Mixer      08.03.2020

How much does a marble sink weigh? Features of the choice and operation of marble sinks: advantages and disadvantages, artificial and natural materials. Natural marble kitchen sinks

Let us consider in more detail what an artificial stone sink can be, its pros and cons. We hope this information will help you make the right and informed choice.


Today on sale are kitchen sinks made of artificial stone, produced on the basis of materials such as corian or granite.

Let's take a closer look at each of these options.


This fake diamond from the eminent manufacturer, DuPont, which owns patents for nylon, lycra, teflon and many other artificial materials.

It (Corian) consists of acrylic resin, as well as mineral fillers. Visually, this material is similar to natural stone, but it is enough to touch it to catch the difference: it is warm, smooth, does not contain pores.

Corian does not absorb moisture, is environmentally friendly, pathogenic microorganisms will not penetrate into it, any pollution is removed very easily. This is one of the best modern solutions for kitchens.

Be careful: a Corian sink can only be built into a worktop made from the same material.

Enviable aesthetics and a wealth of choice is another significant advantage. Consumers are offered wide color palette with over 100 shades.

They can be combined with each other, applied to the surface with patterns that give the product a bright personality. Choose one color or contrasting solutions - it's up to you.


Most of these shells are made up of 80% natural stone chips and 20% binder based on polymers, including acrylic resin.

The more in the composition of granite the better the quality of the wash. Lack of pores, absolute hygiene, environmental friendliness, increased strength, resistance to scratches and chips, resistance to aggressive household chemicals, ease of care make them indispensable in the modern kitchen.

You can safely put hot dishes on them, cut without using a cutting board (manufacturers produce models equipped with a special cutting wing).

A wide choice of few consumers will leave indifferent: a variety of sizes (from small to simply huge), configurations (round, double, corner, etc.), increased functionality (presence of additional wings), etc.

Built-in granite sinks in almost any countertop, whether laminated chipboard, wood, corian, natural granite, artificial stone.


The benefits of using artificial stone kitchen sinks are quite impressive.

Sinks made of artificial stone have special properties that provide enviable performance and high aesthetics.

Judge for yourself:

  • Extremely wide color palette. In the basic palettes of sinks made of both granite and corian, there are over 100 tones and shades;
  • Durability. The service life of such products is expected to be 10 years, although in real conditions they can be used much longer. Compared to natural stone, this figure is slightly lower, but many manufacturers of composite sinks claim that with proper care and correct use they are eternal;
  • Hygiene. The technological production process eliminates the formation of micropores and other gaps in which pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms could accumulate and multiply. Therefore, a slippery film does not appear on the surface, there are no unpleasant odors, unlike sinks from natural stone, in which this indicator can go off scale.
  • Increased strength. The mechanical wear resistance of artificial material is several times higher than that of natural stone and even concrete. If a heavy object falls on the surface of the sink from a significant height, no damage will be done to it.
  • Maintainability. Even if you fail to protect the sink from various mechanical damages, chips, scratches and other defects, it can be easily and quickly restored, returning the perfect original appearance. Sandpaper, polish and acrylic glue is all that is required to carry out the work. But it is still recommended to entrust such work to an experienced master;
  • Ease of installation of the crane. The hole for the mixer can be easily made directly during installation. Thanks to this, each hostess will be able to independently choose the most suitable location for the crane, and not proceed from what the manufacturer offers;
  • Conditional heat resistance. You can safely pour boiling water into such a sink without fear of causing its deformation or crack. But not every sink is “friends” with hot pans. Be sure to clarify this point during the selection or purchase process by asking the seller whether traces of hot objects will remain on the surface.

All this allows us to say with confidence that sinks made of artificial stone for modern kitchen are the best option, despite a number of features that some consumers attribute to disadvantages. More about this.


First of all: Enough high price sinks made of artificial stone, which significantly limits the circle of potential buyers. However, for many people this minus is very conditional.

You need to understand that price is a reflection of reliability, practicality and durability, which is not worth saving. Whether this should be considered a disadvantage is up to you.


Such sinks have been used for a long time, allowing the selection process to focus not only on the assurances of manufacturers, but also on real consumer reviews.

For example.

Some argue that if a very heavy object falls on the surface, it is difficult to avoid chipping. You can glue the missing piece, but it will still be noticeable, at least for those who know where the defect is.

Having chosen such a sink for herself, the hostess will have to be quite careful with heavy cast-iron pans and other similar utensils.

Sensitivity some models for hot dishes can also be attributed to serious shortcomings. They are not afraid of boiling water, but if you put a pot on the surface, just removed from the heat, it will leave an unsightly mark that will be difficult to disguise.

Therefore, be sure to consult the sellers on this matter and choose sinks from trusted manufacturers for yourself.

Compared to stainless

Most consumers, faced with the choice of kitchen sink, hesitate between stainless steel and artificial stone. Which option to choose for yourself?

Stainless steel sinks are the most budget option.

They are endowed with strength, durability, a certain aesthetics, they go well with faucets, metal accessories and fittings.

Talking about their flaws in comparison with artificial stone, it is worth mentioning the weak sound absorption, that is, the sound from the flow of pouring water will be clearly audible.

Stainless steel is not particularly scratch resistant. If they appear, then you can no longer remove them.

Here is an example real recall on the topic of choosing between a sink made of artificial stone and stainless steel.

It also requires quite a lot of maintenance. After each use, it should be wiped dry, otherwise the dried drops of water will be very noticeable, rendering Negative influence on the aesthetic side.

Over time, a stainless sink will still lose its luster. Weight small scratches and limescale will make it dull and not very attractive.

note that the sinks are matte of stainless steel, not how prone to such shortcomings.

Sinks made of artificial stone are devoid of all these unsightly features. An incredibly wide color palette also testifies in their favor, while stainless steel can have only one color - steel.

Be sure to pay attention to the weight of the product. Composite is a fairly heavy material, while steel is light. In some cases, the weight of the product is a weighty argument in the selection process.

We have already considered the features that an artificial stone sink is endowed with, its pros and cons.

It remains only to determine what aspects should be paid attention to by those who are already ready to go buying:

  1. 1 Form. The classic solution is rectangular models with one bowl. This best option for a small kitchen where every centimeter counts working surface.

    If you are the owner of a spacious room, you can safely choose for yourself a large two-bowl sink equipped with an additional platform (for dishes or products). There are also connoisseurs of round sinks. For corner kitchens modern manufacturers also offer a lot of extraordinary options.

  2. 2 Color. The richness of shades will not leave anyone indifferent. If you are afraid that stains from dried water will be visible on the surface and lime deposits, choose models light color speckled".
  3. 3 Manufacturer. As with the purchase of other goods, preference should be given to trusted manufacturers. Reliable brands provide a technical passport, quality certificates, and an official guarantee for their products. Cheap analogues can give you serious trouble during operation.

Knowing all these features and nuances, you can easily choose an artificial stone sink that will satisfy your needs in terms of aesthetics, size, color scheme and all other parameters.

Leave your comments about such sinks, as well as about manufacturers.

A sink is one of the central kitchen appliances along with a stove and a refrigerator, and any housewife knows how important it is to have a convenient, practical and beautiful shell. However, the modern plumbing market offers such a wide range of products that an unprepared buyer can easily get confused in it and buy not quite what suits him personally.

We want to tell you how to choose a sink in the modern variety of models.

Overview of materials and selection criteria

Stainless steel

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a sink is the material from which it is made. Its strength, reliability, durability and many other important characteristics will depend on this.

Today on the market there are many models of the most different materials, the most popular of which are:

  • Stainless steel;
  • Ceramics;
  • Fake diamond;
  • A natural stone;
  • Various polymers and plastics;
  • Non-ferrous metals;
  • Enamelled black steel or cast iron.

We note right away that the last two positions are in the least demand for quite objective reasons, since new materials confidently surpass them in terms of characteristics. At the same time, the price of new materials, if higher, is quite justified; at the same time, it does not remove popular models from the sphere of financial possibilities of the general consumer.

Let's start the review with the most popular and affordable material for sinks today - stainless steel. It is an alloy of steel with an alloying metal - zinc or chromium. Today, for the production of kitchen sanitary ware, AISI 304 and AISI 316L chromium martensitic steels are used, which are completely safe and approved for use in the food industry.

They look great in a variety of interior styles, from country to high-tech and postmodern.

In addition, they have a number of characteristic advantages:

  1. Affordable price. This is one of the most important criteria on the basis of which the products have become so popular;
  2. Corrosion resistance. The material is not afraid of moisture, detergents, does not rust and does not change color;
  3. Strength and elasticity. This type of metal, with its high strength, is able to withstand elastic deformations, as a result, falling dishes do not break;
  4. Easy Care. Washing and disinfection of the device does not cause any problems;
  5. Easy do-it-yourself installation;
  6. Great look, which is maintained throughout the life of the product.

Important! When choosing, it is best to purchase a model with a welded deep bowl and a wall thickness of at least 0.8 - 1 mm. It is also desirable to have a sound-absorbing lining.

Composite materials

The second place in popularity after stainless steel is occupied by composite materials, which are commonly called artificial stone. This material is somewhat more expensive than stainless steel, but it has a number of significant advantages.

For the manufacture of stone sinks, various mineral bases are used - quartz, marble or granite chips, etc. The base is then mixed with a polymeric binder, most commonly acrylic resin, and molded by vibration casting into the desired product. Quality models contain at least 80 - 94% of the mineral base.

Sinks made of quartz agglomerate and marble chips have the following advantages:

  • A gel-coated work surface can serve for at least 10 years without losing its visual appeal and luster;
  • The material does not absorb odors, is not afraid of acids and alkalis, detergents and household chemicals;
  • The sink is absolutely silent, unlike metal counterparts;
  • The strength of the composite stone surpasses even natural marble and granite;
  • Products have a solid and expensive appearance, perfectly complement the interior of the kitchen.

Important! When choosing a sink, beware of fakes and low-quality products with a low mineral base. Give preference famous brands and require certificates of conformity indicating the composition of the composite.


Ceramic products have long established themselves as the most hygienic and resistant to the conditions of use as sanitary ware. Porcelain and sanitary ware are the undisputed leaders in terms of corrosion resistance, external beauty and surface cleanliness.

However, in the conditions of a kitchen sink, their use is complicated by low impact strength and a tendency to chipping when a heavy object is dropped. metal utensils, and this, alas, is inevitable. Therefore, modern ceramic kitchen appliances have to be treated with special coatings, which, however, still do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection.

In this regard, the cost of really good ceramic models is quite high, and most often such products belong to the category of elite plumbing. There are also difficulties with self-installation devices due to their large weight and the risk of cracks and chips.

Important! Porcelain stoneware products are often offered as ceramic sinks. He is enough quality material and surpasses ceramics in strength.

What else to pay attention to

So, you have decided for yourself which sink is better - steel, stone or ceramic. Now let's talk about other criteria that should be considered when choosing.

For convenience, we simply list a number of tips that will help you choose the best quality and suitable model:

  1. Sinks made of natural stone require careful maintenance, are afraid of acids, absorb some pigments and odors, and are also very expensive and difficult to install;
  2. A copper or aluminum sink is too soft and will quickly be covered with scratches and other mechanical damage;
  3. You should think in advance what type of faucet you want to see on your sink and select a model based on how it is installed;
  4. No less important is the way the sink is installed on the countertop. There are overhead, mortise and integrated models, this must be taken into account in advance;
  5. Think about what shape of the bowl will be more convenient for you. Now models with two and three bowls are becoming popular, it is also important to think about depth;
  6. Modern products are often equipped with auxiliary accessories - dryers, colanders, cutting boards etc. Choose the set that suits you best;
  7. Pay attention to the installation method of the product. Instructions for self-installation should be understandable and feasible for you.

Important! Give preference to proven and well-known brands and manufacturers, purchase certified goods in branded stores. This will protect you from counterfeit products.


Choosing a kitchen sink in today's range of models is not an easy task. However, if you know the main classes of products and their features, this task is greatly simplified.

For more information on choosing sinks, see the video in this article.

The kitchen sink made of artificial stone has the most controversial "reputation". Sometimes they are called the best, and sometimes the worst of all. So, for example, users often complain about indelible stains, chips, scratches, and even ... falling off the bottom.

  • In many respects, the confusion in terms is to blame for the conflicting reviews. After all, both acrylic stone and granite / quartz agglomerate are often called "artificial stone". Meanwhile, these two materials are very different from each other despite the external similarity.

In this article, we will look at different types artificial stone, let's compare this material with ceramics and stainless steel, and also give some tips on choosing and operating "stone" sinks.

Tip 1. Cast (composite) sink is better than glued (acrylic)

Sinks made of artificial stone are glued and cast. Outwardly, they practically do not differ, but cast sinks are stronger and more durable, and therefore somewhat more expensive. However, both types of sinks are good in their own way and have their weak points. Let's explore this point in more detail.

Glued sinks (sheet, acrylic)

Such sinks look like monolithic and absolutely seamless. However, they have seams, because the bowl is glued together from two parts - the sides and the bottom, which in turn are made of sheets of artificial stone based on acrylic resins. Next, the product is covered with a gelcoat - a protective layer 1-2 mm thick with a characteristic light gloss. Gelcoat, as it were, clogs the pores of the stone base, thereby preventing the absorption of tea, coffee, wine and other coloring liquids and products.

Pros and cons of acrylic sheet sink (versus cast)

pros Minuses
Low price (from 2.5 tr.) The surface of the sink is very scratched. Scratches need to be buffed out periodically.
Larger selection of colors and shades Do not put hot dishes on the sink, as the material may melt
Less prone to chipping The bottom of a glued sink may fall off due to the fall of a heavy object, say, a frozen chicken, due to drained boiling water, and also due to sudden changes in temperature. Fortunately, a broken sink can be repaired and re-glued without leaving a trace.
Possibility of seamless integration with the worktop Over time, the sink may turn yellow due to the acrylic component.

As a rule, after repeated “home” polishing, the acrylic sink is less scratched.

Cast sinks (other names: composite/agglomerate sinks, artificial granite/quartz/marble sinks)

Molding technology allows you to create a monolithic structure, due to which the sink is more impact and heat resistant. The manufacturing process looks like this: a composite stone in liquid form is heated and placed on a template (matrix) and left to cool completely.

pros Minuses
The surface is practically not scratched. If desired, vegetables can be cut on the composite sink. And the sink can be washed with abrasives Higher price (from 4 tr.). The average price is 12-30 thousand rubles. By the way, this is twice the price of a stainless steel sink.
Withstands impact. If suddenly it falls on the sink cast iron skillet, then the bowl / wing will not crack, and the bottom will not fall out Less choice of shades
Great resistance to temperature changes Mortise composite sinks are not subject to repair and polishing
Hot dishes can be placed on the cast composite sink. So, for example, European sinks made of artificial stone can withstand temperatures up to 280 degrees, Russian ones - up to 180 degrees. For comparison: a hot frying pan heats up to 180-230 degrees
The chemical inertness of artificial stone allows you to wash the sink with any means - based on alkalis, acids, acetone, chlorine
Sink made of artificial granite or quartz agglomerate does not turn yellow and does not fade over time
The service life of a composite sink is 10-15 years

Tip 2. The optimal ratio of stone chips and binder base is 80:20

Any artificial stone consists of a mineral component (crushed granite or marble) and a binder component (polymer or acrylic resins). The quality of washing directly depends on their percentage in the composition. Each manufacturer has its own "proprietary recipe" for the manufacture of material and a patented name. So, for example, Franke called his "stone" fragranite, Blanco - silgranite, Teka - tegranite, and Omoikiri - tetogranite. How to understand which composite sink is better?

  • They say that the more stone chips and less resins in the composition of the material, the better. However, not everything is so clear-cut here.

The fact is that the more stone chips in the material (for example, 85%) and less binder, the more resistant to scratches and high temperatures there will be a wash. But at the same time, it becomes less impact-resistant. And vice versa: sinks with a predominance of a binder component are more impact resistant, but less resistant to scratches and contact with hot dishes / boiling water. Therefore, choosing a sink made of artificial stone is based on your needs. If you rarely use heavy dishes, then it makes sense to choose a model with high content minerals.

  • Do you want to choose an average option? Look for a sink in which the proportion of stone chips is 80%, respectively, the proportion of binder and additives is 20%.

Tip 3. “Marble” sinks are worse than “granite” and “quartz” ones

Artificial stone is made from granite, quartz or marble chips. sinks from artificial marble(cast marble) less impact-resistant and resistant to abrasion, scratches, temperature extremes, UV rays. But they are also cheaper.

Tip 4. Buy an artificial stone sink only from a well-known manufacturer and from a company with good reviews

Sinks made of artificial stone (both cast and glued) can be ready-made (mortise/surface and factory-made) and made to order (these are usually integrated models or models of non-standard sizes/shapes). In the latter case, the manufacturer must be chosen especially meticulously, because a lot depends on the “assembly”, and not just on the material. If an unscrupulous manufacturer violates the manufacturing technology or uses a fake instead of the declared Korean / German “stone”, then the sink may simply burst.

  • Ideally, when choosing an artificial stone sink company, you need to focus on the reviews of those who have been using the sink for at least 2-3 years, and preferably about 5 years.
  • Also an important selection criterion is the provision of a guarantee. The longer its term, the more the manufacturer is confident in his product. Most companies offer a 1 year warranty, but some offer 3 or 5 years.
  • Ready-made mortise and overhead sinks made of artificial stone are produced the following firms: Blanco, Franke, Longran, Poligran, Omoikiri, Granfest, Alveus, Zorg, Schock, etc.
  • Buy an acrylic "stone" sink from well-known manufacturers, such as DuPont CORIAN, Staron, LG, Hi-macs, Samsung, Tristone, etc.
  • Avoid construction markets and nameless stores - you can run into fakes in them. It is most reliable to buy stone sinks from dealers and official representative offices.

Tip 5. Want a practical sink? Refuse to buy a dark sink

Dark sinks are the most easily soiled. limescale, rust, water drops and leftover food on a black or dark brown background will be especially noticeable. The most practical sinks are beige and light brown with pronounced “specks”.

Here are 3 cases when you should choose a stainless steel model instead of an artificial stone sink:

  • If you want to purchase a sink paired with a chopper. The fact is that due to vibrations and the weight of the chopper itself, the sink can crack (especially acrylic). In this case, it is better to choose stainless steel.
  • If you are accustomed to piling up dishes in the sink, for example, for washing in dishwasher. Stagnant water, liquids and pieces of food leave a coating on the bottom and walls of the bowl.
  • If practicality is a priority for you, rather than aesthetics, because only a stainless steel sink will give you the opportunity:
  1. Drain boiling water, not including cold water;
  2. Shake the rest of the food off the side of the bowl with a fork or spatula;
  3. Put hot dishes on the sink wing;
  4. Do not wash dishes right away.

When choosing a sink made of artificial stone, pay attention to the presence of a small brace to the center (to the drain hole). This is necessary so that the water flows into the drain, and does not stagnate at the bottom, leaving a dirty coating.

Tip 8. You can choose the same faucet for an artificial stone sink

So work zone your kitchen will become especially stylish. True, the color of the mixer will be slightly different from the sink. Raznoton is not a marriage, because sinks are completely made of artificial stone, and the mixer is only covered with stone spraying.

5 main rules for using an artificial stone sink

Such sinks are beautiful and hygienic, but you need to use them carefully, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Before pouring boiling water into the sink, ALWAYS run cold water into the sink first.
  2. It is advisable to lay a rubber / silicone mat or stand on the bottom of the sink, which will protect the bottom from scratches and contact with hot dishes.
  3. Try not to accumulate dishes in the bowl, but wash them immediately.
  4. Do not use cleaners containing acetone, aggressive oven cleaners or harsh abrasives to clean the artificial stone sink.
  5. Do not place hot utensils in or on the sink.

How to wash a LIGHT artificial stone sink?

Close the drain, fill the sink about ¼ full of water, add the cleaning agent and leave to soak for 15 minutes. At this time, wipe the rest of the bowl with the same liquid. Finally, open the drain, rinse and wipe the sink clean and dry.

And the last tip: you need to start caring for the sink immediately from the moment of installation, then even the most capricious sink will serve you for a long time.

Comparison of an artificial stone sink with stainless steel, ceramic and natural stone sinks

If you are viewing the table on a smartphone, rotate it to a horizontal position - this way the entire table will fit into the screen area.

acrylic stone Artificial granite/marble/quartz stainless steel ceramic sink
Ease of cleaning +– + +–
Noise absorption + + * The problem is partially solved by a layer of sound insulation, which is attached to the bottom with reverse side bowls. In addition, much depends on the thickness of the steel. If it is thick, then the sink will be almost silent. +- *Ceramic sink does not rattle from the flow of water from the tap, but may "ring" when in contact with the dishes
Scratch resistance + +
Resistant to shock, falling heavy objects +- +
Invisibility of drops, stains and plaque from hard water + + +
Possibility of local repair (grinding scratches, chips) + +
Resistance to contact with hot dishes + + +
Resistant to sudden temperature changes + +
Chemical inertness +- + +-
Price Low Medium and high Low and medium High

Kitchen sinks made of stone, Lately are becoming more and more popular. For their manufacture, artificial and a natural stone. Many people prefer granite and marble sinks as they blend well with other materials such as wood, metal and tiles. In addition, such sinks are durable and the color can be matched to almost any interior. It is also possible to order a stone sink of any size and shape (round, square, with one or more bowls). Such sinks are distinguished by high hygiene, environmental friendliness, ease of care. Below we will consider the difference between these two types of stone.

Granite sinks

The product does not absorb moisture, since granite has a non-porous structure and is thermally stable. So, granite can withstand temperatures up to two hundred and eighty degrees. Therefore, if you act on the sink with boiling water, or put hot pans and pots in it, nothing will happen to it. In addition, the granite sink is frost-resistant. This great option for an unheated room. You can safely buy such a sink for country house or cottages and it will withstand the "downtime" in the cold season. Granite sinks are easy to care for. If stainless steel products need to be wiped with a dry cloth, then drops of water are not visible on granite surfaces.

Granite sinks are quiet in operation. This is achieved due to the thickness of the composite bowl (it is one centimeter). When entering the bowl, the water jet is almost inaudible. This material is also scratch resistant. Since microcracks never form in the bowl, the accumulation of pathogens in it is also impossible. Manufacturers today offer boundary sinks of various types:

  • corner;
  • with two bowls and a wing;
  • with one bowl and wing;
  • with one bowl.

If the kitchen has corner cabinet, then it would be advisable to install a corner sink. For a small kitchen, it is better to purchase a sink built into the countertop or a sink with one bowl, and if space allows, then with a drainer and two bowls.

Marble sinks

Marble sinks also look presentable in the kitchen. Such products are not afraid of UV rays, heat in the kitchen. Since marble is a natural stone, it can have different shades. So, manufacturers offer sinks in light brown, gray, snow-white, creamy pink and green colors. Therefore, a marble sink can create an atmosphere of sophistication and luxury in the kitchen. Although outwardly it may seem that coolness emanates from such a stone, it is pleasant to the touch.

Marble products differ in sound insulation. The jet of water entering the bowl is almost inaudible due to the large thickness of the walls. Washers can also be repaired. Marble is soft material which can be sanded if necessary. But the heat resistance this material low. hot dishes it is not recommended to put in a marble sink. When pouring the remains of compotes and marinades into the sink, immediately rinse it with clean water.

Modern housewives increasingly prefer to choose quartz sinks for the kitchen, metal options are losing their popularity. The sink made of artificial stone has a pleasant appearance, it is easy to clean and pleasant to the touch. Also, during operation there is no unpleasant pressing noise or roar.

The product has high level strength. A dye is used to give a special color. The quartz shell must be covered with a gel coat. This is a special material that performs a protective function. Thanks to this layer, the surface of the product becomes more resistant to mechanical stress, and the level of endurance of the shell increases.

It is easy to use, the protective layer fills the pores in the stone, which makes the surface of the product smooth and pleasant to the touch. Due to its smoothness, the product is easy to wash, and the protective layer prevents the formation of plaque. A gel-coated quartz sink is durable and retains its original characteristics for a long period of time.

Sink characteristics

When choosing a sink for the kitchen, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the product.

Such a sink has a number of positive characteristics:

  • Ease of care;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage and temperature extremes, with the exception of products with a glossy surface, scratches may appear on it;
  • Attractive appearance, suitable for any type of interior;
  • The durability of the working surface due to the protective layer, the service life of at least ten years, with careful care of the product, it increases several times;
  • Safety, product manufacturing technology prevents the occurrence of harmful bacteria on the surface of the sink. Kitchen sinks made of quartz are made from natural material, so they do not emit harmful substances during operation;
  • High level of strength;
  • Easy to repair, when a scratch appears on the surface, it is polished with sandpaper. The chipped part of the product is glued with special acrylic glue.

During the operation, the hostesses also noted disadvantages:

  • The surface does not withstand too sharp a temperature drop, you need to be careful about the sink. It is undesirable to put in it a pot or pan that has just been removed from the heat. This can damage the surface, as a rule, a trace remains, which is subsequently not washed off;
  • Too heavy objects can violate the integrity of the product, given the level of strength of the product, then you can break it only if you throw it at it cast iron pan from above or from great strength. When choosing a sink, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product - this affects its strength;
  • Appearance may be damaged by active use abrasives and metal scrapers. A sink made of quartz does not require much effort to maintain during operation. Rust or unpleasant marks do not appear on the surface, therefore, with proper use of the product, you just need to wipe the surface of the product with a soft cloth;
  • The main disadvantage is the price, but this type of sink will please its owners for a long time without losing appearance and performance characteristics. Therefore, it can be noted that the price of the product justifies itself.

According to the reviews of the owners of such sinks, there are much more pluses. The hostesses are pleased that there is no extra noise in the process of washing dishes. The stone softens the fall of drops, muffling the sound, and the level of rumbling dishes is much lower than when using metal version products.

Varieties and design

Modern technologies allow to make a product from a stone of any form. Basically, they are made cast, which increases the strength and reliability of the sink.

The choice of a sink depends entirely on the buyer; there are many models on the market that differ in their shape, functionality and colors. This allows the consumer to easily choose the option of washing strictly for the interior of the kitchen area.

The range is quite rich. When choosing a product, you should consider its functionality. For example, a deep sink allows you to protect the surrounding surface from a large number spray. By purchasing a rectangular version, you can be sure that it will fit perfectly into the interior and give it severity.

However, the care process is a little more complicated, because dirt can accumulate in the corners, which is difficult to clean. Unlike a rectangular sink, a round sink is simply washed without the presence of hard-to-reach places. But it may not fit the strict style in the interior.

The product also differs in the number of bowls. The option with two bowls is rapidly gaining the favor of buyers. When purchasing such a model, it should be remembered that it is better to replace the mixer with a retractable version - this will greatly facilitate the use of a double sink.

This model is made in a simple style and will not fit any design, due to its functionality, it is becoming more and more popular among buyers.

Sinks made of artificial stone are very diverse. Manufacturers have been successful in their manufacture, therefore, among ordinary classic color solutions can be found unusual options. The surface is also selected strictly from personal preferences.

You can purchase a sink with a glossy effect or matte. The main thing to remember is that the glossy version is more prone to scratches on the surface.

Is there a place in the kitchen for quartz?

Many housewives are skeptical about this washing option. Given the pros and cons of the product, we can conclude that you should not be afraid of the stone. It has a sufficient level of strength. Many people read reviews about the product, and every negative feedback moves them away from the right choice.

To avoid unpredictable unpleasant moments, you just need to properly care for the sink made of artificial stone. Subject to all the rules and recommendations, the sink will serve its owner for decades.

Mounting Features

The installation of such a sink is no different from other types of sinks. The main thing to remember is that the stone is heavy. Given this feature of the sink, before installation, it is required to make a template that completely copies the dimensions of the product. It will help during the installation process to measure the correct dimensions of the required space under the sink.

Using the template, the possibility of damage to the product is excluded. If you do not have enough experience with the installation of sinks, it is better to contact a specialist. This will eliminate possible financial losses.

In general, this process is quite laborious, you should carefully measure the dimensions of the space under the sink.

Video: a few important installation points


Quartz sinks have their pros and cons, but due to the quality of the product, it is gaining popularity among buyers.

Today, a sink is more than just a work surface. A well-made product will become a real decoration of the kitchen and give it solidity.

The choice of product depends on the required functionality, the design of the kitchen and the size of the work surface. When using a sink made of artificial stone, it is important to remember the features of the sink and properly care for it.

When buying, you should pay attention to the cost of the product, if it is significantly lower than that of competitors, then there is a risk of purchasing a fake product. A quartz sink is the choice of true lovers of quality products with long term services.

Video: quartz sink review

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