Well      06/12/2019

Effective DIY humidifier. The design is simple, having such characteristics. Floor fan humidifier

Affects the human body a large number of factors. One of them - the relative humidity of the air - affects the constant body temperature and mood. In summer periods, the body suffers from a lack of moisture: the air is dried, intense evaporation negatively affects a person, often he becomes ill, drowsy.

The problem was solved by air humidifiers - devices based on the release of moisture into the atmosphere in order to increase relative humidity air in your home. How to do it yourself? Let's find out!

Before proceeding directly to work, it is worth understanding the device of the humidifier. The functionality of this device is to evaporate the water that you pour into the humidifier. To date, 3 types of air humidifiers have been invented.

actually create this device at home is not difficult at all. With a little knowledge in reserve, everyone can afford a humidifier, spending a minimum of effort, time and money!

Bottle option

This type of humidifier is easy to assemble, it does not require knowledge of the device, the only condition is the presence of a battery central heating, which is not immured in the wall. What do we need to create this humidifier? Several elements:

  • central heating battery;
  • one and a half liter or two liter bottle;
  • scotch;
  • long gauze, about a meter;
  • thick, tear-resistant fabric or rope.

This version of a homemade humidifier does not require electricity, is easy to create and costs minimal amount money!

Instruction. We use scissors - we cut a rectangle in the bottle about 6 cm wide and about 11 cm long. We take a piece of fabric and cut two identical strips from it.

We hang the bottle with strips so that the hole is on top and the bottle cap is turned towards the battery. In order to avoid mistakes, we fix the structure with adhesive tape. Next, we need gauze - we fold it several times, making a rectangle out of it with a length of about a meter and a width of 10 cm.

We place one end of the gauze in the opening of the bottle, the second we wrap the battery pipe. Pour water - our humidifier is ready!

It will be less efficient than others to humidify the air, since it does not contain elements that heat water.

But you can use your imagination when creating a humidifier - all the decor details you want! What do we need? A few useful details:

Instruction. First, let's prepare a decorative container. It can serve as a basket for bread, and wicker basket for a picnic.

It is best to work with materials that are not afraid of water. Cover the container with all necessary details. I advise you to use stones - they go well with water.

Next, place the water container without liquid in a decorative container. It is advisable to glue them to each other. After we line the bottom of the water tank - use sand, stones, figurines, just use your imagination! Do not forget: stones and other elements other than sand should be fixed with glue.

After the whole structure is ready and the glue has dried, you can safely pour water and enjoy the fresh air in the room!

I note that the drying time of the glue depends on the glue itself. We advise you to use superglue - it is not afraid of water and seizes in a couple of minutes.

Expanded clay humidifier option

You won't find a humidifier like this very often. Not every day a couple of kilograms of expanded clay may appear at hand. In fact, this humidifier is great for the home. It is easy to make at home, but you will need parts that are not always at hand. So what do we need to make? The following elements:

Instruction. To begin with, it is worth connecting two wastebaskets that are small in size. This can be done using household or plastic fasteners. This building is the future housing for the humidifier. It must be durable.

Next, you should connect two large wastebaskets in a similar way, but at the same time the two connected wastebins should be inside. To fill expanded clay in the bottom of the upper large bucket, we make a hole.

Expanded clay should be taken according to the size of the "holes" of the trash can - it is important that it does not spill out of the holes. We put the pump from the aquarium on the bottom of a 12-liter bucket, we draw the tubes from it to the very top.

We install a structure of 4 wastebaskets on the pump, fill in expanded clay. The pipes will return the water to the top. Last detail - computer cooler, mounted above the hole in the bottom of the top bin. It will distribute steam throughout the room.

Despite the manufacturing costs, this device perfectly humidifies your home in a fairly short time. You just have to remember to add water!

Humidifier option from a bottle and a cooler

A cold steam humidifier costs a lot of money. You can create its analogue using a computer cooler and a ten-liter bottle of water. The price of such an analogue is about 3 thousand rubles, which is many times less than the cost of a real humidifier. Note that making this humidifier is easy even at home. What will we need? A few details:

Also, be careful when plugging in the cooler - we advise you to position the humidifier so that it is not near the sockets. It never hurts to follow the safety rules!

These options for humidifiers will help without extra costs make the air in your home fresh and pleasant!

The winter season is an active period for the use of heating appliances. convectors, oil coolers batteries dry out the indoor air. People who are in hot weather find it hard to breathe, they get tired quickly, get colds three times more often than those who are constantly in the house with the required level of humidity. A humidifier on the battery will help to avoid dry indoor air. Its design resembles a decorative bottle, the size is small, for ease of use, experts put a solid five. There are 6-7 varieties of products in this category on the market, each of which will now be mentioned.

The main characteristics of moisturizing elements

Home batteries are constantly hot in winter. This leads to overdrying of the air in the apartment. Homemade, purchased humidifiers help the owners save the situation.

The design is simple, having the following characteristics:

  • inside the device there is one flask, the integral design has 3-4 subsections;
  • made of heat-resistant plastic, ceramic component, stainless steel;
  • evaporates moisture gradually, distributing it throughout the room;
  • capacity of 200 milliliters of water - the smallest, 2 liters of liquid - a large, stationary container;
  • has filters, replacement of add-ons is necessary once every 4 months - a parameter for large installations section of humidifiers;
  • it is made in the form of animal figurines, simple flasks, stationary, rectangular containers;
  • has reliable fasteners;
  • suitable subconvector, battery, oil heating system;
  • does not overheat when regularly located near a hot battery.

Manufacturers offer customers a humidifier for a ceramic heating radiator in the form of a flask. There are options for the author's work, specially painted according to the original drawings.

The factory design of this type holds 200-400 milliliters of water, you need to fill it in after opening the upper spout of the system. If there are 3-4 flasks inside the container, then the freshness effect lasts 2-3 hours longer. Consumers make water for moisturizing aromatic - drop a couple of drops of essential, flower oil into a container.

How to use the instrument

The air humidifier on the battery has strong mounts that can powerfully hold onto one of the fins of the heater. Stationary, two-liter containers are bolted near the heater body.

Install, apply an addition to maintain a normal level of moisture in room should be like this:

  • consider the mounting system of the purchased installation;
  • attach the humidifier to the battery according to the instructions;
  • open the cap of a small filter, pour in water;
  • close the system using the cap present, leave to work.

When a device giving off steam is placed on the heating battery, its effectiveness is manifested due to these reactions:

  • the heating system is exposed to heat, becomes hot;
  • the humidifier hanging on the batteries heats up slowly;
  • the water inside the flask begins to boil;
  • from the spout-distributor of the installation in uniform portions, steam comes out regularly.

When the presented installation has 3-4 flasks inside, the water is distributed in uniform portions, small ones, which allows it to heat up three times faster, give off steam to humidify the room space. One standard ceramic humidifier will be effective for an area of ​​10 square meters. By measuring the dimensions of the room, the consumer will be determined. How many cones to give him.

Hanging flask for humidification - good design decision for home. The steam from inside the structure will not come out hot, the probability of getting burned in this way reaches zero. The structure is constructed in such a way that water will not pour out of it on its own.

Making your own humidifier

After completing the presented processes, the consumer should leave the design to perform its tasks. When there is little liquid left, a person will have to renew the supply of water. Such a humidifier will not be safe for homes with small children. To avoid spilling liquid, the moment of exposure to the skin of hot steam, the user should buy the design of the presented sample in the store.

easiest DIY humidifier

Learn more about available brands

As already mentioned, batteries dry out the air in apartments, country houses, offices daily. This reduces the productivity of people, harms their health.

There is an opportunity to correct the situation by daily using devices designed to increase humidity, such brands:

Top di Martino- Italian appliances, having a size of 24X13.5 cm.

chip- produced in Italy, size 22X7.5 cm.

A series of domestic ceramics "Cat" - calculated on 330 milliliters of water, size 12X12.

Ceramic model "Cat"

Uni vario- radiator evaporators with a replaceable filter, size 60X29.

domestic series ceramic products"Cornflowers" - the parameters are the same as those of "Cats".

model "Cornflowers"

The cost of ceramics is 300-400 rubles. If the humidifier was painted exclusively - the price is 1000-1500 units of the national currency. Food plastic devices cost no more than 300 rubles, large radiator evaporators with replaceable filters from one thousand.

Additional application benefits

Battery-operated humidifiers at a bargain price meet customer expectations for quality, performance, appearance in terms of ease of use. Ceramic, metal, plastic, large oil fixtures maintain a normal indoor humidity balance.

The functional unit of the presented sample, having simple design, will serve the consumer until the moment of its destruction - ceramics breaks if it falls. To avoid breakdowns, a person should choose strong, thick fastening bolts, perform the process of adaptation to the battery according to all permissible parameters. Installation is completed in 5-10 minutes. When the heating season is over, a person has the opportunity to remove the addition, hide it in a closet, and reuse it during the cold season.

Ceramic humidifiers are less durable than metal humidifiers, they win in terms of aesthetic parameters. Flasks made of heat-resistant plastic are chosen two times less often than metal, ceramic structures. Large, oil-based evaporators are mounted on the wall, above the heating system. The productive work of steam distributors does not depend on the heating system used in a particular room.

One humidifier is required per 10 square meters of space so that the steam has the opportunity to evenly disperse throughout the room. It is better not to engage in independent design of these devices. The effectiveness of home-made supplements is inferior to store-bought ones, the aesthetic parameters are terrible, children can quickly cope with such a supplement on batteries.

Ceramic, plastic, metal figurines, flasks do not require connection to a stationary electrical network are economical. You will have to regularly monitor the amount of water inside the tank. Fluid changes in a minute, adding aromatic oils to make the air fresher. When buying a humidifier of this type, the consumer should pay attention to its quality parameters in the store in order to select a product without defects.

In winter, when it is cold outside, and various heating devices are in full operation in buildings, the air in the rooms becomes very dry. This takes moisture not only from the human body (which affects the condition of the skin and hair), but also from surrounding objects made of hygroscopic materials, which also harms human health and the condition of these objects. Also, due to less oxygen in dry air, a headache begins and the risk of catching a cold or flu increases.

In general, there is little pleasant in dry air, and mothers of small children know this especially well, since as soon as a child appears in the house, a double boiler, a yogurt maker, a humidifier and an air ionizer appear after him. And from the stories of doctors about what threatens your child with too dry air in the apartment, you can collect a whole book. To be honest, I myself wanted to buy a humidifier when there was a replenishment in our family. And not so much because of dry air, but because of the presence of a fluffy cat in the house: thanks to the humidifier, wool and dust do not fly around the apartment, but settle on the floor or on furniture, so cleaning it all becomes much easier. So I also wanted a water vacuum cleaner. :) But the husband, as befits a true life hacker and a person who does not tolerate a pile of things in the house, said not to invent and cope with grandmother's methods. "Grandma's method" is a bowl of water on a radiator, which, unfortunately, is not very convenient, and, given the cat and the child, who stick their curious noses everywhere, it is also difficult to do.

And just a few days ago, one of Lifehacker's readers, Andrey Solovyov, sent us a life hack on how to make a humidifier. If I had seen this 5 years ago, I would not have had to suffer with bowls and batteries.

To make a humidifier you will need plastic bottle, stationery knife or scissors, gauze, water and, of course, a battery.

  • Cut a hole in the side of a plastic bottle about 5x10 cm in size.
  • Hang it hole up on horizontal pipe batteries using fabric ribbons.
  • Fasten the ribbons to the bottle with tape so that it does not slip away.
  • Fold gauze in several layers in the form of a rectangle 10 cm wide and about a meter long.
  • Lower one end of the wick into the slot of the bottle, and wind the rest around hot pipe batteries. It is better to make two such wicks.
  • Pour water into the bottle (for example, using another bottle).

The device has been successfully installed and is ready to go.

Maintenance consists of periodically adding water. You can adjust the intensity of humidification by raising and lowering the unit.
Make sure that the wick does not hang anywhere below the water level, otherwise the water will start to drip onto the floor.

An air humidifier is a device that serves to create a comfortable air humidity for the human body in the range from 40 to 70%. At home, in the presence of hands from the shoulders and necessary materials for design, it is quite possible to assemble a device that is in no way inferior to a purchased analogue.

Air humidifiers are divided into three types according to the principle of operation:

  • On cold steam. The principle of operation is as follows - due to the temperature difference between water and air, steam is formed, and the fan on the device helps to spray the evaporating water in the room.
  • Steam device. The vessel in which the water is located is heated, and the steam formed during the evaporation of water leaves the vessel into the room. Such devices have low productivity, so they are not widely used.
  • ultrasonic device- a relatively new invention in which water is converted into steam by means of ultrasound, after which it is sprayed around the room. Outperforms analogues on cold steam in performance.

How to create an ultrasonic humidifier at home: scheme and work plan

  • ultrasonic transducer;
  • computer cooler for the processor;
  • plastic bottle with a capacity of 5-10 liters;
  • plastic cup;
  • a ring from a children's toy-pyramid;
  • power supply for 24 V, with a converter from 24 to 12 V;
  • plastic corrugated pipe;
  • aluminum corner.

Attention! Pure distillate is used for the operation of the humidifier with the ultrasonic transducer!

Holes are drilled in the lid of the container with an electric drill for mounting the cooler mount. The steam generator wire, outlet tube and fasteners are inserted into these holes, after which the fan is screwed to the container, and a plastic corrugated pipe is inserted.

The steam generator must always be on the surface of the water, for which it is placed on a platform made of a plastic cup. The glass is inserted into the ring from the children's pyramid, a hole is drilled in the bottom of the glass, a piece of fabric is attached to the bottom by means of an elastic band. The fabric in this case is needed as a filter. Then the steam generator is inserted into the cup.

The device does not require special care and maintenance, the only thing is that it is necessary to control that there is always water in it.

Important! The humidifier requires 24 volts for operation, and 12 volts for the fan. Therefore, the fan is powered through the stabilizer! It makes sense to use a variable resistor with an adjustment knob for smooth power adjustment, and place the converter chip and the resistor itself under an aluminum corner.

How to make a do-it-yourself humidifier from a plastic bottle: video recommendations

In general, you can collect a lot of things from plastic bottles. When designing a humidifier, you can go in two ways:

  • Make a cut along the side of the bottle along its length, approximately 10X2 cm, in the form of a rectangular window. The structure is suspended under a straight horizontal section heating pipes 10–20 centimeters from it. The bottle is filled with water. A strip of gauze about 10 cm wide and 1 meter long is cut out, the end of which falls into the cut-window. The gauze is wrapped around the pipe, and the process has started. The advantages of the method are the simplicity and cheapness of the device, the minus is the low productivity due to the direct evaporation of water without spraying.
  • Large, with a capacity of 10-20 liters, plastic bottle cut off the throat so that you can attach a cooler from the computer to it. We fix the cooler using the old computer block We supply 12 volts to it. On the sides of the bottle, about 7–10 centimeters from the top, we make holes for air to escape. Pour water just below the level of the holes, using adhesive tape, we attach the cooler to the neck of the bottle. We turn on the power supply unit in the outlet - the device starts to function. Pluses - simplicity and efficiency of the device, minus - not very neat in terms of aesthetics design, the need to disconnect the cooler every time when filling the tank with water.

How to make a humidifier on a battery with your own hands

The first option was described above, you can use a plastic eggplant by hanging it under the heating pipe. The second way is to put a metal pan, a large iron mug, etc. on the battery. with water, of a suitable size, so that it does not fall. The method, of course, is not aesthetic, but simple and practical. The bad thing is that scale forms at the bottom of the container, and it is quite difficult to remove it, so you should take a pan that is not very pitiful.

If you want everything to look nice and neat, you can take rectangular-shaped vessels with water and attach them with a rope (or wire hooks, the main thing is securely) with front side batteries. It turns out both a humidifier and a decoration for radiators.

How can a homemade humidifier differ from a purchased one?

Differences homemade devices from store-bought ones - the question is quite subtle in the sense that each device made by one's own hands is unique, it does not have any declared characteristics of power consumption or performance. A humidifier either satisfies requests and performs its task, or not.

Purchased devices, on the other hand, always have a typical, as a rule, neat and attractive design, always have a declared power consumption, performance, safety class, and clearly defined dimensions. But all this does not mean that a purchased humidifier is better than a homemade one - it all depends on specific models and on how the homemade apparatus is assembled.

Advantages of DIY humidifiers

The main advantage of a homemade device is its relative cheapness. Such devices are assembled, as a rule, from what was found on the farm. Therefore, their value tends to zero. In addition, no one limits the design thinking, and the final parameters of the humidifier depend solely on what materials and elements were used in its manufacture. And finally, all people feel pride from the fact that they did something themselves - this increases self-esteem. It is possible to judge which air humidifier is better - homemade or store-bought, only in each specific case.

Practical recommendations for making a humidifier at home with a photo

Beginner Kulibin can give the following recommendations:

  • It makes no sense to fork out for the purchase of components, it is better to think about what can be used from improvised materials. As Philias Fogg used to say - use what is at hand, and do not look for another;
  • When assembling and preparing the humidifier for operation, make sure that the contacts of the electrically powered elements are insulated from moisture;
  • You should think about the issue of aesthetics - if the device looks very clumsy, then it will annoy the spouse.

How to decorate a homemade humidifier with inexpensive materials

Colorful containers can be suitable as decoration, you can lay out the bottom of the container with sea pebbles, corals, shells. In principle, an entourage of artificial fish, starfish, crabs is suitable. There are a lot of options - there are no restrictions here, the main thing is to look nice.

Normalization and maintenance of indoor air humidity at the recommended level is one of the most important tasks for a person's well-being. The simplest DIY humidifier will improve your well-being and protect your health. How to make a humidifier with your own hands from a bottle and not only a way

Assembling a humidifier with your own hands

The well-being of a person often depends on numerous factors, including the humidity of the air in the room. The indicator of humidity of atmospheric air, acceptable for human life, is approximately from 50 to 60%, in winter it drops significantly due to heating devices. Dry air is dangerous for several reasons:

  • the mucous membrane of the eyes dries, which can lead to conjunctivitis;
  • the nasopharynx dries up - leads to respiratory diseases;
  • dry mouth and throat reduce resistance to various inflammatory diseases;
  • the content of dust increases, which causes allergic reactions.

It is very important for the home that normal air humidity is present in recreation areas, since during sleep a person is more vulnerable to illness.

Simple options for humidifying the air at home

It is not always possible to buy or interrogate men to make a humidifier in the house with their own hands from plastic tableware. Therefore, a few recommendations for women on how to assemble a simple do-it-yourself humidifier:

  • put a container of water near the battery, lower the edge of the wet towel into the water tank, and spread the rest of the canvas over the heater;
  • install a container on the battery and periodically add water to it, it is desirable that the container is metal, and the moisturizing effect is achieved;
  • put glassware, aquarium type, vase or a simple jar, lower an ordinary aquarium compressor into it and put it next to small fan, better cooler computer. For an aesthetic appearance of this humidifier, you can put glass pebbles and plastic figures in transparent dishes, they will imitate ikebana.

An elementary way is to start a large aquarium with all the equipment, although it is simple, but not cheap.

DIY humidifiers, step by step instructions

Why buy expensive equipment when with the help of the simplest items and a little ingenuity you can make a household homemade humidifier. The scheme of the air humidifier is simple, the main thing is to choose a suitable container and attach it to the heater. It is not always possible to find the funds to purchase a factory-made vaporizer, and a plastic bottle is almost always at hand. Consider the simplest ways to make a humidifier with your own hands:

  1. Air humidifier from a plastic bottle. Any bottle of mineral water, lemonade, etc. will do:

  • in the body of the bottle, an arbitrary-shaped hole is cut out with a width of not more than 2 cm;
  • with the help of ropes, adhesive tape or ribbons, the bottle is suspended from the upper pipe of the radiator with a gap of 3-5 cm, so that it does not turn over;
  • with the help of gauze or a bandage, a thick wick is made, the gauze is twisted into a strip, and the bandage is folded into several layers about 1 m long;
  • one end of the bundle is lowered into the slot, the other is wound around the battery, for more effective work humidifier from a plastic bottle with your own hands, you need to put 2 bundles and spread them in different directions. Then the evaporation area will increase;
  • pour water into the container and add as needed.

The disadvantage is that a humidifier from a bottle is a device of local action, that is, air humidification in an apartment occurs within a radius of no more than 3 m.

  1. Homemade mechanical humidifier from a plastic bottle. Necessary:
  • take a bottle with a capacity of 5 liters. and cut a hole in it for a cooler from a computer;
  • fix the cooler with adhesive tape so that it does not fall inside the container;
  • connect the fan using the power supply from the phone, and the humidifier is ready for use.

  1. Do-it-yourself ultrasonic humidifier is more difficult to assemble, but more efficient. Small costs and the following elements will be required:
  • ultrasonic steam generator;
  • container or bottle 5–7 liters;
  • plastic disposable cup;
  • ring from a children's pyramid;
  • corrugated tube of small diameter;
  • power supply converter and fan from the computer.
  • holes are made in the lid: for cooler fasteners, laying wires from the steam generator and arranging a corrugated hose or tube;
  • the fan and the tube are mounted on the cover on opposite sides;
  • a hole is made on the bottom of the glass and a piece of cloth is pulled from the outside to filter the water;
  • a steam generator is placed inside the glass and tightly closed with a toy ring. The cord from it is brought out through the hole of the ring; we connect the current converter to the cooler and the steam generator, pour water into the container, lower the glass and close the lid tightly.

The principle of operation of such a humidifier with your own hands is very simple. The ultrasonic device forms water vapor, and with the help of a cooler and a tube, they come out. The ring from the toy plays the role of a float so that the steam generator is at the required level. It is advisable to fill the water into the ultrasonic steam generator with purified water in order to prevent white coating on furniture. Instead of a toy ring to attach the ultrasonic humidifier, you can use a piece of foam, cut a hole in it and insert a cup into it.

  1. A simple humidifier from a bucket and expanded clay. To assemble a homemade humidifier, you will need: four trash baskets of different diameters; fan from the computer; a bucket of about 12-15 liters, so that it includes a large basket.

Assembly step by step:

  • baskets of the same diameter are placed on top of each other and fastened together with a hair dryer or plastic fasteners. Moreover, at first smaller diameters are connected, and then baskets with large diameter. Thus, a two-case construction of the thermos type is obtained with containers built into each other;
  • in the upper outer part, a hole is cut out for filling expanded clay. The diameter of the crumbs to be poured must be larger than the holes in the baskets;
  • an aquarium pump is installed at the bottom of the bucket. Tubes from it are thrown to the top of the structure, ending with a ring with holes through which water, flowing around the entire perimeter, wets the expanded clay and drains back into the bucket;
  • the cooler is installed at the top of the humidifier and blows air into inner part. Through the holes in the baskets, passing through the wet expanded clay, enriched with water vapor, it comes out.

Expanded clay for a humidifier must be thoroughly rinsed before backfilling warm water, it performs not only the function of a moisture accumulator, but also a filter. Since the room air passing through it leaves microparticles of dust and dirt on the surface.

It is not difficult to assemble a homemade air humidifier with your own hands, but in addition to elementary humidification, you can achieve cleansing in the premises and assemble a sink.

Instructions for making an air purifier

Dust particles and bacteria in the air are not noticeable, and even constant wet cleaning is not able to remove them. Factory-made air washers are very expensive and not everyone can afford. It is possible to make a humidifier-air purifier with your own hands using improvised materials. For example, how you can use old disks:

  • the surface of the discs must be sanded, the gloss removed, plastic pieces soldered to the edges;
  • put prepared disks on a tube with a diameter of 15 mm, alternating with plastic washers 3 mm thick;
  • in a rectangular shape, install several coolers from the computer to draw in air;
  • install a shaft with disks and connect a small toy motor to it;
  • install a fan in the lid of the container to extract humidified air;
  • fill with water, so that it does not reach the coolers and plug it into the network.

An air purifier assembled in this way at home can be used not only in houses and apartments, but also in other utility rooms.

For poultry entrepreneurs, it is easier to assemble a humidifier for an incubator with your own hands than to buy expensive factory equipment. Humidity and purity of air in such rooms are very important for a young brood.

Air Dryer

Of no small importance for general well-being is the saturation of the air with moisture. There are production facilities and premises where the level of humidity exceeds allowable norms and have to dry the room. It is easier to make a dehumidifier with your own hands than to buy a ready-made one. This will require an old freezer. Air dehumidification occurs due to its condensation. Therefore, surfaces are needed on which moisture settles and collects:

  • a sheet of plexiglass the size of the freezer door is installed in an open opening;
  • a hole is cut out on the glass, and a fan is installed so that it sucks air from the room;
  • holes are drilled in the upper part of the glass for the outlet of treated air;
  • a condensate drain pipe is installed in the lower corner.

Having considered various ways changes in air humidity, you can come to the conclusion that for your own health there is no need to run to the store and spend exorbitant funds. You can, having thought over how to make a humidifier yourself, and, having picked up everything you need, assemble the device. By measuring the humidity in the room, own hands further humidification, dehumidification and purification.

The structure is ready for operation. Due negative temperature on the walls freezer moisture in the atmosphere is attracted to them. The air dried in this way is vented to the outside. This device can reduce humidity up to 10%. It must be taken into account that the air at the outlet has a lower temperature.

How to make a humidifier at home: from a bottle Dry air in an apartment is a common health problem. Older people, small children suffer the most from dryness in the room. How to make a do-it-yourself humidifier from a bottle and not only

How to make a humidifier at home: from a bottle

Dry air in the apartment is a common health problem. The elderly, young children, asthmatics, and family members prone to allergies suffer most from dryness in the room. The natural humidity in the room should be at least 40%. If the percentage of humidity is less, dryness in the throat will be felt, there is a risk of developing bronchitis, asthma, the skin loses its healthy shade, the hair becomes dull and loses its shine.

Dryness in the throat indicates that the mucous membranes are overdried. This leads to the fact that microbes will more often penetrate into the body, it cannot cope with such a flow of bacteria, and therefore, against the background of dry air, frequent colds will occur.

The bronchi can no longer clear themselves, leading to respiratory problems. Dryness in the room is also felt by people who wear contact lenses, their mucous membrane of the eye quickly dries out, and the “dry eye” syndrome develops, this is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the eyes and sharp pain.

To avoid all this, you need to purchase a humidifier, or make a humidifier at home with your own hands. We will talk about this in this article. And so we went:

Do-it-yourself humidifier from a plastic bottle

Let's take a closer look at how to make a do-it-yourself humidifier from a plastic bottle. This makeshift device can be left in the children's room, and it will do its job. At the same time, it will not kill anyone with current, like a humidifier from a computer cooler, will not leave a plaque on things, as happens with ultrasonic humidifiers, and is not harmful to health.

To work, you will need a 2-liter plastic bottle, wide adhesive tape, scissors and a central heating battery. Additionally, you will need either gauze or a long piece of cloth. Everything is ready for work. Cut a long hole in the bottle 6 centimeters wide and 12 centimeters long.

The hole should be on the side. Next, make two wide ribbons that will attach the bottle to the battery. Glue the junction of the ribbons and the bottle well with adhesive tape so that the bottle does not fall. Next, cut two wide strips from the fabric, wet them with water. Hang the bottle from the battery, pour water into the hole and put one end of the ribbon into the water, and put the other on the battery.

Homemade humidifier is ready to use. Now you need to periodically add water inside the bottle and there will be humid air in the room.

How to humidify the air in a room without the use of chemicals

Dusting and damp cleaning the room will help get rid of dry air. But, you can not use household chemicals. Thus, moisture will naturally saturate the air. Additionally, ventilate the room several times a day.

It is worth recalling that in frosty weather, airing will be irrelevant. There is almost no humidity in the frosty air. Remember how difficult it is to breathe on the street when it is 15 outside the window. Humidify the air in the room will help ornamental plants. They not only humidify the air, but also absorb toxic substances, carbon dioxide, and ionize the air.

In addition, they perfectly decorate the interior. For support natural humidity can be grown indoors hibiscus , ficus, house fern, decorative linden, geranium . It will be interesting to look at a small greenhouse in the room.

To cope with the problem of dry air in the room, a small decorative fountain or aquarium with fish . Additionally, you can spray water from a spray bottle on plants, curtains, just spray around the room.

In winter, you can put a jar of water or a basin near the battery. Under the influence of heat from the battery, the water will evaporate and saturate the air. When using this method of humidifying the air, remember that the water in the container must be changed every day.

If this is not done, microbes will develop in it, which can cause colds. You can solve a one-time problem with dry air in a room using the above methods, but if you want a long-term effect, you need to go the other way.

How to make a humidifier at home? This question has visited everyone who is faced with dry indoor air, but does not want to use chemistry.

How to humidify the air in the room: ways

If you are not satisfied with any of the above ways to humidify the air, you can look at ready-made humidifiers. They There are several types: ultrasonic, steam and conventional. The conventional humidifier is popular because it forces dry air through the valve where the wet sponge rests. It turns out an interesting system: dry air enters one hole, and wet air comes out the other.

Steam humidifiers photo

A steam humidifier has the same principle of operation as a boiling kettle. It has a water tank and two small coils that heat the water. The water heats up to 70 degrees and begins to actively evaporate, spreading moist air around the apartment.

When the water in the tank runs out, the fuse is activated and it turns off. The device will turn on only when you fill it with new water. Steam humidifiers are not recommended for those who have elderly people or small children in the house.

ultrasonic humidifier photo

Ultrasonic humidifiers are considered the most convenient to use. The device is small in size, runs on electricity, but does not take much energy. Air humidification occurs due to the fact that water, falling on a special plate, breaks into microscopic particles and spreads through the air.

It is important to remember that you can not take water from the tap or mineral water. There is too much salt in it, which will settle on your furniture and things after the water dries. Refuel at ultrasonic humidifier you only need distilled water or buy a special filter for ordinary water.

How to humidify the air in the apartment, everyone chooses for himself. Much depends on the size of the room, the number of family members and their health status, and your preferences. In general, it is better to think about how to make a humidifier at home than to buy ready-made options. By doing the work yourself, you will know that the device will work.

Well, on the undergrowth, as usual, the video:

How to make a humidifier with your own hands video

The easiest way to make a humidifier is to place a small saucepan on top of a battery. The water will gradually evaporate and humidify the air. But, such a humidifier will not last long, and soon you will get tired of messing with the pan.

The principle of operation of air humidifiers and how to make a humidifier with your own hands. Options for making an air humidifier from a plastic bottle, expanded clay How to make a do-it-yourself humidifier from a bottle and not only a method

DIY homemade humidifier - 3 manufacturing options

Russian "kulibins" are brainy people and making a humidifier with their own hands is a trifle for them. Moreover, the principle of operation of the device is simple. Consider the most popular options for making a humidifier for the home and try to give detailed instructions for each of the proposed methods.

How does a humidifier work

These devices evaporate the water poured inside, and then supply the formed steam together with the air into the room. You can even "draw" the following picture: a basin with water and a towel dipped into it. This simple humidifier air can also be used in everyday life, however, it is ineffective, since it humidifies the air only in its immediate vicinity.

Modern units work a little differently. Cold steam devices spray moisture with a fan and a fine mesh, steam devices use the principle of an iron (a heating element immersed in water evaporates it and “pushes” the resulting steam out), ultrasonic devices convert water into a water cloud using a piezoelectric element that generates high-frequency fluctuations.

Bottle option

To make a "bottle" humidifier, you will need:

  • central heating battery (not wall-mounted)
  • one and a half or two liters plastic bottle from under the water (of course, empty)
  • wide tape
  • a strong long piece of cloth or rope
  • gauze about a meter long

This homemade device does not consume electricity at all, is easy to assemble, does not leave salt deposits on objects in the room, as is usually the case with ultrasonic devices that are now popular. But the most important thing is that it does not require any financial investments, well, unless you have to buy scotch tape, gauze and drink a half-ton of mineral water.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. Using scissors, we cut a hole in a plastic bottle 10-12 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. The slot should be located on the side.
  2. We cut off a piece of fabric and from it two long strips of the same size. We hang the bottle for these ribbons to the pipe extending from the "accordion" so that the cut hole is at the top
  3. For greater strength and reliability of the structure, we fix the junctions of the bottle and ribbons with adhesive tape
  4. We take gauze and fold it several times. You should get a rectangle 1 meter long and about 10 cm wide.
  5. We lower one end of the gauze into the opening of the bottle, and wrap the other around the pipe. You can even enhance the moisturizing effect by taking two pieces of gauze and constructing two wicks.
  6. Using the second bottle, pour water into the hole.

How to make a humidifier from an old bucket and expanded clay

Expanded clay can both absorb moisture and release it.

  • four trash cans (two smaller, two larger)
  • twelve liters bucket
  • aquarium pump
  • computer cooler with a diameter of 140 mm
  • household hair dryer
  • plastic ties

Crafting Instructions

  1. Connecting two baskets small size. They are connected along the rims with the help of a household hair dryer, but if suddenly it is not there, then you can get by with plastic fasteners. You should get a body of the future device, hollow inside.
  2. Two large baskets are also connected, it is only necessary to first place inside them the case you already have from small baskets. As a result, you have a two-layer unit on your hands, resembling a thermos in its shape and purpose, consisting of four plastic buckets.
  3. The bottom of the upper large basket must be cut with a knife or simply cut a hole in it for filling expanded clay. Expanded clay must be taken in such a size that it cannot "leak" through the holes of the baskets.
  4. An aquarium pump is placed at the bottom of a twelve-liter bucket, and the tubes from it are led to the very top of the structure. A plastic ring with holes is located "on the top" of the future humidifier - from these holes, moisture will flow down the expanded clay back into the bucket.
  5. At the top, you need to install a computer cooler that will force air into the expanded clay walls saturated with moisture, and then “drive” it out through the holes in the baskets.

The principle of operation of the wastebasket construction is based on the "work" of expanded clay, so it is worth paying more attention to this particular "ingredient". Select the granules carefully, and before pouring them into the device, be sure to rinse all the expanded clay with warm water.

Humidifier bottle and cooler

A cold steam humidifier costs 1,500-3,000 thousand rubles in a store. But its price can drop a hundred times right before your eyes. To observe this incredible spectacle, you will need one bottle of water (preferably a ten-liter one), one computer cooler and scotch tape.

Manufacturing technology

  1. Cut off the top of the bottle with a neck so that a cooler can be installed in the hole formed.
  2. Attach the fan to the bottle with tape. You can take some thick cardboard, make a slit in it a little smaller than the cooler body and attach it to the bottle with the same adhesive tape - it will be more reliable.
  3. Plug in the fan.

These simple options products for moisturizing are sure to come in handy. Even if not in a city apartment, but in the country. Air everywhere and always should be comfortable.

Using this simple knowledge, you can make such a design yourself.

Do-it-yourself air humidifier from a plastic bottle to a battery. How to humidify the air in the apartment without a humidifier? Homemade ultrasonic humidifierHow to make a do-it-yourself humidifier from a bottle and not only a way

How to make a humidifier with your own hands?

reland. en » Crafts » How to make a humidifier with your own hands?

Make your own humidifier it is possible both from improvised means, and using additional materials and devices. IN this material we have collected the most interesting options similar useful device for home.

The role of the humidifier

Before you do humidifier at home, you need to understand what it is, in general, needed. The air of normal humidity in the room is especially difficult to maintain in winter time, since central heating dries it out very much, and breathing dry air is fraught with consequences. Among them are respiratory diseases, allergies and other troubles.

All humidifiers perform one important function, they maintain the humidity level in the room at the level of 40-70%, namely this indicator is considered optimal for a person.

Humidifiers for battery

Do-it-yourself humidifier on a battery it is very simple to do, for this you need to have a heating battery that is not walled up in the wall. From the materials for manufacturing you will need: a water bottle ( 1.5-2 l); adhesive tape, wide is better; a piece of cloth; gauze meter long.

So, the production sequence:

  1. Cut a window in the bottle up to 12 cm long, up to 7 wide. This must be done in the side.
  2. Hang the bottle with the slot up from the pipe that comes from the battery. To do this, use a rope or fabric cut. To this design not turned over, glue the place where the bottle comes into contact with the fabric with adhesive tape.
  3. Take the gauze and fold it several times, so that a strip up to a meter long and about 10 cm wide comes out.
  4. We lower the resulting piece of gauze into the bottle with one end, and wrap the other around the pipe, if you wish, you can make several such cuts, then the effect will increase.
  5. After preparation, you can start the humidifier - pour water into it.

Another option for a battery humidifier is this: with the help of a rope threaded through the holes, you need to fix containers on the accordion, water from which will not spill. You can use light oblong vases, in addition to their main function of moisturizing, which will occur as a result of the evaporation of moisture from them, they will definitely become an interior decoration. If you don't want to look for similar decorative elements, you can do it even easier - put a metal container with water on the battery and that's it. True, in this case, perhaps, at the end of the heating season, you will have to say goodbye to it, since serious scale forms in the tank after tap water, as a way out, use several, while one is “working”, the second is undergoing a cleaning process.

Homemade humidifier made of expanded clay and a bucket

Expanded clay material has excellent qualities that enable it to become an excellent basis for a humidifier.

This option will require Additional materials, such as:

  • Four mesh buckets (these are used for garbage), two slightly larger and two smaller.
  • A bucket, optimally 12 liters.
  • Aquarium pump.
  • Cooler from a computer with a diameter of 14 cm.
  • hair dryer ( building), which has high temperature heating.
  • Ties ( plastic).

The first step in the manufacture of such an air humidifier will be gluing buckets, those that are smaller together. This can be done with a household hair dryer, if there is none, then plastic fasteners will do.

Thus, we get a humidifier case, which has a void inside. You also need to connect large buckets. Before doing this, place the first creation inside.

To fill the voids in the humidifier with expanded clay, you need to cut off the roof at the upper container or cut a hole into which it will be convenient to fill it. Please note expanded clay should be chosen with such a fraction so that it does not wake up through a mesh bucket.

Now a bucket of 12 liters comes into operation, an aquarium pump is placed on the bottom of it, and its tubes are brought to the top of the construction of mesh buckets, then we install a plastic ring with holes on top.

On top of this whole creation, you need to mount a cooler, it will blow air into the expanded clay structure, which are saturated with moisture, and then moisture will enter the room through the holes.

Plastic bottle humidifier

Is easy to implement 10l) plastic bottle, computer cooler and scotch tape. Assembly sequence:

Such a humidifier can be made from a large plastic container, due to the fact that such containers have legs and a tight lid, as well as a much larger volume, it will be more convenient for you to use this option.

In this case, you need to cut a hole directly in the roof of the container, all other steps are similar to the previous one.

Humidifier from a plastic bottle, video:

plastic box humidifier

A slightly more complicated option, but also more effective. For such a humidifier, you need to take 2 plastic boxes, one is larger - 30 liters, the second is smaller, it should be mesh and fit into a large one. In addition, gauze is needed ( bandage), wire or fishing line, fan.

It is made in this way:

Thanks to the use of a fan, the system works very quietly, without creating discomfort for the residents of the apartment, the water consumption is about 1.4 liters in 6 hours, it will be 5.6 liters per day - a very good option, and most importantly, effective.

Humidifier-air purifier, video:

ultrasonic humidifier

Create do-it-yourself ultrasonic humidifier quite realistic, but for this you have to use some special materials. For such a humidifier you need:

  • Ultrasonic transducer.
  • Computer cooler.
  • Plastic container for 5-10 liters.
  • Plastic cup.
  • Bagel from a children's toy pyramid.
  • Power unit.
  • Corrugated pipe or any flexible.
  • Stabilizer.
  • Aluminum corner.

After you have purchased everything you need, you can start assembling. Using a drill, make holes in the lid of the plastic container. You will need to insert the fan mount, outlet tube, and steam generator wire into them. After that, screw the fan to the container and insert the corrugated tube.

For the steam generator, make a special floating platform that will be in the water all the time, thereby ensuring uninterrupted operation of the ultrasonic humidifier.

But what to make such a platform from? And everything is simple - take a plastic cup and a round piece that will have a hole in the middle. You can take this from your child, namely the part from the pyramid.

Insert the glass into the bagel, drill a hole in the bottom, and then attach a piece of fabric to its bottom with an elastic band. The fabric will act as a filter, then insert the steamer into the glass.

Its best work will provide a constant or variable resistor. It is better to hide the microcircuit, the speed control knob under the aluminum corner.

This unit does not need special care, the only thing you need is to make sure that there is always water in it, and one more important point it must be distilled.

Floor fan humidifier

If there is absolutely no time to make something, and you want to breathe normal air right now, then you can make such a humidifier: fix a dense mat on the pipe, which you pre-moisten, hang this structure, for example, on floor lamp, slightly higher than the height of your fan. Behind a similar design, put a regular floor fan and turn it on. It is important to constantly keep the rug moist, only then there will be an effect, however, at the end of the season it will most likely have to be thrown away, since stubborn salts and rust are unlikely to be washed off.

Humidifier from improvised materials, video:

Air humidifier with antibacterial filter

For similar device you will naturally need a filter, in addition, a low-speed fan ( 12V) and a plastic box.

The assembly process is not particularly difficult. In a plastic container, in the side part, you need to make a cutout for about half the height of the filter, then you need to fix it with a plastic tie or in any other way.

A fan is attached to the lid of the container, for which a hole is prematurely cut out. Final stage- this is pouring water, its level should be slightly lower than the height of the side slot. Everything is ready, it remains only to plug it into the outlet.

Another version of the humidifier will have a similar design, only instead of a filter there will be gauze, and for the convenience of pouring water in the container lid, you can make a hole of the same diameter as the neck of a watering can.

Its advantage is the absence of the need to purchase a filter. For an additional effect, you can add a few drops to the water. essential oil, while there will be moisturizing and aromatization.

Decorative humidifier

All these designs are not very attractive, if you crave aesthetics in everything, then this option humidifier.

In order to make it, you need to take a bowl, preferably blue or blue color. Pebbles can be glued inside it and at the edges with special glue, if there are plastic fish, then they will go too - in general, create a marine entourage, you can throw pebbles on the bottom. Pour the whole thing with water and put it near the battery.

You can make any stylization that you like and what your imagination is enough for. It will be especially interesting for children to watch such a humidifier, and they will certainly help you replenish the water resources in it.

Is easy to implement DIY humidifier from a plastic bottle, which will give the effect of cold steam. For this you will need a large 10l) plastic bottle, computer cooler and scotch tape. Assembly sequence.