will be placed. It is quite easy and simple to maintain.

For its normal operating condition, it is enough to manually add peat filler of any brand each time after use.

The ventilation pipe will provide maximum comfort when using such a toilet device and will remove unpleasant odors outside.

Photo: parameters of the Finnish dry closet Komplet

Modifications of dry toilets from the Finnish manufacturer from the Biolan series with a separator are also considered very popular.

Its price-quality ratio fully meets the needs of most buyers, which is why toilets with a divider are so popular.

What is its superiority? His toilet seat has two separating chambers that divert liquid waste human waste products into one receiving tank, and solid waste into another.

For the first time, using such a toilet may not seem entirely convenient, however, this is a matter of habit. All toilet receptacles with a separator are equipped with special dispensers with odor absorbers, which serve as an excellent addition to the entire toilet design.

Photo: Biolan with a separator in section

A neat and not bulky construction of a peat dry closet from the Biolan series is a Finnish composting peat toilet.

The design of such a toilet also has an odor absorber, and therefore can be perfectly used not only in the country, but also in rural conditions, if installed in a separate room of the house.

Also, such toilets can be easily installed inside outbuildings, because they are not at all afraid of winter conditions because they are made of extremely durable polymer material.

Photo: Biolan Populet dimensions

Like all other models, the Populet dry closet from the Biolan series has a durable thermal seat, well-designed ventilation and convenient containers for further maintenance.

The parameters and dimensions of such a toilet make it convenient even if it is possible to empty it of its contents using a garbage truck.

One of the most interesting modifications of toilets from the Biolan series is also the Ayselet freezing toilet.

This is generally latest design V modern technologies production of dry closets, however, it does not belong to the subgroup of dry closets operated with peat fillers, and it is also completely dependent on power supply.

Design and principle of operation of Biolan series toilets

Dry dry toilets Naturum, Komplet from the Biolan series can be installed directly on the floor, without any equipment basement or pit.

It does not need to be connected to water supply and electricity, which significantly reduces energy costs for its operation. That is why such dry toilets are considered very practical and cost-effective.

To drain liquid from a dry closet, you need to install a special canister, tank or any other container nearby or in a remote separate room, veranda or on the street behind the house to collect purified and treated liquid, which can then be used as fertilizer when diluted with water.

Composting takes place directly in a closed mixing drum, and therefore the entire process of adding peat filler is hidden from the user’s eyes.

Some models are equipped with adjustable wheels with locks to make the toilet easier to transport. Most often, wheels are found in Finnish-made dry closets such as: Komplet, Populet, as well as modifications with a separator.

All these models are in great demand in those families where there are disabled relatives who are very inconvenient to move to an ordinary toilet every time, so a dry closet on wheels in such cases is a godsend.

To unload a tank or container with waste, you just need to pull it out and load it on a cart to transport it to the place where you may have a compost heap or compost tank in your dacha.

It is here that waste can ferment and then be used as an excellent fertilizer for your garden or garden.

Toilets with a separator are very well maintained, as it is very convenient to empty their containers when they are full because they are not so heavy in weight and can be easily removed individually.

The composting toilet has the same operating principle as other modifications of dry toilets.

Moreover, its additional convenience lies in the fact that to clean the toilet you do not need to move the entire structure; it is enough to use a special door that allows you to remove the filled tank to empty it of waste.

Such toilets, if used only by one family of no more than 4 people, can be cleaned once a year.

In principle, all Biolan dry closets are very easy to use. Before the first use, be sure to add a little peat to the bottom of the tank.

After use, add a little more peat, so you have already provided the environment in which the sewage will be processed using those living microorganisms that are found in the natural environment of peat.

Important! Excess purified water is discharged using a drainage hose into a pit or special tank. But if you do not want to use this water as fertilizer in the future, then you can simply drain the water into the soil.

For arranging a toilet in a summer cottage, the best option is a peat toilet, which does not require sewerage or water supply. To determine which better toilet for a summer residence, consider their operating principle and advantages.

The principle of operation of such a toilet is the transformation of human waste with the help of biologically active substances into compost. In fact, two problems are solved: getting rid of waste and obtaining organic fertilizers for a summer cottage.

The advantages of peat toilets include:

  • The filler is environmentally friendly (peat is absolutely harmless to the soil);
  • Possibility of recycling waste (including food) into compost. A compost pit is created into which waste from the peat toilet is placed. A year later, after the decomposition processes in the compost have stopped, the organic fertilizer is ready for use;
  • Compact, takes up little space on site or indoors;
  • No water supply required;
  • Cost-effective (low costs for consumables);
  • A long period between container cleanings (1-3 times per season, depending on the number of users and the size of the storage capacity);
  • Relatively low price.

Peat toilets also have disadvantages:

  • The need for ventilation and drainage of liquid waste, which complicates the installation process and implies a stationary structure;
  • If you use the toilet in winter, it needs to be heated. Peat filler may freeze at subzero temperatures;
  • In terms of size, it is somewhat inferior to a portable dry closet.

What is it and how does it work

The peat dry closet consists of the following parts:

  • The upper container (the peat mixture is poured into it) is equipped with a mechanism with a handle for uniform unloading and distribution of peat;
  • The lower container on which the toilet with lid is attached is for storing and recycling waste. Container volume is 44-230 l, but models with a volume of 100-140 l are more popular;
  • The ventilation pipe is 3-4 m high with a minimum number of bends. It is connected to the lower container and serves to remove the liquid part of waste and unpleasant odors in vapor form. It is advisable to have a ventilation cap and valve in the pipe (from flies).
  • Housing made of plastic, resistant to low temperatures and aggressive substances;
  • Drainage hose (for removing liquid waste into a compost pit or special container).

Diagram of a peat dry closet

Peat filler is poured into the upper container in an amount regulated by the manufacturer. It is recommended to fill the upper container to 2/3 of its volume. A 1-2 cm layer of peat is poured onto the bottom of the receiving container. After the waste enters the lower container, it is evenly covered with the peat mixture (you need to turn the handle on the upper container several times). Next, the contents of the lower tank are divided into three fractions: solid (compost), liquid (discharge using a drainage hose and ventilation) and gaseous (removal using ventilation).

The peat mixture consists of peat with sawdust, sometimes other organic compounds are present to speed up the fermentation process. Primary composting of waste begins in the lower container under the influence of peat bioenzymes. The bactericidal properties of peat help eliminate odors, and the properties of the sorbent separate the compost into fractions with partial absorption of moisture. After filling the container, the primary compost is delivered to the compost pit, where it matures (usually about a year).

How to choose a peat toilet

When purchasing a peat toilet, you should consider the following characteristics:

  • Dimensions and height of the toilet, which is usually lower than in standard models of stationary toilets;
  • Volume of the lower storage tank (if there are 1-2 users, then there is no need for a large tank - the waste has a shelf life);
  • The presence of a filling indicator (promotes timely cleaning of the storage tank);
  • Maximum load on the toilet seat (depends on the quality of the material and the weight of the heaviest user).

The location of the toilet is important - separately on the site or indoors. This affects the length of the drain hose and vent pipe. Indoor installation requires additional accessories.

It is necessary to provide for the mode of use of the toilet - if it is used in winter, then heated models become relevant.

How to clean a toilet

Cleaning the toilet is done as it is full and includes emptying the bottom tank and disinfecting it. The frequency of this procedure depends on the number of people using the toilet, the volume of the storage container and the period of use of the installation (regularly or only on weekends).

It is advisable not to let the receiving tank fill completely - it is more difficult to remove and carry. All models of bins are equipped with handles for convenience, and some have wheels to facilitate transportation to the compost pit.

If the toilet is not used during the winter, it must be preserved - empty both containers and treat the storage tank with sanitary liquid, followed by the addition of cleaning bacteria.

Note! On average, 1 kg of peat mixture is used to dispose of 10 kg of organic waste.

Heated toilet

In winter, especially in severe frosts, a peat toilet in a summer cottage may not function well (decomposition processes at low temperatures slow down, and the discharged liquid in the drainage hose may freeze).

When using a dry closet in winter (if there is electricity), you should choose a heated model. The tank of this toilet is equipped with an electric heating element, which allows its use at temperatures up to 60 degrees below zero. The walls and roof of the winter version of the dry closet must be insulated.

Electric dry closet

An electric toilet is a type of toilet that, according to its operating principle, resembles a peat toilet. It also separates waste into solid and liquid fractions, but uses electricity to process waste. Heat treatment converts solid waste into dried compost, which is then dumped into a compost pit to produce fertilizer. Liquid waste partially evaporates (ventilation is required) and is discharged into a tank or soil. There is a variety with freezing waste.

Emptying the storage tank is done much less frequently - once a year.

This type of toilet is not popular enough due to its high cost. Their second drawback is the mandatory presence of an electrical network.

Finnish dry toilet

Finnish peat dry closets are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance, compactness and complete ventilation system (with pipe, weather vane and hoses). A significant advantage over Russian-made toilets is the warm toilet seat made of compacted foam. The storage tanks of Finnish toilets are more spacious - they have a volume of 110 liters or more. Good quality also corresponds to the high cost of these products.

Let's look at the most popular brands of Finnish dry toilets:


Toilet trademark Ecomatic has the following characteristics:

  • Storage tank volume 110 l;
  • Dimensions 60x78x50 cm;
  • Weight 15 kg;
  • The body is made of polyethylene, the seat is made of foamed polypropylene.

Additionally equipped with a metal dispenser, two rigid ventilation pipes (diameter 75 mm, length 780 mm), a flexible ventilation pipe (diameter 82 mm, length 2 m), a wind vane for the ventilation pipe and a drainage hose with a fitting (diameter 16 mm, length 1.5 m).

The average cost of Ecomatic toilets (Finnish production) is 26,000 rubles. There are models made in Russia, which are much cheaper - about 16,000 rubles.


The Biolan brand is represented by several models that differ in design and price. Let's look at their main characteristics:

Name Upper/lower tank volume Dimensions, cm Diameter/length of drainage hose, mm Price, rub
Biolan Complete 33/140 85x60x78x53 75 32/1500 18900
Biolan Populette -/200 86x93.5x82x48 110 32 65000
Biolan with separator 28/30 78x59.4x85x53 75/750*2+600 32 27300
Biolan compost -/200 54x54x97 75/2*1000 32/95 32000

Russian made


Made of impact-resistant polystyrene, storage container volume 60 l, weight 12 kg, dimensions 76x51x67 cm, height to seat 45 cm. The package includes a drainage hose 1 m long, a separator with attachment to the lower tank, ventilation tube made of flexible corrugated hose 2 m long. A model with an additional fan is available.

The average price is 7500 rubles.


Main characteristics:

Name Lower tank volume Housing material Diameter/length of ventilation pipe, mm Price, rub
Piteko 200 70 acrylic 75/800 12850
Piteko 201 70 polyethylene 75/800 8980
Piteko 400 acrylic 75/800 16250
Piteko 506 44 polypropylene 75/2000 5590
Piteko 905 120 polypropylene 75/1820 9390
Piteko 905V (with fan) 120 polypropylene 75/1820 10390

Different models are made from various materials, have drainage system with filters, four ventilation pipes with connecting elements. Ventilation pipe made of hard PVC, the ability to connect additional accessories (an umbrella for the ventilation pipe, an additional fan, wheels for transporting a storage tank).


The Rostok-comfort toilet has a spacious lower container with a capacity of 100 liters, and an upper container with a capacity of 30 liters. Dimensions 79x61.5x82 cm, height to seat 50.8 cm, length of drainage hose 3 m. The body is made of frost-resistant polyethylene, equipped with a warm toilet seat. Mechanism for spreading peat from of stainless steel. Operating temperatures from -30 to +60 degrees.

The average price is 8900 rubles.


The Compact Lux dry closet is equipped with a storage tank of 90 liters, has dimensions of 75x52x72 cm and a height to the seat of 45 cm. A very compact model with a weight of 9 kg and a wide range of operating temperatures (from -55 to +60 degrees).

The average price is 5100 rubles.

August 2, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and renovation ( full cycle carrying out finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Finnish peat toilets for summer cottages are the most popular type of dry closets. To dispose of waste, they use a dry substance: either peat, or a mixture of peat and sawdust, or another composition based on bulk raw materials with good hygroscopicity.

In any case, installing such a device allows you to solve the problem of sanitation where it is not possible to equip a separate bathroom with a connection to a sewer or septic tank. In the article below I will talk about my experience using such toilets, analyze the most popular brands on the market, and also give some tips on choosing a ready-made model for making the product yourself.

Description of models

Operating principle

A peat dry closet for a summer residence is a system that exploits the biological principle of decomposition and recycling of waste. Unlike water-flush schemes, this design is dry, i.e. does not require connection to either a water supply or a drainage system.

Present on the market different models such toilets, in addition, if you have a certain skill, the product can be made independently. But in any case, it will function according to the same principle:

  1. A tank is used to collect waste (both solid and liquid). The volume of the tank can vary - from 10-15 liters for the most compact portable models to 100-150 liters for home-made stationary structures.
  2. A seat is fixed above the tank, on which, in fact, a person sits. It can be either part of a structure or a separate structure, for example, a plank box on a wooden frame.
  3. A layer of peat, a mixture of peat and sawdust, granulated clay, etc. is poured into the bottom of the tank. And yet, the main component is peat: it serves as an absorbent, a substrate for the decomposition of organic matter, and a source of microflora that carries out biological utilization.

  1. After performing natural needs, the surface of the peat is sprinkled with a fresh portion of the material. In the cheapest models, this has to be done manually, but almost all modern products are equipped with a dispenser that is activated by pressing a button or lever.

If financial issue is not critical for you, I would recommend installing a model equipped not only with a dispenser, but also with a distributor: this device allows you to cover the surface more evenly, which significantly reduces the intensity of the unpleasant odor in the first minutes after using the toilet.

  1. Gases generated during the processing of waste by a bacterial complex are removed into: either open method, or through a pipe.
  2. In small containers, composting of waste mixed with peat occurs without additional effort. But stationary toilets, as well as homemade products operating on this principle require an additional supply of oxygen, which is why a special aerator pipe is included in their design.

The most famous brands

The most simple solution for arranging an autonomous bathroom in the country or in country house there will be a purchase finished product from a more or less well-known manufacturer. You can decide which Finnish peat toilet is best for your dacha by reading this section.

The range of such devices is constantly expanding, and yet I would highlight several brands that have already earned positive reviews from users:

  • Biolan;
  • Ecomatic;
  • Duomatic;
  • Peat;
  • Ecolet.

Brands such as Torfolet and Ekomatic today belong to the Finnish company Kekkila and are produced using its equipment.

I have compiled a brief description of the products manufactured under these brands into a single table:

Brand Characteristics and Features
Biolan One of the leaders in its segment, key advantage- wide product line. The range includes models that differ in price, volume, and general design:
  • the Biolan Naturum model is suitable for use in heated rooms;
  • for a summer residence or country house the more productive Biolan Populet is suitable;
  • Biolan Komplet is a model with waste separation into solid and liquid fractions.

The “price range” for this brand is also significant: budget models cost between 16-18 thousand rubles, and the most effective recyclers will cost you from 60 thousand rubles or more.

Ecomatic Products from this series can also be found under the names Kekillа Ekomatic or L&T Ekomatic (the difference is in the specific manufacturing company, but the design diagram remains the same). Toilets are highly versatile, good quality waste disposal and almost complete absence of unpleasant odors.

The system works on peat filler (I would recommend using a special one, but you can also use regular peat). For maximum efficiency The instructions recommend additionally connecting a hose for draining liquid waste and a ventilation tube - then there will be no smell at all.

The cost of products depends on the configuration: for the basic model, prices start from 19 thousand rubles, for the modified one - from 24-25 thousand.

Peat In fact, the model is a Russian replica of Ekomatika, which has been produced in the Russian Federation since 2008. Structurally and externally, it is practically indistinguishable from the original, but costs slightly less - from 17 thousand.
Duomatic Includes two containers for separate waste collection. The volume of the tank is quite sufficient to provide service for a family of 3-4 people throughout the entire summer season (from 70 days or more).

The price depends on the capacity and starts from about 10 thousand (for a model with a 50 liter tank).

Ecolet The model features an extremely spacious tank – about 700 liters of “useful” load. At the same time, the four-section design of the tank allows it to be filled gradually, thereby increasing the efficiency of composting.

Like other Kekkila lines, a system for separating waste into fractions is implemented here: the liquid part is removed into a separate container, and then either drained or evaporated without the use of electricity.

This option is ideal for a large family that spends the whole summer at the dacha, or for installation in a public place (for example, when hosting an outdoor festival).

The range of Finnish dry toilets operating on the principle of peat composting includes dozens of different models. It can be difficult to choose one, so I have compiled a list of key factors that you should pay attention to before purchasing.

The most important points are:

  1. Waste tank capacity– the larger it is, the less often you will have to empty it. So, for example, a family of two will have to clean a 12-liter tank at least once a month, but a 50-liter tank may be enough for the whole summer.

Select a model so that you are physically able to move the waste container. It is better to dispose of peat more often than to strain yourself by pulling out an unbearable load!

  1. Peat tank capacity– the larger it is, the less often you will have to fill it out. Basically, it’s a question of comfort, since you can do without it altogether: a box of powder is simply placed next to it.
  2. Product dimensions. This parameter is important if we plan to build a toilet into a room allocated for it or an already built separate building.

  1. Design Features: type of ventilation, tank full indicator, method of removing liquid waste, etc.
  2. Seat material. High-quality models are equipped with seats made of comfortable plastic, which does not cool down for a long time even in the cold, providing comfort when in contact with the skin.

However, you shouldn’t forget about the price: really high-quality and functional models are not cheap, but, in my opinion, they are worth it. In any case, I preferred to pay once for a good peat dry closet from a Finnish manufacturer, and I’ve been actively using it for a little over 7 years now without the slightest complaints.

We do it ourselves

If you like the idea of ​​recycling waste using peat, but you don’t plan to buy a rather expensive device, then it is quite possible to make a similar design from improvised materials. Of course, the efficiency of its operation will not be as high, and the unpleasant smell will not allow installing a toilet in the house - but otherwise it turns out to be quite functional.

The work flow will be like this:

  1. At the first stage, we choose a place for the toilet. Since the likelihood of wastewater getting into the soil or water sources in this case is minimal, there is no need to take precautions as when installing a septic tank or cesspool.
  2. Next, select a plastic or metal container. For a stationary toilet, the optimal volume starts from 100 liters: the larger the tank, the less often you will have to clean it.
  3. We dig the container into the ground so that its neck is slightly above ground level.

  1. We build on top wooden toilet made from pipes or beams. Inside we set up a temporary boardwalk and install a wooden seat. We attach a toilet seat on top - solely to increase the level of comfort.

If we have a tank with a volume of up to 50 liters, then we don’t have to dig a hole. This design is simply placed under a wooden toilet seat, for which a special hatch is made on the side. The tank can also be dismantled for cleaning without dismantling the flooring.

  1. Pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the container with the addition of a biological product to decompose organic matter, and then add peat or a mixture of peat and sawdust layer 10-15 cm.
  2. In the toilet we install a container with dry peat, which we will use to sprinkle waste.

This toilet is operated in almost the same way as a factory product. The only thing I advise is not to wait until the container is filled to the top. After approximately 3/4 of the volume has been used, the tank can be removed and the peat along with feces can be poured into a compost heap, where the transformation of waste into fertilizer will continue.


Finnish country peat toilets are a fairly functional, albeit expensive solution. However, if you want to save money, you can make a similar design yourself. You can understand the nuances of the system’s operation and understand how to build it by watching the video in this article and receiving the necessary advice in the comments to the material.

Unknown: Friends had one like this. A full tank is difficult to carry. 3 people used it, there was a smell. It's like walking into a bucket and filling it with dirt. The throne is certainly beautiful and durable, but the price for it is too high.

Ekaterina Dmitrievna: We bought it relatively recently, but were trying to buy it for a long time. I was always confused by the price - Finnish 17500, Russian - 14500. It is a plastic toilet with a tank. Peat is poured into the tank, which can be purchased separately, or you can make it yourself from peat and sawdust.

We bought a Finnish ecomatic peat toilet for our dacha. Very high-quality and durable plastic, soft seat, convenient use, simple assembly. A distinctive feature is that you don’t need to “take it out” like a dry closet 3 times a week, theoretically it should last for a year. In almost a year, all the “accumulations” you simply you won’t pick it up, so it takes a little less time. Then this “compost” can be used at the dacha, which is just as convenient :)

In general, we are very pleased with the purchase. There is one less significant problem at the dacha.

Sunny summer: We had one like this. Nothing good. It takes a lot of peat; if you buy their special peat, it’s expensive. We tried to go to sleep normally, but then it stinks. If you excuse me, you will be there for both big and small things, then you generally need to take it out often. It weighs a lot with all its contents. In general, we washed it and put it away. While we are going to a cesspool, there is nothing better than a septic tank. That's why we plan to install it.

Baretta: We made it ourselves last year and used it. Better than just a bucket. But worse than they promise. From advantages: the liquid does not need to be removed, it drains itself. But there were only a few of us and we were there in short bursts; the earth had time to absorb everything. I definitely wouldn't put one like this in my house. Overall it makes me happy. Everything is relative.

Advantages: no smell, very convenient, clean, environmentally friendly

My ECOMATIC composting toilet has already worked for two seasons. Price with delivery is about 20 thousand rubles. I go to the dacha alone, so it’s time to clean it only at the end of the second season. The toilet looks like a large toilet, only instead of water in the tank there is a mixture of peat and sawdust (two bags were given as a gift with purchase, then I prepared the mixture myself or bought it ready-made).

When the “crucial moment” came, I took shovel and a wheelbarrow, lifted the toilet lid and, what was my surprise. Absolutely dark mass, odorless - like ordinary peat. I loaded the wheelbarrow, took it to the far corner of the site just in case, and dumped it out - the ground was like dirt! In the spring I will plant flowers, and after a year they can be used for vegetables. My happiness knew no bounds, I am an absolutely urban person, I got a dacha at the age of 40, and the problem of disposing of my own waste was the most important one for me. I have a 110 liter toilet, but they can be larger. One of the main advantages is that it is environmentally friendly, because... no chemicals are used. It is very important to install it correctly according to the instructions (this is very important) and there will be no problems.

Reservoir sprockets: height can be adjusted with a nut

Drain 1/2″ for excess liquid, simply dig the end of the hose to a shallow depth into the ground.

Compost from the toilet after a year.

BeliyOFF: I installed my ecomatic at the beginning of June this year and we’ve been using it all and couldn’t be happier, as they say. I left the dacha three days ago, arrived today and first thing where? Of course in “WC”! I open the door and... I'm shocked. In addition to me, there are about 200 (maybe more, I didn’t count) flies in the room.

Deppert: There is no need to skimp on the peat mixture, flies are attracted to the smell, but it is most likely due to an insufficient amount of peat.

Then, the room should be forced ventilation, for example, a gap under the door, then the hood will work in Ekomatica. And if there is no influx of fresh air, then the flies won’t keep you waiting long.

Krok: I also still have problems with Ekomatik. The toilet is Finnish, peat is standard. Used it for a month. From a certain point the liquid stopped leaving. Even during assembly, I was surprised by the small diameter of the drain hole and the absence of a mesh at the outlet of the tank. The barrier at the bottom of the tank is of small height, and from a certain moment not only liquid but also peat and “product” begin to flow into the back of the tank and close the hole. At the same time, my drain was clogged. As a result, there was a swamp in the tank, I had to empty it out after only a month of use by 3 people because, in addition, they noticed maggots. By the way, it’s also not clear, we installed everything according to the instructions, close the lid, everything is covered with nets.

Finnish peat toilet for the Ekomatik cottage

Customer reviews about the Ekomatic peat toilet, intended for installation in the country. Finnish production. Is it worth buying?

Finnish peat toilet Ecomatic for a summer residence

Among all types of dry closets, the most popular are Finnish models. One of them is the Ekomatic peat toilet. The Finnish Ekomatic toilet can be used both in the country and at construction sites or small cafes. But it is used mainly in dachas or country houses, that is, where there is no possibility of connecting to a central or autonomous sewer system.

The operating principle of Ecomatic is based on the process of decomposition of waste into compost, which is used as fertilizer. This dry closet model does not emit an unpleasant odor and does not require connection to the water supply and sewerage system. it does not require electricity, etc. to operate. Therefore, with its help it will be quite simple to organize, in a suburban or country house, urban comfort.

Design features and operating principle of the Ecomatic toilet

The Ekomatic peat toilet is produced by three Finnish companies:

In any case, no matter what company it is produced by, it is the same dry closet, with the same characteristics and features.

The design of the Ecomatic toilet consists of the following elements:

  • Waste collection container;
  • Container with peat mixture;
  • Ventilation and liquid drainage piping system.

The waste container is made of durable plastic and is a monolithic container. A container with peat is placed on top of it. The case is manufactured either in Finland or in Russia, and the price of the product depends on this.

The piping system includes the following elements:

  1. ventilation pipes with a diameter of 78 mm and a length of 78 cm - 2 pcs;
  2. flexible ventilation pipe with a diameter of 82 mm and a length of 2 m - 1 piece;
  3. clamps with a diameter of 75 mm. - 2 pcs;
  4. cover to protect the ventilation pipe;
  5. drainage hose diameter 16 mm, length 1.5 m;
  6. 1 fitting for drainage hose;
  7. seat with cover.

The Ecomatic toilet is designed in such a way as to provide its owners with maximum comfort and convenience. In order to fill up the feces with the peat mixture after using the toilet, you don’t have to use a ladle; just turn the handle first in one direction, then in the other, and that’s it.

After the storage tank is full, it can be emptied into a hole, where it will ripen and become compost - an organic fertilizer. For uniform filling and distribution of waste, the storage tank has two toothed disks.

The liquid is filtered through peat and the output is harmless. Liquid masses are discharged through a drainage hose into a separate container or ditch. If you dilute it tap water in a ratio of 1/3 you get a good liquid fertilizer that is used to feed plants.

Technical characteristics of the Ekomatic dry closet

  • Toilet size – 780 × 600 × 900 mm.
  • Storage volume – 110 liters.
  • The volume of the filler tank is ~20 liters.
  • Seat height – 50 cm.
  • The period for filling the container (for a family of 4 people) is 110 - 120 days.
  • Price – 16,000 - 25,000 rubles.


The main advantages of this toilet include:

  1. absence of unpleasant odors;
  2. the volume of the storage allows a family of 3 - 4 people to use the toilet throughout the entire summer season;
  3. no expensive chemicals required;
  4. do not require connection to water supply and other communications;
  5. acceptable cost.

Ekomatic toilet set

All models are equipped with a standard set, which includes such structural elements and internal fittings as:

  • a body which consists of a tank, a top with a tank and a lid from the tank;
  • fan pipes – 2 pieces, diameter 78 mm, length – 78 cm;
  • fasteners – 2 clamps, diameter 75 mm;
  • ventilation cover;
  • flexible pipes for ventilation – 1 pc. 2 m long, 82 mm in diameter;
  • fitting for connecting the drainage hose – 1 piece;
  • drainage hose – length 1.5 m, diameter 16 mm;
  • warm seat with cover.

Prices for Finnish toilets are not the lowest, and differ greatly from the cost of the products Russian manufacturers. But in terms of functionality, Ecomatic toilets are practically not inferior to models that cost twice as much.

Finnish peat toilet Ecomatic for a summer residence

Review of the Ekomatic peat dry closet. The article describes the design and technical characteristics of the Finnish Ekomatic toilet, the principle of operation and its advantages.

Finnish toilet or the magical power of peat that gives cleanliness

This system does not require a septic tank or water supply to operate.

Finnish peat toilets for summer cottages are the most popular type of dry closets. To dispose of waste, they use a dry substance: either peat, or a mixture of peat and sawdust, or another composition based on bulk raw materials with good hygroscopicity.

In any case, installing such a device allows you to solve the problem of sanitation where it is not possible to equip a separate bathroom with a connection to a sewer or septic tank. In the article below I will talk about my experience using such toilets, analyze the most popular brands on the market, and also give some tips on choosing a ready-made model for making the product yourself.

Description of models

Operating principle

One of the most effective designs for composting: cross-sectional view

A peat dry closet for a summer residence is a system that exploits the biological principle of decomposition and recycling of waste. Unlike water-flush schemes, this design is dry, i.e. does not require connection to either a water supply or a drainage system.

There are different models of such toilets on the market; in addition, if you have a certain skill, you can make the product yourself. But in any case, it will function according to the same principle:

The container under the toilet is used to collect and dispose of waste

  1. A tank is used to collect waste (both solid and liquid). The volume of the tank can vary - from 10-15 liters for the most compact portable models to 100-150 liters for home-made stationary structures.
  2. A seat is fixed above the tank, on which, in fact, a person sits. It can be either part of a structure or a separate structure, for example, a plank box on a wooden frame.
  3. A layer of peat, a mixture of peat and sawdust, granulated clay, etc. is poured into the bottom of the tank. And yet, the main component is peat: it serves as an absorbent, a substrate for the decomposition of organic matter, and a source of microflora that carries out biological utilization.

Reservoir with peat mixture for dusting

  1. After performing natural needs, the surface of the peat is sprinkled with a fresh portion of the material. In the cheapest models, this has to be done manually, but almost all modern products are equipped with a dispenser that is activated by pressing a button or lever.

If the financial issue is not critical for you, I would recommend installing a model equipped not only with a dispenser, but also with a distributor: this device allows you to cover the surface more evenly, which significantly reduces the intensity of the unpleasant odor in the first minutes after using the toilet.

  1. Gases generated during the processing of waste by a bacterial complex are removed into ventilation: either openly or through a pipe.
  2. In small containers, composting of waste mixed with peat occurs without additional effort. But stationary toilets, as well as home-made products that work on this principle, require an additional supply of oxygen, which is why a special aerator pipe is included in their design.

For disposal, use a compost pit or a box with humus, as in this photo. At the end we will get good organic fertilizer

The most famous brands

The simplest solution for arranging an autonomous bathroom in a country house or country house would be to purchase a finished product from a more or less well-known manufacturer. You can decide which Finnish peat toilet is best for your dacha by reading this section.

The range of such devices is constantly expanding, and yet I would highlight several brands that have already earned positive reviews from users:

Brands such as Torfolet and Ekomatic today belong to the Finnish company Kekkila and are produced using its equipment.

Internal structure of the Ecolan toilet

I have compiled a brief description of the products manufactured under these brands into a single table:

  • the Biolan Naturum model is suitable for use in heated rooms;
  • for a dacha or country house, the more productive Biolan Populet is suitable;
  • Biolan Komplet is a model with waste separation into solid and liquid fractions.

The “price range” for this brand is also significant: budget models cost between 16-18 thousand rubles, and the most effective recyclers will cost you from 60 thousand rubles or more.

The system works on peat filler (I would recommend using a special one, but you can also use regular peat). For maximum efficiency, the instructions recommend additionally connecting a hose for draining liquid waste and a ventilation tube - then there will be no smell at all.

The cost of products depends on the configuration: for the basic model, prices start from 19 thousand rubles, for the modified one - from 24-25 thousand.

The price depends on the capacity and starts from about 10 thousand (for a model with a 50 liter tank).

Like other Kekkila lines, a system for separating waste into fractions is implemented here: the liquid part is removed into a separate container, and then either drained or evaporated without the use of electricity.

This option is ideal for a large family that spends the whole summer at the dacha, or for installation in a public place (for example, when hosting an outdoor festival).

Design diagram of Ecolet - a four-section large-volume device

Tips for choosing a product

The range of Finnish dry toilets operating on the principle of peat composting includes dozens of different models. It can be difficult to choose one, so I have compiled a list of key factors that you should pay attention to before purchasing.

The most important points are:

  1. Waste tank capacity– the larger it is, the less often you will have to empty it. So, for example, a family of two will have to clean a 12-liter tank at least once a month, but a 50-liter tank may be enough for the whole summer.

Select a model so that you are physically able to move the waste container. It is better to dispose of peat more often than to strain yourself by pulling out an unbearable load!

The larger the container, the less often it needs to be emptied, but the more difficult the cleaning process

  1. Peat tank capacity– the larger it is, the less often you will have to fill it out. Basically, it’s a question of comfort, since you can do without it altogether: a box of powder is simply placed next to it.
  2. Product dimensions. This parameter is important if we plan to build a toilet into a room allocated for it or an already built separate building.

We select the dimensions of the structure individually

  1. Design Features: type of ventilation, tank full indicator, method of removing liquid waste, etc.
  2. Seat material. High-quality models are equipped with seats made of comfortable plastic, which does not cool down for a long time even in the cold, providing comfort when in contact with the skin.

However, you shouldn’t forget about the price: really high-quality and functional models are not cheap, but, in my opinion, they are worth it. In any case, I chose to pay once for a good peat dry closet from a Finnish manufacturer, and have been actively using it for over 7 years now without the slightest complaints.

We do it ourselves

If you like the idea of ​​recycling waste using peat, but you don’t plan to buy a rather expensive device, then it is quite possible to make a similar design from improvised materials. Of course, the efficiency of its operation will not be as high, and the unpleasant smell will not allow installing a toilet in the house - but otherwise it turns out to be quite functional.

Hiking option using old bundles of straw

The work flow will be like this:

  1. At the first stage, we choose a place for the toilet. Since the likelihood of wastewater getting into the soil or water sources in this case is minimal, there is no need to take precautions as when installing a septic tank or cesspool.
  2. Next, select a plastic or metal container. For a stationary toilet, the optimal volume starts from 100 liters: the larger the tank, the less often you will have to clean it.
  3. We dig the container into the ground so that its neck is slightly above ground level.

Frame over a hole in the ground

  1. On top we build a wooden toilet on a frame made of pipes or beams. Inside we set up a temporary boardwalk and install a wooden seat. We attach a toilet seat on top - solely to increase the level of comfort.

If we have a tank with a volume of up to 50 liters, then we don’t have to dig a hole. This design is simply placed under a wooden toilet seat, for which a special hatch is made on the side. The tank can also be dismantled for cleaning without dismantling the flooring.

  1. We pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the container with the addition of a biological product to decompose organic matter, and then fill it with peat or a mixture of peat and sawdust with a layer of 10-15 cm.
  2. In the toilet we install a container with dry peat, which we will use to sprinkle waste.

Seat and container with peat

This toilet is operated in almost the same way as a factory product. The only thing I advise is not to wait until the container is filled to the top. After approximately 3/4 of the volume has been used, the tank can be removed and the peat along with feces can be poured into a compost heap, where the transformation of waste into fertilizer will continue.

Finnish toilet: which peat dry toilet is better for a summer residence

Finnish toilet: which peat dry toilet is better for a summer residence, selection instructions, video and photos

Do-it-yourself Finnish peat toilet for your dacha

Peat dry closets are no different in purpose from traditional structures installed in in public places, in the country, etc. Their work is aimed at recycling human waste products. The dry closet differs only in functionality. Peat is used here to process waste, which is why this toilet has a second name – composting. Before choosing a peat toilet for your dacha, you need to know that there are several types of design, which we will now try to understand.

How does it work

Liquid and solid human waste products end up in the lower storage tank of the toilet. The top container contains peat. After each person visits the dry closet, the mechanism takes a certain portion of peat to cover the waste. The process of processing sewage occurs in portions. Some of the liquid waste evaporates through the ventilation pipe. Remains of feces are absorbed by peat. The remaining excess liquid is filtered and drained in a clean state through the outlet hose. After filling the lower container, the contents are dumped into a compost pit. After rotting, the resulting fertilizer is used to fertilize the garden at the dacha.

Design, installation and operation

All peat toilets are designed almost identically, as can be seen from the diagram in the photo:

  • The upper container serves as peat storage. A distribution mechanism for powdering waste is also installed here. Peat serves as the main component that processes sewage. Its loose structure absorbs moisture, its bactericidal properties eliminate bad odors, and waste decomposes to the level organic fertilizer. Peat consumption is small. One bag can be enough for the summer season.

  • The lower container serves as the main waste storage area. This is where the peat composts the fecal matter. We always select the volume of the lower toilet tank according to the number of people living in the dacha. The most popular are tanks designed for 100–140 liters. In general, peat toilets are produced with storage tanks ranging from 44 to 230 liters.
  • The body of the peat toilet is plastic. The toilet seat is equipped with a seat and a tightly closing lid.
  • At the bottom of the storage tank is connected drainage pipe. A certain percentage of the filtered liquid is discharged through the hose.
  • A ventilation pipe extends upward from the same storage tank. Its height can reach 4 m.

A composting toilet can be placed anywhere. There are no fundamental requirements here, since there is no need for a sewerage system, a cesspool and a water supply system. Even if the peat toilet is installed not inside the house, but outside in a cubicle, it will not shrink in winter due to the lack of water. When using a toilet seasonally in a country house, it is preserved for the winter. In this case, all containers are completely emptied.

Before you start using the compost toilet for your dacha, pour peat from a bag into the upper container. Fill the tank approximately 2/3 full.

Backfilling of peat must be done carefully. Rash actions will disable the toilet mechanism, after which the peat will have to be scattered manually with a spatula.

Having visited any forum on peat toilets, you can always come across reviews about poor distribution of peat even with a working mechanism. The only problem is the incorrectly applied force to the handle of the mechanism.

It is important to pay attention to ventilation. The air duct must rise above the roof of the building where the toilet is installed. The fewer turns there are in the pipe, the better the ventilation will work.

Popular models of peat toilets

Today, the Finnish peat toilet for a summer residence is considered the most reliable and comfortable, which is why it is in great demand. The plumbing market offers the consumer many models. According to reviews from summer residents, the following peat dry closets are considered the most popular:

  • Finnish peat toilets for summer cottages of the Piteko brand are equipped with drainage with a special filter. The models have an ergonomic design.

The stylish case is made of high quality plastic. Compact dimensions and special connections on the rear side without protrusions allow you to install a peat toilet flush against the wall of a building. Plastic can withstand negative temperatures, does not crack in winter when installed in an outdoor cabin at the dacha. The body of the dry closet is designed for a load of up to 150 kg. The toilet for the Piteco cottage is equipped with direct-flow ventilation, which eliminates bad odors.

Among many models, the Piteco 505 dry closet is especially popular due to the partition built into the storage tank. It prevents solids from faeces from blocking the drain. In addition it's worth additional protection from a mechanical filter. The peat spreader mechanism is rotated 180° by the handle, which allows for high-quality powdering of waste.

Most Biolan models have a large capacity. This is a good option for a summer house with a large number of people living or a country cottage. Usually the volume of the storage tank is enough for the whole summer season. One emptying of the tank allows you to create finished compost inside the tank. At the request of the owners, the dry closet is equipped with a thermal seat, allowing you to comfortably use the product in winter.

Models with a separator have increased ease of use. This dry closet is made of two chambers designed to collect liquid and solid waste.

The storage chamber for solid waste is located inside the body of the peat toilet. The liquid waste container is located outside and connected to common system hose. The filtered liquid is used to fertilize flowers or as a compost activator. All storage containers are equipped with dispensers that have an odor absorption function.

  • Models of Ecomatic peat toilets on the market are presented from Finnish and domestic manufacturers. All of them are made using the same technology. You can find out which manufacturer’s model is better by visiting any thematic forum. Many users still prefer Ecomatic from Finnish manufacturers.

Domestic models are made of durable, high-quality plastic. The body is not afraid of severe frosts. A dry toilet can be installed in an outdoor cabin in the country. The design feature is an air regulator for seasonal use. In warm weather, the regulator is switched to the summer/autumn position. With the onset of frost, the regulator of the peat toilet is switched to the winter position. This allows the composting process to continue. In the spring, there will be ready-made compost inside the dry closet storage tank.

Continuous composting toilets

If most models of peat toilets can be moved to another place if necessary, then the designs continuous action are intended for permanent installation only. Install at the dacha stationary toilet initially expensive, but over time it pays off.

A design feature of the continuous peat toilet is the composting tank. The bottom of the container is made at a slope of 30 0. Inside the tank there is a grid of pipes cut lengthwise. This design prevents contamination of the air duct, which ensures oxygen access to the lower chamber. While using the toilet, a new portion of peat is periodically added to the inside of the compost tank. A loading hatch is installed for this purpose. The finished compost is raked out through the bottom hatch.

What is a thermal toilet

Now on the market you can find such a design as a thermal toilet from the manufacturer Kekkila. The design functions due to the insulated body. Peat waste is processed inside a large chamber with a capacity of 230 liters. The output is finished compost. The thermal toilet does not require connection to water supply, sewerage, or electricity.

The manufacturer of the thermal toilet guarantees that even food waste will be recycled, but bones and other solid objects should not be thrown. It is important to monitor the tightness of the lid, otherwise bad odors may appear in the room and the composting process will be disrupted. The thermal toilet is able to function in the country even in winter. However, with the onset of frost, the drainage hose is disconnected from the lower container to prevent the liquid from freezing.

The simplest version of a peat toilet is a powder closet

The peat toilet of the powder-closet system has a simple design. The product consists of a toilet seat with a waste storage container. A second container is installed separately for peat. After visiting the powder closet, a person turns the handle of the mechanism, as a result of which the feces are powdered with peat.

Depending on the size of the powder storage unit, the powder closet can be stationary or portable. Small toilets can be moved wherever needed at any time. As the container is filled with waste, the container is pulled out from under the toilet seat, and the contents are thrown onto the compost heap, where further rotting of the waste occurs.

Homemade peat toilet

Making a peat toilet for your dacha with your own hands is quite simple. The most affordable option is a powder-closet. Such homemade designs made from a simple toilet seat with a bucket placed inside. Powdering of waste is done manually. To do this, install a bucket of peat and a scoop in the toilet stall.

A more complex model of a homemade peat toilet is shown in the drawing. In terms of dimensions, the design will be larger than the factory one, otherwise it will not be possible to ensure the tightness of the chambers.

The bottom of the lower chamber is made at a slope of 30°, and small holes are drilled on the entire surface. They play the role of a filter. Liquid waste leaks through the holes. Peat is poured into the chamber through the loading window. The finished compost is unloaded through the bottom door.

Choosing a peat toilet for installation in the country

In principle, all peat models from any manufacturer are suitable for use in the country. If we specifically approach the question of which peat toilet is best for a dacha, then here we must be guided technical characteristics. For example, for a family of three it is enough to buy a product with a storage capacity of up to 14 liters. For a large family, it is reasonable to purchase a dry closet with a storage tank with a capacity of about 20 liters.

When choosing a peat dry closet, it is important to avoid fakes in pursuit of a low price. Low-quality plastic will begin to burst over time and the chambers will depressurize. In any case, all Finnish products are of high quality. The consumer can only decide on the model based on personal preferences.

What users say

Forums and user reviews always help you choose the right model of peat toilet for your dacha. Let's find out what summer residents say about this.

Peat toilet for a summer residence: which is better, reviews

Peat toilet for a summer residence: which is better, reviews. How it works, design, installation and operation of a peat toilet. Composting toilets continuous action.