In a private house      07.03.2020

Save space in a small apartment. How to save space in a small apartment: some great ideas Ideas for saving space in an apartment

In 2017, studio apartments and simply small apartments in new residential complexes of economy and comfort class occupy up to 70% of all apartments. And in every third interior project, Mossebo designers work with a studio or room of 8-9 square meters. secrets competent organization space small apartment lie not only in the visual expansion of space, but also in creating places for storing things and saving space even on minimal elements.

In the interior of small apartments, it is necessary to take into account many features - compactness functional areas, low light, but one of the main problems will always be the lack of space and areas for storage. IN classic apartments people are "rescued" by pantries, mezzanines or large wardrobes. In the case of a studio, you have to choose: store things at home, get rid of the “extra” or rent storage space. We will discuss how to find a compromise between these solutions and save space in the apartment as much as possible.

Furniture transformer

To save space, the first and obvious solution would be transforming furniture. Most simple examples: sofa bed, extendable table and folding chairs, but there are more original variants. This is a mirror-shelf with secret drawers for storing jewelry or cosmetics, and hidden consoles with folding furniture. The use of such solutions is always associated with a compromise - so you should not choose as the main bed sofa-transformer, if you are not ready to fold it every day.

Matryoshka furniture

Another focus is “matryoshka” furniture. Several pieces of furniture are inserted into each other and take up 3-4 times less space. This avoids the effect of clutter, while not using flimsy folding furniture. There can be many examples; the most common - benches inserted into each other, stools, coffee tables, but there are original solutions- chairs hidden in the rack.

Compact nursery

If you also need to fit a children's room in a small apartment, you can put a bunk bed. At the same time, ceilings are desirable from 3 meters, otherwise the upper tier will be too close to the ceiling. If one child lives in the room, then a study or play area can be placed in the lower part. And if there are two children in the family, then both tiers will be occupied by beds. To ensure that each child has a personal space for privacy, you can install curtains on the sleeping places. Usually, such a bulky piece of furniture as bunk bed, installed close to the wall or in the corner of the room.

Hidden knobs and little tricks in the kitchen

The real problem is organizing full kitchen at extreme 6 meters. Namely, this is how much the kitchen occupies both in the old Khrushchev houses and in the new studios. You can save space by increasing its comfort. Therefore, the handles on the doors should not eat up space, and they should be replaced with hidden hinges and a click-on system. These doors open with a light touch. The hidden light in the cooking area and in the dining area will also save money, because in a fresh repair there is nothing worse than portable lamps with a mountain of wires.

Tabletop on the windowsill

Use window sill space under working area or the needs of the kitchen - an affordable solution in all apartments where the wet area and window are located correctly. It is worth recalling that the standard plastic window sill not suitable for the needs of the workspace. The expansion of the window sill occurs due to the countertop, which can be wooden, stone, quartz or made of artificial stone. It is worth processing the joints with high quality and calculating the window openings, considering ways to protect against moisture and temperature extremes.

The space under the windowsill can also be adapted. The simplest solution is to slide bar stools into this niche, but you can also place larger items, such as a washing machine or dishwasher. Some use a window sill to accommodate the kitchen area, install a stove and oven, in this case, you can do without the hood and open the window when cooking.

Ergonomic zoning

In studios occupied by more than one person, there is often a need to hide the bedroom area from the main space in order to create the possibility of privacy for sleeping. When there is too little space for this, you have to literally build a separate room around the bed. The easiest thing is to enclose the bedroom area thick cloth. Often dark partitions are installed or a whole box is built, but in this case, ventilation must be carefully considered.
In studios with high ceilings, it is possible to add a second floor for a sleeping area. Under it, many place the kitchen, but in this case, all kitchen smells will rise to the bed. It would be wiser to place a working area or living room on the ground floor. To save space, the stairs to the second floor can be converted into a storage area by converting the steps into drawers or the side into a cabinet.

Unfortunately, many people are familiar with the concept of “not enough space in the apartment” firsthand. A small kitchen that doesn't have enough cabinet space to put groceries (or even crockery), a small bathroom that just can't be expanded, but there's so much you want to put in it...

Each time, comforting yourself with the well-known proverb “In cramped quarters, but not offended” also bothers you. However, thanks to small design tricks exit found! These 10 simple tips will help to reconsider the attitude to a small space and make it even as comfortable as possible.

How to save space

  1. Corner hanger
    Two wardrobes - a luxury for an apartment with a small square. If you have a lot of clothes, hang an extra hanger in the corner. The problem will be solved!
  2. simple spice rack
    A lot of spices are a sign of a good cook. If it is not possible to allocate a separate cabinet or shelf for jars-bottles, use office organizer trays as a shelf. Small magnets will help to place such a shelf directly on the refrigerator. Firstly, space is saved, secondly, spices will not be lost, and thirdly, they will always be at hand!
  3. Place to store frying pans
    Even if there is not much space in the kitchen, there are always walls there. Of course, this may seem unrealistic, but every centimeter of the wall can and should be used! For example, it is convenient to place hooks for pans and kitchen utensils which you often use.
  4. Stand for jewelry
    If you have a lot of jewelry, use a note board. In order to conveniently place accessories, you only need hooks and pins!

  5. Detergent storage
    If you store detergents and cleaning products under the washbasin, it often ends up in a mess and it becomes impossible to find anything in these heaps. Hang the crossbar between the walls of the cabinet - and feel free to hang spray bottles on it!

  6. Hanging shelves
    The bathroom is usually subject to the highest demands. If you need more space, place shelves on the walls: they provide extra level space without taking up floor space.
  7. Towel stand
    Towel is an important item in the bathroom, which sometimes takes up too much space. Instead of storing them far away in the closet, use a wine rack: roll up a towel and place it in place of the wine bottles.
  8. Pantry organizer
    Most conveniently packaged food is very inconvenient to store. In order to solve this problem, use a shoe organizer that will take its rightful place in the pantry. It is perfect for storing juice boxes, condiments and other packaged products.
  9. Additional bar in the bathroom
    The crossbar is usually used to hang a curtain on it. Place the second one next to it, and it will be very convenient to hang brushes, washcloths and various little things from it.

  10. Fuse for car door
    One of big problems small garages in the house - lack of space to open the car door, as a result of which the wall is damaged and the door is scratched. To avoid unpleasant consequences a foam roller attached to the wall and cut along will help. Both the car door and the garage wall will be safe.

If you found something interesting in our tips for yourself or for friends who have a lot of things in the apartment, but little space, tell them about how you can profitably and without special costs add to home

When arranging the kitchen, not only the beauty of the interior and the brand of equipment are important, but also the practicality of this large mechanism and a special place in the house. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance how to save space in the kitchen so that each family member, being on its territory, always feels comfortable and convenient. "Dream House" will help to realize all your ideas, while maintaining the style and rationally placing all kitchen objects.

Why you need to save space in the kitchen

There can be several motivations for saving space in the kitchen, and they are all objective:

  • firstly, in order for food to be cooked with pleasure, everything should be at hand and, at the same time, the space where quick morning snacks take place or the whole family gathers at dinner should be free;
  • secondly, there should be enough space to implement any plans, for example, to install a soft sofa, or organization;
  • and, thirdly, every centimeter is simply dear to someone for a reason.

It is necessary to decide how you will save space at the stage of planning the kitchen itself. In order for everything to work out successfully, it is worth sketching out a plan for arranging the kitchen on paper, and then putting it into practice.

How to save space when installing furniture and large appliances in the kitchen

You can get more free space due to the correct distribution of the main components of the kitchen - a headset and large household appliances.

The most common and winning option in order to save space is to install kitchen cabinets and technology with the letter "G". For an elongated kitchen more practical option- layout along two opposite walls, it is also parallel.

If there is a niche in the kitchen, then it is better to use it under the refrigerator than for small items.

The dense arrangement of furniture and appliances saves space well, but it is important to remember here that appliances with different temperature regimes cannot be installed side by side. Also, all appliances, unlike furniture, should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the wall. In order not to lose these centimeters on both sides, many install appliances on one side, and furniture along the other.

The above rules can not be observed when installing built-in appliances, such as washing or. Here you will get double space savings - due to the absence of gaps between adjacent elements and the need to take the distance to the wall, since the built-in appliances are ventilated from below. In addition, the appliances built into the furniture can be grouped as you like. These ergonomic systems are a match for styles such as modern or.

True, when installing built-in appliances in the kitchen, there are also disadvantages: rearrangement is excluded, and in the event of a breakdown of a piece of equipment, it may be necessary to replace part of the headset.

So that such appliances, like a microwave oven, which are an integral part of any kitchen, do not take up space on the surface of the cabinets, they are installed on corner brackets, or they are mounted in the upper part of the kitchen corner as built-in appliances.

Storage options for kitchen utensils - save space

In order to save space, instead of swing cabinets, the kitchen set is equipped with various drawers, for example, multi-level drawers, corner modular cabinets that fit a large number of variety of kitchen utensils. With their help, you will free the work surface and nothing will interfere with you to accomplish culinary masterpieces. If the lower tier furniture cabinet consists of hinged compartments, then their doors can be equipped with shelves for storing jars or bottles.

To save space in the kitchen, for food products and utensils use more hanging drawers and shelves, and above work surfaces - to store many small items. True, some stylistic trends, such as minimalism, “do not like” too many things in plain sight. In these cases, do not overdo it with open shelves and rails. And, on the contrary, the option open storage utensils and various accessories will only emphasize. Mounted systems will free up space for the implementation of larger ideas.

small and cozy kitchen- save space

Rational arrangement of modern kitchen

Any kitchen, even the smallest, should be spacious and with all amenities. To do this, when arranging it, you need to properly organize the entire kitchen space. Here are a few interesting ideas and tips:

  1. You can save a few centimeters due to the window sill, which increases in width to the level of the bottom row kitchen set. Thus, the place near the window can be used as a work surface, a table for eating or a sink.
  2. In order to save space in the kitchen, the usual swing door at the entrance can be replaced by sliding or folding doors, of which there are plenty of types now. Another option is to do without a door at all, but in this case you have to take care of a powerful one, which, by the way, can also be retractable.
  3. A little more free space will appear in your kitchen if you put dinner table with a special design: folding, folding or withdrawable. A round table with tightly retractable chairs will help not only optimize the space, but also set kitchen interior some creativity.
  4. You can save space in the closet for items that are needed more often than others by installing a soft corner with storage boxes instead of chairs. Modern products decorate the interior, perfectly fulfill the role convenient location for sitting and are a multifunctional storage for things.
  5. And finally, if you want to enjoy space and freedom in your own kitchen, pay attention to the shades that will prevail in the room. This is about light colors, with the help of which, of course, it is impossible to save specific centimeters, but visually they increase any area.

Open shelves for storage - an idea to save space in the kitchen

Modern kitchen - how to save space

Ecology of consumption. Interior design: Do you want to place so many things in your bedroom, but there is absolutely not enough space? Calm down, don't panic...

small bedroom- not a sentence, but a reason to rationally plan the available space. So many things you want to place in your bedroom, but there is absolutely not enough space? Calm down, don't panic.

Competent interior design works wonders! And I, as always, am ready to throw a couple of very effective solutions just for such occasions. To be exact - as many as eleven!

1. Stop Vacuuming Under Your Bed - Raise It to New Heights

Placement of the bed on the podium - truly brilliant idea especially in a small bedroom. High podium becomes not easy extra bed for storing all sorts of little things, but acts as a full-fledged alternative to a chest of drawers or even a closet. Most often, drawers are built into the podium, divided into sectors, but it's up to you to store bed linen, seasonal clothes or precious canned tomatoes there.

Advice: A small podium 10-15 cm high is just decorative element and no more. In order for it to bring real benefits, it is necessary to raise it at least to a height of 50 cm. You can often find meter-long podiums, but in this case you will need to build steps or take care of the stairs.

2. Make the irrelevant relevant

If it was you who became the victim of architectural sophistication and the “happy” owner of an irrational recesses in the wall, then this advice will be useful to you like no one else. Just complete this ridiculous education shelves from floor to ceiling(as if it was intended from the very beginning). In addition, you must agree: there is no extra space for storing things!

Advice: To determine the material of the shelves and the height between them, you should at least roughly estimate what exactly you are going to store there. Too thin shelves can bend under heavy weight, but very massive ones should not be purchased without special need. Firstly, they visually load the interior, and secondly, they will simply cost more.

3. Find a niche and take advantage of it

Sometimes we inherit the recesses in the walls, sometimes we make them ourselves. Say, in small and narrow bedrooms, they are absolutely justified. Thoughtful niches are a great additional storage space for, for example, books.

See what library fits into this shallow built-in shelving in the photo, and imagine how many cabinets it would take to fit the same volume!

4. Continue window

If in your bedroom the height from the floor to the window sill is 75-80 cm, then it's time to replace this useless "receptacle of flowers" with an excellent wide tabletop that will allow you to get a full-fledged workplace. Not only will you get a lot of usable area as a result, but you will also work in the rays of natural light - isn't that happiness?

But you can go even further and extend the countertop for the entire length of the wall, and place various drawers, niches in the resulting space, or even use this place as a TV cabinet or game console.

A low window sill is absolutely not suitable for creating working surface, but you can arrange a great place to relax, as well as incredible relaxation while reading your favorite book.

At the same time, it is important to remember that optimal height from the floor to the windowsill in this case should be about half a meter.

And if the bed is located near the window, then the newly made sofa can be made its logical continuation. Of course, you will have to re-equip the window sill for these purposes, but, in my opinion, it's worth it.

Advice: Sometimes it is difficult to find a company that will fulfill such an insignificant order, and it will come out expensive. Therefore, it will be easier and cheaper to order a modified window sill as a load for some furniture - for example, a closet or chest of drawers.

5. Hang the pedestal

Clear the floor and make bedside table suspension- a wonderful solution for those who want to unload the sleeping area and make it more compact.

But in order not to drill the wall, you can cheat even more and instead of a massive pedestal, get a light stand on thin, almost invisible legs.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to limit your appetite to only one small shelf.After all, you can hang two of them at once, or even as many as three!

Even in this case you will get extra space for storage, and at the same time, the bedroom will look airy and not overloaded.

6. Find "space-saving" fixtures

Bedside table without a lamp - money down the drain, but how much space does a table lamp take up!

To save space, there are several options.

  • First, this hanging lamp from the ceiling, which looks extraordinary, but at the same time perfectly copes with all the tasks.

  • Second solution - wall sconce.

But whichever option you choose, in any case, the radiance warm light lamps will elegantly decorate your bedroom, and the free space on the bedside table will be a great bonus.

If funds allow and a suitable two-in-one lamp comes across - of course, take it. Alas, the offer of such options on the market is limited, and you will not always find a model that is interesting in shape and design.

7. Use furniture with “storage”

There is no desire to “build” a podium and start repairs - a bed on a platform with ready-made built-in containers will do.

Advice: Choose models where the drawers are located not only on one side of the bed, but around its entire perimeter. So you will have more branches, and access to them will be easier.

8. Complete the wall

And again we move to the window opening. Although the idea of ​​​​building a closet around it and thereby filling the entire wall is not at all new, it is incredibly effective and saves a lot of space. In addition, we will not spend money on slopes, since the sides of the cabinet will act as their role. And the place of the window sill can be arranged with the same cozy sofa, where you can wonderfully relax and admire the marvelous view from the window.

Advice: Don't get carried away by the depth of the closet, because the larger it is, the less natural light will enter your bedroom, and this is not good!

It is not necessary to build a closet around the window. Most often, around the bed, we are used to seeing either a pair of bedside tables, or some small table with ornate legs, while the entire wall behind the bed remains empty or is covered by some kind of picture. But wouldn't it be wiser to put all this unused space to good use?

As you know, any woman has only two problems - nothing to wear and no space in the closet. Spring is a great time to update your wardrobe, and finally deal with the second problem. No, it’s not necessary to buy a new cabinet for this, the main thing is to learn some tricks to save space.

Multi-level hangers

Clothes on hangers occupy, perhaps, the most decent volume of the closet. To optimize this space, you can hang a few more pieces on one hanger. To do this, you can use multi-level hangers with additional hooks, or adapt improvised means - paper clips, chains, rings from cans ...

Save on air!

Seasonal items and clothes that are not worn so often can be stored in special vacuum bags. This is the perfect invention for those who care about every millimeter in the closet. With the help of a vacuum cleaner, air is sucked out through a special hole in this bag - and voila! - even the thickest blanket will take minimal amount places.

We share wisely!

On wide shelves, things often pile on top of each other, creating chaos and disorder. There you are great idea for neat unfolding of things - shelf dividers. You can buy ready-made or you can make your own. They will help to avoid confusion and save some space. After all, the more evenly stacked things, the less they take up space. For example, small towels can be rolled up and placed on top of each other, divided into sections.

Caption for the picture

A trifle - separately!

Small items, such as underwear and socks, are best stored in compact drawers with cells or in special boxes (organizers) - this way it will be easier to find them and they will not take up much space. It will be more convenient if you distribute linen into convenient categories - by season, by event, by color, and so on.

Long accessories - ties, scarves, belts - can be collected on one multi-level hanger so that they are all immediately visible. To save space in the closet, it is better to place these accessories on the closet door.

On the back of the door

To fit everything you need in the closet, try to make the most of every corner in it. On the closet door, for example, you can hang not only accessories, but also casual clothes and shoes. Also take a good look - is there any free space under clothes that weigh on hangers? Usually there are a few free centimeters left, which will be useful for storing bags or shoes.

Shoes in pockets

And in order to compactly distribute a large number of shoes in the closet, you can purchase comfortable wall structures with pockets that take up less space than shoeboxes. You can place shoes on them even up to the ceiling, or hang them on reverse side cabinet doors.

How to fold clothes so that they take up little space on the shelf and do not wrinkle
  • Shirts, blouses and sweaters: button up all buttons and lay out front side down on flat surface. Wrap the left and right edges of the shirt up to the collar. Roll up the sleeves and lay them out. Dividing visually into three parts, tuck: first the lower part, then the central one.
  • Skirts: First fold lengthwise on both sides and roll into a tight roll.
  • Pants: First, fold in half so that the bottom of the legs are in contact with the waistband, and fold again.
  • Jeans can be rolled up.
