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What kind of leaves does begonia have? Caring for decorative deciduous begonias at home

The begonia flower has over 900 varieties and is widely distributed as indoor plant. Among them there are three-meter giants, and there are very small centimeter crumbs. This one is called gorgeous beauty in honor of the Governor of Haiti Begon, because the plant comes from the tropics.

Begonia species - diversity created by nature and people

Before deciding how to care for begonia at home, you need to decide what type of plant you like.
The main types of begonias are divided into two huge groups - flowering and deciduous, further classification is as follows:
Flowering varieties:

    • The tuberous begonia in the photo may be without leaves - they fall off from this plant, and a new generation grows from the tubers. Luxurious and abundant flowering, flowers 5-15 cm, the most different shades, terry or simple, two-color, with a border;

    • bushy, requiring a period of sleep. The most common type is the ever-flowering garden begonia (see photo), planting and caring for which is not difficult. The ever-blooming begonia pleases with its delicate flowers almost all year round, but it must be renewed by cuttings every 3 years, since the stems stretch out and become unattractive;

  • evergreen begonia.

Decorative deciduous varieties are characterized by beautiful leaves with interesting colors:

    • When you see the royal begonia in the photo, you will understand why it is the leader in the group of decorative deciduous plants. These are heart-shaped leaves with heterogeneous colors of green, brown and red tones;

    • spotted;

    • brindle;

    • Cleopatra;

  • Mason's begonia.

The ampelous begonia will attract attention even from the photo, planting and caring for it is the same as for other types of this plant. Ampelous begonia belongs to the tuberous family and is used in vertical gardening, because it forms an attractive flower garland up to half a meter in length. When the plant is not in bloom, it produces attractive leaves.

Advice! Caring for the ampelous variety is simple - you should plant the plant in a pot with soil made of sand, humus and turf, and place it near a well-lit window.

The basic requirements of begonias are light, watering and humidity, temperature

In order for your plant to be as wonderful as the begonia in the photo, care at home should be provided according to the following recommendations:

  1. Lighting. It is better to place pots with begonias on south-east or south-west windows. The place should be bright, but without direct sun, because under the sun's rays burns will appear on the delicate leaves.
  2. Temperature. In order for you to enjoy photos of begonia flowers grown with your own hands, you need to know that the plant is heat-loving. Optimal in summer temperature regime for it 18-20°C, and in winter the thermometer should not fall below 18°C.
  3. Watering. Abundant regular watering is needed only in summer, when it is hot. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to moderate. Begonias do not like waterlogging, so they water only when upper layer the substrate will dry out by 1.5 cm. And it is better to use soft, pre-settled water.
  4. Humidity. Begonias cannot be sprayed because brown spots appear on the leaves. However, high humidity is very important for the plant, and therefore the containers are placed on a tray with wet moss.

Advice! You can also place vessels with water or wet expanded clay next to the plants.

Rules for transplanting begonias. Selection of soil and fertilizers

Care and cultivation of begonias require correct landing and regular replanting. For the plant to thrive, it will require good drainage, and the soil should be loose and light, but still nutritious. The most commonly used mixture is the following:

  • leaf soil - 2 hours;
  • turf - 1 hour;
  • peat - 1 hour;
  • humus - 1 hour;
  • sand - 1/3 tsp.

If we are talking about planting young plants, you can use a soil mixture of leaf and peat soil in a 1:1 ratio.

Advice! Ready soil, bought in a store, you can independently supplement it with crushed sphagnum moss.

Young plants should be placed on the sunny side, and leaves will quickly begin to appear on them. And after 1.5 months the first buds will appear and beautiful begonia flowers will open, as in the photo.

Transplant mature plant costs no more often than every two years, and young ones - annually, in the spring. The pot should become cramped, and only then is the transplant carried out. An exception is if you bought begonia in a store - then replanting is advisable immediately, since during this operation you can assess the condition of the plant’s root system.

Important! Soil is not poured to the very top of the container, since begonia forms additional roots, and they should be covered with new soil.
From the moment the buds appear, the plant is fertilized. To do this, you need a universal complex fertilizer suitable for flowering indoor plants. The frequency of fertilizing is twice a month.

Begonia propagation methods

Begonias can be propagated by cuttings of stems and leaves, as well as by dividing the bush, and for the propagation of tuberous varieties, tubers or seeds collected after flowering are used. Most often propagated by cuttings in the spring:

  • you need to choose a strong and healthy leaf or cutting;
  • place it in a moistened mixture of sand and peat (proportion 3:1). Planted immediately to prevent the cut from drying out;
  • the container is taken to a dark place for 1.5 months until a new begonia is born.

Important! The leaf cuttings for propagating begonias must be at least 5 cm, and the stem cuttings must be at least 7 cm.

But for tuberous begonias, planting and care are somewhat different. To propagate a plant by tubers, you should provide proper storage tubers: they are placed in sand or peat in the fall and kept at a temperature of +8...10 ° C all winter, and in the spring they are planted in containers with a suitable substrate and drainage. The tubers are only half-deep into the substrate. Next, the plant is provided with moderate watering. The tuber will germinate for several weeks, attach roots to the ground, and only then release shoots. As soon as the shoots appear, the required layer of soil is added on top of the tubers and the containers are transferred to the light. Already in mid-summer, the plants will be covered with flowers, and by winter they will form new baby tubers.

Possible difficulties when caring for begonia

Various consequences improper care at home you can see the evergreen begonia in the photo.

The most common troubles are:

  • the plant sheds buds and leaves - it lacks moisture;
  • if the leaves are too pale, then the plant does not have enough light;
  • when it is too wet and cold, begonias may develop gray rot- mold. Then all affected parts are removed, and the plant is treated with a fungicide;
  • can settle in spider mite or aphids, which will draw juices from the plant. Such begonia must be washed with a soapy solution of tobacco or chamomile, and also treated with an insecticide or preparations with pyrethrum.

This is the real queen of the windowsill. Belongs to the Begoniaceae genus. Homeland - South Africa. Natural conditions - high mountain areas, tropical forest. The flowers are large, reaching up to 13 cm in diameter for the tuberous one, and up to 4 cm for the ever-flowering one. The colors are varied: red, white, pink and many others. With proper care, flowering lasts for a long time - from April to October.

The flower is not difficult to care for. It needs diffused light, frequent but moderate watering, but the plant does not like spraying.

Heterogeneous, different irregular shape. Perianth of rich bright color. The fruit is a box with brightly colored seeds. Perennial herbaceous plant actively used in folk medicine.

Growing and care

Site selection and temperature

The best choice is windows facing east or west. Flowering species require more sunlight. In hot weather, create artificial shade, otherwise burns are possible. The most favorable temperature conditions: in summer from 21 to 22 degrees, in winter 18-19 degrees.

Systematic ventilation is required, but the picturesque beauty does not tolerate drafts. From them it can shed leaves or wither. Decorative deciduous trees thrive in diffused light. In winter, it is important to provide the plant with additional lighting. Excellent helpers are fluorescent lamps.

The lack of light can be understood by the excess green mass. The flower begins to stretch upward and flowering may stop altogether.

Soil for a flower

Nutritious is needed. You can purchase it at a specialty store or mix it yourself. To prepare it, use chernozem and peat in equal quantities, and 2 times more leaf soil. Coarse river sand is used as drainage. Leaf soil is poured onto it, and peat and black soil are poured on top.

Choosing a pot

A suitable pot is half the success in flower care

Preference is given to wide containers made of natural materials, with many drainage holes. Containers that are too spacious are not suitable. In it, the begonia will suffer from waterlogging, which will negatively affect the flowering period.

Watering and humidity

A tropical resident needs frequent but moderate watering and high air humidity. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the soil. Stagnation of moisture causes rotting of the roots. Spraying is not used, it causes brown spots to appear on the foliage. Therefore, you can use a mechanical humidifier. On hot days and in winter, when the heating devices are turned on, the pot is placed on a tray with expanded clay, onto which water is poured. The excess is poured out. This helps protect the root system from excessive moisture and create favorable conditions. Purified and settled water is used.

Cold moisture is unacceptable, it is better to use room temperature. For tuberous begonias, watering stops completely from December to February. The most suitable watering schedule: from June to August, abundant watering every 2 days (if the temperature is abnormally high, then moderate watering daily is acceptable); from mid-October to early December, moisture decreases significantly and occurs as the soil dries out.

Plant nutrition

Timely and competent application useful substances— guarantee of cultural health. The fertilizing period begins with the appearance of buds. Special complexes for flowering plants potted plants deposited twice a month. When forming ovaries, it is recommended to use phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Decorative deciduous species require nitrogen substances. Adding to irrigation liquid organic fertilizers You can achieve more lush and longer flowering.

Pruning - is it necessary?

Not needed for potted begonias. You can remove faded flowers. This will give the other buds the opportunity to bloom more luxuriantly. To prevent the plant from wasting energy, the seed pod is also cut off.

Neighborhood is an important element of proper care

For full flowering and growth, space is needed. Too crowded flower pots on one window negatively affects the decorative qualities of the plant.

Replanting a flower

It is necessary to carry out in March, every 2-3 years for an adult. The signal for the need to change the pot is the root system, which does not fit in the container. The new vessel is slightly different in size from the previous one - 2-3 cm in diameter. The bush is carefully pulled out of the ground so as not to damage the roots.

The earthen lump is carefully shaken off. After this, the roots should be disinfected in a weak solution of manganese (soaking for 1 hour is enough). After this, you need to carefully examine them for rotting, diseases or pests. If necessary, remove affected fragments.

If the pot is new, then the first layer is expanded clay, coarse sand is poured on top. A plant is placed on it, and the roots are covered with soil mixture. The process ends with abundant watering.

Pests and diseases

Decrease in decorativeness

Failure to comply with care rules immediately affects appearance pet. If it drops buds or leaves, then it is important to change the watering and moistening schedule. This signals a lack of water and dry air. Flowering not starting? Multiple reasons may contribute to this:

  • incorrectly selected temperature mode,
  • scanty or abundant watering,
  • drafts,
  • lack of sunlight.

Rot and powdery mildew

Excess moisture or spraying with a spray bottle will attract these unpleasant ailments. You can fight them without chemical substances. It is enough to let the soil dry and remove the infected parts.


Spider mites - can cause significant damage to the plant

These “uninvited guests” feed on begonia juice. This is the basis of their diet. From folk remedies the most famous fight against them is soap solution tobacco But greater success can be achieved by using insecticides.

Flower propagation


Simple, easy and effective method. At the end of winter, they are sown in a loose substrate without deepening it. Simply spread evenly over the surface and spray with water. Each bowl is covered with film (to maintain moisture) and transferred to a warm and bright room. For irrigation, spraying or a tray with pebbles is used, onto which liquid is poured.

The first shoots will appear after 4 weeks, the coating is immediately removed. Dive after the formation of at least 4 leaves into separate cups. After 7-8 weeks you can transplant it into a permanent flowerpot.

If you follow the rules of care, you can achieve flowering in the same year.


Each cut cutting should have 3-4 leaves. The sections must be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon to avoid infection. For rooting, a special substrate is used: leaf and peat soil, sand, peat in equal parts.

The room for storing vessels is chosen to be warm, with good lighting And reliable protection from drafts. Moderate watering is necessary so that the top layer of soil has time to dry out. It is also permissible to use water for rooting. The root system is formed within a month.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

If there is no desire to grow from a tuber, then at the end of spring you can purchase a pet with already formed buds.

The first criterion is the color and size of the flower. Next, you should pay attention to the state of the exotic. Spots, signs of insects, diseases are symptoms of an unhealthy pet and you should refuse the purchase. The inspection is carried out closely: the stems and foliage are turned over, the pot is slightly shaken and the soil is slightly pressed down. Such seemingly incomprehensible actions will help you understand whether the conditions for watering and moistening are being met.

After purchase, the pot is transferred to the shade and treated with special chemicals. If begonia is chosen correctly and cared for conscientiously, it will delight the owner for many years. If you buy a tuber, then pay attention to the size. It must be at least 4 cm in diameter. On healthy planting material buds of pink or white.

Types and varieties

The most popular and most decorative representatives:

  • decorative deciduous. Varieties differ in the shape and color of the leaves and buds. The most popular varieties: Big mazonia, Gray Queen;
  • decorative flowering. varied colors. Flowering is lush and long lasting. Varieties: Merry Christmas, Yulitide;
  • bush. Reaches up to 25 cm in height. Not whimsical, does not require much attention. Varieties: Multiflora;
  • tuberous.

Begonia is an indoor plant that blooms not only in summer, but also in winter. It is either a completely herbaceous plant (up to 3 cm high) or a tall, dense shrub. Decorative deciduous species have very beautiful, developed foliage, of various sizes and shades of green. A plant can have one large or many small leaves. At the same time, their flowers are not expressive and small.

A characteristic feature is the asymmetry of the sheet; one side is always smaller than the other. Flowering begonia species, on the contrary, have large, bright flowers with a range of different shades of warm colors. They can be regular or terry in shape, resembling roses. Thanks to various crossings, a huge number of species of this beauty are known today.

Types and varieties of begonia

- has no stem, and the leaves grow directly from the rhizome on long stalks. Propagated by leaf division and cuttings. This type is used to decorate window sills and balconies (loggias). Among the most popular types are the following:

The leaves reach 30 cm in height (adult shoots), are heart-shaped, asymmetrical, have an unusual, heterogeneous color, red, brown and green. The flowers are removed from this plant; they are small and their presence slows down the growth of leaves, but it is the leaves that are the main accent of this species.

Masoniana or Mason's begonia on a light green heart-shaped sheet, a dark green pattern in the form of a five-fingered cross is drawn. It looks very unusual. The leaves are about 15-20 cm long.

Metallica or metallic begonia branching bushes of this species reach one and a half meters in height. The stems are reddish, and the leaves (10-15 cm) are dark green with reddish veins and a metallic sheen. Growing all year round, but more active in summer and spring.

– a low-growing plant with bright pink flowers, blooms late.

It has a pink stem and large, sharp, finger-like, green leaves with light veins. Reminds me of hogweed leaves.

– has a thick stem covered with red hairs. The leaves are large with serrated edges. The plant reaches a meter in height.

– a small plant in the form of a bush (20-25 cm). The leaves are small, dark green with light spots.

Leaves unusual shape with velvet surface. They are dark green almost black in color.

– has a cranked stem, somewhat reminiscent of a bamboo trunk. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, seeds and shoots (from the top). These flowers are more suitable for home grown, as they take root better in enclosed spaces. Some of the types:

It has a long flowering period, which is why it gained its popularity. It has a glossy leaf surface, green or reddish in color. The flowers are small: white, red and pink. It can be propagated from seeds and grown both in the garden and at home. Indoor begonia can delight its owners with flowering almost all year round. It is periodically replanted by cuttings (every three years), as over time it loses its attractiveness.

- a large plant with rich red inflorescences that grow in dense bunches. The leaves are smooth, glossy, and oval in shape.

- enough close-up view, leaves are 10-15 cm long, have white spots. The flowers are bright pink.

It differs from others in its small, decorative leaves and small flowers hanging in the form of milk mushrooms. The flowers are bright red. Blooms from December to March.

– an ideal decoration for personal plots, gardens and parks. It blooms from June to October, and in closed greenhouses ( winter gardens, greenhouses) and until the first frost. Does not like drafts and strong winds, and is also afraid of direct sunlight.

It differs from other members of the family in the presence of a large tuberous rhizome, from which large translucent stems grow with heart-shaped leaves with a slightly fleecy surface. Inflorescences of various colors. The following types can be found:

It has curly flowers and well-branched, slightly bent shoots. They are used in landscape design for decorating various hanging structures.

Ampelous begonia has an advantage over others in continuous flowering. It is hung in flowerpots from which they hang a large number of inflorescences tightly fitting a stem 20-40 cm long. It can be white, crimson, orange, yellow, and sometimes two-colored.

The diameter of the flowers reaches 25 cm.

Among garden and home begonias, there are species that are used only in indoor floriculture, for example, Begonia Elatior . The tuberous hybrid has rather fragile shoots with a reddish tint that require additional support. White, pink, orange, yellow, red and their various shades (usually two-color), inflorescences (6-7 cm in diameter) bloom at any time of the year. Leaves with a glossy surface, rounded in shape. The bush reaches 30-35 cm.

The height of the bush is about half a meter. Leaves are dark green, wavy at the edges (7-10 cm). Flowers: white, pink and red.

A characteristic feature of this continuously flowering plant, is delicate flower, having a wavy petal shape, white with a pink border and a bright yellow core.

Begonia care at home

The plant is quite light-loving; flowering species especially need light. But direct sunlight must be avoided, otherwise burns will appear on the leaves.

Therefore, on the street they should be shaded, and in the apartment they should be displayed on the eastern or western windows, and on hot summer days they should be hidden deeper in the room, or the windows should be protected with special paper or film. Turn the pot from time to time, changing the sides of the flower lighting. A temperature of 20-24°C in summer and not lower than 15°C can be called comfortable.

Watering begonias

Since begonia by origin tropical plant, then she loves high humidity. You cannot spray the leaves, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate (become covered with brown spots). Therefore, if the plant does not have enough moisture (for example, in hot weather), place it in large pallet onto the stand and pour water (so that it does not touch the bottom of the pot) and pour some expanded clay there. By evaporating, the water will provide the necessary humidity around the flower.

Watering is necessary with plenty of settled water, but do not allow water to linger in the pan. The watering regime is adjusted depending on the season; as soon as the top layer of soil (1.5-2 cm) dries out, it is watered. In winter, watering is sharply reduced, and tuberous species that hibernate are not watered at all, but placed in peat.

Fertilizers for begonias

Fertilizing is carried out 1-2 times a week during the period of active flowering. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are used for deciduous begonias, as they improve leaf growth but slow down flowering.

Transplanting begonias at home

Replanting is carried out as needed, for example, if a flower becomes cramped in a pot, it can be moved to a more spacious one. Favorable time The time for replanting is the beginning of spring.

The plant is taken out of the pot, carefully freed from old land(it’s a huge mistake to move a flower into a new pot with old soil and sprinkle it with new soil). You need to act carefully so as not to damage the roots and stems. To remove sand, you can use a light solution of potassium permanganate by dipping the roots there for a couple of minutes.

After this, weak spots will become noticeable (if there is rotting, then they should be cut off). The cleaned plant is placed in a new substrate. Watering after transplantation is frequent. The soil is not poured to the top; you need to wait until the roots dry and then add more.

You should not expose just the transplanted begonia directly to the sun (the flower needs time to adapt, about a month). In addition, the begonia is trimmed a little to form a new, fresh crown.

Soil for begonia

The soil has no special requirements. It can be purchased at flower shop or cook it yourself. A little sand is laid out at the bottom, then the pot is filled halfway with leaf soil and a mixture of peat and black soil (1:1) is added.

If you prepare the soil correctly, the begonia will delight the eye with abundant, bright growth and flowering, the colors will be rich, the leaves will be juicy and healthy, and the trunk will be thick and strong.

Tuberous begonia winter storage

As soon as the first frosts arrive, cleaning begins tuberous begonia for storage. To do this, the upper part is cut off, leaving only 3-4 cm. It is dug up without clearing the roots from the ground, and folded into storage boxes.

When the tubers are dry, remove the remaining shoots and spread soil with peat around them. Store in a dry, dark place, at a temperature not lower than 10°C. As for forever flowering species, then the wintering period as such is not observed.

Begonia leaf propagation

When propagating by leaf cuttings, the strongest and healthiest leaf is selected and cut into several parts along the veins, so that each specimen has 2-3 veins. After which they are laid out on the surface of wet sand and covered with film or a plastic bag. It is necessary to spray the sand periodically.

When young leaves appear, gradually accustom the plant to room air, open for 10-15 minutes and close again, increasing the interval every day.

Propagation of begonias by stem cuttings

This method is suitable for any type of begonia with a stem. To do this, cut the best cutting 7-8 cm with 2-3 leaves, the lower ones must be removed, and the large upper ones must be cut in half. Treat the cut area with charcoal.

In a prepared pot with a mixture of sand and soil for begonias (1:1), insert the cutting into the previously made hole with a stick, deepening it to the leaves. Cover with cut plastic bottle. Within a month, new leaves will appear. Gradually accustom the plant to air. It will start blooming in a couple of months.

Begonia propagation by dividing the bush

Begonias that grow as bushes can be propagated using rhizomes. To do this, remove the plant from the soil, soak the roots a little in water, then carefully divide the rhizome into parts so that each has a bud or sprout.

Excess, dried leaves and inflorescences are removed, and the cut points are treated with charcoal. Plant in pots and water.

Begonia from seeds

Not the most popular method, since not all seeds germinate or are viable, but it is still used.

Seeds are sown in a pre-prepared substrate, without covering them with soil, sprayed and covered with film or glass (opening occasionally to prevent waterlogging).

After thinning, wait until the sprouts get stronger and transplant them into separate pots.

Propagation of tuberous begonia

In autumn, the leaves on the begonia are cut off, the tubers are taken out of the ground, cleaned from the ground and dried. In February-May, the tubers are cut into several parts (two, three), but so that roots and sprouts remain on each.

The cut side is sprinkled with charcoal and placed in peat (not deepening it too much, a small part should be on the surface), making sure that it does not dry out. The temperature should not drop (10-12°C). The germination process is very slow, you need to be patient.

Begonia feels good in a lit room, but in diffused light or partial shade. It is best to keep it on the windowsills of eastern and western windows, with additional lighting in winter.

Begonia should be watered regularly and abundantly, but excess water should be drained from the pan. In summer you can water a couple of times a week, and during the peak of the heat - every day. From October, watering is needed only when the soil dries out; in winter, the least amount of water is needed until March, when the intensity of watering can be increased again.

Conditions that begonia prefers

Home care involves creating high humidity and moderate temperature. Humidity can be ensured by placing wet peat in a saucer or adding pebbles and pouring water. Evaporation will give the flower the moisture it needs.

The soil in which begonia is planted must be nutritious and consist of leaf soil with the addition of peat and black soil. Drainage is provided with a layer of coarse sand, then sheet soil is laid, and the upper part of the pot is filled with peat mixed with black soil. In spring and summer, it is time to fertilize the plant, using complete mineral fertilizer.

The flower needs to be replanted every two or three years, when the roots no longer fit and a new pot is needed. When replanting, the roots must be washed and inspected; if rotten ones are found, cut them out. The plant is placed on a layer of expanded clay and coarse sand and sprinkled with soil. The first time after transplantation, you need to water the begonia abundantly.

In order for the plant to bloom longer, the first female flowers must be removed. In order for tubers to form, it is necessary to prevent flowering in the fall by removing the buds. Tubers are needed in particular for reproduction.

Begonia can be propagated vegetatively - by leaves and stems, as well as tubers and seeds. You can take cuttings in summer or spring by taking a cutting from a stem or using a strong leaf. The planted cuttings are kept in a dark place. Rooting will take one to two months.

Propagation by seeds is done in winter. They are laid on the surface of the soil and pressed into it. 10-15 days later, seedlings may appear, which dive and, together with the soil, are transplanted into pots. By August, young plants may begin to bloom.

In cold weather, begonia forms tubers, which are stored in sand in winter at a temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius. Planting takes place in spring. The tuber is half immersed in the soil and kept in the dark for several weeks, moderately moistened. After the shoots appear, the tuber is sprinkled with earth and the pot is transferred to light and warmth.

Begonia varieties

An ordinary begonia - indoor or garden - is divided into many different types. There are also those that do not bloom, but have decorative leaves. Thus, royal begonia has large leaves, up to 30 cm in length, in the shape of hearts or spirals, like snails.

Begonia ever-blooming fully lives up to its name and blooms all year round. She has beautiful red-green and multi-colored leaves. small flowers. Tuberous begonias are very beautiful, and ampelous varieties are used in vertical gardening: its flowering shoots descend from hanging pots.

The plant can become sick due to improper care. Pay close attention to the symptoms and take action. You can already imagine how to care for begonia at home:

  • the leaves turned brown along the edges and began to fall off - a clear lack of watering and humidity;
  • paleness of the leaves indicates a lack of light;
  • fungal damage - excess moisture and low temperature;
  • Dry air leads to powdery mildew.

Under these conditions, aphids and spider mites also multiply. Pests must be controlled with special compounds.

Begonia: the basics of successful care.

Begonia is a beautiful and vibrant representative of the begonia family, which is the most popular plant among gardeners and has a large number of annual and perennial species herbs, shrubs and subshrubs.

The first to describe begonia was a botanist, a Frenchman by birth, Charles Plumier, who was part of an expedition organized to the Antilles in the 16th century by Michel Begon.

It was in honor of this organizer that the plant got its name - begonia.

The plant is often used in folk medicine; it is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Features of growing begonia at home

Important points proper cultivation begonias at home:

Begonia, grown at home, prefers to do without any proximity to other flowers, since it loves space (for example, on the windowsill) and cannot stand it when someone or something touches, touches, or disturbs it - it touchable!

Begonias require a room with high humidity.

It is better to water the begonia with settled water, but so that the moisture does not linger in the drainage hole.

The soil for begonias needs to be loosened more often, and the plant needs to be fed with a balanced fertilizer and watered with warm water.

Begonia: home care - types and propagation of plants

Begonias grown at home are purely symbolically divided into two groups - flowering and deciduous plant varieties.

Deciduous varieties are distinguished by their unusual shape and original coloring of the leaves.

Flowering specimens are divided into the categories of tuberous, evergreen and bushy plants.

The most popular types of begonias:

Tuberous variety– has simple and double petals of flowers of various colors from bright white to red and orange. Petals can combine two colors or be framed with a border. The sizes of the inflorescences range from 5 to 18 centimeters, and their shape is very similar to roses, peonies or carnations.

Ever-blooming variety- the most common specimen belonging to bushy plants. This variety is grown as a garden crop and planted at home in room conditions. At home, this variety of begonia can bloom all year round, delighting its household with glossy leaves of red and Green colour. This homely beauty blooms small flowers bright colors– red, pink and white.

Royal variety- refers to deciduous specimens of begonia and has a striking difference in the form of leaves of various colors, shaped like a heart and reaching a length of 30 centimeters. The green, brown and red tones of the leaves of this variety delight and surprise at the same time.

Ampelous subspecies of tuberous begonia- looks like ivy, which is covered with small flowers that have white, yellow, ruby ​​and orange shades. Hanging garlands of this begonia provide gardeners with flowers throughout the growing season.

Elatior- a tuberous begonia hybrid that is grown only at home. This species begins to bloom in autumn. Flower petals come in a variety of shades. It has round, shiny green leaves.

It is more advisable to carry out seed propagation of begonia at the end of the year, or rather, in December. Begonia seeds are delicate and sensitive, as a result of which there is no need to use any substrates when planting them in the ground. After half a month, the seeds planted in the soil will sprout. As they mature and grow, the shoots must be pruned and gradually accustomed to the sun's rays.

Also, begonia grown at home can easily be propagated by cuttings of stems or leaves. To do this, you will need to select a strong and healthy specimen of the plant, at least 10 centimeters in size, and plant it in moist soil made of sand or peat. For better rooting of begonias, you can resort to the use of phytohormones.

Important! To prevent the seedling from rotting, the plant must be planted in such a way as to completely exclude its contact with the ground.

Begonia: home care - soil, lighting, necessary environment for flowering

Soil and lighting necessary for begonia

The choice of soil for begonia must be approached with the utmost seriousness, since this plant has a fibrous rhizome with a decent number of thin and vulnerable roots.

When choosing soil, you need to consider:

Low level of acidity.

Lightness and looseness of the soil.

The ideal combination to obtain the required soil composition would be a 1:2 mixed proportion of sand and peat with an admixture of leaf soil, as well as cow manure.

To plant begonias in a pot, you need to fill three quarters of the container with leaf soil, as well as 1:1 chernozem and peat. In this case, you must not forget to add sand to the above components.

Important to remember, what if, in accordance with all the rules, the ground is prepared for indoor begonia it will grow well and please the eye.

If such a need arises and the begonia needs to be replanted, for example, its root system has become too crowded in the pot, then this must be done in accordance with all existing rules:

The plant must be removed from the pot and the root system must be cleared of old soil.

For a while, begonia should be placed in a container with potassium permanganate.

Clean the begonia rhizome from all rotten or moldy parts.

Pour the required soil composition into a new pot by ¾, no more, and plant the begonia. Subsequently, when the rhizome of the plant gets stronger and grows, you can add more soil.

The transplanted plant requires regular and frequent watering, as well as protection from direct sunlight.

The most better lighting for begonia it is daylight with scattered sunlight. It is recommended to place begonias on window sills with windows facing east or west. Lighting should exclude direct exposure to the sun. Some partial shade is better for begonias, but in winter, for good development and growth of the plant, of course, additional lighting.

It is important to know that begonia reacts poorly to changes in lighting brightness - it may even develop burns or the plant may die completely.


On home windowsills, begonia blooms with great intensity and brightness. But this is if the plant is provided with the necessary and proper care. Then, in gratitude, the begonia will delight its household with flowering from spring until the autumn frosts.

In order to extend the flowering time in the initial stage of plant development, it is necessary to remove flowers female.

Begonia flowers are similar in shape to other types of flowers - carnations, roses, daffodils and others. Bright colors When flowering, petals can decorate any room and lift the mood of its owners.

If the begonia does not bloom, then you need to change the conditions of keeping the plant and plant the flower in new soil and a pot. The absence of flowering may indicate that the begonia needs to be rejuvenated.

Begonia: home care - feeding and watering

How to water begonia correctly?


In order for watering to be correct, two special considerations must be taken into account: important factors:

Good soil moisture.

No water stagnation in plant pots.

In summer, begonia needs to be irrigated so abundantly that excess water completely flows out of the drainage hole, and after some time it is necessary to permanently remove unnecessary liquid from the pan.

It is best to set a certain watering regime for your pet and irrigate it at the same time. In summer, it is recommended to water begonia at least a couple of times a week, and if the weather is hot, then it must be irrigated as the soil dries out.

IN autumn period The plant needs to be watered less frequently, and with the onset of winter, when the begonia is in dormant mode, watering should be reduced to a minimum.

With the arrival of warm days and spring, the plant needs to be brought out of dormancy, thereby increasing the dose and frequency of watering.

Important to remember, that excessive watering can lead to the appearance powdery mildew, which can destroy the plant.

Watering is best done with settled and lukewarm water, or boiled water.

In addition, many types of begonia do not perceive direct contact with water on the trunk or leaves of the plant when sprayed; this may cause brown spots to appear in some specimens, which indicate burns from the liquid.

Top dressing

As soon as on such a luxurious ornamental plant When the begonia buds appear, this will mean one thing - it’s time to feed.

For domestic flowering beauties, it is advisable to feed in the form of liquid complex fertilizer. This fertilizer must be introduced along with some water when watering once every half month.

As soon as the plant has flowered, the fertilizing process must be stopped. And in winter, when the plant is resting, you cannot feed it at all.

Begonia: at home - why it dies

Incorrect care, ignorance, errors in growing and maintaining such a flower as begonia lead to the fact that favorite plant gets sick, drops leaves and buds, or even dies.

You need to keep an eye on your pupil, so to speak. It is necessary to take a close look at the begonia:

If the leaves of the plant turn brown in places and begin to fall, this can only mean one thing - the begonia does not have enough water and air humidity.

If the leaves become faded, this means that the plant does not have enough light.

Excessive moisture and low temperature lead to the appearance of fungus on the plant, which affects the leaves and shoots of begonias. With such a misfortune, you need to immediately treat the begonia with fungicides.

Dry air and temperature changes are an excellent environment for the appearance of powdery mildew on a plant. She's in the form white plaque destroys the plant. Therefore, a diseased begonia should be immediately treated with colloidal sulfur.

The main pests of begonia are organisms such as mites (spider mites) and aphids. They are located on back side begonia leaf and take all the juices from it. You can destroy the tick by spraying it with a solution of soap and tobacco. Aphids are destroyed with special preparations, for example, pyrethrum.

Take care of your begonia and provide it with decent and proper care, then the plant will definitely repay it with kindness. With its excellent property of purifying the air from various types pollution, toxins, chemicals and dust - begonia will make the home of its amateur gardener clean and safe.