Well      04/25/2019

How to grow greens on the windowsill in the apartment: the rules for creating a home garden. How to grow green onions at home: planting and necessary conditions for growing

Many housewives have large window sills and are thinking about how to grow greens at home. In fact, there is nothing complicated, many types of green plants do not need special care, top dressing and additional lighting. Greens can be grown all year round. It is tasty and healthy, especially during beriberi. You can grow irreplaceable additives to dishes.

Juicy spicy greens are indispensable for activating metabolic processes in the body, it has an expectorant, disinfectant, diuretic effect. But first things first.

It is better to grow herbs in plastic containers, wooden boxes not practical, heavy and often leak. In one long container, several varieties of herbs can be planted at once, but taking into account their combination with each other, irrigation conditions. For example, dill, parsley and celery will get along in one container, but for marjoram, thyme and oregano you need a separate, separate space.

The most optimal composition of the earth (soil) is peat, earth, river sand and sawdust, taken in equal proportions. For drainage, it is advisable to put pebbles or expanded clay on the bottom of each vessel with a layer of up to 5 cm. To create the required level of humidity, you will need a piece polyethylene film or caps from plastic bottles. They need to cover the sown seeds for faster germination.

All kinds of greens how to grow

Growing greens at home for some types of greens has its own characteristics. The easiest way to get a crop of onions for a feather, dill and parsley.

To obtain large and juicy arugula leaves, containers should be kept in sufficient light and humidity levels. The topsoil must be constantly damp. Arugula loves moisture, also top dressing, the introduction of nitrates. Seeds are sown to a soil depth of 11-12 cm, topped up with a small layer of earth - up to 1.5 cm. In a week, the first shoots can be expected. When the leaves reach a height of 7 cm, they can be cut and added to salads.

Celery prefers to grow in fertile, nutritious and moist soil in moderation. Planting seeds are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, soaked for a day in warm water, wrapped in a damp cloth and left for a while in a dark place. It is important to prevent them from drying out the fabric and spray it from time to time.

The hatched seeds are ready for planting. Lay the seeds on a layer of soil at a distance of up to 6 cm from each other, sprinkle with a small layer of earth, put in a lighted warm place. The optimal temperature regime for celery is 25 g. Sufficiently overgrown plants will need to be thinned out, loosen the soil. The best varieties for home growing: delicacy, snowball, apple, mushroom.

Green juicy spinach leaves are rich in provitamin A, vitamins PP, B, C, vitamin B2, mineral salts, easily digestible iron, iodine in large quantities. With anemia, such a vitamin and mineral composition of spinach is simply irreplaceable. With its regular use, hemoglobin will increase, vision will improve, the work of the pancreas will improve, and blood vessels will strengthen. But children and people with high acidity should take spinach very carefully. It contains a lot of oxalic acid.

Such greens at home, like spinach, require good watering and long-term illumination. First, the seeds are soaked for 2-3 hours in warm water, then planted in containers to a depth of 1.5 cm. The optimum room temperature is -18-21 g. After a couple of weeks, the crops need to be fed with mineral fertilizers to form wide and lush bushes. After 1-1.5 months, fresh herbs are ready to eat. Varieties are livable on window sills: Virofle, Mazurka, oily Victoria, Melody.

Borago and marjoram

Contains vitamin C, carotene, smells like fresh cucumbers. Borago is sown with seeds to a depth of up to 1.5-2 cm in fairly fertile soil. Do not place containers in drafts. The place should be warm, and the soil should be of high quality.

When creating such conditions, after 2 weeks it will be possible to admire the first shoots, and after 1.5 months, cut the first juicy leaves for salads, which, by the way, can replace cucumbers, if in winter time they won't be on your table.

Do not cut or discard the arrows that appear on the grass with purple flowers. They have a pleasant smell and taste of honey, they can be dried, added to pastries, desserts and even liquors, liqueurs. home production.

Marjoram is a spice unfamiliar to many, it is sold in bags as a dried seasoning to add to meat dishes, soups, appetizers, salads, pates. It is quite possible to grow it at home, in flower pots. Marjoram is included in recipes traditional medicine in the treatment of kidneys, liver, respiratory organs, helps with headache, toothache, a good sedative.

Marjoram is an unpretentious plant, it is quite simple to grow it at home.

  • Drainage is laid at the bottom of the container, on top - a layer of earth up to 15 cm, then - seeds with a depth of up to 2 cm, lightly sprinkled with earth on top.
  • After the soil can be watered, put on window sills with moderate lighting, but avoid drafts.
  • After a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear.
  • After another 15-20 days - the first harvest.

Plants require regular watering.

Lettuce and mustard

Salad is low-calorie, used in many diet menus to normalize blood pressure, prevent sclerosis.

Drainage is poured at the bottom of the boxes, on top - a layer of earth up to 13 cm in height, then - a small layer of nutrient mixture. You can sow the lettuce tightly, water well, cover with a film and put in a warm place. When seeds germinate, move the boxes to more lighted window sills. The first seedlings after the appearance of 1-2 sheets should be dived, seated. For the rapid growth of lettuce, the soil should be fertilized, fertilizers should be applied in the complex. Watering - 3-4 times a week for juiciness and freshness of the leaves. In about a month, the first crop will be ready for harvest.

Watercress with carotene, sulfur, potassium salts, vitamin C. Adding lettuce to the diet normalizes blood pressure and sleep. Lettuce is not picky about growing conditions. Grows in the shade, on window sills facing north. Soil up to 12 cm is poured into the container, seeds are planted with a depth of 1 cm, lightly fall asleep top layer earth.

For the appearance of fast entrances, you need to water abundantly. After 2-3 weeks, the succulent leaves will be ready to eat. Lettuce grows well when fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, in sufficiently moist soil, the drying of which is unacceptable. Overheating of the air or insufficient watering will lead to coarsening of the leaves, stretching of the stems, and the formation of inflorescences. This salad is no longer suitable for food. The pepper, curly, ordinary, broad-leaved variety winters well on the windowsill.

Leaf mustard grows well next to watercress. The seeds must first be soaked, after swelling, put on the prepared soil in boxes, sprinkle with a layer of up to 1.5 cm of earth on top, cover with a film to accelerate germination. Keep in a dark place until they appear. As soon as the first sprouts appear, you need to remove the film from the plants and expose them to the light. The first harvest is in 15-25 days.

Mustard does not need maintenance high temperature and excessive lighting. The best place- cool, shaded, and watering - moderate.

Green onions: growing in boxes (video)

Parsley, dill, basil and onion

Thickened seedlings should be thinned out. Feed min. fertilizers can be after the first harvest of parsley and dill.

Mediterranean cuisine is not complete without fragrant basil. He loves light and warmth. In winter, it is worth taking care of additional lighting, as well as daily watering. You can plant seeds in flower pots. When the first shoots appear, apply complex fertilizers. To prolong the life of the plant, remove flower stalks during flowering.

What is easy to grow on a windowsill is feather onions.

A jar of distilled water is enough for him. Scald the onion with boiling water, place in a jar so that only the roots touch the water. Cut off periodically when green arrows appear. New arrows will climb again until the bulb is wrinkled, but the water must be changed regularly.

To grow green onions in containers, fill in a layer of earth up to 7-8 cm, plant the bulbs, sprinkle with soil. Expose the boxes to the light, preferably to the south windows. With a lack of lighting, taste and useful material onions will be lost.

For forcing on a feather, it is better to plant small bulbs up to 2 cm in diameter. Plant in the ground at a distance of 2 cm from each other in half the volume of the bulb.

Growing herbs on the windowsill is quick and easy. Stock up on the right seeds in the fall. Delicious, fresh and fragrant spices in winter will always come in handy.

How to grow dill at home in winter (video)

Gallery: greens at home (15 photos)

Fresh herbs are a great addition to homemade dishes in winter. Portions of greens from the store constantly have to be updated, in the refrigerator it fades a little, loses its freshness. Another thing is to take sprigs of greenery from your windowsill for seasoning, the quality differs significantly.

Cultivation and care

soil for herbs

The soil is bought at a garden store or prepared in advance in the fall. It consists of equal parts:

  • garden soil,
  • peat,
  • river sand
  • sawdust.

It is necessary to start backfilling the pot with drainage: expanded clay, pebbles, small gravel or pieces broken brick. The drainage layer is at least a quarter of the total volume of the pot. The earth is poured on top of it.

Water for irrigation

The pot is poured with melt water, which is very easy to prepare. incomplete plastic bottle with water is placed in the freezer or exposed to the cold for freezing.

Planting seeds

The seeds are laid out on the spilled earth in three segments and covered with a thin layer of slightly dried earth. Soon the soil moisture will even out, and you can save it if you cover the top of the pot with a transparent plastic lid or a plastic bag.

Creating conditions for plant growth

Plant growth and yield are affected by lighting and conditions in the apartment. To insulate the roots under pots on a cold windowsill, foam is placed or the plants are placed in two pots; if there is a lack of light, additional lamps are turned on.

Types of greenery


At home, it is worth growing something that grows quickly. Spinach is one of them.

In early spring, it is planted in a greenhouse and after 1.5 months it is completely removed from it. Some varieties of spinach grow on the windowsill. He needs a lot sunlight and moisture. Spinach roots penetrate deep into the soil, the plant requires loosening 2 hours after watering.


The king of the kitchen window is the leaf sandwich salad. It is planted in a plastic box with two pallets. The second wide and deep pan is needed in order to wet the ground well once a week and excess water does not spread over the windowsill. An almost small bed is made under the leaf lettuce, maintaining a distance between the grooves of 5–6 cm and planting the seeds to a depth of 1 cm. You should not pour a lot of seeds. Lettuce expands. Extra bushes are transplanted into another pot or stored in the refrigerator.


Greens on the windowsill can be any, even watercress. It is tasty and healthy, although the leaves are sometimes very small. Because of these features, it is planted separately from other plants. The container is filled with 10 cm of soil, the seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm. The soil for watercress is watered abundantly, lettuce leaves are cut for eating, and they grow again from the roots. After the first cut, add to the irrigation water mineral fertilizers, and lettuce grows faster.


The most common greens on the windowsill are onions. The garden on the window begins and ends with it. It is the most common on the green market, but you also need to be able to grow it.

Onions can be grown both in the ground, without completely burying the onion head in the ground, and in water, changing it after two weeks. Features of cultivation are that only the roots and the lower part of the onion are lowered into the water. For complete success, a wooden raft is made, which has 3-4 holes for the bulbs. The raft is placed in a deep cup of water and a drop of fertilizer is added to it.

An old, tried-and-tested way to get green onions in winter is to spread the heads close together in a box of soil and water sparingly. In the early days, the box is placed in a dark, warm place. When the onion sprouts, the box is transferred to the windowsill.

Joint planting of herbs

The table becomes varied when fresh parsley, dill And celery. They all coexist in one container and can grow not only on kitchen window but also in the room. Greenery looks beautiful in any interior.

In an apartment, a loggia, on an insulated balcony, you can grow a lot of greenery using modern patio seeds.

Growing greens in winter

What variety of dill is most often planted on the windowsill? Great option- variety Gribovsky. He is different easy care, resistance to temperature changes, high yield and resistance to different kind diseases. Another advantage of this variety is its aroma, which will change the taste of the dish, making it especially bright and memorable.

at home

Why buy vegetables and herbs in stores when you can grow them at home? No garden - no problem! You can grow anything you want on your windowsill!

Today, home gardens on window sills are becoming increasingly popular. Spice plants are unpretentious and can easily become a treasure trove of flavors and aromas in every home. What could be more beautiful than winter morning make a sandwich with fresh herbs from your own mini vegetable garden! So let's learn how to grow!

Conditions for a home garden on the windowsill

If in an ordinary garden most of the conditions are provided by mother nature, then for a home garden you will have to try yourself. There are few requirements, but they are mandatory.

Soil and lighting requirements

  1. suitable soil is a mixture of clean sand, sawdust, peat and garden soil in equal proportions. You can, of course, buy ready soil in stores, but there is no guarantee that this land will be pest-free and with prescribed components.
  2. lighting, especially in the winter months - a must! Lamps are best to choose fluorescent, white spectrum. Standard desk lamp will give off a lot of heat, but not enough light. Turn on the lamp regularly for your plants so that they are in bright light for at least 13 hours a day.

Care and watering greenery in winter

Watering rules:

  1. the most important rule: be sure to defend the water, do not water the usual running water;
  2. do not flood the soil;
  3. do not pour water on the leaves;
  4. do not allow the soil to dry out.

If the leaves on the plants begin to turn pale (chlorosis occurs), and the plants look not too cheerful, the problem is the acidity of the water. If you water the garden with tap (alkaline) water, the nutrients contained in the soil (manganese, boron, iron, phosphorus) simply stop dissolving and the plants begin to suffer. In this case, special phyto-mixtures must be added to the water.

A prerequisite for beautiful juicy greenery is spraying! Set aside a few minutes of your time to spray your plants daily and they will reciprocate in the form of a good harvest!

How to grow herbs and vegetables at home

Plastic containers are best suited for growing (wooden ones can leak liquid) or wide clay pots. A separate container is needed for each type of green seedling, as many plants do not blend well with each other during the growth process. So, for example, parsley, dill and celery can be planted in a long polymer box. And herbs like oregano, marjoram, or thyme grow best on their own.

How to grow dill on a windowsill in winter

We select varieties of dill

Not all varieties of dill are suitable for seedlings on the windowsill, while having a rich taste and aroma. Varieties suitable for a mini-garden:

  1. Grenadier - has light leaves and a delicate taste.
  2. Gribovsky - this variety is very popular, as it is unpretentious to temperature regime and disease resistant.
  3. Richelieu - has fragrant blue-green openwork leaves.
  4. Kibray - has wide leaves, rich in vitamins that are beneficial to humans.

Preparing soil and seeds for planting

For planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. Decontaminate and disinfect the soil - this is one of the most important points future healthy harvest, since properly disinfected kills all the "harm" in the future plant.

Seedling soil for disinfection is desirable:

  1. warm up in the microwave;
  2. freeze;
  3. calcine in the oven;
  4. steam;

At the bottom of the container we put a drainage layer, then the prepared earth. Seeds must first be soaked in warm water for about a day. Water should be changed every 5-6 hours. Then you must dry the seeds with paper or cloth, after which they can be planted in the prepared soil.

It is necessary to sow in beds that are pre-cooked (the scheme is the same as in a regular garden). They can be placed directly on the soil (without grooves), sprinkled with a 2 cm layer of soil on top.

After sowing, the container should be covered with a plastic bag (film) and put in a warm, warm place for a week or 10 days. Water regularly, especially during emergence. Fertilize every 2 weeks with a complex mineral fertilizer.

Dill is a plant that only thrives in abundant light, and therefore must be exposed to sunlight / lamp light for 5 hours a day (minimum). The best temperature for dill is from +18 0С to +20 0С. weeks), since dill does not grow after cutting.

What greens can be grown at home in winter?

Not only dill is suitable for growing a home garden on the windowsill. You can also plant thyme, basil, rosemary, lettuce, celery, onion, oregano and others. In general, any greenery can be grown in a mini-garden, subject to certain conditions. And, of course, herbs grown by oneself and harvested, for example, in mid-January, will undoubtedly be tastier and healthier than those sold in the store.

Growing parsley on a windowsill

Parsley is a storehouse of useful vitamins. It contains vitamins E, C, A, B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

The difference between parsley seeds and other types of green crops is that they germinate a little longer. This is due to the presence essential oils in grains. To speed up the process, they must be thoroughly rinsed with water and put on germination in a damp cloth.

The soil must be prepared in advance. The composition of the soil is simple: garden soil mixed with peat. Land from the garden must be treated with a mild solution of manganese to eliminate harmful bacteria.

The container should have a depth of about 20 centimeters. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container, then the earth is covered. After preparing the soil, the seeds can be planted. Parsley is planted in beds with a distance of 10 cm to a depth of no more than 1 cm. Water the soil before planting.

IN further watering carry out:

  1. every other day - with a sprayer - until the seeds sprout;
  2. after germination - with a watering can, alternate in two days.

It is necessary to maintain the temperature regime up to +20 0С and the illumination regime. Subject to all conditions, parsley will please you already in the third week after planting.

How to grow green onions

Growing onions on a windowsill is easy and rewarding. Planting onions differs from other green crops in that it does not begin with the soil and not with soaking the seeds, but with placing the bulb in water. Fill a jar with a narrow neck with settled water and place an onion (onion) in it, after dousing it with boiling water. Only the root of the bulb should be in the water.

As the bulb grows, it will grow in “arrows” - this is not yet green onion so they need to be trimmed. Very soon, the bulb will wrinkle and become very small - that's when it will be ready for planting.

When planting in the ground, the bulb is also unpretentious. Plant the bulbs in the prepared soil in containers so that they are only half in the ground. Water the soil thoroughly before doing this. Install containers near sunlight (which is why experts recommend doing home plantings in March-April, when there is enough sunlight, but it is not advisable to do this in winter). If your room is poorly lit, place a lamp over the bow.

The earth with bulbs should be watered regularly, not allowing it to dry out. 21 days after planting, green onions can be cut.

Features of growing watercress

Perhaps lettuce can be called the most unpretentious plant for home planting. No land found? It does not matter - it grows even on wet sawdust and scraps of fabric. If you decide to follow the traditions and plant watercress in the soil, follow this algorithm:

  1. Plant seeds 0.5 cm deep in the soil. The interval between rows-beds is at least 10 cm.
  2. Water the seeds and place the container in an unlit place.
  3. After the emergence of seedlings, move the lettuce to the windowsill, regularly water, spray and ventilate the room.

Shoots usually appear already on the 5th day after planting, and the finished crop can be harvested after 3 weeks (maximum).

Vegetables on the windowsill

As a rule, home gardeners get little greenery on the windowsill, and they start growing larger ones. vegetable crops. Among them are already known tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, which bear juicy fruits.

When choosing varieties of future vegetables, pay attention Special attention on varieties with small fruits - for example, medium-sized gherkins or cherry tomatoes. They will not curl much and have a smaller root system compared to their larger counterparts.

Planting vegetables often begins with seedlings. Soak the seeds as described earlier, and then plant them in the prepared soil.

How to grow greens on the windowsill in winter, vitamins on the table all year round

For vegetable seedlings, there are special containers with separate pots. In addition, special soil is sold in stores for home-grown vegetables, but you can plant seeds in ordinary soil from the garden. Make holes one centimeter deep in each compartment of the container. The pits are watered, seeds are placed there. Seedlings should stand in a lit place, do not forget to water them regularly. It is advisable to do this 1-2 times a day so that the earth never dries out. Please note that home seedlings there is nowhere else to get moisture.

Albina Kulabukhova, expert

As soon as several leaves appear on each sprout, the seedlings are transplanted into pots - each plant separately. Fertilize the soil with special preparations, add a couple of drops liquid fertilizer in a spray bottle for further pollination.

Transplanting into a pot is considered key point in planting vegetables on the windowsill. After this, the development of the plant begins. Your role is to help him by watering and loosening the soil, spraying and removing diseased leaves. After some time, you will notice the first fruits on the branches, and then you will understand: the work has been done for good reason!

Albina Kulabukhova

Vegetable farmer, 10 years of experience

About Me: I'll tell you about the choice of fertilizers, care of problem plants.

Growing greens on the windowsill in winter: dill, parsley, onions, vegetables - planting and care at home - print version

The presence of a pleasant fragrant greens- the main component of a good dish. Spicy, fragrant herbs are used in all cuisines of the world. Of course, in the summer period there is an abundance of various greenery, which pleases the eye and amazes with its diversity. But what to do in winter? Buying in stores is not an option, since such greens are grown in greenhouses and contain a large number of nitrates. Growing greens in winter at home - The best decision! If you have already planted greens on your suburban area, then you probably know what conditions and care these plants need. How to create similar conditions at home?

Growing herbs in winter at home

Growing greenery at home - where to start?

When greens are always at hand, this is very convenient, especially for hardworking housewives. In addition, everyone can grow greenery on the windowsill, because it is not whimsical to care for and is no worse than in the garden. What does it take to get a good green crop? Here are some practical tips:

  • Parsley, dill, onion or lettuce seeds should only be from unpretentious varieties. Why? Varieties with high requirements quite often do not even germinate in apartment conditions.
  • The soil for growing should include nutrients and beneficial trace elements. Where to get such soil? in specialized stores.
  • It is better to choose a large capacity for planting plants, with enough free space. Why? So the greenery will not be clogged with a nearby planted plant and will grow healthy, nutritious and beautiful.
  • Be sure to have fluorescent lamps that will replace the green sunlight. They do not pull a lot of electricity, so the waste of its maintenance is minimal.
  • The use of mineral fertilizers. Alternatively, you can use complex supplements that already contain all the necessary elements and minerals.

What variety of dill is most often planted on the windowsill? An excellent option is the Gribovsky variety.

How to grow herbs at home

It is distinguished by simple care, resistance to temperature extremes, high productivity and resistance to various kinds of diseases. Another advantage of this variety is its aroma, which will change the taste of the dish, making it especially bright and memorable.

It is also important not to miss the green ripening period, because, as in the garden, it quickly stretches into flower stalks. After that, beautiful greenery becomes not entirely attractive. Therefore, you need to have time to take advantage of the moment to pick juicy, bright leaves of greenery.

Rules for planting and growing greens

Where to start landing? First, you need to prepare planting material to sowing. To do this, the seeds of the plant are soaked for some time in a weak solution of magnesium. Every 8 hours the water will have to be changed. After two days, the seeds are ready for planting in open ground. Some summer residents use a growth stimulator that will help the plant hatch faster.

  • Quality soil. If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made mixture, then you can mix the soil with your own hands: sod, deciduous, garden soil and peat. You can also add some sand.
  • Big pot. If you intend to grow a lot of greens, prepare a large, spacious container in which the greens will not feel constrained.
  • stock drainage system. At the bottom of the pot, you can lay out a small layer of expanded clay or crushed stone. Due to this, water will not accumulate in the lower layer of soil, and cause rotting of the root system.

How to sow green seeds? You can do this directly on the surface of the soil, without pulling holes. The only caveat is that after they need to be sprinkled with peat or humus. The container itself should be covered with polyethylene and put in a warm place. After a few weeks, you will see shoots, which will be a sign that it is time to put the pot on. open space with direct access to sunlight.

So that the greens continue to grow, delighting you with their lush bloom And good harvest, you should regularly water the plant, monitor the fertilizer and the amount of light. So growing greens at home- a task that even a novice summer resident can handle. We hope that our tips will help you get a rich harvest of fragrant greens.

Small indoor garden easy to organize on the windowsill of a city apartment. Growing greens at home is not only fashionable, but also practical. At any time you can use it for cooking. SuperDom will tell you how to grow greens on the windowsill.

How to make a garden on the balcony: where to start

The garden on the balcony for beginners must be properly organized. Choose containers for planting, soil and crops for growing. choose undemanding plants. They require minimal care.

Green onions, spinach, rosemary, dill, lettuce grow well on the windowsill. Some gardeners have even successfully grown cherry tomatoes and asparagus in flower pots at home.

For planting, you can use traditional containers for balcony flowers (40-50 cm in length) or ordinary pots for each type of crop. It is important to provide drainage in the container (expanded clay, gravel, river sand).

Plant on a south or southwest window sill. So plants can get enough sunlight in winter. If the lighting is not enough, but it is worth using special fluorescent lamps.

How to grow greens on the windowsill: TOP 5 most unpretentious crops

To make the greenery on the windowsill delight bountiful harvest, start by growing the simplest plants.

green onion

The most familiar representative of traditional salad greens. Onions can be grown either simply in water or by planting them in a container with soil.

Leaf salad

Lettuce seedlings need to be thinned out periodically. If this is not done, the plant will wither. Don't forget to water the salad. From drought, it can lose its taste and become bitter.


After germination, green mass is formed in 40-50 days. Dill can be sown in rows in a large container or set aside for growing in a small flower pot.


Green leaves of fresh spinach are filled with vitamins. The culture takes root well in the garden on the balcony or on the windowsill. Sowing is carried out at a depth of 2 cm, row spacing - 6-8 cm.

After 45-60 days, you can harvest the first crop of young spinach.


For growing rosemary on the windowsill, it is better to take a clay pot. The soil should be loose with good drainage. Seeds are soaked in gauze for two days.

Secrets of growing delicious greens at home

Landing is carried out under the film.

The earth must be well sprayed with water every day. Optimum temperature for growing rosemary - from 12 to 20 degrees Celsius.

The garden on the windowsill in winter will delight you with its harvest of fragrant and juicy greenery.
All the details on how to grow greens and spices on the windowsill - see this video.

I think you will agree with me that it is very pleasant to come to the kitchen on a cold winter morning to drink aromatic coffee and make yourself a sandwich with herbs.

Yes, not store-bought, expensive and grown no one knows where, but from your own small home garden.

How sweet it is to look at the frosty window and see the gentle one - a little hello to the sunny summer.

So let's create it!

What you need for a mini-garden

◊ Containers. Best of all are plastic (wooden ones can leak) or clay wide pots. Each type of greenery needs its own home (many plants do not combine with each other).

◊ Ground. Suitable soil- a mixture of garden soil, sawdust, peat and clean sand of the same proportions. You can buy ready-made soil for seedlings. Before pouring it into containers, put a thin layer of small pebbles, pieces of broken brick or crumbled foam on their bottom. This is drainage (it is necessary to drain excess water during irrigation, otherwise the greens on the windowsill may rot).

◊ Lamps(luminescent, white spectrum). It is necessary to highlight a small garden in the winter months so that the daylight hours are 13-15 hours.

  • You can purchase special timers and set the backlight time in advance, which is very convenient.

◊ Polyethylene film. It is necessary to create a greenhouse effect so that seeds germinate better.

But the most important thing that is needed is your desire to always have a fresh greenery on the windowsill in winter, good mood in autumn, a constant supply of vitamins in spring and the beauty of tender seedlings in summer.

Growing dill

This odorous herb is quite unpretentious for home life. Knowing some tricks, you can provide yourself with a constant supply of fragrant and very healthy herbs.

Choose a variety

Not every variety of dill will give you a lush with excellent palatability. For a mini-garden, the following varieties are best suited:

♦ Early maturing. It will be possible to harvest the crop 35 days after the first shoots.

  • Grenadier. Delicate dill, beautiful, with a light shade of leaves. It is unpretentious, with juicy greenery.
  • Gribovsky. Resistant to diseases, undemanding in care, to the temperature regime. The dark green leaves are fragrant and tasty.

♦ Mid-season. They form more greenery and leaves. Dill of these varieties will be ready to decorate your table 40-45 days after germination. Also, these species form umbrellas and seeds, ideal for pickling, canning and seasoning.

  • Richelieu. Fragrant blue-green lacy leaves. One of the most beautiful varieties, which will become a highlight in our home mini-garden.
  • Aelita(abundantly leafy). Large, dense dark green crown has an excellent aroma and excellent taste.

♦ Late maturing. Form a lush, fragrant greenery. Such varieties are distinguished by a high content of nutrients.

  • Kibray. Broad, green, with a pale yellow tinge, the leaves have a large supply of vitamins, have a sweetish taste.
  • Firework. The dark crown of a bluish hue is spicy and fragrant. Greens on the windowsill with this variety of dill are very productive. It quickly grows back after cutting.


Soak the seeds overnight in warm water. Change water every 6 hours. Then dry them a little and immediately sow in richly moistened soil.

Sow in rows 15 cm apart in the grooves made beforehand. Or directly on the soil, sprinkling a 2 cm layer of soil on top.

  • Advice. Sow seeds at intervals of 3 weeks. Then you will provide yourself with fragrant greens for the entire winter period.

top dill kindergarten cover with polyethylene and hide in a dark place for a week, where the temperature will be at least + 20 ° C.

As soon as the first shoots appear, lower the air temperature at night.

dill care

What do dill need Adviсe
Watering plentiful drink regular watering, especially during seed germination
top dressing complex mineral fertilizers ( better fit"Rainbow") fertilize the soil every 14 days after watering
air temperature the best t° for it is from +18° to + 20° С dill on the windowsill will also tolerate lower t ° (up to + 8 ° C), if t ° exceeds the limit of + 20 ° C, increase the illumination (otherwise it will grow lethargic and too light)

You can sow greens constantly (every three weeks), on the vacated area after cutting.

Growing parsley

Fragrant parsley will be a useful decoration for any dish and a constant supplier of vitamins all year round.

Like dill, this greenery on the windowsill is quite unpretentious in home gardening.

Choose a variety

Parsley is of two types. Root (use its roots in cooking, for the preparation of medicinal decoctions) and leaf (to obtain lush, thick and fragrant greens for the table).

♦ Root parsley. It forms thickened light roots. Early ripe varieties best suited for drying, and late-ripening for long-term storage.

  • Sugar (early variety). 3 months after the appearance of the first sprouts, this parsley is ready for use. Such root greens on the windowsill have the best taste.
  • Harvest(mid-season). Parsley fully ripens in 4-5 months. The white pulp of the root crop has a mild aroma.
  • Berlin(late maturing). Harvest can be harvested after 5-6 months. This variety has a delicate spicy taste, very juicy.

♦ Sheet. These varieties are grown for lush, fragrant greenery. At leaf parsley two types of leaves: ordinary and curly (they are very effective when decorating dishes). Cut leaves retain their aroma for a long time and do not turn yellow within a week. Leafy greens on the windowsill grow back very quickly after cutting.

  • Curly Sue(early ripe, curly). You can cut it off after 1-2 months after germination. Differs in dark green, curly leaves. It is fragrant, rich in vitamins and exquisitely beautiful.
  • Esmeralda(mid-season, curly). The dense curly crown is very fragrant, has a sweetish taste. Harvest can be removed after 2 months.
  • Bogatyr(late-ripening, smooth). One of the best varieties leaf parsley. Differs in especially fragrant leaves and high productivity. Parsley of this variety can be cut to the table in 2-3 months.


Wet a cotton cloth (or gauze) in boiled water, put the seeds in it. Wrap gauze with parchment and place in the cold. Let the seeds stay there for a week.

Air them every day, re-moisten the gauze. After a week, the seeds are ready to take root in the ground.

Sow them 0.5 cm deep, cover with a layer of soil on top. Then cover the pot with plastic and place in a dark place.

Cover the ground with a damp cloth. Water once every two days. Look after the seeds - air and moisten every day with a spray bottle. Three days later, the first timid sprouts will appear.

Remove the cloth from the ground, and transfer the pot to a well-lit window sill. As soon as there are more shoots, build a dome-shaped support from thick wire and use it to lift the film a little higher.

It can be removed completely when the shoots are spiked. Spray the young shoots often with water.

Young shoots need to be thinned out so that the distance between them is at least 4 cm.

parsley care

What does parsley love? Adviсe
Watering moderate watering do watering every 3-4 days, do not allow completely dry soil or vice versa, excessive soil moisture
top dressing superphosphate standard solution dilute 5 grams of granules per 1 liter of boiled water, parsley at home requires feeding once a month
air temperature best t° from +22° to +24° С this greenery is very afraid of drafts and cold

If the grass leaves turn yellow, remove them immediately. Perhaps this is a sign of a disease. If yellowness recurs, make an aqueous solution of organic soap and spray the entire plant with it.

Growing cilantro

Cilantro (or coriander) is a very unpretentious, cold-resistant plant. It is of the same class as parsley (it is even called "Chinese parsley").

But this greenery on the windowsill will fill the entire garden with a stronger deep aroma of cilantro brighter, richer in taste, and its leaves are more tender.

Choose a variety

To get a rich harvest, it is best to plant coriander essential oil seed varieties: Ray, Amber, Change.

By the way, coriander greens must be eaten before it blooms. During the appearance of flowers, cilantro has a specific, not very pleasant aroma.


In order for cilantro to sprout faster, its seeds must first be germinated in wet sawdust at an air temperature of + 17 ° C to + 20 ° C.

As soon as the first sprouts appear, we replenish our greenery on the windowsill with a new plant. Sprouted cilantro seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of 2 cm. Sow in rows with a distance of 5-10 cm, cover the seeds with a layer of earth on top.

Cover the pots with foil for the first time. But be sure to check them every day, water and ventilate.

After two or three weeks, the coriander will make itself felt with the first shoots. And we solemnly transfer them to our home garden.

At first, greens need good air humidity (spray it more often with a spray bottle).

Cilantro Care

Whims of coriander Adviсe
Watering moderate watering water constantly, in small portions, do not allow the soil to dry out, otherwise the plant will be weak
top dressing complex fertilizers (preferably "Flora") dilute the composition at the rate of a liter of water per 3-5 ml of the product
air temperature favorable t° from +10° С to + 12° С cilantro can withstand frosts down to -5 ° C (it is best to grow coriander on the balcony)

The first harvest after the appearance of sprouts can be removed after a month. Cilantro on the windowsill can only take one cut. But if you remove 1-2 leaves from coriander, then extend this period of a week by two.

After you cut all the plants, dig up the soil, renew it by one third and add ash (50 g of ash per 6 kg of earth). Then moisten the soil with a warm manganese solution (1%) and re-sow the coriander.

The greenery on the windowsill will bring you a lot of pleasure, the joy of self-created beauty, which in gloomy autumn and frosty winter will remind you of a warm summer.

Have a rich home harvest!

Now, my dear readers, you know how to grow vitamin greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) at home, and in the next article in this cycle ("Garden on the windowsill") I will talk about growing at home. What plants would you like to grow at home? Write about it in the comments and I will try to describe in detail the process of growing these plants.

See you soon!

When snow falls outside the window and fluffy snowdrifts lie, it's so nice to see fresh greens on the table! In addition, in winter, natural vitamins are especially needed by our body. And the first assistant in the fight against colds or flu is green onions. Phytoncides secreted by onions disinfect the room, destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi.

It helps to cope with beriberi and spring fatigue, increase immunity and improve digestion. Green onion feathers will not only serve as a bright decoration for dishes, but also have a beneficial effect on the body.

Although you can buy green onions in the supermarket both in winter and summer, they can not be compared with grown on your own windowsill. Firstly, by planting green onions at home, you can pick required amount feathers for cooking, and secondly, you will be sure that the greens were grown without the use of any harmful substances and chemicals.

By planting green onions at home, you can pick up the required number of feathers for cooking at any time

Growing onions at home may seem accessible to any child - stuck an onion in the ground in flower pot and watch the green feathers appear. However, if you decide to take the matter seriously and eventually harvest a rich harvest of not only greens, but also the bulbs themselves, you will need to take into account a number of basic rules and nuances.

Video about growing green onions at home

Instructions on how to grow green onions at home

You can achieve greenery from the bulbs in winter by forcing on a feather, that is, by sprouting the root crops themselves. For this, it is usually used onion, which you grew in your garden or bought in a store. Optimal fit multigerm varieties(Timiryazevsky, Spassky, Strigunovsky, Arzamassky, Pograsky, Soyuz). The bulbs should be approximately the same diameter - about 2 cm, not damaged or diseased.

Place the calibrated bulbs in a container with hot water(+40 degrees) and put on the battery central heating for a day. After soaking, you can remove the layer of brown husk to verify the quality of the selected root crops and remove the damaged layer, if any. Before planting, the top of the bulbs is cut off by one and a half centimeters.

You can achieve greenery from bulbs in winter by forcing on a feather

Prepare the soil in the container

To sprout onions at home, you can use any boxes, bowls, containers or pallets with a depth of 7 cm. It is best to prepare two containers so that you can grow green onions in a conveyor way - then you do not have to wait for the next batch of onion feathers to sprout.

As a soil, you can use earth or a substrate: fine expanded clay, fine gravel, sand. The substrate should be pre-washed with a hot concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and running water. Fill the boxes with soil 3-4 cm, if you have chosen a substrate, fill it with water so that it covers the surface by 1 cm. Dip the prepared bulbs into the soil every two centimeters, keeping them upright. It is not necessary to deepen the onion too much, only the roots should be in the water, otherwise the bulbs will rot.

Further green care

Planted bulbs should be watered every other day with warm water.

The container for a week is placed in a warm place where the temperature does not fall below +25 degrees. When feathers 1-2 cm high appear on the bulbs, the box should be moved to the windowsill. Ideal windows that face the southwest, south and southeast. If there is not enough sunlight, you can additionally highlight the containers fluorescent lamps. Only in the presence of sufficient lighting, green onion feathers will accumulate useful substances and acquire a rich taste.

Planted bulbs should be watered every other day with warm water. Make sure that the water is constantly at a level just below the surface of the substrate, and the soil does not dry out.

The first green feathers should not be cut, otherwise the further growth of greenery will stop. The cut is made three weeks after planting the onion, and it is better to first cut off the extreme feathers, since the feather grows from the middle. In order for the greens to grow continuously, the interval between plantings in different boxes should be 10-12 days.

Video about growing green onions

Growing green onions in water

There is another popular way to grow onions at home without using soil. The bulbs are handled as described above and stacked tightly in an upright position on a shallow tray. Water is poured into the pan so that it covers the bulbs by a quarter. As the water level drops, it will need to be topped up again. In two weeks you will have fresh green feathers ready to eat.

The greens do not need additional feeding, since it takes all the useful substances during growth from the bulbs. But to accelerate the growth of feathers, you can add water with dissolved in it wood ash(per 10 l 50 g).