Well      04/06/2019

Warm electric baseboard: price, pros and cons, installation. DIY baseboard heating

Owners of residential and public premises who have installed baseboard heating look down on theirs and their neighbors' wall radiators. On their own - in the literal sense, because they are at floor level and do not spoil the interior. And for standard wall radiators - in a portable one, since a warm baseboard has a lot of significant advantages and advantages. What is this system, unfamiliar to most consumers, and why is it rapidly gaining momentum in popularity?

Advantages of warm baseboards

The undeniable advantage of baseboard-type heating is its invisible heating elements, which do not interfere with the creative ideas of architects and designers by their presence. Compact radiators can be mounted in any part of the room, including at the head of the bed, next to furniture and decor. The walls along which the heating system runs remain free and fully functional - cabinets, TVs and paintings can be hung on them.

The specific location of radiators allows you to effectively solve the problem of damp walls and corners, which is equally important for both city apartments and suburban ones wooden houses. Hot air rushing upward evenly warms the walls and room, cuts off cool air flows and neutralizes temperature changes and drafts in the area of ​​the floor and windows. Heating of this type is indispensable for rooms with high ceilings and huge window openings.

Types and features of installation of baseboard heating

Baseboard heating can be either electric or water. Both are easy to install both in new and in used premises with existing heating.

Water baseboard heating

Autonomous system water heating consists of a boiler, distribution manifold, radiators and plastic pipes placed inside corrugated cross-linked polyethylene tubes. Supply pipes are laid from the distribution manifold to the baseboard installation areas along the floor or along the walls. Thanks to the corrugated external pipe, which plays the role of a casing, replacement of failed supply pipes is carried out without dismantling and opening the floor screed.

The distribution manifold consists of a pair steel pipes equipped with outputs and inputs, air vents and thermal valves. The top pipe is connected to the boiler and supply pipes leading to the radiators. The lower one is designed to return the cooled coolant.

The operating principle of the liquid system is no different from the usual design with traditional wall-mounted batteries. The heated coolant is supplied to the collector, from where it flows through pipes to the radiators. Skirting heating installations are much more efficient, simpler and more economical than “warm floors” and can be installed on any floor covering, including laminate and parquet.

Baseboard heating radiators consist of two copper tubes surrounded by metal plates that increase heat transfer. The elements are covered from above with decorative aluminum boxes, hiding the structure and evenly distributing heat. Standard height plinth - 14 cm with a thickness of about 3 cm. The color of the box is easy to match to the type and shade of the floor or wall.

In a liquid baseboard system with plastic pipes, any coolant can be used, but its temperature cannot exceed 80 degrees, and the pressure should not be higher than 3 atmospheres. In cases where the operating parameters exceed the declared values ​​(which is often found in multi-storey buildings), it is necessary to install an additional heat exchanger in the apartment, which protects the central heating from overload. Another option is wiring copper pipes instead of plastic ones.

The system is ready to connect

Electric warm baseboard

An electric baseboard heating system is practically no different in appearance from a liquid heating system, but instead of a coolant, the radiator tubes contain heating elements and power cables. The power of tubular electric heaters is 200 W per meter. The heaters are connected to the electrical network through a thermostat that regulates the set temperature in the room. To obtain maximum comfort, it is recommended to place temperature sensors at human height.

Installing an electric heated baseboard is much simpler than installing a water version. The system can be hung on any surface, including wooden walls and plasterboard partitions. The working elements are fixed on the walls at a distance of 4-6 cm from the floor, using special holders for fastenings. For safety reasons, it is recommended to use a residual current device.

The baseboard heating system does not have to be laid along the entire perimeter - the length of the heater is calculated depending on the volume of the room. In some cases, warm baseboards are used as auxiliary heaters in addition to warm floor or to another type of heating.

Installing baseboard heating yourself can lead to serious breakdowns and accidents. It is better to entrust this difficult work to specialists who have the appropriate knowledge and experience in working with heating equipment.

Video: baseboard heating

Discreet, efficient, comfortable heating. A very attractive combination of characteristics. For many people, warm floors immediately come to mind. And rightly so. But this is not the only heating method that meets these characteristics. There is also a warm baseboard. The system is easier to install, and most of it is available for maintenance at any time. So a heating baseboard should also be considered as an option for invisible heating.

Warm baseboard system: what is it?

Heating baseboards or baseboard heating is not new in the heating field. The idea was proposed at the beginning of the last century, but due to the complexity of implementation and high price, it was almost forgotten. With the development of technology, the complexity has become lower, but the price still remains high. This is what mainly holds back potential users.

The main difference of this system is the non-standard shape of the heating devices and their unusual location. The heaters are long and low, located around the perimeter of the room at floor level. Heating devices are covered with a long decorative strip along appearance very similar to a baseboard. When installed, they replace a regular baseboard. That is why such a system is often called “warm baseboard”. This system is very good for panoramic glazing - it can be no higher than the frames, so it is completely invisible. It is no worse in ordinary rooms - it is not visible at all.

Types of warm baseboards

There are two types of warm baseboards: electric and water. Electric warm baseboards are distinguished by the fact that each heating device is independent and can work separately. They can be installed in case of insufficient power of the main heating - as an additional one in case of cold weather. Installation is simple, and it works effectively, is invisible, and does not dry out the air too much.

There is a water-heated baseboard. This is one of the subtypes of water heating, that is, all heating devices are connected into one system. It can be either the main type (only baseboard heaters) or an additional type of heating (together with or radiators).

Heating baseboard device

In any case, a warm baseboard looks like this: these are two copper tubes, which are located at a distance of 7-15 cm from one another. To increase heat transfer, they are put on the tubes vertical plates made of aluminum, brass (they cost a little less, but the heat transfer is a little lower) or copper (more expensive and “warmer” option). The finned pipes are covered on top with decorative covers made of extruded aluminum. Aluminum was not chosen by chance - it transfers heat well. So the heated lid itself radiates heat.

There are holes at the top and bottom of the lid for air movement. The cold is sucked in through the lower ones, and the heated one comes out through the upper ones. So it turns out that heating comes from three sources:

This triple heat source ensures that the room heats up quickly, and the placement of heating elements around the perimeter contributes to uniform heating of the air throughout the entire volume.

Advantages and disadvantages of baseboard heating

What is the difference between heating using warm baseboards? Warm air flows from the heating element upward along the wall, heating the wall. As it moves upward, the air gradually cools down, then falls down, but not along the wall, but in the center of the room.

The result is that the warmest air is located below the perimeter of the room. The warmest object - besides heaters - is the walls. Also, warmer air is located near the floor. As it rises, it cools down and at head level it is a little colder. The difference is small, 1-2 degrees, but this temperature distribution is better for human well-being.

Uniform distribution of heat over the entire area and volume is one of the most important advantages

Heating using a warm baseboard is inertial. It is impossible to unequivocally classify this property as an advantage or disadvantage. There are both positive and negative aspects. Minus: until the walls warm up, the room is cool. Because this system is only good for houses permanent residence and is completely unsuitable for a summer residence. The positive point is that when heated, the walls act as a large stabilizer - they maintain the temperature at the same level, releasing the accumulated heat if necessary. Such a large heat accumulator will help to last for some time even if the heating is turned off.

The advantages of heating systems with heating baseboards include their efficiency. After the walls heat up, the boiler consumes a minimum of fuel - only to maintain the temperature. And such modes are usually more economical. But this applies to any inertial heating system, so this cannot be considered a special advantage of a warm baseboard.

The warm baseboard assembly is a little closer

Baseboard heating also has undeniable advantages. First, this is one of the few systems that provides uniform heating. Even the corners are always warm. Secondly, this is the most inconspicuous system that easily fits into any interior. With all this, heating devices are easily accessible, the system can be repaired at any time.

It has a warm baseboard and an obvious drawback - its high price. This is due to the fact that copper and aluminum are used to increase heat transfer, and they cost a lot.

Types of heating baseboards

The baseboard heating system can be of two types: with electric and water heaters. At the installation stage, a system with warm water baseboards is more complicated (a collector or radial connection is required), but during operation it is more economical. An electric warm baseboard can be installed quickly - you just need to fasten the heaters to the wall, and immediately after installation it is ready for use. But heating costs, like any electric heating, are high.

One of the most inconspicuous heating systems is a warm (heating) baseboard

Heating device with warm water baseboard

The water baseboard heating system differs only in the non-standard shape of the heating devices. The key components do not differ from the standard ones: you need a hot water boiler, a collector unit and a pipe system with which the warm baseboard is connected.

There is also a combined warm baseboard - with an electric heating element and pipes for coolant

Note: optimal mode system operation - low temperature. On the supply side it is 40-50°C, on the return side it is about 5°C lower. Therefore, you need to select a boiler or build a system based on this. If the boiler is gas, optimal choice- condensation. When installing any other, the system requires a heat accumulator and/or a mixing unit to reduce and stabilize the temperature.

Connection method

There are also features in choosing the connection method. Connecting all baseboard heaters in series in a room is ineffective: by the time the coolant reaches the last ones in the heater branch, it will cool down greatly and they will remain cold almost all the time.

For water heating baseboard it is used beam system: devices are connected one by one or in pairs. To do this, a collector unit is built into the system, to which the pipes that go to the heating devices are connected. The disadvantage of such a system is the high consumption of pipes. After all, each device (or small group) has two pipes - supply and return. The pipe flow rate is much higher, but the heat distribution is more uniform and the system itself is more reliable. Why is it more reliable? If pipes or radiators in one group are damaged, all others work normally.

Installation features

When installing water baseboard heating, the pipes are usually hidden in the floor. It will not be possible to lay them along the walls, since the space is occupied by heating devices. That is, installation of warm water baseboards is possible only at the renovation stage - the floors will have to be raised.

It is recommended to lay special polymer pipes in the screed - they are not subject to corrosion and have low heat transfer, that is, heat loss during transportation of the coolant will be small. But since these systems have limited availability for repairs, you need to buy high-quality products from well-known manufacturers, and this is not cheap.

Electric warm baseboard

An electric heated baseboard differs in appearance from a water baseboard only in the presence of terminals for connecting power. Otherwise the view is the same. These are two tubes with perpendicularly fixed aluminum/brass/copper plates. In the lower tube there is a heating element - heating element, in the upper tube there are wires for connection.

Installing and connecting an electric heated baseboard is much easier. You just need to secure it, stretch the wires and connect them to the terminals. To maintain the set temperature, a thermostat is built into the system, which turns the heaters on and off. The use of thermostats is desirable, as it optimizes operation and saves electricity.

Installation is really simple, but you need to connect the electric warm baseboard to a dedicated line with a correctly selected circuit breaker rating and single-core copper wires of the appropriate cross-section. So in this case, repairs are required - it is customary to lay the wiring in the wall, and for this you need to do it, that is, break the walls.

Installation of a warm water baseboard system

Installation of an electric warm baseboard is very simple: we fix it on the wall. That's it, the system is ready for operation. All that remains is to plug it into the sockets. The main thing is that it is calculated correctly and stands. This is the main problem when using an electric warm baseboard. The water one is much more difficult to install. Everything must be collected into a single system, and this is not easy.

Calculation of baseboard heating

A complete thermotechnical calculation of heating is a long and complex matter. The size and geometry of the room, the material of the walls, floor, and ceiling are taken into account, and the degree of insulation of all structural elements, including windows and doors, is taken into account. In general, the calculation is not at all easy. Therefore, most often they take the average figure, which is derived as a result of the analysis of many calculations.

It is believed that to heat one square meter of room area with average insulation, 100 W of thermal energy is needed. That is, to calculate the power of a warm baseboard, you need to multiply the area of ​​the room by 100. Get the required figure. This is exactly how much (or better, about 20-25% more) should be given in total by all the elements of the warm baseboard.

For example, the area of ​​a room is 18 square meters. To heat it you will need 1800 W. Next, we look at how much heat is generated by one meter of heating. A water heating baseboard can operate in different modes; depending on the mode, it emits different amounts of heat. The table above shows data for one of the systems. For example, let's take the heat transfer of one meter of warm baseboard from this table (other manufacturers may have significant differences).

For example, the system will operate with a supply temperature of 50°C. Then alone linear meter produces 132 W of heat. To heat this room you will need 1800/132 = 13.6 m of warm baseboard. When ordering, it is better to add a margin of 20-25%. This reserve is necessary so that the system does not work at the limit all the time. This time. And also in case of abnormal cold weather. That's two. So, we take 17 meters with a reserve.

Once again, please note: these are average data for some average house. Moreover, even the height of the ceilings is not taken into account. Again, it is taken as average - 2.5 meters. If your insulation is better, you will need less heat; if it is worse than “average,” you will need more. In general, this method provides only approximate calculations.

How to act

The first thing to do is to draw a plan on which to indicate the length of each heating device and the length of the connecting pipes. After all, the length of a warm baseboard is not always equal to the perimeter of the room. In this case, the sections of heating devices are connected to each other by copper or polymer pipes. It is undesirable to use steel ones, since they chemically interact with copper (it gradually collapses).

Preparation for installation occurs long before its actual start. At the very beginning of the repair, even before leveling the floor, pipes are stretched from the boiler or collector unit to the connection point for the warm baseboard. The pipes are laid, tested for integrity, filled with screed under pressure (working pressure in a private house is 2-3 atm, in a multi-storey house you need to find out from the housing office). Then everything is carried out renovation work and only after finishing walls and floors, the installation of warm baseboards begins. Here's the order:

Actually, installing warm baseboards is not too complicated. But the tightness of the connections is important and special attention must be paid to this.

To the level of comfort in own home Most people are very attentive; the microclimate is one of the main evaluation criteria, an indicator of comfort. In many private houses individual heating allows you not to feel inconvenience. But it is possible to build an effective system using a warm water baseboard in a city apartment. At the same time, owners of private houses find this system attractive because it is very economical.

What is a warm baseboard

A warm baseboard is a system of fairly thin radiators that are located in the lower zone of the walls of rooms along the perimeter of the room. This design of the system makes it convenient according to a number of criteria, if we consider the complexity of installation and the need for certain large-scale repairs. In particular:

  • A warm baseboard water heating system can be installed with virtually no interference with the existing infrastructure of inlets and coolant supply. This is especially valuable in apartments;
  • warm water baseboard can be done without big problems connect instead of standard heating radiators. Moreover, installation is possible in houses of any type (with a loop supply or with a return mixing system);
  • To modify the heating system in a house or apartment, you do not have to dismantle and create screeds or carry out other expensive and time-consuming repair work. Unlike a heated floor system, a skirting board has no special requirements for the installation and location of radiators;
  • warm water baseboard, providing efficient heating, can serve as an element of interior design. The design includes decorative panels, responsible manufacturers offer a variety of colors and designs;
  • To increase the efficiency of heat transfer, you can choose radiator sizes that provide a good microclimate in the room with a certain circuit length and degree of insulation. At the same time, the complexity and volume of installation work remains virtually unchanged.

Warm water skirting boards are easy to install; to carry out all operations to build the system, the contractor does not require special buildings or skills. An ordinary set of tools is enough: adjustable wrenches, a hammer drill or impact drill, a screwdriver, a hammer, and marking tools.

What are the advantages of contour heating systems

If we compare the classical radiator system, heated floors and contoured baseboards - the latter shows several noticeable advantages that make it attractive in the eyes of consumers. For example:

  • The heat transfer that a warm water baseboard has is higher than a classic radiator system. This is due to the fact that the amount of coolant is small and it moves at high speed. Therefore, the temperature drop at the inlet and outlet of a long circuit is smaller. The radiator in the far corner of the room is always colder than the one located at the entrance. This does not happen with the baseboard water circuit;
  • not having clearly localized points of energy release, warm water baseboards bypass the classic radiator system in terms of the speed of heating the room;
  • Unlike a heated floor, the baseboard provides air curtains, which can be important in drafty rooms. The heating circuit, laid from the bottom of the walls, forms a constant upward air flow. Walking along the walls window openings, in the door area - it neutralizes cold currents coming from outside.

In a competition between three systems, you can immediately eliminate the classic radiator system due to its low efficiency and clear localization of energy release zones. Warm baseboards and floors can only compete indoors different sizes. The first one is ideal for relatively small rooms, shows top scores in drafty rooms. Warm floors have proven themselves well with large floor areas.

How does a warm baseboard affect the condition of structures?

A warm baseboard can become optimal system heating in rooms with a low degree of thermal insulation. It moves the dew point outward of the walls. It works like this:

  • in an insufficiently insulated room, when air falls from outside, the wall cools down;
  • if the amount of heat coming to the structure (slab, masonry, monolithic pouring layer) is not enough to warm up, condensation forms on the surface, mold forms, and in rare cases, ice (in corner rooms the problem is more noticeable);
  • a warm baseboard installed around the perimeter of the room warms not only the air, but also partially the wall on which it is mounted;
  • rising stream along the wall warm air transfers heat to the structure.

As a result of the operation of the contour heating system, the amount of heat increases sharply, designed to solve the problems of the dew point located indoors. By heating the wall, a warm baseboard gets rid of ice, harmful mold and other problems in the room.

To achieve the same result using a radiator system or heated floor, you will need to spend a large number of energy, openly overheat the room so that the air in its volume raises the temperature of the wall.

High panels of warm baseboards perform especially well in the area of ​​combating problem walls. Although they have an increased area, such radiators often do not have an increased volume. They are also built from thin tubes and have a heat exchanger made of plates of large dimensions (width, height), but often of less depth. On the mass market you can buy a variety of products in this class from many manufacturers. They can become an interesting detail of interior design.

Basic Design Principles

If we consider creating a warm baseboard in a separate room, the work is carried out according to a simple scheme and understandable principles.

  1. The product is sold in the form of radiators. Inside the system from thin plates copper tubes pass through. Radiators of the same brand have the same dimensions in terms of height and depth, and are offered in different lengths. Each standardized element of the heating system has a certain heat transfer capacity.
  2. Plastic or copper tubes are used to connect individual radiators into a single circuit.
  3. The set of elements of the main system includes adapter and clamping nuts, as well as elements for wall mounting. A solder connection may be provided.

A warm baseboard radiator is mounted into a system of wall and decorative strips. The installation process itself is as follows:

  • with help laser level The middle line of passage of the warm water baseboard is marked. It is designed to be located in the middle of the radiator and its wall mounting strip. The installation of the latter must be calculated very carefully. It is desirable that the distance from it to the floor allows the gap to be closed with a regular plastic plinth;
  • in the right places on the wall (depending on the position of the technological holes), drilling is done and plugs for the fastening screws are installed;
  • Radiator wall strips and fixing plates are installed that will hold the heat exchanger;
  • in accordance with installed elements designs, connecting tubes are tried on and cut off. Length tolerances must be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, depending on the connecting fittings for fixation and waterproofing;
  • starting from the circuit input, radiators are installed;
  • each subsequent one is connected by pre-cut tubes to the previous one.

At the end of work on the last radiator, the output is looped. To connect the upper and lower tubes, either a finished part or a connecting tube can be used.

This work is most often done inside the apartment. The coolant is withdrawn and the return flow is discharged at the appropriate points of the heating riser. All that needs to be done is to cut off the existing radiators, dismantle the pipes and lay a warm baseboard. In a private house, the system is more complicated, but the given procedure is carried out in each room to equip a separate heating circuit.

Detailed installation instructions:

Microclimate regulation and additional equipment

When installing a contour heating system, especially if you make a warm water baseboard yourself, it is necessary to create a control structure and install some additional components. The presence of the latter is especially important. If a warm baseboard is made in an apartment and connected to heating risers, it is important not to violate the operating parameters of the centralized heating supply system.

Adjustment system

To regulate the amount of heat entering the room, in the simplest case it can be used shut-off valves. An ordinary tap installed at the entrance to the circuit can change the amount of coolant pumped per unit of time. This is convenient in conditions of stable water temperature in the circuit and the outside climate: you can increase or decrease circulation several times a season “by eye.”

Automated systems are more functional. In this case, a thermal head is installed at the output of the circuit. Such a valve, roughly speaking, controls the drop in temperature and shuts off the circulation at set levels of water that has passed through the heating system.

Thermal heads with an external temperature sensor are more convenient. They receive a signal from small devices located indoors that determine the microclimate and set the heating operating mode.

Thermal heads with external control can also receive data on the air temperature outside the building in order to accordingly increase or decrease the heat transfer from the baseboard.

Circulation pump

Equipping a warm baseboard circuit in an apartment is a necessary step if the heating system of the house is built on a supply-return circuit with mixing. In such a structure, the gravitational principle of coolant movement is used. The warm water baseboard is deprived of it. Therefore, forced pumping of water through the system will be required.

In apartments with a through circulation circuit (heating radiators without a mixing tube between the supply and return), the use of your own pump for a warm baseboard will allow you not to influence the pressure indicators existing in the centralized system heating.

There can be several circulation pumps in one circuit of a warm baseboard. This is done on long routes, especially if you don’t want to install bulky units and the tubes are not located strictly horizontally. It is also recommended to seek advice from hydraulic specialists. The presence of many turns of the circuit increases the overall liquid resistance and requires the installation of one or more pumps of a certain power.

Construction of a heating system for a private house based on a heating boiler

If the apartment has heating risers and the baseboard is connected to a centralized system, the work is not very difficult. In a private house or apartment with its own heating boiler, collectors are used to power individual circuits of rooms. This is the same class of equipment that is used to construct heated floors.

With its help, both the temperature of the water in the baseboard and the amount of heat that enters each room are set. You can purchase and install:

  • systems with two or three-way valves;
  • a collector equipped with flow meters for each circuit.

It is rational to use a system with centralized temperature control. In this case, temperature sensors are located in each room, the readings of which affect the operation of the collector flow meters.

The most complex systems built using weather sensors that determine the nature of the climate outside. They simultaneously affect the flow meters and the temperature of the coolant entering the baseboards.

The system built on a collector is very functional, easy to use and durable. Today you can purchase any complex installation for a warm water baseboard. Manifolds with 6,7, 10, 12 circuits are available, equipped with automatic air vents and other devices that prevent emergency situations.


Any owner always strives to make the house more comfortable and cozy. And when the cold weather sets in, the main thing to take care of is the heating system. But there are not many requirements for this system; firstly, it must be efficient, and secondly, it must consume little energy. Today we will not dwell on the types of heating systems, their features, pros and cons. We only note that warm baseboards, as tests have shown, are more efficient (by about 30 percent) than traditional radiator heating. And then, of course, there is energy saving. Therefore, in this article we will talk about baseboard heating, its types, design, installation and application. We will also consider some popular models.

Review of popular manufacturers, characteristics and prices

If you intend to buy yourself a warm baseboard, but don’t know how much it costs and which manufacturer to choose, then this section of the article is especially for you! Here we will look at devices from popular manufacturers (only a few, because there are quite a lot of them), their key characteristics, as well as average market prices. For the convenience of visitors, the information below is presented in the form of a small table.

Table. Baseboard heating - popular models, cost, characteristics.

Name, photo Short description Average market value, in rubles

1. Mr.Tektum electric, white(RAL 9016)
Heating module, thermal power which is 200 watts. One unit corresponds to one linear meter. It is equipped with all the necessary fastening elements and operates on a 230 volt network. The heat exchanger is made of brass, while the body itself is made of aluminum. Dimensions – 30x140 millimeters, weight – 2.2 kilograms. Russian production.4800

2. Mr.Tektum electric, Brown(RAL 8019)
Heating module with the same characteristics and features as the previous one. The only difference, as you probably already guessed, is the color of the case.4800

3.Best Board
Another electrical device, this time – Austrian, the power of which reaches 226 watts per linear meter. The dimensions of the heating element are 250x13.7x2.8 centimeters (length, height and width, respectively). What is characteristic is that the thermal stability of a tube made of protective material, varies in this case from minus 50 to plus 130 degrees.About 9,600 and above

4. Termia CPNK 16/100 (P) – 200 (P)
This is about model range Ukrainian-made liquid warm skirting boards, characterized by an affordable price and a thermal power of the heat exchanger of about 240 watts per linear meter. The height of the device is 16 centimeters, the depth is 40 centimeters, and the length varies from 100 to 200 centimeters.From 4000

5. Termia EVNA
Models of electric heated baseboards from the same manufacturer. The dimensions of the products in this case are the same, the heat flow is from 180 to 360 watts. The products are available in two colors - white and dark brown.Varies (about the same)

Note! We have only looked at some models, but this information is sufficient to get a general idea. For a more detailed introduction to what a modern warm baseboard is, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the thematic video below.

Video - Installation of warm skirting board Termia

Baseboard heating - design features

No one will be surprised by the information that warm baseboard technology is truly the brainchild of the 21st century. First of all, this system is more effective compared to others, as we just mentioned. It is also more economical, and in terms of purely design features it is an order of magnitude higher than all known analogues.

Externally, any warm baseboard is an aluminum strip that covers what is located inside the box. The plinth itself, by the way, is quite compact, which is perhaps why it is called a plinth. So, the thickness of the device is only 30 millimeters, and the height is on average 140 millimeters; it is mounted around the perimeter of the room, fixing it to the walls almost right next to the floor. In a word, the devices look so that they are not easy to distinguish from ordinary skirting boards.

As for the internal “filling,” the plinth contains a pair of copper tubes with a fin system installed on top of them. It is worth noting that in the manufacture of all elements without exception of this device non-ferrous metals are used, and they, accordingly, have good thermal conductivity (the body is made of aluminum, the pipes are made of copper, and the fins are made of brass).

Video - Installation of warm baseboards

Varieties of warm baseboards

Today, two types of warm skirting boards are sold on the market:

  • water;
  • electric.

Typically, representatives of both categories are significantly superior to traditional heating methods, but today we will pay more attention to electric models. This is explained by the fact that in most of the villages there are no other sources of energy other than electricity. Of course, there is always the opportunity to organize heating system on liquid/solid fuel, but it will not be cheap, and certain difficulties may arise (with space for storing fuel, with technical maintenance systems). It is easier to use electrical equipment to heat a room. And from this point of view, an electric baseboard is the most optimal and effective option. Let's take a closer look at this option.

Externally electrical system practically no different from water. This is, in principle, an aluminum strip 30 millimeters wide, as already mentioned in the previous paragraph of the article. The height varies between 100-240 millimeters. As for color and shape, they can also be different.

At the same time, the water plinth is a structure made of tubes with stiffening ribs mounted on it, while the electric plinth is an ordinary heating element. The tube itself is quite long (the element takes up almost all the free space inside the case). We also note that the heating element with which the warm baseboard is equipped is made from a special heat-resistant alloy. Thanks to this, the service life also increases.

Note! The operating principle of an electric baseboard is not much different from that of an electric heated floor. Simply put, the system includes a thermostat that controls the temperature in the room, and thermal sensors that control this very temperature (attached to the walls at a height of approximately human height).

Such skirting boards are connected to an outlet, but experts recommend equipping a separate branch for the device from the panel, and also installing an automatic machine.

The modern market for thermostats is very extensive, so, of course, it’s up to you to decide. After all, the cost of the device directly depends on the ease of working with it and the complexity of its implementation. But most of buyers prefer models that do not create unnecessary hassle during use. For this reason, it is advisable to choose thermostats that can not only control the temperature in the room, but also program work for the whole day (or even for the next couple of days).

About the operating principle of the device

Let's start with the fact that the device is installed in the same way and in the same place as a traditional decorative plinth. Consequently, it is placed around the entire perimeter of the room. When the baseboard operates, both the air in the house and the walls on which the device is located warms up. Thanks to this, heat loss through them is noticeably reduced. Also, due to this movement of thermal energy, air convection is significantly reduced, that is, heat is more evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the room. Finally, the heated air rises slowly enough that it does not raise dust. Here are the main features of the functioning of warm baseboards.

It should also be noted that the temperature of the baseboard itself can reach 70 degrees (with the minimum value being 40 degrees). Adjustment is possible between these values, which allows you to achieve optimal temperature. However, the temperature in the room still does not drop below 20 degrees, and this is precisely the optimal mode.

Note! Now let’s compare the described plinth with a simple one electric heater. The heat release per section of both the first and second is 190 W, but a warm baseboard consumes much less energy (about a third)!

Many buyers are also interested in the question of which rooms can use such skirting boards. Let us answer that there are simply no restrictions here, but practice suggests that this is perfect option for premises where there is panoramic glazing. As a rule, you cannot install simple radiators under these windows; the baseboards will be invisible, but they will create a kind of thermal curtain. But, in principle, when mounted along the walls, such devices can easily fit into almost any design.

The main advantages of baseboard heating

There are many of them, but we will get acquainted with the most important of them.

It is also worth mentioning that baseboard heating is optimal for some rooms where traditional heating simply does not provide normal operation. These are, for example, the previously mentioned rooms with panoramic windows or with continuous glazing. Also this a good option for apartments with fairly high ceilings. Don’t forget about large premises – gyms, hospitals, educational institutions, etc.

Another advantage is the temperature of the heating baseboards themselves. The wood next to them does not dry out, so there is no need to worry about furniture and various household appliances.

Note! Comparing a warm baseboard with a warm floor is, frankly speaking, incorrect. After all, these heating circuits almost identical. But the first option has more advantages, since installing a skirting board does not require as much time and effort as installing a heated floor. All you need is flat wall, and there shouldn’t be any difficulties with the connection (more on this a little later).

If necessary, you can dismantle the warm baseboard and then install it in a new place, where it will work just as effectively.

And finally, the last advantage is that the compact plinth can easily fit into almost any room design. Thanks to the efforts of the manufacturers, decorative design The device may vary, as well as the color. Relatively recently, even models that imitate natural wood have appeared.

Video - Unpacking warm baseboard UDEN

Installing baseboard heating - a detailed guide

Well, the time has come to talk about the most important thing - about self-installation warm baseboard. This procedure, as mentioned above, is quite simple, so you can easily handle the work on your own. But first, let's look again at which ones structural elements consists of the device described in the article (the illustration below will help you with this).

Everything is simple, so we won’t stop there. First of all, you must prepare everything necessary materials, which include:

  • adapters for connecting sections;
  • red/blue protective tube;
  • cross-linked polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 1.2 to 1.8 centimeters (required for connection to the distribution manifold);
  • special adapters with which plastic pipes will be connected to the section (internal thread, diameter 1?2 inches);
  • swivel pipes (they are required for corner installation and are not included as standard).

It is worth noting that the required number of adapters, as well as the duration of the pipes, is determined individually. As for the required tools, these include:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • hammer;
  • wire cutters (they will be used to remove the brass sections);
  • scissors;
  • hammer drill

Now that everything you need is already available, you can proceed directly to assembling the baseboard heating.

Note! Maximum permissible length one contour is in this case 12.5 meters. But this information will not be required if the installation is carried out in accordance with the project, which is calculated and drawn up by a qualified designer.

Step one. Start installing a warm baseboard by laying pipes, moving from the distribution manifold. Measure the distance to the junction of the collector with the section heating device. Next, take the pipe and cut the resulting length from it (be sure to add 20 “spare” centimeters). Lay the pipe (can be either on the floor or on the wall). But it is important that the pipe comes out of the wall 15 centimeters from the nearest corner and 6 centimeters from the floor surface. In addition, the pipes should be located one above the other (blue on top).

Step two. Now arm yourself with a special self-adhesive insulating tape and glue it around the entire perimeter of the warm baseboard. The next stage is installation aluminum profile. Start this procedure from the corner, cut this profile at an angle of 45 degrees, then proceed according to one of several possible schemes:

  • screw it to the wall or floor;
  • attach to silicone;
  • glue it using double-sided adhesive tape.

Step three. After this, install the clips for baseboard heating. The step between these clips should be as follows:

  • First, step back 15 centimeters from the corner and make a hole for the dowel;
  • The step between all other clips should be 40 centimeters.

Step four. Having completed the installation of the aluminum profile with holders around the perimeter of the required room, begin installing the convectors directly. To do this, take plastic pipe and cut it to the required length. Make sure that it docks with the device section as evenly as possible; in this case, there should be no kinks.

Step five. Proceed to assembling the coupling. Take copper and plastic pipe, put the nut on them along with the bushing and sealing gasket. In addition, place a special sleeve in the plastic pipe. Connect them by hand, then tighten them using an adjustable wrench. Next, attach the radiator to the wall, if necessary, mark where exactly the brass fins will be removed. If available, use wire cutters to remove them, being careful.

Step six. Take another section and, proceeding in the same way as before, connect it together using an adapter. It is important that the baseboard bodies fit as tightly as possible; there should be no gaps here. But at the corners you must retreat from the edge by about 1 millimeter, otherwise you will not be able to squeeze in decorative elements later.

Step six. Place it against the wall again and, if necessary, trim off the “extra” radiator fins. Move confidently towards the corner of the room.

Step seven. To bypass the corner, use special corner connecting tubes. Twist the ends of these tubes as in the case of coupling. Attach a section of the device, put on the nut along with the bushing and gasket. Twist everything and secure the radiator with clips. Take for this purpose wooden block and, without applying excessive force, press until the copper tubes engage in the latches. Due to the fact that the metal is thin, it is better not to do this manually (deformation is possible).

Step eight. Now move on to the last section. It must be looped using a special tube made of corrugated of stainless steel. In this case, make the connection in the same way as in the case of all other couplings.

Step nine. In a similar way, carry out installation around the perimeter of the room, and then secure the baseboard cover. Take electrical tape, stick it on the lid (more specifically, on its inner surface). Attach the latter to the profile and then snap it into place. It is worth adding that in some models fixation is performed using screws.

Step ten. It's time for installation decorative elementscorner connections and plastic plugs. That's all, the warm baseboard can be considered successfully installed with your own hands!

All you have to do is connect the resulting system to the distribution manifold, and then run the coolant into it. When the network is filled with working fluid, carefully examine it for leaks. If you find that some connections are leaking, arm yourself with a wrench and tighten them. As you remember, there is a rubber seal that is pressed against the edges of the coupling and, as a result, does not allow liquid to pass through. If even this does not improve the situation, dismantle the connection and check whether the rubber seal is damaged. Replace if necessary.

Now you know everything about installing baseboard heating! As you have already been able to see for yourself, there is nothing super complicated and certainly not scary in this procedure. You just need to take the measurements correctly (checking them several times) and strictly follow the instructions above. By the way, don’t forget to watch the thematic video below.

That's all, good luck with your work and have a warm winter!

Video - Mixing unit for baseboard heating

The “warm baseboard” system, used in Europe for many years, has become very popular in our country. Many technical advantages And original design has an electric warm baseboard. The price depends on the type of construction. Installing such a system allows you to remove standard batteries and create a more functional interior.

The baseboard structure can be used as the main method of heating or for heating individual rooms

Read in the article

What is a warm baseboard: design features

The design of a heating electric baseboard differs little from old heating devices. Inside the device there are registers on which there are copper tubes. An important difference between the plinth and the standard one is its compactness. Small dimensions are compensated by installation of equipment around the perimeter of the room.

The plinth system consists of the following elements:

  • rotating parts;
  • tubular convector;
  • box with special brackets.

Warm baseboard has the following advantages:

  • heating of wall surfaces, which protects against the appearance of mold microorganisms and fungi. Suitable for corner rooms;
  • efficiency, the coolant temperature at the outlet is 5 degrees less than at the inlet. This is possible thanks to the closed housing;
  • saving usable space thanks to small sizes, which is important for small spaces;
  • such a system provides a favorable microclimate not only for humans, but also for animals and plants;
  • Condensation on windows disappears;
  • high performance indicator;
  • simplicity and safety of operation.

Warm baseboards are characterized by a wide range of applications. It can be used in private houses or apartments, instead of central heating. Often a similar design is installed for heating office premises, shops, showrooms and swimming pools. A warm structure is installed along cold and damp walls on the balcony, greenhouse and at the head.

Helpful advice! Installation of this design is recommended in rooms where allergy sufferers live. Since reducing humidity and dampness in the walls prevents the appearance of many allergens.

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Types of electric skirting boards

When choosing electric heated skirting boards, price is important. This parameter also depends on the specific type of structure. There are only two of them:

  • in the electric version, dry heating parts are used, which are located in copper tubes. At the same time, heating is more efficient and safe. To connect such a design, a powerful electrical wiring. A more economical mode of operation is possible thanks to a device such as;
  • in a water structure, heating is carried out during operation of the heating boiler. In this case, the system is similar to the standard scheme with.

Installation of such systems allows them to be used as the main heating device.

The water heating system includes the following elements:

  • , which is a box with a heat exchanger;
  • a distribution manifold containing two lines responsible for the supply and return of coolant;
  • set of plastic tubes. In this case, a part with a smaller diameter is placed inside a wider one.

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Leading engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning LLC "GK "Spetsstroy"

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“The pipe through which the coolant moves is placed in a corrugated shell. At the same time, it can be quickly changed if it breaks down, without dismantling the floors and walls.”

Choosing an infrared warm electric baseboard

Before you buy a warm electric baseboard, you should get to know its types better. Infrared models are popular. The power of this design varies up to 150 W. It can provide basic heating, since its heat transfer rate is five times higher than the efficiency of other analogues.

The system contains anodized aluminum lamellas, which will allow you to strongly heat the wall and nearby surfaces. Installing such skirting boards creates a curtain that protects the space from the cold.

Cable heater device

The second type of electrical baseboard systems consists of radiator blocks, which are equipped with heating elements with a power of 200 W. These parts are mounted in copper tube. The other tube houses the power cable, which is covered with heat-resistant material.

Such heated baseboards are used for heating any rooms, except those where high temperatures are present. Such a heating system is easier to assemble than a water heating system. In this case, the heating parts are located in the box, and installation of the collector and supply lines is not necessary.

Operating principle of plinth construction

When using baseboard heating, heating is carried out not only by influencing the air masses in the lower part of the room, but also by transferring heat to wall surfaces. At the same time, about 25-30% of energy is spent on heating the air layers by convection, and the rest is spent on heating the walls.

The heated air rises up along the walls and mixes with the other layers. This creates air bag. First, the walls warm up to 36-37 degrees, and then they release the resulting heat into the space.

When choosing models, price is important. Electric warm baseboards can have different prices depending on the features of the device and certain characteristics. Structurally, the system consists of a heating element covered with a light metal strip. This part includes copper tubes with connected radiator fins.

Helpful information! The plinth design allows you to reduce energy costs by 20-40% due to rational heat distribution. To increase efficiency, you should try not to block the heating sections with furniture and other objects.

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Not everyone knows how to properly install such a floor. In this review, we will look at the types of technologies, what materials are needed and the sequence of self-installation.

Installation nuances

Certain rules must be followed when installing a warm electric baseboard with your own hands. Before installation, you need to select the appropriate type of structure: electric or water. If the structure is electrical, then it is worth considering safe wiring to the connection point. With a water baseboard, you need to decide how to connect the structure to central heating.

Installation similar device performed in two stages. First, all the terminals for connecting the structure are prepared, the supply lines are laid out and the cable is connected. The second stage is carried out after finishing the room. In the water system, all parts of the plinth are installed, the modules are connected to the output elements, and the circuits are balanced and the system is pressure tested. In the electrical version, all parts of the housing are attached, the circuits are connected to the terminals, and all insulation measurements are taken. Then the thermostats are adjusted.

It is important to correctly calculate the required number of sections. This takes into account the power of the system and possible heat loss. Such indicators depend on the quality of the thermal insulation of the walls, window designs and air temperature. It is worth considering that for an electrical structure of 10 square meters you will need 0.5 kW. And for water, you will need twice as much power.

When installing a skirting system, you must follow some rules:

  • the plinth is mounted at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the wall and 1 cm from flooring. The gap is needed to protect against overheating;
  • Marking must be done using a beating thread;
  • holes are made for drilling;
  • plastic dowels are inserted into the holes, and then the plinth is installed using a level;
  • jumpers are mounted and carried out;
  • each element is connected in series.

After installation, you need to turn on the baseboard and test its operation. The system is then covered with all necessary plugs and covers. It is important to install correctly. It is mounted at a distance of one and a half meters from the heating elements. In this case, the back panel is applied to the wall, and holes for drilling are marked. Dowels are installed in the finished holes, where the thermostat is attached.

There are also some nuances when laying the cable. Heating elements are connected in parallel. The cable can be disguised in several ways. You can punch a hole in the wall or put it in a box from the outside. The cable is laid in the direction of the thermostat or junction box.

Electric warm baseboard: price and areas of application

This type of device does not cause harm to human health. A warm baseboard protects against excess moisture and from the appearance of dust. A similar design is used as the main heating system. It can be used on balconies, terraces and loggias. It is also complemented by various heating devices. The system is recommended for various options boiler equipment.

Baseboard heat is distributed evenly. Furniture can touch the baseboard body, as it is absolutely safe. With this you can create any interior and bring various design ideas to life. Skirting equipment will suit any room, since the color of the body can have a variety of shades. This could be an imitation natural material or any other invoices. This system is ideal for rooms with a large number of window openings and high ceilings.

Baseboard heater "Megador" MR100BR

Review of warm baseboard models: price per meter

In the table you can see some models of skirting boards, their characteristics and prices.