Water pipes      04/22/2019

How to glue tiles on the ceiling: instructions and stylish options for laying ceiling tiles. How to glue foam ceiling tiles and different ways of laying

Have you had an idea to make repairs for a long time, but you still cannot put it into practice due to the lack of a free minute and sufficient funds to hire workers? We offer you absolutely inexpensive and fast way to realize his long-standing idea - finishing the ceiling with tiles.

This method is good and universal in that when minimal cost create beautiful composition on the ceiling it will not be difficult for you, in addition, you will save yourself from regular painting and plastering work on the ceiling. A simple and cost-effective type of repair with a large selection of ceiling tiles will allow you to put your kitchen or rooms in order in a short time.

The popularity of ceiling tiles has not decreased for many years - polystyrene foam is a very relevant material, and tiles are produced in all shapes and colors. Thanks to a variety of textures and imitations of wood, fabric and stone, there is absolutely no need to resort to the help of specialists, because the lightness and ease of use of polystyrene tiles will allow you to carry out repairs yourself. Let's show you how.

Before starting…

First, let's figure out where to start. Immediately calculate the number of tiles for installation, trying to fix everything on paper - it’s not pleasant when, in the midst of repairs, you suddenly notice that there were still not enough tiles.

Also, in the process of work, there are often cases when the tile breaks or the edges crumble from inaccurate cutting with the wrong tool.

Important: always buy materials with a margin, consider the same required amount mastics or glue for work and the necessary tools.

Remember that the ceiling should be glued from the center to the edges, so that the tiles that are extreme against the walls are identical to each other.

Laying ceiling tiles always involves preparing the ceiling for pasting:

  • Ceiling cleared of old paint(putties or whitewash), concrete "blunders" are removed with a chisel or grinder;
  • The surface is leveled with putty, primed;
  • The ceiling must be dry and free of grease before tiling.

What is required for work?

Have you already decided which tile will harmoniously fit into your interior? Square or rectangular?

It is not advisable to glue the tiles on whitewash, since the glue does not contribute much to adhesion to the ceiling, but the tiles will adhere remarkably to the following types of materials:

  • Concrete;
  • Drywall;

A very important issue that should also be raised before preparing the work is what to glue the tiles to the ceiling on. Construction stores replete with mastic and mounting adhesive from various producing countries.

To attach the tiles, you can pick up an organic or mineral adhesive on water based. There is a tile with a self-adhesive base, which greatly simplifies its operation.

What to stick on:

  1. It is reasonable to consider water-based glue as environmentally friendly and harmless to human health - it is often used to fasten porous boards.
    The only drawback of this glue is that it dries for quite a long time, and harmful organisms love environmentally friendly materials;
  2. You can use a polymer combined with a substance that evaporates quickly, for example - alcohol, acetone, toluene, that is, based on solvents;
  3. It exists on the basis of a thermoplastic polymer, where the mass softens when heated, and it can be applied in the usual way;
  4. Epoxy glue also performs well, but only when maintaining a stable temperature and humidity. Before starting work, this adhesive should be mixed proportionally with the hardener;
  5. A very popular method of fastening are liquid nails. Most of this method is recognized as very economical and fastest: it does not require dilution and application tools, dries quickly and tightly fixes the tile.

Finishing the ceiling with tiles also takes into account that you have prepared not only materials, but also tools, so be sure to prepare:

  1. Knife for cutting tiles and fitting to joints;
  2. Glue. You can ask the seller which company's tool best fixes the tile, depending on the surface you are going to glue;
  3. Ruler and pencil for marking and drawing.

You should also calculate the budget and insure against possible breakage or lack of tiles. Note that the cost of ceiling tiles is low, since it is considered one of the most popular finishing materials, durable and very light.

We glue the tiles

All wiring and lighting should be outlined before you begin installation. How to properly tile the ceiling? First, measure the length and width of the ceiling, measure the tile itself, and calculate how many tiles will completely cover the surface of the ceiling. Based on this, the method of fixing the tiles is selected.

In the first case, you can glue the tiles in a circle, relative to the first one, and glue the pieces along the edges, where one whole plate was not enough. The second method consists in diagonal masonry from the center of the ceiling: two threads are pulled crosswise, you can use whatever your heart desires - a rope or cord, fishing line.

We fix the threads and mark the intersection point - this is the middle of the ceiling, from there the diagonal ceiling decoration will begin.

We do not recommend sticking the ceiling from the center if the room is small and a whole number of tiles do not fit.
It will be impossible to install tiles parallel to the walls, so you should avoid such masonry and start gluing from the corners.

How to glue tiles parallel to the walls?

So, let's take a look at the points on how to properly glue the ceiling tiles in the traditional way:

  1. To begin with, on the surface to be glued, we will cover the cracks with a special compound. When we are convinced that the ceiling is sanded and put in order, we can begin the installation process;
  2. Let's mark the ceiling. The tile is most conveniently glued diagonally or parallel to the walls, as we mentioned above;
  3. We begin the pasting process from the middle of the ceiling. Stretch two threads and mark the center of the ceiling with a pencil. Try to mark evenly, as this directly affects how the first row will lie. The rest of the tiles are aligned along the first row;
  4. Remember that one of the corners touches the center mark, and the rest are aligned with the lines marked on the ceiling. If there is a chandelier on your ceiling, cut off the corners of the tiles;
  5. Trying to avoid gaps between the tiles, we slowly lay the second row relative to the first;
  6. Do not apply glue in advance when the entire ceiling is pasted over, and the tiles still have to be joined to the walls. To get started, adjust to right size and cut;
  7. When all tiles are in place, seal the joints with caulk to give the ceiling a finished look and prevent destructive moisture from entering;
  8. is nearing the finish line, so you should fix the outlet on the ceiling and run the power wires to the chandelier (if you have one, of course);
  9. After completing all the work, try to avoid drafts - this will contribute to faster and more durable adhesion of the tile to the ceiling.

If you stained the tile with glue or adhesive, it's okay - wipe it with a damp cloth, as polystyrene foam is not afraid of moisture. Try to glue the tiles without fanaticism, with excessive load, dents may appear on its soft surface and traces of dirty fingers remain. We recommend rinsing your hands more often during the working process.

It is quite difficult to stick ceiling tiles against the walls without the formation of "windows". Why is this happening? From the fact that the sides of the tiles are imperfect, and the walls, respectively, too. Do not worry - the gaps are masked by any putty or sealant.

If the gaps are too wide, you can buy a ceiling plinth and hide the gaps behind it. You should not make an application on the ceiling, try to glue it so that the tiles go as little as possible and carefully mask the gaps.

How to glue tiles diagonally?

At first glance, gluing tiles in this way will seem difficult to you. But do not give in to difficulties - a ceiling with diagonal tiles looks rather unusual in defiance of standard parallel masonry, so experiment more boldly!

How to glue tiles diagonally:

  1. We are guided by the first method, as in the standard tile laying - mark the ceiling and mark the center point;
  2. We begin to glue the tiles not directly, but by turning 450 degrees;
  3. It is very important to align the first four tiles relative to the center - further work will go much easier;
  4. We begin to lay a row of tiles relative to the drawn axis to the first nearest corner;
  5. As a result, we get such an incorrect cross;
  6. In the traditional way, we lay the entire surface of the ceiling, cutting and fitting the tiles along the edges to the wall.

How to remove a ceiling tile if you notice defects on it or if it has outlived its useful life? With the help of a construction trowel, you can easily scrape the tiles from the ceiling, try not to injure yourself, because the cured glue sometimes forms quite sharp corners.

Laminated polystyrene tiles can be maintained by wiping soapy water or non-aggressive detergent. In this case, it is advisable not to get water under the tile - from this it can begin to collapse.

Ordinary uncoated tiles can be dry cleaned and can be vacuumed. Slight pollution can be wiped with an ordinary diligent rubber band. If you notice greasy spots on stovetops, try using alcohol.

A few tricks and you know how the ceilings are finished with foam tiles, and you can also handle it yourself. We hope that the article helped you in mastering the repair horizons!

Ceiling tiles are the best choice cladding when you need a quick and inexpensive repair. Properly selected ceiling tiles can be glued to Various types mixtures. The main condition is the absence in the composition of components that deform finishing material. Consider the types of adhesives, select the most the best lineups and at the same time we will talk about how to mount the cladding on a previously prepared base.

The opinion that the most best glue- the most expensive, completely wrong in relation to the foam decor. Certainly, component composition will not smell, but is it as good as it seems? When choosing how to fix the ceiling tiles, it is important to pay attention to the following characteristics of the composition:

  1. Adhesion. The higher the level of adhesion, the more firmly the tiles will be fixed on the ceiling. Grip does not always depend on the viscosity of the composition, but it is better to pay attention to this quality.
  2. Drying time. Too fast drying compounds are just as bad as long drying mixtures. The former will not allow you to move the element if it accidentally moves from the desired point, the latter may simply not grab and the tile will fall off the ceiling. Proper glue dries within 2-3 minutes. At the same time, it seizes almost immediately, which means that it is enough to hold the tile against the ceiling for a short time, pressing it a little so that it normally “adheres” to the base.
  3. Smell. If the smell does not disappear for a long time, while you have not yet started working with glue, imagine what kind of aroma will be in the finished room.

Important! The adhesive for foam tiles should not contain solvents (white spirit, acetone, toluene). Components deform, burn elements. Also, you can not take colored mixtures for thin lamellas - glue spots will definitely begin to shine through the elements.

The best types of adhesive mixtures:

  1. Titanium.
  2. Silicone (Compound).
  3. Universal.
  4. Acrylic putty.
  5. Liquid Nails.

Preparing the ceiling surface for gluing

In order for the foam ceiling tiles to lie evenly on the base and stick tightly, the ceiling preparation process is preliminarily carried out.

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. Take off all old decor. The whitewash is washed away, removing especially resistant pieces with a spatula. The wallpaper can be wetted with water, and when it swells, it can also be removed with a spatula. Remove the paint with a special solvent. Break off the tiles, remove the adhesive tracks with a spatula.
  2. Dry the surface, prime with a mixture of deep impregnation. It is good if the primer is with antiseptic additives. It is necessary to primer twice, but first let the first layer dry, and then apply the second and dry it too.

If the ceiling is level preparatory work finished. There are defects, back to work:

  • repair all chips, cracks, cavities with a starting putty;
  • sand the dried putty with a grater with a mesh;
  • primed again to increase adhesion.

Advice! If mold spots have formed on the ceiling, they must be removed. Solution applied blue vitriol or antiseptic. First, clean off the mold, then treat the surface, carefully smearing all areas.

Tools and materials for work

To perform the work, the master will need the following set:

  • ladder;
  • roulette;
  • a pencil with a ruler;
  • chopping paint cord;
  • primer (you can immediately with antiseptic components);
  • primer roller;
  • set of spatulas: with a wide serrated edge, regular;
  • sharp knife;
  • adhesive composition;
  • ceiling tiles;
  • ceiling plinths;
  • seam sealer.

Tiling schemes

When thinking about how to glue tiles to the ceiling, first decide on the layout scheme.

There are several options:

  1. Parallel. The easiest way to glue ceiling tiles. The option is suitable for walls that are even along the length in a room of standard geometry. Start work from wall panel located opposite the window, door. The layout starts from the center, then goes into the corners - it’s easier to mount solid elements first, and trim the extreme ones. But you can start laying out from the corner, trimming in this case requires only one (extreme) element.
  2. Diamonds. Good way how to glue foam ceiling tiles in rooms with irregular geometric shapes. The option is complicated, but the result is beautiful. First, find the center of the room from it, set aside the required number of squares (4-8), then the diagonal pasting of the ceiling begins. The result should be a pattern in which the corner of the element looks exactly at the center of the room, and one side of the lamella coincides with the diagonal line on the ceiling. The rhombus in this case is created by 4 elements. This option allows you to use different color solutions, highlight tiles with pattern, interesting texture.
  3. Diagonal. Here you have to figure out how to fix it - the technology is simple, in which the center of the room is first located, from where the decor will be installed. A thread or cord will come in handy, which must be pulled diagonally from the corners of the room where they intersect - there is the center. Set aside 4 elements from the center, joining the corners, lay out from them. If the room is of normal geometry, then the center of the room is where the hook from the chandelier is.

Advice! If you have a simple ceiling tile, how to glue different ways, you know, but you don’t want to - laying out with a seam offset will come in handy. This is a simple option: each next pattern is shifted with an end seam by half of the tile of the previous row. Patterned decor is not laid out in such a way that it does not ripple from a mismatch in the pattern.

Ceiling markings

In order for the rows to lie flat, regardless of the choice of gluing method, you first need to mark the ceiling. In addition to ease of installation, the markup makes it possible to pre-prepare trimmed decor fragments so that they are not distracted during work.

Usually, the installation of decor starts from the center of the ceiling or the location of the chandelier (sometimes this is the same point). Twine, thread, chopping paint cord are useful for marking. Fasten one end of the rope in the corner, the other - stretch diagonally to the opposite corner. Do the same with a couple of other corners. Where the threads intersect, there is a center and a right angle is formed. Mounting zones are marked along the cords (with a pencil), and the first elements are laid out at the intersection. So the easiest way to start the installation according to the rhombus scheme.

If the chandelier is not located in the center of the room, the markings must be done differently.

The work algorithm is as follows:

  • through the hook for the chandelier, draw 2 lines perpendicular to each other parallel to the walls;
  • right angles are obtained;
  • divide the corners in half, bring the line through the division point to the point of junction with the walls;
  • you will get one point of the beginning of the installation of tiles.

It remains only to choose how to stick the tiles on the ceiling and you can start finishing.

Tile sticking

Having decided on the layout scheme, you should prepare all the tools and materials. And now to evaluate the degree of viscosity and the type of adhesive composition, the method of applying the adhesive depends on this. If it is putty or cement mortar, the mixture is applied in a thin layer or pointwise so as not to weigh down the elements. When using other mixtures, liquid nails, glue is laid out along the perimeter of the lamella, in the center or crosswise. After application, you can spread the glue with a spatula over the entire wrong side of the element.

How to stick tiles on the ceiling correctly:

  1. Prepare room for work. Close doors and windows so that there are no drafts that interfere with the natural drying of the composition.
  2. Apply glue to the lamella, wait 1-2 minutes for the composition to thicken and attach the tile to the place of gluing.
  3. Press the element to the ceiling, hold a little, release. The following piece samples are laid out in the same way. In the process of applying, pressing, you can have time to correct the tile if it lay unevenly.

The extreme slats will be trimmed, it is important to lay out the cut edge to the junction with the wall - this area will be closed by the ceiling plinth, so uneven edges will not be visible. Skirting boards are mounted on the same adhesive composition as the tiles. But before installing the moldings, you need to walk along tile seams sealant. The seal is made quickly, the mixture is smeared with a finger so that no bumps and lumps stand out.

Knowing how to properly glue the ceiling tiles, there will be no problems with work. It is only important to prepare all the materials, tools and you can get to work. But as for determining the number of elements, the formula is useful here: divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling by the area of ​​​​one tile. The final figure plus 10% will be the desired amount. The stock is necessary for trimming the lamellas, replacing them in case of defects.

Currently, there are many options that allow you to equip the ceiling. Everyone chooses for himself the most best option. But the most common way is the use of foam products. In this regard, a logical question arises: how to glue such tiles on the ceiling. It may seem that the technology is quite simple, but the features this material create a lot of working nuances.

Pasting the ceiling with foam tiles remains one of the most popular types. finishing works. Indeed, such a coating can be found in almost any house or apartment. Besides wide choose material allows you to find an option that will be in harmony with overall design interior.

According to the method of manufacture, the following types are distinguished:

In shape, it is square, rectangular, hexagonal, diamond-shaped. Allocate and different kinds front surface, which can be smooth, embossed, imitating various natural materials.

Pros and cons of foam products

Foam tiles have a lot of advantages. Among them are:

We must not forget that there are some disadvantages:

  • Cheap options are not durable. They fade quickly in sunlight.
  • Lack of vapor permeability. The microclimate may be disturbed in the room.
  • Fear mechanical damage. Styrofoam material is easy to spoil, even at the installation stage.

On a note! Some types are amenable to additional processing. They can be painted with water-based paints.

Styrofoam ceiling tiles can be painted in any color

Calculation of the required number of tiles

Sticking tiles on the ceiling begins with preliminary calculations. This is necessary to purchase the required number of products. It should be borne in mind that pruning often has to be done. To get the most beautiful surface, it is better not to make the fragments very small.

Calculations are made in several ways:

  1. The room is being sealed. It is necessary to obtain the area of ​​​​the ceiling, as well as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tile. For example, a room of 9 square meters (3 * 3). Standard size sheet material- 50 * 50 cm. That is, four such elements will equal one square meter. We get: 9 * 4 = 36 pieces. The necessary stock is added (+ 10%), the total quantity is 40 pcs.
  2. A scheme is being drawn up. To do this, take a sheet of paper in a box. The plan of the room is transferred to it. Each square will be equal to one tile. By simple calculations - it is possible to find out the right amount.

    On a note! You can glue the ceiling tiles diagonally. For the calculation, the plan is drawn with diagonal lines. The number of undercuts is immediately taken into account.

  3. You can use computer programs, but they can produce erroneous calculations.

Adhesive selection

A special adhesive is required for gluing the foam material.

It is necessary to glue the material on a special glue. It is designed to work with foam products. But you need to be very careful in choosing this composition. The fact is that there are a great many fakes that make the work extremely inefficient. The original glue is in a special bottle that has a metered cap.

You can also consider purchasing a special mastic. It is sold in banks and is completely ready for use. The application is carried out with a spatula.

On a note! The main indicator that must be taken into account is the time for which gluing will occur. Otherwise, you will have to press the product to the ceiling for a long time.

Tiles must be firmly pressed to the ceiling

Necessary tools and fixtures

Sticking ceiling tiles is carried out with a tool that is available for purchase to everyone. You won't have to spend much on it.

The following is being prepared:

Of course, sometimes you have to use accessories, but this happens very rarely.

Preliminary preparation

Starting to finish the ceiling with tiles, a number of necessary manipulations are carried out:

On a note! Glue ceiling tiles uneven ceiling- an extremely rash decision. The fact is that due to its small thickness and extreme flexibility, all defects will immediately become noticeable. Naturally, small defects can be hidden.

Detail markup:

  • The center of the ceiling is located. To do this, diagonal lines are drawn from one corner to another.
  • Each wall is divided in half. Straight lines are drawn between parallel walls.
  • If the walls have different lengths, then the markup is adjusted.

Marking the ceiling for gluing tiles

All work is done with a simple pencil or a marker.

Sticking technology

To understand how to properly glue the ceiling tiles, you must first determine the scheme of work. So, you can glue the tiles on the ceiling diagonally or choose a parallel option. Of course, there are other ways, but they all follow similar rules.

On a note! It often happens that there are small sagging along the edges of the tile. They need to be cut off immediately.

The general gluing technology is as follows:

  1. The scheme of facing the ceiling with ceiling tiles is determined.
  2. Glue is being prepared. If it is in jars, then it is well stirred.
  3. The solution must be applied to reverse side products. You can do this with lines or points. It is better to combine these options.
  4. The glue must be placed at some distance from the edge of the material, otherwise it will protrude and will have to be constantly removed. Getting on the front side - it spoils the whole appearance.
  5. Standard laying starts from any of the corners that are formed when crossing lines directed from parallel walls.
  6. Each element must be pressed tightly to the surface and held in this form for some time. It is important to minimize efforts, if you overdo it, you can easily damage the product.
  7. It turns out a pasted square. Next, begin sequential installation.

A well-adhered fragment cannot be removed without damaging it. Therefore, the alignment of the product is carried out immediately.

When it comes to the walls, you will have to do the necessary trimming. To do this, the desired area is measured, the indicators are transferred to wrong side. Trimming is performed with a construction (clerical) knife.

The ceiling tiles are glued diagonally like this:

  • The first fragment is glued in the center. This is done so that the corners of the material are exactly on the lines that are perpendicular.
  • Now the tiles are glued exclusively along these lines. It turns out that the elements are in contact only at the corners.
  • There should be four filled sections.
  • Then you can start pasting the remaining free surface.
  • Install skirting boards.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear how to glue the ceiling tiles. The main requirements that must be met in order to obtain a beautiful surface are marking accuracy and utmost accuracy.

Tired of wallpaper or monotonous coloring - glue tiles on the ceiling. This is a very simple and quick way to change the interior of the room. Anyone, even a novice master, will be able to perform such work. We will tell you how to properly glue the ceiling tiles.

The material from which this coating is made is foam. It not only well detains extraneous noise from neighboring apartments and premises, but also performs the function of a thermal screen. Styrofoam creates the effect of a thermos and significantly reduces heat loss.

The styrofoam ceiling plate is available with all sorts of patterns, so you can choose the material for every taste. The light weight of the tile makes it possible to quickly perform installation work almost alone. However, it is worth noting that it is recommended to mark the ceiling together.

On sale there are even foam plates that mimic the coffered ceiling. Such ceilings can be observed in medieval castles and palaces. Arrange in your apartment or house vintage ceiling does not represent labor and special financial costs. Ceiling adhesive refers to budget option finishing, and do not require large financial investments.

After pasting the ceiling, foam boards can be painted acrylic paint For internal works. This allows you to make a glued ceiling to match the tone, color and style of wall and floor coverings. The ceiling tile looks finished when paired with the foam ceiling plinth. Such slats often repeat plaster moldings.

We calculate the material

The ceiling tile has the following format or size - 0.3 x 0.3 m, 0.5 x 0.5 m. There are also various figured (carved) slabs, however, they also have a clearly marked amount of area.

Before gluing the ceiling tiles, you need to calculate the amount. To do this, you need to divide the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling of the room by the area of ​​​​one tile. By doing installation work trimming to size or even accidental destruction by negligence is inevitable. To take into account all losses and accidental overspending, 10-15% must be added to the figure obtained.

If you do not know which tile you are going to choose, then you can use another option:

  • Multiply the length and width of the room
  • Add 10-15% to the resulting ceiling area
  • Buy in store building materials only such an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling tile, which is obtained after calculations

In the event that the ceiling tiles are glued diagonally, the stock of material is calculated in the same way.

In order to choose the right adhesive for ceiling tiles, you need to check with the store manager what adhesive to glue the ceiling tiles with or read in the instructions or certificate attached. Usually such glue is always in the same place.

The consumption rate of the adhesive is indicated on its packaging. It is necessary to buy glue in accordance with its consumption per 1 square meter, regardless of the size of the ceiling tile. It is also worth considering the choice ceiling plinth, without which the ceiling will not be completed. Its quantity is equal to the perimeter of the ceiling of the room.

Important to remember! To compensate for the length of the plinth when cutting, 3-5% is added to the total figure. Glue it with the same glue as the ceiling tiles.


Before the ceiling tile is applied, the existing ceiling must be leveled. To do this, it is recommended to completely remove the old whitewash or water-based paint coating.

After that, the ceiling is carefully puttied, and all irregularities (differences, pits and cracks) are removed. When the putty dries, it is overwritten sandpaper or abrasive mesh until the surface is smooth and even. The prepared surface is primed with a deep penetration compound, such as CERESIT or the like.

After 3-4 hours, the primer will dry and you can start marking the ceiling. To do this, you need to determine the center of the ceiling. To do this, it is enough to draw the diagonals of the existing ceiling. At the place of their intersection, the center of the ceiling will be located. This point is just as important when gluing the ceiling tiles diagonally.

Mark the midpoints of opposite walls and stretch the thread, no matter what kind of ceiling tiles are being installed. Their intersection should be in the center of the ceiling. If the walls are of different lengths, then make the appropriate amendments. Draw center lines along the threads with a pencil. According to them, in consequence, the pasting of the ceiling tiles will be oriented.

Glue is applied to the first tile in strips with a step of 15-20 mm. 5-10 mm recede from the edge of the tile. This is necessary so that excess glue does not fall on the front surface. It has a delicate surface on which fingerprints can remain.

Ceiling tiles or foam tiles are applied at any corner from the intersection of the center lines in the center, and are pressed tightly over the entire surface. Excess adhesive for ceiling tiles around the edges is removed with a clean rag or sponge. The second tile is glued end-to-end first in the second corner from the center of the ceiling. Hold it for about 1-2 minutes, after which it is released and proceed to pasting the next plate.

It is important to know! Before gluing, it is necessary to remove the existing burrs from each plate from its edges.

If this is not done, then it will be very difficult to achieve minimal joints. The ceiling slab is pasted over in a circle from the center. Perform trimming if necessary. Cutting foam tiles for the ceiling is very simple. To do this, mark it with a pencil and a ruler and cut it off with a clerical knife. Cutting a hole for a chandelier from a ceiling tile is also not difficult.

After the entire ceiling is covered with tiles, you can putty the cracks. Now glue the ceiling plinth. Gluing a foam plinth rail is not easy, but there are some secrets that will make the job easier.

In order not to press liquid nails treated with glue or composition for 3-4 minutes, you can gently nail it with a small nail to the wall into a layer of plaster. They do this with an interval of 0.5 m. When the glue dries completely (18-24 hours), the nails are boldly removed, and the holes are filled with acrylic putty.

The joints of the ceiling plinth are also puttied. To get the correct and beautiful joints of the plinth in the corners, it is cut in a joiner's miter box at an angle of 45 degrees. After puttying all joints ceiling panels and skirting boards, it is recommended to paint the entire surface with acrylic paint. Now such a ceiling is difficult to distinguish from a real gypsum stucco

A beautiful and elegant ceiling not only decorates any room, but creates a cozy atmosphere in the house. Ceiling tiles are a way out for those who are fed up with the ideal evenness of the ceiling. Ornate patterns, imitation of stone or wood, a variety of colors help to enliven the interior of any room. Easy installation and budget added pluses to the popularity of this finish.

Types of ceiling tiles

Before choosing suitable option, you need to figure out what happens pvc tiles for the ceiling.

Today manufacturers present it decorative coating ceiling in three types:

  1. Pressed. This is the cheapest type of finish, the product is created by stamping. Thickness in ready-made- from 6 to 8 mm. seamless ceiling from tiles, imitating a solid coating, is most often represented by stamping.
  2. extruded. Produced by pressing. Its surface is perfectly smooth, no graininess, as the product is painted or coated with a film. The thickness of the finished product is from 2.5 to 3 mm. This type of ceiling finish is distinguished by special strength and durability. It is this coating that perfectly imitates natural materials. If you need a wood effect ceiling tile, it will be extruded.
  3. Injection. In its production, very high temperatures. Sintering attached finished product increased strength. Thickness - 9-14 mm.

To save the budget, use pressed - its range is quite wide and varied. For creating exclusive design extruded with a wide range of decorative properties is more suitable.

Wall marking rules

To create a work of art on your ceiling, it is not enough to buy a coating with an intricate pattern. Before you glue the ceiling tiles with your own hands, you need to decide how the coating will be installed. Stylish interior create using multi-colored tiles, which are glued in a checkerboard pattern or in the form of a snake. The usual options are diagonal and straight.

Before you properly start gluing the ceiling tiles, you need to mark the ceiling. The scheme of future work will avoid trouble in the form of noticeable seams or violations of the pattern.

Markup from the center

The essence of the method is simple: connect the opposite corners of the room with a regular thread. The intersection of the lines is the center of the ceiling, from which the installation begins.

If you intend to glue the tiles to the ceiling diagonally, then no additional action is needed. The threads connecting the corners will serve as markings. The corner of the first square is placed in the designated center of the room. The rest are mounted relative to it.

For mounting in a straight line, you need to draw two more lines. Threads to determine the center divided the ceiling into four parts, forming triangles. For marking, you need to draw lines perpendicular to each other. The new lines pass through the vertex of each triangle at a 45 degree angle. Removing the threads with which we searched for the center of the ceiling, we get two lines of direct marking. The squares of the coating are laid relative to these lines.

Marking from the chandelier

Not always markup from the center will be a good option. The difficulty lies in the fact that the chandelier rarely hangs clearly in the geometric center of the ceiling. Due to the displacement of the light source, installation becomes more complicated - you will have to cut a hole for the lamp cable.

Where to start gluing ceiling tiles in this case? Experts advise gluing not from the geometric center of the ceiling, but from the chandelier. And the installation is easier, and the harmony in the interior is not broken.

The marking technology is the same, but you do not need to look for the center of the ceiling. Lines (straight or diagonal) are drawn through the chandelier hole.

Marking from the corner

Mounting from a corner is the most straightforward way to mark up. It simply won't be needed. The corner of the first square is mounted in the corner of the ceiling. If the sticker option is suitable in a straight line, the whole square is glued first.

Algorithm for mounting diagonally:

  • Cut the square in half diagonally;
  • Glue the resulting triangle into a corner;
  • Glue the whole square with the second, connecting the side with the cut side of the glued one;
  • Mount the remaining squares of the cover, respectively, the first two.

In order to hide the unevenness of the ceiling, use multi-colored tiles. It can be laid out in the form of a chessboard or a snake.

How to choose glue

If you decide to update the ceiling in a room or in the kitchen, then you will probably wonder what kind of adhesive is best for gluing ceiling tiles. A small overview of popular adhesives will help you make the right choice.

Before deciding what to glue the ceiling tiles on, you need to understand what requirements to apply to the candidate:

  1. The glue should dry quickly. The strength of the coating and the speed of work depends on this.
  2. The adhesive must be sufficiently viscous to hold the coating (even such a light one) on the ceiling.
  3. The adhesive must be white or transparent so as not to spoil the appearance of the finished ceiling.
  4. The glue must be universal in order to glue different surfaces.

So what is the best adhesive for ceiling tiles?

Glue Titanium for ceiling tiles has a high viscosity. This means you don't have to press it against the ceiling while waiting for the adhesive to set. Titanium is a popular adhesive for pvc tiles because of its affordable cost and versatility. It is suitable for bonding various materials, so the remaining glue will always come in handy on the farm.

Clay Master for ceiling tiles has a too strong smell. You will have to work with it with an open window, and temperature changes will negatively affect the installation. The negative qualities of this glue can be safely attributed to the duration of drying. Even after several hours, the finish is easily moved.

Dragon Polymer All-Purpose Adhesive also has an unpleasant, persistent odor and a drying time.

Acrylic putty is usually used for finishing work before painting or wallpapering. But its qualities - density and good tenacity - allow it to be used for finishing the ceiling.

When choosing how to glue the tiles, you need to pay attention to the convenience of packaging. Tile glue in tubes is much more convenient to use than in cans.

Installation of tiles on the ceiling

Installation of a new ceiling covering carried out after surface preparation. In this case, the old coating can be left in place.

If you still do not know what to glue first: wallpaper or ceiling tiles? To this tricky question, experts say there is no difference in the order in which the work is done. After all, one does not interfere with the other. And all the irregularities at the meeting point of two perpendicular planes can be hidden with skirting boards.

It is allowed to glue ceiling tiles on whitewash. The main rule in this case is the surface primer. Contrary to popular belief, the coating will hold firmly and long enough. Especially if you still clean those places where the whitewash is cracking and moving away from the ceiling.

If everything is simple with whitewashed ceilings and wallpaper, then gluing ceiling tiles on old ceiling tiles is definitely not worth it. This will affect the quality of the installation and appearance ceiling. Old finish noticeably translucent, and such a coating is held very poorly.

If you decide to prepare the ceiling carefully, then the video tutorial below will help you:

The classic installation method is the answer to the question of how to properly glue ceiling tiles. This coating method involves cleaning the ceiling, leveling its surface, priming, preparing all the tools, and then decorative finishing.

Installation steps in pictures:

Answers to the most popular questions will help you quickly and competently update the ceiling:

  1. How to apply adhesive to ceiling tiles? Special compounds are applied dotted around the entire perimeter and in the center for strength. Acrylic putty should be applied in an even strip around the entire perimeter.
  2. How to glue ceiling tiles on an uneven ceiling? In this case, the glue must be applied around the perimeter in an even layer. If the ceiling is too uneven, then no finish will save the situation. Visually correct the irregularities will not work, as well as glue the coating with high quality. The ceiling in this case is better to align.
  3. How to clean ceiling tiles? Care must be taken during installation. But if the glue still got on the front side, it is better to immediately remove it with a dry cloth.
  4. How to clean the ceiling from tile adhesive? When removing the old coating, you need to remove all traces of its presence, including glue. Effective method– mechanical removal using a special power tool ( Sander) or an ordinary spatula and chisel. Less labor-intensive use of solvents.
  5. Can ceiling tiles be glued to wallpaper? Oddly enough, you can. Recommendations, as in the first case: remove the wallpaper in those places where they already move away from the ceiling. In this case, it is important to consider that bright wallpapers shine through white coating. It is allowed to glue wallpaper on a ceiling tile, of course, if its surface is without relief.

We wish you good luck with your tasks when repairing the ceiling!