Well      06/20/2020

Homemade sprinkler. We create a spray gun with our own hands. Simplicity of design bordering on genius

The desire to paint quickly and efficiently, without spending a lot of effort, prompts the idea of ​​purchasing a spray gun. Its effectiveness is superior to brush and roller. But buying a tool that costs more than other painting tools is justified if you use it often or for painting large areas. If you have to paint a small area or piece of furniture, you can assemble the spray guns yourself. The structure is assembled from available and cheap components.

Variety of spray guns

There are 3 types of devices used in everyday life:

  • pneumatic;
  • electric;
  • mechanical or manual.

For home use, a pneumatic type tool is recommended. It operates by supplying compressed air from the compressor receiver. The second most popular among home craftsmen is electric. The operation is based on a turbine supercharger. Low performance of a mechanical device. Without human influence, the device is not operational (CM and air are pumped into the tank).

To assemble a homemade spray gun, you need to figure out which parts are taken from the tank and transferred to the base. In this case, air supply sources (compressor or turbine) are not considered. The design of the sprayer is being studied.

The air device (pneumatic or electric) consists of:

  • from the needle and nozzle on the body;
  • air cap on top. There is a hole on the side (the shape of the CM cloud is given);
  • the trigger opens the valve (for air movement) along with the tank (where the CM is);
  • correctors for torch size, paint supply, air (on a pneumatic type tool);
  • The air pressure regulators are located on the body, and the paint and torch are on the air cap of the electric sprayer.

The air flowing through the channels of the atomizer encounters a valve connected to the trigger.

  1. The trigger is pulled. The path for movement inside the body is cleared. Air escapes from the air cap.
  2. At this moment, the CM is not sprayed. The cone of the needle stops him. It rests all the way against the nozzle wall.

Such actions are typical if the trigger is pressed weakly. If the pressure is strong, then the situation changes:

  1. When pressed firmly, the trigger moves the needle away from the nozzle. A passage opens for the CM. Air masses pick it up inside the channels and quickly throw it forward in a torch of small drops.
  2. For many mains-powered models, the paint container is located at the bottom of the body. In such devices, the dye is pushed out through the tube with the same flow that enters the reservoir through hole 2 (it is open to it). This technology is used if you assemble a paint sprayer with your own hands without a compressor (based on a vacuum cleaner).

On industrial models, the air cap is screwed onto the nozzle. When assembling a spray gun for painting with your own hands, even great craftsmen do not make this part design because of its complexity. A simpler spray mechanism is used. Although it is less productive.

Assembling a mini oral spray device

The simplest paint sprayer, assembled with your own hands, operates under the influence of human breathing. Its effectiveness depends on the capabilities of the user's lungs.

The volume of transferred CM depends on the diameter of the tubes. The sprayer is designed to work with liquid paint. The coating is not always of high quality. There may be leaks. This is a mini device that you can quickly assemble with your own hands to cover small areas and details.

The structure is assembled from the following parts:

  • helium or ballpoint pen;
  • a small jar or bottle is used as a reservoir;
  • polystyrene foam, can be replaced with a block of wood measuring 5x2x1 cm;
  • sandpaper;
  • heat gun.


  1. The handle is disassembled into a body (for flow passage) and a rod (for CM exit).
  2. The narrowed nose of the rod expands to 3 mm in diameter.
  3. The ball is pulled out from the nose of the rod. You need to rub it with sandpaper until it becomes deformed and falls out.
  4. The ink mass is removed.
  5. At an angle of 90°, both tubes are connected at one point. To secure the position, a part resembling matchbox. The handle body occupies the horizontal position, and the vertical position is the rod (the channel for the movement of the CM). Perhaps the installation of outlet holes will be adjusted. Therefore, there is no need to securely fasten the tubes immediately. It is enough to use tape.
  6. Spraying in progress.

Tip: the dye outlet (on the shaft) is located in the center of the pen body, which acts as an air tube.

The device works on the principle: CM is pulled out of the container through a tube due to the air that flies over it. A small amount of dye is broken into small particles under the pressure of air masses and flies forward.

Aerosol spray bottle

Before making a spray gun, a composition with a low degree of viscosity is selected. CM and air under pressure are driven into one vessel. The operation is based on the principle of an aerosol container. The tool is compact, without a third-party supercharger. Small areas are painted with it. Assembling such a device is not easy: it is difficult to refill the paint, pumping air pressure is dangerous.

To assemble the sprayer you will need:

  • seamless empty aerosol (paint, empty air freshener container);
  • medical syringe, 20-100 ml;
  • a vinyl tube is placed on the syringe;
  • the pressure is increased by a pump or compressor with a pressure gauge.

The structure as such is not assembled. The essence of the work is to fill the KM aerosol, to pump it into no more than 2.5 atmospheres.


  1. KM is being downloaded. The atomizer is removed from the aerosol. The nose remains sticking out.
  2. The vinyl tube is pushed onto the syringe until it stops. Another 5 mm is added from the end of the syringe nozzle and cut off.
  3. The CM is pumped into a syringe.
  4. The tip of the vinyl tube on the syringe is connected to the spout on the can.
  5. A pressing movement is made, which will open the aerosol valve.
  6. The CM is pumped into a container.
  7. When the syringe is empty and the paint has been completely pumped, the valve is released. The syringe is removed.

If the volume of the syringe is small, then the procedure of pumping CM is repeated up to 100 ml.

Important: pumping air into an aerosol is a responsible and dangerous step. It is recommended to use a compressor.

  1. Air is pumped through the needle from the syringe. One end is pressed onto the compressor hose, the other is pressed against the aerosol tube.
  2. After pressing with the needle, the valve opens.
  3. Pressure is built up to 3 atmospheres. For a can with a seam, the indicator is 2 atmospheres.

Tip: The can may burst during refilling with air. To avoid being splashed with paint, place it in a bag.

Blow gun as the main working unit of a homemade device

A unit powered by compressed air is more convenient. Although it takes more time and effort to assemble it. The air comes from a hermetically sealed container. The function of the receiver is performed by a bottle or a can; it can be replaced by a canister. The operating principle is similar to the first device. In this device, the rod is replaced by the barrel of a blow gun. The air supply is opened and closed by a trigger. This spray can cover large surfaces.

To make the tool you will need:

Mini receiver - a canister, a nipple for a tubeless tire, a dense hose and a pump.
  • blow gun;
  • the helium pen is disassembled into a core and a cap;
  • capacity 0.5 l;
  • to seal the container - a lid;
  • a block of wood as the basis for the installation of all components;
  • bottle (can be replaced with a canister). Designed to pump air masses;
  • from the airless chamber - nipple;
  • clamp and hose;
  • compressor (the pump is used less often).

The spray gun is operational if the paint container is full and air is periodically pumped in. Having a compressor will eliminate the need to perform step 5.

Making a homemade spray gun with your own hands is not that difficult. And, if you have a lot of painting jobs, then you will save on the purchase. Today we will look at how to make a homemade spray gun at home.

After all, there are several options here and you will need to choose the right option. Videos and photos will help you make the right choice.

DIY spray gun: main advantages

To carry out any painting work, you can use a homemade simple spray gun, which will provide you with additional advantages than a regular roller (see). At the same time, to save money, you can make a homemade spray gun for painting.

Strengths compared to a roller

Using a spray gun has a number of advantages, which will certainly affect the speed of painting work and its quality.

Advantages of the spray gun:

  1. Using a tool eliminates the possibility of preserving lint, bristles and other foreign debris on layers of freshly applied paint;
  2. Using a spray gun will reduce the duration of any work by several times. than without it;
  3. Achieving significant savings Supplies : the paint is applied in an even thin layer, there are no smudges, excess does not spill onto the floor;
  4. The spray gun is a reliable tool, does not require careful care, lightweight and small in size.

What is a spray gun used for, classification of tools

Most often, a spray gun or spray gun is used to paint pieces of furniture, wooden fencing(see How and with what to paint a wooden fence), metal coating(including the car body), designer plaster and designer finishing.

There are many types of this equipment:

Hand spray gun This option is ideal for those who do not have significant experience in painting. When using a manual spray gun, uneven application of the layer and uneven coloring are possible, but this type of tool is extremely reliable and easy to use. Even a child can easily master it.
Pneumatic spray gun The principle of its operation is based on the action of compressed air, with the help of which paint is applied to the surface. In most cases, such a tool is used to work on large areas: in factory workshops and large shopping centers. However, a pneumatic spray gun is also suitable for compact objects.
Vacuum installation This principle is based on the contrast between the pressure inside the spray gun and at the outlet environment. The resistance of the air environment slows down the flow of the dye, which acts in the opposite way to a pneumatic tool, when used, the air, on the contrary, builds up pressure.

The main strengths of the airless system:

  1. Saving consumables;
  2. Ease of painting large areas;
  3. Its use saves time.

This method is actively used when painting rolling stock. railways, subway cars and public transport. Coating is carried out using an airless system metal surfaces against rust. However, its use makes the paint layer too thin and susceptible to mechanical damage.

Electric spray guns In this case, the paint is dispersed over the surface by an electric pump. This method is especially common in living conditions when renovating residential premises.
Simultaneous use of vacuum and pneumatic systems The combination of these two principles is common in the production of aircraft and in furniture factories. Surprisingly, in terms of their effectiveness, all this professional equipment may be noticeably inferior to items made at home. Of course, this is achievable if you have certain skills and follow all the rules when creating a homemade instrument.

Making a spray gun yourself

Spray bottle - ballpoint pen

The most primitive option when creating a spray gun is to use an ordinary ballpoint pen as the basis. Of course, such a tool will not replace factory equipment when painting large areas, but it may well be applicable at home or in the garage.

3 video instructions for making a spray gun: simple and effective!

For those who often engage in a process such as surface painting, an indispensable assistant is a device called a spray gun. The product painted with its help acquires a better and more uniform coating.

It is especially helpful when painting a large surface area, eliminating the appearance of smears and drips. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase the device in a store. There are several ways to make a spray gun with your own hands.

It is about homemade spray guns that will be discussed further.

Benefits of using a spray bottle

When starting to make a spray gun with your own hands, let’s note the main advantages of using an airbrush over manual painting. These include:

  • better and more uniform coloring;
  • the appearance of foreign objects on the surface, for example, lint or bristles, is excluded;
  • acceleration of the dyeing process.

Directions in which you can use a self-made sprayer:

  • for painting furniture products, wooden structures;
  • for painting cars and other metal surfaces;
  • for whitewashing ceilings and walls with lime.

Types of spray guns

Before you make a spray bottle with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with its types and features. In principle, there are several varieties of them:

  • manual paint sprayer;
  • pneumatic paint sprayer;
  • airless spray gun;
  • combination paint sprayer;
  • electric spray gun.

Directions for use

Each of them is used for specific purposes. Let's give a brief description:

  • The best option for beginners is a manual device. It's not bad for more experienced craftsmen. Although, it should be noted that the surface will not be ideal, but better than painted with a brush.
  • Pneumatic equipment supplies paint using compressed air. Painting with such a device is carried out on industrial enterprises when working with both small products and large areas.
  • A spray gun with an airless system that provides paint atomization is very convenient to use. Its essence is that during the painting process, due to the pressure difference, the paint flow is slowed down, unlike a pneumatic sprayer. This provides certain advantages:
  • increases economy of dye;
  • allows you to speed up work;
  • ease of use.
    • The combination of pneumatic and airless spray systems is widely used in the furniture and aircraft industries.
    • An electric paint sprayer for whitewashing is driven by a special pump, which facilitates the supply of paint. This practical option for household coloring of products.

    Instructions for making spray mechanisms

    Let's start looking at options for making paint sprayers with your own hands. With ingenuity and perseverance, you can get a device no worse than the factory one, and without spending too much money on parts. So, a homemade spray gun can be done in several ways.

    Paint sprayer made from scrap parts

    To make a spray bottle with your own hands from materials that are found in almost every home, you can use the following algorithm:

    • Any bottle that has a fairly wide neck can serve as a container for filling paint.
    • Next, a part is cut out of high-density polystyrene foam in accordance with the dimensions of the neck. For ease of use and to ensure the required pressure when operating a homemade spray gun, the dimensions must be increased by a few millimeters.
    • Let's start making holes in the foam parts. There should be two of them. The first is positioned strictly vertically, the other horizontally, in such a way that they intersect.
    • Next, we take a regular helium pen, empty the rod of it from the contents and arrange the parts in this way: the rod from the pen is threaded into the vertical hole, and its body is threaded into the horizontal hole.
    • On final stage We connect the parts. The mini-spray gun is ready for use.

    A mini spray gun made in this way can be adjusted. To do this, you simply need to move the handle parts relative to each other. It can be used to apply a fairly dense layer of paint to the surface to be painted or to imitate its different texture.

    On video: a method for making a spray gun.

    We use an aerosol can

    The next option under consideration, which will solve the problem of how to make a spray gun with your own hands from a simple aerosol can. The result is a simple manual home sprayer. Pre-prepare all the necessary details:

      • plastic bottle;
      • bicycle wheel tube;
      • pump for bike;
      • directly from an aerosol can from any perfume used.

    In the video: an option for creating a spray gun.

    The following instructions will tell you how to make a homemade sprayer of this type:

    • We remove the nipple from bicycle tire. We try to form the base of the nipple with a diameter of at least 3 cm.
    • A hole is made in a plastic container and inside secure the nipple. It plays the role of a pump that will provide air pressure.
    • The atomizer is removed from the aerosol can. A hacksaw is used for this.
    • Using cold welding, attach the sprayer to the bottle cap. It is necessary to ensure a high degree of tightness of the connection.

    Making a spray gun with your own hands using this method will allow you to get an analogue of an airless spray gun. You can pour both paint and water-based and lime composition into it.

    Using a vacuum cleaner

    When whitewashing or painting large walls or ceiling surfaces, the use of the sprayers presented above is problematic. We will try to answer the question of how to make a spray gun more powerful at home. In this case, it is necessary to create a mechanism with automatic air supply.

    You can make this type of sprayer using a vacuum cleaner or a compressor part from a refrigerator. Old-style vacuum cleaners are best suited for these purposes. You can easily attach a hose to them, both at the air outlet and at the inlet. Feel free to whitewash with this device using water-based paint or a limestone-based solution.

    Powder formulations are not suitable.

    In the photo: drawing of a spray gun using a vacuum cleaner.

    We provide instructions on how to make a spray bottle from a vacuum cleaner:

      • We determine the direction of thrust by changing the position of the terminals on the starter and rotor.
      • We select a plastic or glass container with a fairly wide neck, at least 50 mm. The volume of the dishes should be about 2 liters.
      • We arrange the stopper for the foam container in accordance with the diametrical cross-section of the neck of the container. The plug should have a small protrusion, into the lower part of which the body from the pen or part of the tube from the dropper is inserted.
      • Two holes are made in the cork by drilling. One of them is intended for the supply of lime, and the second for the supply of compressed air.
      • It is necessary to think about an additional hole that will allow air to enter the container, and when the amount of lime is reduced, it will provide air rarefaction.
      • Then we make another large foam plug. Its purpose is to connect a spray gun and a hose for a vacuum cleaner.

    In the video: an example of a homemade spray gun using a vacuum cleaner.

    Basic nuances of using a sprayer

    In order to be able to use the sprayer yourself correctly, you need to listen to the basic recommendations of specialists:

    • When spraying paint or lime mortar, you should not linger in one place. This can lead to the formation of a thicker layer than necessary. It is better to maintain the same time periods to ensure a uniform layer of color.
    • The rod from which the paint comes must be placed strictly perpendicular to the surface to be painted.
    • Moving the spray gun in a circular motion will also allow the paint to be placed evenly on the surface.
    • If the paint is applied in several layers, then each subsequent one must be applied after the previous one has completely dried.
    • Plays an important role preliminary preparation surface to be painted.

    The process of making a sprayer with your own hands is quite labor-intensive, which should be approached with all responsibility. A homemade spray gun will allow you to significantly save money and get a high-quality painted surface, and, importantly, save on paint solutions. After all, when working with a spray gun, material consumption is significantly reduced.

    Different types of spray guns (40 photos)

    Spray gun

    Making a spray gun with your own hands at home

    People involved in painting work will always have a spray gun available. The tool allows you to paint an object evenly and efficiently, compared to a roller or brush.

    This difference is clearly visible over large areas - there are no smudges or streaks. Experts select required product in shops. When it is not possible to purchase a sprayer, ingenuity comes in handy.

    You can make a mini spray gun with your own hands.

    Homemade sprayer

    Those who are faced with the need to make a homemade spray bottle need only realize their desire by following the instructions and using available means.

    In devices that spray paint, you can use vacuum cleaners, compressors from refrigeration units, ballpoint pens, car cameras. Let's try to figure out how to create the tool necessary for the job out of all this.

    Purpose and types of spray guns

    Depending on the degree of complexity, the type of device can be used for a specific purpose. In addition, the ability to work with a “gun” even for a non-professional is of great importance.

    When considering the spray variety, they usually distinguish the following types:

    • manual and electric;
    • pneumatics and airless systems;
    • universal combination tools.

    The good thing about a manual paint spray system is that even a person with no experience can handle it. The quality, of course, is low. But you can paint a fence or a shed, and at the same time practice.

    The electrical kit is also suitable for working at home (for beginners). Thanks to electric pump the process of spraying paints and varnishes occurs.


    ъPneumatic systems are used in enterprises where there is a single network of air supply pipes. The network is connected to a single compressor and used for its intended purpose: press, spray guns, pneumatic hammers.

    Unlike pneumatics, the airless system does not use air pressure, but the pressure difference at the outlet of the “gun”. Air flows slow down and help to apply the coating faster and easier, while saving more consumables than in the first painting method. One of the disadvantages is that the coating layer is too thin.

    The combined version of how to make a torch at home embodies both of these methods. It is used in aviation, carriage building and furniture industry.

    Instructions for making a spray gun

    In almost every home there is improvised material for production. The most primitive option is to use a ballpoint pen. To work you will need a pen, syringe needles and any plastic bottle small size.

    Spray bottle collection process It will take a little time and will take place in several stages.

  • The paste is blown out of the rod and it is thoroughly washed with solvent.
  • A hole is made in the bottle cap with a diameter similar to the rod.
  • A hole is drilled from the end of the plug to the diameter of the handle body. The hole is perpendicular to the previous one.
  • We insert the rod and body of the handle into the hole and connect it with a needle.
  • The mini spray gun is ready for work. The air is blown out with the mouth or an enema (rubber bulb). This is often used by manufacturers of model airplanes, ships and other toys.

    The second simplest option would be to spray from an aerosol can. In production will be involved:

    • camera from a bicycle or car;
    • bicycle pump;
    • any plastic bottle;
    • any empty deodorant bottle.

    Assembling the device begins with cutting off a nipple from the chamber with a piece of rubber around it with a diameter of at least 3 centimeters. After this, a hole is made in the bottle, into which a nipple is threaded and glued on the inside.

    Taking precautions, the upper part with the valve is sawed off from the can with a hacksaw. The valve is connected to the bottle cap using the cold welding. The diameters of the cylinder and bottle must match. Painting material is poured into the container. Air is pumped in using a pump.

    A homemade spray gun assembled in this way belongs to the category of airless paint sprayers. Used like a regular deodorant. At relatively low pressure (3 atmospheres) it is used for whitewashing ceilings and painting walls with water-based paints.

    If you don't have a pump at home, but you have everything else, try using a rubber enema to apply pressure.

    Repairing large rooms will be problematic if you don’t know how to make a spray bottle at home. Moreover, you must not only do it, but also have it automated system. It's best when there is old vacuum cleaner. Soviet vacuum cleaners do an excellent job as an air blower.

    Instructions for assembling the spray gun based on a vacuum cleaner:

  • A glass or plastic container with a neck with a diameter of 5 centimeters or more is used as a container for the dye.
  • A foam plug with a protrusion is inserted into the neck.
  • Two tubes are inserted into the plug at right angles. Air is supplied through one, and paint through the other.
  • Another nozzle is made of polystyrene foam to align and connect the tube on the lid with the hose of the vacuum cleaner.
  • This unit is good because, in fact, it is a homemade spray gun for painting a car with your own hands. Moreover, when you have a garage, you can always paint any car part.

    Using available tools and following the instructions, making a spray gun with your own hands at home is not so difficult.

    Advantages of a homemade tool

    Any House master will say that self-produced units are not inferior even to factory ones. Indeed, this is a worthwhile thing will solve several problems at once:

    • Will help you save on buying a spray gun.
    • If necessary, you can always repaint the car.
    • Whitewash the ceilings in the house.
    • Restore furniture coating with varnish or paint.

    One of the biggest advantages of working on the production of a “torch” will be ridding your garage or apartment of accumulated rubbish.

    The quality of the coating depends on painting skills and a good spray gun. Homemade design does a great job, she has a whole several advantages:

    • Unpretentiousness. Unlike the factory one, the simplicity does not require special attention.
    • A self-produced spray gun weighs significantly less. And the dimensions can vary significantly.
    • Economical spraying of dye.
    • Compared to its “competitors” (roller, brush), it takes several times less time to work.
    • The quality of the coating will be smoother and more uniform.

    You can paint almost anything with your own product. In addition, with its help it will be more convenient to crawl into hard-to-reach places.

    Do-it-yourself spray gun using improvised means - it's easy! + Video

    Are you still painting with a brush? Then we go to you! Let's go tell you how to make a spray gun with your own hands and paint quickly and without smudges. The device is completely simple, and using ingenuity and imagination, you can make the unit no worse than the factory one!

    How to make a spray bottle with your own hands from a ballpoint pen?

    We're not kidding at all - a spray gun can be made from an ordinary ballpoint pen in a matter of minutes. The mini spray bottle will work from a small glass or plastic bottle.

    You will paint a large amount of work with such a device for too long, but for small crafts or painting small parts The device fully justifies itself, moreover, it even has some advantages. So, you will need a square piece of plastic, rubber or foam and, of course, a ballpoint pen.

    In principle, any one will do, either collapsible or solid, from which only the tip is unscrewed.

    First, you need to disassemble the handle - remove the paste and unscrew or cut off the end part. In short, you should have a hollow tube through which you can blow freely.

    We warn you in advance that this tool will work from your “traction”, however, below we will consider automated options, the main thing is to understand the principle! The cone-shaped tip (the one at the bottom of the handle) needs to be cut off a little to create a wider hole.

    You can experiment with its diameter - written ballpoint pens are found in every home much more often than writing pens, right?

    The removed rod also needs to be disassembled and cleaned of any remaining paste with alcohol. We don't need the writing ballpoint tip; you can throw it away right away.

    Now let’s look at the “body”: you need to cut a corner out of a piece of plastic (rubber, foam). In both walls of the corner you need to carefully drill or pierce holes for the rod and tube.

    They should hold tightly in the holes; if the holes come out a little larger, it makes sense to lubricate them with glue.

    We come to the most important thing - the rod, which is from the paste, should slightly extend into the hole of the tube, only 2-3 millimeters. When you align the rods in correct position, you will actually have in your hands a ready-made paint sprayer, created with your own hands.

    Test it in action - dip the rod into a bottle of paint diluted to a liquid state and blow into the tube. At the junction of the rods, a vortex of air is formed, which lifts and sprays the paint. If the paint doesn't lift, it's too thick.

    How to make a spray gun with your own hands - complicate the design!

    If you are the happy owner of a compressor, then why not make a spray gun that is inexpensive, convenient and functional.

    Of course, you can’t paint a car like this, but for many less painstaking jobs, such as painting furniture or walls, it will pay off.

    Plus homemade apparatus The fact is that its simple design does not require as much care as a factory one, and you will save a lot of money on solvents.

    You can make it in a couple of hours maximum. For consumables, you will need three gel pen refills, empty of course, the pen body itself, and half a meter of thin hose.

    To make a convenient pistol-shaped case, you will need two blocks, seven self-tapping screws to fasten the parts, the most commonplace cover from plastic bottle soda bottle and three strips of thin sheet metal.

    We screw the lid of a plastic bottle onto the edge of the block with the back side using two self-tapping screws. The screws need to be screwed in so that a hole can be drilled between them, exactly in the center of the lid. This is what you will do once it is secured. For the hole you will need a thin drill, just the diameter of the gel pen refill.

    The rod through which the paint will flow should protrude from the bar with a metal tip a few millimeters. The tip is needed to ensure that the coloring composition flows evenly. Use the remaining rods to extend the main one.

    We attach the body from the handle from the end to the hose and fasten it on the side where the rod comes out with a metal tip. The cone-shaped end of the handle body should be in contact with the tip so that the latter protrudes slightly above the lower edge of the cone hole.

    Of course, no one will turn the compressor on and off every time in order to take a second pause in applying paint. To do this, just pinch the hose. And to make it possible to do this with one hand, we will drill two holes in the block.

    The hose will go into the hole that is closer to the tip, and out into the next hole, forming a loop. By carefully placing a handle near the loop to hold the entire structure, you can pinch the hose with your fingers.


    Of course, you can come up with a more complex design by attaching an air supply regulator - it’s up to you!

    All that remains is to screw the paint container to the lid and connect the hose to the compressor to get the job started! For such a sprayer to operate, a pressure of one and a half to two atmospheres is sufficient. If we classify the tool, then we have a spray gun low pressure. This means that the material will be used sparingly, and the quality of painting or varnishing will be at its best!

    Why do vacuum cleaners need reverse draft - the answer to the secret!

    Many owners of vintage “Rocket” type vacuum cleaners for the most part have no idea why such units have the ability to switch the motor not only for air suction, but also for blowing.

    You will no longer find such a function in modern units, so why was this done in Soviet products? In fact, if by some miracle the box with components has been preserved, you may well be able to find a ready-made nozzle for a spray gun among them! If it is lost in the years, it will not be difficult to make a spray gun with your own hands from a vacuum cleaner.

    For the device to operate successfully, one condition must be met - constant pressure. A receiver is used for this - don’t be afraid of this word, it could very well be an ordinary soccer ball or a car wheel. A pressure reducing valve will help you control the throughput of the unit. Otherwise, the design repeats the previous version!

    Having built a housing into which you can screw a paint tank, set up a vacuum cleaner and made a receiver, all that remains is to tightly connect all the parts.

    Tightness is the main condition, because only if it is observed will it be possible to achieve constant pressure.

    So you have an excellent spray gun for whitewashing! You can check the work using water-based paint or lime milk on a simple object. For example, try whitewashing trees!

    Making a spray gun with your own hands

    For uniform, neat and high-quality painting For surfaces of any type, it is more advisable to use a device such as a spray gun or, as it is popularly called, a spray gun.

    The use of such a device allows you to create a high-quality paint coating on an area of ​​​​various sizes, while almost completely eliminating the possibility of creating stains, smudges and unpainted areas.

    However, purchasing a spray gun in a retail chain is expensive and not always justified. It is more reliable and much cheaper to make a homemade spray gun with your own hands.

    Description and scope of application

    The following types of spray guns exist:

    • Manual.
    • Pneumatic.
    • Airless.
    • Combined.
    • Electric.

    Depending on the type and principle of operation, spray guns are used in the following cases:

  • The use of manual equipment is considered optimal for people who do not have sufficient experience in carrying out painting work. Due to the simplicity of the equipment, the quality of the coating layer is not ideal.
  • When using a pneumatic type tool, it means applying a layer of paint and varnish substances under the influence of compressed air. This method is used in various industries in large enterprises. Using pneumatic spray guns, both small-sized parts and large areas are painted.
  • The airless paint application system involves the use of pressure differences when the paint exits the spray nozzle of the spray gun. The action of air in this case slows down the rate of spraying of the substance, and not, as is the case with pneumatic equipment, builds up pressure. This principle of operation has a number of advantages: high speed of work, economical paint consumption, ease of coating over large areas. The only drawback is the thin coating layer, which can easily be damaged by physical impact.
  • The combined painting method combines both methods, which allows it to be used in the aviation industry and furniture production.
  • Spray gun system electric type involves the use of a pump, due to which the process of spraying the coloring composition is carried out. The use of such a system has become most widespread.
  • Among the main functional elements of the spray gun are:

    • The body has two valves that suck in air and pump in the dye. The head can rotate freely to easily change the direction of paint.
    • The pressure part is responsible for creating pressure during the transfer of the coloring composition. Made in the form of a sleeve made of different material(rubber, polyurethane).
    • The suction part is equipped with a filtration system that prevents the sprayer from clogging during operation.
    • Fishing rod - consists of two parts, designed to adjust the length of the spray gun itself.
    • The pump is located inside the housing part. The operating principle is based on the interaction of the pistons of the mechanism with each other.
    • Tank for coloring material.
    • A lid for tightly closing the tank.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Among the main advantages of using a spray gun are:

    • Low cost compared to pneumatic equipment for surface painting.
    • The simplicity of the design allows anyone to use the tool, even without experience in painting.
    • Uniform and quick application of the painting composition to surfaces of any type and size.
    • Simple repairs in case of minor breakdowns.

    However, along with the undeniable advantages of hand-held spray guns, there are also some disadvantages:

    • The need to constantly maintain air pressure, which is not very convenient when carrying out the work process, since pressure surges significantly impair the uniformity of the paint jet on the surface. This problem is especially relevant for beginners and inexperienced craftsmen.
    • The need to use water-based paints.
    • The formation of so-called fog, when small particles of paint coating settle not only on the surface of the part being painted, but can also settle on neighboring objects. Therefore, in preparation for painting the surface, adjacent parts of the product are coated protective film made of polyethylene.

    For whitewashing

    Using a spray gun you can not only paint the surface, but also whitewashing the walls.

    To make such a device, you will need a glass or plastic container for liquid with a diameter of at least 3 cm.

    In addition, you need to prepare an aluminum or copper tube 200 mm long and 4 cm in diameter. The tube must be bent and connected to a vacuum cleaner hose or spray bottle.

    The tip will be a brass nozzle, which can be purchased at a retail chain or made independently. Various options The design of the nozzles can make it possible to use the spray gun in various modes of painting or whitewashing.

    Then you need to prepare a socket for the plug connector and insert a tube with a diameter of 2 mm into it. After making the metal bracket, we connect one end of it to the conical part of the mechanism.

    Next, we connect all the elements of the product and configure the tube that will suck in air. We fix this tube, using a soldering device or glue, strictly along the axis. Additionally, install the connecting nut.

    The functionality of the device is checked by test painting, and care must be taken to ensure that the spraying is high-quality and uniform.

    For water-based paint

    With a small amount of painting, you can make a fully functional device from an ordinary ballpoint pen. This spray bottle will work perfectly with up to one liter of coloring agent. To make such a mini-spray gun, you will need an ordinary ballpoint pen and a rectangular piece of rubber, foam or plastic.

    Remove the mini tip at the bottom of the pen and remove the ink. If it is impossible to remove the rod, you can carefully cut it so that air can pass freely through the cavity of the tube.

    Experimentally select the diameter of the hole obtained by cutting off the cone-shaped part until you achieve the required coloring quality.

    To remove the paste from the rod, you can use an alcohol solution. Next, using a drill, we make holes in the rectangular workpiece. The diameter of the hole must correspond to the diameter of the tube with the rod.

    The rod goes deep into the tube no more than 3 mm. When connecting parts, do not forget to lubricate them with adhesive.

    Remember that it is the high-quality connection of parts with each other that is the result of the high-quality work of the paint sprayer.

    Having immersed the entire part in a container with a dye, we blow into the spray tube. In this case, under the influence of the air vortex, the paint will be pushed out of the sprayer. If this happens with great effort, then it is necessary to additionally make the composition of the coloring matter more liquid using special paint solvents.

    From an old refrigerator

    This option for manufacturing a painting device is considered the most time-consuming and labor-intensive, although patience will pay off and the result will be a multifunctional and reliable device. To make a spray gun, you will need some spare parts from an old refrigerator:

    • Compressor unit.
    • Container for dye.
    • Clamps (diameter 20 mm).
    • Connecting hoses (one 40 cm long, two 10 cm long).
    • Car filter.
    • Steel wire.
    • Wooden board and set of screws.

    After preparing the components, you can begin assembling the spray gun:

    • Any fire extinguisher or metal canister with a tight-fitting lid will work perfectly as a receiver.
    • The first step is to position and secure the compressor on a base of wooden planks.
    • A standard refrigeration compressor has three copper tubes, one of which is sealed.
    • Connect the compressor to the supply electrical network and experimentally determine the air inlet and outlet in the device. Then we connect connecting hoses, and secure the connection points tightly with clamps.
    • A tube with a sealed end serves to supply lubricant inside the compressor. If the unit functions without problems, then it is better not to perform any actions with it.
    • Then, in the receiver body you need to drill two holes in which the hoses are installed. The long pipe is connected to the compressor inlet, and the short pipe, respectively, to its outlet.
    • To be able to control the pressure in the receiver, it is advisable to attach a pressure gauge to its body.
    • The receiver must be secured to the base next to the compressor.
    • Make the appropriate connection of the hoses, and to clean the incoming air, install a filter element at the inlet.
    • The final step will be the installation of the paint sprayer.

    To better move the entire unit, given its large dimensions, the structure can be equipped with wheels.

    Device selection and safety precautions

    When making a spray gun for painting a car, the correct choice of compressor is considered an important condition for quality work.

    It will be able to provide the necessary air pressure to spray paint.

    Many models of old vacuum cleaners that have an air blowing function, along with the standard air blowing function, cope with this task perfectly. Modern models Vacuum cleaners do not have this mode of operation.

    To ensure a constant supply of air and thus the possibility of high-quality painting of the surface, it is necessary to include a receiver in the design of the spray gun. To perform this task, you can use a car rubber tire or a soccer ball. It is this simple device that creates the versatility of the entire coloring system.

    When carrying out painting work on any surface using a spray gun, you must follow basic safety rules: use protective clothing, paint shoes, a respirator or mask to protect the respiratory tract of the human body and eyes from small particles of the dye.

    Before starting the painting process, be sure to test the paint for viscosity. Paint that is too thick will not spray well and will constantly clog the spray gun nozzle. Fulfilling this condition will help avoid many equipment breakdowns.

    To successfully paint any surface, it is recommended to use useful tips from the professionals:

    • When spraying the coloring material, you do not need to linger in one place for a long time so that the layer does not turn out to be too thick.
    • It is necessary to direct the paint jet strictly perpendicular to the surface of the part to be painted, otherwise large paint consumption may occur.
    • To create an even layer, it is advisable to paint in a circular motion.
    • Only after the previous layer of paint has completely dried should a new layer be applied.
    • Before starting the painting process, it is necessary to carry out high-quality surface preparation.
    • The paint used in the work should not have any lumps or foreign inclusions.

    Of course, a lot of time and effort is spent on making a spray gun with your own hands, but then further work on painting any surfaces and various types of dyes will be much simplified and done with better quality.

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    Articles on the topic

    Spray gun – universal tool for applying paint, which allows you to paint any object as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, buying a spray gun is an expensive process that is not always justified. It is much cheaper to make a spray gun yourself. We will learn further about how to build spray guns for various purposes.

    Manual spray gun: features and advantages of the tool

    A manual spray gun has a simpler structure than a pneumatic one. The principle of its operation is to push out the coloring composition with air. Among the main components of the spray gun are:

    • body part - characterized by the presence of two valves that pump air and suck in paint, this part rotates freely and changes the direction of paint supply;
    • the pressure part in the form of a sleeve is responsible for the pressure when supplying paint;
    • suction part – has a filtration system that prevents clogging of the nozzle;
    • fishing rod – has two parts, adjusts the length of the tool itself;
    • pump - located in the inner part of the housing, works due to the interaction of pistons with each other;
    • paint tank;
    • a lid covering the tank.

    Among the advantages of using a manual spray gun for paint, we note:

    • affordable cost - this tool costs less than a manual pneumatic spray gun;
    • ease of use - even a person with no experience in painting can handle a hand-held spray gun;
    • quick, uniform application of the coloring composition to the wall;
    • The simple design of a manual lime spray gun allows you to quickly repair it if breakdowns occur.

    However, a manual spray gun also has certain disadvantages:

    • the manual process of work involves constant pumping of air, which is not very convenient when carrying out the work process; when the pressure drops and surges, the jet turns out to be uneven, which is especially important for novice craftsmen;
    • the possibility of using only water-based paint compositions; only paints on a water-based basis are placed inside the spray gun water based or solutions for whitewashing, however, there is a wide variety of coloring compositions with which coloring is also carried out; they are not used in the manual version of the paint cult;
    • During the work process, so-called fog is formed, small particles of paint fall not only on the painting site, but also settle on other objects. To avoid this, all objects located near the painting site are covered with a polyethylene film.

    Pneumatic and combined airless spray guns – their features

    Depending on the technology of spraying the coloring composition, spray guns are divided into three categories. The airless option involves pushing out the coloring composition using its own pressure, which is created inside the mechanism.

    At the same time, the paint splits into small droplets that cover the object. Among the advantages of this device, the absence of fog during the work process is noted first of all. They also note the lack of ability to adjust the droplet size.

    To obtain high quality dyeing, it is necessary to use expensive equipment.

    The pneumatic method of spraying paint involves the action of air on the paint composition as it exits the nozzle. Air currents under high pressure push out the paint by spraying it. At the same time, the paint splits into small elements, forming a cloud.

    Most of the paint settles on the object being painted, but small particles also land on foreign objects. This option equipment is budget-friendly, but at the same time has high performance in the work process.

    In this case, the paint consumption is quite large, so the equipment is rarely used in everyday life, and is more suitable for industrial painting.

    Combined devices are often used; the principle of their operation is to move paint through a mechanism without contact with air, however, at the exit from the device they are acted upon by a pneumatic element that pushes the paint out great strength. Thus, it is possible to keep the workplace clean, there is no foggy cloud, and significant savings in the coloring composition are achieved.

    Do-it-yourself hand-held spray gun for water-based paint

    If the amount of work is small, then make a spray gun from a handle. Such a device will work with a volume of paint up to one liter. During the work process you will need:

    • regular ballpoint pen;
    • a piece of rubber, plastic or foam - rectangular in shape.

    At the bottom of the handle you need to remove the tip. Remove the paste from the empty tube. If you cannot remove the rod, cut it off. The air flow should pass freely through the cavity of the tube without delay.

    The cone-shaped part of the handle also needs to be cut off, this way you can get a good hole. Choose the diameter through trial and error, using many pens, until you are happy with the color result.

    To clean the rod from the paste, use alcohol and rinse it with it. Next, proceed to the construction of the body of the spray gun. For these purposes, previously selected material will be required.

    Using a drill, drill a hole in the wall of the rectangle; the diameter of the hole should be such that a tube with a rod passes through it. To fix all parts more tightly, first coat them with glue and then insert them into the rectangle.

    The rod extends into the handle no more than three millimeters. Correct fixation of all parts among themselves is the result of high-quality operation of the mechanism.

    Place the rod part in the tank containing the paint, fill it with compounds and blow into the paint spray tube. An air vortex will form at the place where the parts are fixed, pushing out the paint on the tool. If the paint does not rise up the spray gun, then it is quite viscous; care must be taken to further dissolve it.

    Manual electric spray gun - we build it ourselves

    If you have a special compressor installation, you have the opportunity self-made electric spray gun. It is characterized by high functionality and ease of use.

    Of course, with the help of such a spray gun it will not be possible to paint a car efficiently, however, it is suitable for applying paint to walls, distributing it evenly over the surface. This spray gun does not require additional maintenance, is easy to fold and is unpretentious in operation.

    To make a hand-held spray gun you will need:

    • several gel pen refills;
    • handle body;
    • thin hose, about 25-30 cm long;
    • several blocks;
    • self-tapping screws, with the help of which the parts are fixed to each other;
    • plastic bottle cap;
    • several metal strips, 2 mm thick.

    To build your own spray gun, follow these steps:

    1. Install plastic cover on one block, secure it with self-tapping screws. Install the fasteners so that a small hole is drilled in the center of the cover. After fixing the cover, use a drill to create a hole. Please note that the diameter of the hole must match the diameter of the rod from the handle being used.

    2. Place the rod inside the hole, the metal tip should protrude a few millimeters from it. Do not throw away the steel tip, as in the first case, the paint will flow through it more evenly.

    3. Next, the rod is built up using subsequent rods. After this, connect the body of the handle with the hose. Fix it in that position, at the exit of the steel tip from the rectangular section. The body of the handle is in contact with the tip so as to provide a slight protrusion above the surface of the edge.

    4. Create an element to block the air flow. Thus, it is possible to improve the comfort of using the spray gun. There is no need to run to the compressor every time, if necessary, to stop the painting process. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the hose is clamped and air is supplied. To do this, make several holes on the block.

    One is closer to the tip, and the other is further away. The hose enters through one hole and leaves the block through the second. Thus, it is possible to create a loop. At the same time, it is possible to automate the process of stopping the air supply from the compressor. By installing a handle next to the hose, you can pinch the hose with your fingers.

    This method is easier to implement.

    After making the sprayer, connect it to a compressor, such as from an old refrigerator or vacuum cleaner. The pressure in it will be about two atmospheres. With this spray gun you can easily paint walls or necessary furniture.

    Do-it-yourself manual spray gun for whitewashing

    We offer another option for manufacturing a universal mechanism, with which you can not only paint, but also whitewash walls. Using this method of manufacturing a spray gun, it is possible to improve the versatility of the design.

    First of all, for work you will need a plastic or glass reservoir for liquid, the diameter of which is at least 3 cm. In addition, you need to prepare a copper or aluminum tube with a diameter of 4 cm and a length of 200 mm.

    The tube must be bent and connected to a spray bottle or a hose from a vacuum cleaner.

    The tip will be a brass nozzle, made independently or purchased. It is possible to manufacture several variants of nozzles, thus the spray gun will have several operating modes.


    Next, you need to prepare a socket from the plug connector and install a tube inside it, the diameter of which is two millimeters. Build a metal bracket and connect one end of the tube to the conical part of the mechanism.

    Connect all the previously prepared elements of the whitewash manual spray gun, set up a tube that sucks in air flows. Make sure it is located in the same place as the axle.

    Fix the tube to the socket using glue or a soldering device. Additionally, install a nut on the connection. Check the functionality of the device.

    Spraying should be uniform and of high quality.

    Features of choosing a compressor and repairing a manual spray gun

    To produce a high-quality spray gun, it is necessary to choose the right compressor that provides a certain pressure for spraying paint. Older models of vacuum cleaners have the function of not only blowing, but also blowing air. The compressor from them will cope perfectly with the functional load of the spray gun.

    To achieve high-quality coloring and constant air supply, you must use a receiver. For this purpose, we recommend using a soccer ball or a rubber car tire.

    It is the receiver, the pressure reducing valve, that regulates the air supply to the spray gun. All parts must be tightly connected to each other. Having achieved this condition, it is possible to obtain a high-quality supply of paint from the mechanism.

    This spray gun allows you to paint walls, whitewash walls and even trees.

    Making a spray gun will require a minimum of cost and time, but its usefulness in household matters is quite high. However, when performing coloring, you should not forget about safety rules. For work, use special clothing, a mask and a respirator, as small particles of paint can get into your eyes and respiratory tract.

    Before starting work, check the paint for viscosity; a composition that is too viscous will not spray, clogging the spray gun. Adjust the nozzle on the gun to the size of the spray of paint. For these purposes, use a piece of paper.

    Select the interval between the spray gun and the surface to be painted yourself as you work. Move the gun from bottom to top and vice versa, overlap the layers together.

    In order to achieve evenness and uniformity, at the moment when you move the gun over the object, press it, and when you stop the spray gun, stop feeding the paint.

    In order to avoid repairing the spray gun, you must adhere to certain rules for its operation. First of all, use it when working with homemade instrument only water-based paints or lime. After use, wash the tool thoroughly, Special attention pay attention to the nozzle. Otherwise, uneven distribution of paint occurs or the nozzle becomes completely clogged.

    To wash off paints of different compositions, use water or other solvents in the form of gasoline. Pay attention to the filter of the device - it must also be washed thoroughly. The paint used in the work should not contain lumps or foreign inclusions.

    In general, before starting work, check all parts for absence of paint on their surface. If it still exists, use special solvents to remove dried paint from the mechanism.

    Only after this can you assemble all the parts into a single mechanism and start working with the device.

    How to create a spray gun with your own hands: advantages, creation options, technology

    Home craftsmen quite often face the need to paint various surfaces, and it is very important to ensure high-quality, accurate and uniform application of the painting material. This problem can be solved using a device such as a spray gun, better known as a spray gun.

    Using this device, the owner has the opportunity to create a durable paint coating on surfaces of any size that will not upset the owner with drips, stains or unpainted areas. In some cases, if a home craftsman has sufficient skills, then he can make a spray bottle with his own hands.

    Advantages of a homemade spray gun

    A device such as a spray gun has many advantages, which are fully manifested when painting various surfaces:

    • the ability to create a uniform coating of paint and varnish material;
    • the absence of pieces of roller lint or bristles on the treated surface when working with a brush;
    • using a spray gun allows you to complete painting work much earlier than when using traditional tools;
    • the paint consumption rate when using a spray gun is quite small;
    • lightness and compact size;
    • ease of operation.

    Most often using a spray gun the following tasks are solved:

    • surface treatment of furniture, fences and other wooden structures;
    • painting surfaces with a metal base, including car structures;
    • creation of dense structures made for plaster and other decorative surfaces.

    It seems that few people know that in some cases, using a factory-made spray gun, you can create less high-quality coating than when using a homemade spray gun for work. At the same time, you need to remember that the skills of the person who will be doing the coloring play a decisive role in achieving the result.

    How to build a spray gun?

    Having decided to independently make a device designed for treating various surfaces with paint, you should prepare the necessary materials.

  • A bottle with a wide neck can be used for the tank that will contain the paint and varnish material.
  • Next, you will need high-density foam. You will need to cut an element out of it, and one of its edges should have the same diameter as the paint reservoir. It is very important here to ensure that it fits tightly inside the container. Considering that foam has a porous structure and tends to shrink, it is advisable to expand the lower edge of the workpiece by several millimeters.
  • Next, you need to create a hole in the foam blank. Moreover, it should be done precisely by drilling, and not piercing or cutting. If you neglect this recommendation, there is a high probability that the workpiece will be damaged. One hole should be through, a rod from a regular ballpoint pen will be inserted there. Another hole is made horizontally, and the body from the handle is placed there;
  • At the final stage, you just need to connect the two elements together, after which you can use the spray bottle.
  • In order to adjust the paint spray flow, you need to move ballpoint pen elements relative to each other. Using such a device, you can achieve a dense layer when applying paint and varnish material or create a coating that is similar to various textures.

    To ensure that a self-made spray bottle can properly perform its functions for a long time, it is recommended to use metal parts instead of elements taken from a fountain pen. When selecting a tank in which the paint will be stored, you should focus on the volume of planned painting work.

    Improving a homemade spray gun

    If the owner has set himself the task of providing a finer coating, then this will require modify the device a little. You need to take a foam blank and drill another hole in it, which should go from top to bottom.

    It should have the same direction as the ballpoint pen, while also having a similar diameter. By performing a similar operation, you can achieve a significant increase in pressure in the tank where the dye is stored.

    Due to this, the jet will be stronger when performing painting work.

    You can also add an additional hole to the handle body by placing one more rod. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to provide a thinner layer of paint and varnish material. This will allow you to apply different kinds dyes that differ in consistency.

    To ensure that the spray gun you create yourself has the maximum long term service need to remember the following points:

    • If one of the elements of the spray gun is made of foam plastic, then in this case only water-based dyes can be used for the device. This device is not suitable for working with paints containing various solvents because it will weaken the material, making the spray gun unusable;
    • If necessary, you can expand the scope of tasks for which the spray gun will be suitable. This can be achieved by using rubber instead of foam. This material perfectly tolerates interaction with chemically active components that are present in paints and varnishes;
    • At the same time, when deciding to implement various improvements, it is necessary to remember that such a version of the spray gun will not be able to maintain its functionality for a long time.

    Spray gun for a wide range of applications

    If you are interested in making a spray gun with your own hands, capable of solving a wider range of tasks, then you will need to prepare a plastic or glass tank with a neck, reaching a diameter of 20 mm. Having found a suitable container for paint, then you have to perform the following operations:

  • First you will need an aluminum or copper tube with a diameter of 5 mm, which must be bent. We take a vacuum cleaner that blows air and connect its hole at the lower end of the tube.
  • At its other end it is necessary to fix the brass nozzle. If the element used is large, it is necessary to cut a groove based on the profile of the tube. After this, you need to fasten the handle elements together using screws. Then the finished parts should be sanded.
  • Next you need to take a suction tube with a diameter of 2 mm. It must be placed in a brass socket. Please note that the tube must be the same length as the selected paint container.
  • After completing the operation of the previous stage, it is necessary to make a metal oval bracket, which should have a hole for the socket. Next, the upper part of the tube needs to be bent into a cone shape and cleaned.
  • Then it's time to assemble the spray gun. To do this, you need to move the suction tube until the upper end is on the axis of the nozzle.
  • After this, the finished mechanism should be checked for functionality and, if necessary, adjusted properly. The manipulations involve choosing the height of the end of the tube. The optimal level will be the one at which the created layer of paint and varnish material will have a minimum uniform thickness.
  • When the mechanism is set up, the suction tube must be fixed at the required level, for which soldering is used. It is attached to a socket installed on the lid of the paint tank.
  • After completing the described steps, all that remains is to tighten all the parts of the spray gun. Now it can be used for coloring.
  • It will provide a self-made spray gun with a wider range of tasks that it could solve, if you use nozzles having different diameters.

    Spray gun made from parts of an old refrigerator

    When deciding on this option of creating a spray gun with your own hands, you should remember that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this work. At the same time, this will not be in vain, since the finished spray gun can demonstrate high reliability and versatility.


    If you have finally decided to use an old refrigerator to make a homemade spray gun based on it, the first thing you should take care of is about the availability of the necessary elements:

    • compressor;
    • a paint tank of suitable dimensions;
    • a set of hoses, including one 40 cm long, two others 10 cm each;
    • clamps reaching a diameter of 20 mm;
    • car filter;
    • metal wire;
    • fragment wooden board and screws.

    Work technology

    Having resolved the issue with spare parts, you need to perform a number of preparatory operations:

    • A fire extinguisher or an available canister or other metal container that can be hermetically sealed can serve as a receiver;
    • One of the first steps should be to securely fix the compressor on a wooden surface;
    • The compressor with which the refrigerator is equipped contains 3 copper tubes, one of which has sealed ends;
    • To understand which pipe should be used to connect the compressor to the household network, you should experimentally find out which hole the air comes from. Based on this, it can be determined that it will act as the main exit. In turn, the free open pipe will act as an entrance. To each end it is necessary connect hoses of suitable diameter, in this case, the connection sections should be securely secured using clamps;
    • The purpose of the sealed tube in the refrigerator is to lubricate the compressor. Therefore, if there are no problems with the operation of the motor, you should not take any action regarding it;
    • The design of the receiver needs to be modified by making two holes in it. Two hoses will be placed there: the longest pipe will be used to connect to the compressor inlet, the shorter pipe section must be connected to the outlet;
    • To have an idea of ​​the force of the pumped pressure, you should additionally install a pressure gauge;
    • To place the receiver, a place is selected on the base of the compressor;
    • One hose is used to connect two devices at once, while the second pipe must be connected to the filter. The purpose of the latter will be to remove contaminants from the air;
    • The last operation is to connect the paint sprayer.

    Due to the large dimensions of a self-made spray bottle, it would be useful screw the wheel to the wooden base. This solution provides greater convenience when using the spray gun.


    To obtain a better result when performing painting work, it is most effective to use a device such as a spray gun. If necessary, each owner can make this device with his own hands. Considering the complexity of the spray gun design, there should be no problems with its creation.

    To make it you can use available materials, which are available in every home.

    To avoid mistakes and obtain the desired result when painting, you must strictly follow the spray gun manufacturing technology.

    By doing this, you can minimum costs, both in terms of finances and time, to produce a spray gun that will surpass even a factory-made device in terms of quality of work.

    How to make your own spray gun? This question will also be relevant when repair work in the house, and when applying paint to a car. To create such a device, scrap materials are used, so the cost of a paint sprayer is low, otherwise it will be completely free.

    Making a spray gun with your own hands

    One of possible options- make. Anyone can make such a device, and the advantage of using it can be felt immediately compared to using brushes, rollers or spray cans.

    Spray gun made from scrap materials

    How to create a spray device from a car camera

    To make a spray gun, you will need:

    • car inner tube (suitable with or without a tire);
    • nipple from an old camera;
    • repair kit for rubber products;
    • a pump with a pressure gauge, which will be used as a supercharger;
    • awl.

    How to make a spray gun yourself? To do this, follow simple instructions:

    1. It is necessary to inflate the chamber to make sure there are no punctures or other defects. If air leaks are observed, the damage should be repaired using raw rubber.
    2. Use an awl to make a hole in the receiver, the diameter of which should correspond to the additional nipple.
    3. The fitting must be glued in using a repair kit, then this part is connected to.
    4. We unscrew the nipple and check that the air comes out evenly.

    All that remains is to achieve the required pressure in the receiver by spraying paint on any surface. The value of the indicator can be checked using a pressure gauge. When you press the aerator button, the pressure level should not change abruptly.

    Paint sprayer from a vacuum cleaner

    To make your own paint sprayer in a simple way, you need to choose the right nozzle, which was previously supplied with Soviet vacuum cleaners. This part should be placed on a regular glass jar (1 l).

    Making a paint sprayer from a vacuum cleaner

    In order for the spray gun for a vacuum cleaner to meet the required parameters, the outlet of the nozzle should be adjusted. After this, we adjust the edge of the hose to the place where the air flow enters the sprayer. If the diameters of the holes do not match, use electrical tape.

    Materials and tools for work

    To build, you will need the following materials:

    • glass or plastic container with a neck screw type(diameter must be at least 20-25 mm);
    • tube made of aluminum or copper (diameter - 4 mm, length - 20 cm);
    • bakelite handle, which will be used as a handle.

    Also, to simplify the construction of the spray gun, you can use a drill with a circular attachment on the vacuum cleaner; you will also need sealant, a stationery knife, etc.

    Preparing for work

    To make a spray gun with your own hands, you must first prepare a vacuum cleaner. At the beginning of all work, remove the garbage bag so that the load on the unit is minimal. In addition, you should remove all filters that are not involved in protecting the motor from dust. Air flows will be easier to pass through the suction systems of the vacuum cleaner and will be better generated.

    Materials and tools for creating a do-it-yourself spray gun

    If the device only has a suction function, and is not equipped with a mechanism for connecting a corrugated hose, the vacuum cleaner will need to be improved. How to make a spray bottle with your own hands? To do this, air should not be sucked into the pipe, but should come out of it.

    This can be done in two ways:

    • change the polarity of the motor contacts;
    • redirect the turbine blades.

    The first method is best suited for older models of vacuum cleaners, because thanks to the special design of the electric motor, the rotation of the shaft can be changed in reverse side. To do this, the contacts that are used to supply power need to be swapped with each other, so the motor will start spinning in the other direction.

    Since newer vacuum cleaners have inverter units, changing the contacts will not achieve the desired result.

    For more modern vacuum cleaners, an option is suitable in which the turbine blades need to be changed in position relative to their rotation. Most often, this part is set at a certain angle; it should be reflected in the other direction so that the air flows are redirected in the opposite direction. Keep in mind that this method is not universal and is not suitable for all models, so it may not be suitable for creating a paint sprayer from a vacuum cleaner with your own hands.

    Making a spray gun from a vacuum cleaner

    A do-it-yourself spray gun from a vacuum cleaner has the following stages of creation:

    DIY spray gun for painting cars

    1. You need to bend the tube.
    2. Secure it using sealant, a glue gun, at the bottom of the tip intended for the vacuum cleaner hose. At the upper end, a nozzle should be installed, which is made from a brass rod.
    3. We cut a hole; its diameter should correspond to the prepared handle. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a copper tube with a diameter of 2 mm and of sufficient length to make it convenient to pump out the enamel.
    4. Cleaning the edge copper tube to give it a cone shape, insert the part into the socket of the plug connector.
    5. To make your own spray gun, you need to make a bracket with a groove that must match the dimensions of the socket. To create the bracket, it is best to use a steel sheet.
    6. Having prepared everything necessary details, assemble them so that the end of the suction tube is at the level of the nozzle.

    Finally, we check on any surface how a homemade spray gun functions. To ensure that the vacuum cleaner sprayer works well, adjust the pressure in it by pressing the tube.

    When required level pressure for applying the paint material is selected, attach the tube to the socket using sealant or any high-quality glue. The spray gun from the vacuum cleaner is completely ready for use.

    The nuances of using a spray gun from a vacuum cleaner

    Using a homemade spray gun requires a certain skill, so in order to complete the work as quickly and efficiently as possible, you should follow some rules.

    1. It is recommended to paint using a vacuum cleaner in a circular motion so that the application result is uniform and neat.
    2. You should not stay in one place for a long time to avoid overspending and achieve a uniform shade.
    3. To apply the next coat using a homemade paint sprayer, wait until the previous paint has completely dried.

    Please note that if you are going to retrofit a vacuum cleaner that is still under warranty, this automatically removes the device from it, and all modifications may lead to the inability to further use as intended. To create a spray gun at home, it is recommended to use an old unit that has become unsuitable for its intended use.

    A spray gun, the second name of which is a sprayer, is a specialized technique designed for spraying any type of liquid on any surface. During spraying, the liquid becomes small drops, which makes it possible to obtain the most uniform application of liquid mixtures to any surface. In addition to liquids, the sprayer is suitable for spraying various powder mixtures and suspensions. Such a sprayer, which today is actively used at home, as well as in agriculture, can be bought at any store. The range of such equipment is quite wide.

    Automatic sprayer

    Let's consider the principle of operation of such equipment as a garden water sprayer. The principle of its operation is as follows: a stream of water begins to move along the nozzle of this technique through a difference in pressure. There are models where such a part of the device as the ejector is responsible for this function. Water particles begin to move with the help of a steam jet. The flow of water creates a directional jet that has a rough surface. This jet begins to break into tiny droplets with increasing pressure, characteristic of turbulent flows and with the help of surface tension. To increase erratic water jets, it can be used as an artificial hump. At very high speeds of water movement, instead of creating single drops of water, you can see the fragmentation of the flow into small particles of various volumes.

    Paint sprayers

    Types of sprayers

    Let's consider the main types of such a device as a spray gun:

    • A spray bottle with a bulb for perfumes such as perfumes, eau de toilette, deodorant and other products. You can even make such pear sprayers yourself. Before today In many hairdressing salons, perfume is applied using a device such as a small spray bottle or bottle with a “pear”.
    • Medical-grade nebulizers, which are used as sprays for spraying special preparations and medicines.
    • Spraying equipment, which has a special nozzle, is used in painting and painting works, as well as in other areas of human activity for applying varnish, paint, ink and ink. By forming uniform thin layers manual type A spray gun that you can make yourself is quite often used in airbrushing for cars. They are usually called a spray gun - this is an electric spray gun. Such electric spray guns are often used to apply paint to any surface.
    • Garden sprayer for rural work, which is also called a sprayer. It is quite often used to spray soil and flowers. In addition to ordinary water, pesticides or fertilizer solutions are mainly used as a liquid.

    Garden sprayer

    The sprayer also comes in:

    • Auto

    Automatic models of such devices also include an electric version, which can be used on a full-fledged line, in flow series of production, if there are huge volumes of the same type of product. Such a sprayer, together with a compressor, makes it possible to comply with rather increased requirements that are put forward for the surface to be painted.

    • Manual

    A hand sprayer is characterized by reduced efficiency. Only a hand sprayer will allow you to apply paint and varnish mixtures to difficult surfaces that have complex shapes. The manual type is mainly used in small-scale production and where it is necessary to constantly change shades of colors. Such manual option will be useful in gardening work Oh. In addition, the manual sprayer is very convenient. It can be used on small surfaces, but for larger ones it is better to use the automatic option.

    Homemade sprayer

    Let's look at how to make a spray bottle with your own hands. Such a garden unit is indispensable in any household where there is garden plot With vegetable crops and flowers. This homemade sprayer is a very useful device in household. What can this sprayer be used for? A homemade spray bottle for flowers is simply an irreplaceable tool - you can water plants, wash glass, clean walls or other surfaces.

    Homemade spray bottle

    Today, you can also purchase a ready-made garden sprayer at any store, however, in order not to waste money, you can make it yourself from scrap materials. You've probably noticed more than once how gardeners hold spray bottles in their hands and spray plants - trees, shrubs and flowers - with them.

    Such a simple garden unit can help in the fight against pests and insects that spoil garden crops. The easiest way, of course, is to purchase such a garden unit, however, sometimes it happens that when you are on your personal plot, you don’t have it at hand or you simply didn’t take it with you. In this case, you can use any available material that you have in abundance on your farm.

    Now let’s take a closer look at how you can make a garden sprayer with your own hands from scrap materials:

    1. First you need to find an empty container; it can be either plastic or glass. The material doesn't matter. It is important here that the container can be easily held in your hand. Once you have found such a dish, you need to insert a stopper into it, it is better to let it be wood material, but ordinary plastic can also be useful.
    2. Then find a tube that needs to be inserted into the neck of this container. For this, straws from cocktails, juices or much more can be useful, it doesn’t matter - they can even be ordinary gel pen refills. One of these tubes must be placed in the bottle, and the second must be located outside so that the design of the associations looks like the letter “t”.
    3. Then, if you don’t have a pump at hand, you can use an ordinary rubber bulb, with its help you need to pump air into one of the ends of the rod.
    4. The end result will be a spray bottle made by you from scrap materials.

    As you can see, making a sprayer will not be difficult, since you can find the materials in your garden plot, and such a unit will definitely come in handy for any type of garden work - watering flowers and other plants, spraying fertilizers on plants and any plantings, you can also use it use for other purposes - for painting walls or your vehicle.