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Types of modern wooden windows. types of wood windows types of wood windows

In the production of wooden windows, materials of the highest quality are used, which makes such window blocks highly reliable and durable. Currently, wooden windows and fittings are created using high-tech equipment and meet all the requirements for ease of use and high heat and sound insulation characteristics. In addition, they are distinguished Beautiful design, as well as the possibility of giving window profile any color. It is customary to divide windows by design and by the type of opening of double-glazed windows.

Types of windows by design

Russian windows

This design has one window frame, with sashes opening to the sides, the thickness of which does not exceed 40 mm. Two internal doors open towards themselves, two external doors open from themselves. The design of such windows is easily subjected to deformation when exposed to high humidity and frequent temperature changes.

The small width of the profile does not allow milling, so it will not work to install a sealing tape in a circle. Because of this, the sashes in the Russian window do not adjoin tightly to the frame.

The hinges and handles supplied in the kit do not have the ability to adjust the sashes in different positions. Russian window blocks do not provide external protection against water leakage into the apartment.

German wooden windows

These window blocks are equipped with European fittings with the possibility of tilt-and-turn opening of the sashes. Of the obvious advantages over the Russian window: durability, tightness and warmth. German windows are easy to clean, because. only 4 panes are directly accessible, not 8.

German windows are also called eurowindows. They are equipped with a box, shutters and many locking mechanisms. In most cases double glazing is used.

In production, glued laminated timber with a thickness of 68-78-88 mm is used, which allows for multi-profile compaction. Such windows are long term service (about 65 years). The wood fibers in the German window block are glued together in different direction, which means that they do not deform and do not dry out over time.

Wooden-aluminum windows

This is a German window, sheathed on the outside with aluminum. Such an eurowindow does not need to be restored from the street. .

Aluminum-wood windows

In such a window, the aluminum frame is hidden behind a wooden profile made of ash, oak or beech. Aluminum lightens the weight of the window unit, and natural wood gives beauty and warmth. In Russia, their popularity is low, due to the high price.

Finnish windows

These window units are equipped with two sashes that can be opened together or separately. You can vary the opening method with a special mechanism installed between the wings. The Finnish window has a wide frame up to 180 mm. The inner sash is equipped with a single-chamber package, and the outer one, made of wood or aluminum, - plain glass.

Finnish window block are made not from glued beams, but from solid wood. A small section of such a window (40 × 40 mm) does not allow for a tight clamping of the fittings around the perimeter, so Finnish windows are not tilt-and-turn.

Types of windows by type of double-glazed window opening


These wooden windows do not have fittings, which means they do not open. This feature is reflected in the cost of deaf window blocks - they are the most inexpensive compared to the rest. Several double-glazed windows can be installed, and between them there is an impost. If you install such a window on the first floor and in a room with other windows, then there will be no problems with washing and airing the room.

Tilt-and-turn and swivel, single-leaf

Such windows open into the room (rarely seen outdoor way). A hinged single-sash window has one sash that opens in the classic way - horizontally. The tilt and turn can be folded vertically.

Deaf and tilt-and-turn, bivalve

The most popular type of windows, the design of which provides for two sashes. One - does not open, the second opens in the two above-mentioned ways.

Rotary and tilt-and-turn with impost, double-leaf

An impost is a wooden profile that divides a window into two or more parts. On both sides of it are hung sashes. You can open both sashes at once or one, any. The price of such a window is higher than the previous one.

Swivel and tilt-and-turn with faceplate, double leaf

In such windows, there will be no partitions with open shutters. Shtulp is fixed from the outside of the window and is not noticeable. Its main purpose is to fasten and seal the doors in the closed position. The second sash, which does not have a handle and tilt-and-turn fittings, can only be opened when the first one is open.

Classification of windows with wooden profiles can be made according to the following criteria:

1. wood species, from which the frame is made, and its preliminary processing (solid massif or glued laminated timber with lamellas different way splices).

2. Availability of auxiliary materials(plastic, aluminium).

In addition to profiles made of timber and solid wood, wooden windows also include structures additionally reinforced with aluminum or plastic, which allows increasing the performance and service life of products.

wood-aluminum- the most common type of combined windows, in which the wooden profile from the side of the street is protected by a metal frame, painted to match the main material.

This design increases the service life of products up to 80 years, protects the tree from moisture and insects, and retains all the advantages of wood.

wood-plastic- the essence is the same as wood-aluminum windows, only metal is replaced by PVC. In Russia, this design is not very common and is practically not manufactured.

3. Surface Finish:

  • transparent (lacquer),
  • translucent (paint),
  • covering (veneer).

4. Double glazing formula(1-8 chambers).

5.Door opening mechanism:

  • swing-out;
  • swing-out;
  • fanlight-folding;
  • sliding portal;
  • blind (not opening) window.

Two types of designs are most widespread: with separate shutters and pair cover and separate shutters/divided cover.

Types of finished structures

1. Russian windows

They are called "Russian" or "Soviet", but this does not change the essence - the design includes a frame made of solid wood and sheet glass. To date, such windows are still made in carpentry workshops, but mass production, due to poor tightness and low thermal insulation qualities, no longer exists.

2. Finnish windows

Modern modification of Soviet-style windows. cardinal difference- the thickness of the box and the double-glazed window in addition to sheet glass. Such windows are much warmer than their predecessors, but are not suitable for the installation of a tilt-and-turn mechanism.

The sashes open only in one plane, ventilation is carried out using a window or transom. They are made from solid wood, less often from a two-layer glued beam.

3. German windows

The design that we used to call "eurowindow". It is characterized by the absence of vents, the main “components” are double-glazed windows and sashes that can open in two planes.

The material for the profile is a three-layer glued beam.

4. Scandinavian (Norwegian, Swedish) windows

Modern modification of the Russian window and European designs. Frames for Scandinavian windows are made of solid wood, mainly conifers(pines, larches), but sheet glass is not used in this case - only double-glazed windows. Standard Thickness boxes - 98 mm, sashes - 68 mm. This thickness is achieved due to a special design invented to effectively resist frost.

The window consists of:

Unlike German windows, Scandinavian ones are mounted not on a sealant, but on a rubber gasket. Double-glazed windows are held in the frame with glazing beads and self-tapping screws. Another feature of this type of window is the condensation prevention system: special molecular sieves are installed that absorb excess moisture, preventing frame deformation.

5. English windows

A characteristic feature of windows English pattern- no hinges. To open such a window, it is necessary to raise and fix the frame at the top (not without reason this design is called the “guillotine”). The frames themselves are narrow, with a large number of squares on the binding. The main advantage of such windows is space saving, because when opened, the frame takes up a minimum of space. But if the opening mechanism fails, the risk of injury is high.

6. French windows

Panoramic glazing, which combines the function of a window and a door, and gives maximum light to the room, is possible when installing French-type structures. For such windows, a lifting, folding or portal (parallel-sliding) opening system is used.

The double-glazed window, as in the English window, is divided by binding into square sections. The material for the frames is glued laminated timber.

Wooden windows- designs that will never lose their relevance and demand from the buyer. They are environmentally friendly, durable, reliable. Windows made of natural wood will not allow cold or drafts into the house, and thanks to the variety of shapes and colors of structures, you can choose best option for any stylistic solution of the interior, ranging from strict classics to fashionable and ultra-modern hi-tech.

In the article we will talk in detail about wooden windows: consider their advantages and features, production materials, main varieties. We will also consider the features of the installation of window structures made of wood and the rules of operation.

Advantages of wooden windows

In terms of technical characteristics, modern wooden window structures are not much inferior to metal and plastic products and are incomparable in quality and reliability with windows that were actively used in Soviet housing construction.

Designs are made according to innovative technologies, which allow you to preserve the natural advantages of natural wood and at the same time give the finished windows increased strength, resistance to negative environmental factors, and durability.

Wooden windows - aesthetics and environmental friendliness!

Modern wooden windows are aesthetic structures that are not subject to the deformation process, equipped with high-quality fittings, treated with resistant lacquer and coloring compositions.

  • Wooden windows compare favorably with similar products made of PVC and metal with the following advantages:
    Wood is a material of natural origin, so wood windows are 100% environmentally friendly and safe products. During operation, wooden structures do not emit toxic substances, do not contain harmful chemistry and the compositions used for their processing.
  • The structure of wood implies a slow pace of the air exchange process and therefore a climate that is healthy and comfortable for living is created in the room.
  • Compared to plastic counterparts, wood retains heat better, keeps its shape and retains its attractive appearance and useful functionality longer.
  • Structures made of natural wood do not accumulate an electrostatic charge, and therefore dust does not collect on them.

The indisputable advantage of window structures made of natural wood is their noble, refined appearance, which can become an adornment of any interior.

Frame materials

For the manufacture of frames of wooden windows, various tree species are used. Consider the most popular wood species in the production process and their technical characteristics.


Pine is the most popular type of wood for wooden windows.

Pine is the most popular material for making window frames. This tree species is valued not only for affordability, but also for ease of processing. Also, the advantages of pine products include:

  1. The low weight of the structures, due to which there is no significant load on the fittings and, accordingly, its useful life as a whole increases;
  2. Resistance to temperature changes;
  3. Beautiful natural texture.

But pine frames also have significant disadvantages. Pine wood soft and therefore vulnerable to mechanical damage. Moreover, pine absorbs moisture and if the structures are not treated with a special compound, the wood may turn blue and begin to rot.


Oak windows are structures characterized by solid durability. At proper care and operation, oak frames can serve flawlessly for up to 90 years or more! Oak wood does not absorb moisture from the external environment and is not subject to decay processes.

Useful advice: Despite the strength and moisture resistance of oak frames, they still need to be treated with special antiseptic solutions, without which woodworm pests can start in the tree.

Oak has a dense structure and therefore products made from it are not deformed, their surface will be difficult to scratch or somehow damage.

Luxurious oak wooden window

There are not many disadvantages of oak structures, but it is important to consider them. Products have a considerable weight, therefore, in their manufacture, the profile is made as thin as possible, and the windows themselves are of medium size. Also worth knowing - oak windows are expensive. Just one window from this valuable tree species can cost you $40,000 or more.


Larch - unique tree. Its wood contains phytoncides and has natural antiseptic properties, and therefore mold or fungus will never start in larch structures.

Larch windows

Larch frames are the best option in terms of price and quality. Products from this tree species are durable, resistant to moisture, aesthetic appearance. Durability is another plus of larch frames, since this breed is resistant to wear and can withstand increased loads.


Meranti is an exotic tree native to South Asia. The benefits of meranti products include:

  1. Exclusive aesthetic products. Meranti wood is distinguished by the nobility of texture and color;
  2. The material has excellent indicators of strength, density and durability, it retains heat well and prevents noise and other extraneous sounds from entering the room;
  3. Meranti frames will not lose their attractiveness under the influence of aggressive environmental factors: moisture, ultraviolet radiation.
Wooden window made of Meranti wood

The only disadvantage of products from this rare breed will be the high price of frames in stores and from manufacturers. But the inflated cost of meranti frames will quickly pay off with their unique technical specifications.

Profile Features

A wooden frame can be called a profile purely conditionally, because in the case when it comes to window structures from natural wood, the term "profile" means whole line parameters:

  • tree species;
  • timber thickness;
  • Application of additional overhead elements.

For the manufacture of window structures, timber of various thicknesses is used, but for the conditions of Russia, lumber with a thickness index of at least 78 millimeters will be optimal.

Sectional profile of a two-chamber wooden window

In the production of window frames, it is unacceptable to use wood with knots, cracked, with an abundance of resin pockets and a core part. It is extremely important that high-quality dried wood be used for the manufacture of the profile, and for its additional processing - environmentally friendly varnishes and paints, without toxic substances in the composition.

It is impossible to check the quality of wood drying in the finished profile. Therefore, in order to purchase high-quality window structures for your home, you should place an order for them from a trusted manufacturer, with an impeccable reputation among buyers, and also purchase certified products.

Characteristics of a double-glazed window

A double-glazed window is the largest element in the size of a window structure, and therefore close attention should be paid to its characteristics.

The greatest demand from the modern buyer is single-chamber and double-glazed windows. Soundproofing and thermal insulation properties windows, the more of them - the better the indicated indicators for the design.

The type of double-glazed window is selected depending on the living conditions, as well as the climate. If you live in a region with a cold damp climate, and your house is located on a noisy street, double-glazed windows are the best option.

You can order designs with triple glazing, but you should not forget that such windows will have considerable weight.

glass type

Glass windows can be installed in wooden windows various types. Consider the most popular types of glasses and find out their characteristics in detail:

  1. selective glass. Material of this type will allow you to create a comfortable microclimate for living in the house, regardless of environmental conditions. A special coating on the surface of the glass will prevent the heat from escaping from the room, but at the same time freely let the sun's rays into the rooms.
  2. Triplex glass is valued for its increased strength, safety and high noise-absorbing properties.
  3. For the southern regions, wooden windows with sun glasses. The material absorbs direct sunlight and will not allow them to penetrate into the premises.
  4. Tempered glass is a material that can withstand severe temperature fluctuations.

It is extremely rare that reinforced glass is used in wooden window structures, which is a material of increased strength and fire safety.

Hardware selection

High-quality fittings must be installed on a wooden window, otherwise the design will not last long. Since the weight of the frame and the double-glazed window can be significant, the choice of fittings should be approached responsibly.

The window handle can be made from different materials and perform a variety of functions. The design of the element is often supplemented with a lock that will not allow the window to be opened without performing certain actions. This option of fittings is optimal for installation if there are small children in the house who, out of curiosity, can try to open the window. If you want additional protection premises from unauthorized entry - it makes sense to choose anti-burglary handles for windows, equipped with a blocking mechanism.

Hinges on wooden windows are most often installed in the following varieties:

  1. Overhead. The hinges in this case will be clearly visible, but if they are chosen correctly according to the design, then the fittings are quite capable of becoming an additional window decor.
  2. Screw-in. The use of hinges of this type will allow you to get the most reliable and durable fastening of the frame to the sash.

Can also be used and mortise hinges, which are invisible in the design, but their use will allow the window to be opened as wide as possible.

Window fittings also include special locks, which can be additionally equipped with a product. They will protect against burglary and will not allow the baby to open the window without the help of adults.

Types of wooden windows

Window structures made of natural wood are graded into varieties according to the method of opening the sashes and design.

Russian windows

Russian windows have two sashes and one frame. The doors of the product open sequentially and each of them is equipped with glass. Most often, windows of this type are made of solid wood, and have a profile thickness of not more than 40 millimeters.

Russian window

Due to the narrow and rather thin profile, Russian windows are vulnerable to deformation processes, poorly withstand contact with moisture, and are sensitive to temperature changes.


Constructions of this type got their name due to the fact that fittings of European brands, mainly German ones, are installed on them. Fittings are placed around the entire perimeter of the product, which allows you to adjust the process of opening the sash.

Eurowindows also differ in design: they consist of a frame and a sash in which a two-chamber double-glazed window is installed. The eurowindow opens as simply as possible - literally with one movement, which facilitates both the process of operating the structure and caring for it.

For the manufacture of eurowindows, not solid wood is used, but glued laminated timber with a thickness of 68 to 88 millimeters. The impressive thickness of the profile allows you to make a high-quality window seal and install a wide double-glazed window into it.

Eurowindows - optimal choice for Russian climate

Eurowindows are the best option for a wooden window for the Russian climate, since products of this type are distinguished by strength, durability, resistance to wear, increased loads and the action of various aggressive environmental factors.

Finnish windows

in the windows Finnish type Traditionally, expensive and ultra-modern types of glass are used - tinted, energy-saving, impact-resistant. Finnish windows differ from other varieties in a two-chamber design, which allows you to complement the product with beautiful inter-frame blinds.

Finnish products can be of different widths and heights, have one or two doors. In the second option, a double or triple glazing is placed in the inner sash, which ensures high sound and heat insulation of the structure.

Finnish windows

The material for the production of Finnish windows is glued laminated timber, so they turn out to be reliable and strong, but the products have a number of disadvantages:

  • Basically, these are swing-type structures;
  • Significant window weight.

It is worth knowing that Finnish windows will not be a budget option for the price either.

norwegian windows

The Norwegian window is made from a natural wood massif of a northern pine or a larch. These are not only durable, but also aesthetic products that have the longest possible useful life.

Norwegian windows are practical and aesthetic, but do not have significant advantages.

The type of opening of Norwegian windows is tilt-and-turn, the design provides for the presence of a double-glazed window. By weight, the product will be heavier than the euro window, but lighter than the Finnish window.

Installation of wooden windows

Before moving on to the process of installing a wooden window structure, you will need to prepare the necessary tool for the job. In window installation, you can not do without the following tools and materials:

  • Screwdriver;
  • fasteners;
  • Perforator;
  • Small file;
  • Building level;
  • Foam gun;
  • Roulette;
  • Spatulas and brushes;
  • Scotch tape.

Work on the installation of the window structure will consist of several main stages:

  1. Preparation of openings for the installation of windows. The preparatory process begins with the dismantling of old structures, which are important to be carried out carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the opening. After removing the old glazing, all voids in the opening are filled with insulating materials, and the opening itself is thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris.
  2. Installation of a window structure. It starts with the placement of the frame or box in inner part opening, after which the element is leveled and installed on the bars. The structure is fixed. To fix the window in the opening, you can use different types fasteners. The specific type of fasteners is selected based on the design of the window and opening.
  3. After the structure is firmly fixed in the opening, all mounting seams are filled with a foam gun.

Helpful advice: Mounting foam expands as it dries, so it should be used sparingly when grouting. Too much foam in the seam can cause the frame to warp.

Installation of a wooden window is a technologically simple process, but if you do not have at least a minimum of carpentry skills, have not carried out repairs on your own, it is advisable to entrust the work to professionals.

Operation features

If you want the wooden windows in your house to serve for a long time and not lose their visual appeal or functionality, you should get acquainted with the features of the operation of window structures made of natural wood in advance.

Wood is a material that is extremely sensitive to the action of external factors: moisture, temperature changes. In addition, it is combustible, prone to damage by pests, fungus or mold. Modern designs are supplied by manufacturers in a processed form - all window elements are covered with special varnishes and protective compounds, but this does not mean that in regular care product is not required.

Re-treatment of products with antipyretics and antiseptics will need to be carried out periodically. When washing windows, carefully inspect the structure for defects in the coating and if it is cracked, chipped in some places - this means that the product must be treated with protective solutions, and then varnished or painted.

Control of the working condition of fittings and seals is carried out once a year. If you see that the elements have begun to become unusable, do not delay replacing them.

Wooden windows will need to be periodically cleaned of dirt and dust and this should be done using gentle detergents, which do not contain caustic chemical components in their composition that can destroy the integrity of the material structure.


Wooden windows - great option, both for a private house and for an apartment. The structures have excellent technical characteristics and high aesthetics, they can become an adornment of any interior and create coziness and a comfortable microclimate in the room.

You can choose wooden windows for every taste and wealth, the main thing is to approach the selection of products carefully and competently.

Wooden windows are now, like decades ago, very popular, which is not surprising, given their merits. Now the production of these structures is carried out using modern equipment, which allows you to make a variety of copies. What types of wooden windows exist?

Aesthetic appearance, environmental friendliness, durability, excellent sound and heat insulation - all these are the advantages of using wood structures. Of course, a lot depends on the correct installation, in addition, the repair of wooden windows in no case should be carried out on your own - you can damage the system. There are quite a few types of wooden windows, we will consider the most popular:

1. Russian windows - a separate type design, which is almost traditional for our country. They are made from solid wood and sheet glass, an alternative to which can be double-glazed windows.

2. German windows - a design without vents, in which double-glazed windows are used instead of sheet glass. They are also called eurowindows, they are made from glued laminated timber. This design is currently the most popular.

3. Finnish windows - a design, in the process of creating which both sheet glass and double-glazed windows are used. By appearance they resemble Russian windows and are even equipped with a window leaf.

4. Norwegian windows - a design that combines the features of Russian and German windows, which is created from selected wood. Installation is made on a rubber gasket, and the double-glazed window itself is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, which makes its replacement a very simple process.

5. English windows differ in many ways from previous types. They have the shape of a narrow, but rather high rectangle. Ventilation is carried out by lifting the frame up, where it is fixed.

In a separate category, French windows can still be distinguished, which, in fact, are panoramic structures, with various types adjustment systems. They are large in size and, as a rule, lead to a terrace or balcony.

What wood is best for windows?

As a rule, wooden windows are made of pine, oak or larch, but in the catalogs you can also see products from other types of wood, such as ash or beech. True, they are not popular in mass production and are made exclusively to order.

Pine windows are the most affordable, this wood is a very easy material to work with, but it is also easily deformed during use. To ensure greater reliability, pine windows are impregnated with special compounds that allow biological inertness to be achieved.

Oak products are elite class and cost accordingly. Windows made of this wood are necessarily treated with antiseptics that protect them from grinder beetles. This need is due to the fact that oak, despite its resistance to decay, is defenseless against insects.

Larch windows boast resistance to fungus and rot, in addition, they are not afraid of insects. Products made from this material are quite light, which facilitates the selection of accessories. However given wood very whimsical in processing, and a violation of the drying technology can lead to cracking.

Fashion on natural materials rapidly sweeping the world. Wooden windows are back at the peak of popularity. Of course, modern window designs cannot be compared with analogues from the "past". Since innovative raw materials are used in the process of their production and Newest technologies, which makes the models more reliable, beautiful and durable.

Is it worth ordering wooden windows and which ones are better to choose? What is the eurowindow made of? How to properly install and maintain a natural system - read right now!

Wooden windows: an overview of the pros and cons

Why is a wooden window, which appeared several millennia ago, still in demand in the construction industry? Because it has a rich set of benefits.

Consider the main pros wooden windows:

  • Long service life- given that correct processing, will delight owners for decades.
  • Environmental friendliness- wood is absolutely harmless to humans and the environment.

  • Breathability- wooden windows "breathe", which provides natural air exchange in the room. Thus, a comfortable level of fresh air and moisture is maintained in the room, and condensation does not appear.
  • thermal insulation- natural wood is distinguished by low thermal conductivity, therefore, even in severe frosts, it perfectly retains heat indoors.

  • Aesthetics- thanks to the beautiful color and unique natural pattern, the windows look aristocratically noble, expensive and fashionable. They harmoniously fit into such interior styles as: Provence, eco-style, classic, Scandinavian, modern and fusion.
  • Reliabilitymodern designs protected from decay, as well as mold, fungus and other harmful formations.
  • Wide choice of colors and shapes– thanks to the variety of wood species and color scheme coatings can be selected perfect option for any room design. As for the configuration, windows are produced in the form of: arch, rectangle, ellipse, triangle, etc.

Another reason to buy wooden windows is that they create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house, which PVC analogues definitely cannot boast of.

The disadvantages of products include: high cost and the need for regular care.

What are wooden euro windows made of?

Basic components:

  • Frame- the main load-bearing part of the structure, which is traditionally made from glued dried timber. Such a box is protected from deformation and drying out.
  • sash– the opening component of the window. According to the method of opening, it can be: rotary, folding, sliding, fanlight, shtulp and tilt-and-turn. There are also models with a window and without shutters, which are called deaf.

  • double glazing- a structure consisting of several glasses. It is possible to order a double-glazed window from 2 glasses (single-chamber); 3 glasses (two-chamber); 4 glasses (three-chamber).
  • Impost- a crossbar that divides the window into parts, thus increasing the stability and rigidity of the structure.

  • accessories– hinges, locking mechanisms, rotation limiters, handles, latches, etc.
  • sealant- a rubber layer that ensures the tightness of the system.
  • Drainage profile- fastened to the sash and frame, designed to remove atmospheric precipitation.
  • Layout- decorative slats dividing the glass surface into parts. This gives the model individuality and elegance.

The package also includes: window sill, slopes and low tide.

If you want to increase the strength and reliability of the window, order wooden double-glazed windows with tempered, armored or low-commission glass. To give originality - tinted or models with a mirror effect.

Wooden windows: types of structures

The choice of modifications of wooden windows is so huge that it can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding client.

Which types of structures there are:


It consists of one frame and 2 glazed doors opening in series and having a width of up to 40 mm. Made from pine. The sash does not fit snugly against the window due to the inability to install several seals. subject to deformation.


It is called so because of the presence of fittings from European manufacturers. It is installed along the perimeter of the sash. The window, equipped with a double-glazed window, is adjustable, has a tilt-and-turn type of opening and many locking mechanisms. It is reliable, strong, warm and durable (from 70 years).


A window with a wide frame (up to 18 cm), synchronously opening sashes, where the outer one is equipped with ordinary glass, and the inner one with double-glazed windows. Opens only horizontally, for ventilation - vents are provided.


Panoramic window opening outward and inward. It gives the room a sea of ​​light, visually expands the space, it is made mainly of larch, oak or pine.


Type of construction that stands out: wide section (11 cm); triple sealing circuit; the presence of a sash with double-glazed windows and an additional one made of aluminum with plain glass. Main feature: the window opens inward, but the aluminum part allows it to be opened outward.


One-piece frame with binding inside. The sashes rise up, sometimes they move sideways. Such wooden windows are recommended for an apartment with a small area.


Models without sashes. They do not need fittings, so they are cheaper than opening analogues.


They have 2 sashes (deaf and opening), are made from glued laminated timber. They are in high demand.

single leaf

Swing windows open only horizontally and, as a rule, inside the room. Swing-out type - in two directions: horizontally and vertically.

with impost

Impost is used in window structures with more than one sash. The sashes are pressed against this profile and the fittings are attached.


A design without an impost, the wings of which open outwards. Gives when open best review views outside the window.


Window structure with aluminum base and wooden slats (ash, oak, beech). Wooden inserts completely cover the profile with inside premises, which gives them presentability. Such models are not cheap, so it is extremely difficult to find them.


Wood-aluminum windows are wooden structures, sheathed on the outside with aluminum. Such models are stronger and more durable, but also more expensive.

Materials for the manufacture of wooden windows

Manufacturing companies most often offer wooden windows with double-glazed windows from such materials:


The most common type of wood, which:

  • provides a pleasant microclimate due to the passage of more than 20 cubic meters of air per day;
  • eliminates harmful microbes with the help of phytoncides contained in the needles;
  • serves at least 50 years (if treated with special protective equipment);
  • has good soundproofing properties.

Such wooden windows are optimally suited for an apartment.


Larch window construction is worth ordering because it:

  • has excellent resistance to temperature extremes, humidity, decay;
  • not affected by fungus and mold;
  • does not require antiseptic treatment, tk. natural resin gives the tree bactericidal properties;
  • due to its high strength, it is able to withstand significant loads;
  • does not deform even at very low temperatures;
  • becomes even stronger when exposed to moisture;
  • beneficial effect on human immunity;
  • It has a warm golden honey hue.

Choose such wooden windows for giving, country house and apartments.


The most expensive material Why?

Because oak windows:

  • positively affect the physical and emotional state of a person;
  • do not rot, do not deteriorate from moisture and are not subject to the occurrence of fungal formations;
  • have high noise and heat insulation properties;
  • serve more than 90 years;
  • belong to sound rocks, which are famous for their very high strength;
  • have a porous structure, due to which they provide the room with good ventilation.

Oak has a rich pattern and beautiful texture, which become even more noble over the years. These windows are suitable for installation in residential and commercial buildings.

Conclusion: the most affordable is a pine window (but it “does not like” high humidity), the most expensive and reliable is oak. The golden mean is larch products - affordable price, excellent quality.

Features of installing wooden windows

During installation note:

  • opening should correspond to the shape of the box, and also be 2-4 cm wider and 5-7 cm higher.
  • Installation in progress by level with foam and fasteners.
  • To protect the outer gaps from moisture, you need to cover them waterproofing and cash.
  • To make a design warmer, it is necessary to fill the gaps between the frame and the opening.
  • A day after installation, you can do slopes(plastic, gypsum, plastered, cork, etc.).

How to properly care?

To wooden product lasted a long time needed:

  • Use only special means wood care or soap solution.
  • If the coating is damaged immediately process place polish or varnish.
  • About once every 10 years update paintwork.
  • Annually lubricate accessories.
  • As it gets dirty clean seal and fittings.

If it is not possible to purchase such a design, choose plastic windows under the tree. But remember that only wooden windows will give you a comfortable microclimate in a luxurious design.