In a private house      06/16/2019

Making parquet with your own hands: techniques for making artistic parquet, advantages and disadvantages. Master class on making a tabletop with your own hands How to make furniture from parquet

Almost always after repair work building materials remain. It’s a shame to throw it away, but there’s nowhere to store it. What to do? If it is laminate or parquet, then you can find a very worthy use for it. Flooring materials are mainly created from natural wood, which determines their safety, environmental friendliness, strength and durability. So what can you do with parquet if there are only a few good pieces left after renovation? You will learn options for using products in this article.

A little about the material

Parquet usually consists of three layers of wood, firmly bonded together. The upper part is either varnished and is the most dimensional in terms of thickness. Thanks to this, the product can be restored with help if, after years, the floor has lost its attractiveness appearance. Among the main properties of parquet it is worth noting:

  • wear resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • withstand temperature changes;
  • antistatic characteristics;
  • moisture rejection.

Usually only high-quality material is endowed with all of the above characteristics. Therefore, before deciding what to make from old parquet, carefully read its properties.

Product options

DIY parquet crafts – best idea use of leftover building materials. Why throw away products if you can build them into practical and useful thing. But how exactly to apply them? What can be made from old parquet?

Kitchen accessories

When deciding what’s missing at home, head straight to the kitchen. Since parquet has good operational properties, from it you can construct:

  • cutting boards;
  • stand for hot utensils;
  • containers for dishes;
  • container for sweets.

Parquet products such as coasters are especially practical. With their help, you can protect the surface of the countertop from damage and at the same time decorate the interior with a unique and original element. It is unlikely that any of your friends will make exactly such crafts from parquet.

Making boxes

Another original solution use of leftovers flooring– make a box for storing things and various items. Even if there is a chest of drawers in the house, the need for additional capacity still arises. Therefore, you shouldn’t even think about what you can make from parquet with your own hands. Just make small boxes that are ideal for storage:

  • toys;
  • offices;
  • documents;
  • clothes and other things.

Do you love gardening? Make boxes for growing seedlings various plants. Using a similar principle, it is possible to construct a container for storing cereals, berries and vegetables. So you can do a lot of things with old parquet.

What else?

As you can see, it is not difficult to find a use for leftover or dismantled flooring. In addition to the above options, there are other ideas on what to do with parquet flooring. So, to make your home practical, functional and decorative, build several protective structures for:

  • doors;
  • furniture facades;
  • heating batteries, etc.

If you have imagination and desire, you can actually make even:

  • stool;
  • table top;
  • window sill and much more.

There are hundreds of options for how to use old parquet. Therefore, feel free to embody your design ideas and find a worthy use for such useful building material.

Manufacturers today offer high-quality, beautiful and expensive parquet, the service life of which reaches half a century or more. But interior design in any home is subject to fashion trends. If relatively recently repairs were carried out “for years”, today the situation has changed. Many people change, in addition to the wall decoration, the floor covering. In such a situation, the question inevitably arises: what to do with the old parquet? On the one hand, it lost its appearance, on the other, it remained durable. Possible here various options, each of which deserves special attention.

Throw away the parquet or give it a new life?

Old new coating

Oak parquet is a durable floor covering. Its service life reaches 100 years, and the cost is very high. If the parquet is still durable, there are no rotten tiles, and there is no characteristic squeaking sound when walking, then you should not immediately change it to laminate. Even if the latter looks more beautiful. It is better to update the parquet. This floor will last for a long time. Even if you need to replace individual dies, the repair will be completely worth it. You just need to do everything to make the floor look new and fit harmoniously into the interior.

Sand and varnish

To restore parquet boards to their lost appearance, you need to completely remove old varnish and darkened paint from the surface. upper layer. To do this, the floor surface is subjected to scraping or grinding. The difference between these operations lies solely in the type of tool used. In the first case, cycles are used, and in the second, grinding machines are used. The result is the same - Smooth surface without varnish residues and dark marks characteristic of parquet.

The old layer has been removed!

Attention! The number of such operations is limited. Typically, boards are sanded 3-4 times. If the opportunity has not yet been exhausted, you should definitely take advantage of it to restore the parquet.

Working with a sander requires skill. Excessive force or improper tilting will cause streaks and pits, further degrading the appearance of the surface. That's why many people give up on the idea. self-execution this work and turn to professionals for help.

Advice! Even before the restoration begins, it is worth covering the remaining things in the room with a special film. This will make subsequent cleaning easier.

If mechanical damage remains on the polished surface of the parquet, or gaps are found between the dies, they must be repaired. They do it in different ways. More often, preference is given to silicone-based compounds.

The prepared base is covered with a layer of varnish. The service life of the restored parquet depends on the thickness of the applied coating. Therefore, it is recommended to apply at least three layers.

Changing the color of the parquet

If after renovation the parquet does not fit into the interior, you should think about changing the tone. This is done using special compounds that are offered by manufacturers. The color can be changed from bleached oak to rich wenge.

The restoration technology is close to the previous version. Only in this case, after sanding, the surface is first coated with a coloring compound and then varnished. Another tinting option is varnish of a suitable shade. True, the boards in this case will not acquire such a rich color and will lose their presentable appearance much earlier.

Updating your tone is easy

Advice! When choosing a color, owners first of all pay attention to the natural shades characteristic of wood. But if you want to radically change the design, try choosing a non-standard solution.

Unusual shades for parquet::

  • terracotta;
  • green;
  • grey;
  • white;
  • black;
  • red.

White or gray is preferred by those who have chosen Provence, country, shabby chic or Scandinavian style. Black floor – universal solution, adding brightness and contrast to the interior.

Dark parquet is always beautiful

We use painting

For those who are good at drawing, it will not be difficult to add uniqueness to the floor covering by applying a design to the surface. Possible options:

  • correct geometric pattern;
  • beautiful pattern imitating a carpet;
  • separate fragments with the help of which the room is divided into zones;
  • artistic drawing - the choice of image depends solely on the stylistic design of the room.

We buy a carpet

If you don’t want to tinker with the flooring and restore the parquet, you can buy a new carpet. Tufting or carpet will immediately add coziness and comfort to the room.

The size of the carpet in this case does not really matter. It is not necessary to purchase a coating that will occupy the entire area of ​​the room. All you need to do is purchase the product small size to place the accents correctly.

We use parquet as a raw material

If you decide against restoring your flooring, consider using dies to make new products. These could be interior decoration items, crafts, or even furniture. What can be collected in each specific case is decided individually. It all depends on desire, the size of the dies and their quantity.

Parquet shelf

The functionality of the product depends on the number of dies used and the method of connecting them to each other. Each row can consist of one lamella or several. In order to be able to put something on the shelf, the tiers are shifted relative to each other in space. The result is a kind of Christmas tree, the branches of which become the tiers of the new shelf.

Advice! The finished shelf can be painted in any color you like. Not necessarily green. When choosing a color, it is worth considering the stylistic design of the room and the colors used for this.

Try making a stepped corner shelf. Each tier in this case is made of several dies connected to each other. In this case, the upper and lower tier should be perpendicular to each other, and the rest should occupy an intermediate position.

Corner shelf from parquet


If you want to make furniture, first of all you can make it from parquet with your own hands coffee table. To do this, first build a base consisting of legs and a frame to which the tabletop is attached.

To ready product After serving as long as possible, the parquet is mounted on a flat base, which is fiberboard. If the distance between the support strips is relatively small, the slats can be directly attached to the frame.

Unique parquet table

When you decide to use parquet to make furniture, consider elements that will help the new product fit into the interior. If the tabletop is made of parquet, you can make a panel on the wall or screen from exactly the same material. The slats are suitable as finishing material when decorating a mirror. A beautiful contour made of natural wood will add presentability mirror surface.

Other parquet products

If you want to use the material effectively, you can make a new watch. Clock mechanisms are available for sale. The purchased product must be attached to the prepared base. Block parquet in this case, it will help to form any suitable pattern. The dies can be placed at a certain angle or parallel to each other.

Stylish watches made of parquet, we make it ourselves

Sometimes trays are made from old parquet. Standard plastic or hardware do not look as impressive as wooden ones. Removing from the surface old layer, and then by applying 2-3 layers of varnish, you can emphasize the characteristic texture of the wood.

In addition to clocks and trays, you can make other crafts from parquet: figured cabinet doors, fireplace trim, kitchen set. Before attaching the slats to the surface to be finished, they are first sanded so that similar work will not be required in the future. As soon as the boards occupy the space allotted to them, the product can be painted in the desired color or varnished. Sometimes both operations are combined, since the lack of mechanical impact makes it possible to avoid applying large quantity layers of varnish.

There is still a use for old parquet. Do not rush to throw away natural wood flooring, because it is a valuable material. If the boards are still strong, they can be used for their intended purpose. Otherwise, it’s worth finding additional uses for the material by building an original shelf or decorating a coffee table. Such a product will not only fit harmoniously into the interior, but will also become its main decoration.

Parquet is probably the most “elite” flooring option. It brings beauty and sophistication to any room, and at the same time it is quite strong and durable. Although, over time, parquet still loses some of its attractiveness. This happens in most cases due to improper or untimely maintenance, but mechanical damage to the parquet or defects resulting from exposure to adverse weather conditions cannot be ruled out. external factors(for example, water). Of course, parquet that has lost its attractiveness can be replaced, but since “pleasure is not cheap,” many prefer to restore the old floor covering. The most “radical” way to restore parquet is to sand it, followed by treatment with mastics and varnishes. But often the damage to the parquet is not so significant as to require resorting to such “radical measures.” In these cases, you can restore the beauty of parquet using several quite accessible methods.

But before we get to know them, let's look at the "complicated cases" in which self-recovery parquet is not possible.

“Complicated cases” of parquet repair

There are several situations in which it makes no sense to undertake parquet restoration yourself - you will only waste time and effort. Here are the most common ones:

  • The parquet is very worn and has numerous defects and cracks. In this case, a complete replacement may not be necessary, but scraping is certainly not necessary;
  • The parquet “swollen” after being heavily flooded with water. Since in this case some planks have probably come off the base, it will be necessary to re-lay the parquet (and possibly replace some elements), after which, again, resort to the scraping procedure;
  • Over time, the parquet board has become dark and loose (it can be easily pierced with an awl). This is perhaps the most “sad” option, since in this case even sanding will not help the matter - a complete replacement of the parquet is necessary.

Sometimes a complete replacement of parquet is necessary

In other cases, it is quite possible to restore the parquet yourself; you just need to be patient and familiarize yourself with the basic restoration technologies.

Restoring the appearance of parquet

This type of restoration work can be divided into several stages:

  • Grinding. Depending on the general condition parquet will need to be partially or completely sanded. This can be done either using a grinding machine or in “manual” mode.

If you decide to use grinding machine, it is better to use small sandpaper, since coarse abrasives can leave deep grooves on the surface of the parquet.

Using grinder try not to “tilt” it on its side. The edge of sandpaper (even the smallest section) can leave a very noticeable scratch, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.

If you don’t have a sanding machine at hand, it’s quite possible to sand the parquet with your bare hands, or, to be more precise, with your feet. To do this you will need a pair of "junk shoes" and 40 and 80 grit sandpaper.

Using glue, we glue “coarser” paper onto one sole, and “fine” paper onto the second, after which, putting on the shoes, we simply shuffle our feet in those places that need to be sanded. Of course, this task is a little tedious and very comical, but believe me, it is much easier than manual sanding.

In cases where “deep” sanding is necessary, we recommend that you first use only 40-grit sandpaper, and after removing all the dirt and old varnish, “walk” over the cleaned surface with a fine “eight-grit.”

  • Putty for scratches and chips. Defects and scratches formed in the parquet boards are removed using cosmetic parquet putty. This is done using a regular spatula. Today you can buy quite a lot of shades of this material, however, if you could not find cosmetic putty (also called restoration paste) of the shade you need, you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to mix sawdust with epoxy varnish in a ratio of 1 to 4 and add to the resulting mixture required amount dye. After the putty has dried, it is treated with fine sandpaper.

Defects and scratches can be removed using cosmetic parquet putty

In some cases, get rid of minor scratches You can use a wax “repair kit” for parquet.

Video about puttying parquet

You can learn more about the parquet putty technology in the following video:

  • Imitation of joints. After puttingtying the parquet, it may be necessary to create imitation joints in some places. This can be done using an ordinary awl and a metal ruler. To do this, after the putty has partially dried (it should not stretch or “take”), just apply light pressure with the end of a metal ruler at the joint. The end “false joints” are made using an awl, which is used to draw a small line along the same ruler.
  • Varnishing of parquet. The final stage of parquet restoration work is coating it with varnish. For this you can use almost any varnish - alkyd, epoxy, acrylic, as well as varnishes based on water based. Detailed instructions How to work with each type of varnish can be found in the instructions supplied with it.

The final stage of parquet restoration work is coating it with varnish.

Please note that to create a smooth “mirror” surface of the parquet, it must be varnished with at least 2-3 layers.

After the varnish has completely dried, all that remains is to rub the parquet with mastic and restoration work can be considered completed.

In addition to the loss of visual appeal, other “troubles” can happen to parquet, the most common of which is creaking and loosening of individual boards. Let's figure out how to get out of these unpleasant situations.

Repairing loose boards

You can secure individual parquet boards using small nails driven into the end of each board at an angle of 45 degrees. This process is shown in more detail in the figure.

Scheme for fastening individual parquet boards using small nails

In order to completely drive a nail into the end of a parquet board, you need to use a rod - a “doboychik”. The most ordinary large nail can play this role. The “doboychik” head is placed on the head of the nail being driven in and hit with a hammer on its opposite side.

If it is not individual boards that are loose, but entire “pockets” of parquet, then you can use bamboo inserts to secure them. The fact is that bamboo has a different structure from wood, due to which it swells significantly when exposed to moisture. more than any from wood species. To fix a group of parquet boards, it is enough to drill a number of holes around the perimeter of the “hearth” and drive bamboo “blocks” into them. Excess bamboo is cut off with an ordinary knife. After about a week, after the bamboo has swollen, the repaired piece of parquet can be puttied and varnished.

Parquet floor creaking

Creaking is one of the most common problems with old parquet floors. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is possible to completely get rid of it only by completely replacing the coating in compliance with all necessary technologies. However, in some situations, you can eliminate the squeak yourself, and without any special financial costs. To do this, you need to try to “wedge” the parquet along its perimeter.

Before carrying out wedging work, it is recommended to check the humidity in the room. If it is above 40%, then the probability of a successful result after the work is extremely low.

To prevent the parquet from creaking, it is necessary to “wedge” it around the perimeter

The first step is to remove the baseboards and remove the old wedges, which most likely no longer fulfill their function. In their place we drive new wedges, at a distance of about half a meter from each other. For a week, we “knock out” the wedges every day and check the floor for squeaks. If the creaking does not disappear within a week, then, alas, this method cannot be eliminated.

As you can see, minor repairs It is quite possible to complete parquet flooring yourself, without turning to specialists for help. But if your parquet flooring does not require repair yet, remember that the best way To maintain its attractive appearance for many years is timely and proper care.

Good luck with your renovation!

The floor is the most intensively used surface of any room. It must be able to withstand the weight of furniture and all residents of the apartment. It is constantly exposed to dynamic loads from walking (not only in slippers, but also in high-heeled shoes), tables and chairs are moved on it, various liquids are spilled on it, after which it is mercilessly wetted and rubbed... In a word, the floor is the covering that which wears out most quickly, loses its appearance and begins to creak or sag.

Therefore, it is necessary to periodically repair it. This is usually done when major renovation apartment or house, but sometimes, when there is major damage to the floor, there is a need for its early restoration. If at this time a general redecorating, then it is better to repair the flooring after completing all other finishing work.

Each type of flooring requires individual approach, but perhaps the most difficult of all is parquet. Parquet – beautiful coating, but it requires constant careful care. Otherwise, the floor quickly loses its appearance and in some places may even collapse.

What are the reasons for parquet floor defects?

There are many factors that influence the appearance and functionality of parquet.

The main factors are:

  • long service life of the coating;
  • mechanical impacts on the floor, leading to its damage due to careless movement of furniture or walking in shoes with sharp heels or metal heels;
  • high indoor humidity caused by various reasons, as well as water getting under the base of the parquet, leading first to deformation and then to drying out of the wood;
  • too frequent wet cleaning using large amounts of water causes rot in the wood of parquet tiles;
  • colonization of wood by colonies of fungus, mold or wood-boring insects.

To detect defects in a timely manner, it is necessary to periodically inspect the parquet using visual inspection and tapping. Tapping allows you to immediately detect those places where the parquet planks have separated from the base. A visual inspection reveals cosmetic defects - abrasions, cracks, scratches, defects in the varnish coating.

The most common defects that occur are:

  • the coating becomes dull;
  • chips and cracks appear;
  • scratches and stripes appear;
  • creaking parquet;
  • loosening of dies;
  • strong moistening of parquet;
  • splitting of individual dies;
  • general parquet wear.

Repairing defects in parquet floors

Based on the complexity and volume of work, parquet floor repairs are divided into three types:

  • current - for the most part, consists of carrying out preventive measures at certain intervals, which makes it possible to postpone more serious and costly measures for a long time;
  • repairs of medium complexity - carried out when obvious defects have arisen - the floor has begun to creak, some tiles have become mobile, the surface has become dull, and stains have appeared here and there;
  • major repairs - the need for it arises more often for two reasons: in case of sudden serious damage to the coating (for example, after flooding) or due to long term parquet services.

Tarnished finish

Parquet after laying is usually treated with protective agents. This can be a special parquet varnish, wax, mastic, linseed oil.

Over time, this coating is subject to damage due to mechanical influences (under the legs of chairs that are often moved, when particles of sand and dirt enter - due to their abrasive effect). At the same time, the color of the floor becomes less bright and saturated. This is the most easily repairable damage to a parquet floor.

It can be prevented with proper use:

  • do not walk on the floor in street shoes;
  • use house shoes with soft soles;
  • glue soft rubber attachments to the ends of the furniture legs;
  • if it is necessary to use sliding furniture, you can lay a hard carpet under it, which will save the wood from the impact of wheels;
  • parquet must be regularly treated with mastic or wax.

If the parquet does become dull, you can restore it to almost its original form by sanding, after which it is again covered with fresh varnish or mastic.

Sanding is the process of removing a layer of old varnish using a manual scraper or a special scraping machine. After treatment, the floor must be thoroughly vacuumed and then treated with new varnish, strictly following the instructions included with it.

To apply the varnish, it is better to use a foam roller, although a wide brush will also work. It is advisable to apply the varnish in the direction that coincides with the direction of the textured pattern of the parquet wood. It is advisable to apply the varnish in two or even three layers, each of which should dry well after application. After this, you need to let the coating harden for four to five days and only after that the floor can be used again.

If the floor feels a little sticky after varnishing, you can lightly wash it with water and a little soap or floor cleaner. Don't wet the floor too much!

Chips and cracks

Single chips and small cracks on the dies are easy to fix. To do this, you can use various factory-made or home-made putties.

Most often used regular putty on wood, it is the most accessible and familiar to most people. But it should be noted that it is only suitable for restoring deep chips and will not last long, since it is designed to repair planes, not recesses. Under mechanical loads inherent parquet floor, it quickly collapses.

You can purchase hot melt putty, which comes in the form of solid wax bars of various tones. To soften it before applying it to the defect, you will need a special tool - a wax melter. This putty is suitable for repairing any surfaces, including parquet. They can be used to repair not only surface chips and cracks, but also deep potholes, dents and scratches.

Homemade putty is most often mixed from epoxy glue and sawdust, in tone close to the color of the floor. Properly prepared putty should be an absolutely homogeneous mass, then it will last a very long time.

After the putty is ready for use, proceed as follows:

  • Cracks and chips are thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner - this ensures good adhesion of the surface of the defect to the putty.
  • The chip or crack is filled with putty of a suitable color.
  • After the material has hardened, its excess is removed from the surface of the parquet, and the floor area is sanded with fine sandpaper.
  • Then the repaired area of ​​the floor is varnished, and after the varnish has dried, rubbed with mastic.

There are situations when the parquet has dried out and clearly visible gaps have formed between the planks. If the parquet does not “move” when you walk, that is, the planks are not loose, then such cracks can be sealed with a homemade composition, the main components of which are water and wood glue in a ratio of 15:2.

These components are mixed and heated until all the glue has dissolved. After this, add 5 parts of cement and the same amount of small sawdust to the container and mix the mass until completely homogeneous.

Next you need to proceed as follows:

  • Fill the cracks with the prepared mixture; excess must be removed immediately.
  • The repaired area is left to dry. The mixture dries within 12 to 14 days. During this time, you cannot walk on this section of the floor.

If gaps have formed between the dies closest to the wall near the plinth, then the cause may be a weakening of the spacer wedge or its drying out. To repair, you need to remove the plinth and inspect the wedges. If they are weakened or dried out, you need to replace them with new ones.

Streaks and scratches

They occur when people walk on the floor in shoes with heels or dark rubber soles. Heels scratch the parquet, and rubber leaves unsightly black stripes on it. You can prevent these defects by always using slippers.

If the floor was originally covered with a protective agent, then it is more resistant to such damage. But still, if the furniture is rearranged carelessly, scratches are possible. To eliminate them, use special retouching pencils of the appropriate color.

How to eliminate parquet squeaking

The creaking of any floor, not just parquet, is very unpleasant.

It occurs for the following reasons:

  • the parquet was laid with violations of technology;
  • the dies were hot glued to the base bitumen mastic;
  • the floor simply became loose over time.

To eliminate this defect, the following methods are used:

  • The creaking dies are screwed to the base using steel anchors. To do this, a through hole is drilled in the parquet flooring, going into the thickness concrete base. An anchor is inserted into this hole, its head is tightened, immersing it in the thickness of the wood. Then this place is filled with putty.
  • The space between the creaking areas of the parquet and the concrete is filled with glue. To do this, they drill into the dies through holes, into which glue is then poured using a syringe, which should fill the voids under the parquet. Then a weight is placed in this place and left until the glue dries completely. The holes are then masked with putty.

If the dies are loose

This usually happens in conditions where the room is too heat or it is frequently exposed to temperature changes. If the parquet throughout the room has become loose, it will have to be replaced completely, since fixing it will take a lot of time, and there is no guarantee that the remaining areas of the floor will not become loose.

If only some dies are hanging out, then they must be removed and replaced with new ones, which are made of wood of the same species.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • Defective parquet flooring is removed completely or split into pieces using a chisel.
  • The surface that has been cleared of parquet is thoroughly cleaned of debris and glue residues and, if necessary, leveled with putty.
  • To replace individual dies, the comb is removed from them with a plane. Then they are installed using heated bitumen mastic or glue.
  • You need to place a load on the repaired area so that it is placed not only on the laid parquet flooring, but also around it. Excess mastic or glue must be removed immediately.
  • After the glue has completely set, the repaired area is cleaned with fine sandpaper, vacuumed and varnished.

To secure individual dies, you can also use small nails, which are used to attach them to adjacent planks at an angle of 45 degrees. The nails are driven in at a distance of about 20 mm from the corners of the die. The caps are driven into the wood and then puttied.

Parquet gets wet

It is known that after getting wet, parquet swells and even after drying, the floor does not become level. Therefore, if water gets under the parquet, then it definitely needs to be changed. Moreover, if a wet floor is not lifted immediately, mold will certainly form underneath it, which is dangerous to human health.

Before laying a new floor, the base must be thoroughly dried and checked for moisture. To check for concrete, lay out plastic film, press it around the perimeter and leave for 12 – 16 hours. Appearance on back side moisture film indicates that the base still needs to be dried.

If only a small area of ​​the floor is wet, it will have to be removed. To be sure, you need to dismantle the section of parquet around it to make sure that the rest of the base is dry. Wet parquet will most likely have to be replaced with a new one, since it is highly likely to become deformed during drying.

Broken dies

Sometimes individual elements parquet splits into several parts. The cause may be either a violation of the floor installation technology or improper operation.

To repair, the damaged die is dismantled using a chisel and hammer. The new part is adjusted to size. It is desirable that it be made of the same wood and have the same color as the main coating. The color can be adjusted using wood stain.

The new die is glued into place. For this it is better to use parquet glue. After the glue has dried, the repair site is treated with a plane to level the new die in height. Then the repair area is puttied to remove any remaining cracks and varnished.

General wear and tear on parquet floors

Under conditions of long-term use, general wear and tear of the parquet floor is inevitable. Preventive measures can slow it down for a short time, but natural wear and tear of the coating still continues.

If the parquet has simply faded, then it can be renewed by treating it with a belt sanding machine, which will remove the old varnish and sand down minor irregularities. After this, the dust is removed, and the entire floor surface is puttied, sanded again, and then covered with several layers of new varnish.

The use of a two-component varnish can improve the resistance of the coating to mechanical damage. But these varnishes contain formaldehyde, which has a strong smell and is harmful to the human body. Therefore, such repairs will require temporary relocation of residents.
If it is not possible to move even temporarily, then you will have to use water-based varnish, which has almost no odor and hardens quickly. It is advisable to scrape the floor every 6 to 7 years.

How to keep parquet in good condition for a long time

To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  • As already mentioned, use only soft slippers at home.
  • Avoid direct lighting of the parquet sun rays. To do this, you need to use light-diffusing curtains - tulle or vertical blinds(horizontal ones are not suitable - they tend to concentrate UV rays).
  • It is advisable to lay a plastic mat in front of the entrance door to the apartment, which cleans shoes from abrasive particles.
  • In the summer, you need to frequently ventilate the room by closing the windows and balcony door fine mesh to prevent street dust from getting onto the floor.
  • In winter, it is necessary to maintain the humidity in the house at about 40%. To do this, you can use air humidifiers or water containers that are hung on heating radiators.
  • The more often you vacuum your parquet, the better. But you can only use a regular vacuum cleaner (not a washing one!).
  • Wet cleaning of the floor can be done no more than once a week. In this case, the rag should be wrung out well. Microfiber rags are excellent for these purposes; they effectively remove dirt even when slightly damp.
  • To clean parquet, use only special means. Do not use dishwashing detergent, gasoline, acetone or other organic solvents.

It seems that maintaining a parquet floor is very difficult. This is not true, you just need to follow simple rules. Natural parquet is an expensive, but beautiful and environmentally friendly coating.

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If after renovation you still have parquet boards, then this article is for you. Today we will tell you what you can make from leftover parquet for your home and garden. Unfortunately, no matter how you calculate the exact number of parquet boards for rooms, there will still be a surplus. Don’t rush to throw them away, but hide them in a secluded place, because even if everything was done well, over time one of the parquet parts may crack or deteriorate under the influence of a caustic substance, and this is where a couple of tiles saved for a rainy day will come in handy. And we, in turn, offer you several ideas that will help you use free boards for creative home decoration.

DIY parquet furniture - ideas

A good way to use parquet is to make furniture yourself. To do this you will need a minimum of tools and materials.

Here are just a few ideas of what you can make from leftover parquet:

  • Cover old cabinet furniture with laminate and give it new life.
  • Narrow cabinets for small items are very easily assembled from parquet. Oak has excellent resistance to temperature and humidity changes, so you can use cabinets on balconies and loggias. Below we will tell you how to make such furniture.
  • Trays for armchairs and sofas. The tray can be placed on the wide armrests of the sofa and chair in order to place a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a book, fold remote controls and Cell phones. The tray can also be used for the bath. And it is not at all necessary that the board be made of oak, since it can always be painted to match the color of the furniture and then covered with parquet varnish.
  • Shower bench.
  • Boxes for seedlings. This is the simplest use of laminate leftovers. The only advice: with inside Protect the boards with oilcloth, as laminate cannot withstand prolonged exposure to moisture.
  • Ceiling lamp.

Important! It’s not so important what you decide to make from the leftover parquet, take note of these useful tips:

  • To attach the boards, use a water-resistant adhesive suitable for wood. Use a good brand of polyurethane compound for this purpose.
  • After gluing the parts, additionally coat the seams.
  • After drying, wooden boards sand and coat with waterproof varnish.

How to make a cabinet from parquet?

To make furniture you will need:

  • About 8 squares of parquet boards. The facade of the cabinet itself is laid out with dies.
  • Sanded timber (several meters) for the frame. Crossbars and racks are made from it.
  • Wooden lining for shelves.
  • Plywood or 5mm fiberboard for doors.
  • Plastic molding for framing.

Important! Furniture can be made across the entire width of the balcony. The height of the cabinet can be 1 m or higher, it all depends on the amount of material and your wishes.

The procedure for making a cabinet from leftover parquet is as follows:

  1. Make a furniture frame from timber. Each shelf requires four crossbars: two longitudinal and two transverse.
  2. Assemble the shelves from wooden lining.
  3. Make cabinet doors.
  4. Based on the furniture, make markings for indentations along the width of the frame.
  5. Place the dies on glue and cover the base of the furniture.
  6. Frame each door with plastic molding.

Important! A full-fledged and spacious cabinet made in this way will decorate the loggia, cover all defects in the balcony slopes and will please the eye for a long time.

What can be made from the remains of parquet: crafts

We invite you to creatively decorate your home and dacha with the remains of parquet by making small crafts. Here are just a few ideas:

  • If you have a hand-held power saw, you can slightly reduce the thickness of the parquet and assemble hot pads.
  • Another option is small square cup holders.
  • Tray.
  • Boxes for flowers.
  • Mill for decorating the interior or summer cottage.
  • Birdhouses. Parquet will make an excellent refuge for birds. Glue the dies with PVA into boards the right size, then fasten with self-tapping screws in several places. Even if the glue becomes soggy, thanks to the self-tapping screws the house will not fall apart.

Original parquet board tray

You can make a convenient tray with your own hands. If your chair or sofa has a wide armrest, then this idea is just for you.

To work you will need:

  • Parquet board.
  • Wooden slats.
  • Chipboard or MDF sheet.
  • PVA construction adhesive.
  • Crafting table.
  • Tools for working with wood.


  1. Determine the size of the tray by measuring the armrest of a chair or the width of the bathtub.
  2. Glue the dies together.
  3. Trim the parquet along the edges.
  4. Cover the sides of the canvas with wooden slats.

The tray is ready! Now you can install it on the armrest upholstered furniture or use in the bathroom. You can put a cup of coffee on the tray and enjoy life.

What can be made from parquet: crafts for decorating a site

No less useful application wood, if you need to figure out what can be made from the remains of parquet - this is a fence flower beds and decoration different zones garden plot. Here are just some ideas:

  • From any leftover laminate, even varnished, you can make an original fence for garden beds and flower beds. Everything looks neat and stylish. The planks can be placed in the form of sharp-angled arrows or a palisade. The basis of the structure can be ordinary bars to which the parquet flooring is attached. And the bars can be supported on metal pins or wooden stakes, driving them 15-20 cm into the ground.
  • You can also use dies to make paths between the beds. The main advantage is that grass will not grow under the boards, which means there is no need to weed it.
  • Garden paths can also be laid out from old parquet or its remains. From the dies you can lay out various designs and geometric shapes.

Technology for creating garden paths

Decorate garden paths You can easily use leftover parquet. Proceed as follows.