Toilet      04/17/2019

Work in the garden and garden in the spring. Spring work at the dacha: what needs to be done first

Spring work in the garden

Work at the dacha after winter begins with caring for the garden. It is important not to waste precious time, since many activities need to be carried out before active sap flow and swelling of the kidneys. The health of trees and shrubs depends on how correctly the spring work in the garden is done.

Spring work in the garden

With the arrival of spring, the first thing you need to do is clear the garden of last year's leaves, windbreaks and other debris that has accumulated over the winter. Spores of fungal diseases and larvae of pests can overwinter in plant debris, so they are taken outside the site and burned. As the air temperature rises, winter shelters are gradually removed from trees and shrubs.

Before sap flow begins, it is necessary to prune fruit and ornamental plants in the garden. Young seedlings, as well as decorative early flowering shrubs, are not pruned in the spring; only damaged branches can be removed. For fruit trees carry out formative and rejuvenating pruning.

Early spring is a time to prevent garden diseases and pests. Before the buds swell, the trees are sprayed iron sulfate, Bordeaux mixture or urea to destroy fungal pores. If a pest invasion was noticed in the previous year, the garden is treated with Agrovertin, Iskra-Bio, or Fitoverm.

In spring, tree trunks need protection. After winter, they may develop wind damage and frost holes, which need to be covered with clay mash or garden varnish. To protect against pests, trees are whitewashed with special paints, or they are used “the old fashioned way.” lime mortar with addition copper sulfate.

Fruit trees are grafted in April. First stone fruits, and a little later pome fruits. Pre-prepared cuttings or material after early spring pruning are used as a scion.

In spring, plants in the garden need feeding. Dry nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea, ammophosphate, ammonium nitrate) are scattered around the perimeter of the crown. After this, surface loosening of the soil is carried out, adding fertilizers. From organic matter, you can add an infused solution of chicken manure or rotted manure. After applying fertilizers, the soil under the trees and bushes is mulched with humus.

Work in the garden in spring does not stop even after the trees begin to bloom. Return frosts often occur, and to protect against them, fumigation of gardens with smoke bombs or fires is used. A humid environment also helps reduce the impact of low temperatures, so place containers of water under the trees, spill the soil and wet the branches.

Work in the garden in spring

In the spring there is no less trouble in the garden than in the garden. During this period, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for planting vegetables in order to obtain good harvest. As soon as the snow melts, the beds are cleared of debris accumulated over the winter. It is advisable to burn waste outside the site to prevent the spread of diseases and pests overwintering in them. They clean not only the soil, but also garden paths, on which garden debris accumulates and moss can grow.

After completing the harvesting, mineral fertilizers are applied. In spring, urea, nitrophoska, ammophoska and other fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are used. When the soil dries out a little, add compost or humus. After this, the beds are dug up or deeply loosened. During loosening, young weed shoots must be immediately removed, as well as pests encountered.

Spring work in the garden includes measures to improve the soil structure. River sand, mature humus, and fine sawdust are added to areas with heavy soil. Clay is added to sandy soil to make it more moisture-absorbing. If necessary, adjust the acidity of the soil. For deoxidation, add lime, ash, or dolomite flour, and to increase the pH level (acidification) use sulfur (70 g per sq.m.), apple or acetic acid.

When the soil is prepared and fertilized, beds can be made on the site. To plant early vegetables, artificially heat the soil. To do this, the beds are covered with dark material (black agrofibre or polyethylene) about two weeks before sowing.

When working in the garden in the spring, special attention should be paid to beds with strawberries and raspberries. The cover is removed from the strawberries, dead bushes are removed, the soil is loosened and mulched. Raspberries are tied to trellises and sanitary pruning is carried out.

In the spring, cold-resistant vegetables and herbs are sown in the garden: radishes, peas, lettuce, sorrel, onions, early carrots, beets. These crops develop well and produce a harvest even when sown in cold soil.

In flower beds in the spring, the rhizomes of perennials are divided. Plants with wintering foliage are renewed by removing frozen and damaged shoots, and plantings of early flowering bulbs are loosened. Mineral fertilizer complexes are added to flower beds as fertilizers. To prevent diseases, flower beds are treated with copper-containing preparations.

Lawn care after winter

With the arrival of spring, the lawn also comes to life. Already at a temperature of plus 5 degrees Celsius, the grass begins to grow and requires attention. As soon as the snow begins to melt, mineral fertilizers, which are dominated by nitrogen, are scattered over the lawn: ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea.

Lawn cleaning begins after the soil dries. Leaves and debris are raked with a fan rake, after which scarification is performed. This procedure is also called "combing" and is performed with a garden rake, a special manual device, or a device - a scarifier. It is necessary in order to disrupt the integrity of the dense grass turf, renew it, and give young shoots the opportunity to develop.

After stratification, it is necessary to carry out aeration - piercing the turf and top layer of soil to saturate the soil with oxygen. This is done using a pitchfork, an aerator or special shoe covers.

After cleaning, potholes are clearly visible, which may remain from accidental movement on a damp lawn, or when the soil settles. If the turf layer is not disturbed, dig it up and add sand under it. Damaged areas of the lawn are cut out with a shovel and removed, and the resulting holes are also filled with sand. They are then seeded to restore a uniform lawn.

Bottom line

With the arrival of spring, it is necessary to pay attention to the garden and prepare fruit trees and bushes for the new growing season. In the garden, you need to improve the quality of the soil so that vegetables produce a good harvest, and in flower beds you need to take care of perennials. Gardening in the spring requires effort, but as a result, your garden will be well-groomed and the plants on it will be strong and healthy.

Winter is already living out its last days and spring, so long-awaited for every gardener, is coming into its own.

Very soon the garden will recover from the harsh frosty everyday life and breathe deeply.

During this period, active spring work in the garden and vegetable garden begins. It is necessary to prepare for the hot period of planting, watering and harvesting.

The main concerns of a summer resident in March

The first half of March is marked by harvesting and soil preparation. The last snow crust that has formed around the trees must be removed using a garden fork. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage those parts of the plants that are under the snow.

Trees must be whitened by mid-month. Young trees are coated with a mixture of mullein and clay to nourish them after a long winter. To combat pests, blackcurrant bushes are doused with hot water, and a film is laid under the bush itself so that pests from the soil cannot get out.

When the air temperature exceeds +5 degrees, the first spraying is carried out in the garden. All branches damaged by pests are removed and burned.

Be sure to check whether the plants survived the winter well. To do this, you need to make a small incision along the base on the seemingly damaged tissue. If there is no blackness on the cut and it is light green, then the plant is not damaged. At the end of March, pest control is sprayed with copper sulfate.

When active snow melting begins, it is necessary to properly manage the melt water. If your site has large slopes, then it is necessary to make small grooves across it so that the fertile layer of soil is not washed away by water.

If your garden is located in a lowland, then the water should be diverted into deep ditches or pits so that the roots do not rot from lack of air. On flat sandy and light clay surfaces, melt water will not do any harm.

Work at the dacha in the spring is not complete without preparation for planting various crops. In March days, seeds are sown for seedlings of colored and white cabbage, beets, tomatoes and onions. The soil for sowing is selected to be loose, fertile and not acidic. It must be prepared by mixing peat, fertile soil, humus, and tree resin and mineral fertilizers.

April preparations at the summer cottage

Cleanup continues in April upper layers soil, removal of the cortex near the kidneys. After the soil has completely dried, all garbage is collected and burned. If the garden in previous seasons was subject to an invasion of ticks, aphids, psyllid or copperhead, then the trees and shrubs should be sprayed with nitrophen. This must be done before the buds begin to bloom.

The circles around the trees must be dug up and loosened, being careful not to damage the roots. This is necessary not only to improve the quality of the soil, but also to destroy infections and pests. For a while tree trunk circles covered with film so that pests cannot get in from winter shelters on the trees. The film can be removed when the moths stop flying.

Also in April, the soil is dug up with the addition of ash and mineral fertilizers. After the digging is completed, the ground is leveled with a rake. In heavy soils, ridges are made. In warm years, early crops can be sown at the end of April.

Dacha in May

The main spring work at the dacha begins in May. This month is considered the most important period for every gardener. The success of the entire dacha season depends on the correct implementation of all events at this time.

To begin with, the garden is thoroughly cleaned, supports and films are removed, and the remnants of last year’s plants are also disposed of. It is necessary to wash greenhouses and greenhouses, clean out water drains. Don't forget to check garden tools, since the period of its active use begins.

The soil needs to be periodically loosened and weeds removed. Don’t forget about mulching trees and shrubs. It can be done with humus or fresh compost.

May is the time to plant a variety of ornamental and vegetable crops . At this time, carrots and potatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, and melons are sown in the already prepared holes.

There are often frosts in May, which is why experienced summer residents They monitor temperature changes very carefully. IN extreme cases on frosty days, special smoke fires are lit in the area to prevent the flowers of fruit trees from freezing. On cold evenings, the seedlings are covered with thick paper.

When working in the garden in the spring, it is necessary to approach each activity with special care. During this crucial period, you are preparing for successful summer season, so you can't miss anything. A garden and vegetable garden require a lot of attention, effort and time. But it's worth it!

Spring is just around the corner. It's time to go to the dacha and check how the fruit trees and shrubs have survived the current capricious winter. And get to work gardening in spring to get an excellent harvest this year too.

First of all, I’ll talk about trees. Don’t create problems for yourself, don’t plant them densely, the optimal planting pattern is 5x5 m. Plant trees closer to the full moon, under the signs of Aries, Taurus, Libra and especially Capricorn. Remove wild growth under the sign of Leo.

soil in orchard I keep it under black steam. I don’t allow it to be sodded, because it will cause it to not warm up well, and besides, there are a lot of cockchafer larvae in the sod.

In the fall, I dig up the entire free area of ​​the site using 1/2 a shovel. When digging, I add organic matter and only partially mineral fertilizers (I reduce the accepted rate by half). From the use of mineral fertilizers alone, the soil loses its lumpy structure, becomes dense, and therefore begins to poorly allow water and air to pass through. At the same time, the number of earthworms, which make our land fertile, sharply decreases. Well, they don’t like chemistry!

I fertilize the trees in the garden depending on their condition. If the shoots are weak and short, I add more fertilizer, and if they grow well, I apply less. In the first case, per 1 sq. m of the trunk circle I add 4-5 kg ​​of compost, in the second circle - half of this dose. In early spring - chicken droppings (1 kg per 20 liters of water), at the beginning of flowering - a solution of urea (0.5%), superphosphate (1%), solution of potassium sulfate (1%). After flowering - foliar fertilizing with urea (5 g per 1 sq. m).

I fertilize young trees twice in the spring: in early spring (March) and in early May with nitrogen fertilizers. Complete feeding mineral fertilizer I spend it after the June fall of the ovary (30-40 g per bucket of water). In the fall, it is good to bury the tops of beets, beans, marigold branches, calendula, and wormwood in the circles around the trunks - this both nourishes and heals the soil. I don’t fertilize trees that haven’t given birth this year.

I would also like to note that young trees are not whitewashed until they begin to bear fruit.

When watering, I adhere to the rule: it is better to water rarely, but abundantly, than often and little by little. First watering of the garden I usually spend it after the June shedding of flowers, the second in mid-July and the third (pre-winter, moisture-charging) in October-November, depending on weather conditions. The garden especially needs a third watering, as it promotes better overwintering. Sometimes heavy watering with rusty water is needed before flowering.

Big I pay attention to pruning. This, if you want to know, is a whole science, and believe me, it is not simple. Therefore, I want to give only small tips, but for a more global study there is a lot of specialized literature. I do pruning either in early spring - in March, or in summer - in June. Summer pruning is more convenient in all respects. On a leafy tree, you can better see which branches need to be removed in order to prevent the crown from becoming dense. Also during this period, wounds heal faster, because the trees are in a state of active sap flow. It is also important that during summer pruning, generative buds are better formed. If the tree is planted in autumn, the first pruning is done in early spring, when spring planting pruning is done every other year, a month before the start of the growing season.

Prun the plum only when there are leaves, otherwise the tree may get sick with silver fungus.

Remember, you don’t need to use a hacksaw every time. Sometimes, to thin out the crown, it is enough to pull back a branch or place spacers on the tree.

The plums in my garden are low-growing because they are grafted onto a felt cherry tree, and therefore they are winter-hardy. How do I do this? In the spring, I dig up a one-year-old felt cherry seedling, wash the roots from the soil and graft it directly onto the trunk with a cutting. I tie the grafting site with film and plant the tree in a permanent place.

I heard that apricot and sweet cherry can also be grafted onto a felt cherry. I haven’t tried it, but if you want to try it, try it.

Control of garden pests is of great importance, due to which up to half the harvest is lost, believe me. I also use chemicals on my site, but mainly in the early spring period, strictly observing precautions, spraying times and dosage. In the spring, before the buds swell, I spray trees, raspberries, and currants with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (3%) against eggs of aphids, copperheads, and scab pathogens. Trees summer varieties I treat them once, twice in winter, to destroy second-generation caterpillars.

At the end of winter and beginning of spring, to destroy pathogens, you need to whitewash the trees with a solution of lime (20%) with the addition of a solution of copper sulfate (1%) and 50 g laundry soap or clay. Before whitewashing, I clean the bark and cover all wounds with garden varnish.

I often practice catching belts in my area, but I use one trick. On top of a regular corrugated paper belt I strengthen a metal mesh with small holes through which the moth caterpillars crawl freely, but, having turned into butterflies, can no longer fly out.

All that remains is to observe the appearance of butterflies in order to begin spraying against the second generation of moths. After harvesting, I remove the hunting belts and burn them.

I will be very glad if my advice is useful. Work, experiment. I wish you all success and big harvests. Love the earth!

On a note:

Most indispensable assistant at the dacha and at home - industrial vacuum cleaner Karcher, which has functions for dry and wet cleaning. There are always a lot of worries at the dacha in the spring, but with a Karcher vacuum cleaner there will be fewer problems, and your dacha will sparkle with perfect cleanliness.

When and how to prune mock orange— To form a healthy and beautiful bush Mock orange (commonly called jasmine due to the similarity of the aroma of the flowers to real jasmine) requires annual pruning.

Working in the field and in the garden requires serious knowledge. The quality and timeliness of their implementation depends on future harvest. Therefore, farmers carry out a number of actions at a certain time. Spring is the period of intensive preparation for growing most crops. During this period, a number of actions are planned, which are mandatory to be carried out by farmers and agricultural enterprises.

What spring work in the field and garden is like should be considered in detail. This will allow you to perform the required manipulations on summer cottage, vast agricultural areas.

Features of work in the field and garden

Spring work in the field (photo below) is the most important period in the process of growing various crops. Special attention Farmers require winter crops.

Work in the field and garden differs significantly in scale and features of event planning. This is explained by the techniques that farmers apply to these areas Agriculture. In the field, work practically never stops all year round. However, in winter, the main activity in such conditions freezes.

A vegetable garden is a place for growing various vegetables and special varieties of crops. In accordance with what will grow in these conditions, the sown areas are also prepared. This is a special process that requires special theoretical knowledge and practical skills from the farmer.

School program

The school curriculum pays attention to spring field work. The world(4th grade) studies this process in an overview. Students are asked to write a story about how the soil is prepared in the spring. Schoolchildren supplement their stories with photographs and drawings on this topic.

In the essay, students can describe how the areas under cultivation are prepared. They remove stones that are pushed out of the ground under pressure by the soil during severe frosts. Next, the soil is loosened to provide air flow to the plant root system. This is necessary for their full development.

If there is stagnant water on the field, it must be drained using drainage channels. Otherwise, the plants will rot. This will negatively affect the yield. Weeds, bushes, moss, and sand are removed from the soil surface. Before sowing, the soil is fertilized. Knowing in general terms how the field is prepared in the spring, students can write an interesting essay.

Essay example

Students write an essay about spring work in the field (4th grade) with great pleasure. Many of them could observe how parents and grandparents prepared to sow vegetables, fruits, plant trees and flowers in the country house, vegetable garden or garden. They tell their impressions in an essay. An example of a short essay is presented below.

“My parents and I are going to the dacha in the spring. I help them prepare their garden for summer. This is an interesting activity. I saw on TV how the fields are prepared in the spring. Our family does similar work in the garden. We are digging up the soil. Dad says it helps the seeds germinate. Air comes to them.

Then we make a greenhouse, which is covered with film. This will keep the plants from freezing if the temperature drops too much at night. When the greenhouse warms up, my parents and I plant carrots, herbs, onions, zucchini, and beans. Dad digs holes, and I put seeds in them. Mom buries the seedlings and waters them with water. I really like being with my parents at the dacha.”

Why do we need knowledge about preparing land in the spring?

A description of spring work in the field (4th grade) allows students to realize the work that employees of agricultural enterprises put into the process of preparing for the sowing campaign. Own experience schoolchildren in the country, in the garden or vegetable garden also has a positive effect on the formation of their understanding of the importance of such events.

Stories about the spring preparation of fields, vegetable gardens and orchards, personal experience comrades - all this arouses interest in farming and respect for nature. Students begin to appreciate the gifts of nature and understand how hard they are given to people.

Parents should pay attention to involving their children in the process of preparing a garden in the spring. This will be a real adventure for schoolchildren. During the work process, children need to be explained why this or that action is being carried out.

List of field work

It will be easier to write a story about spring work in the field if you know more about this process. For each climate type, the presented actions begin to be carried out in different time. Most often in Russia, soil preparation is carried out in the second ten days of April. If the spring is warm, work is carried out earlier.

After all the stones, sand have been removed, and the soil has been dug up, it is necessary to apply fertilizer. They must include nitrogen. Both mineral and organic compositions are important. Next, the seeds are sorted and cleaned. They are sown in prepared soil.

The areas that were not sown last year (were fallow) are being reclaimed. The brought manure is plowed into the ground. After this, comprehensive measures are taken to prevent or destroy pests. They depend on climate zone, natural conditions on the field.

Features of field work in spring

Simultaneously with the above events, a number of other spring events are held. field work. Trap piles are set up in the field for May beetle larvae. Agricultural enterprises are working to develop fertile soils. They are dug up and fertilized.

Seedlings are planted in greenhouses. In warm climates, this procedure is performed on open ground. At the same time, seeds and tubers are planted. Enterprises check the readiness of equipment before starting the soil cultivation process and before carrying out the sowing campaign. Maintenance and repairs are being carried out. The speed of each subsequent operation depends on this. Repairing equipment in the field is problematic and highly undesirable.

Also in the spring, fields can be sown with special crops called green manure. They will enrich the soil useful substances, will improve its structure and have a sanitary effect on the soil. These plants include representatives of the legume family, cereals, and cruciferous crops. The scope of work in the fields in the spring is extensive. During this period, farmers make a lot of efforts to ensure future high level harvest.

Spring work in the garden

Spring work in the field, garden, and vegetable garden requires a lot of effort and time from farmers, agricultural workers and ordinary summer residents. To use available resources rationally, you need to understand which issues need to be given attention first.

Some inexperienced summer residents spend a huge amount of time on their plot to obtain high yield. If you understand the technology for carrying out spring work, you can significantly reduce the time and amount of effort spent in the garden.

First you need to explore the garden. Shrubs and trees must be protected from spring sun. If there is no shelter, damage to the bark may appear over time. This will negatively affect the well-being of the plant. For mature, strong trees, shelter is most often not required. It is necessary for young seedlings. Day and night temperatures vary greatly. Therefore, the trunks of young trees are covered nonwoven materials. They can be removed in mid-spring.

They argue that on the south side of the trees you need to install a peg at the trunk. It will somewhat shade the trunk during the warm season. It should be noted that it is extremely undesirable to whitewash seedlings. This reduces their development speed. At the same time, the bark may thicken. The tree will spend energy strengthening its defense. At the same time, growth will slow down. Whitewash clogs the pores of the plant.

In the garden you will need to trim the bushes and trim the fruit trees. This must be done before the sap flow period. If the buds are already beginning to swell, do not prune. It is also necessary to hide evergreen shrubs from the sun. Their color will be more saturated. When the frost ends, the temperature changes will not be as strong. During this period, the shelters can be removed.

Sequence of work in the garden

Spring work in the field, garden or garden should be carried out in correct sequence. You need to choose the right plants and seeds for planting. They must be healthy, without damage or defects.

Holes are dug for planting. A plant is placed in them and the roots are covered with soil. For adults fruit plants cut off excess shoots. When the flowering period has passed, dry inflorescences should be removed. To reduce the time for tillage, you can sow between the beds ground cover plants. Mulching is also carried out using special equipment. Amount of tedious manual labor can be significantly reduced.

It is necessary to take into account the requirements for growing each type of crop. Some plants like shade, while others like light. Watering also needs to be done in a timely manner. Stagnation of water on the site can lead to a decrease in yield. Needs to be thought out and arranged the right system drainage if water stagnates in the soil.

Work in the garden

Spring work in the field and in the garden requires certain knowledge and skills. It will take a lot of time to bring the soil to the desired state. In the garden you need to remove various debris from the beds and stones. It is important to remove insects, their larvae, weeds and other pests.

Add to the soil organic fertilizers. Compost, rotted manure or peat are suitable for this. This will fill the soil with the substances necessary for crop growth. The soil should not be too dense. If necessary, it can be made lighter by adding sand to the soil. If water stagnates in the area, you need to add fine gravel to the soil. If the soil, on the contrary, is too crumbly, you need to add clay to it. It will retain moisture.

The soil needs to be loosened. At the same time, you need to dig it up. This breaks the structure. Nutrients sink deeper. This negatively affects the growth of garden crops. Therefore, loosening is used for beds. The processing depth should not exceed 10 cm.

Completing the preparation of the garden

Spring work in the field and garden is carried out taking into account climatic conditions. If there are frosts or large temperature changes, crops need to be covered or grown in a greenhouse.

Lawns need to be raked. If there are potholes in the soil, they need to be filled with soil. The surface of the lawn is sprinkled with fine sand and leveled. In places where grass does not grow, it is reseeded.

Coverings from plants should be removed gradually. This is done during a period when the temperature at night is quite high. First, the plants are allowed to get used to the outside temperature. Then they are opened.

Having considered the features of spring work in the field, garden and vegetable garden, you can understand the features of this process.

Avid summer residents are looking forward to the spring thaw to take care of their plots. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing to do in early spring, since the earth has not yet warmed up, and in some places there is still snow. Spring dacha work includes a whole range of measures to improve the territory and prepare it for the next season.

Basic gardening work in March

First of all, in March or April, you need to remove all covering materials that served the plants as good protection in severe frosts. All structures will have to be thoroughly washed and dried so that when the next winter season arrives, you can use them at the right time.

With the first rays of the sun, not only the lush green flowers appear, but also the weeds begin to actively emerge. Pull them out by the roots from wet soil. Young moss can be easily removed with a brush and water pressure from a hose. If you use water to restore order in March, remember that you need to work at above-zero temperatures, otherwise you yourself will freeze and the area will turn into an ice skating rink.

An important stage of work in early spring is soil mulching. On prepared soil, many plants are less susceptible to rotting, so you can harvest a good harvest of strawberries, cucumbers or pumpkins.

Mulch performs a decorative function and also protects plants from the scorching rays of the sun and the March cold. To make a mulch mixture, sawdust, straw, compost or rotten leaves are most often used.

With the first rays of sun, summer residents begin planting tree seedlings. While the tree is dormant, it takes root best in new soil. Spring is also considered the most good time for grafting shrubs and trees.

In early spring there is a lot of work at the dacha, so owners of even small plots are looking forward to the snow melting and at least a little warmer. From spring gardening work The amount of harvest in the future directly depends, as well as the beauty of your favorite area.