Shower      06/23/2020

How to build a woodcutter - a stationary and portable do-it-yourself construction. Ways to make a woodcutter for a summer cottage with your own hands We make a woodcutter in the country

What distinguishes numerous summer cottages and residential private plots with houses from each other? You will say that there are many and no two are the same.

You are right, but there are still common features. For example, it is important in whose hands the property is. A good owner can always be identified by neat, solid buildings, cleanliness and order. With this, the barn will look beautiful, and compost heap won't spoil appearance site.

And a lot more about a person can be said by a woodcutter for a summer residence or estate. Today we will devote to this building Special attention, because it can be found in almost every owner of a private house.

Beautiful woodcutter on the site - various options

To date, wood heating has not lost its relevance. Even if it is profitable and convenient to use gas in the country, then making sure and providing for the possibility of heating with wood is the responsibility of every good owner. Yes, and prepared logs will come in handy for a barbecue.

What criteria should a good lumberjack meet? Firstly, it must fully fulfill its main function - the preservation of firewood from various adverse environmental factors. Those. logs should always remain dry, without signs of decay. Secondly, this building should not spoil the surrounding landscape.

And now let's talk about what it consists of and what the considered hozblok happens to be. Its type and size will depend on the amount of firewood that you need to use per season.

The simplest design is a canopy, which has three walls and a floor raised above the ground. It can also be freestanding or attached to a house or barn.

Also, a woodcutter may look like closed gazebo where there is a door. In addition, you can provide it as part of a shed, having planned everything in advance in one complex.

Materials for construction can be different, the main thing is that the structure is protected from rain and well ventilated. Most a budget option- from a tree. However, for the roof it is better to use another material that is stronger and more durable, for example, slate, polycarbonate, metal and other roofing options.

A woodcutter made of timber looks very nice, especially if the house and other buildings on the site are made of the same material.

The walls can also be made of polycarbonate, the main thing is to leave gaps and gaps for ventilation.

The forged woodcutter looks very elegant and rich. You may have seen these for sale. They don't differ large sizes. On the contrary, its dimensions are quite small. Such a woodcutter looks especially beautiful near an outdoor fireplace or next to a barbecue. Yes, and at home near the fireplace it is not a shame to put it.

Since we are talking about ready-made options, then it’s worth saying a few words about the cost, because not every owner will have time for independent execution all construction and installation works. For example, a good large firewood from a bar, looking more like a gazebo, 2 × 5 m in size and about 2 m high, will cost you 60,000 rubles. This is an approximate price, there are more expensive options, but you can find cheaper ones.

In addition, the cost is usually indicated only for the design. For its installation, painting and other work will take another 10,000 rubles.

A forged woodcutter will cost about 5,000-10,000 rubles. However, this is not the final price, it all depends on the complexity of the forging, the craftsman, the design, etc. Even if you decide to build a woodshed for storage a large number firewood in order to heat the house during the cold season, we recommend buying a forged woodshed for outdoor barbecue lovers, as well as those who have a fireplace.

Here are some more examples unusual solution woodcutter, which will surely attract your attention.

How to make a woodcutter with your own hands?

If you still decide that the purchase is not worth the money that the seller is asking for, and the availability of free time allows you to do all the work yourself, then feel free to start bringing the woodcutter to life, and we will try to help you in this matter.

Let's consider the option when our design is adjacent to the wall of the house. First, we determine the place for installation. We advise you to choose not the south wall, which seems logical at first, but the north. Why? To preserve wood, ventilation is much more important than drying in direct sunlight, which will make the wood loose and burn very quickly.

Yes and how additional insulation walls will do. The disadvantage of this option is that the water along the walls and from the roof of the house will fall on the roof of the woodcutter, so this point should be taken into account.

We will build from wood. We dig in the pillars (they can be not only wooden, but also metal), concrete them or fill them with gravel, and compact them tightly. Then we make the floor, which should be at least 10 cm above ground level. To do this, we lay bricks at a certain distance, on them - roofing material and logs.

After that we nail wooden planks. We sheathe the resulting frame with boards, and you do not need to fit them tightly to each other, leave small gaps, which will contribute to ventilation. It can be interesting to beat this moment, for example, nail pieces of boards in a checkerboard pattern.

We make a shed roof, in addition, it should protrude with edges 20-30 cm from the wall. Roof material - roofing material and slate.

The second version of the woodcutter is a separate self-construction . For her, choose a dry, elevated place. In this case, the construction of a woodcutter should also begin with the construction of a frame. The size of the building can be different, it all depends on how much firewood you will store and what else besides them. We offer the following option, the plan of which is presented below.

You can make your own version based on our drawing. Using the plan above, you will have a large firewood shed where you can store other things (for example, a bicycle, various tools etc.). The stages of construction are the same as in the construction of a woodshed attached to the house.

When working with wood, remember that it must be treated with protective compounds (from rotting, fungus, pests, moisture, etc.).

give decorative look building can be done not only by painting, but also by using climbing plants, various decorative elements in the form of wooden figurines, lanterns, etc.

When harvesting firewood, you should immediately be puzzled by the issue of their storage. Placement of the forest on the street is not the most the best option, since in this case it is not worth counting on the full drying of wood. In order for the firewood to dry out properly and give off maximum heat during combustion, it is necessary to place them in a dry place, protected from precipitation and other external influences, in which air masses can circulate freely, ventilating the room.

For quality drying and the safety of firewood, it is desirable to build a firewood shed, in which to put the logs in a pile. In this article, we will try to tell you in detail how to make a firewood rack for storing firewood with your own hands, which option you can choose to place on the street, and which one is suitable for home.

Simple and robust design firewood houses

Choosing the right option

Over the long years of logging, people have come up with so many options for various firewood that it’s simply impossible to tell about all of them. We have selected several worthy options that anyone can build with the right materials and skills.

Among the most popular options for firewood were the following solutions:

  • A strong and reliable structure made of timber, sheathed with clapboard or slab. Easy to build, but requires some effort during work and the availability of suitable materials.
  • Frame from steel pipes, sheathed with sheets of metal or corrugated board. When creating a firewood from metal, special equipment for welding and certain skills in working with such equipment are required.
  • Construction from pallets of the European variety. Pallets can play the role of a kind of designer, from which the finished structure should be assembled, they can be an excellent base for floors, walls, roofs. It remains only to sheathe the structure with suitable material and the firewood is ready.
  • The construction of a variety of materials, assembled together and fulfilling their role.

If there are no resources to build a small structure, you can go for the trick by stacking firewood in a neat pile in convenient location plot and covering them from above with polyethylene, siding, roofing material, any material that protects against precipitation. It is not necessary to completely wrap the structure in a film; it is necessary to leave an influx of fresh air to the firewood.

Firewood is stacked, it remains only to cover the structure from above

Conveniently, when there are trees on the site, you can stack the logs between two suitable trunks, which will help the stack not fall apart. You can make a small woodcutter near the wall of the house, bathhouse, outbuilding.

Construction technology

Choosing for yourself suitable option for a firewood shed, having determined the place of construction and having prepared suitable material, construction work can begin. move construction works always approximately the same, it does not depend on the choice of location for the structure and its type, on the materials used. The following recommendations will help you during construction work:

  • When building any object, it is desirable to have a sketch or plan on hand. future construction. The sketch will help to correctly mark the place on the ground and prepare the base of the structure, support. You can focus on it in the future, when preparing materials for work.
  • Even a small canopy requires the construction of some kind of foundation, which will allow the structure to stand stably under the influence of external factors. In addition, the canopy flooring must withstand a decent weight of firewood placed in it.
  • The easiest way to make a pillar foundation is to dig in the material for the base. Wooden beams can act as pillars, which must first be treated with resin or bitumen to prevent rotting. Wooden poles should be deepened by about 1 meter. iron pipes they dig in 70-80 centimeters and this is quite enough. However, it is desirable to concrete the steel base by digging a hole wider and lining the pipes with stones.
  • As a more serious foundation can act concrete blocks, which are made even without formwork. It is enough to dig a suitable hole, extract the earth from it, lay plastic wrap and pour concrete. In this case, polyethylene will act as a foundation waterproofing.

Construction of a woodshed frame on a plot near the house

If you chose the option with a wooden beam, then work can be carried out non-stop, in the case of concrete, you will have to wait for it to completely solidify and good weather.

Then logs are laid on the prepared base, which will serve as a flooring, walls are erected and a roof is installed. When the frame is ready, it is sheathed suitable materials, lay the roof, floor, if necessary, install doors.

A wooden structure can be coated with varnish, paint or other protective composition. Iron variant can also be dyed to your desired color.

equipping Vacation home and heating system with solid fuel, sooner or later everyone thinks about firewood for fireplaces and stoves. You can't leave firewood outside. Precipitation and capricious weather can destroy stocks prepared for the winter.

Therefore, to keep them dry and unharmed, you need to consider a reliable storage system. Of course, you can transfer the entire supply of firewood to a barn or any household building, but a suburban area will take on a completely different aesthetic appearance if a firewood shed is specially equipped for firewood. This will solve the issue of storage, decorate the house and add comfort during operation of the stove or fireplace.

What should be the firewood for the fireplace and stove and how to make it yourself?

A firewood storage stand can be created from any material, but wood and metal are most often used. As improvised means for creating firewood can go concrete rings for wells, fittings, barrels - everything that is on suburban area. Look at the photo below, a minimum of metal and a large amount of firewood!

Firewood for giving

It all depends on where it is supposed to place the firewood - on the street or inside the house. We offer you several options for the construction of firewood, and you will already choose the most suitable design for yourself.

Firewood can be classified into four categories:

  • for premises;
  • for the street;
  • portable (mobile);
  • stationary.

Many, in the old fashioned way, prefer to use a regular shed for storing firewood. But experience shows that in such a room, where there is no constant air circulation, the firewood becomes damp, the tree rots. Yes, and a high probability of breeding rats and insects in such a barn.

A simple firewood rack looks much more stylish.

But no matter what material you choose for its manufacture, you must understand that no matter how stylish and decorative the firewood shed is, it must solve the following tasks:

  1. Provide air circulation between the firewood.
  2. Reliably protect logs from precipitation.
  3. Provide convenient operation.

Outdoor firewood in appearance is very similar to a simple barn.

Only the walls should not be closed tightly for good ventilation, and the floor should be raised above the ground so that the fuel does not dampen.

For the home, more elegant forms of firewood are used.

Mini firewood for the room

You can build a beautiful forged openwork firewood small size. It rather provides an aesthetic function here and for convenience only a few logs are placed in it. At the same time, such a firewood rack can be made stationary and mobile. For the manufacture of forged firewood, cold and hot method forging.

The room firewood rack should fit well into overall design interior. Safety and ease of use will ensure its stability. Forged products they add that very country gloss and zest, for which everyone strives to escape to the country.

At the same time, it can have the most intricate shape and have a very stylish minimalist look.

The design of the outdoor firewood storage will be completely different. When making a supply of firewood for the winter, you must take care of their safety until spring.

Here, for the construction of such a structure, you must be guided by the following rules:

Video. Some stylish ideas for outdoor firewood sheds.

For the construction of firewood, any improvised material is suitable. It all depends on your skills and imagination.

You can weld a small structure from the corners and attach it to the wall of the house. Thus, it will not be necessary to close the back wall. From above, it will be necessary to cover such a woodshed with a roof to protect it from precipitation.

A simple method is the framework of wooden beams frame,. Covering it with a roof, as in the photo, you will reliably protect the firewood from rain and snow.

But there is one significant drawback - the lack of rear wall, because of which, in bad weather, all firewood can be flooded with water.

It is better to protect the structure with a metal shield from the profile. If you do not know how to cover such a firewood, then great solution become polycarbonate. Light freely penetrates inside, which means that the firewood will always be well dried.

A great idea for outdoor firewood storage would be ordinary concrete rings. The approach is very non-standard, but this option looks very stylish and original on a suburban area. In order to build such a woodshed in the country, you need to purchase ready-made concrete rings. You can’t do without assistants in construction, as they have an impressive weight.

In order to install such a structure, you need to decide on the installation site and prepare the base by filling it with gravel and compacting it tightly. Thanks to this solid foundation, the rings will not be able to budge. A multi-level design will look even more impressive.

An alternative and very budget version of the previous firewood will be a construction from simple barrels. You can take just one barrel, put it on its side and securely fix it with wooden slats. And you can build a whole multi-level structure.

How to make a firewood for a fireplace with your own hands?

Today on sale you can find a huge range of stylish firewood from a variety of materials that will wonderfully fit into any interior and provide convenient operation.

But it's always nice to do something with your own hands.

Of course, without certain skills and the appropriate tool, it will not work to make it with your own hands. If you want to make a firewood shed yourself, then we offer an easy way to create a firewood shed from plywood.

1. Firewood for the room

To make you will need the following materials and tools:

  • plywood sheet;
  • construction marker
  • electric drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • 2 wooden slats. When all materials and tools are prepared, you can start construction work:
  1. Take a sheet of plywood and draw a small ellipse 90 * 40 cm on it with a marker.

  2. We cut with an electric jigsaw according to the intended landmark desired shape basics.
  3. Step back with two edges of 5 cm and drill two holes with a drill (approximate diameter 3 cm).
  4. Now to give the base a spherical shape, we need to make the plywood elastic. To do this, pour into a large container (for example, in a basin or bath) hot water and put the carved base into the water. Leave for 1 hour.

  5. Now you can give the plywood a bent shape. Do this very carefully and slowly so as not to damage the material. If you feel that the tree does not give in, you can lower it again into warm water for 20-30 minutes.

  6. We insert a wooden handle into the previously made holes.
  7. Outside, fix the handle with a dowel.
  8. So that the firewood rack does not swing on the floor like a cradle, we give it stability with the help of two rails. To do this, we attach them to the base with self-tapping screws.

This design is simple and at the same time convenient to use. You can easily move it to the place you need.

2. Portable mini firewood for the stove

Stocking up on firewood for the whole winter is, of course, good.

But after all, no matter what stock you place in the woodshed at home, sooner or later you will still have to go outside for the next portion. To make it convenient to carry firewood, we propose to build a simple mini firewood rack. It is not difficult to make it even for a beginner, but this option looks very stylish.

From materials and tools you will need:

  • 2 metal rods with a diameter of 5 mm.
  • 4 metal rods measuring 15 cm.
  • Welding.

Work order:

  • Now we need to stiffen the whole structure so that it can withstand the weight of firewood when carried. To do this, we toughen our firewood with additional metal rods - 4 pieces. The size of such rods depends on how far you spread the two circles. We weld them parallel to each other, as shown in the figure.

After that, you can paint the woodshed to protect it from corrosion and give it more beautiful view.

The video shows in detail how such a miniature firewood can be built from ordinary metal rods.

Video. Forged mini firewood with own hands

3. Option firewood from an old barrel

Another firewood option that can be used indoors and outdoors. An empty barrel is suitable for this.

Firewood from a metal barrel

4. We build a firewood shed for the street from wood

The budget option for building a woodcutter in the country will be both wooden and metal structure. But the metal firewood has a number of disadvantages. The metal will not provide the necessary circulation of firewood, which means there is a threat high humidity and rotting wood.

Therefore, we propose to consider a simple and very economical option wooden frame buildings.

Of the tools and materials for construction, you will need:

  • electric drill;
  • wooden bars from lining;
  • screws;
  • wooden shield (pallet);
  • film (roofing material);
  • coating for wood processing (moisture protective impregnation);
  • hacksaw;
  • brushes;
  • construction stapler;
  • construction marker and level.

Consider the slope of the roof, which will ensure the drainage of rainfall. Height wooden poles should be initially different and take this fact into account. The minimum height difference should be 13-15 cm.

Video: How to make a firewood for the street with your own hands

A reliable storage for firewood is ready and now you can not be afraid of a cold winter!

As practice shows, some firewood is stored under a canopy or in. But in such places there should be natural ventilation. The real owners build a firewood storage as a separate building.

How to build a woodcutter with your own hands is of interest to many. Simple Tips specialists will help to cope with the construction of the structure, even for those who have never built. Moreover, it is possible to build a structure not only from new materials, but also from used ones. For example, old chopped windows can become an amazing woodcutter, you just have to put a little work and imagination into them.

Choosing a place for a woodcutter

The first thing to do is to correctly determine the place of construction. When choosing a place to build a woodcutter, you should be guided by rationality. The building for storing fossil fuels should not be in sight, because it is not a building that is the focal point of the courtyard. But at the same time, it is recommended to have it close to home. Remember that firewood will have to be carried, and this is not such an easy physical labor. At the same time, it’s great when there is an entrance to the woodcutter. With this approach, the delivery of fuel to the storage site will not be difficult.

If you do not heat the house with the help, the fuel storage place must be located near the bathhouse. This kind of construction should be convenient, and firewood will always be at hand.

To select the “right” place to build a woodshed, draw a site plan. This will allow you to better plan the construction and determine the most appropriate place. It is worth giving preference to the hills. Experts do not recommend building a firewood shed in the lowlands, as moisture accumulates there, and this firewood is useless.

A firewood shed can be erected as a separate structure, but very often it is made as an extension to a house, bathhouse or barn. It depends on your personal priorities, the size of the plot, your imagination. Simple designs allow you to build an amazingly beautiful structure.

Choosing the type of woodcutter

After the place for the construction is determined, you can proceed to the choice of the type of structure. At this stage of planning, it is necessary to determine the size of the structure, depending on how much firewood will have to be stored throughout the year. The first thing to do at this stage of construction is to decide on the budget and whether you will build an outbuilding from new or improvised materials. There are a huge number of types of woodsheds, because here everything depends on the imagination and capabilities of the owner of the site and his family members:

  • . This is the simplest design of a fossil fuel storage facility. It has three walls, a canopy roof and a floor. An excellent option when building a canopy is a raised floor that will not pull moisture from the ground. The canopy can be built as a separate building or as an extension to or a house.
  • As. This very elegant design with a door allows you to properly store firewood and has a beautiful look. Such a woodcutter will perfectly complement the courtyard ensemble. It can be built as a separate building or as an economic block.
  • Open type. These structures have a presentable appearance and externally fit into any interior. woodcutter open type consists of two walls and a raised floor. Many attach a roof to it to prevent precipitation.
  • Barn. In fact, this is an ordinary economic structure, only smaller. Such a structure also has an insignificant foundation. It can be equipped.

A do-it-yourself woodcutter, a photo of which is presented on the Internet, can have a variety of forms. This building is not capital construction and builds very fast.

Materials for construction: do-it-yourself woodcutter

When building a firewood shed, the most different materials. Most often, a tree is used for such purposes. The woodsheds from those yards look very nice, where everything is decorated in a single natural style. The most important thing is that the firewood shed in the country, made with your own hands, protects the fuel from precipitation and has natural ventilation.

Very often used in the construction of a woodshed. With this installation, special attention should be paid to the ventilation system. To do this, leave gaps between the logs.

They look elegant and unique. Such a firewood shed is not built in large dimensions. It looks especially sophisticated in the recreation area, where there is an outdoor fireplace or barbecue grill.

You can also build a firewood shed from improvised materials. Imagine a little and see how you build a structure. As practice shows, the construction of such a building does not require certain materials. The main thing is to create a natural ventilation system.

Before proceeding with the construction, it is worth determining the budget, because you can build a firewood shed of any design. The construction of a storage for firewood depends on the money spent.

Ready-made woodsheds - a simple construction solution

Today on the market building materials you can buy ready-made firewood sheds of any type and design. This The best decision for those who do not have free time for construction or simply do not want to engage in the construction of structures. On sale there is also a chic firewood shed made of timber, which looks like a gazebo, and an exclusive forged firewood shed, made manually, and the construction of polymers. The choice is great in a variety of shapes, models and colors.

Necessary materials and tools for the construction of a woodshed

Before you start building, you need to create a clear drawing. The sketch will allow you to quickly build a woodshed, especially if shelves for storing things are planned in it. A do-it-yourself firewood shed, the drawings of which are presented on the site, allows you to conveniently store firewood. The drawing clearly shows the dimensions of the building and the entire construction process. Next, you should purchase or prepare tools for construction. For such work, you will definitely need a drill to create holes for the pillars, a hacksaw and a hammer for working with wood.

It is worth remembering that the appearance of the storage depends on the quality of the logs. If the firewood is placed randomly, it will not work to create harmony, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, logs should be laid carefully. The layout method is determined by each according to his personal requirements and desires.

Decorating a woodcutter is limited only by your imagination. Forged details are perfect for decoration. They are ideally combined with any materials. If you have a fireplace in your house, then you can complement the interior with a small forged woodcutter, which is located directly next to the firebox. Such a mini woodcutter will decorate and.

A firewood shed is a simple structure that greatly helps to conserve firewood. Experts advise harvesting logs immediately for several years. Such a supply will not be excessive, but will allow you to feel confident, because each person uses the barbecue, heats the stove or fireplace. Well, a place to store firewood will always help keep natural fuel dry.

Building a woodshed with your own hands is easy. The structure is useful and necessary and may look different.

To store firewood for the stove, fireplace, barbecue, sauna and other things, you need a suitable place. Moreover, firewood must be stored, observing certain rules. Of course, you can use the usual canopy or allocate a place for firewood in the utility block (in this case, there should be natural ventilation), but you can also equip a woodcutter yourself.

As for the concept itself, in some Russian regions a woodcutter is also called a woodcutter. The name firewood is not uncommon. But there are some differences between them. A firewood shed is an ordinary barn that stands on a foundation separate from the house and has a door. Drovnik is a more simplified version. It is a wood shed. The same concept in the old days was called people who carried firewood around the yards and traded them. A firewood shed is a stand for the firewood that will be consumed in the near future.

Preparatory work

So, how to build a woodshed with your own hands with the optimal cost of money and time?

First you need to choose a place where the woodshed will be located on the site. Only needs to be considered rational options. The design should not be too remarkable and immediately catch the eye. She should not stand too far from the house, so as not to have to carry firewood for long distances. It is necessary to install it so that the car with firewood can get as close as possible to it, otherwise you will have to carry them yourself. If the house is not furnace heating or a fireplace, it is best to put a woodcutter near the bathhouse or a place where barbecue and barbecue are usually done. It is recommended to draw a diagram of the yard and choose a place for a woodshed, taking into account all these factors. The structure may be located near the wall of the house or outbuilding, or it may be freestanding.

Before you make a woodcutter, you need to consider its appearance. First you need to deal with the budget. It will keep the fantasies at bay. The cheapest option is wood. The structure, if desired, can be sheathed on the frame with a board.

It is necessary to make a woodcutter to the dacha so that the new building looks organically on the site. It is best to build it near the main building. In this case, there will be less work and no need to think through the design.

In any case, the structure must be located in a dry place. It is best to choose the shady side. In order for the firewood to dry properly, they need ventilation. But the direct rays of the sun are prohibited. If the woodcutter is located near any building, then it is best to choose its northern side.

For wall cladding, you can use slate, corrugated board and polycarbonate. If these materials are chosen for wall cladding, then gaps must be made so that natural ventilation is present in the woodshed. If you carefully paint the structure or cover it with a colored polyurethane type varnish (this only applies to the processing of wooden elements), then the new building will look more elegant. Several trees and shrubs can be planted nearby. Thanks to this, the place will look cozier and more beautiful. If the walls of the woodshed are made of saw cut trees, and grass grows on the roof, then such a building will resemble a hobbit's house.

What to consider?

When the appearance of the future woodcutter is fully thought out, it is necessary to prepare its drawing, select materials and tools. As for the construction scheme, a more detailed version will be needed if it is planned to store not only firewood, but also other necessary items (for example, various tools) in this room. In this case, the firewood shed will already be combined with the barn.

The drawing also helps to deal with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, since the stocks of firewood in each family are different. According to calculations, for heating a house of 100 sq.m. in autumn and winter, approximately 2.1 cubic meters are required. m. of dry firewood per month. This applies only to pine trees. If you use birch, then you need about 1.7 cubic meters. Dry firewood is understood to mean those in which the moisture content is no more than 20%. This is achieved after a year of storage in the woodshed. But fresh firewood will need much more, since their heat transfer is 2 times worse. In addition, the stock must be made at least for a couple of seasons. Of course, each furnace has its own productivity, coefficient useful action. Eg, modern models have a very high rate - more than 80%. In them, one bookmark of fuel will be enough for 10 hours of warming up. But such calculations are only suitable for conventional furnaces. It is also necessary to take into account the fuel for the bath and barbecue.

As for the tools, it is necessary to prepare a drill in advance if you plan to put a woodcutter with 4 pillars that are dug into the ground. It's traditional rustic version. In addition, you will need a hammer, a hacksaw, a plumb line, a ladder, pliers and twine. As for the materials, they are chosen so that they fit the interior of the courtyard. most simple design can be supplied from the remnants of materials after the construction of other buildings or after the dismantling of old structures.

Stationary woodcutter

It is actually not difficult to build a stationary firewood shed for a summer house with your own hands. This option is called stationary, since the structure is installed on a columnar foundation. This building is not considered capital. The woodcutter will be reliable, strong and durable if pits are dug under its pillars to the depth of the soil freezing level. Also, such pillars must be filled concrete mortar. You can only do with filling the pit with gravel and sand (but each layer is supposed to be rammed).

It is not worth putting the posts directly on the ground, as the structure will be shaky, especially in the spring, when the soil begins to swell. If the design is planned to be small, then it will be enough to make 4 pillars. If it is planned to make a more spacious room or equip economic block, which is combined with a woodcutter, then more poles will be needed.

Next, install the frame. Used timber size 15x15 cm. All wooden elements structures must be treated with an impregnation with fire retardant properties beforehand. Don't forget about waterproofing. To do this, it will be enough to fold the roofing material in 2 layers.

Now you need to install a vertical frame using the corners. First, you should mount the racks that are located at the back, then those that are middle, and at the end - the front. It is necessary to tie everything upstairs and nail the rafters to the roof. It is best to make your work easier by fixing the beams on a vertical frame with braces of a temporary nature.

Next, you need to sheathe the horizontal frame with a floor-type board. You do not need to precisely fit the boards. On the contrary, gaps should remain so that there is natural ventilation in the room. But at the same time, the gaps should not be too wide, so as not to injure your limbs. Water and debris will flow into small cracks. In addition, it is also additional lower ventilation.

The roof is recommended to be made of single-pitched type corrugated board. Depending on your preference, you can choose gable material. Concerning roofing material, then any will do, but you need to rely on the budget. It is recommended to make a visor near the entrance to the building so that water does not fall on the logs. For the manufacture of a visor, you can use the end-type board. This option is the cheapest and easiest, but you can use others, depending on the taste and wishes of the residents.

Now, if necessary, you need to sheathe the walls with boards. Boards are supposed to be nailed, making small gaps. This will provide the necessary ventilation in the room. All wooden elements must be treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting agents. After that, apply a paint or varnish of a polyurethane type. So the design will not only become more beautiful, but also last longer.

Wall-mounted and portable version

If you need to build a wall-mounted woodcutter in the country, then you need to choose the north side of the house or other building. Firewood must not be left in the sun. In order for the drying to be correct, high-quality natural ventilation is used. During the construction of such a firewood shed, it must be taken into account that water can flow from the walls of the main building directly onto the firewood itself. This cannot be allowed. It is necessary to slightly move the firewood shed from the wall of the main building itself or install a roof of a suitable shape.

As for the rest, the wall shed for firewood repeats all the steps for the construction of a free-standing firewood shed and practically does not differ in any way. installation work. A wall-mounted firewood shed has the following feature: the design goes a little behind the house or other main building. This option seems very simple, but if you show imagination, you can make the structure interesting.

You can also make a portable firewood shed. There are many ready-made varieties of such portable structures that can be purchased at a specialized store. You can also order various forged models in the workshops. They look very beautiful. And you can independently build structures to your taste. A woodcutter forged from metal cannot be made at home, but you can show your imagination and make a canopy from improvised means. Everyone can fulfill their ideas. The main thing is to think through all the nuances.

For example, as a basis for creating an unusual woodcutter can be old barrel. First, everything must be marked on its body. The hoop must be moved with a hammer to the central part, where it will be needed later. Then fix it in this position, for this use self-tapping screws. You can choose beautiful bolts. Then it is necessary to cut out the selected shape with a jigsaw according to the markup. Places of sawing must be treated with plaster. Electric jigsaw still needs to be cut curly legs from the board. In the holes that were drilled, insert the old sanded handle and secure it. Paint metal parts. wooden details process with a colored varnish of a polyurethane type or stain. Such a woodcutter will look beautiful near the fireplace.