Well      04/18/2019

How to make beautiful beds from corrugated sheets. How to make beautiful and neat beds from plastic boards

As you know, in the spring the day feeds the year, so gardeners begin to urgently plant and replant; there is simply no time left for some “little things.” And then it turns out that such “little things” as fences for garden beds could save both time and effort. After all, properly made borders for garden beds keep weeds out, prevent water from spreading when watering, and strengthen the edges, which prevents the nutritious fertilized soil from crumbling.

And a garden with fenced beds will look much more attractive.

Why do we need structures for beds?

It seems to an inexperienced gardener that the construction of such structures is too labor-intensive and completely unnecessary. Indeed, during their construction you will have to work hard, but these labor costs will more than pay off in the future. So what is the purpose of fencing? They are as follows:

  • weeds from the paths will not “creep” into the garden bed;
  • all irrigation water will remain with the plants and not spread anywhere;
  • a raised bed is easier to work with;
  • the plantings will not be harmed by mole crickets and other crawling insects;
  • You can easily place a mini-greenhouse over a protected bed;
  • a warm bed can only be made using enclosing structures;
  • Properly made structures for garden beds can last for many years.

The only downside to creating beds is that you still have to make them. This article gives advice on how to make fencing for garden beds with your own hands without being too expensive, with a minimum of effort and getting maximum results.

Advice! To get the greatest positive effect, it is recommended to follow certain standards when constructing beds. Optimal sizes beds: width 0.8–0.9 m, length arbitrary, most convenient from 4 to 6 m, side height 10–15 cm.

The material for fencing beds can be any: they can be made from brick, stone, metal, wood, roofing materials, plastic and glass bottles, car tires. For those interested, the retail chain can offer many options for ready-made beautiful fencing to suit every taste and budget.

How to make a slate border

The simplest and most reasonable solution is to use scrap materials lying around on the site after the construction of the house was completed. Such material may well be sheets of slate, purchased with a reserve and not useful for the roof. These sheets are cut with a grinder and dug in around the perimeter of the beds.

Such fencing is not only economical, but also very easy to manufacture. The disadvantage is that it is brittle and that when exposed to water, slate releases substances that are not very beneficial for plants.

If roofing material If it was not slate, but corrugated sheeting, then these shortcomings will not exist - corrugated sheeting is more durable and does not emit harmful substances.

But when building fences from corrugated sheets, they need to be strengthened wooden slats or metal profile.

Construction of wooden borders

The most common fencing we use is wooden. They can be made from boards, slats, timber, logs, slabs, picket fences, lining, edged and unedged boards.

For such borders, you need to make supports in the form of stakes driven around the perimeter. Fencing a bed with boards looks natural; during its construction, you can show your imagination by making the beds multi-tiered or in the form of polygons of various sizes.

Fences made of stumps or pieces of logs dug vertically look original. A fence in the form of a fence will create a design in a rustic style.

The disadvantage of wooden borders is its fragility. To increase the service life of such fences, their lower part should be treated with bitumen or other antiseptic, or wrapped in roofing material, and the upper part should be painted.

During operation, such fences need to be repainted.

Brick borders

Is it worth thinking for a long time about how to fence the garden beds? There is a brick left over from the construction, it can be successfully used for borders! The brickwork will last a very long time, will look aesthetically pleasing and will keep its shape perfectly.

It is not necessary to use masonry; you can simply place the bricks on edge, lightly digging them into the ground. Such a border is easy to make and, if necessary, can be moved to a new location.

Metal borders for beds

The metal fence is a box, the best metal It is galvanized and is not subject to corrosion. Galvanized sheets are cut into strips of the required width and fastened using corner screws. Typically, galvanizing with a thickness of 1 mm is used; the walls of such a fence are thin, require support with stakes, and you can cut yourself on the sharp edges. Ready-made boxes are usually polymer-coated and do not have sharp edges, but such products are relatively expensive.

Dignity metal structures is their strength, but the disadvantage is that in the summer the metal can get very hot and damage the roots of the plantings.

Borders for beds made of stone

Stone fencing will be chosen by lovers of environmentally friendly materials. Anyone will do natural stone, which can simply be used to cover the beds, or can be secured with a solution. Such a fence is manufactured using the following technology:

  1. Markings are made using pegs and rope.
  2. A trench 0.3 m deep is dug under the foundation, covered with roofing felt or film and filled with cement mortar.
  3. After the mortar has hardened, laying is done, starting with stones bigger size. On upper layer smooth stones are placed. The gaps between the stones are filled with a solution with the addition of gravel.

Important! It is necessary to leave cavities in the fence for ventilation.

Stone fences can last forever, they do not require maintenance, and they look solid and noble.

Natural stone can be replaced with concrete using ready-made concrete blocks, or build curbs yourself by making formwork.

The only disadvantage of such fences is the relative high cost.

Using Grids

Fences made of mesh with filling are called pergons. Such bulk fences are filled with pebbles, broken glass, tiles, and gravel. Using your imagination, you can make unusually beautiful fences using fillers of different colors.

Such fences are durable, do not require maintenance, but are quite expensive.

Fencing made from scrap materials

Plastic panels left over from the finishing of premises can be an excellent material. Fences made of such material do not heat up in the sun, do not rot or rust, and do not need to be painted. They are easy to manufacture; beds with such fencing can be given a wavy, non-standard shape.

Old tires are widely used by our gardeners as fencing. Large tires are simply filled with soil, creating a round flowerbed; smaller tires are dug halfway into the ground, forming a wavy fence, cut into a bowl shape or making fences from fragments.

You can often see borders made of plastic or glass bottles in vegetable gardens.

Making such fences will only require labor and time, but will help save money.

DIY borders for beds from plastic bottles done like this:

  1. Collect the required number of identical bottles, wash thoroughly and remove the stickers.
  2. Dig grooves around the perimeter of the bed.
  3. For stability, fill the bottles with sand or soil.
  4. Place the containers vertically with their necks down, tie them tightly together, and dig in.

Despite their cheapness, bottle fencing looks quite aesthetically pleasing, does not rot and can last for many years. At the same time, this will help rid the area of ​​debris. If desired, you can paint such a fence in bright colors, then it will serve not only to protect the plants, but also to decorate the area.

Application of ready-made fencing

Fences for beds with a polymer coating made of galvanized steel can be purchased in stores. The retail chain offers borders of any color, including stone imitation, brickwork, tree. The advantages of such fencing are their durability, ease of installation and aesthetic appearance. Fences made from scrap materials will lose their decent appearance in a few years. And they will have to be changed, but beds made of metal with a polymer coating can last at least 20 years without losing their original qualities.

The only disadvantage of such products is their high cost. Typically, such fences have a width of 0.5 m or 0.36 m, the length is chosen arbitrarily. It is reasonable to use such borders for flower beds in the courtyard, but it is hardly worth spending money on them to fence off onion beds.

For ready-made structures, there is no need to dig trenches; they are simply stuck into the ground using pins. The fencing is easy to move from place to place; it is not afraid of moisture and scorching sun.

Border strips are very popular among gardeners. Their undeniable advantages are:

The strips are 20–30 cm wide; the structure is secured with plastic pegs.

Border tape is produced corrugated, flat and figured, sold in rolls from 10 to 50 m long.

Along with the advantages. Curb tape has a number of disadvantages:

  • inexpensive types of tapes are made of plastic that cannot withstand freezing temperatures;
  • Thin walls of the fence can be pushed apart by heavy soil, so for raised beds such material is not suitable;
  • Cheap tapes are not strong enough, and better ones are expensive.


Each gardener will be able to decide for himself how to fence the beds on his site, having learned what fences for garden beds exist, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each type. It all depends on the characteristics of the site, the capabilities and imagination of the owner.

Fencing for garden beds photo:

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Fences for beds and flower beds

For many summer residents and gardeners, the problem of fencing garden beds and gardens is very pressing. No matter how modern the dacha is (with lawns, playground, patio, barbecue, etc. fashionable elements landscape design), a couple of beds with vegetables and herbs, and, even more so, flower beds and trees are always present on the site.
There are many options for making fencing for beds, flower beds or trees, and for these purposes they are used various materials, their combinations and forms. You can buy a ready-made fence in a store or make it yourself, using your imagination, skills and available building materials. And save money at the same time, which is also an important factor for most.

How to make your own fences for garden beds

The soil constantly crumbles from any unfenced garden bed; it is inconvenient to care for it: loosen it, cover the seedlings during cold weather. If there is a fence, you will have comfortable garden bed, clean space between the beds, and the entire garden will have a neat and well-groomed appearance.

Of all available building materials, I am most impressed by wood, especially for decorating beds where edible plants grow - vegetables and herbs.

Making a wooden frame for a garden bed is very simple and easy; for this you will need following materials and tools:
boards (can be new or used, 25-30 mm thick);
jigsaw or hacksaw;

First, you will need to determine the size of the bed. Often, the width of the bed is 100-110 cm, based on the planting pattern of most vegetables and ease of processing. The length can be arbitrary. For example, I made beds 1 m wide and 3.2 m long. The height is one or two boards, usually one is enough. The shape of the bed, by the way, can be different: rectangle, square, triangle, trapezoid.
Next, prepare the boards. If they are new, then preparation consists of marking and sawing. If the boards are used, you need to remove the existing nails with a nail puller, perhaps correct them a little with a plane or bleach them with a special wood bleaching compound.
Each of the fences for the beds consists of wooden frame(2 boards of 1 m each and 2 boards of 3.2 m each) and 6 “legs” of arbitrary length. Nails are used to fasten parts. “Legs” are necessary to give rigidity to the frame. Four of them are attached to the corners of the structure with inside, two - approximately in the middle of the long sides. In our case, the “legs” were made mainly where the boards had to be joined. In addition, if there are joints, it is better to cover the junction of the boards with a wooden overlay made from scrap boards about 20 cm long.

"Legs" for wooden fence can be of arbitrary length, which depends on the density of the soil and available materials (for example, the remains of boards from the construction of a bathhouse). Initially, we didn’t calculate it and made very long “legs” that were difficult to drive into the ground and had to be sawed off. From the edge where the “legs” will enter the ground, they must be sharpened with an ax on both sides.

Painting fencing for garden beds

Materials and tools:
container for diluting paint;

Finished fences for garden beds must be protected from atmospheric influences (UV radiation, moisture) and biological factors (insects, fungi, mold), and also ensure better subsequent connection of the base surface with the coating. To do this, you can use a primer, and finishing coating– alkyd-based oil paint.

Tip: To avoid buying a primer, use the paint you have, dilute it heavily with White Spirit (nefras-S4-155/200).

If you do not intend to use paint, you can protect the wood very simple option primers - with a soap maker.

Preparation of the “Soap Var” primer

You will need the following components (for 5 liters):

Quicklime – 1 kg;
laundry soap– 100 gr;
drying oil – 20-30 g;

Pour the lime with a small amount of water (1.5-2 liters) and stir.
Mix drying oil and soap separately. Cut the soap into shavings and pour boiling water into it, add drying oil to hot soapy water.
While the lime is “boiling,” mix the solutions (add the emulsion to the lime), dilute with water to full volume and strain.

Making paint containers

If you are using different colors, which need to be mixed to obtain the desired color, or dilute paint for primer, then you will need a special container. You can, of course, buy a bucket or other utensils, but it’s easier to make it yourself from empty five liter bottle from under the water.

The bottle is cut crosswise with a knife, departing from the bottom 1/3 or 2/3 of the height of the bottle. Holes are pierced on both sides with an awl (the holes can be made with heated metal), a piece of wire or wire is inserted, and bent. It turns out to be an excellent “bucket” with a handle.

Once your garden bed railings are ready, you need to let the paint dry before you can install them on your garden beds.

How to make beds from boards at the dacha in order to get not only a well-groomed, neat garden, but also practical benefits? Design garden plantings The easiest way to do it yourself is with wooden borders.

This is what homemade beds from boards look like

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden beds

The disadvantage of wood is rapid deterioration, especially with constant contact with water and soil. However, if you treat the material with protective antiseptics, you can extend its service life by 10 years or more.

What wood to choose for boards

You can use any boards for fencing beds: slab, timber, edged material, clapboard.

Step-by-step instructions for making beds from boards

The choice depends only on how much the buyer is willing to spend on decorating the beds.
  1. Oak and ash. Highly strong and durable material with excellent rot resistance. However, they are also expensive.
  2. Larch. An excellent choice - larch has high strength and resistance to humid environments.
  3. Cedar. Wood coniferous species most best option for a wooden bed at the dacha. Good balance between affordable cost and high quality.
  4. Pine. Pine boards They are inexpensive, but do not have a long service life.
  5. Acacia. Enough durable boards made of acacia can be used for arranging beds.

Wood processing and protection

To extend the life of a wooden bed, you should treat the boards with protective compounds:

Dimensions of board beds

Everyone chooses the shape and size of the beds according to their own taste and the space available in the greenhouse or plot. Eat general recommendations according to the size of the fence at which the garden bed will be most effective:

  • width from 90 to 120 cm;
  • height from 15 to 50 cm.

The length of the fence can be any, however, if it is long, it is advisable to provide the bed with additional supports. The width of the bed is the most important parameter. It is best to organize the area so that there are no more than two rows of crops in the garden bed. Firstly, with such planting, all seedlings will receive enough sunlight and air. Secondly, a bed that is too wide is difficult to care for and water.
The height of the bed is chosen arbitrarily, as long as caring for it is not difficult.

Scheme with dimensions of beds made of boards

Depending on the type of soil and type of crop, the following advice is given on the height of the fence for plants:
  1. If the soil at the dacha is fertile, the bed can be low - 15-20 cm. If the soil is rocky or unsuitable for planting - from 30 cm. Some gardeners make the height of the beds to waist level so as not to bend over when working.
  2. The height of warm compost beds should be at least 50 cm. High beds with compost will reliably protect plant roots from unexpected frosts in the spring.
  3. For early ripening crops, radishes, lettuce, and onions, it is better to use beds higher than 20 cm for their rapid ripening.
  4. If you plan to grow potatoes in the beds, their height should be at least 40 cm.

Installation of a simple box made of boards

The design of the fence for the beds is quite simple and can easily be done with your own hands. To work you will need simple equipment and materials:

Instructions for making a box for a garden bed

  • boards – 2 short ones of the same length and width, 2 long ones;
  • wooden posts made of timber, pointed on one side - 6 pieces;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • wood screws or nails;
  • shovel;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • roulette and level.

Work order:

A wooden garden bed of simple design is ready. You can fill it with soil and plant fruits and vegetables.

Do-it-yourself raised or raised bed

Raised beds have many advantages over traditional beds:

Raised beds, with all their undeniable advantages, also have disadvantages:

  1. You will need some basic carpentry skills and knowledge to build a raised bed with your own hands.
  2. High beds dry out faster than classic ones, so if your dacha has problems with sufficient water for irrigation, such beds can become a problem.

Organic farming - when all garden beds consist of compost - is gaining more and more supporters. How to make beds so that there are no weeds in them? Introducing raised beds with fencing from Igor Lyadov - do-it-yourself box beds.

I want to talk about the methods of growing vegetables that I have chosen over many years of trial and error. I combined two technologies:

  1. "Beds are a unique vegetable growing technology for small areas."
  2. "Agricultural technology of natural farming."

I have become convinced that organics can unleash all the capabilities of plants, saving energy and time. Only with good compost can you see and evaluate the quality of Western and domestic varieties: most of them are created for organic soil. I am sure that we cannot escape organics. That's all there is to it: learn how to compost and also set up permanent beds - once for many years.

The method of vegetable growing on narrow beds was developed by J. Mittleider in the 70s of the last century and brought by the author to Russia in 1989. And although Mittleider does not recommend placing the box on narrow beds, I still put together the boxes. Nature itself told me this, or rather, the unpredictability of our Far Eastern climate.

In the spring, many summer cottages are flooded, the water does not have time to recede, and there is water in the passages. We have the same problem at the end of August and beginning of September - it rains day and night. And in the middle of summer it can rain for 2-3 days, or it can flood the entire garden in half an hour. Raising the bed 15–25 cm above the path solves this problem.

The width of the bed is 80–90 cm, the length is arbitrary. The gap between the beds is 50–70 cm. The width of the box and the width of the passage depend on climatic conditions.

For more northern regions, the passages should be made wider - 70–80 cm. The bed itself should be narrower than 60–80 cm, so that it warms up well.

For the southern regions, passages should be made narrower: 40–50 cm. The bed itself is 90–100 cm.

A vegetable container is a high bed, the walls of which are made of bricks, logs, timber, boards, stone, slate... It is advisable to extend the beds from north to south. But we mainly focus on the terrain summer cottage so that the slope of the bed is small. Some of my beds are located from east to west, and the harvest on them is no worse.

The passages between the beds must be mulched with sand, sawdust, roofing felt, etc. In some aisles, I preferred the lawn, which I mow once a month with a trimmer. Some passages were covered with sawdust. The beauty of the garden leaves no one indifferent. There are no weeds, the site is clean and beautiful.

Each bed consists of two rows of vegetables planted along the edges in a checkerboard pattern. This geometry hides a huge reserve of productivity, because it has long been noticed: the outer plant develops almost twice as well as those in the middle - they have much more light and space for growth. And here - all the plants are extreme. A wide row spacing is needed to give them light and space.

I plant cabbage, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, etc. in two rows in a checkerboard pattern. I plant onions, garlic, beets, lettuces, radishes, carrots, etc. in four rows.

Anyone who has worked on narrow ridges for at least one season is convinced of the enormous possibilities of this method and simply cannot return to traditional technology. Working on the ridges, a person experiences joy not only from good harvest, but also from the process of growing vegetables itself.

We choose a flat area. We will install a high bed on it.

The sides of the bed can be made of brick, slate, or logs. The main thing is to fence the garden bed. Personally, I took logs from an old house: the wood inside began to decompose, but they are suitable for a garden bed and will last at least 15 years.

We lay the logs stably on the ground; they can even be buried if necessary. We fasten the logs together with screws or nails.

Many people ask how long such boards or logs last. There are many anti-corrosion products on sale now. By treating them, you can significantly extend the service life of such a bed.

If you paint a box bed (with lime or paint on water based) this will not only make your box chest more aesthetically pleasing, protect the wood from rotting, but also prevent the sides from heating up on hot days. White color repels sun rays. For example, potatoes do not like it when the ground gets very hot from the sides.

We put cardboard or a thick layer of newspapers at the bottom of the box bed to cut off weeds that will try to sprout and any pests.

Many people think that cardboard is covered with glue, and that newspaper contains a lot of lead. Nothing like that, the technologies have long been different, and soil microorganisms everything will be recycled in a year or three. And we will gain time by ridding our garden bed of weeds, as well as pests such as beetles or wireworms. Cardboard is a serious obstacle for them.

Then we lay down coarse organic matter: the remains of sunflowers, corn, thin branches, etc.

Place other organic remains on top - beets, cabbage, carrots. You can use potato tops. It doesn't matter what condition it is in. Microorganisms will process even diseased plants. For the same purposes, you can use leaf litter and pine needles.

But you can’t put weedy grass, so as not to multiply the weeds. And you can’t put food waste in the garden bed, otherwise there will be mice.

Pour a ten centimeter layer of earth on top. The soil should not be level with the sides of the bed. You should have 5–10 cm left, which is necessary for mulching the bed.

If the box bed settles in the first year, then the next year add plant residues and more soil on top. The box bed is ready.

From food waste with the addition of plant residues, very good humus is obtained. I found a way out of this situation.
I take a container (200 liter barrel) and put food waste mixed with plant debris there and close it with a lid. During the summer the container is filled. In the sun, the contents warm up well and are inaccessible to mice. Next year you will have good humus.

The newly created bed does not need to be prepared for planting. But you must be prepared that in the first year, if plant residues are not laid tightly, the bed will sag during the summer.

In the first year you can plant potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cabbage on it. I do not recommend planting carrots in the first year.

In the second and subsequent years, I prepare the bed for planting like this. 3-5 days before planting, I remove the mulch from the bed, but it is better to embed it in the bed. If the mulch is not removed, the bed will not warm up as well.

Now we need to loosen the bed by 10 cm. It’s convenient for me to do this with a shovel, and at the same time we remove the weed. You can walk manual cultivator. No need to dig a bed with the entire bayonet of a shovel and at the same time pull plant debris to the surface.

What to do with the garden bed in a few years

Many people ask what to do when plant debris rots. This takes about 4–5 years.

There is no need to remove the soil from the garden box. In the third or fourth year, I simply sow green manure in this bed, for example oats, which I subsequently plant into the soil. The second option is to leave mulch on the garden bed. The second one is preferable.

Mulch is softer. It is easier to incorporate into the soil and decomposes faster, because it has already decayed during the season. Green manure and mulch become food for microorganisms.

Pros and cons of box beds

Filled with the remains of plants that have lived their lives, box beds allow you to avoid untidy areas on the site. compost heaps. Everything immediately hides in narrow beds and begins to be useful. There are no weeds, the site is clean and beautiful. The box bed has a lot of advantages and only one serious drawback: it requires material costs for construction in the first year.

7 advantages of a box bed:
  • Such a bed works for several years, one might say forever (all that remains is to replenish it with plant debris, foliage, etc.). When planting, you do not need to add compost or rotted manure into the hole. This bed is itself compost.
  • The humus is not washed away, since the bed is fenced.
  • Convenient watering. There is no stagnation of water.
  • Does not require hilling. Does not require weeding - if the bed is mulched.
  • You can plant early, since such a bed warms up faster in the spring than a regular one.
  • Crop rotation is easy in narrow beds. Where you planted onions last year, you can plant carrots or cabbage this year.
  • Productivity increases by 100% or more.
  • Tubers, root vegetables, clean, without visible signs diseases.
  • Takes up minimal space and does not create dirt or clutter.
  • It is very convenient to make shelter with plastic arcs, which are sold in seed stores. We place two pegs on both sides of the bed and put an arc on them. The distance between the arcs is about a meter. Depending on the length of the bed, you install the required number of arcs. Covering material or film can be used over the arches until the threat of frost has passed.

So, to maintain fertility in a box-bed, you do not need to add fertilizing, growth stimulants or fertilizers; it is enough to leave mulch on the garden bed in the third or fourth year (for me this is a more preferable option) or sow green manure. So, for example, I removed the garlic at the end of July-beginning of August - sowed oats, planted everything in the ground - the microorganisms feed.

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My husband and I installed a galvanized garden bed. It is very easy to assemble (we put it in the basement for the winter) and holds the ground well.

Comment on the article "Do-it-yourself beds, photo. Fences for garden beds"

Raised beds in winter. Arrangement of the site. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. I’m afraid to plant other perennials above ground level (my husband had an idea to make them Freeze Out. Raised beds - share your experience. In the beds. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden.


I have 4 tires in front of the garage entrance (outside the lot) that have been turned into flower beds. Now there is cypress spurge, it overwinters well and does not freeze. I also had a positive experience with hostas, but they still need to be watered, and I’m too lazy to go outside the gate.

Who has stationary beds? On the beds. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and Who has stationary beds? Please share your impressions, whether it’s comfortable or not, what it’s made of, how you care for it, etc. Thank you.


remained moisture resistant laminate 20 cm, we made warm beds and secured them with pegs (they removed 20 cm of soil deep, applied hay and straw from the field, then soil on top. 3 years, normal flight.

I have 7 such beds. Height is from 50 to 70 cm. They are expensive, of course. And there’s a lot of earth to cover with boards. I also lined the inside with film so that the boards wouldn’t rot.
The main thing is that such rows need to be watered regularly! Everything quickly dries out and the water goes down.

And so everything grows: carrots and beets and cucumbers and tomatoes. I cover the latter with film on top.

27.01.2017 12:43:58, I like it - convenient and tidy


I have greenery growing in my flower beds. The lettuce frames the flowers, the dill itself decides where to sprout and where it is best to release huge parachutes. The pumpkin is sitting in a barrel and has already climbed over a two-meter fence.
In the greenhouse I have two six-meter beds, 115 cm wide. There is about a 70 cm passage between them under a yellow carpet. The greenhouse is on a foundation made of timber on bricks and the beds are framed with 20 mm timber. The beds are high, the internal volume is upholstered plastic tape 25 cm.

The plastic bends, even the corrugated one, 50 cm wide, half buried in the ground, has to be propped up with sticks. But my plot has a slope. Wavy slate is the best so far. If someone nearby changes the roof, for example, it will be completely free. The width of the bed is so that it is convenient to reach from any edge to the middle and a little further (weeding, mulching). I have row spacing so that the mower can pass through, it’s like a lawn there.

Raised beds - share your experience. On the beds. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Photo of the first days of May, right after the beds were made.


We have two 15 cm wooden boards. Impregnated with Olympus eco-azure, the inside is lined with roofing felt to protect it from the ground. They have been standing for 10 years without any major changes, very convenient.

Oh, what a relevant topic) We just made these beds this year. We bought thicker boards and covered them with green stain. There was a distance between the beds so that a lawn mower could pass. We haven’t been to the dacha for the last two weeks since mid-May, but when we arrived there were practically no weeds) before, I would have spent the day weeding)
In general, I hope I won’t be disappointed further.
Photo of the first days of May, right after the beds were made

Who has stationary beds? On the beds. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and How to make beds with your own hands: photos and tips from Kurdyumov. High beds - boxes, warm beds, compost, mulch and drip irrigation.

Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. The dacha came to us. We have an oak tree on our neighbors’ property but right next to us. We have a carpet of leaves. And what to do with them?


Good evening
we have 2 oak trees. We make a warm bed from the leaves. We dig a hole the size of a garden bed, approx. deep. 30-40 cm, plus the sides up 15 cm and there during the spring-summer-autumn we put grass, leaves, weeds, small branches...
Cover it with material for the winter.
In the spring we fill it with purchased soil. Next we plant cucumbers, strawberries, zucchini, pumpkin... basically everything except root vegetables. The harvest is excellent, additional warmth is created for the plants.

You can burn it in a metal barrel, why are leaves not suitable for compost?

multi-tiered beds. Landscape design. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. I wanted to make such a multi-tiered bed for strawberries - from childhood I remember the pyramid at my relatives’ dacha near Tallinn, almost in my High beds - share your experience. On the beds.


pyramids? clear a square with sides of 2 m. remove turf. put spanbod or similar economy material in the hole - option - packaging cardboard. fill with manure 10 - 15 cm, then with garden soil, humus, etc. in an asbestos cement pipe D 100 mm (length - 50 -60 cm) (wood drill) 20 - 30 holes - 10 mm - throughout the whole body. Install the pipe in the middle of the platform. From an unedged board (width 10 - 15 cm) put together 3-4 square contours - each 20 cm smaller. The first floor of the pyramid is ready - tamp lightly, install the next circuit is to fill with soil... and so on. water the pyramid through a pipe. if you do it now, generously pour a hurricane around the perimeter, etc., so that the weed doesn’t grow. As soon as it settles - after a week - add soil. If you're making strawberries, you can just stick the garlic in the corners. cover for the winter - roofing felt, polyethylene...

High beds. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs How to make raised beds, as efficiently as possible, because this year I want to buy land, manure and equip everything in a humane way.


uh, think about the irrigation system right away. the water from the high beds just goes nowhere :( all my strawberries have dried up with almost daily watering :(

I don’t understand what raspberries have to do with it, especially frozen ones))). But about the beds: we made 2 types at the dacha: with a side made of boards and from brickwork. The boards must first be painted with some kind of antiseptic, the width is 20 cm, we made beds for strawberries and greens 20 cm high, everything is simple - the board is placed on its edge, the length -to choose from, width - 1 m. You fasten the boards together, you get a box - put some grass, branches on the bottom, then earth, manure, fertilizer, loosen. From brick treasures everything is more difficult, but more durable, we made 4 warm beds from them, 1m x 1m, 50 cm high. At the bottom - waste, branches, grass, then fresh manure, then soil. It turns out to be such a warm pillow for pumpkins and zucchini. But the main thing is that in the spring such a bed warms up very early, we cover it with black film, the snow has melted, we cover it with transparent film and first plant the greenery around the perimeter, and then the zucchini. Highly recommend. And it’s convenient - you don’t have to bend over low. The outside of the brick was faced with stone, and it turned out beautifully.

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plastic board">

In the design of a vegetable garden or personal plot You can show a real flight of fancy using a combination of fruitful crops, flowers and fencing. To frame areas for planting, all kinds of materials and available means are used. So, beds made of plastic boards are interesting and beautiful. Such designs are inexpensive, and will look impressive in any garden.

A beautiful flower garden without any hassle

More recently, the most common material for edging beds was wood. Naturalness and beauty, as well as ease of installation, have always attracted attention to it, but its fragility allowed beds made of plastic boards to come to the fore.

Lightweight, practical and durable material allows you to create a wide variety of shapes on your site. Any summer resident, including female representatives, can cope with the installation. Here are some interesting photographic examples of arranging a vegetable garden using plastic:

The advantages of plastic as a frame for beds and flower beds include:

  • easily tolerates temperature changes;
  • high strength and ability to hold a given shape;
  • environmentally friendly;

  • easy to assemble the structure without outside help;
  • does not require additional care, unlike wood;
  • affordable price and wide range of models.

All these advantages, to which we can add ease of transportation, because the material is light in weight, are persuading more and more consumers to buy plastic for gardening. You can use border strips or panels not only on open ground, creating places for planting plants, but also in a greenhouse, as well as to create a unique landscape design for your site.

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Why is it worth buying plastic fencing for flower beds and beds?

In addition to all the advantages of the material, we can highlight the reasonable cost of plastic and a large selection of models of fencing and border strips. Moreover, not only the shape is different, but also the color schemes, as well as the types of structures.

Here are some examples of the cost of borders for plastic beds with consumer reviews:

NameImageDimensions, cmCost, rub.
Border tape Grinda 422245-2020*900 360
Garden border tape “Classic”20*900 260
Border Hemp BP-15length – 160, 16 pcs per pack, height – 15450
Green decorative border for flower beds Grinda 422221-G14*310 360
Maria, Obninsk:“I bought the simplest option “Grinda 422245-20” for decorating the beds. Additionally, I purchased pegs. I installed it together with my daughter and it was easy.”
Mikhail, Tver:“I’ve been gardening for a long time and used boards for edging the beds. That year we had to change it: the tree fell apart. I settled on the “Classic” model made of plastic and now I don’t know any grief.”
Olga, Bryansk:“I don’t have my own dacha, so I plant flowers near the house. I wanted to make the flower garden bright and accidentally saw “stumps”. I immediately bought “Hemp BP-15” and installed it in 30 minutes.”
Marina, Moscow:“We only come to the dacha to relax, but I have allocated several places for perennial flowers. To decorate the flower garden and keep fertile soil in one place, I bought the “Grinda 422221-G” model. It’s been a year since it was installed, and it hasn’t let me down yet.”

The range of fencing for beds and flower beds is not limited to the options presented. These are the most common and affordable models. Here are a few more photos with such “fences”:

Fencing for flower beds and beds made of plastic: photo examples of interesting options

Buy fencing for vegetable beds made of plastic – practical and affordable option, helping to maintain its shape and prevent the earth from spreading due to rain and spring snow melting. In this case, you can make both large and small structures for different types crops Here are some examples in the photo of arranging a vegetable garden and greenhouse using this material:

By purchasing plastic garden beds, you will make your life much easier by getting a unique decor in the chosen color. Among all types of structures, the following are distinguished:

  • Plastic border tape. Suitable for beds of any size and shape. The height varies from 20 to 50 cm. The length of one roll can reach 50 m, usually sold in packages of 10 m. It does not deteriorate over time, so it is not necessary to use all the purchased material at once. They also often use tape to separate zones when creating a unique landscape design.

  • Panels "Garden Board". Quite high strength and rigidity of the structure to withstand pressure large quantity soil. The height is up to 15 cm, and the length of one element reaches 3 m. The parts are connected using special grooves and fasteners, which greatly facilitates installation.

  • Garden constructor – flexible design, where all elements are connected into one circuit. Installation takes no more than 15 minutes; all you have to do is figure out what shape you will make the flower garden or bed.

From all the variety you can easily choose which plastic fencing buy for beds.

How to install a plastic border for garden beds

It is easy to buy a plastic border for garden beds in any city. At the same time, you will not spend more than 500 rubles. even for the most colorful options in the form of a ribbon. This flexible material is used for various purposes in summer cottages and garden plots:

  • Framing beds for planting in open ground and greenhouses. Additionally, pegs are used to give more rigidity to the structure.

  • IN landscape design for dividing zones for planting flowers, mounds of decorative stones, paths and other interesting ideas.

  • For framing areas for planting trees. For example, they plan to cover the entire area with tiles, but want to leave a few beautiful bushes or trees, then the area around the plant is fenced off.

  • Make a border for an embankment path at the dacha. When using fine gravel or sand to install paths on the site, they must be protected from erosion and spreading. This is what tape is used for.

It is very easy to install yourself. Here simple instructions for installation:

Photo exampleSequencing
For installation additional materials, except for tapes and pegs, you won’t need it. You can prepare a drawing of the future bed or flower bed in advance to make it easier to work with.
Mark out the space for the garden bed. If it is rectangular or square, place pegs around the perimeter and pull the string. This is only needed for correct forms the final result. If you are making a round flowerbed, you can mark it in the form of a square.
Dig a small trench along the marked line. It should not be wide, the main thing is that it is convenient to fix the tape. Unpack the material and place it on its edge in the hole.
Secure the structure with pegs. Dig in soil and tamp it down. The frame for the garden bed is ready!

If there are still any unclear installation aspects according to the plan, here is the video.

Video: how to install border tape

Related article:

In the article we will look in detail at why it is useful, what types of garden border strips are on sale and how to properly install this device?

Where to buy fences for garden beds

Plastic border tape is the most affordable and widespread material for fencing beds and flower beds. You can buy such material at any garden store in the city or via the Internet with delivery. The cost of one roll of 10 m is unlikely to exceed the amount of 500 rubles.

The differences between the models are:

  • by thickness;
  • length of material per roll;
  • tape height;
  • color and the presence of decorative cutouts.

Here are several options for beautiful border tape with prices and reviews:

NameImageDimensions, mCost, rub.
Tape for beds. Height 10 cm. Russia0,10*10 220
Flat border tape with a thickness of 1.2 mm B 20/80,20*10 110
Raco, wavy ribbon, green0,15*9 350
Olga, Torzhok:“I bought the simplest version of tape for beds for the greenhouse. The next year, I also made a multi-level strawberry bed from the leftovers. Very happy with the purchase."
Dmitry, St. Petersburg:"I have a private house, decided to decorate the area with flower beds. I bought a simple version of a flat border strip. Holds the given shape perfectly.”
Nina, Krasnodar:“I love working with the soil and planting flowers. I decided to make the site original. The Raco model has become a wonderful and accessible means for me".

Choose any option to suit your taste, and don’t forget about the color. In the catalogs of online stores you can find absolutely any options.

Making beds from plastic boards: features of the material

Making a garden bed from PVC panels is easy. It is enough to calculate required amount elements in the selected model for your future bed or flower garden. At the same time, garden board There is whole line advantages, so more and more garden lovers are turning their attention in its direction:

  • resistance of atmospheric plastic to temperature changes: you don’t have to disassemble the structures for the winter;
  • acceptable cost up to 1000 rub. per packaging;
  • the unnatural nature of the material prevents mold from developing and decomposing under the influence of the environment;
  • holds its shape well and has sufficient strength;
  • non-toxic;
  • For maintenance, simply wipe off dirt with a damp cloth;
  • Digging the board into the ground forms a weed barrier.

You can place beds made of plastic boards both in the shade and in the sun. The material does not fade or dry out under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and no swelling will occur from moisture.Here are some interesting photo examples of using garden plastic boards for garden beds:

Buy ready-made plastic beds: prices and reviews

Buying fencing for garden beds from plastic panels, pay attention to the height of the product and the number of elements included. This is necessary to select the appropriate model in order to implement your plans as accurately as possible.

Here are some cost options different designs with customer reviews:

NameImageShort descriptionCost, rub.
Set “Our bed”Dimensions 220*22*17 cm, product weight – 12.5 kg2700
Eurobed from WPC3*1.5 m, the kit includes pegs and other fasteners2590
Set of frames for flower beds and bedsSquare shape, 60*60 cm.1400
Oleg, Tarusa:“I didn’t show any imagination and bought a ready-made bed “Our bed.” I installed it quickly and it’s been in shape for three years now.”
Alina, Barnaul:“I had everything on my site. I decided to bring everything to a common denominator and bought several “Eurobeds from WPC”. My husband installed it and I like it.”
Serafima, Smolensk:“We needed a small flower bed. My husband refused to saw from the boards. I bought a ready-made set of framing for flower beds and beds and was pleasantly surprised. It takes up less space and looks very nice.”

Beds made from plastic panels are very easy to install. The end result is neat and attractive designs:

How much does a plastic garden set cost?

Not only ready-made models from panels can be purchased in stores, but also plastic fencing constructors for garden beds. In this case, you can independently adjust the dimensions of the future planting site, change the shape and order of assembly of the elements. This material is sold in sets of several elements.

To navigate prices and understand which plastic beds to buy, below is a table with dimensions and customer reviews:

NameImageDimensions H*W*DCost, rub.
"Garden designer" brown21*3*4.5 cm, elements included for 3 m990
"Picket fence" white51*2*1.5 cm, in a package of parts for 2 m500
"Butterfly", yellow fence36*2.4*1.5 in a package of elements per 2.4 m350
Marina, Kaluga:“I bought the simplest “Garden Constructor Set” to make a sandbox for the children. It turned out very beautiful."
Anna, Belousovo:“I grow a lot of flowers on the plot. “The picket fence came in handy.”
Lyudmila, Tula:"I was looking for interesting design flower garden along a private house. I bought “butterflies” and installed them around the entire perimeter in half a day. It looks unique and beautiful.”

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Interesting ideas come to mind for many summer residents and owners of private houses. In the article we will look at original photographic examples and several instructions for creating such beauty.

Unusual photographic examples of fencing for garden beds made of plastic panels

It is not at all necessary to fit yourself into the framework familiar to society. This does not mean that if you plant fertile plants, then the beds should be straight and have the same shape. And flower beds can be located not only around the perimeter of houses, but also on the walls.

There are many unusual ways using familiar materials. For example, you can decorate your site with plastic fencing, add border tape, or combine all known decorative options, the main thing is that the result is really beautiful and neat. You need to do everything so that your neighbors envy your creative nature.

So that decorating and creating a neat vegetable garden is not costly from a financial point of view. It is enough to use various borders and plastic tapes. Due to its durability, you will need to change the appearance of the area not because of wear and tear of the material, but because of a change in your mood. Here are some attractive photo examples:

Features of WPC beds

WPC or wood polymer composite is made from PVC and wood flour. Outwardly, it is similar to wood, but due to its composition it is durable and resistant to external factors.

Beds made from WPC panels are gaining popularity among summer residents due to a number of advantages of the material:

  • ease of installation and the ability to dismantle without damaging elements;
  • long service life of the material, as it does not rot or become moldy;
  • looks similar to natural wood, which attracts a lot of attention;
  • large model range;
  • perfectly flat surface;
  • not affected by temperature changes;
  • Easy to care for: just wash it periodically front sides fencing.

The only disadvantages include the susceptibility of the material to decay when exposed to ultraviolet rays, therefore, before assembly, all structures must be treated with a special protective composition, if the manufacturer did not do so. But there are many use cases:

Advantages of WPC beds based on material characteristics

WPC is a mixture of wood flour and plastics. This material is widely used in the construction and cladding of private houses. During production, a special technique (extrusion) is used, which allows the molten raw material to be passed through the necessary forming holes.

The filler is sawdust, flax, straw, wood flour and other wood waste products. Polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene or metal with glass are used as additives. The composition contains a color stabilizer and anti-pigment substances. Despite all the variety of components, DPC panels are environmentally friendly.

Among the main manufacturers of WPC panels are:

  • SW-Decking Ulmus from Sweden;
  • Compodek-Plus- Russia;
  • Holzhof from the Czech Republic;
  • Bruggan- a company from Belgium.

You can choose any panels from these suppliers and be confident in their quality and reliability. It is not difficult to install a suitable structure yourself, detailed instructions will be presented below.

How to assemble a bed from plastic panels with your own hands

It is easy to assemble beds from WPC panels. The package includes the boards themselves and swivel joints, which allow you to give the future bed or flower garden any shape. With such a design, you do not need to have any specific construction training; just follow the simple instructions:

Cut the panel into pieces of the required size to form the planned ridge. Don’t forget to use plugs to prevent soil and water from getting inside the WPC panels.
Make markings to make it easier to work with the material and create an even shape for the flowerbed. Corner columns must be made 20 cm above the main planks. Internal – raised to a height of 50 cm.
The absence of seams allows you to speed up the process of creating a bed. It is enough to insert one element into another. You can add metal corners or wooden pegs as mounting posts so you don't have to buy these items separately.
The connection angle is at least 60⁰. When assembling, secure the boards to the corner columns with screws. It is worth thinking in advance about the section of the structure that will be buried in the soil.
When the frame is ready, it is transferred to the place for the bed and dug into the ground, while auxiliary pegs are installed inside.

To fully understand how to install plastic fencing for garden beds, watch the video.