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How to build a winter garden at home - the choice of design, heating and important supply systems. Greenhouse at the cottage Country greenhouse

We all try to create the most comfortable, warm and cozy atmosphere in our home. And what could be better than a year-round summer in your own greenhouse? Rest surrounded by lush greenery, exotic plants, in the midst of winter frosts is the dream of many of our compatriots. Nowadays, you can create your own winter garden not only in private households, but also as part of a home in apartment building. Of course, you will have to make efforts not only to create your own green oasis, but also to constantly devote time to the greenhouse to maintain plants and premises in proper condition. We offer you an impressive selection of 100 designs of a wide variety of greenhouses and we hope that they will inspire you to your own achievements in creating a green corner for rest and relaxation.

Origin of winter gardens

These days, greenhouses can be safely called green oases, a concentration of beauty and harmony for rest and relaxation. But for this, rooms with plants have come a long way. Also in Ancient Rome winter gardens originated as a phenomenon in architecture itself. Later, from the southern countries, moving westward, greenhouses literally conquered all of Europe. The most widespread free-standing structures made of glass and wood were in England, in the households of noble and wealthy people.

It was in England that significant changes took place in the very approach to growing plants in special facilities. all year round: the methods of space heating underwent changes. From the most primitive measures, when holes were dug in the ground and filled with hot coal, to the appearance of a spiral chimney and, ultimately, water heating system. By the middle of the 19th century, winter gardens began to appear not only in private dwellings, but also in multi-storey buildings.

In Russia, the first winter garden appeared in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery. The first stone greenhouses with a heating system in our country appeared there. The monks were able not only to cultivate a wide variety of plants in rather harsh climatic conditions, but also to grow vegetables in their greenhouses all year round.

In the 19th century, in Russia, winter gardens received a serious impetus in the development and distribution among famous nobles. Not only the Moscow GUM and the St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Passage were equipped with their own greenhouses, many noble persons could acquire indoor gardens in their estates. Over time, glass structures have ceased to be just a place for growing plants, but have become the focus of a relaxed pastime with the nobility. In the greenhouses, living rooms were practically located, guests were received. The fashion for indoor winter gardens with beautiful decoration was gaining momentum very quickly - not only exotic plants but also fountains, songbirds.

With coming Soviet power winter gardens as a place for exquisite relaxation, surrounded by exotic plants, have experienced a serious decline. Most compatriots had to worry at least about a roof over their heads and poor food. Nowadays, there are no restrictions in building and finishing materials, systems for creating a certain temperature and humidity will help create optimal conditions to grow plants of the desired varieties. By using modern technologies can be difficult to create comfortable spot for growing plants, but a really comfortable space for rest and relaxation.

Features of creating a greenhouse

It is obvious that for successful cultivation plants need to create and maintain certain conditions. If the different crops in the greenhouse are not comfortable, then the whole operation of building, decorating and maintaining an indoor green garden will fail. In order for the creation of a winter garden to be effective, at least two basic conditions must be met:

  • the greenhouse should have high level natural light (which is why most often these buildings are almost completely made of glass);
  • for a certain type of plants, special conditions are created and maintained - desired level temperature and air humidity, timely watering and top dressing of green spaces is carried out.

There are three options for creating a greenhouse in a private household:

  • the greenhouse is designed at the construction stage and is an integral part of the structure;
  • the winter garden is attached to the main building after completion construction works(it is possible that a lot of time has passed since the construction of the house);
  • the greenhouse is a separate building with its own systems of heating, lighting, ventilation and creating a certain humidity.

Of course, the best (in terms of cost and effort) is the way to create a greenhouse when designing a house. In such a situation, the winter garden and the foundation for it are laid initially, all communications are carried out together with the main building. But this method of erecting a steep garden is rarely used, due to the fact that the owners at the construction stage either do not yet plan to grow plants all year round, or this project does not fit into the overall financial estimate.

Most often, when building a greenhouse, the owners follow the second path - attaching a glass structure to the finished building. This method is relatively economical: the wall of the house acts as one of the walls of the winter garden. But saving on laying the foundation will not work. Glass structures (even of the most modest sizes) are only seemingly airy, weightless - glass is a heavy material and the foundation or plinth must be “drowned” deep enough. The size and depth of the foundation will depend on the height of the greenhouse, because many grow in their indoor garden not only undersized plants, but also dwarf trees.

The least used construction method separate building, in which plants will be grown and a place for rest and relaxation will be arranged. The unpopularity of this method is explained by the high cost, the need to use the free area of ​​​​the yard or land plot, as well as "pull" all communication systems at some distance from the main building.

Ways to design a winter garden

The choice of plants for the greenhouse is an individual decision of each owner. But in the ways of organizing recreation areas you can find interesting ideas from famous designers. So, what can be organized as part of a greenhouse with plants? The first and most logical decision that comes to all future and real owners winter garden - arrangement of the living room. Rest, receiving guests and just family gatherings surrounded by lush greenery of plants is a pleasure not available to every city dweller. That makes the time spent in such a relaxing atmosphere more valuable.

Garden furniture looks most organically in the interior of the greenhouse, namely, wickerwork. Armchairs and sofas, coffee tables and coasters made of wicker or rattan incredibly harmoniously fit into an atmosphere close to nature, creating a cozy and comfortable environment. In order to increase the level of comfort in the greenhouse recreation area, it is enough to equip wicker furniture with soft seats and decorative pillows.

In a spacious greenhouse, you can not stop at the installation of upholstered furniture and a coffee table for arranging a recreation area. Fountains and small waterfalls (imitation of water falling from a certain height) are appropriate in a room literally filled with greenery. Built-in lamps and ribbon lighting of plants and a fountain will add originality to a refined atmosphere.

The second, no less popular way to design a greenhouse is to arrange a dining room. Any meal surrounded by lush greenery becomes more pleasant and tastier. Enough to find a place for a small dining table and chairs. Depending on the size and shape of the room, you can use round or oval (the most organic option for arranging the dining area), square or rectangular table. Depending on the model of the table, chairs are also selected. Very often, garden furniture is used to equip the dining area.

In some cases, it is convenient for the owners to arrange in the greenhouse full kitchen with working and dining area. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that plants must be chosen resistant to temperature changes. The working kitchen segment must be equipped with a powerful hood to save the plants from getting even the smallest drops of fat.

Even a very modest extension with glass walls and a roof can be turned into a small green oasis if the available space is properly distributed. Arrangement of plants in tiers, installation of racks for plantings small size, the creation of so-called eco-walls or "green walls", will allow even in a small greenhouse to find a place to install round table with a couple of chairs to organize a place for short meals, relaxation and admiring the lush greenery.

Exterior of the greenhouse

If we are not talking about the internal content of the winter garden, but its exterior, then the facade of the greenhouse, of course, should be in harmony with appearance the main building, regardless of whether it was originally designed, added after the main construction or is a separate structure. Most often, the walls of the greenhouse have a plinth, which is laid out of brick or stone. For the construction of the basement, foam blocks or hollow types of bricks are rarely used - such structures may not withstand the heavy weight of glass walls and a dome or a transparent roof.

The plinth, trimmed with stone in harmony with the design of the main building, looks luxurious. Glass surfaces bring airiness to the overall image of the entire structure. Even a small greenhouse in this case significantly changes the appearance of the facade of the household.

A similar situation develops with the use of bricks as a building or finishing material. Modern facade brick (intended for decorating house facades) can be textured, with fezzes, made in a wide variety of colors.

874 Dix https://www.pngDix 2017-07-26 18:58:04 2018-11-30 11:15:12 Winter garden: 100 modern ideas creating a greenhouse

If you have decided to create a winter garden in a private house, then we congratulate you! Whether you live in a village or a big city, you will fill your life with joyful and pleasant moments. Fill your winter garden with exotic plants, make it an additional living room - at any time of the year you will be in harmony with nature. Whether you're hiring builders or building your own winter garden, we've got some good tips for you.

Natural stone walls add cosiness to the winter garden

Winter garden glazing

The key point in creating a winter garden is, of course, glazing. Glass must be insulated. When designing a roof, its slope plays an important role. Calculate how the sun's rays fall in winter: the roof should be at right angles to them. Then in the winter you will be able to collect all solar heat, and in summer - to hide from the scorching sun. All year round, your garden will be maintained at an optimal, comfortable temperature.

Add a couple of fresh accents with furniture


Despite the fact that we are talking primarily about the southern regions with mild winters, still pay attention to the very important point: cheap materials are not even considered here! Glass and moving mechanisms must be of the highest quality if you want to spend time in your conservatory all year round. Regarding the choice of materials, we recommend contacting our partners: oknafdo.ru.

Enjoy a delicious breakfast or read a wonderful book in this conservatory

Why not celebrate the New Year in the winter garden?

Decoration of the winter garden

Of course, the winter garden can be used to store plants in the winter. You can also make a greenhouse out of it, where you can grow your own vegetables all year round. However, let's consider the option where the interior of the winter garden resembles a living room where you can gather with the whole family, enjoy nature and fresh air at any time of the year and in any weather. In the first place - comfort and coziness! Use a convenient upholstered furniture or beautiful garden furniture from rattan. Set up a comfortable table and don't forget the lamps. Thus, sockets will also come in handy for you.
Plants, without a doubt, make up the soul of the winter garden. Fill the room with greenery. The very embodiment of comfort, round full flowering plants, your winter garden will become an oasis where you can fill up with strength for new achievements!

Do you think that the vine is an exclusively summer plant? By no means!

Wonderful idea: dining in the winter garden

Glazed terrace as a winter garden

If you already have a wonderful veranda or terrace where you like to spend time in good weather, then why not glaze it? A small family does not need a large winter garden, a glazed veranda is enough - a quiet corner with fresh air, where you can spend winter evenings.

Winter garden with protection from the scorching sun

We publish for you photos of completely different, but, without a doubt, the best winter gardens and greenhouses.

Classic elegance in dark brown

House with attached glass porch

Lounge style winter garden

Greenhouse - green oasis

Large winter garden in colonial style

Little space? No problem!

Residents of large cities are increasingly feeling the need to communicate with wildlife, weekends, especially in the warm season, they prefer to devote to hiking in a park or forest, each family tries to acquire country house, or at least garden plot. But in winter or late autumn Field trips are often canceled due to bad weather. But if you wish, you can create a green corner, or even a whole greenhouse, in your own apartment. If earlier a winter garden was created exclusively in private homes, today, using the ideas of designers, you can create a green oasis in a typical city apartment with your own hands. Of course, the question needs to be defined. suitable place, lighting and heating options, careful selection of plant varieties.

Home greenhouse - how to choose a place to create it

Of course, in an ordinary city apartment it is quite difficult to find enough space to organize a winter garden. Usually the choice falls on glazed loggias or balconies, ideal option you can consider a room with a bay window, unless, of course, there is one in the apartment.

Balcony room or loggia will need to be prepared as follows:

  • clean up unwanted items
  • insulate the ceiling, walls, floor,
  • come up with an original interior decoration for walls
  • decide on the general style of the flower greenhouse.

If you do all the work with your own hands, then the preparation stage will not be very costly.

The allotted area should be properly zoned:

  • make a place to rest
  • provide for the possibility of moving around the balcony,
  • Leave room for plants.

To place the plants, you can use any surface - window sills, shelves attached to the walls, shelving, you can attach flowerpots with plants to the ceiling. The greenhouse of flowers should be functional and compact. Since plants require a certain humidity, degree of illumination and temperature for normal development, it will be necessary to create a certain ecosystem in their habitat.

You should also make sure that there are no drafts and the tightness of the room. As wall decoration, you can use any suitable materials, the floor is best laid out ceramic tiles or other material that is not threatened by destruction from high humidity- because the plants will be constantly watered and sprayed.


Before you make a greenhouse, you should consider the issue of its heating. There are many options for the heating system, the choice will be determined rather by the willingness to spend this or that amount of money. The most expensive, but effective option is the installation of a warm floor, the installation of a split system or a conventional one will be less expensive. oil cooler. We should not forget that in severe frosts, the split system may not be efficient enough, and the constant operation of the radiator will lead to an increase in electricity costs. Experts consider the most the best option installation of a warm floor, even with a relatively expensive initial cost.

Heaters should be located near the coldest wall or near a window.

When installing double glazing, installation effective thermal insulation and a high-quality heating system, it is possible to achieve that the temperature in the room under any weather conditions will exceed +15 C, which is quite enough for growing tropical plants.

A thermometer should be installed on the balcony. Decreasing the temperature to 0 C is an alarm signal. Many of the plants will not be able to withstand such temperatures for a long time. It will be necessary to organize additional heating or temporary relocation of plants to more warm room. It is also impossible to allow a sharp temperature drop.

It will definitely be necessary to carry out electrical wiring on the balcony - with a short daylight hours, the organization of a normal light regime will be required. In order for the plant to receive rays, the length of which contributes to its development and flowering as much as possible, it is best to install fluorescent, LED or special phyto-lamps. Lighting should be at a proper distance from the plants themselves. If not own experience installation of electrical wiring, then this stage of work is best entrusted to a specialist.

If the balcony is located on the south side of the house, then it will be necessary to provide for the possibility of installing blinds - too bright sun can harm plants. It should also be borne in mind that some plants do not like bright light at all - they can be placed further away.

Flower greenhouse - how to ensure optimal humidity

The optimal humidity level for flower growth is around 70%. But the use of heating appliances in winter or extreme heat in summer lead to a significant decrease in it. Therefore, when planning the interior, it is necessary to provide a place for placing at least small containers with water. Daily spraying of moisture-loving plants is recommended. Water mist will help increase humidity and wash dust off the leaves, thereby enhancing the process of photosynthesis and increasing the percentage of oxygen in the air that fills the apartment. You can also use salt lamps- sea air is useful for both people and plants.

How to divide the territory of a small room into functional zones

Of course, a small balcony can be divided into very tiny zones, however, with proper planning, plant care and relaxation in the greenhouse can be quite comfortable. The width of the passage along the balcony can be from 40 to 60 cm. At the same time, an unobstructed approach to each flower, to windows and doors should be ensured. The size of the recreation area will depend on the dimensions of the loggia or balcony, if space permits, you can install a small sofa or chair, it is possible to use folding furniture. It is good to place a miniature coffee table, several closed shelves or a cabinet for storing plant care products.

DIY flower greenhouse - we take the choice of plants seriously

A small area of ​​a home winter garden does not mean at all that a strictly limited number of plants can be placed in it. With skillful selection and correct location containers with flowers can create a cozy atmosphere of a green oasis.

As the main object of the composition, you can use a larger plant - ficus, palm, yucca, dracaena, pandanus, lemon tree. A container with it is placed on the floor, smaller objects are placed around it, while it is advisable to choose flowers that match the outlines of the leaves, their dimensions or shade. The nearby milkweeds, cyperus, calathea, Money Tree. One plant should not be allowed to overlap another, each of them should receive a sufficient amount of light.

If hydrangea, rose, azalea, orchid are used in the composition, it is better to place them closer to the source of natural light.

Planted in hanging planters ampelous plants such as vines, tradescantia, chlorophytum, polyanthus jasmine, gloriosa.

A small beautifully designed artificial pond, possibly with a waterfall or a fountain, will give a special charm to the greenhouse. It will help humidify the air and bring a sense of dynamism to the greenery of the interior.

Minimalists can limit their choices to succulents, cacti, and agaves. But the choice of any of the species involves the creation of conditions corresponding to each flower, bush or tree.

Flower greenhouse at home - how to properly care for plants

When organizing a winter garden, one should be aware that in order to maintain its attractiveness, constant monitoring and care will be required. Signs of inattention of the owners or improper care will be:

  • wilting or yellowing of the leaves,
  • falling buds,
  • insufficiently intensive flowering for this season.

Ongoing care will include:

  • spraying and watering plants,
  • removing dust from leaves
  • humidity and light intensity adjustment,
  • temperature adjustment,
  • fertilizing and loosening the soil.

All remains of plants affected by rot or disease should be carefully removed from the pots. Should be removed at least once a season upper layer soil, replacing it with a fresh mixture, which includes a compost mixture or manure.

But all the time and energy spent will pay off with interest - it's hard to imagine something more pleasant than morning tea or a romantic dinner in a beautiful winter garden, created by yourself.

If in the greenhouse most plants do not like bright sunlight, then in summer the balcony will need to be shaded with curtains made of translucent fabric, a canopy, and blinds. You should also give preference to drought-resistant, light-loving specimens.

On the balcony, located on the north or west side of the house, it is better to plant decorative leafy plants.

It is desirable for one composition to choose flowers with similar requirements for temperature and humidity conditions.

Evergreen plants should be chosen for planting in the winter greenhouse. They will maintain the decorative composition throughout the year. Seasonal flowers are best planted in window boxes.

Be careful with poisonous indoor plants and those that can cause allergies, especially if there are small children in the family.

If plants are planted in containers, then stunted ones should be planted in the center, and curly plants should be planted along the edges.

A vertical composition of bushy and falling plants planted in a flower pot looks more impressive.

You can also resort to creating a similarity Alpine slide, taking as a basis multi-level stands and laying the floor with an artificial turf imitating a lawn.

Compositions of climbing flowers planted around the arched structure have a very attractive look.

Vertical flower beds

The design of a vertical flower bed for a balcony is not at all complicated; to create it, you will need to find a used pallet, cover it with a moisture-proof material, and fill it with high-quality soil. Flowers are planted in holes, the structure is attached to vertical plane, in particular - to the wall.

The basis for a vertical flower bed can be made of foil insulation. The existing cloth is folded in two layers, stitched with pockets, cut through them and covered with nutrient soil. Then the flowers are planted.

Plants for such compositions are selected with small roots. Since the soil in such pockets will dry out faster than in pots, the flower beds will need more frequent watering. We should not forget about top dressing, water-soluble fertilizers of any type can be used to feed plants.

You should know that a do-it-yourself home greenhouse is quite real. Now is such a time that no difficulties stop people, they easily build various designs on one's own. To build a greenhouse, it is important to take into account some of the nuances. Many gardeners are engaged in growing not only flowers, but also tropical fruit trees at home. In this case, care should be taken to ensure that the building being erected is extremely efficient in terms of saving heat. The second criterion for assessing quality is light transmission. When erecting a building, it will be necessary to use exclusively transparent and non-staining materials that are capable of transmitting more than 80% of the sun's rays. Only in this way it will be possible not only to grow greens, but also to enjoy tropical fruits.

The choice of plants for a home greenhouse depends on the following factors: air temperature, humidity and room illumination.

The following criteria for evaluating the quality of a structure are the bearing capacity of materials, service life and resistance to corrosion. In order for the plants to feel good, it is necessary to make a capital structure, which will require considerable cash costs. Such a building will stand for many years, while it will not be afraid of wind, snow or rain.

In most cases, a do-it-yourself greenhouse is made of glass, polycarbonate or PVC bags.

Elements that are needed for the construction of the building:

  • fittings;
  • Bulgarian;
  • bolts;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • drill.

How to choose the material for the construction of the greenhouse?

The most common type of material used to build greenhouses is glass. Its main advantage is its good bearing capacity. The material is able to easily withstand snow, hail and other precipitation. An additional advantage of glass is its light transmission. Up to 98% of the light will pass through such material, therefore, the plants that will be grown in the manufactured building will be able to receive the right amount of sunlight for their growth.

As an example, a structure with dimensions of 3x4x4 m will be considered. In this case, glass with a thickness of 12-13 mm is suitable as the supporting structure of the walls. If high-quality metal jointing is done and a crate with 100x100 cm squares is created, then glass with a thickness of only 3-4 mm can be used. The glass can be easily washed, all you need to do is pour liquid from the top of the material with a hose, apply cleaning products and rinse off the resulting mixture. After such simple actions the roof will again be able to perfectly transmit light and delight the owner with an excellent appearance.

A significant drawback is the relatively high cost, but there is an opportunity to save some amount Money in case you purchase glass of small thickness and compensate for its strength with high-quality metal jointing of the structure. Thus, you can reduce costs several times. 1 m² of wall will cost a maximum of 450 rubles. Another significant disadvantage is the rapid heat dissipation. If the room is heated to 25°C, then soon the air temperature may still drop to 0°C. This is due to the fact that the material is practically unable to retain heat.

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Features of the construction of glass structures

It is not necessary to build a foundation, but it is still recommended to do so. Thus, distortions of the structure can be avoided. The depth of the base should be 30 cm. Optimal Thickness- approximately 10-12 cm. The foundation is poured with concrete mortar.

After that, the metal is embroidered. In this case, it is recommended to fasten 2 channels of 3 cm to the back wall. As a result, it will be easy to fix the glass in the future.

The easiest option is to make a square greenhouse with your own hands. The roof must be at an angle of at least 55°. In this case, the snow will not be able to linger, but will immediately fall off or melt from the heated roof. Erect winter greenhouse quite simple, the problem is only in attaching the glass to the channel. To do this, you will need to purchase sealing material for automotive glass. Such a sealant is durable, it will not crack, freeze, melt and be exposed to the sun's rays.

The construction of a structure for a summer residence or a private house consists of the following stages:

  1. Frame construction. The material used is a metal profile.
  2. If this is a separate room, then a tape base is made.
  3. The walls and ceiling are being erected. The sequence of actions depends on the selected material.
  4. Heating devices are installed.

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How to install polycarbonate buildings?

You should be aware that the construction of a greenhouse in a country house or in a private house is not always a long and costly process. To significantly reduce the cost of such a building, you can use polycarbonate. This material has a large number of advantages:

  • light weight - polycarbonate is 17-20 times lighter than glass;
  • excellent light transmission capacity - 88%, this indicator can meet the requirements of modern greenhouses;
  • the material can be easily bent, in connection with which it is possible to make structures of various shapes;
  • polycarbonate does not crack;
  • resistant to corrosion;
  • good bearing capacity;
  • fixed on metal support elements;
  • there is no need to build a foundation.

Flaw this material– low thermal efficiency. In winter, there will be high energy costs, as the material transmits heat. It is advisable to use polycarbonate if it is not necessary to heat the room. If there is a desire to grow exotic plants, then it will not work to use polycarbonate in the process of building a greenhouse in the country.

As supporting elements and crates, you can use a corner with shelves 25x20 mm.

Every gardener dreams of his own home greenhouse, even a small one. After all, she can give pleasure to do what she loves throughout the year, and in a well-heated room, even those who are not at all adapted to the cold climate will be able to survive the long winter. tropical plants and flowers. But how to make a greenhouse with your own hands, where to start?

In addition to water and electric heating greenhouses, you can use air, steam, infrared or stove.

First of all, in this matter, all the little things should be taken into account, so that later there is no need to redo something. After all, for many tender plants, just one night spent without heating can be enough for them to die.

Therefore, in home greenhouses, it is necessary to organize electricity, water supply, heating, ventilation, as well as convenient shelving for placing flowers and plants.

And this is not the whole list of works related to the construction of such a room with your own hands. Therefore, taking up such work, it is necessary to draw up a plan for future work.

Approximate plan for the construction of a greenhouse

To solve this question: how to make a greenhouse with your own hands? First you need to choose a place on personal plot where the building will be erected. The main thing here is that it should be as sunny as possible. It is also necessary to take into account that the building being built should not be exposed to wind or it should be as small as possible.

The building being built will be quite durable, so the foundation must be strong. It is best to do under the greenhouse strip foundation stone or concrete. The depth of the foundation must be dug to a mark at which the soil does not freeze even in the most harsh winters. If concrete is taken as the base, then it will be necessary to organize drainage, because when wet, the concrete will absorb moisture and become slippery.

In addition, it will be necessary to make a pavement of soil under the racks. Polystyrene foam is well suited as a heater, in this case the foundation will perfectly retain heat in its lower sections. The floor of the greenhouse can be covered with fine gravel or pebbles, they will provide good drainage and get rid of excess dirt.

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Outside work

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Greenhouse frame

When building a greenhouse with your own hands, materials such as PVC, aluminum or galvanized steel are most often used.

A good frame for home greenhouses must withstand strong winds and not deform during long-term operation. The choice of frame material depends entirely on the material outer skin buildings. The heavier the sheathing, the stronger the frame itself should be. When building a greenhouse with your own hands, preference is given to the following materials A: PVC, aluminum or galvanized steel. The frame of these materials will be strong enough to withstand various deformations. A wooden frame is considered an unsuccessful option, because over time it will begin to rot and during the operation of the building it will require serious constant maintenance.

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Building sheathing

An important point in the construction of a home greenhouse with your own hands is the choice of material for the outer skin of the frame. This will directly affect the cost of heating, electricity, as well as the durability and efficiency of the premises. In order to sheathe the frame from the outside, special materials are needed that have a high level of opacity and provide sufficient thermal insulation.

No less important is light scattering. After all, for such a structure as a greenhouse, it takes as much as possible sunlight, at the same time, plants may die under the scorching rays. Therefore, glass or the following types of plastic are suitable for the outer skin of home greenhouses: fiberglass, polycarbonate, polyethylene film. And for the roof - cellular polycarbonate.

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Internal work

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Greenhouse heating

For heating the greenhouse, gas, gasoline and electric boilers. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Electric heating of the greenhouse is very convenient, as no special air ventilation is required. But if the electricity is turned off, the plants may die. A combined heating system is best suited for such a room. If something happens and one system fails, it will be possible to quickly connect another.

To install heating equipment, you can make a special technical room in the basement or attach a greenhouse next to the main room. And if the greenhouse is built close to the house or in the form of an extension it is one with the house, then you can lead to this building home system heating. In this case, less energy will be spent on heating the greenhouse, and the house itself will be much warmer.