Shower      04/22/2019

Autumn flowers in the garden that will delight in the flowerbed (photos and names). Autumn flowers in the garden: photos and names

Autumn is a magical time when nature is preparing to take a break from the riot of colors and the splendor of flowers. However, even during this period, a wide variety of plants bloom in the gardens, continuing to delight us with their grace and beauty.

They are also called autumn-flowering or short-day plants, because it is at this time of the year that the sun is no longer so hot, and the bright part of the day is significantly reduced.

Of course, the number of autumn flowers is not as large and diverse as summer ones, but, nevertheless, there are enough of them to decorate your autumn garden and fill it with a pleasant aroma, making it unique and unrepeatable. In most autumn flowers are perennial, although there are annuals among them.

So, the golden time meets us with its first month - September. What flowers has this month prepared for gardeners?

In this article we will look at the names of autumn flowers, descriptions and photos.

September flowers

In terms of weather conditions, September usually differs little from the end of summer, and only towards the end of the month changes can be noticed. Therefore, in early September, many summer flowers still continue to bloom (begonia, gerbera, annual aster, etc.), but, unfortunately, they are unstable to the impending cold and lack of sunlight. Often such plants are grown as annuals, especially in colder regions.

However, as already noted, there are enough a large number of flowers that prefer to bloom in autumn.
In the video, an example of the design of flowers in a flower bed.

Chrysanthemums (Oaks)

It is to these flowers that we will grant the right to open our autumn beauty parade. There is a wide variety of varieties of chrysanthemums that differ in height (high - grow up to one and a half meters, medium and small - from 0.5 m.), Flower sizes and color tones (from white to copper-red, and purple, as well as all kinds of yellow tones and orange).

varietal plants with big flowers usually begin flowering from the end of summer to the end of autumn. They are quite sensitive to cold, while species with small flowers winter well.
Great popularity in Lately enjoy unpretentious korean chrysanthemums with an abundance of small flowers that are strewn with bushes, for example, Alyonushka(inflorescences simple bright pink), Altgold(flowers pompon dark yellow), Snow White(white double flowers), Gebe(blooms until frost, pink-yellow single flowers), Lada(double pink-lilac flowers), Summer (large red semi-double flowers), orange sunset(large double orange-brown flowers). Chrysanthemum leaves also vary greatly in their appearance and size.


Occupy a consistently high position in the ranking of autumn-flowering, due to their long and abundant flowering. There are many varieties that bloom in the first two months of autumn, for which they received their popular name "September" and "October" (for example, New Belgian and New England varieties). Like chrysanthemums, there is a huge selection different varieties asters for every taste, both in height and size of the bush, and in color scheme(shades of white, blue, pink and purple).

It is an unpretentious herbaceous plant that propagates easily, is resistant to mild frosts, and its abundant flowering continues until winter, decorating the garden with bright stars of flowers. Often there are so many flowers on the bush that they hide the foliage of the plant under them. There are both annuals and perennial species aster.


Excellent garden decoration. They are shade-tolerant, grow on almost any type of soil, love moisture, but do not tolerate excess moisture.

There are 6 main types of dahlias:

  • peony,
  • anemic,
  • needle,
  • collar,
  • spherical,
  • nymphaeal.

The main difference of which is the shape, doubleness and size of flowers reaching 10-12 cm. Today it's amazing beautiful plant has approximately 20,000 varieties.

Dahlias are heat-loving, so their flowering usually continues until the first cold weather, since even slight frosts have a detrimental effect on them.

Dahlias look spectacular when decorating paths, colorful stalls and large group compositions against the backdrop of a lawn.

Rudbeckia hairy

Everyone knows these beautiful bright yellow and orange flowers with a dark brown core, very reminiscent of a large (5-6 cm) chamomile. The plant has straight elastic rough stems 45-65 cm high and thick rough elongated leaves.

Rudbeckia blooms until frost, loves fertilized moist soil, shade-tolerant and has no special care requirements. She is fine combined with coniferous shrubs , looks great against the background of lawns and rockeries.

Zinnia graceful ("majors" or "majoriki")

This culture is also widely known among flower growers. Zinnia stems are vigorous and upright, with a stiff down. The shape of the flowers depends on the species, varies from simple to double, and their dimensions reach 10 cm. The flowers have a wide range of colors and are characterized by multiplicity.

The flower needs nutritious soil, an abundance of sun and protection from the winds.

Zinnia is great for flowerbeds, microborders, ridges and balconies, and also looks great in flowerpots.

Other September Flowers

September types of flowers can also include such as pansies, gladiolus, decorative sunflowers, cannes, tuberous begonias, geraniums, balsam (wet vanka), colchicum, Jerusalem artichoke (flowers), echinacea, kosmeya, euphorbia, erica and heather, castor bean, petunia, levkoy, geleochrysum, osteospermum, dope, ornamental cabbage, amaranth, castor bean, marigolds, fuchsia, sweet peas, coleus, oregano, pinnate cloves, delosperma, demorphoteka, calendula, lavatera, coreopsis, gelenium, perennial cornflower, girlish feverfew, and many other species that can make your garden plot truly colorful and joyful.

October flowers

October weather is usually already very different from summer, many garden plants have faded, and any gardener dreams of extending the summer fairy tale as long as possible. However, this month is also not deprived of Mother Nature, who has created many October masterpieces.

Among the October autumn flowering plants beauties can be distinguished, which you can read about below.

Snapdragon ("dogs")

A perennial plant is often used as an annual. Its original small flowers resemble a lion's mouth, which is why it has its unusual name. The plant pleasantly surprises with the variety of its color shades and transitions from snow-white to maroon. "Dogs" can be like tall(up to 80 cm tall), and undersized and even dwarf, not exceeding 20 cm. The inflorescences are located on a straight central fairly strong stem in the form of a cone up to 35 cm long. Snapdragon stops flowering with the advent of frost.

Snapdragon prefers light loamy soil in spacious, well-lit areas, is very unpretentious, and the regular removal of faded inflorescences contributes to the development of lateral processes, abundantly strewn with colorful flowers.

Snapdragon can be grown to decorate borders, flowerbeds, borders and microborders. by the most popular varieties consider

  1. lemon yellow "Lemonade",
  2. bright orange "Volcano",
  3. hot pink "Brilliant Rose",
  4. fiery carmine "Sharlach Triumph",
  5. black-purple "Schwartz Prince",
  6. bright red Defiance,
  7. snow-white "Schneeflex",
  8. deep purplish red velvet 'Dunkel Garnet'.

Helenium autumn

Gelenium is a real perennial miracle of nature, crumbling over its bush with a cap of delightful sunny yellow, brick-purple or red-orange small (3-4 cm in size) flowers. He is absolutely unpretentious and belongs to high growing species(from 0.7 to 1.5 m).

Most attractive to him damp fertilized earth. Snapdragon looks great on the banks of reservoirs, in the form of hedges, background and middle ground of flower beds. They harmonize well with asters, delphinium, verbena and monarda. The most popular among gardeners are terry varieties.

Colchikum ("colchicum")

This mysterious plant is tuberous-bulbous. perennial and got its name due to the belated autumn flowering, unlike its counterparts. This is a real spring burst of beauty and tenderness among the fading colors of autumn. It does not exceed 20 cm in height. Very unpretentious. The glades of Kolkhikum in the autumn landscape fascinate with their sophistication and sophistication.

There are order 70 different varieties this amazing flower. Prefers loose light soil and sunny southern areas. Looks great in rock gardens. Despite its attractiveness, the plant is poisonous and requires careful handling.

Pansies (viola or violet Witrocca)

A wonderful undersized (15-30 cm) perennial frost-resistant horticultural crop, reminiscent of a violet in the shape of its flowers. Viola refers to shade-tolerant plants, but in shaded areas its flowering is less plentiful. The color range of pansies is wide and varied. Pansies do not tolerate an excess of moisture and prefer loamy soil.

These flowers are great for decorating balconies, borders, outdoor flowerpots, a variety of plantings and can be planted around trees.


Nasturtium is very popular garden view, growing on plots with a moderate nutrient content. On fertile soil, it develops its green mass and reduces the amount of color, and on poor soil it loses its decorative effect. Almost all types of nasturtium are annuals.

There are several main types of nasturtium:

  • bush(small one-year-old bushes up to 30 cm high are ideal for decorating landscapes, borders, microborders, flowerpots),
  • curly(one-year view for creating hedges, balconies, walls, fences),
  • ampelous(annual species for vertical gardening and building decorations)
  • terry(annual species, well used in landscape design),
  • climbing(perennial used for the design of terraces, arbors and flowerbeds).

Bush height of this culture varies from 25-30 cm to 2-3 m. It likes to grow in sunny areas.

Today, gardeners are offered about 90 varieties of nasturtium for every taste. In cold regions, the most popular Nasturtium is multi-leaved, capable of surviving temperatures down to -20 degrees.

Other October Flowers

Other flowering October plants include ageratum, aster, marigolds, tuberous begonia, bonar verbena, gazania, heliopsis, dahlias, panicle hydrangea, sweet pea, kobe, crocus, lantana, lobelia, daisies, pelargonium, petunia, rose, salvia, chrysanthemum , spotted briar and many others. These plants with their aroma and lush bloom keep a piece of summer in your garden.

november flowers

And finally, autumn is coming to an end. November comes - the month when the garden is empty, the trees have shed their leaves and nature is almost ready for winter sleep. Just at this time, I especially want to see a colorful corner of flowering plants, filling the air of the outgoing autumn with a special smell, reminiscent of a colorful summer. Flowering plants in November are like an explosion of positive emotions.

Many plants that begin to bloom in September and October retain their attractiveness.

Marigolds (tagetis)

Marigolds are both annuals and perennials. Known more than 50 varieties of this sunny crop, which flowers vary from bright yellow to reddish brown, in a full range of shades and combinations, and create a picturesque floral carpet. They have an incomparable smell and grow in bushes from 0.2 to 1.2 m high.

Flowers continue to bloom until frost. Depending on the structure of inflorescences, tegetis is divided into

  • carnations,
  • chrysanthemum,
  • terry,
  • semi-double,
  • simple.

Gardeners often use hybrid species of tagetis.


Pitunias can be another messenger of summer in your garden. Among 20 varieties This plant is represented by both annuals and perennials. The flower perfectly withstands almost any climatic conditions, unpretentious to the place of growth, which makes it simply indispensable for the garden plot.

Petunias come in both erect and creeping stems, and usually do not exceed 10 cm in height. This is a wonderful decoration for your summer cottage, especially late autumn, due to the variety of color options of this culture.

Petunia fits perfectly into the design both in flowerpots and in flowerbeds, borders, borders and tolerates cold very well.


This evergreen- a great decorative item. Although it blooms in June, its luscious, dark green foliage will brighten up a dreary November landscape in your garden. The most winter-hardy variety of rhododendron is the Katevbinsky grandiflorum rhododendron.

The plant has lush crown and reaches up to 4 m in height. Its unpretentiousness, growth rate (8-12 cm per year) and the ability to live up to a hundred years makes the plant just a godsend. Slightly acidic, acidic, peaty or loamy soil is suitable for its growth.


The variety of these extraordinary plants is simply amazing, and their beauty and abundant flowering attract many gardeners. Late species include luxuriantly blooming phlox paniculata- a tall bush plant with bright juicy flowers of various colors from pink and scarlet to purple, there are even striped species.

Among the popular varieties of phlox, one can distinguish such as

  • "Vladimir"
  • "Cloud",
  • "Andre"
  • Creme de Mente
  • snow-white "Anna",
  • light salmon "Bornimer Nahsrmmer",
  • white and blue "New",
  • tricolor "Margri".


And of course, one cannot fail to mention the queen of flower beauty - a rose, some winter-hardy varieties of which continue to delight the eye even after slight frosts. Today, a huge number of pink varieties have been bred that can winter in the most severe climate and continue to bloom even with the onset of cold weather.

These types include park cultures, as well as selective Canadian and American species. Moreover, the choice of color and type of roses is so diverse that any even the most biased gardener will be able to choose a plant to their liking.

Other November Flowers

In addition to those listed, plants such as echinacea, aster, Waller's balsam, gazania, notched dimorphotheca, nemesia, Drumond's phlox, fuchsia, chrysanthemum, pansies and many other frost-resistant species will make your garden a green island of summer throughout November.

Autumn plants and flowers are good because they perform a decorative function in spring and summer. With lush foliage, they fill the empty space between and create a beautiful background for them. And when summer crops wither, autumn crops come into their own and enliven the front garden with fresh colors.

Here are 8 of the most popular autumn plants that bloom until late autumn along with and. Compositions of these flowers on will enliven your design and allow you to extend the summer for some more time.

Rudbeckia (Golden Ball)

The plant is very impressive and unpretentious. Feels great in a sunny bed and in partial shade.

Rudbeckia grows quite widely. therefore, it must be planted at intervals of at least 0.5 m. And so that the culture does not lose its decorative effect, every 6 to 8 years the bushes should be transferred to a new place.


Buzulnik inflorescences reach a height of up to 2 m. But even with such a rapid growth of fertile soil, the plant does not require, it can be grown in one place for up to 30 years.

However, the culture loves shade and moisture, and therefore it should be placed under trees and on the banks of water bodies.

Buzulnik propagates in the spring by dividing the roots. We leave 1-2 buds on each division and bury them in the soil by 3-5 cm.

Calendula (Marigold)

With its dense foliage, calendula perfectly drowns out, with a pungent smell they repel garden pests, and the phytoncides secreted by it destroy pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to their useful properties, calendula is advisable to make therapeutic baths and balms based on it.

Flowers, low up to half a meter, are perfect for decorating borders and bloom until frost at -7 C.

Tagetes (Tagetes)

The smell of this plant with openwork leaves and fiery flowers, also not to the liking of harmful insects. Therefore, it can be planted not only in the flower beds, but also between the beds.

When propagating tagetis by seeds, one must pay attention to the timing of their collection, sowing material two years ago sprouts poorly. Different varieties should be planted at a distance from each other, as they easily cross-pollinate.

Dahlias annuals

Looks great among autumn flowers, especially annual varieties, perennials are thermophilic and therefore their rhizomes have to be dug out for winter storage before the first frost.

And late-flowering at this time are in the active phase and it is not advisable to disturb them.


It is necessary to grow chrysanthemums in places protected from the wind, otherwise the bushes will become disheveled and will not look neat.

For an autumn flower bed, both annuals and perennial varieties, because they do not need to be dug up for the winter, just cut and cover. Chrysanthemums bloom until the first snow.


annual asters in special care dont need. But for abundant flowering they need loose fertile soil. It is very useful to bring sand and humus under their landing.

It is better to do this before winter, so that the organic matter has time to decompose and does not cause Fusarium disease in the future.

In one place, you can plant asters for 6 years in a row, and after that - 4 years where calendula or tagetis used to grow.

Mattiola (Levkoy)

Blooming mattiola fills the garden with the intoxicating honey aroma of the passing summer. It grows on any soil except acidic (it’s not difficult even without a device), so you can’t bring fresh manure under it, it’s better to feed the beauty with ash and mineral fertilizers.

It is better to plant matthiola where cruciferous plants have not grown before, with which she has common diseases.

Helichrysum (Immortelle)

You will certainly not regret if you select an elevated sunny place for this plant in the flower bed, it will fit perfectly into the design alpine slides. And in order for the plant to bush better, you need to pinch its central shoot above 5 leaves and remove wilted inflorescences.

And so that the hylechrysum would please even in winter, you can dry it by hanging it upside down under a canopy, and then put it in a vase.

So if you fall in love with these autumn plants and flowers and make friends with them, then the gray, dull autumn will not touch your front garden, blazing like a fire with yellow, orange and red autumn colors.


garden ideas website

Even the names of autumn flowers that bloom all summer until late autumn fascinate and amaze, not to mention their appearance. It is in autumn that you can appreciate all the beauty and brightness of the gifts of nature. Mother-of-pearl leaves, orange, yellow, red flowers fascinate, and the beauty of the flower beds attracts the eye and fills with energy and inspiration. The period of active flowering of summer plants stops with the arrival of the first autumn days, and already deserted areas look dull and sad if they do not have autumn flowers.

If we consider the flowering process with scientific point view, it can be noted that autumn flowers, despite their diversity, are similar to the need for a short daylight hours for the period of bud laying.

Perennial plant of the genus Colchicum. It is also called kolchikum or autumn plant. This species is rich in shoots. Throughout the spring, these shoots increase and develop their structure. But with the advent of summer, they can completely die off. Colchicum bulb has a dark brown color, it contributes to the formation of a long tube to feed the entire part of the autumn plant. Part of kolchikum blooms in spring period. The erupted sprouts are funnel-shaped. The size of such a plant can exceed 20 cm. The fruit part resembles a round nest. If you become the owner of this type of flower, know that it is poisonous. Moreover, the poison can be in any part of the colchicum, and not in its individual parts. Therefore, if your site is visited by small children who can taste a bright flower, then it is better to decorate the flower bed with something else.

Some spring species of colchicum are grown for a long time. If you properly care for the shoots, they will certainly bloom, but it will take about 7 years. We'll have to be patient and wait until the bulb gets stronger and is ready to start the color. The rest of the autumn people are not so capricious. To plant the seeds, you need prepared, well-moistened soil with a loose structure. Such a requirement will allow the plant to be saturated with substances. Only ripe seeds are suitable for planting, that is, they must be immersed in the soil almost immediately after harvest. It is only necessary to soak them in water for a while before landing. Choose a shallow depth, as colchicum germinates well and quickly. If for some reason you did not sow the seeds after harvesting, you should not throw them away. Put the seeds in the refrigerator, and instead of soaking, wrap the fruits in a cloth and fix them in the toilet bowl. By doing this, you will provide the seeds with constant washing, and this will help them sprout faster.

A perennial plant, otherwise called skewer. In appearance, these are spike-shaped inflorescences with beautiful funnel-shaped flowers. They look very impressive in the cut. hybrids large varieties may be of the most unusual colors. This is a monocotyledonous plant, the flowers are divided into six sheets of simple perianth. strong stem and delicate flower look harmonious. The inflorescence is located above the xiphoid leaves located along the length of the stem.

Gladiolus are unusually fragile plants that are subject to various diseases. Medvedki and wireworm larvae are dangerous for the skewer. They destroy the flower at the root. Gardeners use protection in the form of poisoned baits. Aphids, thrips and cicadas infect the stem part of the plant. Soil with high acidity and alkali is also contraindicated for gladioli. Viral diseases are not excluded, one can even say that they are the main ailment of the skewer. If the leaves of your flower began to take on yellow most likely for this reason. If you want to get the most out of planting gladiolus, do not use the area where bulbous plants have previously grown.

Knowledge hallmarks autumn flowering plants will help to competently break garden beds and make unusual compositions. For example, you can arrange plants according to color scheme or flowering period. In order to properly organize a flower garden in a flower bed, it is important to take into account the height of the plants, the characteristics of the leaves. The low ones should not be obscured by the higher ones.

Autumn perennial flowers

If you are well versed in autumn colors, you can easily break garden plots into conventionally compositional zones. Shape to your liking color palette flower beds. Take into account the height of the flower, its individual characteristics. It is logical to plant flowers in such a way that tall plants do not obscure the view of the lower ones.

Eschscholzia or California poppy


Enough small size A plant that needs a sunny location to grow. Drainage soil and sandy terrain are preferred. Avoid dampness, escholcia will not grow in such conditions. Subject to minimum requirements this plant will fully open, its bright petals will give you pleasure for a long period of time.

This is a very common view among gardeners. Few of us have not seen its beautiful flowering. Unlike the above species, she does not like the sun, and it is better to place her in a humid place. Begonia loves shade, ideal if planted where rays of diffused sunlight break through. In some cases, the soil is mulched with sawdust, straw, bark. But do not allow stagnant water when watering.

Plants of bulbous flowers can boast of a huge variety. You will surely find your favorite among them.

Their splendor has no boundaries, fragile creatures of nature, the pearl of any flower bed. Their structure includes 3 stamens and petals, pointed in shape. Crocus belongs to a subspecies of the spice of the most expensive variety - saffron. This is a sophisticated plant of a cold blue-lilac hue with a height of no more than 15 centimeters. Its flowering begins only in the middle of autumn.

In order to achieve the effect of constant flowering in both spring and autumn periods, it is necessary to clearly select plants according to their types and classes. Bulbous plants form beautiful flower beds, and annual flowers create a worthy background and perfectly complement the whole composition.


Freesias of small-bulb varieties are quite popular flowers. Small in shape, reminiscent of a bell, fragrant. They bloom throughout the summer and autumn, depending on weather conditions. Perfectly placed in any flower bed in a group of perennial flowers. Some types of freesia, such as Asian and Korean, need to be tightly wrapped for the winter.

The incomparable aster is considered to be the star of the autumn garden. Perennial plant, unpretentious in care. It is best planted in acid-neutral soil. Planting near gladioli is not recommended, as these plants do not coexist well with each other. Resort to observing the optimal air temperature, choose a sunny place and drainage soil. The inflorescence of aster of muted colors cannot but please the owners of these beautiful plants. Its astringent aroma will soar in the flower bed almost until winter. unique plant, does not need any watering or special care. Known and loved since childhood, the aster is the queen of the autumn garden.

Autumn types of flowers are considered the most unpretentious plants. They have enough of the dim sun and heavy rains. They are persistent and undemanding in their structure, unlike gentle spring views. Temperature fluctuations are also not a detrimental phenomenon for the autumn garden. Both the cultivation and storage of such plants is simple and inexpensive.

There are species of this plant that belong to the forties. It is able to multiply very quickly by the method of self-seeding. But, despite its lack of demand, this plant still belongs to the category of flowers. Spike-shaped, paniculate, umbrella-shaped forms vary according to the degree of their development. He is unpretentious in care, easily tolerates high humidity, sunlight, but he does not like a shady curtain.

Probably the most favorite plant of every autumn garden. According to their varieties, chrysanthemum can be of different colors: white, lilac, burgundy, yellow, red or orange. In addition, they also differ in size. Bloom early varieties August-October, later - until the most autumn frosts.

Subspecies of the aster family. She has large flowers, the color of the petals is red-purple. Rudbeckia, as it is also called, is also unpretentious in care. There is no need to control the process of its flowering. But long flowering is ensured until this winter. Echinacea is not recommended to be cut, it serves only to decorate the garden.

It is believed that with the departure of summer, the garden and holiday season it's time to harvest. However, often decorative-flowering plants only begin to bloom in autumn. Planting such varieties allows you to decorate your site bright colors after graduation warm season, gives variety to landscape design.

In the article you will find a description and photos of the most popular autumn flowers, which are often called short daylight plants. The classification described below is very conditional, since the flowering period and its duration always depend on the climate and plant variety.

Partially, most flowers with late summer flowering are attributed to this species. However, with the onset of autumn, the duration of daylight hours decreases, and the temperature decreases. Therefore, such plants quickly begin to fade, but they are replaced by early autumn flowers. Usually these are one-year-olds, especially when planted in the northern regions of the country.

Chrysanthemums or oaks are a common variety of the Aster family. The genus includes more than 29 varieties, most of which grow naturally in Europe. A huge varietal variety of chrysanthemums has been bred, among them oriental species are the most popular.

Depending on the variety, the height of the stem varies from 30 to 150 cm. The leaves also differ in shape, arrangement and texture. Small flowers are collected in an inflorescence in the form of a basket, in some species they are formed in several rows.

The palette of colors of the petals is very diverse, most often you can find yellow, white or pink buds. Varietal chrysanthemums begin flowering in September, which can end in late autumn. The plant is quite sensitive to frost and sudden changes in temperature.

Numerous genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants. According to recent estimates, it includes more than 200 species. A large number of cultivated varieties have been bred, differing in the height of the bush, the color and shape of the petals, leaves, and the specifics of cultivation. Depending on the flowering period, asters are usually divided into “Septembers” and “Octobers” among the people.

A with Greek the name of the plant literally translates as "star", which is explained by the peculiarity of the inflorescence. It is represented by a complex basket, assembled from the marginal and central petals. Their color is very diverse, ranging from white to black. In some species, the petals have a double or semi-double structure. Asters are an unpretentious plant that can be grown even in the harshest conditions. For a long time retains an attractive appearance when cut.

This is another representative of the large Aster family or Compositae. The genus of dahlias includes more than 42 species, among which there are wild and cultivated flowers. They are grown only as a perennial; in the northern regions, a transplant into a wintering container is required. The plant is known for its shade tolerance and capriciousness to soil moisture.

The numerous genus of dahlias includes various plants. Usually they are represented by a tall shrub with voluminous foliage and a tuberous root system. Depending on the species, the inflorescence may be spherical, needle-shaped or anemoid. The size, shape and texture of the petals can be varied.

More than 20 thousand varieties are known, among which you can find a variety of flower colors. Flowering can continue until the first frost. Dahlias are used to decorate garden paths, decorate buildings, or as part of multi-species compositions.

The plant belongs to the Asteraceae family and is found wild in North America. The genus Rudbeckia includes more than 40 species. Cultivars are represented by a wide variety of colors. The height of the bush varies from 50 cm to several meters, the leaves are quite voluminous, have a slightly rough texture. The flowers resemble ordinary chamomile, the color differs depending on the variety.

The most popular are varieties with orange or bright yellow petals and a dark brown center. With proper care, flowering is possible until early frosts. Rudbeckia is usually planted on lawns, along paths or in rockeries.

Popular ornamental plant Aster family. It is noteworthy that it was zinnia that was first planted in zero gravity, the experiment took place in 2016. In the climate of Russia, the flower is grown both annual and perennial culture. The stems can reach 1 m in height, often have hard pubescence. The inflorescences are represented by an apical basket, the diameter of which varies depending on the variety from 3 to 15 cm.

The color of the petals is represented by a large palette of colors, most often you can find plain red or yellow varieties. Zinnia is a light-loving plant, demanding on the quality of the soil. Ideal for growing in multi-species beds, flowerpots or decorating balconies.

Marigolds or Chernobrivtsy are a multi-species genus of the Aster family. It was first described by Carl Linnaeus, who gave the plant such beautiful name in honor of the pagan god of the Etruscans. A large number of cultivars have been bred that differ in the shape and color of flowers, the height of the bush. Depending on the species, the plant can grow from 20 to 120 cm, numerous dissected leaves are located on the stem.

Inflorescence - a simple or terry basket of yellow, brown or orange. Flowering continues until the first frost, after which a seed basket is formed. The plant during the growing season exudes a characteristic odor that repels many harmful insects. The leaves and flowers have medicinal properties and are used in folk medicine.

Belongs to the cypress family, is found in a wild form in some areas of South and North America. The genus includes more than 100 species, most of which are evergreen shrubs. The plant has flexible shoots, on which there are green leaves with red veins. Flowering is long, may end with the first snow.

Flowers, depending on the species, can be painted in a variety of shades. Usually they consist of two parts - a long and bright calyx, as well as a tubular corolla. After flowering, berries are formed that can be eaten. Fuchsia looks best when planted alone or next to other shrub crops.

October flowers

The next group of autumn flowers has a strong resistance to temperature extremes, plants can tolerate mild frosts. When grown in warm regions, flowering is possible from early August until the end of October.

Most famous perennial of the Plantain family, which is grown as a cultivated flower. Today, more than 50 species have been described, most of which are found in warm regions of Europe. For gardening, snapdragon is used as an annual. Depending on the variety, it can reach a height of 20 to 80 cm.

Inflorescences cover the entire strong cone-shaped stem. The shade of the petals can be pink, yellow, white or two-tone. The plant is unpretentious to care, can bloom on almost any soil. Inflorescences have medicinal properties, are used for the preparation of decoctions and infusions.

An annual or perennial plant, found wild in North America. It is there that you can find all 32 types of gelenium. The stem can grow from 10 to 160 cm depending on the species and variety. At the end of the stem, an inflorescence is formed in the form of a basket or shield. The color of the petals is very bright - orange, red-yellow or brick red.

The plant is extremely unpretentious, gets along on any soil, blooms for a long time and profusely. Among gardeners, terry hybrid varieties, as well as late-flowering varieties of autumn gelenium, are in great demand. The flowers of this plant are combined with most types of aster, verbena.

This plant has many names, most commonly known as autumn or autumn colchicum. The natural distribution area is the Black Sea coast, where it is found almost everywhere. The height of the bush reaches only 20 cm, suitable for creating flowering carpets. More than 70 varieties are known, differing in the color of the petals, the shape of the leaves and the height of the bush.

The flower itself is very large, thanks to which it quickly attracts attention when planted in a flower bed. The petals are usually white-pink or light purple in color. The plant is unpretentious to climate and soil, flowering can end after the first snow falls.

This is a perennial popular plant of the Violet family. There are 5 subspecies of this culture, differing in appearance. As an ornamental plant, dwarf or low-growing varieties are commonly grown. They do not exceed a height of 30 cm, thanks to which they fit well into almost any flower bed.

A distinctive feature of the plant is the color of the petals. It can consist of 3 or even 5 colors, inside there is always one or two expressive spots. Pansies are a shade-loving and frost-resistant plant, so it can often be found in the northern regions. Suitable for growing in outdoor flowerpots or containers, the flower can also be planted on the loggia.

Among botanists, this plant is better known as Capuchin. The genus includes over 90 species, most of which are native to South America. As a decorative flowering crop, both annual and biennial varieties are used. Depending on the shape, nasturtium can be represented by a bush, ampelous or curly form.

The flower prefers sunny and calm areas, which is important to consider when choosing a place. Nasturtium inflorescence is always very recognizable at their summer cottage. It consists of 5 petals collected in a funnel-shaped tube. The color of the flowers can be very different, most often there are yellow, red or multi-color varieties. Almost all parts of the plant have medicinal properties, and during flowering they thin out a pleasant aroma.

The Parisian beauty or Coreopsis is one of the most rare representatives of the aster family. Often combined with a succession, as it has similar botanical properties. As cultivated plant more than 30 varieties of coreopsis are used. The shrub can grow up to 120 cm tall, the dark green stem always has a nice haze.

Outwardly similar to daisies, flowers can be yellow, red or white, often have jagged edges and contrasting stripes inside. Depending on the region, flowering can continue from the second half of July to the beginning of the first frosts.

November flowers

This is the smallest group of flowers that can be found on garden plot autumn. They can decorate areas with flowering until the first snow. In warm regions of the country, buds form later. Often have unpretentiousness and strong frost resistance.

This is the closest relative of tobacco and tomatoes, belongs to the Solanaceae family. It grows wild throughout South America. More than 40 species are known and described, among which there are dwarf and rather tall plants. Petunias have been cultivated since the end of the 18th century, a huge number of varieties have been bred with different colors and textures of the petals.

The plant can be erect, ampelous or creeping, so it can be grown both in a flower bed and in a flowerpot. The flower is unpretentious, can begin to bloom in almost any climate.

A little-known plant of the Heather family, in Russia it is practically not grown as an ornamental crop. It is noteworthy that popular azaleas are also included in this genus, since these flowers have similar properties. The bush can grow up to 3.5 m in height, a large number of long decorative leaves are formed on the stem.

Rhododendron is valued for its lush crown, which consists of many small delicate flowers. The color of the petals can be different, the most common are pink, purple and white. The plant is also known as a long-liver, in one place without a transplant, rhododendron can grow up to 100 years. When choosing a place, it is important to consider that abundant and prolonged flowering is possible only in acidic soil conditions.

This is one of the most famous perennial fall plants in horticulture. Belongs to the Sinyukhov family, has been cultivated since the middle of the 18th century. Translated from Greek, phlox means "flame", which is due to the peculiarity of the color of the inflorescences. The height of the bush varies from 10 to 150 cm, depending on the species. It has inconspicuous dark green opposite leaves.

The flowers are tubular or funnel-shaped, collected several dozen pieces in complex inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. Their color can be very different, varieties with two or more shades of petals are especially valued. The plant is unpretentious to growing conditions and care. Looks good both in single and group planting.

This is the collective name for a large group of ornamental flowers of the Rosehip genus. Grown as an ornamental crop since ancient times, it is considered the queen among all flowers. Autumn views are park varieties roses, which are usually divided into English and American. Today, a large number of varieties have been bred, among which there are undersized and rather tall shrubs.

Flowering is possible until the first snow, almost all species are frost-resistant. The color of the petals is very diverse, the most popular are white and red. park roses. The cultivation technology is complex, regular shaping and adherence to the feeding scheme are required.

Very ornamental plant of the Asteraceae family. It grows wild in India and some areas of America. Translated from the Latin name, the plant means "ageless", since the shrub retains green foliage for a long time. This is a perennial shrub that grows up to 50 cm. Ageratum is widely used in landscape design due to its beautiful spherical inflorescences.

Peduncles can be arranged in several rows, due to which a dense flowering crown is formed. The color of the petals is represented by a wide palette of colors. The plant is extremely hardy, but for long flowering requires a long daylight hours in the vegetative stage.

This herbaceous plant often referred to as weeds due to active growth. If you do not limit the amount of planting, the flower will quickly flood almost any area. Most varieties have practically no leaves or they are presented in the form of small hairs. The inflorescence is represented by an umbrella-shaped, paniculate or spike-shaped structure.

Very small leaves are painted in a rich golden hue. Flowering is possible until the beginning of winter. Goldenrod is grown as part of decorative compositions, it looks especially beautiful in rock gardens and rockeries. Often used to decorate bouquets in cut form.

A large number of flowers are known that can bloom not only most of the summer, but also autumn. Usually these are shade-loving and hardy plants, quite unpretentious in their care. The timing and duration of flowering always depends on the climate in the region, the type of plant and compliance with the rules of care. It is recommended to combine different types of flowers to get a flower bed that will decorate the site until the onset of winter.

With the end of summer, a lot of elegant, lush vegetation still remains in the garden. Autumn flower beds open their bright buds until frost. In order to please yourself with their magnificence, when it is already fresh in the air, it is necessary to form September and October flower beds, carefully selecting the right set of crops for them.


The days become significantly shorter, the sun warms weakly, dews fall in the mornings and fogs creep. But it is this period that turns out to be ideal for a whole collection of flowering plants.

They show a wonderful abundance of shades on the site near the house.

To get strong and ready-to-flower plants, professional gardeners recommend growing autumn "soloists" not only in a flower garden, but also in pots. When summer plants begin to wither, free up space in mixborders and discounts, strengthened autumn bushes will fill the areas of flower beds.

As a rule, autumn crops are not capricious, they are calm about temperature changes and light frosts. Some of them, for example, ornamental cabbage, are ready to grow almost the whole of November, they are so calm to frost.

In a relatively warm September, you can extend the life of plants such as phlox. If you regularly cut off faded inflorescences, the plant throws out more and more new buds. The drawing of a flower bed should be taken seriously, because flowers in the fall will be the main design revival of the garden.

Which ones are common?

Autumn, as it turns out, is chosen for flowering by many well-known plants, but no less popular with amateur gardeners and rarer names cultivated by connoisseurs of floral exotics.

The chrysanthemum is rightfully considered the queen of autumn. A huge number of varieties of culture determines an endless variety of flower shapes and colors - burgundy, white, yellow, orange, pink, lilac. Until the very frosts, inflorescences are kept on lush, sprawling bushes.

With cool days comes the turn of tender, fragrant autumn roses. Late varieties of Orange Triumph or Irish Rose have gained popularity among lovers with subtle shades of tea, lemon, cream, pale lilac. There are also rare, almost brown, as well as purple specimens.

Landscape designers love round, full-flowered gelenium bushes. It is original in color scheme and has options from bright orange to brick brown. With delicate greenery, the flower creates a surprisingly original decoration of the flower bed.

It is rare that a September-October flower garden will do without asters, as well as their more modest relatives - September. The first have classic tones - red, purple, white. The second are striking in the eyes of heaven and purple hues, and so bright that the depth of coloring compensates for the perception of the relative simplicity of the flower. The bush looks amazing!

Late dahlias become elegant accents in the garden. Tall, especially spectacular in single plantings, they are admired by long-petalled flowers - large, scarlet, sunny, nectar shades.

Red and orange crocosmia with sword leaves are good in autumn flower beds. These tall flowers look especially original as a border for a flower bed with perennial purple and lilac asters.

In rock gardens, hedges, goldenrod will unobtrusively take its rightful place, which will become a successful companion for purple rudbeckia or yellow coreopsis. All these flowers are strong, unpretentious and create a summer mood in the autumn garden. In addition, they are characterized by no less saturated colors compared to summer.

Beginning summer residents consider it a win-win option to plant zinnia closer to September. Almost no care is needed for her, and the plant is elegant, powerful, red-crimson, orange, white shades. It will not wither until the very frosts, unless excessively damp weeks come, as often happens in October.

The blue, white and lilac arrows of the delphinium refresh the autumn meadow well. Having first blossomed in May, in autumn the delphinium repeats the burst of buds, delighting fans with brighter and juicier strokes. True, this happens in the southern latitudes. And in the middle lane, the plant smoothly transitions to flowering in autumn, practically without slowing down the summer pace.

Eschscholzia, the Californian poppy, lights up with elegant sparks of bright lemon color in autumn. If the weather is dry, flower after flower opens its cute "funnel" again and again. New poppies appear every two or three days.

Such unpretentious centenarians as ageratum, tagetis secured a permanent "registration" in simple flower beds. They are good for edging flower beds, and for the first rows of autumn mixborders.

More sophisticated color combinations are obtained in autumn by gardeners who seek to diversify the popular bouquet with new species. Golden immortelle, lilac-pink iberis, lilac kolchikum fit beautifully into the September flower beds.

In the shade, pink-white-blue tricyrtis gives its charm to summer residents. The absolute masterpiece in the autumn flowerbed is the Japanese anemone.

These plants are like spring primroses, therefore, they are beautifully dissonant with the September centenarians.

Hibiscus pleases the eye with gramophone flowers, in warm autumn the whole bush is strewn with new buds. Tropical palette - white, red, lilac shades.

Shrubs with bright hats and branches of flowers look very impressive in flowerbeds - hydrangea balls different shades on one bush. Also crimson heather and purple budley panicles.

Undoubtedly, amaranths are colorful in the autumn bouquet. All three species - paniculate, tailed, tricolor - are distinguished by amazing colors. Burgundy panicles are combined into a bunch and even from under the snow they show an unfaded fountain of colors. Amaranths give a certain stylistic looseness to a flower bed, bring notes of Provence to a classic flower garden.

All these collections of plants are well combined with ornamental cereals - graceful butelua, reed grass with shaggy panicles are indispensable for decorating flower beds. Compact and original with a pattern of sharp lightning leaves. Silver-red miscanthus is only called a grass, and outwardly it is a very modern design material for flower beds, in no way inferior in popularity to flowers.

How to care?

In order for late plants to have a rich palette, agricultural science requires stopping their watering. An exception is made only for very young, recently transplanted bushes. Large flowering specimens love top dressing with superphosphate and potassium sulfate, the addition of peat.

Features of caring for autumn beauties are different. For example, phloxes are very demanding on the ground, it must be fertilized, well loosened and moistened. If partial shade is established on the flowerbed with phloxes, this is the normal mode for these flowers.

The preferences of the chrysanthemum are as follows: light soil, on which the hoe has walked properly. Top dressing with organic fertilizers will only play on the intensity of flowering. The soil under the bush should be constantly watered. But this plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture. So the issue of drainage will be very relevant. Since the chrysanthemum can bloom even after frost, you need to take care of its root system, constantly mulch the soil to avoid frost crust.

If the gelenium is provided with a well-lit area, it will continue to delight you with bouquets of new flowers in any autumn bad weather, including after prolonged rains and fogs. The same care technique applies to crocosmia. Not afraid of shadows and rudbeckia.

However, its bushes must be divided after about a year for the appearance of young peduncles.

Very capricious in growing anemones. The soil must be loosened regularly organic fertilizers. A constantly lit area for anemones is inconvenient, she needs a shaded one. Yarrow, on the contrary, is calm for the dry period.

But in the fall, it is recommended to water the plant to throw out brighter flowers. And be sure to cut off fading heads to resume flowering.

For the "Chinese lantern" or physalis, a bright place and timely weed removal are important. The soil mixture he needs is neutral or slightly acidic. It is better to tie high shoots to supports in the color of the stems, make mineral fertilizers, and the original orange-colored "toys" on the bush will add extraordinary freshness to the site.

Stonecrop should spend the first winter indoors, in a pot or in a greenhouse. A grown-up plant with spectacular purple flowers is planted by gardeners in autumn in a flower bed. Stonecrop definitely needs a sunny place. But colchicum is ready to bloom in the shade, but in no case in drafts. Absolutely undemanding to the weather and the favorite of gardeners - zinnia. It will also bloom in the cold, unless it needs to be lightly watered.

The most frost-resistant specimen is ornamental cabbage. If you want hardy cabbage to please you with elegant shades even at -10, cover the root system with sawdust or old leaves.

The list of autumn colors that owners of suburban acres and city flower beds like is endless. In addition to those already mentioned in this article, begonia, fuchsia, oleander, verbena, sage, nasturtium, astilba, hosta, some daylilies, and other beautiful plants bloom in September-October.

Their maintenance includes the following:

  • Large, overgrown bushes need to be planted and replanted, then there will be many flowers in the garden.
  • In the course of transplantation, renew the roots - clean, remove the diseased parts of the bulb so that the bulb does not shrink and does not give weak buds.
  • Dry the rhizomes and bulbs of peonies, dahlias, gladioli and cover in a cool cellar.

  • Under the flowers that do not need a transplant, apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, dig the soil under the bushes.
  • Focus on roses: they need not only fertilizer, but also careful pruning and shelter for the winter.

In the flower garden before wintering, you need to do the following work:

  • In early September, plant bulbous plants - daffodils, tulips. If you are planting them at the end of September, cover with straw.

  • At a temperature of 0 - +5, remember clematis or other climbing perennials. Cover them with your own shoots by rolling them up.
  • Cut the greens from the peonies and sprinkle the ground around the bushes with ash and sand. You can cover already in frost.
  • Summer flowers are also properly sown in the fall. But calculate everything so that the seeds swell, but do not hatch.

How to arrange?

The "soloists" of the autumn flowerbeds are distinguished by an unbridled riot of colors. These are not only blue, crimson, white, yellow bright spots, but also mottled, speckled, striped. The element sometimes turns out to be close to a certain stage, bordering on bad taste.

In addition, the stems, on which elegant fragrant heads rise, tend to different lengths, often creating solid heaps. Therefore, we must focus on the correct color design of the September and October flower garden.

Experienced gardeners several other species are skillfully added to one plant, depending on which ones bloom until autumn, which ones in autumn and how harmonizing tone they have. Here, the summer flowerbed smoothly "flows" into the pre-winter one.

The tallest bushes should be positioned to shade rather than obscure smaller plants. Dense and sprawling bushes should not interfere with the beautiful look of single plantings.

If you form a flower bed of chrysanthemums and asters, then smart decision will combine classic tall chrysanthemums as a backdrop and New Belgian or New England asters as a cutting edge. The named variety of chrysanthemums gives a lot of greenery and beautiful, densely packed flowers. And the listed varieties of asters form large bouquets with a small height of the bush.

It remains to "settle" the problem of color harmony. You should not “mix” purple or crimson asters with yellow chrysanthemums. Take pink high flowers and white, scarlet, burgundy - low ones. This will be a manifestation of the good taste of the compiler of the flower bed. In the flower garden, it is important to take into account the traditional compatibility of color fragments, including cereals and amaranth.

A horizontal flower bed of such complexity, for example, will look lively and unassuming. About the perimeter is orange goldenrod, the second tier is lower - rich pink astilba.

In the center are white-red and white-raspberry verbenas.

The proof of the skill of professionals, of course, is a bed of continuous flowering. Consider the option with an emphasis on autumn. Before that, the composition will include the themes of spring (crocuses, daisies, primroses, violas), summer (grouse, levkoy, early roses, liatris).

And here is autumn. A scattering of flowers will be bright, but not flashy, but harmonious. From perennials, white carnations, burgundy echinacea, sunny rudbeckia, red-pink begonias, remontant tea-colored roses will fall into the collection. Coreopsis (orange-yellow) and Kraspedin (lemon-brown) will help to dilute them with butterfly flowers.

The flower bed will not fall into a confusion of tones, it will do without blue and blue, but it will be perceived as festive and solemn. Moreover, the fragrance will remain until the frost.

Here is a sea of ​​dahlias. In autumn, all their varieties bloom - peony, nymph, spherical, collar, needle. Dahlias are good on their own, without being woven into the flowerbed collection, so we can single out the third conditional topic - “proud posture”. For a spectacular flower garden, it is better to select yellow and dark red specimens of needle-shaped dahlias, in combination with raspberry and white nymph and anemone.

Well, the autumn "prima donna", of course, is personified by a chrysanthemum. Let's focus on bronze and burgundy tones. Let's take a large-flowered one, let it be the main focus of our "provocative" flower bed. It is appropriate to add a blazing rudbeckia of the “golden ball” variety to the chrysanthemum. And along the edge we muffle this “bonfire” with a pinkish stonecrop.

A cute continuation of this "off-season" parade will be a short perennial aster. She will border our set with azure sky.

For a more specific story on how to form a more characteristic all-season flowering flower bed, let's outline the diagram in as much detail as possible:

  • Center. We plant large perennials or annuals in the “head” place of the flower bed, and for originals we generally recommend trying to place a tree - for example, a Japanese apple tree with falling branches and a waterfall of flowers and leaves. The height of the apple tree is twenty meters.

If you still chose flowers, then it is better to give preference to bushes of late roses.

  • middle. Stepping back 50-60 centimeters from the trunk or rose bush, we root white park roses. Their height is 60-70 cm, the flowers are not huge, 5-3 cm in diameter.

  • Next row. Asiatic orange lilies, between them are spots of Armenian blue muscari. When muscari loses flowers, its leaves remain healthy and bright green.

They go under the snow, keeping the spring richness of tone.