Well      04/02/2019

How to grow leeks in garden beds? Leeks: growing in open ground, planting seedlings

Spring chores begin with planning the planting of vegetables at the dacha, especially when the size of the plot is limited. Gardeners have to think through the planting of each plant. In a short review, we will talk about how to grow leeks with seeds, a popular crop in Western Europe, as well as the secrets of successful cultivation at home.

Leek - a good choice for growing on personal plot

reference Information

Leek is a herbaceous biennial plant that has become widespread due to its delicate taste and undemanding care. It is used both as an independent dish and as a spice. The culture adapts to all climatic and environmental conditions, and in Western European countries it is planted and valued for its huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

There are three groups of varieties whose seeds are commercially available:

  • early ripening (August-September);
  • mid-season (October);
  • winter.

Early species became widespread in mid-latitudes. Due to climatic conditions, plants do not have time to fully form, which negatively affects their taste. In the southern regions, with rational care, all varieties are cultivated without problems. In Siberia and the Urals, mid-season plants have been grown from seeds, but with subsequent transfer to a greenhouse.

Popular varieties:

  • “Karantansky” is a late-ripening variety with a large stem and excellent taste;
  • “bastion” is a mid-season plant with high productivity;
  • "kalima" - early variety, which needs to be removed in mid-summer.

Caranta leek shows high taste qualities


Leeks from seeds are cultivated in two ways - sowing in open ground and seedlings. Remember: for the plant to ripen, it takes at least 150 days of growing season, so choose a variety that is more suitable for your needs. climatic zone. To obtain bunches of greenery it is not required full cycle development.

In the southern regions, leeks must be sown in the ground - early spring promotes active growth. The Karantan variety is undemanding in terms of care and soil quality. Before planting, it is recommended to add mineral fertilizers into the ground. Long furrows are made, and the distance between them is 5 cm. The seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm in moist beds. After germination, thin out, removing weak shoots.

To ensure that plants grow and develop well, choose lunar calendar recommended day for such species. It is better to plant in special seedling boxes, which are conveniently placed on the windowsill.

Fill the container with soil two-thirds full and water the surface. Remember: for active growth Leeks need moisture. We lay out the seeds and cover everything with soil. Now we provide plantations high humidity: Cover with plastic and place in a warm place. Every two days, remove the film and ventilate the mini-greenhouse. To maintain moisture levels, be sure to spray with a spray bottle.

Leek seedlings love warmth and moisture

After 10 days, the first shoots from the seeds appear. The box is exposed to bright sun and removed protective covering. To prevent weak roots from freezing, place a piece of foam plastic or drywall under the box. When the daytime outside temperature rises, it is recommended to move the seedlings to the balcony. Do not forget to cover the plants from bright ultraviolet radiation with film. Now the leeks are just watered.

If you use ordinary boxes for seedlings, then after the seeds have pecked and three feathers appear, you need to crop the leeks. this will strengthen the root system and make the sprouts healthy. Water after two days with warm water.

When the night frosts have passed, then we need to move on to planting permanent place growth in open ground. We carefully loosen the soil, dig holes 15 cm deep and put wood ash and fertilizer at the bottom of each. Carefully straighten the roots of the seedlings, plant them and sprinkle them with soil. To improve survival rate, gardeners dip the root system in a mixture of mullein and clay.

It is recommended to cover the plantation with spunbond or film until warm weather finally comes into its own. This design protects the seedlings from cold and strong winds that break fragile plants. When the temperature improves, remove the mini-greenhouse.

Beds of young leeks should not be left uncovered overnight


Leeks, which are easy to grow, sprout well and develop under certain conditions. Compliance with the rules will allow you to get excellent harvest not only from Carentan, but also from less productive varieties. The main attention is paid only at the beginning, when planting from seeds or transplanting seedlings occurs.

Before hilling, add ash to the stems of the plants (1 cup per 1 m² of bed).

Leeks grow well in moist soil, so water the plants as the soil dries out. Excess moisture destructive to roots: do not allow liquid to stagnate in the beds. The procedure is carried out in the morning so that by evening all the water is absorbed. It is recommended to feed several times a season with preparations that do not contain large amounts of nitrogen.

The leek harvest is stored in the basement in damp sand in the fall. A refrigerator is suitable for storing greens for a month. If you want to get seedlings from your own seeds, then the plant is left in the country for the second year. In mid-latitudes, all varieties are hardy and frost-resistant, so they winter well.

Watering and fertilizing at the beginning of the season provokes leeks to form new feathers and arrows. Hybrids do not retain characteristics mother plant, therefore their seeds are not suitable for self-cultivation. It is recommended to use purchased seed.

Leeks are harvested from the beds in the fall

Diseases and pests

If you care for it correctly, leeks grow well and do not get sick. In the second year, you need to use last year's or sow a new one. The picking is painless, and the seedlings develop quickly. With irrational watering, the plant is attacked by pests.

Infection of a plant by aphids, especially after picking, provokes the emergence of a viral mosaic. Bright yellow spots color the onion, preventing it from developing normally. Diseased leeks are thrown away to prevent infection. healthy seedlings. Seeds that have not been sitting for two years are more likely to be attacked by disease, so avoid sowing them.

Leeks are delicious vegetable crop, which easily sits down and develops in the country. Growing by seeds or seedlings will allow you to get an excellent harvest in seven months in the fall. Use our recommendations and you will not have problems with picking and care.

18.03.2016 15 379

Leeks - growing from seeds, storage conditions

Many summer residents enjoy cultivating leeks, the cultivation of which does not require much labor, but has some peculiarities. Dietary and healing properties pearl onions provide great benefits to the human body. A wonderful vegetable with a rich vitamin composition, tasty onion and white juicy stem has become an indispensable attribute of kitchen dishes (you can see what it looks like in the photo). You will find a description of the culture below, and also learn how to plant onions at home, look at the pictures and understand all the nuances.

Agricultural technology of leeks

In the southern regions, leeks are planted with seeds on ridges in the second half of May. In the Central and Northern parts of the country, in the Urals, late-ripening varieties of seeds are sown for seedlings in mid (late) February. When growing at home, for cultivating seedlings in glass greenhouses, the deadlines are shifted to the twentieth of April. Early and mid-season varieties begin to be sown by mid-March.

Seeds are sown in pre-prepared boxes (containers) with soil. The optimal composition of the soil mixture should contain fertile soil, compost, humus, and sand. The soil is moistened, the seeds are sown in grooves no more than one centimeter deep, the distance between the rows is 4-5 cm. The crops are covered with cling film and put in a warm place where the air temperature is about 22-25 ° C.

in the photo - sowing leek seeds

When the first onion loops appear, the seedling boxes are transferred to a cool place with a temperature of plus 16-17 °C. At night it is recommended to lower the temperature to +12 °C. Protective film cleaned up. It is advisable to maintain the indicated temperature throughout the entire period of seedling growth; the daytime temperature can be increased to 18-19 degrees Celsius. Reduced nighttime needs to be maintained.

Picking leek seedlings is done when planted densely. It is better to plant young seedlings with a small root system, carefully, protecting the roots from damage. At correct sowing no diving is required, the seedlings will grow stronger. It is enough to properly water and trim the plants by 1/3. Watering is carried out rarely, but abundantly.

in the photo - trimming leeks
in the photo - pruning leek roots

They begin to plant leek seedlings on the beds in the month of May. Fertile soil, fertilized in the fall, with neutral acidity is most suitable for planting seedlings. Tomatoes, cabbage, and peas are considered good predecessors in the garden. Before planting, seedlings must be shortened, cutting off the green part and the root by a third.

The earth is loosened, grooves are made V-shape with an interval of 10-15 centimeters, the length of the rows is 40-50 cm. The depth of the holes is 13-15 centimeters, compost or humus is placed on the bottom, a handful of wood ash is poured, watered well, sprouts are planted. They are not completely covered with earth, leaving a few centimeters to the edges of the groove.

How to care for pearl onions?

Proper care of leeks involves timely weeding, loosening, watering, and fertilizing. When the onion begins to grow and reaches the diameter of a pencil, the holes are gradually covered with soil and hilled up. The need to roll down the soil allows the lower part of the stem to grow bleached. The exclusion of hilling leads to the growth of a green trunk, which is much inferior in taste to the white succulent basal stem. During the entire growing season, leeks are hilled four or five times.

Many gardeners are wondering how to water leeks in order to grow a tasty, juicy stem? Irrigation is carried out once every 5-6 days, depending on climatic conditions. Watering should be thorough and abundant. Keep the soil moist; stagnant water has a bad effect on the growth and development of plants, and the risk of diseases increases. Drought is no less dangerous than waterlogging; in hot, dry weather, the frequency of watering increases.

Fertilizing can increase yield, increase resistance to various diseases, and reduce stress from bad weather conditions. During the growing season, leeks are fertilized 2-3 times, complex mineral and fertilizers are used. When growing leeks in small quantities in a country house or garden plot, it is advisable to apply complex mineral fertilizers once; during the rest of the period, it is recommended to feed the plants with organic matter. An excellent organic fertilizer is dry bird droppings produced in industrial conditions. The advantage of dry droppings is the absence of helminth eggs, flies, and weed seeds. Industrial manure undergoes heat treatment to preserve nutrients. It is simple to prepare a working solution: 100 grams of dry matter is diluted in ten liters of water, applied at the root of the plant, then the ridges are watered.

in the photo - fertilizing leeks

At the end of August, the pearl onions will be quite large and thick; the onions can be pulled onto salads. Leeks, which are grown from seeds in the spring, are harvested in October before the onset of cold weather, using a pitchfork or shovel. Loose soil makes it easy to pull out the stems, without the use of garden tools.

Storing leeks

You can save pearl onions until spring, following optimal temperature storage 0 °C. Leeks have excellent shelf life without losing useful microelements. Long-term storage for the winter period involves trimming the roots, leaving 2.5-3 centimeters, and removing flaccid yellowed leaves. Any barn, basement, garage, cellar where the temperature does not drop below zero degrees is suitable for preservation.

in the photo - preparing leeks for storage

River sand is used to properly preserve the product. IN wooden boxes(any other container, containers) with high sides, pour a small layer of dry sand (8-10 cm) onto the bottom, place the onion at an angle, pouring over the plants until the white part of the stem is completely covered. Place in a dark place at the required storage temperature.

When storing leeks in the refrigerator, use food grade polyethylene film, the prepared plants are placed tightly in 5-7 pieces and wrapped. The temperature is maintained at 0-2°C, not allowing a drop below -5°C. Refrigerated storage in the right conditions allows you to save useful material pearl onions.

Many thrifty housewives store leeks frozen or dried. To store in the freezer, the white stem is peeled, washed, chopped into rings or half rings, and wrapped in plastic bags, sent for freezing. For fresh salads onion will not work, it is more suitable for first courses. Dried onions will retain their beneficial properties when heat treated at temperatures not exceeding 50 °C and should be stored in a closed container.

The taste of many salads would not be as subtle without such an ingredient as leek. Thanks to its excellent gastronomic qualities and rich vitamin composition, the plant is grown by many gardeners. An annual crop native to the Mediterranean, it has unusual greenish-blue feathers with a characteristic aroma. The lack of pungency and sweetish taste elevate the variety to the category of aromatic spices.

Due to the long growing season (about six months) and the climate characteristics of central Russia, it is better to grow leeks using seedlings. It is being sown in the second half of February or early March into prepared boxes, pots or cups.

To obtain seedlings, watering and temperature conditions must be observed. If you sow seeds in open ground, you may not get a harvest due to the death of the plant due to frost and snow (the danger of freezing exists in both spring and autumn). Some gardeners practice growing leeks to produce greens, which are harvested in July.

One way to plant onions involves sowing seeds. late autumn(usually in November). It is important to ensure that the weather forecasts are not warm, this will provoke rapid shoots.

Sowing in beds can be done in greenhouse conditions or using growing technology under agrofibre.

Planting seeds for growing seedlings at home

Proper preparation of soil and seed material

Used to plant seeds a mixture of turf and compost soil with the addition of humus. Leeks love nutritious and light soil; in a dense substrate, the seeds may not sprout.

When using a peat base, you should not forget to feed it with any additives:

  • dolomite flour;
  • urea;
  • double superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate.

Spring sowing is usually done in March to produce onions by September. The timing and pattern of planting and sowing can be adjusted depending on the time of harvest.

How to plant seeds

Before you plant the seeds soaking at home in water at room temperature and kept for a day, and then dried.

Another preparation option involves keeping the seeds in a thermos with water (40 degrees) for 2-4 hours followed by rinsing under a cool shower and drying. Boxes 35 x 50 cm are used as containers.

Consumption seed material for such a capacity is 2-3 grams. After filling the container, the soil surface is covered with a 3-5 mm layer of sand and moistened.

Before the shoots appear, the box must be covered with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect.

To obtain good germination, plantings must be created favorable conditions. Among the main ones:

  • correct temperature within 22 degrees before emergence;
  • temperature adjustment after emergence (in the daytime up to 18-20 degrees, at night up to 8-14 degrees);
  • carry out watering heated water;
  • provide good lighting for photosynthesis.

Picking and hardening

It is better to grow crop seedlings without picking, there is no need to plant them in separate containers. The seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground after reaching the age of 2-2.5 months.

For 6-7 weeks after the shoots appear, seedlings need harden. To do this, boxes or pots should be taken outside and left in partial shade for several hours, gradually increasing the time spent in the air. In strong winds, aerial procedures are not recommended.

Planting onion seedlings in open ground

Seedlings are planted in open ground in the first half of May, for example, this applies to the Moscow region. Before important stage It is necessary to thoroughly moisten the soil so as not to damage the root system of the plant. It is better to do the work in the evening or in cloudy weather. Active sun can destroy young shoots.

The bed for leeks is chosen according to open areas so that it can grow with maximum light access. It is not recommended to plant the crop close to bushes and trees.

The soil for planting must be neutral reaction, quite loose. If the soil is acidified, it must first be limed.

It is advisable to start preparing the beds in the fall. To do this, the area is dug up and cleared of roots and weeds, after which processed with Nitrophoska(2 tbsp per 1 m2). In early spring, the beds are enriched with humus and compost without additional digging of the soil.

When the seedlings are ready to be transplanted, furrows are prepared in the selected area. Their depth is 10-15 cm, interval – 25-30 cm. A distance of 10-20 cm is maintained between shoots, depending on the variety.

Before being immersed in the ground, each root is treated with a special mash, which is prepared from clay, manure and water (all components are taken in equal proportions). Sprouts too long shortened to 4 cm. The seedlings are sprinkled with soil large quantities. Replanting work ends with abundant watering.

Leek care after transplantation

Leeks are not very demanding to care for, but it will take some effort to get a harvest. To grow good harvest, which will not be afraid of transportation and will grow healthy, needs to be looked after properly.

Care includes:

  • regular watering;
  • weeding;
  • hilling (3-4 times during the growing season);
  • bait;
  • loosening;
  • treatment against diseases and pests.

After transplanting the seedlings, the plant is not watered for three days.

Leeks are fed during the season 3-4 times. The plant responds well to organic fertilizers: mullein, compost, bird droppings. Mineral complexes rich in potassium, phosphorus and other micro and macroelements are also suitable. It is recommended to combine each hilling with the introduction of ash.

Once every 2 weeks you need to loosen the soil around the shoots until the stem becomes as thick as a pencil. Further, the procedures become more frequent and expand into the furrow zone to saturate the soil with oxygen and prevent soil compaction.

Harvesting and storage

You can harvest onions up to late autumn, but it’s better to do this before frost and the first snow falls.

The plant should be cleaned of damaged and dried leaves, remove the top of the feathers(about 1/3 of the length), trim at the root part by 1 cm.

The harvest is well preserved in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film. Before packaging, the stems need to be cooled so that condensation does not form under the polyethylene. Basements, cellars or pits with temperature conditions no higher than 2-5 degrees.

For preparations for the winter, leeks are placed in freezer. After defrosting, it retains its properties and is quite suitable for consumption.

Among garden crops, leeks are not a guest, but a permanent resident in the garden beds. It is grown by all vegetable growers without exception. He is unpretentious, there is no need for him special care. But the benefits it brings are invaluable - it is a storehouse of vitamins necessary for the human body.

Growing leeks from seeds: when to plant?

Planting times vary. They depend on the specific region. In the warm climate that characterizes the southern regions, the earth warms up earlier and the summer is longer. Here, onions are planted directly into the ground. The seedless method is used. This, of course, saves a lot of time. Central Russia, for example the Moscow region, is characterized by frequent recurrent frosts. In addition, stable warm weather sets in here with a delay. Considering that leeks have a long growing season (about six months), they are grown in this area using seedlings.

Growing onions for seedlings occurs in mid-February. This period is extended in time, so it lasts until the middle of the next month. But this is not a necessary time for all varieties. For a variety such as the “Karantansky” leek, growing from seeds within the specified time frame is not suitable. Gardeners dream of growing seedlings healthy and in due time. The further development of plants and the harvest depend on this. If you plan to grow leeks from seeds, when should you plant the planting material in this case? It is better to do this at the very end of the first month of spring.

What container and soil should I plant in?

Containers for planting can be bought in the store or something can be adapted for them, for example, plastic boxes. But it’s better if you use peat tablets. In this case, the seedlings will not have to be planted.

For successful cultivation To grow leeks from seeds, you need to plant them in light, nutritious soil. If it is dense and clayey, you may not expect a harvest. Some people buy ready-made soil mixture, but it is better to prepare it yourself. To do this, mix garden soil and peat in 1/4 parts and humus in double quantity. Before filling the planting containers with soil, it should be disinfected: pour boiling water over it or steam it in the oven.

Features of seed preparation

In order for planting material to germinate well, it must be processed - this is a prerequisite for any planting method: seed or seedling. It is important to know that the seeds will germinate amicably if their storage period does not exceed three years. When growing leeks from seeds, their preparation is carried out using different ways.

  • You can do this: wrap the seeds in a soft cloth, place them in warm water for a day, then take them out and dry them.
  • Place the seeds in a thermos with water at 40 °C for three to five hours. After this time, remove, rinse with water at room temperature and dry.
  • You can simply treat the seeds with the Rostok solution.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Growing leeks from seeds to seedlings is done in different ways. It depends on the size of the container. If sowing is carried out in a separate container, then one seed is placed in each, but it is better to have several to be on the safe side (in case they don’t sprout). When sprouts appear, remove all but the strongest. Picking in this case is not necessary. When growing leeks from seeds in a common box, they are scattered over the surface of the soil and buried in the soil. When the shoots appear and grow a little, pick them. The seed sowing technology is as follows:

  • First you need to fill the container with the substrate, after moistening it.
  • Then make grooves of small depth - one to one and a half centimeters.
  • Spread the seeds four to five centimeters apart from one another and cover with soil.
  • Sprinkle sand on top and water. The layer should be half a centimeter thick, no more.
  • Cover the crops with polyethylene film and place them in a room with a temperature of 21-25 °C.

Sowing seeds in open ground

This method of growing onions is used in southern regions with warm climates. With the onset of spring, when the weather settles, the soil warms up and there is no threat of return frosts, you can begin sowing seeds in garden beds. The technology is as follows:

  • Seeds are processed in any way.
  • The beds are being prepared. To do this, you need to dig them 20 cm deep, add 40 g of urea, potassium salt, superphosphate and four kilograms of compost per meter square area. After this, the area is dug up again.
  • Then grooves are made, seeds are placed in them 10 cm apart and covered with soil.

Seedlings: care after planting

Growing leeks from seeds at home is a common practice for gardeners. When the shoots appear, and this happens after 14-21 days, the containers with seedlings should be moved to a cool room in which the temperature during the day reaches 15-17 °C, at night - 10-12 °C. This regime is maintained for one week. After this time, the temperature is again raised to 18-20 °C during the day and 13-15 °C at night. This regime should be maintained until the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place of growth. For plants to develop well, they need 12 hours of daylight. When planting early, seedlings should be provided with additional lighting from artificial sources.

Watering seedlings

Small plants need watering, which should be abundant and frequent. Their stems are delicate, so procedures must be carried out carefully. When watering, the soil settles; you need to periodically pour it into the container, otherwise the bulbs will form incorrectly. For good growth Leeks need moist soil, so it should not be allowed to dry out.

Trimming onion stems

When exactly a month has passed after the sprouts appear, they need to be thinned out, leaving three to four centimeters of free space between them. For normal seedling growth, it is very important that the roots develop well and the stems become thicker. This is achieved by pruning plants at least twice every 28 days. But you can’t get carried away; the height of the bow should remain at 10 cm.

Feeding seedlings

Plants grow well when nutrients are present in the nutrient medium. It is enough to carry out only two feedings. The first time this is done is after 14 days. , after the first shoots appear. The next feeding is done seven days before planting the seedlings in their permanent place of growth. For this purpose, ready-made complexes are used, for example “Kemira-universal”, or self-prepared fertilizer. Potassium chloride (5 g), superphosphate (20 g), and urea (10 g) are dissolved in 10 liters of water. But it’s better to feed the plants with bird droppings: take half a kilogram of dry matter per 10 liters of water, dissolve everything and mix it. The soil is watered, the seedlings must remain dry.

Hardening off seedlings

If leeks are subsequently grown on garden bed, plants must get used to environment. This is why they are hardened. A week before planting, containers with seedlings should be taken outside, first for a short time. When the plants get used to it, they can be left in the fresh air for a longer time, but always in the shade. The sun should not hit the stems.


If the seeds are immediately planted in separate cups, this procedure is not necessary. If leeks are grown from seeds in a common container, seedlings are picked in dense plantings. Before the procedure, the soil is watered. You need to give time for the water to be well absorbed. Then, very carefully, take out the plants along with a lump of earth and transfer them to a separate cup or plant them in a box, but at a sufficiently large distance from each other so that the roots are not crowded.

Planting seedlings in the ground

If leeks will be grown indoors for the entire time, the seeds are sown so that the seedlings are not planted later. Plants grow in one place from beginning to end. But if seedlings grown from seeds are planned to be planted in beds in the garden, then this should be done when three or four leaves form on the plants, that is, 55-65 days after the sprouts appear. It is advisable to prepare the soil in the fall, but if it doesn’t work out, don’t be upset, there is still spring in stock. The entire area is first divided into separate beds, which are dug up along with fertilizers applied to the soil.

Leeks do not grow in acidic soils. This crop requires neutral soils. If you are not sure about the acidity of the soil required for onions, it is better to play it safe and add dolomite flour or limestone, but first crush it. Good neighbors for this crop are beets, strawberries, carrots, and celery. Planting beds should be alternated. But in any case, the place where onions are planted needs to be changed every three years.

Before planting, the tops and roots of the seedlings should be pinched. This way the plants will take root faster and the greens will be of better quality. You need to add a little humus and ash to each hole. To plant seedlings, dig holes 11-13 cm deep, 15-20 cm apart from one another. The row spacing should be 35-45 cm. With this scheme, hilling the beds will be easy.

Plant care

It doesn’t matter where the onions will grow, indoors or in the garden, caring for them consists of the following procedures:

  • Polivov.
  • Feeding.
  • Loosening and weeding.
  • Hilling up.
  • Treatments for infections and pest damage.

The most important thing in caring for leeks is hilling. Thanks to this procedure, the lower part of the stems is bleached. Plants can be earthed up when the thickness of the stems reaches a little less than a centimeter, but the soil must be poured under them carefully so as not to break them. Only two months after planting the seedlings in a permanent place can the plants be truly earthed up. This should be done four to five times per season. If you ignore this procedure, a green “trunk” with an unpleasant taste will grow.

Leeks should be watered frequently. To keep his feathers juicy, this needs to be done every four to six days. In dry weather - more often, but there should be no stagnation of water, nor should the soil dry out. This leads to diseases. Throughout its entire life, onions need feeding. It is better to use organic matter, in particular bird droppings. To prepare the solution, take one part of the substance and 20 of water. In addition to the above procedures, onions need regular weeding to remove weeds and loosening of the soil.

Late varieties

They are distinguished by a long growing season - up to 200 days, so they are not bred in areas with cold climates. In warm climates, they need shelter if plants grow in beds. At home there are no problems with this; the crop grows in its usual way.

  • Leek "Carentan": The ancient Egyptians and Romans were involved in growing from seeds, but a tasty and healthy vegetable appeared on our table relatively recently. Leek of this variety is a biennial plant, differs from its counterparts in terms of ripening, appearance, taste qualities. During the first year of life, leaves form: they are wide and long - up to one meter in height. Later, a stem is formed, which is called “false”. This part of the plant is considered the most valuable and tasty, and the vegetable is cultivated for its sake. The white part has cylindrical shape, length up to 25 cm, diameter - four centimeters. By the second year, a stem one and a half meters long with spherical inflorescences is formed. The seeds have small size and black color. Their germination lasts for two years. Greens form before frost. It is used for making salads. In the southern regions it is grown by seeds, in middle lane- seedlings.
  • Leeks "autumn giant": growing from seeds of this crop Dutch selection Gardeners in our country are successfully engaged in this activity. The variety is distinguished by a large white “leg”, its length reaches 30-40 cm, diameter - eight centimeters. Harvesting lasts about two months and is preserved for a long time without changing its taste or commercial qualities.

  • Leeks “Russian size”: Growing from seeds in the garden is possible only in warm climates or at home. IN open ground seedlings obtained from seeds are planted. This is due to the long growing season, like all late varieties. It is distinguished by the presence of a white, weakly defined bulb, which has the ability to gradually transform into a false stem with a light green color and long leaves. Stem length - 60 cm, diameter - seven. Each plant produces up to 15 leaves. They and the stem are used for food; they are very useful, as they contain microelements from almost the entire periodic table.

Mid-season varieties

They are called autumn ones. They form a “leg” 30-40 cm in length, it is powerful and thick. The varieties are characterized by large leaves with a bluish tint, the overall color is bluish-green. Mid-season leeks can be stored for up to two and a half months. When overwintering in a garden bed, it grows back in the spring and produces seeds.

  • Leek "Casimir": Growing from seeds directly into the ground is rarely used. Basically, seedlings are obtained from them, which are planted in beds in the garden or continue to be grown at home. This variety is highly productive. The bleached “leg” is dense, of high quality, its length is 30 cm, the formation of the bulb is weakly expressed. The tall plant has leaves that are arranged vertically and do not lie down. Due to its size, leeks need a lot of water, so they need to be watered frequently.

  • Leek "winner": Growing from seeds means sowing them to obtain planting material, since this variety is propagated by seedlings. It is grown as an annual and perennial crop. The leaves have a gray-green color with a bluish tint. The white part has a length of up to 20 cm and a diameter of four. The variety has high frost resistance, which is why it is grown in regions with cold climates.

Popular among gardeners, leeks are a healthy vegetable with a slightly pungent taste. Contains vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body. It is grown in industrial, farm and country farms. For good yield, you should know how to plant leeks. It has its own characteristics of planting, growth, care open ground.

Origin of culture

It is not known for certain where this vegetable came from. Selectors are inclined to believe that his homeland is Mesopotamia, which is the name of the region on the territory of Iraq and Iran. Egyptian manuscripts found by archaeologists contain information that the builders of the pyramids included a vegetable similar to leek in their diet. Onions were brought to the Mediterranean from Asian countries and were used in Rome, Greece, and Europe. The ancestor of the modern leek had a more pronounced bulb. Now the crop is grown everywhere.

Characteristics and description of leek:

  • two-year herbaceous plant;
  • belongs to the onion family;
  • propagated by seeds;
  • height 0.4-0.9 m;
  • in the first year of growth, the root system develops, the white leg grows up to 12 cm with a diameter of 2-8 cm;
  • in the second year the plant produces an arrow with seeds.

What does a leek look like?

Its other name is the Pearl Prince. In Russia, due to the peculiarities of growing and caring for leeks, they are cultivated mainly in the southern regions, but there are ways to get a good harvest in other regions. In terms of frequency of use in nutrition, it is second only to onions and garlic. They are used as food fresh, boiled, stewed, baked, pickled. The taste of the fresh vegetable is slightly spicy, but not hot.

The height of the plant from the ground is 0.4-0.9 m. The leaves are green or bluish.

The flowers are white or pinkish, the inflorescence forms an umbrella, similar to a large ball, but does not form a bulb. It can separate several baby bulbs.

The stem is thick and white. The leaves are long and grow in bunches. For clarity, the photo shows leeks:

Varietal diversity

Early, mid-season and late varieties of leek are known. The early ones include Elephant Trunk, Vesta, Goliath. They ripen in August and are used fresh or canned. Mid-season varieties are Bastion, Winner, Tango, Elephant. Stored for up to 3 months. Late varieties are left to overwinter in the ground and harvested in early spring. Late-ripening onions Carantansky, Elephant, Autumn giant.

There are 2 ways to grow leeks: from seeds and seedlings. In poor climatic conditions, they are grown from seedlings so that they have time to ripen. In the southern regions, the soil warms up quickly, so it is permissible to immediately grow from seeds.

Useful properties and contraindications

Leeks contain sodium, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, E, H, group B. It is a dietary product because it is low in calories. Saturated with iron and vitamin C. This allows the vegetable to be used in the prevention and treatment of anemia. Ascorbic acid increases the body's protective properties, breaks down fat deposits.

Fiber improves intestinal motility and creates favorable conditions for the development of beneficial microflora. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure. Essential oils leeks make breathing easier, help with flu, bronchitis, and hay fever. Vegetable reduces high level cholesterol, is the prevention of cancer (with the exception of smokers).

If you have even one of the contraindications, it’s worth thinking about how you can replace leek in your diet. Fresh vegetables are contraindicated for:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • impaired functioning of the kidneys and bladder;
  • urolithiasis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

In limited quantities, leeks can be eaten by nursing women. Excessive consumption of vegetables can cause headache. With diarrhea and increased stomach acidity, onions can aggravate the situation. If you have a tumor caused by smoking, it is undesirable to use it, as it can cause its growth.

Growing seedlings from seeds

Leek is a biennial plant. Tender leaves and a succulent stem grow only in the second year of its life. But there are several ways to grow leeks from seeds in one season: early sowing in a greenhouse and pre-growing seedlings. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages; each gardener chooses what is acceptable for himself.

The active growth period is 150-200 days. This process is accelerated by growing leeks through seedlings. Planting time: late February - early March.

The seed material is prepared and planted in separate containers or jars. The grown seedlings are transferred to the ground or greenhouse (greenhouse).

Preparation and sowing

Leeks require preliminary planting of seeds and care of seedlings. Seeds can be used 3-4 years after they are collected. For getting big harvest It is advisable to take young seeds. But for the prevention of viral diseases, on the contrary, stale ones - only after 2 years of storage.

Soak leek seeds in warm water for 25 minutes, then immerse in cool water and remove. Sometimes rinsing with running boiling water through a sieve followed by rolling is used. cold water. Next, wrap in a damp cloth and leave for several days, periodically moisturizing. This will speed up the emergence of seedlings. Dry the seeds a little before planting.

Further actions with planting material depend on climatic conditions and the variety of vegetable. In the southern regions early ripening varieties can be immediately planted in the ground. In other areas, sow seeds in previously prepared containers. They should be at least 12 cm deep, disinfected, treated with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. It is important that planting material there was room for the development of the root system.

Fill the containers with light humus soil, compact them a little, and water well. Sow the seeds 5 cm apart, cover them with 5 mm of sand, do not water immediately, cover with film. Keep at 22-25 C until seedlings appear.

Features of caring for seedlings

Growing leek seedlings until germination will take 2-3 weeks. Then the containers should be moved to a cooler place for 1 week (temperature from 10 C at night to 17 C during the day). Then grow at night temperatures from 13 C and day temperatures to 20 C. It is important to provide the seedlings with 12 hours of daylight. For these purposes, you can use LED or phytolamps.

Caring for leek seedlings involves regular and sufficient watering. Drying out the soil is unacceptable. 1 month after germination, thin out the onions, leaving 3-4 cm between sprouts. After the leek grows 10 cm, prune the seedlings every 2 weeks, leaving this height. You need to do 2 feedings: 2 weeks after emergence and 1 week before planting the seedlings.

Attention! Picking when growing leeks is undesirable. This may damage the small roots.

Planting seedlings in beds

Growing leeks requires constant care: when growing seedlings, after planting in the ground. If all the rules are followed, the seedlings produce strong seedlings with formed leaves. After planting, the seedlings also need to be looked after, following the rules of watering, hilling, and fertilizing. It is necessary to ensure that viral, bacterial, fungal diseases, pests did not appear.

When to plant leeks

The plant must be strong and the root system must be well developed. Leeks should be planted in open ground when 3-4 leaves are formed. This usually happens 2 months after sowing the seeds. The height of the plant is about 15 cm. When planting seedlings, the temperature should not fall below 0 C even at night.

It must be remembered that frosts are detrimental to young onions. Therefore, the main condition for planting is warm soil. On average - mid-May, 55-60 days after sowing.

Leek seedlings grown and planted in the ground must continue to be cared for. There are varieties that remain in the ground all winter and are harvested in the spring. They should be planted in the summer, and young onions can be eaten in the fall. The main harvest remains until spring, while during the winter the beneficial substances from the leaves are transferred to the stem, and the onion becomes even better.

Preparing the bed

Before planting leeks, you need to prepare the beds. It’s good if tomatoes, legumes, potatoes, cabbage, and eggplants grew in this soil before. It is not advisable to plant in the same place more than once every 3 years. Leeks' neighbors can be beets, carrots, strawberries, and celery. You can also alternate beds with them.

Before planting, first dig up the soil and fertilize it. If the soil is acidic (leek does not grow on such soil), you can add ground limestone or dolomite flour. It is advisable to mark the landing lines in advance. The soil should not be dry; moisten it before planting, but do not flood it.

Landing technology

It is important to know how to plant leeks correctly. To ensure a good harvest, choose light, open place, the soil is being prepared. Seedlings need to be planted in mid-to-late May; in some regions, weather conditions allow this to be done at the end of April, beginning of May.

On a note! Before planting seedlings, it is useful for the roots of the seedlings to be dipped in mash: clay and mullein (1:1) with water.

When planting, seedlings should have at least 3 leaves. Pre-water it abundantly, trim the roots and leaves by 1/3. Plant in long V-shaped furrows. Can be planted from individual containers into holes. Loosen the bottom of the furrow well in advance and apply fertilizer (for example, manure, ash). There should be 10-15 cm between future plants, and 35-50 cm between rows. After planting, leeks require care.

Direct sowing into the ground

Another way to grow leeks is directly from seeds into the ground. The sowing time is the same and depends on the growing region. It is necessary that the soil has time to warm up; frosts are very undesirable and can destroy the crop. Treat the seeds before planting: disinfect, you can also use a manganese solution. Soak first in warm water, then dip in cold. Or rinse first with hot and then cold water. Leave in a wet cloth for several days to germinate.

When planting leeks in the ground, the soil must first be prepared (watered, fertilized, loosened). You can make V-shaped furrows. Leave approximately 10 cm between rows. Sow seeds to a depth of 1 cm. Sow leeks only when the seeds have swelled. When the shoots appear, they need to be shaded a little from sun rays.

In the Moscow region, leeks are first planted in greenhouses. Then the strengthened plants are grown in open ground, providing care. You can plant onions and then winter them. In Siberia, growing and caring for leeks is somewhat different. Seeds are not sown in the ground. It is imperative to grow seedlings, but they should be planted in the ground not in mid-May, but in June, when there is no danger of prolonged frosts. For an adult plant, frost is not a problem. In the fall, you don’t have to rush to harvest. Early ripening varieties are used.

In the Urals, planting and caring for leeks in open ground differ significantly in its different regions: in the Urals you can follow the rules for planting onions, as in the Moscow region. and the Trans-Ural region has similar climatic conditions to Siberia, the growing method there is the same.

Features of care

To obtain high yields from plantings, it is important to know how to grow leeks. It is necessary to follow the rules of watering, fertilizing, and hilling. Leeks do not get along well with weeds. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of pests and diseases and take timely measures. Below is more detail on how to care for leeks after planting.

The main condition for successfully growing vegetables is regular watering (every 4-6 days), you need to irrigate with cold water along the furrows (1 bucket per 1 m2). To retain moisture and prevent weed growth, cover the soil between the beds with straw or peat. Stagnant moisture also negatively affects the development of onions and can lead to plant diseases.

Top dressing

During the entire period of leek growth, it is fed several times with fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate, mullein, ash or bird droppings. 2-3 weeks after planting in the ground between the furrows, it is necessary to pour a solution of ammonium nitrate (20 g), potassium salt (15 g) per 10 liters of water. Repeat every 2-3 weeks.

Sprinkle before hilling wood ash: 1 tbsp. powder per 1 m 2. Organic fertilizers are also suitable: to dilute mullein, use 1 part organic matter to 8 parts water. Solution from bird droppings prepared in a ratio of 1:20.

Attention! Nitrogen-containing fertilizers cannot be used. Nitrogen causes leeks to rot.

Watering and hilling

After planting seedlings in the ground or sowing seeds, you should monitor watering and avoid stagnation of water and drying out of the soil. For the first 3 days after planting, the seedlings do not need to be moistened, then watered once every 4-5 days. It is better to water in the furrows and do not wet the plants themselves. Sprinkle the soil with straw, hay, dried manure or peat. This will retain moisture and prevent weeds from growing.

Leeks need to be grown with regular hilling - 4-5 times per season. Thanks to this, the onion stem (leg) acquires White color. Loosen the soil every 14 days, be sure to remove weeds.

Diseases and pests

It is not difficult to grow leeks in the countryside; you just need to follow some nuances of sowing, growing, and caring for them. But all efforts may be in vain if plants become infected with viruses, fungi or pests. The main threats to leeks are:

  • root mite;
  • secretive proboscis;
  • onion moth, fly;
  • hoverfly;
  • nematode;
  • peronosporosis;
  • neck and bacterial rot;
  • green moldy rot.

If a growing leek becomes infected with viruses, fungal diseases, or pests, in most cases the affected plants will have to be removed. To protect plantings, you should comply following rules:

  • using healthy seeds, preferably after 2 years of storage;
  • alternate plant crops, sow onions in the same place only after 3 years;
  • plant after potatoes, celery, turnips, cabbage, cucumbers;
  • Before sowing, scald the seeds with boiling water;
  • before planting or during fertilizing, add Zemlin, Bazudin or other products to the soil;
  • follow the rules of watering, fertilizing, loosening, hilling;
  • if necessary, spray with insecticide;
  • you can plant carrots or celery next door;
  • alternate beds of celery and leeks;
  • harvest the ripe crop on time;
  • follow storage rules;
  • Completely remove plant debris from the beds.

Harvest and storage

It is advisable not to remove leaves from leeks intended for long-term storage during growth. You need to collect ripe onions before the temperature drops to -5 C. Dig up the plants, dry them a little, remove lumps of earth with your hands, while trying to prevent the earth from contaminating the green part.

Trim the roots, leaving 1/3. The leaves can also be trimmed, but for long-term storage it is better to leave them long. Next, remove the onions for the winter, sorting out all damaged specimens affected by diseases or pests.

There are several ways to store leeks:

  1. Storage in a box (bucket) with sand. Preliminary 30-40 minutes. ignite the sand in the oven at a temperature of 200 C. Before placing the vegetable, lightly moisten the sand, but do not allow it to become wet. Pour 5-7 cm of sand into the box and place the leek stems vertically. Add more sand, covering the entire white part of the stem. Cover with a lid, put in a cool (about 0 C) and damp (80-85%) place - basement, cellar. If the leek will be stored on the balcony, cover the top with a cotton blanket.
  2. In a trench on an elevated place. Dig a trench 6-7 cm wide, place leeks in it, cover with earth, cover with boards, leaving small holes. In rain and frost, cover the top with film.
  3. In the hole. Dig a hole large enough to hold the entire bow in an upright position. Load the leek and sprinkle with soil. In cold weather, cover the top with dry leaves. It is advisable to place coniferous branches on the hole to repel rodents.
  4. Greenhouse. You can place the structure directly above the leek beds. It is better to dig it up first and shorten the roots, this will stop growth and preserve its taste. You need to dig the onion halfway into the ground and assemble a greenhouse on top. The temperature inside must be at least 0 C.
  5. Chilled or frozen. Wash whole leek heads, dry them, cut them, put them in a bag, fill them with air, and close them. Shelf life – 1 month. To freeze leeks for the winter, they also need to be washed and dried, chopped, portioned and frozen.
  6. Drying onions. Wash the vegetables, dry them, cut them, leave them for several days at room temperature. It is advisable to cover the top with gauze. Can be dried in the oven for 15 minutes. at 100 C. Store this onion hermetically sealed in a cool, dry place.

If you follow all the rules for growing and caring for leeks, they give high yields. Variety of varieties and many ways to preserve harvested allow you to enrich your diet with tasty and healthy vegetable during the whole year. When using, you must remember that there are contraindications to its use.