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Forget-me-nots in feng shui meaning. What indoor plants can bring trouble and why should they not be kept at home? Feng Shui poppies: a symbol of true and sincere love

According to feng shui teachings, blooming and fruiting plants provide more energy than decorative leafy, A large- more than small. Plants with soft and fluffy foliage radiate more positive energy than plants with hard, sharp, thorn-covered leaves. Ampel plants with flowing luxurious cascades of shoots, as well as tall evergreens trees with rounded crowns positively affect our well-being with their aesthetics.

positive energy, according to Feng Shui, the following plants have: citrus trees, crassula, ficus, arrowroot, cissus, cyclamen, flowering begonia, hippeastrum, pelargonium, calceolaria, chrysanthemum.

Plants with heavy energy: cacti, sansevera (pike tail), yucca, echmea, neoregelia.

Feng Shui tips will allow you to place flowers in your home correctly, because it depends on this whether they will play the role of an aggressor or become mediators of harmony.

We select plants according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui, plants are living objects that symbolize life and development. The fact that plants affect people, help get rid of many diseases, affect mood, state of mind, is rarely doubted. But, nevertheless, we still know so little even about those house and garden plants that surround us in own house and in the garden, that we do not always know how to use their wonderful properties.

Here short description the most common domestic and garden plants and them useful properties according to feng shui:

  • Aloe can help manage chronic illnesses. This home plant releases a lot of oxygen, thereby refreshing the room.
  • Daffodils, orchids, hyacinths- good luck flowers. These flowers symbolize the magnificent beginning of something new, the recognition and flowering of hidden talents. A daffodil grown for the New Year brings good luck for the next 12 months.
  • Lemon Tree speeds up recovery. Lemon increases activity and independence.
  • Chinese rose (hibiscus) turns the energy of laziness into the energy of creativity, neutralizes the aggression of that family member who is trying to establish his absolute power. It is especially needed for people who are constantly dissatisfied with something. She gives masculinity to men, independence to women.
  • ficus has always been one of the most beloved houseplants, and for good reason. It perfectly extinguishes aggressiveness and anger, creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.
  • Roycissus And monstera strengthen health, help develop intelligence. Roycissus, in addition, under any conditions, neutralizes those who are obsessed with cleanliness in the house, and monstera streamlines thoughts, helps to formulate them clearly.
  • cacti neutralize aggression and anger. They are especially needed where people with an unpredictable character live. They also calm the touchy and prevent revenge plans. cacti help not to concentrate on experiences and connect logic to emotions.
  • chrysanthemums bring laughter and happiness to your home. They are associated with life and recreation after retirement. Chrysanthemum especially suitable for people who can not get a balance between the mind and feelings. Helps to overcome selfishness and listen to the opinion of another. It dispels the atmosphere of doubt, gives peace, develops character: it gives femininity to a woman, masculinity to a man, and tenderness to both.
  • violets make closed people more open, increase activity and help a lot in those periods when you need to decide on something new. White violets soothe excessive emotions, blue violets help to reveal creative abilities, purple violets help to reach mutual understanding and look at problems philosophically.
  • Ivy removes feelings of envy and resentment.
  • Bell pepper helps with low blood pressure and inability to concentrate. It is very well suited for work areas, but it is better to place it at a distance of 3-4 meters from you and should not be placed in the bedroom or children's room.
  • Begonia normalizes your communication, will not allow an important conversation to turn into empty chatter, will give speed and quick wits to a slow-witted person.
  • Gerbera is a symbol of freshness and love, admiration and perfection.
  • Geranium softens the energy of aggression, anger and helps develop a sense of humor, and this is always useful in any communication.
  • Persian cyclamen contributes to material prosperity and supports the strength of the owner. Cyclamens give independence to soft-bodied and amenable to influence people.
  • Tradescantia, despite all the superstitions, will not let you turn into an envious person or make a tragedy out of nothing.
  • Fern it helps maximalists to gain a sense of proportion and not lose their heads, develop a sense of tact and separate whims from desires.
  • palm trees organize people. Save warm relationship in the family and improve the atmosphere between relatives will help aloe and agave.
  • Aloe not only the medical "grandmother's" will fit, but also any decorative form.
  • Balsams can help in love and creativity, create a warm, benevolent atmosphere, smooth out tension.
  • Dracaena does not allow you to fall into pessimism and plunge into self-criticism. It calms the fussy, helps to achieve stable profits in business.
  • Sansevieria develop curiosity and increase the craving for knowledge.
  • yucca help to successfully cope with the work, and are simply necessary in the office of any boss. Yucca in your office will help you gather strength in difficult times, create the right atmosphere for confidential conversations, and be self-confident.
    distract from domestic problems and you can find spiritual goals in life if orchids and cyperus grow nearby.
  • orchids inspire and stimulate creativity, help get out of depression. Dark red orchids drive away laziness and apathy.
  • cyperus eliminates idle chatter, cunning and deceit. Plants not only decorate the interior. Listen to yourself and get a plant that can become an additional source of joy for you or your loved ones.
  • Azalea- plant of femininity. It helps to achieve personal success and strengthen character. In addition, the azalea is necessary for those who are afraid to take on a responsible business.

When arranging flowers, remember that:

  • never place indoor flowers in a straight line between a window and a door or between two doors;
  • do not place plants with hard leaves, with thorns or needles closer than one meter from a resting place, sleeping place or workplace;
  • so that your houseplants grew well and filled the house with positive energy, it is important to provide proper care after them.

The most important point in the list of plant care is watering and, accordingly, the preparation of water for irrigation.

Most indoor plants suffer from hard water. Hard water is water that contains a large number of soluble salts, especially calcium, is harmful not only because it leaves white spots on the leaves. Soluble salts easily become insoluble, deposited on the roots and change the properties of the soil. Therefore, it is better to ensure that the "extra" mineral salts precipitate before you use this water for irrigation.

The simplest way to prepare water for watering plants is boiling, followed by settling for a day, after which upper layer water, about two-thirds, carefully poured into a watering can.

An indispensable condition for the full deployment of the energy field of any plant is attentive and loving care for it - this activity in itself brings the body and soul into a state of harmony with nature.

Flowers in the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space (Feng Shui) occupy a special place. It is important to choose and plant house plants correctly according to the rules for finding favorable qi energy flows. Using colors will help a person to attract all the factors happy life due to the activation of certain types of energy.

If you want to change your life for the better, you need to gain knowledge about which plants have a beneficial effect on health, success and protection from trouble. Feng Shui gives advice on how to arrange flowers in rooms, on the windowsill, on the balcony in the garden and front gardens. It is believed that any flower has positive energy, which is able to maintain its effective source. Indoor flowers contribute to the realization of personality, the discovery of inner forces. Thanks to their energy, the biofield is balanced and vital energy person. Using indoor plants for your home is an important part of Feng Shui practice.

Flowers play an important role in home decorating and since they can radiate positive energy and purify and scent the air, they are invaluable in helping to promote the flow of chi throughout the home. Besides indoor flower absorbs stagnant or negative energy, great for hiding any sharp corners, for example furniture, softens the impact of negative energy, redistributing it.

Entrance door - leads to the hallway, this is the place where people are met and where it is advisable to place large objects and decorations and large ornamental plant in a big pot. It is necessary to slow down the flow of qi, if Entrance door opens towards the stairs.

Can't post here thorny plants, they form a barrier to energy flow. Plant, for example, small shrub Sander's dracaena, which can withstand the absence of water and heat for a long time, a fat woman, different kinds indoor ficuses. Orchids and roses are a wonderful symbol of love and beauty; they will decorate a house or apartment and create a cozy atmosphere, having a beneficial effect on the relationship of loved ones.

The use of plants symbolizing life to attract healthy energy is aimed at neutralizing energetically dangerous areas. Plants are tools of protection, and only healthy feng shui indoor flowers increase energy and ensure its free circulation. When placing pots with green helpers, you need to know some of the recommendations of the Feng Shui masters.

Plants with sharp leaves contain masculine yang energy and make positive energy move faster, but rounded leaves mean that plants should be placed in the southern part of the apartment or house to strengthen the element of Fire. It is impossible to place flowerpots in places where the Earth element predominates, i.e. in the center, in the southwestern and northeastern zones.

The living room is the centerpiece of the home and is usually dominated by negative energy, so it is good to use vampire plants such as ivy, rose or fern. Tradescantia can grow only in well-lit places with a predominance of positive energy. Useful in the home office.

The dining room is a room where the beginning of yin always prevails, plants that have a soft green color with rounded leaves can live here.

The kitchen is associated with the element Water and it is very important to keep it clean and tidy. Here the plants grow well by the window. A calm and peaceful atmosphere should be in the bedroom so that the sleep is full, according to Feng Shui, the presence of plants in the recreation area is undesirable. The beginning of yang should be present in the zone of mental activity. All furniture should be rectangular in shape, the technique is serviceable to stimulate qi energy.

Feng Shui home flowers.

Beautiful, bright flower beds near the house give a favorable effect, influencing the process of activating positive energy. So red and white geraniums, which can be planted in the soil on the site and kept in pots in the rooms, symbolize well-being and peace of mind. The southeast of a garden or apartment is an ideal place to keep them, it is also recommended to place geraniums on both sides of the front door.

In the southeast, you need to plant a holly, or as it is also called a holly, it will help attract money into the house. Fragrant jasmine is a symbol of sympathy and friendship, living in the northwest or east of the dwelling, contributes to the great affection of friends and relatives. Wonderful daffodils will reveal the intellectual and spiritual potential. Symbols of fertility - mallow and pomegranate, planted on the western or southwestern side of the garden will affect the replenishment of the family.

The flower of the sun - the sunflower will give harmony in relationships, and the queen of any front garden - a fragrant rose will add insight, beauty and intelligence. This wonderful plant that brings harmony to human relationships is best planted in the north or southwest. When decorating a flower bed, do not forget to plant a begonia on the western side of the site, which personifies the good health of children.

A symbol of love - a tulip is useful to attract love. Chrysanthemum according to Feng Shui is favorable for doubting people, gives peace, happiness, good luck. The peony, a symbol of beautiful love, always benefits young girls by attracting beautiful princes to the house. Iris symbolizes Faith and Hope, courage and courage. Aster is a symbol of beauty, elegance, punctuality and modesty. The orchid has many meanings. It is a flower of perfection, sophistication, beauty, wealth, family happiness and fertility.

feng shui artificial flowers

Fresh flowers give people joy and health, and artificial flowers tend to be fueled by positive or negative energy. In a house where love, peace and good relationships reign, such flowers cannot be kept. Instead of positive energy, they will leave a void. The ability of artificially created flowers to absorb bad energy is useful in a family where there are frequent quarrels and misunderstandings.

But you can’t leave them for a long time, because after a while all the negativity will come back. According to the laws of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to give bouquets of inanimate flowers and also accept them as a gift.

Dry flowers feng shui.

Feng Shui is against the maintenance of dried flowers in the house, as well as against the presence of dummies. Made from the carcasses of dead animals, birds, snakes and insects. They destroy, take away positive energy, interfere with the free circulation of the vital energy qi, symbolize decay and lifelessness, and even death.

But in some cases they can come in handy, for example, they will save apartment owners from the worries associated with redevelopment of rooms. Flowers decorate our lives, create a festive mood, but this applies only to living plants that fill the space with energy.

When the tulip frenzy began to decline in Holland many years ago, a Genoese merchant ship was wrecked off the coast of that country. One of the boxes from the ship hit the ground, breaking on the coastal rocks. Many small bulbs spilled out of it, which very soon took root in the ground and sprouted. Since then, a bouquet of hyacinths from local residents has been considered a sign of unexpected good luck, new victories and achievements.

The meaning of the word "hyacinth"

From that time begins the solemn procession of hyacinth along European lands. Biologists are sure that in fact this beautiful flower began his journey around the world from Asia Minor, the Balkans and Mesopotamia. It is there that the original habitat of the hyacinth, which subsequently spread throughout the world.

Only at the beginning of the 18th century did the word "hyacinth" appear in the Russian language, the roots of this name come from Germany. An interesting fact is that the Germans took this word from the ancient Greek "hyacinthus". But this is not the original source of the name of the flower. The ancient Greeks called this plant "purple cinquefoil" for the only natural color and characteristic shape of the leaves at that time. For the Indians, this word was consonant with the phrase "rainy season", it is noteworthy that the hyacinth bloomed at this time of the year. Interestingly, in this country it is not customary to give a hyacinth for a wedding, young grooms pin one white flower to their hair.

It is known that even in Ancient Greece young girls wove hyacinth flowers into their braids to show that they were ready to get married. This was especially true of the bridesmaids at the wedding. Therefore, the word "hyacinth" among this people meant admiration from love.

Hyacinth symbolism

To date, breeders have bred many colors of hyacinth. The true natural color of this plant is violet-blue. Over time, people began to interpret the shades of the flower as follows:

  • White hyacinth. A beautiful, delicate, charming flower, which is a symbol of purity, openness. Presenting a girl with a bouquet of hyacinths, the young man speaks of his love, that his chosen one is pure, open and charming. The same composition expresses the joy of meeting, affection, admiration.
  • Yellow hyacinth. This flower, presented by a man, indicates that he is jealous of you. This is where a sizzling sense of ambiguity and misunderstanding comes into play.
  • Red or pink hyacinth. This flower has ambiguous symbolism. It is given when they want to talk about soul-searing feelings, passion and love. Sometimes he says that the relationship has already become obsolete, and their final is nearing. A red hyacinth given to an unfamiliar woman may mean that a man wants to continue his acquaintance and get to know the person he likes better.
  • Blue hyacinth. This flower symbolizes reconciliation, peace and bliss. He says that the relationship in a couple is developing quite harmoniously, and both partners are immensely happy about this. In addition, giving a blue hyacinth is a sign of fidelity and devotion.

Each nation has a hyacinth has its own symbolism. In Greek mythology, the name of this flower has long become a household name. Here, in addition to the favorite of Apollo, there were three more characters with the name Hyacinth:

  • son of the king of Sparta Amikla;
  • the legendary settler from Pompeii;
  • hero Apollonius of Rhodes Dolion.

Today, a bouquet of hyacinths presented to a person symbolizes prosperity, victory and rebirth. Girls are especially fond of the aroma of these flowers, its sweetish spring smell resembles the arrival of spring and abundant flowering.

Hyacinths can be given for different holidays:

  • Birthday;
  • March 8;
  • Valentine's Day.

In addition, these beautiful flowers you can give it just like that, for no reason, or present them to a girl for the first or subsequent dates. But for especially solemn occasions, this floral present is not suitable. If you come to an anniversary or wedding to a person with a bouquet of hyacinths, you will be misunderstood. However, these flowers can be used as a floristic design of the composition. True, before giving a bouquet of hyacinths, make sure that the recipient of the gift does not suffer from allergic reactions, because the aroma of these flowers is quite strong.

Give women flowers! About, without him and just passing by flower shop, remember the one that appreciates you, loves and waits. Buy a small bouquet of hyacinths and please your dear person - mother, wife, daughter, sister, girlfriend.

On the windowsill of each house there should be green friends who cheer up and give the owners positive energy. In order for the opposite situation not to develop and a green friend, not a vampire, but a donor, appears in the house, it is necessary to study its characteristics before going shopping or before accepting a gift.

A rather beautiful, bright and positive plant is hyacinth.

What is a hyacinth plant

The birthplace of the rain flower, as it is popularly called, is Southeast Asia. The hallmark of this unusual plant is its ability to grow in gardens and at home, since the flower has a bulb for seedlings.

The only difference when growing a flower at home and on the site is caring for it.

Flower growers are fascinated by a variety of colorful flowers in the form of bells, located on a fleshy stem, which has the shape of a racemose inflorescence. Often there are terry types of hyacinth of unusual color from white to purple.

From the bulb, forming a rosette, bright green smooth and fleshy leaves sprout, their number is not more than eight pieces.

The rain flower has a subtle pleasant aroma.

The plant is characterized by species diversity, but more often for home growing use hyacinth orientalis.

Hyacinth in a pot. Home Care

The procedure for caring for a flower is quite simple, but there are some subtleties, the observance of which will allow you to grow a healthy, beautiful, bright plant. For example, when choosing a bulb, you need to focus on the diameter, which should be at least 5 cm.

The presence of damage by rot, diseases, insects, says that this bulb cannot be used.

The pot is medium sized with drainage holes at the bottom. Such a vessel includes up to 3 bulbs, the upper part of which does not fit into the ground. A layer of drainage up to 2 cm high is placed at the very bottom of the container.

The flower does not like acidity, so the substrate is used with a neutral level of this indicator.

To avoid rotting the top open bulb should be covered with sand.

The first two months the plant should be in a dark room with a temperature of +5 - 7 degrees, many flower growers recommend placing the flower even in the refrigerator.

Watering is carried out occasionally in order to maintain constant humidity, along the edge of the pot, without falling on the bulb, leaves and buds. The water temperature is room temperature, the plant likes rain or melt water, but always heated.

Unlike numerous indoor plants, hyacinth does not like spraying, especially during the flowering period.

When the first leaves appear from the soil, this indicates that the flower can be moved to a bright place, but with a temperature not higher than + 15 degrees.

The flowering period is about 14 days, during this time it is necessary to provide special care.

The rain flower loves light, and will be quite lush if the sun's rays come to the plant for at least 15 hours a day. But excessive lighting can destroy the plant, so on summer days the hyacinth should be hidden from direct exposure to the rays.

In addition, the green pet is very sensitive to temperature changes and drafts. The location of the flowerpot should not be near heating appliances.

Stagnation of water can lead to the death of the plant from bulb rot or from advanced fungal diseases.

In order for the plant to please its owners, it is necessary to properly care for it after flowering, for example, first cut off the peduncle, then disinfect the bulb, dry it and send it in paper or sawdust for 2-3 months to rest.

positive omens

Experts - flower growers believe that the rain flower is a plant with good energy.

IN Ancient Rome given flower used to curl hair for weddings and other joyful events, since hyacinth was associated with a plant of joy and fun.

1. The rain flower is credited with magical properties associated with great bright love, passion, protection from evil and dark forces. Therefore, the plant is a talisman or amulet for the home.

2. Magicians advise using the magic of hyacinth to facilitate childbirth. To do this, you need to place the dried inflorescences in a pre-sewn small bag and keep it with you. If you carry such a knot with you, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and evil spirits.

4. When the owners have disturbing nightmares, dried inflorescences can also be placed under the pillow at night or sewn into a pillowcase.

5. Fresh hyacinth flowers are used to destroy bad mood and sadness. To do this, you just need to have flowering plant at your workplace or in the room where the household is most often.

6. With the use of hyacinth, there is even a love spell for a loved one.

To carry out the ritual, you will need the earth on which the bewitched person stepped, mixed with the earth taken at his doorstep. In this mixture, it is necessary, on the first lunar day, to plant an onion. Such a plant requires tenderness and affection, the name of a flower is similar to the name of a lover. The next night after the appearance of the first bud is the most best time to attract the desired person.

negative omens

To date, there are no negative signs behind the hyacinth, but I would like to note that in ancient times, the Greeks symbolized the flower with sadness, grief, and even death.

This was due to an ancient Greek legend that said that the hyacinth, which was the favorite of the god Apollo, died from the enemy, after which the Almighty gods turned the body of the martyr into a fragrant flower.

If flower growers are not afraid of difficulties in caring for plants, this flower is necessary element to decorate the room.

Bright colors, chic volume, duration of flowering, positive characteristics, speak for themselves that such unusual beauty cannot bring anything bad, but on the contrary, it will provide an opportunity to serve as an amulet and a talisman for the whole family.

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Flowers and Feng Shui

Flowers and Feng Shui are inseparable concepts. Feng Shui believes that flowers and plants are symbols of life, joy, and tranquility. Even their images have positive qi. According to ancient teachings, they improve energy, create a harmonious space, are a kind of filter sponges that absorb everything negative and give back positive.

There are rules for handling plants and flowers that you need to know:

  • Houseplants symbolize health and prosperity. If you put them on the window, there is a filtering of external energy. If placed above the head of the bed, they will perfectly affect the sleeping person. If qi is stagnant in the corner of the room, the plants placed there give a powerful impetus to the movement of energies.
  • Sick and dead flowers are associated with yin energy. This is considered an adverse effect.
  • The most successful in the interior are flowers with rounded leaves or climbing plants with oval leaves.
  • Flower health is a must. Leaves should be clean and bright. Diseased plants need to be changed.
  • The science of feng shui recommends using plants and flowers to expand the flow of qi and regulate it. Vegetative nature is capable of slowing down or accelerating the movement of energies.
  • It is necessary to maintain harmony between the plants themselves. Their cooperation in creating a harmonious space or confrontation may depend on their mutual position.
  • Flowers should not be placed in a straight line between a window and a door. In addition, if the plants have hard leaves and thorns, they should not be located closer than 1 m from the workplace or resting place.
  • If the plant is flowering or fruiting, it provides more positive energy than just ornamental foliage. Size also matters: more plant, the better it supplies the space with energy. Soft and lush foliage gives a favorable energy.
  • It is necessary to properly care for and take care of the vegetation.

Cut and potted flowers

Flowers in the living room

A growing plant tends to store energy rather than give it away. On the other hand, one has only to cut it off, as it turns into a powerful qi transmitter to the surrounding space. Energy potted plants deserves separate consideration. For example, if the plant has a round crown (citrus, ficus, myrtle and other plants), then this is useful. Especially if you get tired quickly or are stressed.

It is very important to skillfully manage bouquets of cut flowers, properly arranging them in the room. Consider some rules on how to make the climate in the house better and even build relationships:

  1. Flowers on the windowsill will "warm" the energy coming from outside, making it warmer and friendlier.
  2. The hallway also needs decoration. Here you can arrange the bouquet so that incoming people immediately notice it.
  3. The living room requires careful treatment - there is no place for too bright colors.
  4. Small bouquets will look great on a table or bedside table, and high seat on the floor.
  5. If you apply 2 contrasting bouquets in different rooms It helps build relationships within the family.
  6. If the kitchen is decorated in marble or marbled tiles, the composition of warm colors will look best. The living room will get a great decoration from cooler tones.
  7. The bedroom is an ambiguous place to place flowers. On the one hand, Feng Shui masters do not recommend this, but on the other hand, subject to certain rules, which we will discuss a little later, this is possible.
  8. If the plants are colored artificially, they cannot be used.

feng shui plant language

According to Feng Shui - the topic is simply immense. We will give just a few of the plants and flowers that can be placed in the house, and tell you how they affect the energy of space and people.

Pineapple - gives courage and strength of mind, all undertakings will have excellent support.

Anutirum - best regulates the distribution of energy in the house. Great for insensitive people.

Hibiscus - if your profession is connected with people, constant contacts, then this plant is ideal. It makes a person more open and friendly.

Hypeastrum - promotes peace of mind and the right decisions.

Gusmania is the best plant for activating and mobilizing forces in "owls" and people prone to empty dreams. Kalanchoe is also useful for "owls".

Ktoron - favors all affairs, makes them complete.

Capsicum - if it is difficult to concentrate, it helps a lot. For the organization of working premises there is no the best plant. Only put it should be at least 3-4 m away from you. In the bedroom and the children's plant is not the place.

Orchid - brings solar energy to the room, inspires creativity. One has only to add this flower to the house, as it will be filled with joy and fun. It affects the human body at a subtle level and literally heals every diseased cell.

Azalea - brings good energy. Bright inflorescences serve as a smoothing factor for various family conflicts. Looking at this flower, a person receives joy, peace, harmony and peace. Azalea gives creative people confidence in own forces. For women, a flower can give softness and the ability to easily resolve conflict situations.

Hyacinth - if you like to always be in high spirits, it's hard to think of a better plant. With it, you can easily solve various difficult situations and controversial points. People who live with hyacinth want to literally fly on wings. And this is its danger, if the flower is in the house of not too emotionally stable people, it will only worsen the mood.

Cyclamen - has a powerful energy. Perfectly takes away all the negative and gives a positive attitude. It has the ability to discipline, streamline a person, instill in him accuracy and organization. The house creates a harmonious atmosphere.

Primula - has the energy of balance, which it gives to the surrounding space. Family troubles, conflicts, complex issues will disappear by themselves, one has only to acquire this flower.

Ficus - if the family has a tendency to aggression and anger, this plant will deal with this perfectly, creating an excellent environment and regulating relationships. He is a kind of vacuum cleaner, clearing the space of negativity. These are calm plants that convey their mood to a person. If there is a lack of confidence, it is the ficus that helps to achieve it.

Rose - has a strong male character and spreads the charge of positive activity around. If there is a tendency to passivity, it is best to have a similar flower.

Cactus is a true friend of man. But, because the cactus has a complex character, you need to be able to win its location. People who are prone to emotions are not recommended to start such a plant.

The color of the plant is important. And that's why:

  • Red flowers and leaves on plants cheer up and make a person active.
  • IN blue color you can find peace and tenderness. However, plants such as brunfelsia, agapanthus, streptocarpus are not recommended for pessimists and reserved people.
  • White is a symbol of light and purity. Flowers such as azalea, begonia or saintpaulia will never get bored. They will bring fresh energy.
  • Orange and yellow are warm colors. They are associated with fun, cheerfulness, cheerfulness.

Violets are worth a special conversation, they are the most different shades and each has its own meaning. White flowers are perfect for all homes, especially if there are children. White can easily calm strong feelings, harmonize relationships, resolve nervous breakdowns, and reduce stress. Pink and red flowers clear the space of feelings and thoughts related to instincts. Such violets carry lighter energy. If you need to get rid of laziness or gluttony, such flowers the best option. blue flowers perfectly stimulate the creative potential of a person. They are great for those who are prone to boredom, as clearing a space with these colors gives a boost to creativity. Violet violet affects feelings and thoughts, gives a stronger character, spiritual strength. If there is no mutual understanding between the tenants in the house, it is best to add this flower to them. He will solve all difficulties.

Flowers and character

feng shui flower magic

According to Feng Shui, indoor flowers affect the character of the household. For example, if you decorate the housing of a phlegmatic or melancholic with flowers with red, orange or yellow leaves, this will positively affect the character of the owner. Cholerics are more suitable for bluish and purple flowers, as well as white and pale green. In addition, regardless of the nature, it is worth getting aloe, cacti, decorative palm trees. They can take away negative energy.

Cissus, chrysanthemum, calceolaria also have excellent positive energy.

Ferns do an excellent job of absorbing heavy energy - maidenhair, nephrolepis, asplenium.