Well      06/23/2020

Balcony insulation options. Do-it-yourself insulation of the inner wall of the loggia. Balcony floor insulation

Each owner of an apartment with a balcony can be considered a happy person to a certain extent. Due to this part of the apartment, you can expand the area of ​​​​your home. The balcony can be used not only as a place to store old things. With some effort, you can arrange an office there.

However, in order to create a room on the balcony with comfortable conditions, in which one could be without outerwear V winter time, it is necessary to take care of its additional warming. There are quite a few options for thermal insulation of this building. Which one to choose, each owner decides for himself. Consider the most common ways to insulate a balcony to turn it into a multifunctional room.

Basic concepts when working on the insulation of a balcony

First you need to separate the two closely related concepts of "balcony" and "loggia". Many people confuse them, believing that there is no difference between them. However, there is a difference.

If we talk about the balcony, then it is a remote type structure that completely goes beyond the building. The floor on the balcony is a concrete slab, which is built into the wall. Along its perimeter, it has a metal lattice fence. In the process of warming the balcony, this the grille can be sheathed with any material, namely:

  • plastic;
  • plywood;
  • steel sheets.

But the loggia is a room in which only one side is open. It can be fenced with a parapet made of:

  • metal;
  • bricks;
  • concrete;
  • plastic.

How to insulate a balcony yourself: insulation scheme and work plan

If you set out to do the insulation of the balcony with your own hands, then you need to start work by creating a glazing structure. For the reason that the balcony is on the street and when created, it is not isolated in any way, therefore, when glazing it, it is best to use frames with double-glazed windows. Those people who live in regions with a harsh climate, the best choice There will be triple glazed windows.

By using insulation on the balcony, the effect of a "thermos" should be created. For this you need to create high-quality insulation for the next room. Usage modern materials will keep the heat on the loggia.

Work order

If we talk about the technology of warming balconies in general, then we note the following steps that it includes.

When the glazing structure is installed, work is done to seal all the cracks. To do this, use mounting foam or resort to the help of sealants. If the gaps are too wide, then they are covered with pieces of plywood or foam is used.

Further All surfaces must be waterproofed balcony from the inside. The market offers a wide range of materials for effective solution this task. For example, you can use roofing felt, which is overlapped and glued to the base. Used for gluing joints gas-burner. In addition to roofing material, liquid penetrating substances can also be used. One of the most popular is penetron. It is applied to the surface using a brush or roller. After that, it is necessary to fix the insulation.

When this is done, go to the vapor barrier device. To create it, you can use polyethylene foam with a foil layer. The fastening of this material is carried out end-to-end. When it is laid, it is glued with aluminum tape.

Then they move on to finishing the ceiling and walls of the future room. What materials to use in these works, the owner decides. After that arrange the floor. He can be:

  • bulk;
  • concrete;
  • wooden.

Note that the above insulation scheme for your new room is universal. It can be used for a balcony or loggia. The main thing is to adhere to all stages and perform them in correct sequence. Should not be used when thermal insulation works something inexpensive. In this case, the insulation will be of poor quality and will not last long.

How to insulate a balcony from the inside: the easiest ways

When the task is to perform high-quality insulation of the balcony, you can use one of several methods. The choice in favor of a certain one will depend on further use insulated balcony.

On technical properties materials must be guided when choosing a heater for thermal insulation of a balcony. There are quite a few materials on the market, and they all differ in their characteristics. The most important of them are:

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • compound;
  • structure.

Insulation of the balcony with foam

Penoplex is a material belonging to the group of extruded polystyrene foam. It has high thermal conductivity and excellent moisture protection. In addition to this, his positive quality is the flexural and compressive strength. Manufacturers offer it in the form of slabs, in which the thickness can vary from 20 to 100 mm. Plates of this material are smooth and with a surface on which there are protrusions according to the tenon-groove pattern. The use of the latter provides a simple fixing of the material.

If in your area of ​​residence harsh winters a frequent occurrence, then in this case, when choosing foam, preference should be given to plates with a large thickness. If you live in a region with a mild climate, then when insulating a balcony, a foam board up to 40 mm thick should be used.

Penoplex fastening methods largely depend on which finishing material will use the owner for insulation.

If your plans include lining your future room with drywall or using plastic panels, then in this case you can fix the insulation boards with plastic dowels which look like a mushroom.

Experts recommend using dowels with a length of 8 to 10 cm when fixing such a heater. If the owner plans to finish the attached room with plaster, then in this case, in addition to attaching to the glue, it is necessary to additionally fix the foam on the dowels.

The process of installing foam insulation

Work on fixing the insulation on the balcony begins with fixing the plates on the surface with a preliminary waterproofing layer.

The assembly of the plates is carried out end-to-end or resort to the tenon-groove scheme.

Let us note the following point: in order to fix on wooden crate foam boards are not intended. The device of such a system does not provide heat retention in room. Therefore, if in your plans you use drywall for covering the balcony, then in this case the insulation is mounted according to the above method. Then the vapor barrier is installed. Next comes the crate, on top of which the finishing material is fixed.

At the moment, many experts call penoplex the most suitable material for thermal insulation of a balcony. The main reason is its high strength. If this material parameter is not so important for you, then you can save money on heating if you choose more affordable option- Styrofoam.

How warm your new insulated room will be depends largely on the floor. Therefore, the task of its insulation should be approached with all seriousness. If the work is done incorrectly, then all finishing activities carried out in this part of the apartment will be nullified.

First of all, you need to decide what material to use to insulate the floor surface. Expanded clay is not recommended for this, because it has low thermal insulation performance and to create good insulation a layer of considerable thickness will be required. But even then, it won't be enough. Not the best option is mineral wool. The use of this material requires a good vapor barrier. Therefore, the most suitable choice is sheet foam.

Usually the installation of the balcony floor is performed with a slight slope. This is done in order to ensure the drainage of water. But since the balcony will be completely isolated from the external environment, when creating it, you can make the floor strictly horizontal.

Stages of work

The first thing to start with is laying penofol on the stove. It should be metal side up. Thanks to him, the reflection of heat on the balcony will be provided. After that, wooden bars 40x40 cm are fastened. When placing them, you should maintain a step of 50 cm.

Further between the bars it is necessary to firmly insert the foam sheets, and the gaps that have arisen should be repaired using mounting foam. Then the second layer of bars is laid perpendicular to the first. This will create an air cushion.

Next, proceed to the installation of moisture-resistant plywood, which is located on top layer timber. When it is laid, it remains only to install the flooring. It can be laminate or linoleum.

According to the same scheme, you can carry out the insulation of walls and ceilings.

Heating on the balcony

To on your balcony where you arrange living room, it was always warm, it is necessary to install an additional source of heating. Previously, on the balcony, this function was performed by heating batteries, which were connected to centralized system heating. This is currently prohibited. However, there are other options for heating the balcony, which will create a comfortable temperature on it.

If the balcony will not be used permanently as a room, then a suitable source of heat may be electric heater. To install such a device, only need an extra outlet in the apartment and powerful electrical wiring, which must be able to withstand the additional load.

If there is not enough area of ​​​​the apartment for arranging a study or winter garden then you can add some square meters if you complete the insulation of the balcony. In this part of the apartment, after thermal insulation, you can arrange a study or increase the area. existing room. It is not so difficult to carry out work on thermal insulation. The main thing is to know the technology for creating the design of insulation and use quality materials. In this case you can get extra room in which it will be warm regardless of the weather outside.

Many people want to expand the living space of their apartment and the easiest way to do this is by adding a balcony. But in order to make it habitable, it is necessary to take care of noise and waterproofing, as well as to reduce the thermal conductivity of its walls. Although the process of insulating a balcony is not the easiest, it is quite possible to do it yourself. This article provides detailed instructions how to insulate a balcony yourself.

Balcony insulation materials

The choice of material is one of the most important aspects, because each material has its own individual physical and chemical properties. Common materials such as polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, isolon, expanded clay, polyurethane. Next, consider the pros and cons of each of the materials.


Styrofoam is a foamed material with a porous microstructure, produced on the basis of styrene. They are produced in the form of square or rectangular plates.

  • low cost;
  • long service life;
  • has antifungal and anti-mold properties;
  • easy to install; moisture resistant;
  • immune to temperature fluctuations.

  • is destroyed when interacting with paints and varnishes;
  • very fragile.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam - made on the basis of polystyrene, by extrusion. Produced in the form of rectangular plates.

  • low cost;
  • protects from both sunlight, and from frost;
  • has high isolation from noise and liquid;
  • easy to install;

  • fragile;
  • more expensive than styrofoam.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool, produced from sedimentary, glass and volcanic natural materials. Supplied in slabs and rolls with different densities.

  • good sound and heat insulation;
  • passes steam through itself, preventing its accumulation in itself;
  • fire resistant;
  • environmentally friendly.

  • inconvenient during installation, causes itching upon contact with the skin;
  • releases poisonous phenol gas when heated.


Isolon is a two-layer insulation. Outwardly covered with thick foil, and inside is a material resembling multilayer polyethylene foam. Most often used for wall insulation, behind batteries, because foil is an excellent reflector of heat waves.

  • ease of installation;
  • compactness;
  • good thermal insulation.

  • poor sound insulation;
  • when compared with other heaters, then isolon is weaker.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay - clay particles that have been fired and have the shape of an oval or circle.

  • low cost;
  • fire resistant;
  • has good thermal and sound insulation characteristics;
  • has antifungal and anti-mold properties;
  • lightweight, so it does not weigh down the balcony.

  • long drying time;
  • complexity of installation;
  • increased dust formation.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a representative of the class of gas-filled plastics. It has a liquid consistency, when the subspace is filled with it, it foams and hardens.

  • high sound and thermal insulation;
  • high protection against steam and liquid;
  • easy to install.

Cons: requires the use of special tools.

Attention! Consider the following, in no case should the balcony be made heavier, these are violations of the house design standards.

Do-it-yourself balcony insulation

Proper installation of insulation material is a guarantee of long-term and quality. In order not to forget anything and not to make a mistake anywhere, you must initially prepare a step-by-step instruction (plan) and clearly follow it point by point.

Warming can be carried out with inside balconies and outside. But at self-insulation it is better to choose the option of warming the balcony from the inside.

Preparatory work consists of:

  • Checking the supporting structure;
  • Dismantling of trim and frame;
  • Patching tile cracks with concrete mortar;
  • Clearing the balcony from unnecessary items;
  • Balcony glazing. Choose 2 or 3-chamber double-glazed windows for better thermal and sound insulation;
  • Carrying out electrical wiring;
  • Insulation preparation.

Floor insulation

Initially, it is more logical to start with floor insulation on the balcony.

Action plan:

Mounting foam patches various cracks in the floor. You can also use a sealant or polyurethane mastic.

A layer of waterproofing is laid on top concrete slab. You can use ordinary polyethylene in these integers. It must be laid with an overlap, with a ledge on the wall.

We install a frame of bars 50-70 mm. Initially, the beams are laid on the balcony slab with gaps between them of 40-60 cm. To fasten the beams, use anchors about 110 mm long. Next, on top of the screws, we fix the bars in the longitudinal direction. They will be used to level the floor.

Further, in the resulting cavities in the frame, insulation material. And at the end, the finishing surface is mounted on top using self-tapping screws. When fixing the finish layer, it is necessary to leave small gaps at the junction with the walls to prevent squeaks during operation. Cracks near the walls are filled with mounting foam.

Attention! The thickness of the insulation must exceed 7 cm for high-quality floor insulation. But you should not use too thick insulation. After all, the height of the threshold must be made below 20 cm, and the height of the room should not exceed 2.45 m, and the height of the fence should be more than 95 cm. Based on these data, you must choose the optimal thickness of the insulation for you.

Wall insulation

Action plan:

Waterproofing is in progress. Bars are installed on top of the waterproofing, in the form of a lattice. The cross section of the timber must be chosen in such a way that after laying the insulation there is a small space left between the finishing surface and the insulation. As a result, a air bag- Improved thermal performance.

We put a heater in the formed cells. Wall finishing. As a material for finishing chipboard, lining, drywall, etc. can be used. It depends on individual preferences.

You can choose the material that is right for you in terms of aesthetic parameters by viewing a lot of photos of balcony insulation on the Internet.

Ceiling insulation

There are two options for ceiling insulation: with and without a frame. In the second option, it is necessary to use lightweight materials and this insulation is attached directly to the ceiling plate.

Action plan:

The cleaned surface of the ceiling is covered with an antiseptic. The insulation is attached with mounting foam or glue.

Bars are attached over the material for mounting the finish. If you use mineral wool: initially a frame is made, then a heater is laid and drywall is mounted. mounted top coat.

Warming the balcony from the outside is more correct. This method of insulation allows you to save the balcony space, as well as prevent the formation of condensate from the inside.

But the problem is that it is almost impossible to produce it without specialists. Therefore, it is better to order the insulation of the balcony from the outside from specialized organizations specializing in the insulation of turnkey balconies.

Photo of balcony insulation

Until recently, the balconies of city apartments served as a kind of storerooms - people kept conservation and various things there. What is there, on the balconies they carried out any unnecessary rubbish that it was a pity to throw away. Today, however, these spaces are increasingly being used as additional living space. And in order to realize such an idea, you need to take care of the insulation of the balcony.

If you insulate the balcony, you will not only be able to expand the living space of the apartment relatively cheaply, but also significantly reduce the heat loss of housing. The fact is that it is through the balconies that most of heat. But in order for everything to be done efficiently, you need to know where to start. With a well-designed scheme, turn cold balcony albeit in a small, but almost full-fledged room, it will be much easier.

So, first sketch out a rough work plan - it will include:

Important information! The balcony can be insulated both from the inside and outside. But in view of the fact that you will do the work on your own, that is, without the help of specialists, it is better to resort to internal insulation.

Stage number 1. Choosing a heater

There are a lot of heat-insulating materials on the modern construction market, but it is more suitable for a balcony:

As for foam plastic and XPS, the laying of these materials is carried out using almost the same technology (the only exception is the form of adhesion - it is better for XPS due to the use of grooves).

It is better not to use mineral wool for a balcony - the installation procedure will be more laborious, and the condensate that inevitably forms on the balcony is undesirable for this material. Expanded clay, for obvious reasons, can only be used for floor insulation (insulation technology will be described in detail below).

And if we add to all of the above the fact that the balcony should in no case be overloaded, then it becomes obvious: the most suitable option- This is a foam plastic 4-5 cm thick, which is cheaper than polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

Stage number 2. We carry out glazing

If your balcony is already glazed, you can skip this step. The glazing procedure itself largely depends on the parapet installed on the balcony. If we are talking about an iron crate, then you must build it up using foam blocks or ceramic bricks. It is important that the wall thickness as a result exceeds the mark of 10 cm. And if you have a reinforced concrete parapet, you can immediately start installing windows.

Today, many (especially admirers of environmentally friendly building materials) prefer double-glazed windows with wooden frames. It is worth remembering that such structures must be treated with an antiseptic and regularly painted. You can learn about the installation of double-glazed windows with wooden frames from the video below.

Video - How to install a wooden window with double-glazed windows

However, most consumers still buy PVC windows. When buying, choose a special plastic profile, characterized by increased rigidity and strength characteristics. In addition, the profile must have good thermal insulation performance.

Also, plastic windows should have:

  • 5-chamber profile;
  • 2-chamber (if you live in middle lane) or 3-chamber (if in a more severe climate) double-glazed window;
  • reinforced reinforcement.

After installing the PVC construction ordered according to the dimensions of the balcony (specialists should do the work), you can proceed directly to the insulation.

Stage number 3. We warm the floor

Consider how to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands using polystyrene (although the technology described below is also suitable for polystyrene foam).

Table. Floor insulation on the balcony

Steps, no.Short descriptionIllustration
Step #1First, prepare the work surfaces - seal all the cracks found in the concrete with mounting foam, as well as at the joints between the slabs and the wall.

Step #2Mark the floor for the subsequent construction of the crate. At the same time, it is important that the pitch of the crate exceeds the width of the insulation sheets by about 10 mm.

Step #3According to the previously made markup, lay the slats ( approximate size bars - 4x4 cm, however, it is necessary that their width corresponds to the thickness of the insulating material). The first and last rails should recede from the walls by 50-100 mm. Connect the rails with self-tapping screws.

Step #4Lay foam sheets between the battens, gluing them to the floor liquid nails or special glue. Blow out all the voids formed as a result of this with mounting foam.

Step #5Lay on top of the insulation Lay a vapor barrier layer on top of the insulation (required to increase thermal insulation and prevent condensation). If you use ordinary PET film, then in no case should it be laid on the “cold” side of the insulator. If you are laying foil insulation, then do it with foil to the foam.

Step #6Fasten sheets of plywood or chipboard from above, and the thickness floor covering must be at least 20 mm. Attach the sheets to the rails with self-tapping screws.

Step #7It remains only to lay the finish coating, for which you can use carpet or linoleum.

Important information! There is another way to insulate the floor on the balcony with foam plastic: foam sheets are attached to the leveled and cleaned surface, and a thin screed is poured on top from a previously prepared dry mix solution. Ceramic tiles can be used as a finishing coating here.

Alternative option. We use expanded clay

As noted earlier, the floor on the balcony can also be insulated with expanded clay. This material is also inexpensive, and its installation is not difficult. Let's get acquainted with the algorithm of actions.

Step #1. First, lay a waterproofing film on the floor with a 10 cm exit to the walls.

Step #2. Arrange beacons around the perimeter in increments of about 25 cm, while being careful not to lean them too much against the walls.

Step #3. Fill the floor with a layer of expanded clay 15 cm thick, evenly distribute the material over the surface.

Step number 4. Moisten expanded clay with cement "milk" (this is an aqueous solution of cement).

Step number 5. Pour expanded clay with a layer of concrete or self-leveling mixture. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the structure of the insulator.

Step number 6. Wait for the screed to dry completely. After that, you can start laying the finish coat.

Stage number 4. We insulate the walls

The technology here is almost the same as for floor insulation. Do the following.

Step #1. Mark the future location of the rails on the walls (as for the floor).

Step #2. Attach the slats according to the given markup.

Step #3. Apply mounting foam to the surface with wave-like movements. At the same stage, holes for dowels should be drilled.

Step #4. Attach the styrofoam sheets using plastic mushroom dowels.

Step #5. Blow out all the cracks formed with mounting foam, then glue with mounting tape.

Step #6. Lay a waterproofing layer on top - for example, penofol, which at the same time will also serve as thermal insulation.

Step #7. Seal the seams at the joints with foil tape.

Step number 8. Mount the counter-lattice on top of the foam foam and install the finishing material.

Stage number 5. We insulate the ceiling

This procedure is also performed using a similar technology, but there are still some differences.

  1. First, mark up where the hangers for attaching the rails will be installed.
  2. Install the suspensions themselves, necessary for fixing the guides (use a galvanized profile or timber as the latter).

  3. Cut small holes in the insulator (styrofoam or XPS) in appropriate places for hangers.

  4. Next, fix the insulation boards using the same mounting foam.

If the insulation weighs too much, then you can use dowels for fastening. Fill the cracks with foam. Otherwise, there are no significant differences.

Finishing Features

In most cases, balconies are lined with clapboard or profile from the inside, but drywall is also used, followed by wallpapering. PVC panels are also used for cladding. Concerning exterior finish, then it is better to entrust it to professionals, especially if your apartment is located higher than on the first floor.

Important information! It is forbidden to go there central heating, so if additional heating is required, then you can lay the film "warm floor" under the linoleum.

Even on the balcony you can install a socket to which an electric heater will be connected. The described room is small, so heating will take a minimum of time. We also note that a double-glazed window weighs quite a lot, so the rest of the materials (including the insulator itself) should be with a minimum weight. By the way, this is another reason why it is better to give preference to XPS or foam boards.

Video - Instructions for warming the balcony

Now you know about the strong and weaknesses materials suitable for insulating the balcony, as well as the technologies for laying foam and expanded clay. So it's time to get straight to work! Moreover, there is nothing complicated here if you are armed. step by step instructions and all necessary materials. If you do everything right, then turn the balcony into a full-fledged living room with all the ensuing benefits.

Insulation of a balcony or loggia is a rather laborious and not fast process. It is usually performed by professionals who specialize in this type of work. But if you know how balconies are insulated from the inside with your own hands, you have essential tool and do not be afraid of work, then this is quite a feasible task.

Moreover, the area of ​​​​the balcony is usually small and with a competent formulation of the case and the observance of the technology of work, and especially when using plates of insulating material "penotex", this process will not stretch for a long time.

Balcony preparation for insulation

Usually balconies and loggias are insulated from the inside with their own hands. External insulation of the balcony parapet is rarely used because it is not only dangerous in terms of work, especially if you live on the upper floors of a high-rise building, but may require special permission from the local authorities that oversee appearance building facades.

For insulation from the inside, no permits are required.

Answering the question how to properly insulate a balcony from the inside? Should be respected whole line conditions and not violate the order of work. First of all, the balcony is freed from the things and plants on it, building materials and other things that may interfere with the work. After that, they are carefully sealed with mounting foam or cement mortar existing cracks, crevices, holes at the junction of the parapet with the wall and in general wherever you notice flaws.

This must be done because otherwise, with an unfavorable cold wind, even very good insulation can freeze, it will be even worse if it gets into the cracks rainwater or snow. For most types of modern heaters, water is not terrible, mold does not develop on them, and they practically do not absorb moisture. But on brick or panel walls moisture that has accumulated between the wall and the styrofoam slab can serve as a breeding ground for mold. Then on your insulated balcony or loggia may appear bad smell dampness.

Innovative insulation from TechnoNIKOL
suitable for walls, ceiling, floor.

  • saves space - plate thickness from 20 mm.
  • keeps warm due to the unique thermal conductivity of 0.022 W / m ° K (compare with glass wool 0.032-0.041 W / m ° K);
  • protected from moisture, rot, mold and fire (combustibility group G1 according to GOST 30244-94);
  • will last for many years (the insulation retains its properties for 50 years).

Additional pluses of LOGICPIR Sauna: easy installation all year round!

After this stage, you can proceed to the actual warming with your own hands.

Ceiling insulation

Technologically, it would be more correct and better to start work with do-it-yourself insulation of the ceiling of a balcony or loggia, then go to the walls and complete the work with floor insulation. Depending on the type of insulation you have chosen and its thickness, the ceiling can become lower by up to 10 cm. If you have already installed on the balcony plastic windows you will either have to sacrifice the upper part of the windows, since PVC profile in width rarely exceeds 50 mm, or use a thin insulating material that will not allow you to achieve the effect you were counting on. Therefore, if the windows are not installed, first insulate the ceiling of the balcony and only then call the measurer.

At present, there is no question of how to insulate the balcony inside. Choice various kinds heater is great. Depending on the chosen insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam polystyrene foam, penofol), it can be installed either on a pre-mounted wooden crate or directly on a balcony slab. Insulate with mats mineral wool it is possible only using a wooden crate, otherwise it will not be possible to fix it on the ceiling.

Fitted to size wooden bars equal in cross section to the thickness of your chosen insulation can be attached to the ceiling with plastic dowels and long self-tapping screws. The distance between the bars should either exactly match the width of the insulation board, or be 30-40 mm. already, if mineral wool mats are used so that they enter the space between the bars with effort and do not fall out on your head during further work. It is better to lace them up by passing a nylon rope between the bars with small nails stuffed into them.

If you conduct insulation with your own hands with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam, and in the future do not expect to finish the ceiling with a wooden “lining” or plastic panels (gypsum board as an option for finishing material for the ceiling), then there is no need to arrange a crate. Plates of expanded polystyrene "Penotex" are glued directly on the balcony slab, cleaned of paint layers, with any waterproof adhesive mastic used in construction and finishing works. It is better to use such adhesive materials as waterproof mastic or “liquid nails” glue, since in the cold season, if the balcony located above is not insulated, the dew point will shift behind the insulation, and condensation will form there. Expanded polystyrene plates do not require additional sealing of the joints, since they have grooves at the ends that prevent the formation of "cold bridges". But the joints between the foam plates can be sealed with mounting foam and glued with foil tape.

An additional layer of insulating material, which significantly reduces heat loss, is best made from thin foil insulation penofol or isolon. In this case, the material is glued onto the mounted plates of a thicker insulation with the obligatory metallized side inside the balcony. All joints of penofol sheets are glued with foil tape. At this stage, the insulation can be completed, but you can lay a heating film, which is perfect for these purposes and works from electrical network 220V.

Further do-it-yourself finishing depends on the availability of the material and its type, if it is plastic panels or "lining", they are mounted either directly on the insulation boards or on wooden bars passed over it. It is better not to use a galvanized metal profile used for drywall structures, as it will freeze and moisture will condense around it.

If you did not use penofol as an additional insulating material, then the surface of the foam or polystyrene foam can be plastered with your own hands, after gluing a fiberglass reinforcing mesh, and then painted.

After completing the work on the insulation and finishing of the ceiling of the balcony, proceed to the insulation of the walls. Only the parapet and side walls of the loggia are subject to insulation. The room wall can not be insulated.

The whole process of insulating walls with your own hands is completely identical to the process of insulating the ceiling, with the only difference being that you can use thicker insulation material, especially if the parapet is made of metal structures or has a thin wall of lightweight concrete.

On the layer of insulation laid on the wall of the parapet, it is also possible to lay a heating film, but this is not at all necessary.

Floor insulation

This is perhaps the most time-consuming stage of work, because, depending on the floor covering you have chosen, from which you will arrange a “clean” floor, there are two options for working: with a crate - if the floor is planned to be covered with such building material as boards, mineral wool or polystyrene is used, or without it - in the event that foam polystyrene "penotex" is used.

Plates "penotex" have different densities. For work on the insulation of the floor of a balcony or loggia with your own hands, grade 45 will be the most suitable.

It freely withstands the weight of an adult without bending, and it is directly possible to arrange a concrete screed or lay any type of coating (laminate, linoleum, ceramic tiles) directly on it.

After laying and gluing the foam polystyrene plates "Penotex" to the slab, it is better to fix it in the corners of the slab with "fungi" dowels, just like on the ceiling. A layer of foam foam is laid on top with foil up and then the cable of the “warm floor” system with wiring and automation elements. The cable must cover at least 70% of the floor area of ​​the balcony and be 50 mm from the walls. After laying the cable, the floor is poured either with cement mortar or with special leveling mixtures "self-leveling floor". You can also use a top coat based on epoxy resins, which can be the most diverse in color and, after polymerization, be used as a “clean floor” without any additional processing. Before pouring the screed along the perimeter of the balcony, it is necessary to lay a damper tape 20 mm thick to prevent thermal deformation of the screed.

No one can guarantee that with a sharp drop in temperature, the coolant (water) will not freeze in them and they will not burst. But you can become the culprit of a serious accident and you can leave the whole entrance without heat.


Warming the balcony from the inside, although laborious, but the effect that is achieved by warming can fully justify all your efforts. Such a balcony becomes not only a place of rest in the warm season, but also an excellent room for growing indoor and garden flowers, seedlings of garden plants.

To create a comfortable functional room in the loggia, it is necessary to carry out work on its high-quality insulation. On the market today are the most different materials, therefore, it is possible to insulate the loggia with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and other types of heaters. The choice of insulation depends on many factors. It is very good if there is an opportunity to consult on this matter with experts.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool insulation is the traditional and most common option.

This material can provide enough high level thermal insulation and sound insulation.

At the same time, it is recommended to use mineral wool for insulation only if there is no load on the insulation. In addition, the insulation material must be protected as best as possible from moisture and condensation on it.

Mineral wool insulation works are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, waterproofing of all surfaces insulated from the inside is performed. This stage is preliminary. To create a high-quality waterproofing layer before insulating with mineral wool from the inside, it is best to use special insulating impregnations. Bituminous and polyurethane mastic, special paints and varnishes. In addition, rolled polyethylene materials are often used as an insulator (sold in any hardware store). What kind of insulator will be used does not really matter.
  2. Then you need to perform the crate device. The step of installing wooden bars should be about 1 cm less than the width of the mineral wool sheets. In addition, it is necessary to select the bars in such a way that their thickness is slightly larger than the thickness of the heat-insulating material slab. The elements of the crate can be fastened to the draft surfaces with dowels and self-tapping screws.
  3. To install mineral wool slabs, you need to select and dilute a suitable adhesive composition (which one does not matter). It is applied to the surface of the slab from the inside, after which it is placed in the cell formed by the crate. The slabs must be adjusted in such a way that they are slightly larger in size than the dimensions of the cell. This will avoid unnecessary voids.
  4. As soon as the adhesive composition dries, it is recommended to additionally fix the heat-insulating material with your own hands using fungal dowels.
  5. Surface cladding can be done with any suitable materials. Any type of finish that will not create a large load is suitable for this - plastic panels, plywood sheets, lining ...
  6. At the end is carried out fine finish surfaces and decorative works. Work in this case can be done with any finish.

Good results and reviews are given by ISOVER material.


Warming your loggia inside with polystyrene foam gives enough good results. This material is produced by mixing polystyrene and special foaming components. The mixture is heated, subjected high pressure, after which they foam and add carbon dioxide.

For insulation of the loggia with polystyrene foam, plates with a thickness of 45-50 mm are perfect.

  1. They are fastened with dowels, double-sided tape and glue (which type of fastening to choose depends on the material of the walls). When insulating the loggia with polystyrene foam from the inside, it is best to place the material plates in a checkerboard pattern so that they do not move under their own weight during operation.
  2. To prevent the occurrence of cold bridges, seams, gaps and docking zones must be filled with your own hands construction foam(when insulating with expanded polystyrene and polystyrene, the problem of cold bridges is especially relevant).
  3. As soon as polyurethane foam dry, you need to cut off its excess with your own hands.
  4. To provide additional insulation, which is required when insulating with polystyrene foam and foam plastic, it is imperative to lay a layer of special polyethylene foam 5-8 mm thick. In this case, the foil layer should be located inside the loggia. Such an approach will allow you to form a high-quality vapor barrier layer with your own hands and ensure heat reflection. The seams must be glued with construction tape with your own hands.
  5. A wooden crate can be attached to the heat-insulating layer (for this, it is better to use small-sized bars that have been pre-treated with antiseptic compounds). In addition, instead of lathing, often from the inside, the loggia is finished with plasterboard sheets.
  6. On a wooden crate or drywall sheets, any finishing finishing materials can be applied with your own hands.

You can do without crates and use a mesh for reinforcement, for a fine finish.

Penoplex and penofol

Very often penoplex and penofol for insulation are used in the same insulation system.

One of the best stuff.

These are quality insulating materials, which have a lot of positive working and technical characteristics. Many experts recommend using them specifically for warming loggias from the inside. The use of such a heater for the loggia will allow you to create a comfortable environment indoors and maintain an optimal microclimate on the coldest days.

Penofol for the loggia.

Insulation works using these materials are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, do-it-yourself preparation of all insulated surfaces: floor, ceiling, walls, parapet. The old finishing material is completely removed, all traces and debris are removed. After that, you need to carefully check the integrity of the structures from the inside so that they do not have cracks, holes and other defects through which it can penetrate into the room. cold air. It is important that the loggia is completely sealed from all sides.
  2. Then, the installation of vertical logs is carried out. You need to fasten the material with certain step, the size of which will depend on the thickness of the insulation used.
  3. Further, penofol is fastened directly to the lags. To do this, you can use any suitable adhesive compositions suitable for indoor use. During the installation of the initial layer of penofol, it is required to direct the foil outward.
  4. After that, the installation of penoplex is carried out ( best option for a loggia - a material with a thickness of 20 - 25 mm). Laying slabs from the inside of the loggia can be done independently - there is nothing complicated in this process.
  5. Finally, you need to glue another layer of penofol. In this case, the material must be positioned so that the foil layer is directed inward. As a result, we will get a kind of pie in which the main heat-insulating material (foam) will be protected by foam on both sides.
  6. All joints that arose during the installation work from the inside of the loggia, it is necessary to glue it with construction adhesive tape.

What thermal insulation material to choose for warming the loggia?

You need to understand that do-it-yourself loggia insulation work can be done from the inside and outside. Of course, it is much easier to make insulation inside the loggia. For this, various thermal insulation materials. Their choice will depend on the design features, operating conditions, the nuances of the installation work, so in each case, the choice of insulation should be given special attention.

It will not always be justified to buy the most expensive heater on the market.

For example, if the loggia has high-quality glazing, high-quality construction, and no defects are observed, then the simplest materials can be used. In addition, the choice of insulation for the loggia will depend on whether heating is planned.