Mixer      03/08/2020

How to properly adjust a plastic door. How to adjust and repair a plastic balcony door with your own hands. Door leaf malfunctions

The main and perhaps the only problem that a plastic door may force you to face is adjusting the hinges. As a rule, high-quality modern plastic structures with correct operation don't require any more hassle. But adjustment also causes difficulties for many people.

When installing a new plastic door, installers must immediately adjust it to the location, and for some time its operation does not cause any complaints. But under the influence of its own weight, the structure may sag and stop closing well.

How to adjust the products in this case or if other malfunctions occur? How to prevent some problems from occurring? Finally, how do you know when adjustments are needed? We will try to answer these questions.

First of all, I would like to advise purchasing products only from well-established companies and not skimping on quality. During installation, it is advisable to monitor the installation process to ensure that the initial adjustment has been made plastic door.

What to pay attention to when accepting work

Good performance of products and their durability depend both on the quality of the materials and fittings from which it is made, and on correct installation and adjustments.

When accepting work from installers, pay attention to the following points:

Before the installers arrive, watch the video - adjusting plastic doors - to have an idea of ​​what they are required to do.

How to understand when it's time to adjust the door

Tight closing and strong drafts (see) are already obvious problems, which are impossible not to notice and are more difficult to eliminate than if problems are detected more early stage. Exist simple ways, allowing timely attention to the need for adjustment.

To determine if the pressure on the box is loose, take a piece of paper and press it between the box and the frame, closing the door tightly. Then pull the paper towards you and pull it out, noting the force with which you did it. Do this around the entire perimeter.

If the sheet is pulled out with the same force in any area, everything is in order. If somewhere this happens too easily, it means that the seal in that place is insufficient.

If the door begins to sag, you can find out about this by tracing the closed door around the perimeter with a simple pencil. The drawn lines should run parallel to the corresponding edges of the box. If they deviate from parallel, it's time to decide how to adjust.

Adjustment instructions

Once you have discovered that the door needs adjustment, try not to put it off for too long, otherwise it may require expensive repairs (see). A dented seal, a displaced sash, a tight turning of the handle - these are already clear signals that it is time to take action.

Below are instructions on how to adjust plastic doors.

Horizontal adjustment

Most often, it is necessary to eliminate sagging that occurs due to the door’s own weight:

Vertical adjustment

Sometimes you need to raise or lower the entire door evenly. To understand how to adjust a plastic door vertically with your own hands, you need to find an adjusting screw at the bottom end of the hinge, directed along the axis of the hinge.

For reference. On plastic entrance doors, the adjusting screw may be closed with a plug that needs to be removed. When setting up a balcony door with your own hands, you need to do the same.

A 5mm hex wrench is needed for adjustment. Rotating it clockwise will raise the door, counterclockwise will lower it.

Pressure adjustment

It should be changed regularly as the season changes - weaken for the summer and strengthen for the winter. This is done very simply, using the same tool - a hexagon.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such a matter as adjusting plastic doors - the video on our website will help you understand this in more detail.

If you have more serious problems than those described here, call a specialist to your home - he will fix everything quickly and efficiently. You must call a specialist during the entire period of warranty service.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Long-term use of a plastic balcony door leads to imbalance of its mechanisms. As a result, the door closes poorly or stops closing altogether. You can correct the situation by contacting the company that installed it. However, it is not always possible for a specialist to come to you after an application; as a rule, you have to wait several days. If time is pressing, you can do the work yourself. After all, adjusting a plastic balcony door does not cause much difficulty.

The balcony door can be adjusted in several directions:

  • vertically;
  • horizontally;
  • sash pressure adjustment.

Vertical adjustment

To eliminate the sagging that prevents the door from tilting and causes the threshold to touch when opening or closing, you need to adjust the sash in height, that is, move it up. Work is carried out with the lower loop.

  1. First, release the loop itself from the cap.
  2. Insert a screwdriver into the hole in the upper end of the hinge and turn the adjusting screw clockwise to raise the door. If it needs to be lowered, then the rotation is made counterclockwise. Usually 2-3 turns are enough. In the video you can see how to do it correctly.

If such adjustment of plastic balcony doors is carried out independently, then after each stage it is necessary to carry out a check to make sure that everything was done correctly. The shutter should move freely, there should be no problems when opening, and when closing it should close without interference, but tightly.

We must remember that not all windows and PVC doors The adjustment holes are made for a hexagon. Sometimes you need to use a key - an asterisk, you can see what it looks like in the photo. It is advisable to purchase such a key in advance, and if you need to adjust the plastic balcony doors yourself, it can be done using this device.

Horizontal adjustment

When temperature fluctuates, deformations may occur that prevent the balcony door from closing. The sash simply rests against the mechanism and does not go further. By using mechanical pressure on the door, it will be able to close. But the use of force when opening or closing doors is undesirable, as this provokes further deformation.

To eliminate this problem, the plastic balcony door, namely its hinges, is adjusted. To adjust, you will need an H4 hexagon.

  1. The end of the screwdriver is inserted into the side adjustment screw, which is accessible from the lower side surface of the lower hinge.
  2. They begin to tighten the screw to tighten the sash to the hinge.

So the sash can be shifted to the right - to the left by a distance of up to 1 cm. If this is not enough, then you need to repeat all the steps with the top hinge. If the adjustment of the PVC balcony door is carried out correctly, the sash will close freely, without interference.

Adjusting the pressure of the balcony door

So that the sash does not let through cold air from the street, the pressure of the balcony door is adjusted. To do this, use the locking elements located on the sash. Usually they are made in quantities of 4 pieces. Almost always, the adjusting clamping screws are designed as eccentrics, that is, the hole for the hexagon has some offset from the center and its rotation allows for displacement in both directions, obtaining the optimal level of clamping. By turning such an eccentric, you can either strengthen the pressure or weaken it.

Sometimes the clamping screws have a different design. If the screws go through a special hole, then in the central position the pressure will be minimal. Moving around the axis will lead to a change in the level of pressure. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the method of adjusting the pressure, before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the hardware features of the door that is installed on your window manufacturer’s website.

To check whether the adjustment has been carried out correctly, you need to close the door by inserting a sheet under the top of the sash thick paper or a banknote. The correct level of pressure is indicated by the tightness of the bill being clamped by the flap; it should be held in the place where it was clamped and pulled out only after applying some effort. Using this simple technique, you should check the entire perimeter. If the paper holds well everywhere, it means everything was done correctly, and winter winds and drafts are not a problem.

Adjustment of plastic doors should be carried out approximately once a year. Timely correction of the position of the sash in the opening will help avoid its irreversible deformation and extend the service life of the entire structure.

Video of adjusting a plastic balcony door

Today, the choice of apartment and house owners often falls on a plastic door. It is used as an entrance, interior or balcony. In any of these options, the plastic design looks interesting, attracts attention and guarantees good performance. However, in winter time plastic doors require special care- you need to convert them to winter mode.

Attention! You can change the door operation for winter yourself. The owners are wondering how to adjust the sash so that it retains heat in the room and eliminates drafts. Adjustment is easy, but it is recommended to first know what winter and summer mode are.

Arrangement of fittings on a PVC door leaf

Characteristics of plastic structures and methods for opening them

Home renovation involves not only replacing floors, ceilings, or dismantling partitions, but also installing new windows and doors. This is a responsible and difficult step, but it is necessary. Residents of our country purchase plastic windows, which manufacturers give different sizes and characteristics. But the main function of plastic windows and doors to the balcony is to give the room as much beauty, warmth and light as possible.

During the renovation process, due attention must be paid to the installation of plastic windows. Let us note that their price is acceptable for every person, and their performance capabilities are high. For plastic windows and doors different ways opening. There are designs in which the sash is rotating; such models are the most common. There are also windows with a folding sash; they are convenient to use when ventilating rooms. Models of windows and doors with a tilt-and-turn opening method are also available, and such windows are easy to clean.

The only one important nuance During the renovation period, proper installation and adjustment of all elements of plastic windows becomes necessary. Only professionals who install these structures can perform such work. Therefore, do not skimp on paying employees, since windows are installed once and for a long time, and everything should be on time. top level.

Adjustment and correct setting of fittings

Useful information about PVC doors

It is recommended to purchase plastic doors exclusively from trusted companies. Only brands that have proven themselves in the market guarantee long term subsequent operation of the device. It is preferable to entrust the installation work to professionals. However, if you have the skills and relevant knowledge, you can do the installation yourself. The initial adjustment of the structure is also important.

Even at the door acceptance stage, take a closer look at certain indicators. Pay attention to the material, fittings, including locks and handles. Each element requires professional adjustment. In particular, attention is paid to the following:

  1. Normal closing and opening of doors. There shouldn't be any difficulties. To check the vertical and horizontal installation, use a building level.
  2. Pressing the fabric tightly against door frame. It should be dense and uniform around the entire perimeter.
  3. Arbitrary opening or closing of the door must be completely prevented.

Process PVC adjustment canvas in case of failures in its initial setup

If everything is in order, it means the door is of high quality and you can enjoy its use. Of course, do not forget that the door needs adjustment from time to time. Twice a year it is switched to winter or summer mode.

Read also: - debugging rules and expert advice

When is door adjustment needed?

Often people notice a problem when it is already running: drafts arise, the door does not close or open well. These are already problems that were the result of previously unnoticed situations. In fact, you can see all the shortcomings of operation at the initial stage. It's much easier to fix the problem here.

There are many in various ways see the shortcomings of the door. One of the simplest helps to determine the weakening of the pressure of the canvas to the box. For this you will need a sheet of paper. It is clamped between the frame and the door frame. After this, they carefully pull the sheet and, if this is done with difficulty, then everything is in order with the door pressing. This check should be performed along the entire perimeter of the structure. If malfunctions are noted, they will have to be corrected. Using available tools, the pressure is maximized.

The problem may also be subsidence of the canvas. The door in the closed position is circled around the perimeter. The pencil lines should correspond to the edges of the door frame in the open position of the leaf. If deviations are detected, you will have to adjust the position of the sash.

Useful recommendations for setting up a metal-plastic canvas

Horizontal adjustment: operating algorithm

Horizontal adjustment is required when the door sags due to its own gravity. A typical manifestation may be the handle sticking when the mechanism's crossbars do not fit into the grooves intended for them. As a result, the structure is difficult to open and drafts occur. The following algorithm will help to cope with the problem, switching the door to winter mode:

  1. Open the door.
  2. Remove the screws from the top hinges.
  3. Close the sash.
  4. Remove the covers and unscrew the long horizontal screw.
  5. Inspect the screw for damage. If they are missing, screw it back in, tightening it more at the top loop.
  6. Remove the trim from the bottom hinges.
  7. Adjust the operation of the lower hinges by tightening or loosening them to ensure even movement of the sash.

Basic options for adjusting metal-plastic sheets

Vertical door adjustment and pressure adjustment

May require tuning and adjustment door design and vertically. Here questions arise about how to adjust the sash in order to switch the product to winter mode. To do this, find a screw, which is called an adjusting screw. It is usually located at the bottom end of each loop. To adjust it, use a traditional hexagon of suitable size. Depending on the direction in which the screw rotates, the sash will lower or rise. Clockwise movement promotes lifting, counterclockwise movement promotes lowering.

Read also: - stages of work, materials and tools

Additionally, the clamping force is adjusted using a locking pin, which is available on any blade. There is an indicator notch on it, which can be loosened or tightened depending on the need.

Attention! The adjustment screw is often hidden behind a plug. This is important to consider when trying to adjust the design.

Appearance front door PVC

Now you know how to independently configure your doors for winter operation. The configured version of the design is easy to subsequently adjust, the handle works properly, and the product itself easily opens and closes without letting in the cold. If you do not fully understand how to switch plastic doors to winter mode, check out the video presented. It will accurately and clearly illustrate how to translate plastic products in “winter” or “summer” mode. After watching the video, switching the door to winter mode will be easy for you.

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I wish you good health.

Many of us sometimes hear the phrase “be careful, the doors are opening” several times a day on public transport, but few people pay attention to the specific word – “caution”. Meanwhile, the main emphasis in the phrase is on this word.

Every person passing through doorway into some unfamiliar room, we have the right to assume that the door will unexpectedly show its character and really play the role of the element it should be - an element of the building envelope.

Sometimes, of course, the door does not allow you to enter the room, because it is simply closed. But there are times when the door leaf comes into conflict with the door frame, or, simply put, the door “sticks.” To correct this defect, in some cases it is even necessary to replace damaged doors, and in some cases it is enough to simply adjust them.

Today we’ll talk about how to adjust a plastic door.

Why adjust a PVC door

Some time ago, answering your questions, I talked about how to adjust the opening sashes in plastic windows. Apparently, you have completely figured out the windows, and now new questions have already begun to arrive about how misaligned plastic doors can be brought into working order.

Discussing the topic of adjusting doors made of PVC profiles will take a little longer than adjusting windows, because door hanging systems have a greater variety than window sash fastenings. In addition, the door structure is additionally equipped with complex locking fittings and a lock with a latch embedded in the profile.

It’s easier than ever to adjust the hinged and locking system of plastic doors if the warranty period specified by the manufacturer or installer of the door structure is still valid. Calling a repairman, complaining to him about a malfunction and waiting until he brings everything into perfect condition is not a difficult task at all.

We will look at another frequently encountered plot, in which the main roles are played by two characters - you and a misaligned PVC door.

Types of plastic doors

Attentive consumers, of course, noticed that All doors are divided into two types: entrance and interior.

But this is not the only difference between door designs.

Additionally, entrance door blocks are also divided according to the type of opening - automatic and mechanical.

Automatic entrance doors can be:

  • sliding single-leaf or double-leaf, with opening to the left, right, behind the wall or behind a fixed sash;
  • carousel, with three or four leaves with different types drive;
  • hinged with one or two doors.

Interior doors, in turn, are divided into solid and transparent (French windows). A special place among interior doors occupy doors installed on the way out of the room to the balcony or loggia.

This type of door structure differs from the others in that it is not installed on its own, but together with part of the window block, and one of its sides is fixed not in the doorway, but in the window frame.

Another significant difference between plastic balcony doors and other door structures is that their curtains are similar to those used to fasten window sashes.

Previously, all balcony doors (first wooden, and then plastic) were made according to the same pattern: the lower half was blank, the upper half was filled with glass.

Recently, when people increasingly began to use balconies and loggias not as storage rooms, but as a cozy, good repair a place to relax, then balcony doors began to be made like French windows, that is, fully glazed.

A door in which the entire panel is glazed with a high-quality double-glazed unit weighs no less than its metal prototype, and is framed by a PVC profile. This means that such a design must have special reinforced fittings.

Immediately after installing the balcony door, it must meet the following requirements:

  • the canvas around the entire perimeter should be pressed tightly against the door frame;
  • in the half-open position, the door leaf must be in a static state, that is, it should not close or open arbitrarily;
  • the canvas should not sag or cling with the profile or fittings to the strikers installed on the box;
  • the locking handle should move around its axis freely, without visible resistance.

If the installers did a great job and did everything according to established rules, then going out onto the balcony will not soon cause you certain difficulties, the cause of which may be a skewed door leaf.

But if the slightest signs of malfunction appear in the operation of the balcony door, then the “disease” should not be started, since its consequences will only get worse.

You should promptly seek help from a specialist or correct the defect yourself.

Technology for adjusting a plastic door in the video:

Adjusting balcony door hardware

If you carefully read my articles, then you have already come across recommendations for adjusting window sashes. The principle of their adjustment does not differ from the same process in relation to the door to the balcony, since the fastening fittings in both cases are absolutely the same.

There is only one small addition to the design of the balcony door. It is a hook at the end of the door leaf on the side where the load-bearing curtains are attached. The technical purpose of this element is to help the rather long side profile, when the sash is closed, not to bend, but to press its entire plane tightly against the frame.

This hook, like all other points of the locking mechanism, consists of a strike plate fixed to the frame and a movable pin installed at the ends of the sash.

Adjustment of the clamping force on the additional hook is carried out in the same way as at other points: by rotating the trunnion around its axis using a hexagon or a special spanner (the choice of tool depends on design feature the trunnion itself).

In order to adjust the position of the sash, you need to remove the plastic plug from the lower pin curtain, use a hex key inserted into the cylinder fixed to the sash, and turn the adjusting screw. Turning clockwise will raise the door leaf. If you turn the hex counterclockwise, the sash will lower.

You can move the bottom of the sash left or right by turning the hexagonal adjustment located in the lower part of the curtain attached to the door frame.

To change the position of the upper part of the sash from left to right, you need to tighten the fittings that are part of the fastening of the frame to the upper curtain. The adjustment point is located in the horizontal plane of the upper end of the sash, next to the upper curtain.

Pay attention to one detail: the adjusting screw, responsible for the movement of the bottom of the sash to the right and left, has access from both sides. If the slope does not fit close to the curtain in which the adjustment is located, then the hexagon can be inserted into the screw on the side of the slope and try to lift the door when it is in the closed position.

I strongly recommend not to do this, because the door may be pressed too tightly against the frame, and if you turn the screw using excessive force, you can easily break the thread on it, which will lead to complete failure of the lower support curtain.

How to detect defects

Fans of various kinds of test events when checking the carried out construction work There is one trick that is aimed at checking the quality of the door frame rebate to the door leaf in a PVC profile structure. It consists in the fact that when the sash is slightly open, you need to put a piece of paper under it on the frame, and then close the sash tightly, moving the locking handle to the “closed” position.

A similar operation should be carried out by applying the sheet along the entire contour of the clamp.

If the force with which the sheet is pulled out different places turns out to be different, which means that the door is slowly beginning to lose its position as a well-adjusted product. Therefore, you need to prepare for the fact that you will soon have to carry out a number of measures to return it to a properly working state.

Another way to detect pre-emergency operation of a door leaf is to closed door Draw the perimeter of the sash with a simple pencil. If, upon opening the door, you see that the pattern does not geometrically exactly match doorway, then this will also indicate that there are some deviations in the adjustment.

A similar operation should be carried out even when the door has already begun to touch the frame. The drawing will show how much the door has changed its standard position, and in which direction the adjusting screws should be turned to return it to its original position.

What tools are used to adjust plastic doors?

Before you begin adjusting the mechanism that holds and presses the door leaf to the door frame, you need to prepare a simple set of construction tools:

  • screwdrivers (pairs) different sizes) two types - cruciform and flat;
  • set of hexagons.

The kit for these items requires knowledge, which I will now share with you.

I kindly ask you: no reading or viewing necessary information do not start adjusting door leaf.

The trial and error method is not suitable in this case, because, as a rule, it leads to breakage of the fittings. Replacing a damaged element is not a quick and difficult task, because only a complete analogue of the broken part can be suitable for this replacement.

How to adjust a PVC door

PVC profile doors are an indispensable attribute of most public and commercial establishments. In many country houses their owners use plastic glazed doors to fence off hallways and exits from the premises to the terrace or winter garden.

In private houses, there is usually no increased load on plastic entrance doors (unless a small child sometimes rides on them, holding the door handles).

But in those places where crowds of people are constantly moving, and even some of them, leaving the room, dissatisfiedly slam the door, any door structures installed on this busy path have a very hard time.

Exactly because of this reason Plastic entrance doors are structurally different from PVC interior and balcony doors. They are more durable and have better heat and sound insulation.

PVC entrance doors serve not only as the building envelope, designed to provide entry and exit from the premises.

Their additional purpose is to prevent the spread of fire.

To do this, the surface of the plastic is covered with a special non-flammable polyvinyl chloride film., providing an increased fire safety class.

Of course, a film that provides protection in case of fire is very good, but it is even better if during the same fire the door leaf does not jam, it does not sag and allows everyone to quickly and unhinderedly leave the room. And this is only possible if the door curtains and locking mechanism are correctly adjusted and operating normally.

For the process of adjusting the pressure of the Alutex overhead hinges, watch the video:

Adjusting overhead curtains

The required number of door curtains connecting the frame to the leaf is calculated for each design individually and depends mainly on the weight of the door leaf.

If the sash design does not have a double-glazed window, and its leaf is covered only with a light sandwich panel, then two curtains are sufficient to secure such a sash.

But, usually, on a plastic entrance door that has glazing, there can be from three to four curtains, each of which has three types of adjustment.

It is important to know that if you try to change the position of the door leaf by tightening the adjustments of only one curtain, this can cause a point curvature of the profile (that is, it will bend only in the area where the adjustable curtain is attached).

It is precisely this kind of illiterate adjustment that subsequently causes squeaks that appear at the place where the curtains are attached.

Some “experts” advise that if squeaks occur, lubricate the hinges by pouring machine oil into them. Yes, maybe for a while the lubricant will be able to reduce extraneous noise when opening the door, but over time they will still appear again.

I can responsibly declare that a properly adjusted door without any lubrication should not make any sounds when slamming, except, perhaps, a soft slap.

For an algorithm for adjusting the top hinge of a plastic balcony door, watch the video:

How to raise a door leaf

I want to make a reservation right away - there are several constructively different models door curtains. How to regulate each specific model, must be considered separately, using individual approach. I’ll be honest: I used to come across such samples that, even with some experience, it was not immediately possible to guess which of the adjusting screws was installed in which place.

But now recent years five, as there are no new samples - apparently, the designers who are creating more and more new parts for attaching the sash to the frame have run out of imagination, or have they finally found best option door curtain designs.

Below we will look at how to adjust the most common type of door curtain.

If there is a need to change the position of the door leaf by lifting it a few millimeters up, you need to perform the following steps:

  • find the place where the adjusting screws are installed on all curtains. As a rule, this place is located at the lower end of the cylindrical part of the curtain;
  • select a wrench of the required size from a set of hexagons;
  • move the sash from the “closed” position to the “half-open” position;
  • insert the key into the upper curtain and turn it half a turn or a full turn as necessary;
  • exactly the same radius of rotation to which the hexagon was turned when adjusting the first curtain, it is necessary to turn the adjusting screws of the remaining curtains;
  • check the quality of the adjustment by closing the door;
  • If the defect has not disappeared and the door needs to be further raised, then all adjustment steps must be repeated sequentially.

If the door leaf is heavy, you can lighten the load on the first adjusting screw, which, in fact, transfers the weight of the entire lifted sash.

To do this, you can build a kind of lever under the sash and, by lightly pressing on it, help the adjusting screw lift the heavy sash.

You can also gradually lift the sash by making small movements with a hexagon, adjusting each curtain in turn.

How to press a plastic door leaf to a door frame

Unlike a balcony door, where the pressure to the frame occurs due to the rotation of eccentrics installed at the ends of the frame, the entrance plastic door has a different adjustment principle.

The difference between both methods of closing is that in the front door the door leaf is fixed due to a latch located in the body of the lock or separately installed at the end of the door. Whereas in the balcony door, the clamping mechanism is fixed and adjusted by turning the locking handle, which pushes the trunnions located at the ends of the sash into the hook with the counter strips installed on the frame.

Let me remind you that we are considering one of several, the most common design options for a door curtain.

Adjustment of the pressure of the plastic entrance door leaf from the side where the curtains are installed should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • remove decorative plugs from the upper cylindrical part of all curtains. Please note: sometimes the manufacturer provides a hint on the plug itself - in which direction the screw should be turned in order for the sash to move closer or further away from the box;
  • select the required hex key diameter;
  • insert it from above into the lower or upper (there is no fundamental difference) adjusting screw;
  • gradually, little by little (no more than 10 0) by tightening the key, achieve the desired pressure. You can check the strength of the prim using a piece of paper (see above).

Many “homemade” people, not understanding the principle of operation of this adjustment, begin to turn the hexagon like the steering wheel of a ship, hoping to find the ideal point by trial and error. Sometimes this leads to the fact that it will be difficult even for a real specialist to correct the screw-up and return the door to the right direction of operation.

Therefore, before adjusting this unit, you should first become familiar with its structure.

An oval-shaped adjusting screw protruding upward is attached to the lower curtain, onto which, when connecting the curtain to the frame, the part of the curtain fixed to the sash is put on.

In the upper cylindrical part of each curtain there is an oval-shaped hole into which an adjusting screw fits. Their connection is a regular eccentric, which, when turned by 90 0, changes the position of the sash clamp.

Having adjusted the pressure on that side of the door leaf on which the curtains are located, you should begin adjusting the leaf on the side of the door handle.

Plastic entrance doors can be equipped with a regular latch or a latch built into the lock. The latch striker mounted on the frame is usually equipped with a sliding insert.

To increase the pressure on the door leaf, unscrew the two screws securing the sliding insert and move it closer to the seal installed on the frame.

Having firmly fixed the insert in the new place, you should check the quality of the connection between the sash and the frame by conducting a test using a paper sheet (see above).

Various options for adjusting the doors to the balcony in the video:

How to change the tilt of a door leaf

Adjusting the inclination of the door leaf relative to the plane of the door frame in different versions of the curtains is carried out using different methods.

Let me remind you that we are considering the most popular design option for door curtains. In this case, the most difficult part is removing the curtain cover located on the door leaf - it is under it that the adjusting screw is located.

To gain access to the screw, open the flap completely and locate the locking bolt in the inside of the curtain that holds the curtain cover in place. Having selected a hexagon of the required diameter, you should completely unscrew the stopper and remove the cover, sliding it along the slide towards the door handle.

After the cover is removed, you will immediately see the adjusting screw, by tightening which you will visually notice how the canvas changes its position relative to the frame.

I remind you again that Under no circumstances should you turn only one screw several turns at once.. This may cause the threads on the screw to become stripped.

The sash should be tilted by gradually tightening each screw to the required number of turns.

What can you do to make plastic doors less likely to require adjustment?

The long-term operation of the fittings holding a plastic door depends, first of all, on the measurer, who carried out all the necessary dimensions and calculated the geometric parameters of the new door.

If a mistake was made at this stage, and the tolerance between the doorway and finished product exceeded permissible norm 10-20mm, then the installers, of course, will install the door, but its attachment to the wall will not be strong enough.

This defect cannot be corrected by installing an additional number of anchors, since the anchor simply fixes the position of the door frame, and polyurethane foam, which plays the role of the main seal, loses this quality at a rate directly proportional to the increase in the thickness of the layer between the opening and the door frame.

Therefore, if the door is more than a couple of centimeters smaller than the opening, when the door leaf slams, the dynamic load will each time be transferred to the frame, which, due to its unstable position, will loosen the fittings.

The next reason for premature failure of door hardware can be created by designers who calculate the number of curtains for a specific sample.

According to the technology, the number of curtains depends on the weight of the door leaf. If there is an error in the calculations, for example, after installing three fastening points instead of the required four, and when the door is operating under conditions of increased load, for example, at the entrance to a store, you should expect a quick failure of not only the adjustment, but also the fastening of the curtains themselves.

Another reason for frequent door leaf adjustments may be the intensive work of the door structure. In this case, it is possible and even necessary to equip the door leaf with a closer.

These parts protruding above the door, of course, do not add additional aesthetic appeal to the door structure, but the fact that they are very convenient and allow you to prolong the trouble-free operation of the door is beyond doubt.

Quite often, we ourselves are the cause of a loose door system. For example, when in a double-leaf swing door we forget to close one of the latches that secure the non-functional part of the door leaf from below and from above.

Features of plastic entrance doors

To produce a PVC entrance door, a particularly strong profile and special steel reinforcement are used. Therefore from three types plastic doors (balcony, interior and entrance) the last one is the heaviest, and for its normal functioning, reinforced fittings and special, more reliable types of door handles and special closers are used.

In order for the front door to serve as a reliable barrier to noise and cold, its design uses a double sealing circuit, which ensures such door block all functional responsibilities.

All entrance doors have one general feature– absence of the lower part of the protruding frame, such as, for example, a window block.

If this lower section remained at the door frame, it would protrude above the floor surface and would certainly interfere with passing people. Therefore, the lower threshold of the entrance door is made flat, not rising above the floor surface.

In order not to leave this section of the door structure unprotected from the passage of cold air and sound waves, some door leaves are equipped with magnetic thresholds.

This system is designed in such a way that two magnetic bars, recessed into the level with the threshold, are magnetized to a metal strip attached to the lower end of the door leaf when the door is closed. When the door is opened, the magnets fall inside the threshold without interfering with the passage.

It must be taken into account that this part, important for heat and sound insulation, can only work with precisely adjusted adjustment of the door leaf, when it is located exactly above the magnets and at the height necessary for their operation.

One of the main functions of the front door (no matter whether it is made of plastic or other material) is good protection premises from unwanted entry. Reliable performance of this function implies the use of a door lock in the design.

Excellent burglary resistance of a plastic entrance door is achieved by fastening load-bearing elements, locking devices in steel profile reinforcement.

Existing locks for installation in plastic doors are divided into:

  • single-lock, which have one locking point located approximately in the middle of the height of the door structure;
  • multi-point, they are used for two- or three-point contact of the shutter locking mechanism with the door frame. Several points of contact along the entire height of the frame provide increased reliability and high-quality pressing of the sash to the frame.

Even a minor change in the position of the leaf may not allow the multi-locking mechanism to perform its functions, which is why it is so important that all load-bearing fittings installed on the door structure are in working, adjusted condition.

The door closer is a mandatory element of the fittings

Strong impacts of the canvas on the box and sharp jerks behind door handle seriously affect the operation of the door structure and have a significant impact on reducing the frequency of actions to adjust door hardware.

Installing a door closer will help to avoid the premature onset of the consequences of too active operation of a plastic entrance door.

Closing the door leaf smoothly and not allowing the door to be pulled too sharply is the main function of this mechanical device. In addition to combating premature wear of fittings, one of the functions of the closer is to maintain the microclimate in the room.

The smoothness of the force of pressing the sash against the frame is adjusted both immediately when installing the device, and periodically during its operation.

The frequency of maintenance depends on the time of year - when cold weather sets in, the oil in the closer becomes more viscous, and the performance will deteriorate significantly if it is not adjusted in time.

The technical characteristics of each closer model must indicate the lower temperature threshold at which the device is subject to additional adjustment.

If there is no need for non-scheduled repairs, then The frequency of adjusting the plastic door is once a year., whereas installed on this door The closer should be adjusted at least twice a year. The frequency of adjustment also depends on the weight of the door leaf and how often it is used.

Additional functions appear on those closers that are equipped with additional internal valves. Similar devices They can fix the door at a certain point when it is in the open position, and they can also “slam” the door to the frame for better abutment or operation of the latch.

There are universal models of door closers that can be installed both on the side of the door into which the leaf opens and on the opposite part. It is not advisable to install the device on the street side, because there it will be most exposed to temperature changes that negatively affect it.

For information about the capabilities of a door closer for a plastic door, watch the video:

Adjusting the closer

Before setting up the door closer, you should check whether the fittings of the door structure itself need adjustment. To do this, you need to disconnect the device lever from the sash and check for sagging or damage to the curtains.

The standard closer mechanism has two valves that can be adjusted.

The first is responsible for changing the speed of self-closing of the door leaf. To increase or decrease the speed, turn the screw installed on the side end of the device. If you turn it counterclockwise, the closing speed of the sash increases; if you turn it counterclockwise, it decreases.

The adjusting screw should be turned extremely carefully and no more than one or two turns, otherwise the seal of the housing may be compromised, which will lead to leakage of the oil filler.

The second adjusting screw is installed in the valve, which is responsible for the movement of the flap just before the moment of slamming.

This valve should be adjusted when the leaf is perpendicular to the door frame. Turning the screw clockwise increases the amount of time until the door leaf is quickly adjusted to the frame.

In the joint of the lever mechanism there is a special nut, which, when turned clockwise, increases the opening angle of the door leaf.

If it becomes necessary to leave the doorway open, then there is no need to place various objects under the corner of the leaf to fix its position - such actions will inevitably lead to damage to the door hardware.

Some door closers are equipped with a special function that locks the open sash in the desired position. To do this, you just need to tighten the locking element installed on the device itself.

The sash locking function can be configured to operate in automatic mode. Then, when opening to the point set in the closer’s settings, the door will close according to all the rules, and after passing the mark, the door will automatically lock in the desired position.

It is important to keep in mind that when installing a closer on a plastic door, you should screw the fastening screws not only through the PVC coating, but also through the steel profile installed underneath it, reinforcing the entire structure. Only in this case will the closer be securely fastened and withstand all loads during operation.

In order for the device to last as long as possible, you should not help it by applying force when closing the door. If not special device, fixing the open position of the sash, the lever mechanism should be disconnected in cases where it is necessary to long time leave the door open.

The partially limiting function of the closer can be duplicated by installing a conventional bumper on the floor.

But you should know that this operation also occurs subject to certain conditions.

The bumper should be installed in such a way that the place of its contact with the door leaf is closer to the outer edge of the opening leaf. If the bumper is installed close to the door curtains, then the load on them will be higher than permissible, because in this case the principle of a lever will begin to operate, breaking the curtains out of the fastenings.

When to adjust fittings

You should turn to specialists for help or try to adjust the door fittings yourself (in accordance with the recommendations of the same specialists) when:

  • became visually noticeable, or a strong draft appeared in the junction- this indicates that the leaf does not fit tightly to the door frame. You can verify the correctness of your suspicions using a sheet of paper, which should be placed one by one along the entire contour of the junction and taken out with the door closed, determining in different places the difference in the pressure of the connection between the sash and the frame;
  • the sash appeared to sag. The first symptoms of this malfunction: when opening or closing, the door clings to the frame, the door latch does not fit into the lock striker, or the lock itself does not close well;
  • The functioning of the door closer has changed. In this case it is not necessary that this problem occurred due to the door fittings; perhaps the misadjusted closer itself was to blame. But it is imperative to find out the real reason.

Once a year, even with trouble-free operation of the door leaf, test measures should be carried out for preventive purposes in order to prevent the occurrence of serious malfunctions in the operation of the door structure.

Tips for adjusting the balcony door in the video:

Before you adjust the plastic balcony door, you should get acquainted with useful recommendations. They will allow you to achieve a positive result.

Before adjusting the double-glazed balcony door, it is necessary to establish the cause of the malfunction. The following options may be available:

  • The lower end of the sash touches the threshold. This means that the plastic balcony door sagged under its own weight. The structure has an impressive mass, so as a result of constant physical impact, the fittings (especially the hinges) begin to deform.
  • The sash shuffles in the middle of the frame. Most often this is due to lateral displacement. It may be caused by temperature or physical deformation.
  • The balcony door does not close well and cracks appear. This is due to poor fixation of the sash with the seal.
  • The handle is wobbly and does not “sit” well in the grooves. In this case, the problem is solved by adjustment.

To ensure that adjusting the pressure of a plastic balcony door is required as little as possible, you need to follow some practical recommendations from experts.

  • Before the purchase Special attention pay attention to the choice of accessories. Her specifications must fully correspond to the weight of the structure.

Advice: the lion's share of modern mechanisms are designed for a mass of 100-120 kg and this is enough in most cases. However, if you have a particularly heavy structure (for example, a 3-4 chamber double-glazed window, then you should purchase more powerful models).

  1. Use a sag compensator (also called a microlift). This is a small and cheap mechanism that will prevent the sashes from sagging under their own weight. Its use is fully justified.
  2. Adjusting the PVC double-glazed balcony door will be required much less frequently if you use an opening limiter.
  3. When operating, avoid sudden movements or applying too much force. Often, problems with mechanisms arise precisely because they are not used very carefully.

Instructions for proper setup

In order to adjust the balcony door, you will need a set of hexagons. So let's consider various options settings.

Fixing problems with the handle

In most cases, there is only one problem - the handle itself has become loose in the grooves. It's very easy to fix and all you need is a standard Phillips screwdriver. You need to do the following:

  1. Pick up the plastic cover with something sharp, for example, a knife.
  2. Rotate it clockwise 90 degrees.
  3. Tighten the existing bolts until they stop, but not too tightly.
  4. Put the cover in place.

If this procedure does not help and the play remains, most likely the handle is faulty and needs to be replaced. To do this, just unscrew the bolts and pull out the handle and insert a new one in the same way.

Fighting bad pressure

To check whether configuration is required or not, you can follow a simple procedure:

  • We place a sheet of paper on the frame of the open sash.
  • We close it and try to stick out the sheet.
  • We carry out this procedure along the entire perimeter.
  • If it is pulled out with great difficulty, everything is in order. Otherwise, you will need to adjust the balcony door to the pressure, about which we’ll talk further.

So, the sequence of actions looks like this:

  1. We examine general state design (we pay special attention to the seal).
  2. You also need to make sure that the handle closes all the way.
  3. If there are problems with the door movement, they can be eliminated by adjusting the screws in the hinges (in most cases there are 3 of them).
  4. Open the door wide, unscrew the screws and remove it from the hinges.
  5. As a result, we will see a long screw located horizontally. It needs to be tightened and the structure returned to its place.
  6. If the operation does not help, we tighten the eccentrics - these are mechanisms located at the end of the sash. They are responsible for the level of its pressure. They are usually hexagon shaped.

Correctly eliminating sagging

If adjustment of the plastic balcony door is necessary due to its sagging, then the following manipulations will be required:

  • We open the door.

Please note: some hardware models will require an asterisk key.

  • Using a 4 mm hexagon, we turn the screw at the end of the door (usually it is located next to the top hinge). We make several turns clockwise.
  • We return the sash to its place (close it).
  • Remove the plastic covers from the lower hinges. This will allow you to get close to the adjustment screws.
  • Tighten the screw located on top. As a result, we will raise our sash, giving it the correct position.
  • We carefully check the progress. If problems are still observed, we repeat the operation until they are eradicated.

To ensure maximum comfortable operation, we recommend regularly lubricating hinges and other moving elements. Perfect for this universal remedy WD-40.

Solving the problem with grazing in the middle of the frame

This problem is much easier to fix. Our task is to move the sash closer to the hinges. This is done as follows:

  • We move the sash to the lower hinge. To do this, tighten the side adjusting screw. In the end, she should be attracted.
  • Repeat the procedure for the top loop.

In most cases, these manipulations are sufficient. If they do not solve the problem, the fittings will most likely need to be replaced.
