Shower      06/23/2020

How to create a decorative false fireplace in an apartment with your own hands: a step-by-step master class. False fireplace - a decorative imitation for placement in the interior How to make a decorative fireplace at home

One of the stylish components of the interior, a family hearth, a source of warmth and comfort. Unfortunately, at home, not every family can afford to install such a luxury. To place the structure in an apartment, you need a special permit, and besides, you will need a lot of money. In this situation, little help a budget option, which does not require additional approvals - an artificial hearth (false fireplace). You can make a decorative device with your own hands, saving time and money.

Artificial fireplaces: 22 photos in the interior

DIY manufacturing process

It is not so difficult to create a pseudo-fireplace on your own. You can watch a video with a master class from experts, outline step by step instructions, proceed to preparatory work. First of all, you need to make a drawing or sketch bases (portal), determine the size, location (living room, bedroom, etc.), as well as the style of the future design of the finished object. In addition, it is necessary to determine what material the hearth imitation will be sheathed with. For sheathing and partitions, drywall, fiberboard, chipboard, plywood, cardboard, wood, polystyrene, polyurethane, brick are most often chosen. Much less commonly used plastic, glass, metal. Beautiful view finishing gives the fireplace. You can decorate the building with ceramic tiles, natural and artificial stone, laminate, etc.

Let's take a step-by-step example of how to make an artificial drywall corner fireplace yourself.

Tools and materials

Installation takes place in 2 stages: assembly of equipment, installation with subsequent finishing according to modern design. At each stage, improvised means will be needed.

Homemade frame is made from different materials. Most often used metallic profile, but sometimes prefer wood. The choice depends on the devices that will be placed in the hearth. The use of electrical appliances, biofuel burners and other flammable elements precludes the use of wooden structures. The frame is sheathed drywall sheets with non-flammable properties.

To do the work yourself you will need:

  • metal profile;
  • drywall sheets;
  • metal corners;
  • metal scissors, screwdriver;
  • building level, plumb;
  • self-tapping screws, screws, other connecting consumables;
  • putty, spatula;
  • materials for mounting the outlet (if electrical appliances are planned in the design).

May be needed Additional materials for finishing (for example, tiles, grout for tiles, decorative grille, LED strip, etc.).

Read also: Imitation of a fireplace in an apartment

We create our own fireplace

First of all, we determine the dimensions corner fireplace. Thanks to lightweight materials as part of the overall design, the parameters can be any, but should not exceed 1/25 of the area of ​​​​the room. For example, in a living room of 20 m2, a hearth with sides adjacent to walls of no more than 1.2 m will organically look. The total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure should not exceed 0.8 m2. The design can be improved by giving it functionality in the form of additional shelves on both sides.

The selected parameters are applied to the fireplace scheme. Created general drawing with all measurements and calculations. Then you can proceed directly to the installation:

  1. Assemble a frame from a metal profile using self-tapping screws, as well as a level and a plumb line for checking correct location designs.
  2. Carry out electrical wiring. For illumination, you can use an LED strip.
  3. Make a furnace compartment with double walls, between which lay a non-combustible insulation.
  4. Sheathe the frame with drywall. Pin corner connections metal corners.
  5. Putty the structure, clean the roughness.
  6. Apply flame retardant coating to inner surface structures.

Making artificial fire

Apart from led strip imitation of fire can be:

  • digital photo frame;
  • candles;
  • canvas or wallpaper with the image of fire;
  • biofireplace (ecofireplace);
  • electric fireplace.

When making a hearth with candles, you can not deepen it much. Multi-level candles with real fire will give the design coziness. Maintenance of such a hearth will be inexpensive.

Biofireplaces work from safe fuel - bioethanol. Them no chimney required. But it is important to consider that such devices have a high price.

Making an artificial fireplace

So, the design is ready, the last creative stage remains - decorative trim. It is necessary to finish the finished structure with the material that, in all respects, will be combined with the chosen source of fire.

You can decorate the building in different ways:

  • film with the image of a stone or brick;
  • ceramic finishing tiles with gypsum moldings;
  • artificial or natural stone.

The fireplace has always been a symbol hearth. Many cultures around the world have myths, legends and rituals associated with this item. But if there is no way to build a real one, then there is nothing left but to make a false fireplace with your own hands. This option is also suitable for city residents who, in the conditions of an apartment, cannot afford the construction of this facility.

The role of the fireplace in interior design

In a city apartment, conditions do not allow installing a fireplace. In addition, its construction is a rather laborious and costly process, so not every owner of a private house is able to build a fireplace. But there is an easier option - imitation.

It is possible to make a false fireplace with your own hands, without having special skills and means. Of course, you can also offer the purchase of a finished fireplace, for example, a decorative imitation powered by electricity or with heating elements. However, these devices are quite expensive. Manufacturing with my own hands provides several benefits:

  • Firstly, it allows you to save the family budget. Because the Consumables do not require significant investments and are available to everyone.
  • Secondly, in this case it becomes possible to create unique item an interior that will fully meet the needs and desires of the owner.
  • Thirdly, things created by one's own hands carry a special energy of warmth and love that will surround all household members and guests of the house.

False fireplaces can perform various functions. The main task of the object is decoration. However, such structures can also mask heating radiators, in addition, they can be an artificial source of heat or frame other interior elements. In any case, a false fireplace is a multifunctional object.

Structure classification

Each room has its own characteristics, so it is worthwhile to analyze the possibilities of building a structure taking them into account. Depending on the purpose and method of construction, fireplace imitations are classified:

  1. Reliable imitations are designs that completely copy the original. In this case, not only external signs fireplace, but also the basic principles of the object. For example, you can make a brick or drywall fireplace with a stone finish, and place a heating element inside. Such a composition will provide a complete imitation of the hearth. This is a rather expensive method, but the result is worth it.
  2. The conditional fireplace is a lightweight structure protruding from the wall. The building can be decorated to your liking. Usually, candles are placed in the firebox hole or filled with decorative elements, such as firewood or large crystals of Himalayan salt.
  3. The symbolic false object is performed arbitrarily, using any materials at hand. It can be a drawing or a fresco on the wall in the form of a hearth or lightweight construction from cardboard or foam.

The choice of type depends on the interior, budget and preferences of the owner. Important role plays and available space in the room.

Materials used

At the beginning of work, people usually think about what a fireplace can be made of. In fact, everything is simple. False fireplaces are made from simple materials. Which are distinguished by low cost, and in some cases, are waiting for their fate on the balcony or in the closet. Materials used in the manufacture of an artificial hearth:

Materials that have served their purpose can also go into action. For example, you can use old furniture as the frame of an object or old equipment(TV, washing machine). Competent decoration will breathe a second life into things gathering dust in a change house.

Imitation polyurethane

This is a simple method that does not require investment and labor. To do this, you need to purchase a ready-made portal for a polyurethane fireplace in a hardware store. In this case, it is worth taking seriously the choice of an object that should match the style of the room and have an appropriate size. An electric fireplace can be mounted in a polyurethane structure. However, it is worth taking care of the quality of ventilation and safe connection to electrical network. The moment of matching the electric fireplace and the portal opening is important.

Otherwise, when making such an imitation, difficulties should not arise.. For the construction you will need materials:

After all the materials have been prepared, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of a polyurethane fireplace imitation. This process is pretty simple.:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a place for installation. The best option becomes the side wall of the room. The fireplace should be located so that it does not interfere with the passage and does not clutter up the room.
  2. If the hearth is equipped with an electric heating element, lighting, then you need to take care of the presence of wiring or sockets in the immediate vicinity of the object.
  3. The frame is made of wooden or aluminum carriers, the walls are made of light and dense material (plywood or drywall).
  4. The polyurethane portal is installed in the frame hole and fixed with contact adhesive. The gaps are carefully puttied.
  5. The last step is decoration. Finishing artificial stone or tiles is carried out according to the instructions for use of the source material. As a decor, you can install a mantel made of wood or stone.

Such portals are also made of wood. But they are much more expensive. However, you can find real masterpieces, for example, additionally equipped with a built-in bar or other useful elements.

plywood construction

Such art objects are used to hide the flaws of the room.. For example, it may be an unaesthetic heating radiator, a niche.

The first step in the process is planning. To save time and money, it is recommended to draw up a design drawing taking into account the dimensions of the structure. After that, blanks for the frame of an artificial fireplace are cut out of the timber. The structure is assembled directly on site using a screwdriver, following the instructions of the sketch. Then the frame is sheathed with plywood. The fireplace can be supplemented with a podium or a shelf. On back wall mount an imitation firebox. External walls decorate with a decorative film or wallpaper.

This design is mobile. It is not fixed to the wall, so you can always move it to another place and get access to the wall. Large stones or candles can be placed in the opening of the firebox.

You can make your own decorative grille. To do this, you need a copper profile or aluminum wire. The wire is attached decorative form and painted with gold, silver or bronze paint. Attach the grate to the body of the fireplace with a thin copper wire.

Such an artificial fireplace will not only mask the flaws, but will also become an interior decoration.

The second life of old furniture

The most budget option is a fireplace from old furniture. Surely everyone has old sideboard or closet. Do not rush to send them to the landfill. On the basis of the cabinet, you can create a design element of the interior. For this, it is necessary:

  • Plywood;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Acrylic based paint;
  • putty;
  • Ribbon with LEDs;
  • Decorative elements (stucco molding, plaster decorative stone, balusters).

Having prepared materials and tools, it is necessary to draw up a sketch of the future fireplace. Only after that proceed with the assembly. The main stages of the process:

At minimal cost it is possible to get a stylish vintage piece of furniture. It will decorate the room and create an atmosphere of mystery from an old fairy tale.

It is not difficult to build an artificial fireplace at home. Attention, the desire to create and efficiency - that's what you need to enjoy the uniqueness and warmth of an art object created by yourself.

The beauty of the flame of fire enchants and attracts. You can look at it without stopping for hours. And you rarely meet such a person who would not dream of installing a fireplace in his home. But what to do if you live in an apartment and you can’t install a fireplace in it? Here comes to the rescue decorative fireplace from drywall.



Decorative fireplaces are becoming more popular day by day. If earlier they emphasized their wealth, now it is a common element of decor. This is because such fireplaces bring harmony to the house and have a number of positive aspects.

  • A decorative fireplace will add chic to any interior, acting as the main focus in it.
  • False fireplace is not only decorative element, but also a heating device that will bring warmth and add comfort to your home.
  • It is nice to spend time with loved ones around him.
  • Not dangerous for children.
  • Do-it-yourself decorative plasterboard fireplace does not require large investments.

And these are just the main advantages of installing a false fireplace at home.


Place for a fireplace

If you decide to install a flash fireplace at home, then first you need to determine the place. The choice of its location is very important so that you can qualitatively create the illusion that the fireplace is quite real.

  • First, we determine the room where we plan to install such a fireplace. Everything is simple here. Most likely, it will be a living room or a hall. Less commonly, decorative fireplaces are installed in the bedroom.
  • Secondly, we plan its placement. Usually it is installed in the middle of the longitudinal wall. But here it all depends on your wishes and the design of the room, as well as on its technical capabilities.

Do not place the fireplace in places where it will interfere. For example, near cabinets, doors and batteries. This will not only complicate the installation work, but the fireplace may subsequently be damaged.

How to do

To make a decorative fireplace yourself, you will need some drywall skills, the ability and desire to create, and, of course, a tool.

Initially, you need to make drawings. First, draw a diagram of the location of the future fireplace, or even several, and then draw a fireplace in two projections, apply all the necessary dimensions. It is better to carry out the drawing in full size, so that it is easy to try on the wall. We develop a sketch to the smallest detail, so that later you do not have to redo anything.

Based on the drawing, we make a model of the future fireplace from cardboard boxes or foam. It is necessary to create all the details of the fireplace, and install them on adhesive tape where you plan to place this decor element. Execute the layout carefully, completely in accordance with the project, in order to analyze errors in advance and eliminate them.

We turn to the construction of the structure. During construction we will need:

  1. Bulgarian;
  2. perforator;
  3. screwdriver;
  4. cutter;
  5. putty knife;
  6. stationery knife;
  7. metal scissors;
  8. roulette;
  9. building level;
  10. pencil.

Initially, we transfer all the details of the future fireplace to sheets of drywall, and cut it out with a grinder. We mark all parts of the fireplace on the wall, use the building level to maintain a clear horizontal and vertical line. We install guides on the wall where it is planned to place a false fireplace. We do this with a puncher and dowels.

If you do not plan to install a false chimney and are thinking of organizing a shelf for photographs and figurines at the top, then you must immediately strengthen the side racks for structural reliability. Lead the cable with electricity into the structure so that you can then insert and connect an electric fireplace or LCD TV into the portal. You can assemble the frame separately, and only then install it on the wall. This option is more convenient if your fireplace is located near a wall.

Now we sheathe the frame with drywall. We do everything carefully, remembering that a deviation of a few millimeters can distort the whole picture and will not make it possible to fill the portal in the future. If the lining of the false fireplace is supposed to be massive and heavy, then it is necessary to sheathe the future fireplace with two layers of drywall. For lining the fireplace, drywall sheets with a thickness of at least 1.2 cm are suitable.

Next, we move on to putty. Why is it necessary to process the edges of the drywall with an abrasive, prime and putty the fireplace completely. We produce putty inside and outside. We use tape and perforated corners to connect the sheets to each other so that the grout holds well and the surface becomes perfectly flat.

The next step is finishing the false fireplace. You can decorate it with any material. Tile, artificial stone, gypsum finish, granite, marble, just painting and much more are suitable here. It all depends on your imagination and the stylistic decision of the room as a whole.

But first you need to finish inner part decorative fireplace, especially if a heat appliance will be installed in it. Thermal insulation in this case is necessary. We trim the portal with magnesite and cover it with foil on top. Such a layer will reflect heat and will not allow the inner walls of the fireplace to heat up.

If a heater is not provided in a false fireplace, then inside it can be trimmed with a mirror.

If the fireplace is finished with artificial stone or marble, then Finishing work in the form of putty can be omitted. In this case, you just need to prime the drywall, and then glue the stone special glue. We give the glue to dry well and process all the seams between the stone with a special grout.

Another great way to finish a drywall fireplace is with decorative plaster. We apply it to the fireplace, and, without waiting for the coating to dry, with a spatula we imitate brickwork.

Can be pasted over decorative film choosing the right pattern. A huge selection of textures will make your fireplace unique.

After finishing the fireplace, it is necessary to decorate it. To do this, we use various columns, stucco, moldings. This decor will give artificial fireplace naturalness and perfection.

On the top of the fireplace can be installed decorative shelf, install an electric fireplace or TV in the furnace.

Design in the interior

The design of a decorative fireplace can be performed in any stylistic decision, and it is possible to equip it in different ways. From what you fill the portal at the false fireplace, it will determine the function of this decor element.

  1. Fireplace decorated in classical style, decorated with marble or granite, with electric fireplace in the portal, will bring not only warmth to your room, but its presentable appearance will become the central accent in the interior.
  2. A false chimney will add naturalness to the fireplace.
  3. A brick-lined fireplace with a TV in the firebox is suitable for a high-tech stylistic solution. Its clear lines and simple shapes fit perfectly in this style.
  4. Finishing in the form of Greek statues will add chic and fit into the bohemian style of the living room.
  5. For an apartment decorated in Art Nouveau style, a fireplace with a minimal finish is perfect.
  6. Candles in the portal will add a romantic touch to the decor of the room.
  7. Decorative fireplace can be used as a book shelf.
  8. Corner false fireplace will be a decoration even in a small room.
  9. The top shelf can be decorated with figurines for hours, giving English chic to the interior.
  10. A decorative fireplace trimmed with stone is perfect for a room with a rustic style.

In pre-revolutionary Russia and other countries of the current CIS, fireplaces have always been popular as an interior detail and a functional element for heating a home. The twentieth century, due to total gasification and the development of electrical networks, moved fireplaces and other heating structures in the background - open fire in the room has become a rarity. A century later, the fashion for fireplaces returned to the open spaces of the Motherland, which became a trend in the design of comfortable housing. It is difficult and expensive to equip a full-fledged fireplace in a city apartment, so inquisitive minds have come up with an alternative - decorative fireplace made do it yourself.

As you may have guessed, the word “decorative” in this case means that such interior items are not heated with firewood, but, unambiguously, they are 100% done in terms of comfort. The advantages of a decorative fireplace are the relative ease of manufacture, the possibility of using improvised materials and excellent aesthetic characteristics.

With the seeming simplicity of such a solution, you may naturally have a question: “how to replace a live fire in a false fireplace?”. The first part of the article will tell about the methods for solving the problem.

Option one: genius in simplicity!

One obvious solution is to use Dec. candle fireplace. Firstly, they are smokeless, which means they do not require an exhaust hood. Secondly, they are practically safe.

Advice: Equip the back side walls false fireplace mirrors - the visual effect of similarity will increase.

Option two: a tree without a flame creates comfort

Logs are another flame substitute: lay out firewood in a picturesque mess or “hut” - this will create the impression that the fireplace is working and a fire can blaze in it at any moment.

Option three: "Papa Carlo's closet"

Remember, in the fairy tale "The Golden Key" Papa Carlo has a painted fireplace instead of a hearth? Use this idea for own interior! There are many variations in the implementation of this idea - from a blackboard (as at school) to printing on fabric, canvas.

If you choose a plane for drawing with chalk, you can update the drawing as much as you want, draw not only the fire itself, but everything that comes to mind. Such a choice is relevant especially for children - a slate plane within reach will open up great opportunities for kids to be creative and develop artistic skills.

Option four: put up bookshelves

An option for using the interior space that may seem unexpected: install shelves in a false fireplace and place books on them! This solution has its advantages - the release of space, originality and convenience. Perfect option- place a children's library in a false fireplace so that young readers have access to their favorite fairy tales.

Option five, original: souvenir shelves

As you have already seen, the design of a decorative fireplace opens up a lot of opportunities for creativity. Another way is to place inside fireplace portal little museum. Here everything is limited only by your imagination and the presence of interesting interior elements. Anything you want can be used - from a collection of antique alarm clocks and figurines, to pictures and crafts.

Option six, festive: Hollywood will tell you!

This option is combined with each of the above. On New Year's holidays, you can easily turn a false fireplace into a festive symbol - free the inner space of the hearth from the contents, fill New Year's toys, garlands and balls, "snow" from cotton wool, Christmas tree needles, etc. Don't forget to hang red socks for Santa Claus to put gifts in!

Option Seven, Realistic: Use an Electric Heater

If you want to not only admire the fireplace, but also feel the warmth emanating from it, install it inside electric heater. Many "antediluvian" models, even from the Soviet era (for example, "Ugolyok 3M"), are equipped with special flickering bulbs that imitate the light of a fire in the hearth.

In the description of the creation of a decorative fireplace, which you will read below, we describe just the version with an electric fireplace, but in the same interior item you can equip everything that is described above.

Of course, there are many more possibilities for decorating a fake fireplace. We did not have a goal to describe everything in the article - we wanted to direct your creative energy in the right direction. We hope we succeeded, and you will come up with something original.

In the meantime, we will move on to the main message of the article - the process of making a fake fireplace with our own hands.

Let's start creating a decorative fireplace with your own hands

To create the same false fireplace as we did, you will need:

  • Sheets or cuttings of MDF sheets
  • Pine board
  • Skirting board trims
  • Old picture frames
  • Wallpaper clippings of any color

Stage 1: design

First of all, it is required to create a project for a future decorative fireplace - to “draw” it on a computer in order to determine all the dimensions from which we will “dance”.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the processing of the opening of the hearth, in which you place a slate board, shelves with books or an electric fireplace.

So let's get started. Although MDF is not the most durable and suitable building material, it will fulfill its function in any case, and at a cost it is simply unrealistic to find something cheaper.

First of all, the base for the portal is cut out of MDF sheets according to the dimensions already known to us. Big details it is advisable to fasten with bolts or screws, it is better to glue smaller ones - here we do not go deep, this stage is easy enough to deal with and independently. After the base is ready, we move on to the next step - decorating the fireplace.

We will make a reservation right away - we found materials for making a fireplace in the pantry, you can use other elements that match your taste.

Stage 2: trying on the first decor details

We used to make the top panel pine board. To move from the front wall of the fireplace to the top panel from below under the board, after a preliminary fitting, we install a piece of wooden plinth - the more openwork, the better.

As you can see, the length of the pieces of the picture frame was not enough for us to cover the surface of the portal horizontally. However, there is nothing critical in this - if you have the same situation, do not worry, later this gap will be covered by a piece of another element, the main thing is that it matches the frame (or whatever you have instead) in style.

Stage 3: we select decor details further

Below the line of the top panel, we initially planned the placement of various decorative details, which will create the main design of the fireplace. Anything can be used, just experiment. In our case, these were mosaic details, old broken frames and just different wooden trimmings.

Don't be embarrassed if you don't imagine the final result - initially, and we didn't imagine exactly what would come out in the end. We advise you to just turn on your imagination and simply lay out the elements in various compositions until you see what turns out beautifully.

In the image on the right you can already see final stage decorations: parts are adjusted to size and put into place, although it still does not look very clear to a beginner in this business.

Stage 4: we complete the installation of decor details

After the details have “found their place”, we stick them on paper (wood glue) - any textured thick paper or wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern: texture is important to us, and color is unimportant, because in the end everything will be hidden by paint.

Stage 5: painting

When all the details are glued, it remains to paint the almost finished product. 1 liter of paint was enough for us to paint the entire surface (painted in 2 layers). And the portal immediately becomes like a real fireplace!

Finishing the lid in our case is a different story. You can make things easier and paint it the same color as the entire portal; we decided to diversify color scheme- make a country-style cover.

To achieve the effect of antiquity, we treated the pine board with vinegar plus strong tea leaves using metal wool.

Stage 6: Installation

Well, the final step is installation. finished product in the house. Just bring it into the room and place it against the wall anywhere - voila, your fireplace is ready! If there is a desire to make the structure stationary and more durable, you can tie it to the wall with anchors or liquid nails. But our practice has shown that this is not necessary, especially since a mobile fireplace opens up a lot of opportunities for frequent change of scenery: if you want, you put a fireplace in the living room, if you want - in the nursery or the hall.

Be that as it may, now you can give it a “lived-in” look by placing souvenirs on the lid, and firewood, candles, books, a heater (as we do) or whatever you think of yourself in the opening.

As you can see, making a decorative fireplace at home with your own hands is a fairly simple matter and does not require any special skills and knowledge. There would be a desire, a tool and time - and everything will work out for you no worse than with us. So go ahead, try and create beauty for home comfort on one's own!

And we wish you and your family a comfortable home stay in front of a brand new decorative fireplace made with your own hands!

For a long time from me there was no detailed step-by-step technologies, but I decided to correct myself and talk about how to make a beautiful decorative fireplace from an old closet and decorate it in a cool way. It will be a great decoration for your home!

DIY decorative fireplace - side view

It was decided to use boards that remained after the dismantling of the old cabinet as the starting material for the construction of the fireplace. The second alternative to chipboard boards was drywall sheets, but I decided to abandon this idea, because. then I would have to build a frame from a metal profile, but due to the lack of skills in working with a metal profile, I decided to do without it. You could also try to make a decorative fireplace out of boxes, but then it would not turn out so strong and durable.

By the way, the site already exists on the portal step by step guide about how to make beautiful using a metal profile. In addition, the same article talks about fireplace decor options, so read a very interesting material!

Drawing of the future fireplace

So, with the source material, we decided it will be a chipboard board from the cabinet. Now let's talk about the dimensions of the boards that will need to be cut. In order not to fully describe the sawing process and dimensions, I am attaching a photograph with a drawing of the future fireplace.

Drawing description:

  1. Tabletop width - 100 cm.
  2. The length of the tabletop is 25 cm.
  3. The height of the side, rear and front boards is 115 cm.
  4. The width of the fireplace is 95 cm.
  5. The length of the fireplace on the side is 22 cm.
  6. The width of the front boards located on the sides is 30 cm.
  7. The width of the front middle - from above - 35 cm, height 45 cm.
  8. The width of the front middle - from below - 35 cm, height 30 cm.
  9. Dimensions of the "furnace" - width 35 cm, height 45 cm.
  10. Inner wall 1 - width 15 cm, height 40 cm.
  11. Inner wall 2 - width 15 cm, length 35 cm.

In the next photo you can see a cabinet that was dismantled and taken to the garage where my husband cut the boards into its constituent structural elements.

old wardrobe- this is a great material for a fireplace

You can cut the elements of which the future fireplace will consist using electric jigsaw, but note that all elements must be clearly marked with a pencil and ruler (no need to rely on the eye). By the way, if it is difficult for you to cut the boards yourself, then you can order the elements on furniture factory providing dimensions. If you bring your boards, it will come out cheaper, about 200 rubles for 1 element.

Do-it-yourself decorative New Year's fireplace: step by step instructions

After all the constituent elements are ready, the most intriguing part of the work comes. The intrigue lies in the fact that if miscalculations were made at the previous step, then at the assembly stage, the structure will not assemble into a single component and some elements will have to be cut out again.

Assembling the back wall

The back wall in my case consists of 2 elements, it so happened that we failed to cut out a single component 95 cm wide and 115 cm high. But this is not a problem, because. you can fasten 2 boards with a bar, and putty the joints between the boards decorative plaster, which remained in our house after the repair.

Sequence of work:

  1. We file the bars for attaching the rear walls to them;
  2. We fix the back walls with self-tapping screws;

We fasten the side ribs to the back wall

We figured out the back wall, pay attention to the previous photo, I deliberately left a few centimeters from the sides in order to attach the side ribs to the back wall “butt”. The sequence of operation is also quite simple:

  1. We fasten the side ribs to the bars with self-tapping screws.
  2. We fasten additional bars to the side ribs for attaching the front wall and cover.

We assemble the front (front) side of the fireplace

The front side consists of 4 constituent parts, among which:

  • Front top beam;
  • two sides;
  • Bottom beam;

The width of the “firebox” hole is 35 cm wide and 40 cm high. I draw your attention to the fact that later I regretted a little about the small dimensions of the hole in the fireplace, so I suggest you increase the furnace hole to 40 by 40 cm or 40 by 50 cm. This will give a more aesthetic look to your fireplace.

Decorative fireplace prices

decorative fireplace

Please note that in order to fix our hole with the "firebox" we will have to back cover fix 4 bars, and attach the inner walls to them.

Fasten the top cover to the frame of the fireplace

Well, the frame is almost ready with the exception of some details. What is missing? Right! Lacks top cover. That is what needs to be attached. The dimensions of the top cover differ from the dimensions of the fireplace, because it should protrude 5-10 cm from all sides. Its size is 100 cm wide and 25 cm high. Next, consider an example of its attachment to the frame in the photo below.

The frame of our decorative fireplace is assembled. The next step is his decoration. In fact, the decorative design of the fireplace is the topic of a separate article in which you need to describe all the points, but for your convenience I will try to this material reflect all the main points on the decoration of the fireplace.

Find out how to do it yourself in an article on our portal.

Finishing a decorative fireplace with your own hands

When the fireplace is ready, it's time for creativity, here everyone can try themselves as a designer. I really liked the role of the designer, I decided to decorate the fireplace with the help of decorative stucco molding, which I myself decided to paint.

So, here is a list of the steps I want to take to make my fireplace look like in the picture:

  1. Plastering the fireplace at the joints of the boards and at the places where self-tapping screws are screwed in.
  2. Painting the fireplace with white water-based paint.
  3. Sticking moldings to the fireplace.
  4. Decorating the "firebox" with mirrors and LED strip.

Fireplace plaster

When the fireplace is plastered, there is a waiting time. The plaster needs to be given time - 2-3 hours to dry, and then we will need to sand the fireplace with fine sandpaper.

After painting the fireplace, you need to give the fireplace 10-12 hours to dry. At this time, you can do the decoration of stucco.

For painting the fireplace, I recommend using water-based paint, because. It is this type of paint that has such qualities as: cheapness, lack of smell. It is the second argument that is decisive in this choice of the type of paint, because. if you are doing repairs in the apartment during the cold season, then leaving the fireplace to dry on the balcony will not work, and the smell of paint in the apartment may make you dizzy.

Please note that painting the fireplace water-based paint will need two layers. This is done in order to completely paint over all the elements.

Fireplace decor

As I noted above, I decided to choose plaster moldings as decorative elements. It is sold in construction stores and has long earned the respect of people in creative professions. I would like to note right away that if your the main task- do it economical option decorative fireplace, then as a good alternative to stucco will be foam decor elements.

I did not use them, because. It seemed to me that the stucco molding looks somewhat more expressive when painted. In addition, if you paint the foam regular paint, then it is likely that it will dissolve under the influence of chemistry.

Next material which I used to finish the fireplace is ceiling plinth(not made of foam), but made of the same material as the stucco molding (most likely it is a solid polyurethane foam). The plinth is useful for decorating the firebox of our fireplace; the photo below will show a sample design of the firebox.

In addition, decorative bricks were used to decorate the firebox, the cost decorative brick(decorative stone) is about 600 rubles per box, but I left it after (my husband wrote about this technology).

The process of finishing the fireplace insert with decorative stone:

  1. From the outside, carefully apply glue (in my case, Bergauf) to the outside of the decorative stone;
  2. We apply a decorative stone to the side wall of the fireplace;
  3. We fix the decorative stone by pressing the hand and wait 10-20 seconds until the glue “grabs”;
  4. Using a similar technology, we cover the second wall of the furnace and the bottom.

Making a fireplace insert with LED strip

I continue finishing the fireplace. The next material I will be using is LED strip. LED strip can be purchased at almost any electrical store. I decided to use a red LED strip, because. it is the red color that will emphasize the unforgettable atmosphere of warmth and comfort that looks like burning firewood.

I will attach the LED strip to the corners of the firebox. Before you fix the LED strip in the fireplace, of course, you need to assemble it into a circuit in the following order: socket, cable, transformer, LED strip.

LED strip prices

LED Strip Light

When connecting the LED strip, observe the polarity.

Photo - stuccoed fireplace

On this, my step-by-step photo report on how to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands has come to an end. If you like my work, then please put likes under this material.

Good luck with your work and a beautiful fireplace!