Water pipes      04/03/2019

Growing green onions on a feather. How to grow green onions on a windowsill

Green onions are a product that is extremely in demand in cooking. Delicate feathers with a pleasant bitterness are used to prepare all kinds of salads and as a spicy seasoning for soups, side dishes, meat and fish dishes. Unfortunately, the timing of the presence of high-quality green onions in the diet is limited to the season of its cultivation on country beds, and by the end of summer, only shapeless bunches of greens from the supermarket shelves remain at the disposal of the hostesses. Therefore, admirers of a spicy product are left with two options - to wait for a new harvest or to equip onion patch on the home windowsill and get a fresh vitamin pen to the table, regardless of the season.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Healthy, undamaged heads of turnip with a diameter of at least 2 cm are selected as seed material for forcing. ”, “Union”. Such material gives a large high-quality pen for quite a long time.

If not too much of your onion turnip was born and you don’t want to spend it on forcing, an onion set of a large fraction - samples can serve as an alternative to it. The feather from it grows tender with a mild taste, and when planting sets, it takes much less space. However, there is a drawback - such bulbs are quickly depleted and you will have to update the home garden more often.

Suitable for planting and bulbs onion purchased in the vegetable department "for food". However, shop onions are often treated with preparations that slow down germination before sale, so it is recommended that purchased bulbs be soaked for 20–30 minutes in hot (but not boiling) water before forcing.

Also suitable for growing on the windowsill are chives, batun onions, slime onions and multi-tiered onions.

The heads selected for planting are freed from dry scales and the tops are cut off, leaving a stump about 1 cm high. Bulbs without signs of germination are placed for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then left overnight in a cool place. During this time, the place of the cut will have time to dry out, and small tubercles will appear on the bottom - the beginnings of the future root system.

Growing green onions in the ground

  • The nutrient substrate is poured into a container, leveled, and then poured abundantly with warm water.
  • Bulbs without strong penetration are planted in the ground close to each other.
  • The container is placed on a warm, bright windowsill.

For the rapid growth of the feather, plantings need to be provided with regular watering (even a short-term drying of the soil should not be allowed) and optimal temperature regime(from +22° to +26°). Do not use fertilizer! Subject to necessary conditions homemade onions do fine without additional nutrition, and fertilizing can provoke the accumulation of nitrates in the leaf mass. To speed up the growth of the feather, you can use an ash solution for watering (1 tsp / 5 liters of water).

distillation in water

Compared to other methods, growing feather onions in water is considered the most economical. For him, you do not need to purchase a nutrient substrate or worry about special dishes. Planting containers can be glass jars or plastic cups from under food products. In this case, the nutrient medium for germination is the usual tap water, which is recommended to be preliminarily defended before planting in order to reduce the concentration of chlorine. The landing procedure itself will take a few minutes:

  • Pour a little settled water into the planting cup. You can add a little to the water if you like. mineral fertilizers.
  • The bulb is placed in such a way that only the bottom is in the water. This is easy to do by choosing the right size dishes in which the bulb will get stuck and “hang” above the water without falling to the bottom.
  • Until the roots grow back, the plantings are kept in a dark, cool place, after which they are put on the windowsill. For ease of movement, individual containers are recommended to be placed in a common pallet.

In the first 2-3 days, the water in the cups should be changed daily, later on - once every 7-10 days, regularly topped up as it evaporates to the previous level. It is also necessary to systematically check the condition of the bulbs themselves and remove rotten or diseased specimens in a timely manner. The simplicity of the method makes it possible to attract exciting process younger members of the family to get the first skills in crop production.

Among the disadvantages of this method, one can note a less intense color and excessive fragility of the growing feather. In addition, the bulbs on the water quite often rot, exuding a characteristic, not the most pleasant "aroma".

hydroponic onion garden

For admirers modern technologies you will definitely like a hydroponic plant for growing greenery, equipped with an aerator and special phytolamps. The principle of growing onions for greens in such a device is quite simple:

  • The bulbs are planted in special perforated cups filled with expanded clay.
  • The glasses are inserted into the holes intended for them in the lid, which covers the common container with water. The lower part of the glasses is immersed in water.
  • When the unit is turned on, the compressor pumps air into the water, enriching it with oxygen.
  • Due to the active consumption of oxygen supplied to the roots through technological holes in the bottom of the glasses, the onion grows much faster, and the feather is healthy and of high quality.

If desired, such a device is easy to make on your own - equip a suitable container with an aquarium compressor, cut holes for glasses on the lid, and perforate the glasses themselves along the bottom with a hot nail or a clerical knife. Location hydroponic garden it is recommended to equip with lamps for additional illumination of landings. More expensive industrial plants are additionally equipped with water drain / top up systems, which allows you to fully automate the process.

Many vegetable and ornamental crops (except root crops) can be grown in hydroponics, but the highest productivity was observed in onions.


A crop from a soil bed is usually ready for harvest in 16-20 days, from a "water" one - 3-4 earlier. Feathers are plucked one at a time as they grow, or the entire bunch is cut off at once, but it is not worth delaying the cleaning too much - the tops of leaves that are too long (more than 25–30 cm) begin to dry out. To ensure the uninterrupted supply of fresh onion feathers to the table, it is recommended to equip several home beds and plant at intervals of 10–15 days. After the complete depletion of the bulbs, as evidenced by their complete softening and low yields, the old plantings are disposed of, making room for new ones.

In winter, you will not surprise anyone with jars of onions on the windowsills in apartments. In a season when there is so little sun, fresh greenery on the windows is pleasing to the eye. And finely chopped green onion makes dishes attractive and spicy.

Green onions have been cultivated as an agricultural crop since the fourth millennium BC. During this period, all possible ways its cultivation. It has been known since school that it is very easy to get a crop at home.

On a note! If you act by traditional methods, then you can get a crop of green onions at home either by planting the bulbs in the ground or in a container of water.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons. But the hostess has her own secret to get better harvest. This has spawned many unusual new ways.

  1. He contains a large number of vitamins. The composition includes vitamins A, B, PP. It is especially worth noting the presence of important vitamin C, which enhances the protective functions of the body during the cold period, which helps to effectively fight viral diseases.
  2. Green onions also include the elements necessary for human life. These include potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc. Phosphorus and calcium are needed to maintain normal bones and teeth. The heart needs potassium, which helps the normal functioning of the myocardium. Zinc is useful for restoring immunity. It also helps to strengthen nails and hair, maintaining their beauty.
  3. It also contains quercetin. It prevents the development of tumor diseases and is an antioxidant, that is, it fights the aging process of the body.
  4. Finally, onions produce chlorophyll, beneficial features which are involved in the formation of blood. Another one useful feature chlorophyll is to counteract harmful bacteria.

Ways to grow on a windowsill

  1. Hydroponics- this mysterious term is called the ordinary and familiar to everyone cultivation of green onion feathers from an onion in a container with water.
  2. An alternative to growing in water is planting bulbs in a container with soil. This method is more complicated, but the harvest will turn out to be more solid and with better nutritional properties.
  3. A new variation of the previous method, invented by resourceful housewives, is the so-called onion cactus. It is a five liter plastic bottle in which the bulbs are laid between the layers of soil. Feathers of greenery grow out of pre-made holes on the sides of the jar.
  4. Turning a window sill into a green onion growing conveyor will help hydroponic setup. It helps to accelerate growth, and due to this, increase yields.

Rules for growing green onions in water

To get green onion arrows in winter, it is not at all necessary to prepare pots or boxes of earth. Most often, they do it easier, using a simple jar of water as a container for the bulb. In addition to the obvious advantage of the method, which lies in its simplicity, there is another plus - the absence of dirt on the windowsill.

Cooking bulbs

To get good green onion shooters, you will need to select bulbs that do not have damage. Slightly smaller than medium-sized heads, about 4 cm in diameter in cross section, are best suited. The tops of the bulbs must be cut off so that they do not interfere with young sprouts breaking through. Then the heads are placed in heated water or a solution of potassium permanganate. Ash can be used instead of potassium permanganate. After 20 minutes, they are transferred to cool water. Before planting the bulbs, they remove the husk from them.

Preparing for planting - trimming the top

Tanks for growing in water

The most suitable containers for these purposes are all kinds of jars, cups or bottles. The main requirement is a neck of sufficient width to hold the bulb. The container is filled with water to the top so that the bottom of the bulb is slightly immersed in it (water). It is not recommended to sink the bulb strongly in water in order to avoid rotting of the lower part. Until the roots appear, you will have to ensure that the bottom of the head touches the water, and top up if necessary.

Not only glass containers are suitable for sprouting onions. You can use transparent food containers. They must be covered on top with a piece of cardboard of sufficient density to support the weight of the bulbs. In this cardboard, you will need to make holes for the onion heads. The container is also filled with water, and bulbs are planted in a cardboard box. In this case, the same rule is observed for the shallow immersion of the bulb in water, as when landing in a jar.

On a note! In addition, you can adapt a simple plate for forcing onion arrows. Its bottom should be filled with water. The bulbs are placed tightly and vertically so that adjacent heads serve as a support for them. It is advisable not to allow the onion to be drowned in water by more than 25%.

When growing green onions in this way, it can take almost half a month from planting to getting long feathers. To speed up the process, you can add top dressing from minerals to the water.

Amount of fertilizer per liter of water

  1. Two teaspoons of a complex of minerals.
  2. Superphosphate: 2 g, ammonium nitrate: 1.5 g, potassium chloride: 1.5 g.
  3. Wood ash: 5 g.

Important! Top dressing should be added when the roots begin to grow and green sprouts appear.

To harvest green onions from a can of water, it is recommended to follow simple principles:

  • the container in which the arrows will be grown must be pre-treated with a weak composition of potassium permanganate;
  • you need to moisten only the very bottom of the onion head, avoiding deep immersion in water in order to avoid rotting;
  • until roots appear, it is advisable to place containers with onions for forcing greens away from heat sources;
  • during the same period, water should be renewed 2 times a day. After the arrows begin to grow, this action must be performed only 1 time per day. If top dressing is introduced into the water, then the first one should be replaced no more than 1 time in 7 days;
  • it is advisable to periodically rinse the roots under running water. The container also needs to be washed when changing moisture;
  • you can prevent onion rotting if you take it out of the water from time to time and leave it in the air for 3 hours;
  • in order to always have fresh onion shoots on the table, you need to put new bulbs for sprouting on the windowsill every 14 days.

Rules for growing green onions in the ground

For the forcing of onion arrows with the placement of planting material in the ground, the following measures are required:

  • selection of suitable onion heads;
  • preparation of containers for growing - all kinds of containers and boxes, the height of which is more than 7 cm;
  • planting onion sets in the soil with which the container is filled;
  • placing the container on the windowsill.

Landing in the ground

The method of germinating onion feathers in a container with soil differs from the simple method with planting in water.

Lighting and temperature

Green onions love the sun's rays, but can't stand the heat. Onion seedlings will feel best on well-lit windowsills when the windows face south, southeast or southwest.

Important! If it is not possible to place the containers on the sunny side, then it is recommended to install them above them for additional light.

The success of growing green onions also depends on the temperature in the room. It is not recommended to install seedlings in a hot room, the air in which is heated above + 20 ° C.

Watering and fertilizing

Running water is suitable for watering the bulbs room temperature. Water must first be defended. Water enough once every 48 hours, avoiding flooding the roots. Excess moisture can lead to rotting of the root system. It is undesirable for the plant and the drying of the soil.

Onion seedlings do not need fertilizer. But a little top dressing can still improve the development of green sprouts. To do this, seedlings are watered with a solution of 5 g of ash per liter of water.

There is no need to hurry with the collection of the first green sprouts. Otherwise, the development of the plant may slow down. For the first time, it is advisable to cut the onion feathers no earlier than after 3 weeks. The arrows in the middle do not need to be touched. Green onion crops begin to be harvested by cutting off the side feathers.

Constant harvesting of green onions throughout the winter will ensure that new batches of seedlings are planted in separate containers every 2 weeks. The arrows of the bow will grow evenly if each side of the container is exposed to the light in turn.

Step-by-step instructions for growing "onion cactus"

New original way distillation of onion greens is an invention of resourceful housewives. It allows you to free up space on the windowsill for other needs, as well as decorate the interior of the kitchen with the help of such an “exotic”.

You will need bulbs, a five-liter plastic bottle, sharp hole punching tool and universal primer.

Table. Walkthrough by landing.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

A plastic bottle and a tool for cutting circles are taken (here is a heated self-tapping screw that must be held with pliers).

3 cm round holes are cut into the container.

The first layer of soil is poured into the container up to the holes. The bulbs are laid so that their tops go out into the holes, and the roots go deep into the jar.

A new layer of soil is sprinkled on top. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated until full.

Several onion seedlings are planted vertically on the surface.

The bulb arrangement should be placed on a well-lit window sill. In order for the arrows of greenery to grow evenly, it is recommended to periodically expose different sides of the container to the sun. The rules for watering and fertilizing should be the same as for general case planting bulbs in the ground. It is only necessary to ensure that the soil does not erode.

hydroponic setup

For those who like to feast on a green onion in winter from the garden on the windowsill, special devices have been invented. They operate on a hydroponic principle.

The box is filled with water, onions are seated in the holes from above so that their lower surface almost does not come into contact with water. A special compressor forms a suspension of moisture inside the container. Thus, the possibility of root rot is excluded. It is noticed that with this method, the arrows of the bow grow much faster.

Video - Growing green onions in a bag

In this material:

Growing green onions as a business is a great idea for aspiring entrepreneurs. For the production of onions on an industrial scale, a year-round heated greenhouse is needed, high-quality planting material and sales skills. It is important not only to grow a quality product, but also to sell it on time with a good profit.

Onion business: advantages and disadvantages

Fresh herbs are in high demand among consumers. That is why the idea of ​​producing green onions for sale can be quite successful. Among its advantages:

  • low cost of planting material;
  • onions on a feather are growing rapidly;
  • several crops can be obtained per year;
  • sale is possible in the markets, through retail stores, wholesale depots, catering establishments;
  • onions are grown in greenhouses, greenhouses or in open field;
  • minimal fertilizer required.

The business also has disadvantages that need to be considered even before the start:

  • a perishable product quickly withers after cutting;
  • in the warm season, there is great competition from amateur gardeners;
  • the cost depends on the season, in winter it increases due to the high costs of heating greenhouses;
  • to work with retail, registration as a legal entity and obtaining certificates for goods is required.

Greenhouse for onions: what should it be

In the warm season, greens can be grown outdoors. But the smooth production of green onions requires a more serious approach. We will have to think about the construction of greenhouses, enabling year-round cultivation.

For industrial production greenery, a roomy and durable polycarbonate greenhouse is preferable. It is not cheap, but it is guaranteed to last for several years without requiring seasonal updates and repairs. It is possible to use pitched or arc structures, small wall-mounted greenhouses are also convenient, making it possible to save on heating.

Cellular polycarbonate is very practical, but it can be replaced with tempered industrial glass or thick plastic wrap. As a basis for greenhouses, durable welded metal frames with an anti-corrosion coating are suitable. For industrial cultivation, spacious greenhouses up to 100 square meters in size are used. m. For testing, you can build a small greenhouse by combining it with open beds.

You can heat the greenhouse electric boilers, potbelly stoves, heaters and even bonfires. Good result it also gives biofuel: a rotted mixture of straw and manure (cow, pig, horse). The mixture is collected in heaps, covered with an opaque film and left for several days. Then it is laid out in ridges and covered with a layer of soil. The rotted manure maintains a stable temperature in the greenhouse and additionally nourishes the soil.

Onions are planted in the ground or placed on racks. The latter option is preferable, it allows you to save space and significantly increase productivity. The greenhouse must be equipped with a system drip irrigation and strengthen fluorescent lamps for lighting. Lamps are mounted along the tiers so that the light penetrates into all corners of the plantation.

In industrial greenhouses, onions can be grown hydroponic or aeroponic using aqueous nutrient solutions. Productivity increases significantly, onions do not lose their taste properties. However, the method has a significant disadvantage - high cost.

Preparing for the process

Onions are very demanding on the nutritional value of the soil. For cultivation, a substrate is made from a mixture of garden or sod land with humus and peat. The addition of superphosphate and potassium chloride will help to enrich the soil. The soil is thoroughly loosened. The nutrient substrate in greenhouses is replaced annually, with continuous cultivation it is worth updating every 6 months.

For planting, high-quality seed material is selected, designed specifically for forcing green feathers. Such a bow does not form a turnip, but it is different high performance and fast growth. It is better to buy material for planting in specialized nurseries, this guarantees quality and minimizes the percentage of rejects. Later in the greenhouse, you can allocate a separate area for growing seedlings, this will help to significantly reduce costs.

For a smooth process, the bulbs are planted in batches. The development cycle lasts 21 days, after which the feather can be cut off. After harvesting, the soil is dug up, a dose of humus or compost, a small amount of superphosphate is added to it. During the growth of the bulbs, it is recommended to fertilize with ammonium nitrate, which accelerates the growth of the feather.

During growth, the onion needs abundant watering with warm settled water. Green feather can be affected by pests. Industrial insecticides will help get rid of spider mites or thrips. Landings are processed 2-3 times with an interval of several days. It is undesirable to spray the plants immediately before cutting.

Harvest preferably in the morning. The feather is cut with a sharp knife, then the crop is moved and tied into neat bundles. The more spectacular the presentation of green onions, the easier it will be to sell it.

Sales of products

Most important point- sale of goods. Green onions are perishable products, the time from cutting to sale should be reduced to a minimum. Prior to implementation, the bundles must be stored in a cool place.

You can sell onions through retail chains or enterprises Catering.

Contracts are concluded in advance. Well-organized marketing and flexible pricing policy will help to expand the scope of sales. In summer, the markup on goods will have to be reduced, but in winter it increases significantly.

Product labeling can improve sales. Bundles tied with branded ribbons with a printed logo will make the product recognizable, distinguish it from a series of competitors. Connecting online commerce, as well as renting your own stalls in the markets, will help increase sales. Increasing profits by expanding the range of products. In addition to onions in the greenhouse, you can grow lettuce, young cabbage, spices and other crops with similar agrotechnical requirements.

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The business is attractive due to the fertility of the plant, modest start-up investments, as well as great demand. all year round. If you master all the intricacies of growing green onions and the features of its marketing, you can build a profitable business on this.

How to grow green onions

If your plan includes growing commercial green onions, be prepared to do this all year round. In summer, it is cultivated in the fields, and in winter - in a greenhouse with heating. Please note that it is expensive to install and maintain a greenhouse yourself. It is easier to rent specially equipped premises from farms and factories, or equip it yourself. Profitability in winter is about 30%, since a lot of money is spent on heating in the greenhouse and rent. In summer it reaches 50%. Although in practice it is sometimes possible to achieve an indicator of 200%.

You can grow green onions at home only for a small part-time job. If you are planning to organize a separate business, you need to purchase or rent a plot of approximately 25-30 acres. Growing green onions begins with planting seeds after the last frost. It is better to take seeds from Japan or Holland. Bulbs are planted in a greenhouse before winter.

Whichever method you choose, you need to take care of preparing the beds and fertilizing them. For a greenhouse, you will need loose soil and superphosphate at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. Before planting, onion seeds must first be soaked. Onions are planted in a greenhouse or on open ground with ribbons at a distance of about 5 cm from each other and between rows. Green onions require a lot of light, frequent watering and surface loosening of the soil. This work plan must be carried out regularly and with great care.

If you decide to grow green onions at home, the bulbs should be soaked overnight in warm water, and then planted in boxes about 10 cm high. To increase the growth rate of a green plant, you need to water it warm water not lower than 20°C, and keep the air temperature at about 18-22°C.

The plant reaches its marketable appearance in about 20 days. But with the use of aeroponics technology, this time can be reduced. This system helps to eliminate the disposal of substrates and other waste during cultivation, but the savings are tangible only in a greenhouse over large areas. The cost of such a system is 1-4 thousand rubles. on square meter. The plan for the payback period is 2-3 years.

What to grow green goods for sale

No matter where you decide to start the production of green goods - in the field, greenhouse or at home - you can do this in three ways: growing from seeds, small bulbs (sevka) or large ones. The fastest way to get a result from a green business is from sevka, if before planting it was carefully sorted out, processed and properly cared for. The main problem in growing this plant is diseases and premature shooting. Therefore, the place of growth should be well blown and illuminated. In addition, the cost plan should include the purchase of chemicals for the treatment of plants. Without them, under artificial conditions, the cultivation of greenery will become unprofitable - most of crops will simply die.

Growing from seeds requires three times less planting material, four times less area. True, for better productivity during growth, seedlings must be thinned out, which increases the losses of green business. Moreover, not every seed will germinate. But this kind green plant practically does not shoot, ripens quickly and does not rot for a long time, which facilitates its storage, allowing you to earn extra money on bulbs.

Expenditure part of green business

The main funds will be spent on planting material, care, fertilizers, and transport. This will be about 30% of the costs. Entrance to the business costs about 150 thousand rubles if you have your own plot with a water supply. If you are planning to grow for sale in large quantities, it is worth worrying about the certification of a green product.

It is best to organize a business in the fall. First, you need to conduct a market assessment to get an idea of ​​the volume of demand. Based on these data, determine a plan for growing a green plant. If it is difficult to determine how much product will be able to sell for sale, it is better to grow less than the estimated sales volume. You can always increase production.

From 10 acres of land, the production of this green product will bring 30-90 thousand rubles per month. Additional cultivation of other popular green raw materials will help to increase the sale of feathers:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • basilica;
  • arugula;
  • mint;
  • lettuce;
  • cilantro.

It is difficult to say how much money it will take to open a business. It all depends on the type and scale of cultivation. If your plan involves the cultivation of a product in a greenhouse, a significant amount will be spent on its arrangement. You can reduce costs if you close it not with glass, but with polycarbonate. This material better maintains the desired temperature in the greenhouse in winter.

The plan for organizing a major business must include the purchase or lease of premises or fields. Many entrepreneurs who decide to cultivate a vegetable in a greenhouse rent industrial premises at the factories. Of these, about half are determined for the harvest, and the rest - storage and household premises. In this area are installed:

  • instantaneous water heaters;
  • lifts;
  • stoves for heating water;
  • ultraviolet lamps and fluorescent lamps.

For a month from 70 sq. m. You can remove an average of 400 kilograms of feathers. Depending on the season, the cost of a kilogram of greens will be 10-160 rubles.

Sales and risks

Sales depend on production volumes. You can organize it in two ways: through wholesalers or directly at retail - shops, supermarkets, stalls, markets, catering establishments, etc. The packaging of goods also depends on the type of sales. If this is a retail sale, it is worth considering special packaging and related equipment. In the summer, wholesalers buy goods for 30-50 rubles. per kilogram, in winter this figure rises to 100. The sale of goods by medium-sized enterprises is approximately 1.5 kg of goods per month.

The main risks come from the floating price of the commodity. Over the course of a year, it rises and falls at times. In addition, feathers are a perishable commodity. Therefore, if you do not have a marketing plan prepared in advance, you can lose a lot of money.

Onion greens, rich in vitamins and minerals, can be grown indoors different ways, for example, water.

Knowing how to grow onions at home in water will provide you with a spicy green feather all year round to use in salads and other dishes. We will find out how the water technology for obtaining home greens differs, so that by growing it, strengthen the immune system at any time of the year and not know colds.

For cultivation good harvest onion greens, it is important to follow a few rules:

  • Distillation utensils should be treated with a manganese solution so that the onion does not hurt or rot.
  • Onions can be immersed in water so that the water touches only the bottom with roots.

If the onion is completely immersed in water, it will soon begin to rot.

  • Before the roots grow, we remove the container in a cool place, changing the water daily, in the mornings and evenings. As soon as the feather begins to grow, we change the water once a day.

When fertilizing, when fertilizers dissolve in water, we change it every 7 days, otherwise the plants do not have time to absorb nutrients.

  • We occasionally wash the roots in running water and take out the onion from the jars for three hours so that the roots do not rot.

For continuous receipt green feather, add new containers with an onion a couple of weeks after the "landing" of the previous batch.

If you don't feel like messing around with containers and soil and prefer a cleaner way to grow onion greens, here's how to plant onions at home in water.

bulb preparation

For forcing greens in water conditions, we use bulbs that are not affected by disease and mechanical damage, about 4 cm in diameter (the size should be approximately the same).

We prepare the onions for planting in this way:

  • We cut the planting material to the base.
  • Withstand 20 min. V hot water(50 degrees) with the addition of potassium permanganate.
  • We hold 10 min. V cold water- for hardening, and peel off the husk.

Having prepared the onion, we will learn how to grow it in water at room conditions.

Planting bulbs on a feather in water

The forcing of the onion by the water method is usually carried out in glass jars, deep bowls or other wide-mouthed containers. Alternatively, plastic food containers can be used.

To prevent the onion from rotting, do the following:

  • We take a thick cardboard according to the size of the container.
  • We cut holes slightly smaller than the diameter of the planting material.
  • Pour water into a bowl.
  • We cover the container with cardboard and insert the onions into the holes so that only the root part touches the water.

If you want to know how to plant onions at home in water in a regular plate, pour some settled or filtered water into it (room temperature), and put a few onions there so that they are only a quarter immersed in the liquid.

By planting onions in water, we will get the first crop of green feathers after a couple of weeks. The height of the pen by that time will reach about 15 cm.

How to speed up onion forcing in water

To know how to quickly grow green onions in water at home, and get as much greenery as possible, we apply fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Ways to fertilize green onions:

  • We feed the plants with a solution of a liter of water and 2 teaspoons of complex fertilizers.
  • We fertilize the “plantings” with a nutrient solution by dissolving potassium chloride (1.5 g), ammonium nitrate (1.5 g) and superphosphate (2 g) in a liter of water.
  • We feed the onion by dissolving in a liter of water wood ash- 5 years

We add nutrient solutions to the water when the roots and green feathers appear, but not before.

So, you have learned how to grow onions at home in water on your own, without any hassle and expense. Try this way to get vitamin greens, and grow fragrant spicy - spicy greens all year round at home!