Shower      04/14/2019

Fertilizers for spring in the garden. The best fertilizers for the garden and vegetable garden in spring: tips for gardeners

As you know, each region of our vast homeland has its own soils, plus each garden or garden crop has its own feeding instructions. It is impossible to talk about all the intricacies of this topic in a short article, so we will focus on how to prepare fertilizers for the garden in the spring, mainly with our own hands.

Tip: Ideally, in order to choose the right garden and garden fertilizers, as well as draw up a feeding schedule for the whole year, it is recommended to take soil samples from the site to the appropriate laboratory once.
This way you don't have to use the common "scientific plug" method.

Fertilizer preparation

Experienced farmers prefer to cook organic and mineral fertilizers for the garden and garden, if possible with your own hands. This is done not only because the price of such compositions is cheap. The composition prepared for your garden, first of all, will be 100% natural, which in our time is the main quality criterion.

Organic for your site

  • Peat manure compost is prepared as a fertilizer with high content nitrogen. The goal of the whole process is to adapt nitrogen-containing compounds for plants. The composition is prepared simply, peat and manure from herbivores are laid in layers of 20 cm, in a ratio of one to one. It is not worth ramming the mass. To complete the picture, you can add phosphorite flour 25 kg per 1 ton and cover. This substrate is especially good for strawberries and other berries.
  • Prefabricated compost is a universal composition of general strengthening action. It is used not only for the garden, but also as a fertilizer for garden flowers. The recipe is ridiculously simple: all organic waste is dumped into a compost pit or box, from grass clippings, foliage or tops from plants to tea brewing and potato peelings. The mixture is kept open and watered periodically.

Important: oak leaves or sawdust are not used in the composting process.

  • Vermiculturing composition is prepared using earthworms. To do this, in a well-ventilated box, crushed boom, straw or dry grass is placed, which alternates with layers of soil. All this is watered and in a day the worms are planted, from time to time it is necessary to add vegetable organic waste. In order for such a garden fertilizer to be ready in the spring, it must be laid at least in February.
  • Manure must be applied very carefully. The main rule says that you can not fertilize with fresh manure. Due to the high content of urea and acids, plant roots can burn. Manure, like most compost compounds, should be re-rotted for at least a year, ideally 3 years.
  • Peat is widely used as a fertilizer for garden flowers and. In this case, it is used as a bedding for fertile soil in which seeds are planted. Besides spring fertilizer peat garden will serve as an additional strengthening factor, only the trees must be at least 3 years old.

What is dangerous organic

Spring fertilizer of the garden and vegetable garden with home-made organics, with thoughtless use, can lead to sad consequences. So excessive use of humus creates a fertile climate for the development of fungal diseases.

Infection, in this case, occurs directly from the soil, being absorbed through the root system. Young seedlings of tomato, eggplant or pepper are most susceptible to this, when transplanted into open ground. To protect against fungus, humus is introduced at the beginning of May, immediately neutralized with a mixture of dolomite flour and wood ash.

Tip: if there is a danger of fungal infection of seedlings, it makes sense to use factory special antifungal drugs, such as Fitolavin, Glyokadinol or Fitosporin-M.

Mineral compositions

No matter how good organic matter is, nitrogen is predominantly present in it. Plants should receive a full range of trace elements. Mineral fertilizers for the garden and garden provide, first of all, top dressing with phosphorus, potassium and a number of other useful components.

On average, the norms for laying phosphorus or superphosphate in the spring are 250 g / m². Potassium in wood ash needs about 200 g/m². Nitrogen, which is in saltpeter, urea and carbamide, is laid in the amount of 300 g / m².

Important: The artificial nitrogen fertilizers listed above can only be used if the soil has not been fertilized with organic matter.

The main problem of mineral fertilizers is their instability. These compounds must be applied a few days before planting in the ground or scattered between beds and under tree trunks. Otherwise, precipitation will wash away such bait deep into the earth, from where it will leave along with groundwater.

Fertilizing the garden in spring, on average, should be carried out according to the bookmark set out in the table.

A few words about flowers

Modern dachas are not always an abundance of gardens and orchards. Now everything more people prefer to engage in their country residence exclusively for recreation. But in any case, in any country house or in a private house, the owners plant flowers.

Annual flowers are a little easier to care for, feeding twice a year is enough for them. The first time you need to make top dressing two weeks after planting in the ground and then in mid-June, before the buds should start.

Perennial crops should be fed 3 times a year. The first time in the spring during loosening. The second time before flowering and the third time closer to autumn after the flowers fall off. The third top dressing is necessary for the normal ovary of the kidneys for the next year.

Fertilizer for garden hydrangea deserves special mention, because this flower is grown in most regions of our country because of its beauty. It should be noted that this plant loves moist soils and the morning sun.

If you do not want to use market-bought compounds for feeding, you can fertilize the soil with compost, peat or humus. But remember that ash and limestone-acid fertilizers for hydrangeas are contraindicated.

The video in this article shows some of the subtleties of top dressing.


Fertilizers for the garden in the spring are among the most important. At this fertile time, the whole future harvest and the size of this very crop depends on how correctly the soil is fertilized.

In the spring, it is time for active work for summer residents, gardeners and gardeners. In order to get a good harvest in the fall, you need to work hard in the spring. In particular, in the spring it is very important to choose the right fertilizers and apply them to the soil. With all this, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the crops that will be grown on the site.

Fertilizing the garden and garden in spring- this is very important preparatory stage before planting the plants. Many novice gardeners and gardeners are wondering how to feed the garden in the spring. In this article we will try to answer this question.

The need for fertilization in the spring is due to the fact that the soil is depleted from year to year, and it needs to restore the structure and availability of nutrients.

What to fertilize?

The spring period is a great period for making both organic and mineral fertilizers. From the list of organic fertilizers, you can use rotted compost, manure, chicken manure, etc. Those who adhere to natural vegetable growing and gardening apply these fertilizers. They are no worse than purchased fertilizers.

As a rule, organic fertilizers are applied in the fall after harvest. However, if this was not done, then it does not matter, you can fertilize in the spring. The soil application rates are as follows: for 1 square meter make 1 bucket of compost or rotted manure. You can also apply fertilizer based on peat. Such fertilizers improve the structure of the soil, loosening it, and saturate it with all the necessary nutrients that remain in the soil for a very long period of time.

Fertilizing the garden and garden with organic fertilizers has several disadvantages:

  • Organic fertilizers are expensive. In order to fertilize the entire site, you will have to pay a considerable amount of money. Therefore, never throw away or burn organic residues (dry grass, rotten vegetables and fruits, etc.), but put them separately in compost heap. Good for those who keep animals or birds.
  • Fresh manure, and especially bird droppings, can simply burn the roots of plants.
  • There is a possibility of infection of plants with diseases. Again, this possibility arises if the manure is not well decomposed.
  • Specific smell. This is definitely a shortcoming.

Video on how to make compost:

In addition to organic, you can make mineral fertilizers. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is much easier. They are sold in any store in a concentrated form. You only need to be guided by certain dosages. Mineral fertilizers should be applied only immediately before digging.

The application rates for mineral fertilizers are as follows: 300-350 grams of nitrogen fertilizers, 200-250 grams of phosphate fertilizers, 200-250 grams of potash fertilizers are applied per 10 square meters of the plot: 300-350 grams of nitrogen fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers do not improve the structure of the soil, but only saturate it with nutrients. Another disadvantage of such fertilizers is that they are quickly washed out of the soil.

Let's sum up a little. If you have the opportunity to fertilize your garden with organic matter, then fertilize it. If this is not possible, then apply mineral supplements.

When to fertilize in the spring?

A very important question regarding the timing of fertilization.

Let's start with mineral fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers are applied immediately before digging the soil. Fruit trees begin to fertilize when the snow completely melts and the frozen soil layer thaws. Usually, this period falls on the beginning-mid-April.

Organic fertilizers are applied 1.5-2 weeks before digging. Follow the listed norms, remember that an excess of fertilizers has a very bad effect on plants in the future.

How to fertilize trees in spring?

Trees in the spring are fertilized with the same fertilizers as vegetables. In order to fertilize the fruit tree well in spring period, it is necessary to pour it with a fertilizer solution. In particular, in the spring time, the tree needs a large number of nitrogen. Trees are fed as follows: at a distance of 0.5 meters from the trunk, a small groove is dug and 2-5 buckets of solution with top dressing are poured into this groove (1 tablespoon per 1 bucket of water).

, … From the efforts made in the spring, it depends what results we get in the fall. Spring top dressing of crops provides them with nutrition for the entire growing season. This is the most successful season for applying all types of fertilizers - organic and mineral.

Every summer resident knows about the need to take care of the land. If the land is not fed annually, its resources are depleted. This leads to a decrease in yield. Spring top dressing allows you to start the process of biocenosis of microorganisms with plants, ensures their development and growth. How and what kind of fertilizer to apply in the spring depends on many factors.

Application of organic and mineral fertilizers in the spring to the soil

In spring, the earth must be saturated with substances, essential plants on initial stage growth. When asked which fertilizers are better, one can answer that both mineral and organic substances can be used. The best option is to combine them.

What organic matter is best to use?

The best time to apply organics is in the spring, after the snow has melted. Many people prefer to spread fertilizer directly on the snow. But then they can be washed away with melt water and then the plants themselves will not have enough useful components. The most important thing is to be in time before the start of plowing.

The organic ones are

The most versatile and well-known organic fertilizer is humus. It can be found in almost all gardening plots, because every summer resident tries to provide himself with it. The recommended rate is one bucket per square meter. Method of application - before digging up the site, scatter in an even layer.

Organic matter fills the earth with essential substances, and has a positive effect on the composition of the soil. But you shouldn't get too carried away with them. Spring top dressing is preferable. No more than once in 3 - 4 years on heavy clay soils. On sandstones a little less often - once in 2 years.

One of the advantages of organic fertilizers is their availability. Humus can be bought inexpensively in any village. Nothing is spent on making compost, except for your time in making a box or pit. But organics are consumed in large volumes. And if you can’t cook it yourself, purchase them in an accessible vicinity, delivery will require decent costs.

Determining how much nitrogen is contained in compost or humus is difficult. Therefore, do not get too carried away with top dressing. An overabundance of organic matter can lead to negative results. For young seedlings, this can be fatal. brown leaves, a light coating on the plants themselves and around them is a sign of the appearance of a fungus. To prevent the appearance of fungus, along with humus, it is necessary to add ash with dolomite flour to the ground. This will neutralize the soil.

The main disadvantage of manure is the presence of seeds of various weeds in it. Weeds are in it with bedding, with animal feed. Once in the soil, the seeds germinate, clogging the area with weeds. Fresh manure in the spring is not used!

The introduction of organic matter in the spring has a beneficial effect on the structure of the soil and plant growth. It is even better to feed the earth using a combination of organic and mineral substances. For example, compost is well mixed with lime. Peat compost (a mixture of peat with manure) is mixed with phosphate rock.

What are the best minerals?

For the favorable growth of plants, it is not enough that organic matter can give them. Phosphorus-containing and potassium-containing substances are also needed. To restore balance in the ground, it is necessary to make mineral top dressing.

Mineral fertilizers are sold in any store that specializes in a country assortment. They can be powdered, granulated and liquid concentrate. All minerals are released in concentrated form. Deliver them to country cottage area easy and easier to prepare than with organic. The main thing is to observe the correct dosage.

The main feeding should be carried out in early spring before digging. It is necessary to close the granules into the ground by 20 - 25 centimeters. Fertilizer consumption:

Phosphorus-containing - 250 grams per square meter.

Potassium-containing - 200 grams per square meter.

If organic matter was not added to the ground, nitrogen-containing substances must be added - about 350 grams per square meter. For a more accurate determination of the rate of feeding, it is necessary to carefully study the packaging of manufacturers. Overdose adversely affects plants.

Often summer residents prefer only natural top dressing. Many have a negative attitude towards chemical elements, due to their negative impact on the structure of the soil. But for plants, they are simply necessary. What substances to use decides the summer resident himself.

Potassium is mainly found in the young part of plants. They need it during the formation of the main biomass, that is, immediately after germination. That is why it is so important to supply plants with potassium in the spring. Required amount it in the ground increases the resistance of plants to various diseases improves the keeping quality of fruits.

Phosphorus is also important for all crops. It affects the growth and maturation of plants. Thanks to phosphorus, crop yields increase, the amount of sugar and starch in root crops increases. With a lack of phosphorus, the lower leaves become bluish in color with brown spots. The plant blooms poorly, seeds and fruits do not ripen.

It must be remembered that minerals are absorbed by plants in a very short time. They need to be applied to the ground annually (some monthly). So that they have time to assimilate by plants and do not wash off into the ground, we bring them in immediately before planting crops. Scattering is allowed on the beds in the aisle and along the edges trunk circles trees.

Types of mineral fertilizers

The most famous among nitrogen-containing substances are urea, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate. Nitrogen is needed to accelerate growth, set the green mass of crops. Therefore, it is preferable to use it in the spring.

The main potash fertilizers are potassium chloride and potassium sulphide, its salt and sulfate. Potassium is perfectly absorbed by absolutely all cultures. It is necessary for their full development.

Mineral fertilizers are produced, consisting of only one substance. They are called simple. Complex (as well as "Mittlider mixes") include several elements. Which ones to choose doesn't matter. The main thing is that the plants have everything they need.

The dependence of the choice of fertilizer on the soil. What soils and how best to feed in the spring

The amount and type of top dressing for spring application depends on the type of soil in your area. The soil is clay or sandy, loamy or sandy.

Features of feeding acidic peat and loamy soil

If the soil in your garden has a high acid content, top dressing is indispensable. Plants at an early stage of development react especially sharply to excessive acid content.

You can correct the acid-base balance with lime. Liming should be carried out in early spring, 3 to 4 weeks before planting. At times, up to half a kilogram (usually 0.3 - 0.4 kg) of limestone must be applied per square meter of soil. Limestone is evenly scattered over the site and the ground is carefully dug up.

Most often, when liming, burnt and slaked lime. Limestone flour is also suitable, but it is used more on an industrial scale. Often, instead of lime, they take to reduce acidity. wood ash And dolomite flour. Ash will not only cope with acidity, but also perfectly fertilize the earth. It contains more than 30 substances that are beneficial for plants.

Features of feeding sandy soil

A distinctive feature of sandstones is the lack of nutrients and the inability to retain moisture. This problem can be eliminated by adding organics and a variety of minerals. Add fertilizer to sandy areas only in the spring. At the same time, it must be remembered that the applied fertilizers will last for a maximum of one year. In autumn, everything that is not absorbed by the plants will be carried away by the waters.

The most ideal fertilizer for sandstones is compost. Minerals must be used very carefully. Through the sand, they quickly penetrate to the roots and are absorbed by plants. It is better to make slow-acting top dressing. The dosage should be minimal so as not to burn the plants.

Features of top dressing of heavy clay soil

Unlike sandy soils, these soils do not allow water to pass through and do not allow air to reach the root system of plants. To improve the structure of the soil, you can use organic fertilizers, straw, chopped twigs.

In the first years, when developing the site in the spring, we add one and a half buckets of organic matter per square meter. It should be closed up shallowly, a maximum of 10 - 15 cm. Use only well-rotted humus. Otherwise, you can burn young roots. The best option in spring - use horse or sheep droppings. Their decomposition time is much less than that of a cow. Organics help clay soil become more loose and breathable.

Favorably affect the composition of clay soil sawdust and sand. Sawdust must first be soaked in a solution of urea, then distributed over the site along with sand and organic matter. Sawdust consumption - no more than a bucket per square meter.

In the spring, in a short period of time, summer residents and gardeners should pay attention to all corners on their site. The most important - spring top dressing - provides plants with nutrition throughout the year. Without it, it is impossible to get a good harvest.

In order to properly fertilize the land, you need to follow a few rules - do not add an excess amount of fertilizer to the soil, for example, it is better to slightly less than what the plants need, so as not to create environmental problems. Soil fertilization is one of the most important stages of garden care. Particularly important in this respect spring work. Be very careful about the choice of compositions and their combination. Otherwise, if the work is done incorrectly, the result will not be an increase in the nutritional value of the soil, but a harmful effect and a decrease in the fertility of the earth. Before proceeding to spring care behind the garden, carefully review the soil fertilization in the spring to ensure high yield planted crops.

Appointment of spring top dressing of the garden

In spring, the development of plants begins, and they absorb all the necessary trace elements and substances from the ground. If the land is depleted, then the growth of some varieties will be underestimated, and other varieties may not bear fruit at all. Thanks to fertilizer, plant growth is significantly improved and yields are increased. A significant improvement in product quality can also be observed.

Timing of fertilization in the spring

Experts consider the spring season the most favorable time for introducing all types of fertilizers into the soil: organic, necessarily pre-prepared, mineral, taken in strictly defined doses, as well as their mixtures. They begin the procedure for fertilizing garden soil after the completion of the melting of the snow cover. Some amateur gardeners practice spreading fertilizer over the snow, but with this method, the applied substances can “float away” from the site along with melt water.

Factors affecting the composition and amount of fertilizers

good, or correct top dressing must be selected based on the need, which is determined by the type and composition of the soil, the type and number of plants planned for cultivation, climate zone, weather conditions. Fertilizing the soil requires a responsible attitude. For example, an excess of fertilizer for plants in the soil can lead to a high content of nitrates in them. And the lack will lead to poor quality and meager harvest.

Loamy and sandy soils with low acidity can be considered almost ideal for gardens and vegetable gardens. Due to their moisture capacity and air capacity, they are easily processed, retain nutrients well and easily increase their fertility after fertilization. Information about chemical composition soil will help determine the lack of the necessary components. Express analysis is carried out as follows: A vertical thin layer of soil is taken (from the surface to the depth of the bayonet of a shovel), thoroughly mixed and moistened with rain (preferably distilled) water.

When pressed together with litmus paper, its color change will indicate the acidity of the soil:

  • red - strongly acidic;
  • pink - medium acid;
  • yellow - slightly acidic;
  • blue - almost neutral;
  • blue - neutral;
  • green is alkaline.

A very simple way is to pour a piece of soil with vinegar. If a reaction occurs, the soil is alkaline. As it becomes clear, fertilizers for the garden have a wide variety. But in order to understand them, no special knowledge is required. It is enough to understand the basic principle of operation and scope, according to the necessary needs.

What is the best way to fertilize your garden in spring?

Many gardeners in the spring fertilize the land with the same manure. At the same time, some distribute it evenly, and some add it directly to the hole before planting. However, with the development of modern chemistry in the field of the agro-industrial complex, a large number of combined mixtures have appeared that fully provide the plant with all necessary elements and substances. Such fertilizers include nitroammophoxine, urea, superphosphate and Kristalin. These fertilizers can be purchased at any agricultural store or market. You can also purchase other mixtures, but you should pay attention to their composition, which, if possible, should not contain heavy chemicals and especially nitrates.

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are the key to high yields. It is easier to work with mineral fertilizers, as they are sold in concentrated form in all specialized stores. However, when calculating the volume of their introduction, special care must be taken. The dosages recommended by fertilizer manufacturers should be followed depending on the needs of crops grown in a particular place. garden plot. Granular phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in accordance with established norms to the soil in the spring immediately before digging it. In this case, useful trace elements will be in close proximity to the root system of plants. The recommended depth of granules is approximately 20 cm. Many gardeners are biased towards mineral dressing, believing that "chemistry" harms the earth and the plants growing on it. Of course, the structure of the soil does not improve from the application of mineral fertilizers. For this purpose, organic matter is needed. But plants get access to all the trace elements necessary for growth, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium-based preparations contribute to faster fruit ripening. Complex fertilizers, which include two or even three components in their composition, are able to satisfy the need of plants for all nutrients. Complex fertilizers are produced in the form of liquid or granules.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral fertilizers

To understand whether it is worth preferring mineral fertilizers to organic fertilizers, check out the list of advantages and disadvantages below.


  • high, but at the same time balanced, concentration useful substances in the mixture;
  • a small amount is required;
  • the ability to regulate the size of the crop, as well as the quality of the fruit;
  • the use of fertilizers of this group is acceptable for any soil.


  • the cost of mixtures is sometimes quite high;
  • the need for regular use;
  • in case of an overdose - the death of all planted crops.

organic fertilizers

To date, organic fertilizers are successfully used by summer residents and gardeners in household plots, farms, and vegetable gardens. Thanks to the natural components that make up organic matter, plants quickly increase in growth, develop well and give a good friendly harvest. The benefits of such fertilizers in the garden can not be overestimated.

Advantages and disadvantages of organic fertilizers

  • Increasing the amount of humus in the composition of the soil;
  • Soil loosening;
  • High saturation with macronutrients of natural origin;
  • The possibility of harvesting without financial costs;
  • After reaching the desired fertility of the soil, less often there is a need for regular feeding of garden crops.
  • Plant burning hazard;
  • The need for a large mass. Physical costs in the preparation and application of the mass to the soil;
  • Possibility of infestation by flies or other pests of some plants;
  • Pungent unpleasant smell.

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Organo-mineral fertilizers

Another way to improve the land before planting is to use organic fertilizers. It is a mixture of organic and mineral types of fertilizer. Each drug is used for individual scheme. But there are several general rules. For open soil apply spraying, for closed - drip irrigation. This fertilizer is used for both plant seeds and leaves according to a separate method.

Bacterial fertilizers

The group of bacterial fertilizers includes compositions containing needed by soils microorganisms. Environmentally friendly fertilizers are preferred by supporters of gardening without the use of chemicals. Bacterial mixtures contribute to the production or retention of the same minerals in soils, but do so in a natural way. Nitragins produce nitrogen, azotobacterins fix it in the soil, making it looser. Silicate bacteria release phosphorus, potassium and aluminum from useless compounds. The action of fluorobacterin is clear from its name.

Each type of fertilizer has its own benefits. But for the best effect, feed and fertilize the land should be twice a year. Then there will be an opportunity to enjoy not only “your” fruits, but also to see that with the right approach they will turn out better than purchased ones.

Spring is a hot time for owners of summer cottages, because it is during this period that the foundation is laid for obtaining good harvest. The quality of the preparation of the beds in the spring depends on how grateful the land will be to you for this in the fall. But first things first.

Why is spring dressing necessary?

What gives soil fertilizer in spring? Is it necessary to do this every year? Let's figure it out together.

At the beginning of the growing season, it is important to give plants the opportunity to grow quickly, effectively resist various diseases and ultimately bring maximum benefit. Target spring feeding- saturation of the soil with useful substances and the creation favorable conditions for growth, flowering and fruiting. Even the most nutritious lands are depleted sooner or later, which, of course, has a negative effect on well-being, appearance trees and shrubs and their ability to produce tasty fruits.

To prevent this from happening, minerals and organics should be added. Mineral supplements - annually, organic - every two years.

organic fertilizers

What organic fertilizers are used during spring garden work more often? Read carefully.


Compost - decomposed plant residues and household waste. The most important thing in harvesting is ensuring high temperature V compost pit. It is on this that the rate of decomposition processes depends. Optimum temperature- 40 degrees. The contents of the pit consist, as a rule, of cut grass, leaves, dried flowers, tops, sawdust, weeds and food residues (except for fat and bones). "Ingredients" are laid in layers.

Manure and chicken manure are often added to the compost. When adding green grass, mix it with dry leaves and wood. will improve the quality organic fertilizer, which, with the right approach, can replace mineral supplements and humus, phosphorus flour. Enter it at the rate of 2 kg per 100 kg of waste. If peat or other acidic organics are present, then ash is mixed in.

In order for the compost to “ripen” correctly, experts advise alternating dry and wet layers. The process of decay will go twice as fast if each layer is covered with earth. For the same purpose, nettle, comfrey and legume waste are used. Do not forget to water the compost, but make sure that the water does not stagnate.

There are many recipes for making compost. But three are the most popular.

Recipe #1. Peat manure compost. For cooking (as the name implies) you will need peat and manure (in a ratio of 1: 1). The thickness of each layer is 25 cm. Phosphorus flour can be added. Cover the pile with a tarp or dark plastic wrap and let it sit for about 7 days.

Recipe #2. Vermicultured compost (biohumus). This extremely nutritious fertilizer is prepared in early February. Fill wooden box with holes for ventilation with straw, paper and grass. Sprinkle soil on top and water. The next day, put earthworms in a box. Periodically indulge residents with potato peels, shells, apple peels, tea leaves.

Recipe #3. Collected compost. Prepared in summer. Tops, grass, tea leaves, cleanings and other food waste are poured into containers made of wood or plastic. Do not forget to gradually add lime, phosphorus flour and slurry to the resulting mixture. The compost container must not be covered, as it has a lot of nitrogen.


Pet excrement, mixed with straw and hay scraps, contains nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. They are added to the soil in a decayed state, when the amount of harmful impurities is minimized. How to achieve this? Cover the pile with plastic and forget about it for a year. When the time is right, evenly distribute the pieces with a rake in areas where lawn grass, berry bushes and fruit trees.

Fresh manure cannot be applied to the soil - aggressive components will destroy young plantations. An exception is the arrangement of warm ridges and mulching of raspberry bushes.


Humus is called compost or manure that has aged for more than 2 years. It looks like a loose mass with a pronounced earthy smell. This universal fertilizer is ideal for feeding any horticultural crops. It is used for mulching and for preparing soil for seedlings. Works well as a hole filler for particularly demanding plants.

Bird and rabbit droppings

It is superior in nutritional value to cow dung, but in its pure form it is practically not used. It is part of complex organic top dressings prepared by one's own hands. To do this, the litter is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting infusion is diluted again (1 part liquid to 4 parts water) and mixed with compost or humus.


A rich source of potassium, which reduces soil acidity and enriches them with boron, phosphorus, and manganese. It is used as an additional component of dressings. Ashes are added to manure and litter, herbal infusions and compost. Top dressing with ash is especially useful for tomatoes, potatoes and bell pepper, but carrots do not like her very much. The most valuable is the ash formed after the burning of straw, but if there is none, ordinary wood ash can be used. Remember, ash from young branches is richer in composition than ash from old trees. If we compare the nutritional value of the ash of hardwood and conifers, then the first one is more useful.


If you dream of a dense and dense lawn on your personal plot, then peat is indispensable. Remove upper layer sod, pour peat on top, lightly “powder” with earth and tamp. After 24 hours, start laying the seeds. Peat substrate promotes rapid and uniform growth lawn grass. Peat is brought under apple trees older than 3 years, it is also actively used for mulching tree trunks.

Cons of organic fertilizers

Organic has a lot positive qualities- simplicity of preparation, environmental friendliness, wide scope. But there are also disadvantages and you need to be aware of them.

  • An "overdose" of organics leads to the death of young, immature plants. In addition, an excess of such fertilizers adversely affects the taste of the fruit;
  • the danger of contamination of fields with weeds, and plantings with fungi;
  • unbalanced content of nutrients.

Organic fertilizers have an unpleasant pungent odor. Delivery and distribution land plot requires a lot of money and effort.

Mineral fertilizers

Spring top dressing involves the introduction of not only organics, but also minerals. If you saturate the soil exclusively with organic additives, then the plants will suffer from a lack of potassium and phosphorus. This will lead to a decrease in growth rate and a deterioration in fruit quality.

But before fertilizing, you should familiarize yourself with certain standards:

  • nitrogen fertilizers (calcium and ammonium nitrate, urea) are applied at 300-350 grams per 1 m2;
  • potash (potassium chloride, potassium salt, potassium sulfate) - 200 grams per 1 m2;
  • phosphoric (superphosphate) - 250 grams per 1 m2.

When using factory-made granular fertilizers, carefully read the instructions on the package. Manufacturers describe in detail the dosage depending on the characteristics of the crops grown.

Many gardeners are wary of “chemistry” packaged in colorful bags. But you shouldn't be afraid of her. Complex mineral additives, produced in the form of liquids and granules, are designed to fully satisfy the need of plants for all microelements.

How to recognize which mineral fertilizers are lacking? For the most part, this is easy to do. Carefully inspect the plants and everything will become clear.

Mineral fertilizers are different type- for various soil and plant problems.

Nitrogen supplements increase the green mass of plants and increase productivity. Lack of nitrogen is manifested in growth retardation, delayed flowering and a decrease in the thickness of the leaves. The application of nitrogen fertilizers in the spring is mandatory, because. This element is deficient in almost all soils.

Potassium promotes intensive growth of the root system and helps shrubs to withstand sudden changes in temperature. With a lack of potassium, the leaves lose their saturated green tint and become pale yellow.

Phosphorus increases the rate of development and ripening of fruits. Phosphorus starvation is signaled by the dull color of the leaves, the painful appearance of flowers and the late ripening of fruits.

Finished mineral complexes can be both single-component and complex. They are good because they not only contain nutrients, but also increase the defenses of plants, allowing you to effectively resist bacteria and fungi. For example, the "Kristallon" complex has such properties.

Factory fertilizers conclude another significant plus - you can choose a complex for a particular plant or flower. So, "Bulba" is an organomineral additive that stimulates the rapid germination of potatoes. The Kemira-Universal mixture is suitable for fertilizing fruit trees and berry bushes. In the spring, this fertilizer is laid dry.

With what to fertilize the land - figured out, but this is clearly not enough to achieve a positive result. It is important to know HOW to supplement correctly.

For spring top dressing, choose complex mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. Look carefully at the packaging. In the abbreviation NPK, opposite the first letter N, corresponding to nitrogen, should be the largest numerical value.

Do not fertilize too early, wait for the snow cover to melt. Some gardeners break this rule and make a mistake - useful substances also “leak” along with the snow. Fertilizers in granules are applied in March - they dissolve for a long time, liquid fertilizers - in April-May. If the soil is too dry, then water it before laying.

You need to fertilize where there are many roots. That is, not under the very trunk of the tree, but around it. After making granular nutrient mixtures, the earth must be loosened.

When fertilizing, it is important to consider the type of soil. You can determine what kind of soil you have in certain areas (acidic, alkaline or neutral) in the laboratory. This is the most reliable option, however, if there is no opportunity to give land samples for research, you should not despair. They will come to the rescue folk omens. It has long been noted that moss, plantain and horsetail prefer acidic soils, quinoa and mustard - alkaline, clover and nettle - neutral.

For each type of soil - its own fertilizer.

Compost and grass mulch can be applied every year, while manure and manure can be applied every two years. Sawdust, which is added to organic matter, improves the outflow of moisture into the deep layers of the soil, which means it accelerates the absorption of nutrients. Bookmark depth is of great importance. You will achieve the greatest efficiency if you place fertilizers at the depth of the shovel blade.

Organo-mineral granular fertilizers are recognized as the best. They are able to dose the yield of useful components to the roots - the plant receives first of all those that it urgently needs. One-component mineral additives require careful attention, because. affect the composition of the soil (salinity, acidity, etc.).

Instructions for fertilizing

Consider how to fertilize potatoes, strawberries and raspberries, fruit trees and flower beds in spring.


For fertilizer, a point or continuous method is used. The first method is laborious, because you have to add nutrients to each well. One cannot cope with such work alone - ideally, three people are needed. One digs a hole, the second - fertilizes, the third - puts tubers. For fertilizer, a mixture of rotted manure and ash is prepared (1 liter can of manure and half a can of ash per 1 hole).

Continuous application is practiced where it is required to process large areas. Fertilizers are simply scattered over the entire surface of the earth. For poor soils, compost (5 kg), superphosphate (3 kg), ammonium sulfate (3 kg), potash fertilizers (2.5 kg) are prepared. For fertile soils - compost (2 centners), ammonium sulfate (2 kg), potassium supplements and superphosphate (1.5 kg each). Compost can be replaced with manure.

Strawberries and raspberries

Spring top dressing will accelerate the ripening of fruits that will be brighter and sweeter than usual. Fertilizers are applied on the leaf, under the roots or between the beds. The first step is to free the bushes from weeds, loosen the soil and sprinkle with peat. Then the plant is watered with liquid nitrogen complex, for example, "Kemira" (20 grams per 10 liters).

For the next 14 days, nitrogenous additives are not applied. After the appearance of the leaves, they are fed with a mineral-organic fertilizer in liquid form. Fertilizing the soil with potassium will increase taste qualities strawberries.

Raspberry is one of the most picky shrubs to feed. Requires the mandatory introduction of compost, peat or humus. A loose environment will provide good air and moisture exchange, eliminating the need for weeding the near-stem soil.

If we talk about foliar fertilization, then it should be noted spraying with zinc and bromine, which favorably affects the general well-being of berry bushes.

Fruit trees

The first application of fertilizers is made before the appearance of the first leaves. A little superphosphate is laid out near the trunk circles in early March. Such terms are explained by the fact that phosphorus for a long time passes into a form “digestible” for trees. Organics (humus and ash) are introduced after the snow has completely melted and the soil has thawed. Don't forget to loosen the ground.

Complex mineral fertilizers are introduced towards the end of spring. It is desirable that they have more potassium. This will significantly improve the quality of the ovaries and improve the taste of the fruit.

Now you know what fertilizers should be applied in the spring and how to do it correctly. Observe simple recommendations and in autumn you will have a rich harvest. Good luck with your spring work!

Strawberries and strawberries at home all year round

One of the best varieties strawberries "Albion":

  1. This hybrid variety, which appeared recently.
  2. He gives strawberries large, beautiful, with a high content of vitamins and microelements.
  3. This variety has a very high yield!

Soil composition:

  1. To protect and promote growth, strawberry and strawberry seed soil is enriched at the molecular level by direct injection.
  2. Seeds under high pressure treated with a special composition with trace elements
  3. The composition provides the seeds with all the necessary trace elements.