In a private house      06/16/2019

Austin roses: the best varieties for the Moscow region. English roses: varieties, photos, description However, it is worth mentioning their shortcomings

Austin roses, or, as they are often called now, “Austins,” are not just varieties of one, albeit outstanding, breeder, they are an entire era in the world of roses. We can say that it was David Austin who determined one of the main directions in which rose growing rapidly developed at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. And he managed to squeeze this colossal work into one life: he carried out the first crossings in the 60s, and already in the 80s “Austin roses” became a phenomenon.

He was the first who, instead of the strict “glass” that had bored everyone, offered all the variety of flower forms of ancient roses, shifted the center of gravity from the beauty of an individual flower to the perception of the rose bush as a whole, and this is what is really important in the garden. D. Austin infused into his creations the ability to bloom almost continuously and (perhaps one of his main achievements) returned their scent to roses; each of his varieties has its own memorable aroma. All the leading rose breeders fell under the spell of his style.

The Kordes company responded with a series of “ Fairytale roses"(Marchen rosen), the Tantau company - the Nostalgic Roses series (Nostalgische rosen), the Guyot company - the Generosa series. And in each of these series there are indisputable masterpieces, but the first who directed the interest of gardeners to this form and won the sympathy of all rose lovers was David Austin.

Smell of a rose

But among English roses there are aromas of a different kind - for example, fruity, often peachy, like the varieties Abraham Darby or Lady Emma Hamilton; at the rose Benjamin Britten the aroma of sweet fruity caramel, and the variety Summer Song The dense, thick base of the aroma of fruit tea is superimposed with a note of wormwood bitterness from chrysanthemums of the passing autumn.

David Austin brought into fashion another lost and forgotten scent, almost from the Middle Ages, the scent of myrrh. To my nose it is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of very expensive soap, but without being loud in itself, it enhances the others, and when it is present in the overall chorus of scents, the others sound much stronger, taking on warmer, feminine notes. The aroma of myrrh is characteristic Constance Spry, Queen of Sweden, but sometimes it is felt just as a shade along with others in a complex indescribable composition, like in varieties Claire Austin and The Pilgrim.

Many Austin roses have the aroma of expensive tea varieties - for example, Crocus Rose, Pegasus, Molineux, Teasing Georgia, Pat Austin, Grace, William Morris. (William Morris). Often the tea note does not dominate, but only complements a complex bouquet: fruity, spicy, clove or citrus. In the variety Princess Alexandra of Kent tea aroma is enriched with lemon and black currant, Crown Princess Margaretha Princess Margareta) it is strongly flavored with magical waves of the spirit of ripe tropical fruits, and at Golden Celebration ( Golden Celebration) tart wine and strawberries are mixed into strong tea. Large flowers Tea Clipper varieties as if they had absorbed the aromas of all the spices of the East combined with tea.

A little about the colors of David Austin roses. Sometimes they are reproached for the fact that they are not bright, that among them there are no fiery, scorching red, bright orange tones, there are no variegated roses or roses with borders at all. Yes, that's completely fair. But Austin had no goal of breeding varieties with similar colors. On the contrary, he wanted to create roses similar to the old ones, only with repeated, or better yet, continuous flowering.

And he coped with this task brilliantly! The color range of genuine antique roses is not particularly rich - they are mainly pink, white and crimson different shades and richness, but it is in the variety of shades that lies the main charm and individuality of each variety. You can plant, for example, a ridge of 10 or 20 antique roses different varieties Pink colour, and none of them will be like the other. The same can be said about Austin roses. None of them repeats the other. Often, in addition to the main color, there is another color at the base of the petal, which creates a feeling of illumination. For example, rose varieties Jubilee Celebration the main color is a fairly cool pink, but at the base of the petal there is a yellow spot nestled, and it, shining through from the depths of the flower, creates the illusion of a glow. And when the flower of this variety fully opens, taking on the shape of a luxurious peony, it looks both cold and warm at the same time.

A very characteristic quality of the colors of English roses is a softening of tone, blurred colors, similar to watercolors on wet paper. And this quality reconciles even irreconcilable colors, creating very harmonious combinations. Therefore, saplings can be planted arbitrarily, without much difficulty in selecting color combinations. In a magnificent way, none of them conflict with the others.

The luxurious purple-red and velvet-raspberry varieties do not look at all dissonant with the watercolor pink beauties. On the contrary, their moderate combination with light varieties evokes a feeling of refined luxury.


The agricultural technology of English roses differs little from conventional agricultural technology for large bush roses, although it has a number of features.


Like other large roses, Austin varieties do not do well on their roots. The development of such seedlings is slow, flowering is poor and general form very unpresentable. Therefore, despite the fact that their cuttings take root easily, I would not recommend a root crop.

Seedlings from D. Austin's nursery are ideal (many of our flower growing companies sell them). These roses take root superbly on their “native” rootstocks, grow vigorously, bloom luxuriously and, with proper shelter, winter well. If you select the wrong rootstock, you may end up with an incomplete match between the variety and the rootstock, and then you will have to deal with the appearance of “wild” growth.


Like all roses, Ostinki require a warm, sheltered location in an area with good drainage. It is better if the roses are in full sun most of the day. The only exceptions are, perhaps, the darkest-colored roses, such as Falstaff, William Shakespeare 2000, Munstead Wood, Prince, - it is better to plant them in such a way that in the midst of the midday heat a light lace shadow falls on them, then the purple velvet of the petals retains its thick shimmering color longer.

Depending on the type of soil, planting seedlings has its own characteristics. At the same time, it is better to plant a rose garden from several roses at once, rather than making a single “hole” planting, however, this applies to planting roses on any soil.

On sandy soils, the level of the rose garden coincides with the general level of soil on the site. Dig holes, or better yet trenches, no less than 2.5 shovels deep, i.e. about 70 cm in depth and the same in circumference (for each rose). The sand is mercilessly thrown away. A non-woven fabric is placed at the bottom of the resulting pit, which will prevent the nutrient soil from being washed out.

Ideally, a mixture for sandy subsoils is made from 1/3 purchased garden soil based on neutralized peat, 1/3 loam and 1/3 garden compost or manure humus. If it is not possible to get fertile loam, you can purchase oven clay at a hardware store. It is devoid of nutritional properties, but improves the water-retaining properties of artificial soil, which is especially important on sand.

It is useful to add a handful of bone meal or horn-hoof meal to the planting mixture - this significantly enriches the substrate and allows you to do without fertilizing in the year of planting.

Light loams with good drainage are the best best soils for growing roses. Their structure is ideal for roses, so the only thing that can be improved is to add a little compost or humus and bone meal when planting.

The most labor-intensive thing is to prepare a place for planting roses on heavy, poorly drained clays and deep peat bogs. If the depth of the peat layer is more than 1 m, then growing grafted roses is generally problematic. If the peat layer is insignificant and it is underlain by clay, then the transformations are similar to those done on heavy clays. The level of the rose garden is raised above the ground surface.

Ridges or flower beds are created, raised above the ground by at least 30 cm. The width of the ridges must be at least 1 m. Ridges are made along the border wood paneling or stone masonry, which will keep the ridge from destruction, and if done skillfully, will give it a finished and neat look. The top dark layer of clay is mixed in a small amount into the planting mixture; it must be lightened with coarse sand and humus and neutralized peat. A good proportion is 1/3 of each component, but proportion is not a dogma, and depending on the circumstances, the ratio may change. As in previous cases, bone or horn-hoof meal perfectly improves the nutritional properties of the planting mixture.

Rose seedlings are supplied to the market in different forms - with an open root system, in plastic packaging and in containers. Roses from containers can be planted during the entire frost-free period, but OKS and bagged roses should be planted in the most early dates, as soon as the soil can be cultivated. Roses are planted with the grafting site deepened by 3-7 and up to 10 cm (respectively, on heavy soils - 3-5 cm, and on sandy soils - up to 10 cm). This deepening of the grafting site is the first winter measure to protect the grafted part of the rose from sharp and sudden frosts.

In addition, on that part of the grafted seedling that ends up underground, additional roots gradually form, and over time the rose almost completely transfers to these new roots of its own, although for many years it continues to benefit from the support of the roots of the rosehip on which it is grafted.


Very few roses are able to overwinter in our climate without shelter. Among David Austin roses there are several varieties that can grow without winter protection.

This is Alexandra Rose, The Mayflower, Rosemoor, Susan William-Ellis- from those tested by us. All other varieties must be covered using an air-dry method. Its essence is as follows. A frame is installed above the roses (it is better if it is made of metal arcs of sufficiently high strength, for example, reinforcement). White non-woven material with a density of 60 or 80 g/m is pulled over it. The edges of the covering material are pressed well to the ground with something heavy - stones, metal pipes or just clods of earth. It is important that this pressure ensures sufficient tightness of the shelter, otherwise strong wind can penetrate even through small gaps and tear off the shelter. Of course, the shelter can be different - the same one you are used to, if the results of wintering your roses suit you.

The shelter is finally installed when the temperature remains stable at minus 5°. Usually in our climate this happens on the 10th of November. Although in Lately The heat lasts longer, and accordingly, you have to cover it later. But if you rarely visit your dacha in the fall, it is still safer to cover the roses within the specified time frame than to leave them defenseless.

Only ripened shoots overwinter along their entire length, and in order for the wood to ripen, roses should be given additional phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Potassium monophosphate is very good for this purpose, in which both elements are present in soluble form and in the required proportions. It dissolves easily in water of any temperature. 1 tbsp. a spoon is diluted in a 10-liter watering can and applied under the roses after preliminary watering (although if it has recently rained, watering can be neglected). Feed with this drug twice - on the 20th of August and in mid-September. Later fertilizing is meaningless, since the roots already do not absorb nutrient solutions well.


Roses are quite demanding plants, and D. Austin roses in particular. This is due to the fact that they form a huge number of magnificent flowers and no less leaves. To maintain lush development and luxurious flowering, the nutrition of rose bushes must be balanced, i.e. All necessary elements must be present in the soil (or supplied as fertilizer).

If you are a supporter of organic farming, you can limit yourself to adding wood ash and horn-hoof meal during planting and annual spring mulching of the rose garden with compost or rotted manure.

If you allow reasonable use mineral fertilizers, then use specialized liquid fertilizer for roses once every 10 days or once every 2 weeks. These feedings can be carried out until the 20th of July, but no later. Such fertilizers contain all the necessary elements in optimal quantities, however, in August and September, nutritional fertilizers for roses should not contain nitrogen, which is why we use potassium monophosphate. This is done to stop vegetative growth, improve the ripening of shoots, strengthen the skeleton of the bush, and ultimately, for a more reliable overwintering of roses.


Proper planting and proper care reduce the risk of developing diseases to some extent, but unfortunately, not a single rose has complete immunity. And under significantly worsened weather conditions, it can equally develop powdery mildew, and black spot.

Preventative spraying of rose foliage with fermented milk whey helps prevent the appearance of powdery mildew. However, if the disease does appear, then it will have to be treated with chemistry.

Black spotting often develops in the second half of summer with simultaneous increased rainfall and nighttime cold snaps. Systemic medications help combat it. For preventive purposes, rose bushes are sprayed for the first time after the leaves have fully bloomed, in May - early June, with subsequent repetition in July, before the classic August deterioration in weather - during night cold snaps, cold dew and prolonged rains. It is important to choose a day during which there will be no rain for at least 5 hours after spraying. During this time, the drug solution will be absorbed into the leaf tissue and will then protect the roses for 10-14 days.


Summer Song– the most of the most! Fiery incredible color, wormwood-spicy aroma and extraordinary vertical growth are all that characterize it and distinguish it from other ostinas. L.D.Braithwaite- the reddest.

Crocus Rose- the most attractive among almost white roses.

Munstead Wood– the darkest and at the same time beautiful in all other respects.

Grace- the most abundantly and continuously blooming.

The Mayflower- the most disease-resistant and winter-hardy rose of Austin (like its sister - sport in white SusanWilliams-Ellis).

Queen of Sweden- a rose with the most proud posture, not bowing its head to anything.

Gertrude Jekyil- the strongest aroma floating through the garden in sweet waves.

Tea Clipper– captivates with the aroma of magic.

Crown Princess Margareta– amazes with its regal luxury.


Some people are crazy about their divine aroma, others admire the magical transitions of their watercolor shades, others like their harmonious bushes, worthy of decorating both enchanted castles and the front gardens of village houses.

I think that Austin's English roses are the best for the north-west of Russia, not counting ancient roses, both in terms of winter hardiness and in terms of overall vigor of growth and development, including resistance to major diseases.

In this short review I will touch on just a few varieties that excited me for various reasons.

The first thing worth mentioning is Summer Song– one of David Austin's iconic roses. Everything about it is special - the color, the aroma, and the overall appearance.

The color of the blossoming bud is especially stunning - a kind of transparent tangerine- orange glow of molten metal. The smooth silk texture of the petals adds charm. The aroma is also unusual - along with traditional tea and fruit notes, it contains a strong bitter wormwood stream, which is not characteristic of any other rose I know. However, it also has a number of shortcomings - instability in wintering (even with good shelter it often loses more than half of last year's shoots, and sometimes freezes almost completely to ground level). The growth pattern is also a little strange for Austin roses - absolutely vertical and even somewhat angular. All flowers are clustered in the upper part of the shoots and droop even in good weather. The feelings that this rose evokes are contradictory, but people still want to have it no matter what.

The Mayflower is another one of Austin's special roses. She was the first declared absolutely healthy rose, not sick under any circumstances. Moreover, according to my (and not only my) observations, this rose is capable of wintering in the northwest with virtually no shelter. If snow falls before the onset of severe frosts, then it winters without any damage at all. But if severe frosts suddenly hit snowless soil, then the immature tips of the shoots freeze, as happens with varietal rugosas, but in the spring it quickly recovers. The flowers are not particularly large, but have a pleasant shape and a wonderful aroma of Damask roses. The first wave of flowers blooms very abundantly, and then flowers appear, although not regularly, until the end of the season.

One of the outstanding new products recent yearsWollerton Old Hall. The leaves are clean and healthy, the growth is powerful and harmonious, it blooms well and consistently throughout the season, including the warm part of autumn. I admired the flowers, huge and very correctly formed - the rounded petals almost close into a ball of luminous creamy white color with a fleshy saturation in the center. Subtle shades and halftones constantly play and defy precise description. Everyone only agrees that they are magical and amazingly beautiful. Their aroma is strong and very feminine, best heard against the backdrop of a warm, windless evening.

The petals are dense and open freely in any weather, even after prolonged rains. It looks like the variety will become a bestseller and take its rightful place among the recognized best Austin masterpieces.

Unfortunately, there are Austin roses that are completely unsuitable for conditions where cold is accompanied by dampness. And it’s not even necessarily rain, but just constant fog and dew. Among the most famous varieties of this group are Jude the Obscure, Geoff Hamilton, Brother Cadfael.

Their petals “stick together” without opening and rot. The leaves of all these varieties are resistant to diseases, the shoots winter well, the buds are laid in huge quantities, and the flowers have a delightful and very strong aroma. However, the inability of the buds to open in cold and wet weather makes them virtually a one-time bloomer (or even non-bloomer) in our constantly humid climate of northwestern Russia. It is quite possible that in dry and hot continental conditions they will behave perfectly...

David Austin roses – photos (from the top 10)

Gracefully folded petals, pastel colors, nostalgic flower shape, maddening aroma, abundant re-blooming - this is why Russian rose growers have always loved David Austin roses.

And his latest new products have one more undoubted advantage - healthy foliage. Let's put the fungicide sprayer aside and admire these varieties, beautiful in all respects! Elegant elongated apricot-yellow buds of a climbing rose 'Bathsheba' open into densely double flowers in the form of shallow cups about 10 cm in diameter.

The petals are tightly gathered into exquisite rosettes: front side Each one is painted in a rich apricot tone with a barely noticeable pink tint, and the reverse is yellow. This play of color, coupled with the frame of lighter, creamier outer petals, makes the flower appear to glow from within. The rose exudes the scent of myrrh, floral and warm, with a hint of honey.

And from a mature flower you can smell the light aroma of a tea rose.

Rose Imogen It is distinguished by its abundant flowering, but it is interesting to watch it even when it is still in buds. Narrow, with a pointed apex, before opening they sharply “gain weight” and become more rounded. Light lemon-yellow petals are collected in classic double rosettes with a button, medium-sized flowers. Over time, they fade to a creamy shade, turning into charming “dishevels”. The aroma is light, fresh, with apple notes. The bush is powerful and erect. The name of the variety was given by the heroine of one of Shakespeare's plays.

Another tribute to the work of the famous English poet and playwright - a long-blooming rose Desdemona- the owner of peach-pink buds and pure white cupped flowers (at the beginning of dissolution they have a barely noticeable pink blush). Over time, they open a little more - so that among the delicate satin of the petals you can see the stamens. Flowers that exude the scent of myrrh keep their shape even in rainy weather. A powerful, loose and wide bush will fit into both a traditional rose garden and a mixborder with perennials.

Variety Roald Dahl. David Austin dedicated the centenary of the birth of the famous English writer and screenwriter Roald Dahl.

The reddish-orange, ripe peach-colored buds open into cup-shaped rosettes of medium size and a lighter, apricot tone. The bush blooms almost continuously, and the flowers, despite their elegance, withstand inclement weather. The light, enchanting aroma of tea rose is mixed with fruity notes. The bush is round and branched, and the small number of thorns makes caring for the sensual beauty extremely pleasant.

Rose The Ancient Mariner from the beginning of summer until frost, without the slightest hint of a break, it delights with abundant flowering. The petals of very large, cup-shaped, densely double pink flowers are elegantly curved towards the center. The aroma is intense, warm, myrrh. A fully bloomed flower shows the stamens, and the color of the petals changes from deep pink in the center to light at the edges. The bush will be good in the middle or background of flower beds and in solitaire planting.

The Poet's Wife- a magnificent rose with deep yellow flowers. If they fade, it is not to a whitish color, like other yellow “osts”. Their shape is mesmerizingly beautiful: a ring of neatly folded outer petals frames the inner petals, which are less strictly arranged.

The bush is low and naturally round in shape (it grows wider rather than higher), so it is ideal for the foreground of flower beds. The rose has a bright, rich aroma: at first, lemon notes stand out, but as the flower ages, it becomes sweeter and stronger. David Austin dedicated this variety to his wife. And, if you didn’t know, yes, this famous rose grower writes poetry!

Olivia Rose Austin named after David Osti Jr.'s daughter, so this is a really special rose. According to David Austin Sr., it may even be best rose his selection from those presented to date.

This beauty has ancient-shaped flowers: goblet-shaped buds gradually open into small cup-shaped rosettes up to 9 cm in diameter. They are good at all stages of dissolution. The color is a charming soft shade of pink. The scent of rose is divine: it has a strong aroma with distinct fruity notes. Grows vigorously and reblooms well.

David Austin's advice: plant spray roses groups - at least three bushes of the same variety. This planting looks more impressive than a single bush. The recommended distance between bushes in such groups is 50 cm; between adjacent groups of different varieties of roses is 1 m.

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At the Chelsea Flower Show, the best nurseries in the UK annually present new roses. This year David Austin, Peter Beales and Harkness also tried their best. Let's see what new manufacturers promise us?

David Austin roses

Rose flowers James L. Austin very rich cherry pink color. Numerous petals are collected into large rosettes with a button in the center. The rose blooms early and blooms profusely until the first frost. Flowers do not suffer from bad weather. The aroma of moderate strength combines shades of black currant, blueberry, raspberry and cherry with notes of almond and lemon zest. A neat, branched and erect bush allows for universal use: in a regular rose garden, in a mixborder of a traditional cottage garden, and in a richly and fragrantly flowering hedge. Named after the son of David Austin Sr. and brother of David Austin Jr.

Rose Dame Judi Dench David Austin named Judi Dench after one of the most beloved English actresses, star of stage and screen. Bright, red-tipped buds open into terry rosettes with corrugated petals and a button in the center. The flowers are a very rich apricot shade in the center, becoming lighter towards the edges. They are resistant to rain. A pleasant, moderately strong aroma combines the main note of classic tea with additional cucumber and a hint of kiwi. The foliage is healthy, the bush is powerful, with bending shoots. To encourage regrowth, pruning of faded flowers is recommended.

Round pinkish rose buds Vanessa Bell open into deep calyxes of medium-sized flowers, collected in large inflorescences. The color is light lemon yellow in the center, becoming almost white on the outer petals. Their texture is such that the light falling on them is reflected, and the flower seems to glow from within. The rose blooms very profusely and almost continuously all summer. The aroma is moderate, reminiscent green tea with notes of lemon and sometimes honey. The bush is branched and erect and fits well into both formal and landscape plantings. A good option for a flowering hedge. The rose is named after the artist and designer Vanessa Bell, who was the sister of the writer Virginia Woolf.

Roses from Peter Beales nursery

Dense bright coral pink rose buds Margaret Greville open into medium-sized semi-double flowers of the same color; Over time, they also show a crown of golden stamens in the center. The foliage is dark green and healthy. The bush is loose and blooms profusely; it will look great in landscape flower beds or hedges. Due to the fact that this rose blooms well even in poor soils, it can be grown in large containers. The variety is named after the former owner of the Polesden Lacey estate in Surrey.

Raspberry-red large peony-shaped rose flowers Papworth's Pride collected in large inflorescences. As they open, the fragrant flowers reveal bright yellow stamens, so attractive to bees and butterflies. This scrub is good for both mass planting and mid-ground mixborders. The rose is also suitable for growing in a container. The variety is named after a charitable foundation dedicated to programs for the disabled.

Roses from Harkness nursery

Name of the rose Deben Sunrise designed to perpetuate one of the most influential gardeners - Charles Notcutt. He loved watching the sunrise over the River Deben in Suffolk. The rose is a very hardy and healthy compact scrub with cream to yellow flowers. The aroma is strong and deep, combining traditional rose and fruit.

According to the nursery, floribunda Horatio's Garden with large red flowers blooms equally well in sunny or rainy weather. The variety is named after the 17-year-old boy Horatio Chapple, who tragically died in a fight with a polar bear during its attack on a group of British tourists on Spitsbergen.

Rose Jane Austen was chosen by the museum of the famous English writer on the bicentennial anniversary of her death. The bright orange flowers of this floribunda exude a light, sweet scent. The bush is very branchy, with healthy foliage, and re-blooms profusely.

David Austin is well known to all flower growers as the breeder who gave the world a new type of roses called English roses. His plants combine the delicate beauty of ancient French varieties with the obvious advantages of modern varieties: repeated flowering, a strong symmetrical bush and a strong aroma.

Most recently, the main “patron” of English roses celebrated his 91st birthday, and a week later his breeding company introduced three new hybrid roses. Here's what we know about the new products at the moment.

Dame Judi Dench

Dame Judi Dench- a hybrid of English musk rose. This luxurious rose is named after Oscar-winning British actress Judi Dench. The flower is attractive with a double inflorescence of a rich peach hue, classic for all English roses.

An interesting feature is that the color intensity decreases closer to the tips of the petals. The buds of this variety are bright red, the petals are slightly curled.

Another obvious advantage of this beauty is its unusual aroma, which captures not only the classic scent of tea rose, but also fresh notes of cucumber and kiwi. Who wouldn't want to have such a flower in their garden?

Despite the spectacular appearance, rose Dame Judi Dench unpretentious, forms many side shoots, on which it blooms again with a scattering of inflorescences. To bring the second wave of flowering closer, it is recommended to trim dead flowers.

An adult bush grows up to 1.2 m in width and height.

Vanessa Bell

This is another musk rose hybrid that David Austin dedicated to his famous compatriot. The rose is named after the British artist, Virginia Woolf's sister Vanessa Bell.

Looking at the delicate lemon blossoms, you might think they are glowing. This effect is created by a lighter, as if faded, coloring of the tips of the petals. The buds of the Vanessa Bell rose are round in shape, have a pleasant pink hue, and are collected in lush clusters.

This rose will bloom all season almost non-stop, filling the flower garden with the fresh scent of lemon, green tea and honey. Not the most expected scent for a rose, is it?

Bushes Vanessa Bell spreading - 1.2 × 0.6 m. That is why they can be formed in the form of a hedge.

The breeding company donates 10% of the proceeds from the sale of seedlings of this rose to preserve the artist’s home, Charleston Farm in the English county of Sussex.

James L. Austin

It is no coincidence that this hybrid of an ancient English rose is the “namesake” of its introducer. The fact is that David Austin named him after one of his sons. Considering that David Austin Roses is a family business first and foremost, this dedication is not surprising.

Rose James L. Austin amazes with its amazing ability not to lose its beauty, despite any vagaries of the weather. Its bushes are decorated with a sea of ​​terry cherry-pink inflorescences from the beginning of summer until the first autumn frosts.

This rose exudes a delicious berry aroma. It contains notes of black currant, raspberry, blueberry and a subtle hint of lemon and almond.

Bush James L. Austin lush but neat: 1.1 m x 0.6 m. This rose can be planted in borders and grown in containers - it is quite versatile.

10% of every seedling sold goes to Parkinson's disease research charities.

Which of the new products did you like the most? Tell us in the comments!

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Austin roses, or as they are often called today, “Austins,” are, on the one hand, a variety of one of the most beautiful bushes with delicate, pink-colored, fragrant bushes. On the other hand, this the name of an entire era in the world of roses. It would not be an exaggeration to note that it was David Austin, back in the 20th century, who determined the main direction in which rose production is actively developing today.

It is amazing that this colossal work was accomplished in one lifetime and by one person: Austin carried out the first crossings of roses in the sixties of the 20th century.

And just 20 years later, in the eighties, “Austin roses” had already grown into a real phenomenon in gardening.

Austin was the first who, as an alternative to the boring classic and boring “glass”, offered all the variety of flower forms of ancient rose bushes: he was able to shift the center of human attention from the beauty of a single flower to the perception of the rose bush as a whole.

It was good idea, because in the end it is this perception that is important in the garden.

Austin endowed his creations with the ability to bloom almost without interruption. And from the point of view, so to speak, of the user, one of the main achievements is that he was able to return their scent to roses: each of the varieties, including the park varieties, which Austin bred, has its own memorable aroma. Almost all the best rose breeders fell under his taste and style.

Now we know of such companies as "Cordes", which presented the Marchen rosen (or "Fairytale Roses") series, the Tantau company - proposed the Nostalgische rosen (or "Nostalgic Roses") series, the Guyot company - put it up for general use line of Generosa varieties.

Each of these series has its own immortal masterpieces. But let’s not forget that the first who was able to interest gardeners in this form and received the love and recognition of all rose admirers was D. Austin.

Wonderful aroma of roses

One of the goals that David Austin set for himself was returning roses to their inimitable aroma. And there is no point in denying it: he did it brilliantly.

Among the beauties of Austin, there are simply no such roses that would not emit any scent at all. However, it should be taken into account that the degree of saturation and character of the aroma of each rose variety is unique.

There is a large series of “rose” varieties that exude the fragrance of a forgotten classic, like antique roses from ancient times.

The most fragrant among them are Gertrude Jackie, which can often be found in city parks.

Park rose varieties for the Moscow region - Austin varieties

The natural conditions of the Moscow region for growing beautiful rose bushes are closest to English varieties of roses. English roses for the Moscow region– one of the most popular park crops.

It arose as a result of the hybridization of old classic roses with the following groups of varieties:

  • floribunda,
  • hybrid tea.

Which of all this variety should you prefer? What are Austin roses? the best varieties for the Moscow region?

Variety park roses under the name Charles Austin, after the name of its creator, it was hybridized in 1973, but almost forty years later it is in wide demand. This is not surprising, because Austin roses have all the necessary properties and qualities. These plants:

  • unpretentious,
  • resistant to precipitation,
  • hardy,
  • survives and then bears fruit safely even in fertile soils,
  • are able to winter in conditions near Moscow (with shelter),
  • are not affected by diseases,
  • resistant to pests.

Austin roses have only one flaw, which is the unkempt appearance of older flowers compared to younger ones. As a rule, the situation is aggravated by prolonged and heavy rainfall: roses do not like this, although in general the plant grows and survives well (especially if you provide them with shelter in winter time), however, it does not guarantee a lush harvest in such situations.

Reviews from those who grow these varieties of roses indicate that during the heavy rainfall season, Austin roses not only lose their visual appeal, but can also become covered with black spots.

Charles Austin Alexandra Kent is one of the most profusely flowering varieties of rose bushes. During the peak flowering period, those who provide care for this plant will have to ensure that the branches are tied up.

Pink dense double buds bloom and delight the eye with fresh and strong, fragrant buds for a long time, looking harmonious in flower beds, compositions, borders, hedges and containers. We grow roses speak of it as a good, strong and healthy crop that is not susceptible to any diseases. Only sometimes it can be affected by powdery mildew, but in small quantities.

Alexander Kent Crown Princess Margaret- is a variety of climbing rose with large inflorescences with a characteristic orange-apricot color. The flowering period is from May to November inclusive. That is, literally until winter. For normal flowering and growth, rose bushes of this variety need to be planted in places where there is enough sunlight and where there are no other trees and shrubs within a radius of 1.5-2 meters.

This crop feels most comfortable on loose, soft soils; it requires moderately abundant watering and does not tolerate waterlogging and too many soils.

This variety is also frost-resistant and tolerates high humidity and disease resistant.

Crown Princess Margareta Rose Claire Austin was selected only 10 years ago, in 2007. But they have a reputation for the best white roses from English varieties. They are especially prized for their large, creamy white buds.

This tea-hybrid “rose” crop grows as a bush, but its shoots, if tied up, can stretch up to 2-2.5 m. This feature allows it to be grown as a climbing rose or climber. The buds are resistant to diseases, but in winter cold they require additional shelter because they can withstand temperature drops of only -10 degrees.

In summer, rose bushes tolerate heat well, and with regular watering and loosening of the soil, they grow well and produce flowers at temperatures even at +40 degrees. This crop is well suited for cultivation in mixed borders and flower beds. How climbing variety, this bush is planted along fences, next to arches, near columns and walls.

Rose Claire Austin More recently, just in 2014, a new variety of roses called Olivia Rose was selected.

It is described as very positive and easy to maintain rose bushes. Its advantages include:

  • disease resistance,
  • immunity to powdery mildew,
  • immunity to black spot.
  • abundant wavy color,
  • one of the first to bloom and concludes its flowering late autumn, inflorescences have the shape of rosettes,
  • have a wonderful aroma,
  • harmonizes perfectly with other flowers in flower beds,
  • can be grown in containers without problems,
  • Suitable for forming hedges.

A discussion and description of Austin pink varieties would be incomplete without mentioning the most popular varieties among those who plant these lush beauties in their garden plots.

The rose variety William Shakespeare 2000 was selected in 1987, but despite its already quite impressive age, the variety has an excellent reputation and enjoys enviable popularity.

Variety William Shakespeare 2000 has:

  • tall upright bush,
  • spherical buds of bright red color,
  • wavy color throughout the season.

The plant will produce beautiful new flowers if hot days return after warm weather in September.

Rose Shakespeare loves warm, well-lit areas, preferably on a hill, but isolated from drafts.

It grows and blooms well on well-fertilized soils, is quite resistant to characteristic diseases, but in winter it needs additional insulation.

Golden Celebration Mary Rose- a variety that is simply irreplaceable for those who love crops that grow in the form of a wide and spreading bush and are replete with flower stalks.

Features of this plant:

  • flowers are strong and powerful,
  • resistant to pests,
  • are immune to diseases
  • winters well in the conditions of our strip,
  • blooms immediately with the arrival of warm days.

Mary Rose Leonardo da Vinci- an excellent variety, ideal for rose gardens and flower beds.

The popular variety is different:

  • abundant flowering until frost,
  • not afraid of precipitation,
  • the scorching sun does not harm him,
  • does not require special care from the owners,
  • differs in immunity to diseases, including black spot.

At favorable conditions, and with proper care and suitable weather, bushes of this variety can grow up to 1.8-2 m high and bear abundant flower stalks.

Leonardo da Vinci Gertrude Jekyll is another famous rose variety that attracts gardeners:

  • frost resistance,
  • abundant color,
  • endurance to adverse conditions.

However, you will have to take care of the rose. Rose bushes should be regularly pruned and fed, otherwise you may not expect any inflorescences. Also, in order for re-blooming to occur, it is necessary to regularly clear the bush of old, withered buds.

One of the disadvantages is that this crop is very susceptible to black spot. However, this is the only disease from which the plant should be protected.

Not every English variety is suitable for growing in the Moscow region. Even if it is considered the best variety. And it all comes down to the fact that in the middle zone the normal growth and development of rose crops is hampered by diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot.

And, for example, the following varieties are vulnerable to precipitation:

  • James Galway
  • Abraham Derby
  • William Morris
  • Charles Darwin.

If spring or autumn is rainy, then dense buds do not set, and sticky flower petals interfere with flowering and may begin to rot. A rusty-colored coating appears on the bushes, which can quickly infect other bushes.

All these are not the last shortcomings of English beauties, according to reviews from practicing gardeners who grow roses for the Moscow region.

For example, varieties such as

  • Sharifa Asma,
  • Saint Cecilia,
  • Pat Austin

They react extremely painfully to high temperatures. If its level rises to +29-30 degrees, then the buds, even if they bloomed in the morning, will almost completely fall off by the evening. And the bush begins to fade, the flowers lose their splendor and size, quickly fade and lose their beautiful appearance.


Growing roses for the Moscow region so that they look lush and luxurious is easy.

The main thing is to choose the right variety that suits the characteristics.

David Austin was able to develop a sufficient number of varieties of roses, including park roses, which can provide beauty and a dizzying aroma to any park, hedge, arch and rose garden.

14.12.2017 5 005

Austin roses - the best varieties for the Moscow region and the subtleties of choice

Austin roses are the best varieties for the Moscow region, among the many options it is quite difficult to choose, incredibly beautiful delicate plants that overwinter without shelter, and in order for beautiful English flowers to delight you with abundant flowering, you need not only to choose suitable varieties, but also to know at what distance to plant bushes, how to prune correctly, and other nuances...

The most beautiful English roses of Austin and their characteristics

Fragrant and bright Austin roses are the standard of beauty for many rose lovers, and if they choose winter-hardy varieties roses for the Moscow region, among them you can find many tall, climbing and bush varieties that can decorate an area with
any design. The buds of Austin roses exude a unique aroma, and it is noteworthy that in this group there are no varieties devoid of scent.

The main characteristics of David Austin roses, which allow them to be grown in the conditions of central Russia, are called:

  • High resistance to diseases and pests;
  • Excellent resistance to cold and long winters;
  • Low lighting requirement;
  • Undemanding to the composition and fertility of the soil;
  • Ability to bloom repeatedly even in damp and cold summers.

This does not mean that you can plant English roses in the Moscow region in dense shade, on sand or in clay - bushes in such conditions can survive and even form buds, but the splendor and beauty of flowering will be much worse than if basic agricultural technology standards are observed.

David Austin roses - pictured

A product of David Austin's selection - roses that overwinter without shelter even at 5 and 6 climatic zone, which means that they can easily endure winters with temperatures dropping to -26 °C. This is what served to popularize Austin roses among flower growers in the Moscow region and the middle zone - severe frosts also occur in this climatic zone, so rose growers need to carefully monitor the weather forecast, because even the most winter-hardy varieties of Austin roses need protection from freezing.

When choosing Austin roses, the best varieties for the Moscow region, you must remember that in different conditions one and the same variety can behave differently - experienced flower growers note that in most cases they have higher frost resistance than indicated in catalogs, and grow larger or smaller than stated in official descriptions. The only things that are 100% the same are the color, shape and size of the bud, the shape of the bush and the timing of flowering, although the latter can also change depending on care and weather conditions.

Austin roses - the best varieties for the Moscow region, features

If we consider Austin roses, the best varieties for the Moscow region will be varied, including tall, climbing, bush roses and so-called scrub roses - varieties of plants that can be grown in any of the mentioned forms. The following varieties produced by David Austin's nursery are distinguished by high winter hardiness and endurance:

  • - tall bush with cup-shaped orange-yellow buds;
  • Princess Margaret's Crown - pictured

  • Golden Celebration- tall variety with copper-yellow cupped buds;
  • Golden Celebration - pictured

  • Leander- tall variety with rosette buds of bright apricot color;
  • Rose Leander - in the photo

  • - tall variety with rosette buds of pale pink color;
  • rose Spirit of Freedom - pictured

  • Tess Of The d'Urbervilles- a tall variety with cupped purple cupped buds;
  • rose Tess Of The d'Urbervilles - pictured

  • Sophie Rose- a variety for growing in containers with pom-pom raspberry buds;
  • rose Sophie Rose - pictured

  • Prince- bush container variety with velvet-purple rosette buds;
  • rose The Prince - pictured

  • - bush variety with cup-shaped rich pink buds;
  • Princess Alexandra of Kent - pictured

  • Jubilee Celebration- a variety with salmon-pink pompom buds.
  • rose Jubilee Celebration - pictured

To create compositions of Austin roses with pure color, gardeners in the Moscow region will benefit from the varieties Graham Thomas (yellow cupped buds), L.D. Brightwhite (red rosette buds), Claire Austin (white cupped buds) - they are good in single and group plantings, cut with each other and other flowers of contrasting colors.

These are not all varieties that can be grown in the harsh climate of the Moscow region. In a list containing only Austin roses, the best varieties for the Moscow region can take up several pages - they are so diverse.

Important nuances of growing Austin roses in the Moscow region

Agricultural technology for Austin roses in the Moscow region differs little from other regions - planting pits 50x50 cm in size are prepared in advance, 6-8 weeks before planting. A standard mixture of garden soil, sand, humus and peat is poured onto the bottom, and fertilizers are applied if the soil in the garden is depleted, with a low content of nutrients - a matchbox of superphosphate, a tablespoon of potassium salt and nitrogen fertilizers are poured into one hole in granules.

growing Austin roses - pictured

It is recommended to dig holes in rows converging at an angle to each other - such plantings resemble a triangle or an angle. Schemes at what distance to plant Austin roses depend on the varietal characteristics of the plants - large tall roses are planted at a distance of at least 1 m from each other, compact varieties can be planted at a distance of 60-80 cm, and climbing and climbing Austin roses are planted in one row at a distance of 120-150 cm from each other.

A day before planting Austin roses, the seedlings are immersed with their roots in water - this procedure is mandatory for Austin rose seedlings - the best varieties for the Moscow region or other northern regions should not dry out, especially if they have an open root system. After soaking, they are placed in the holes and the roots are straightened, and planting is completed by filling the hole with soil and compacting it to eliminate air cavities at the roots.

Important! Even the most beautiful roses David Austin trees can form wild growth, and to avoid it altogether, when planting, the grafting site should be deepened by 10 centimeters or more.

In the first year, plant care consists of watering and seasonal pruning (branches are shortened before wintering); with the arrival of spring, the shoots are shortened by half, wild shoots are destroyed, and weakened and broken branches are cut out during the summer.

The soil under the bushes is regularly moistened and loosened, weeds are removed and applied under roses complex fertilizers for roses with feeding frequency - once every 3-4 weeks, fertilizing the bushes begins in mid-May, and is completed in the second half of August.

When the soil begins to freeze, mounds of sawdust and peat at least 15 cm high are poured over the Austin rose bushes. climbing roses, - they are removed from the supports, laid on boards made of boards and covered with a thick layer of sawdust. Young (up to 2 years) rose seedlings are additionally covered non-woven material, and adult bushes tolerate winters near Moscow without such wrapping.

Austin roses are the most beautiful English roses that perfectly adapt to the unstable and harsh climate of the Moscow region, and of the 200 varieties produced by the famous breeder, most can be placed in your garden. Caring for them is not difficult, and the beauty of the buds and the aroma they exude can give a modest space a special charm.