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Do-it-yourself decorative fountain. Do-it-yourself indoor fountain. How to create a decorative indoor fountain with your own hands: step by step instructions

Even the smallest fountain is capable of transforming the landscape of a summer house or a private house beyond recognition. This decorative building will definitely become your favorite recreational area on your site, because it will give you the opportunity to unite with nature at any moment. Would you like it to become a reality sooner? There is nothing super complicated here - everyone can make a fountain with their own hands. Don't believe? Then to your attention step-by-step instruction with a photo, following which you can quickly and without the involvement of professionals get a spectacular and functional fountain.

First of all, you need to choose suitable option fountain for your site. We are talking about its dimensions, shape and materials. When solving this issue, be guided by the area and style of the courtyard of your summer house or private house.

So, for a large area, it is better to choose a classic sculptural model that will become the center landscape composition. And for a modest courtyard, fountains in the form of small architectural forms are suitable: sea shells, fairy-tale heroes, houses, pots and other similar figures.

Original fountain from improvised materials

But it is not necessary to buy a ready-made sculpture, because you can also build a fountain with your own hands. The simplest option is the construction of stones. To make it, lay large flat stones on top of each other, make holes in each of them with an electric drill and string all the resulting products on copper pipe- it is through it that water will flow to the top of the structure. Then close the gaps with small pebbles and treat the cracks silicone sealant.

Choose a location

The next step is to decide where exactly on the site the fountain will be located. In order for the structure to fully fulfill its aesthetic function, it cannot be installed “anywhere” - it is important to choose the best location. And for this you need to take into account several nuances.

  1. Firstly, the fountain does not have a place in a too open area, since under the influence of active sunlight, the water can begin to “bloom”.
  2. Secondly, the fountain cannot be placed among powerful trees - their roots can provoke deformation of the reservoir and waterproofing. In addition, leaves, fluff, fruits and seeds of trees will constantly pollute the fountain.
  3. Thirdly, the structure should not be too close to the house, otherwise moisture with the wind will fall on its walls.
  4. Fourthly, it is undesirable to stir the fountain in the open wind so that its gusts do not “tear off” the jets.

Position the fountain so that it can be seen from different parts site

Thus, the ideal location for a decorative fountain is a light penumbra surrounded by flowers and low bushes.

When you choose a place, proceed directly to the arrangement of the fountain. It suggests phased implementation three main groups of works:

  • tank preparation;
  • pump installation;
  • installation and decoration of the fountain.

Preparing the tank

In order for the fountain to be durable and solid, it is necessary to equip a special reservoir for hydraulic equipment and water. This is done as follows:

  • Dig a pit of a pre-calculated depth and the diameter you need.

Important! The depth level of the tank must be below the ground level so that the soil around the fountain bowl does not wash away and the base does not deform.

  • Pour a thin layer of sand into the bottom of the resulting pit and carefully strengthen it. side walls bricks.
  • Lay inner surface pit with a dense plastic film - it will prevent the passage of water.
  • Fix the film along the top edge of the tank and seal the seams with frost-resistant silicone sealant. Pour stones at the bottom of the pit, distributing them over the surface of the film. Stones should not be sharp so as not to deform the film.
  • Install a small emergency drain near the pit in order to prevent the water level in the tank from rising.

Fountain construction

Installing the pump

The fountain will not be able to work without the most important mechanism - the pump. It is he who is responsible for the continuous movement of the water flow. General principle The operation of the pump is simple: water is ejected through the nozzle into the tank, then it enters the pipeline, where it undergoes coarse and fine cleaning, and then the already purified water is sent back to the nozzle.

The quality of the functioning of the fountain directly depends on the type of pump:

  • Submersible - works on the principle of a centrifuge and is located in the center of the fountain tank under water. It's cheap but reliable instrument, for the installation of which no fasteners are needed - the submerged pump is quite heavy, so it does not move itself. It is suitable for small weak fountains.

Diagram: fountain pump operation
  • Surface - a more serious type of pump, which is not installed inside the tank, but on its edge on the surface of the earth. Such a device is designed for large fountains with a complex design.

Pipeline for pumping system can be constructed from plastic pipes. Their optimal diameter is 16 mm.

Advice. In order to enhance the operation of the pump, additionally install a pressure tank - it will guarantee a constant pressure of the water flow.

Fountain decoration

After the main functional elements are installed, you need to take care of the installation of the fountain itself, or rather its upper part. If you are using ready-made sculptures, then they should provide special mounts for mounting. But a home-made stone fountain is best installed on metal slats, previously laid on top of the tank.

Then proceed to decorate the design. The fountain can be decorated with plants, stones of various sizes, clay figurines, microsculptures and any other details that seem appropriate to you on your site.

You can decorate the fountain with stones, sculptures and plants

Do not forget about such a spectacular decor tool as lighting. It can be underwater lamps, light strips, floating lanterns, ground lamps - here you are also unlimited. But remember that lighting structures must be completely sealed, and all their contacts must be protected from water as reliably as possible, otherwise it will be unsafe to use them.

When all work is completed, fill the tank with water and start the fountain.

As you can see, to make a beautiful fountain with your own hands, you do not need to work hard and spend a lot of money. Do not deviate from the instructions, use quality materials and don't be afraid to experiment with decor - keeping these three simple rules, you will definitely get a functional fountain that will delight your eyes and tune in a positive way for more than one year.

Which fountain to choose for a summer residence: video

Now many have a desire to have (especially in summer) a small fountain that would make the atmosphere more exotic. But many are sure that this idea is beyond their means. At home, you can try to realize this dream. Homemade can be done in a few hours, even if you have never created such things.

Such products are divided into indoor (decorative) and yard, arranged in summer cottages or in courtyards. multi-storey buildings(if they do not interfere with garages, etc.). There are many different designs of home fountains. Consider how to make at least a small indoor fountain with your own hands. To begin with, we will think over the future design according to the following parameters:

  1. Desired sizes.
  2. Form.
  3. The number of cascades in your fountain.
  4. Proper design of the closed water system of the product, otherwise the fountain will not work normally.

So you have passed the first stage, and you have a drawing of your fountain on paper. Now comes the next stage: you need to prepare materials and parts for the assembly you invented. Here is a rough list:

  1. Small. If you are planning to do desktop version, then you can use an aquarium pump-pump.
  2. Hermetically sealed container made of metal or plastic. For these purposes, you can adapt any dishes available in the house (vase, plastic bucket, basin).
  3. For decorative design you can use pellets, shells, decorative colored glass, etc.
  4. Electric cords, sockets for connecting the pump.

Self-made fountain at home

The assembly begins with the installation of the pump on the bottom (bottom) of the container you have chosen. To do this, you can use synthetic adhesives or suction cups (if an aquarium pump is used, they are included in its kit). The rise of water to the upper level is carried out using a tube (plastic, silicone). We put it on the outlet of the pump and fix it strictly vertically. Further, in order to mask the pump and isolate it from the external environment, it is necessary to close the equipment with a home-made or purchased, suitable-sized frame. If you are going to make it yourself, then do not forget to prepare the materials and tools you need for this.

If you have a plastic box with dimensions suitable for the pump, then by cutting out ventilation holes, use it as a casing. On extreme case you can shove the pump under a layer of colored pebbles. Next, you need to turn on your imagination, since the final result depends on it. We take any tank we like (a beautiful mug, a large sink, a plate, etc.)

It must be installed on some elevation.

This can be achieved by creating a slide of stones with your own hands, on which we mount our decorative tank with epoxy glue, into which a tube is inserted from the output end of the pump.

If there are no stones, then you can make cubes from foam or use ready-made plastic ones. To do this, we drill a hole in the vessel we have chosen according to the diameter of the tube, which is inserted into the tank (into its internal cavity), by 6-12 mm. We seal the hole and fix all the elements with our own hands, using waterproof glue and sealants.

It seems that the times have passed when summer cottages and private courtyards of Russians were exclusively a territory with broken beds and planted trees and shrubs. Modern backyard, large private courtyard or a tiny backyard within an urban dwelling can become a work of landscape art. Beautiful flower beds, neat garden paths, barbecue areas, swings and gazebos - there are a lot of options for arranging even modest-sized yards. But according to the Japanese, they are great experts in creating the perfect landscape design- for a harmonious environment in your yard or summer cottage, there must be three components: plants, stone and water. It is the introduction of a source of water into the arrangement adjoining territory will be the focus of this post. let's consider possible options creating a fountain at the dacha or personal plot, within a small courtyard or a huge local area.

Types of fountains for landscape design of the site

The generally accepted opinion that a fountain in a summer cottage is expensive, labor-intensive and generally troublesome has long been without an evidence base. Organize a source with constantly circulating water on your own It's not difficult if you approach the issue with care and accuracy. Well, there are so many ready-made options in modern stores that it’s time to get confused.

The choice of a fountain, as well as any device for decorating the local area, requires accurate calculations, the correct selection of shapes, sizes and materials. Before heading to the store or on the Internet in search of videos with master classes in making a fountain with my own hands, it is necessary to decide what fountains are and how they differ from each other.

This type of fountain can be considered the simplest in terms of device and installation. The peculiarity of the submersible mechanism is that the jet hits directly from the water. But this option requires the presence or creation of a small reservoir - an artificial pond or a large bowl of water that is immersed in the soil. The submersible version of the fountain is one of the least expensive. It is enough to choose a suitable spray nozzle that forms a jet and fix the hose from the pump. Installation of additional technical devices is not required.

It is these structures that we present most often when we talk about fountains in parks and squares. This type of fountain suggests the presence of any decorative elements that mimic the source of water. In a stationary fountain for a summer residence and a private courtyard, jets, sculptures or their compositions, various elements of landscape decor can be used.

The device of the design of a stationary fountain is somewhat more complicated than a submersible type mechanism, but such a decorative element of landscape design looks more respectable, more spectacular. This is especially true for those cases when it was possible to find a fountain model suitable for the general design concept of the site (or make it yourself).

Among the many models of stationary fountains, products made of polymer material, which perfectly imitates natural stone. Products made of polyresin outwardly look like models made of natural stone, but at the same time they are much cheaper, have a low weight and are easy to install and operate.

Fountains made of polyresin can be either one item or a composition of several elements - there are countless options. In any case, the material is not subject to rotting and deformation, it is able to withstand water jets even under sufficiently high pressure.

Fountains look stylish, modern and creative, in which water flows over the main element or the whole composition of objects. It seems that the stone itself is a source of moisture. Meanwhile, water flows through the hose, which is located in the center of the opening of the boulder (or any other decorative element).

Fountain-waterfall "falling water"

Not fewer varieties fountains imitating both jets and water falling from something like a waterfall. In such a combined composition, the fountain jets, rising up, do not easily fall back into the water, but fall on a cascade of stones or stepped decorative elements.

Creating a fountain with your own hands

So, you have decided on the type of fountain and are ready to get to work. But wait to dig a ditch. Popular wisdom says for good reason - "measure seven times, cut one." You need to carefully plan your actions necessary calculations to carry out some preparatory work.

Choosing a location for the fountain

A good choice of zone for the location of the fountain is an important item on the list of tasks for arranging the local area. After all, we want not only to decorate the site, but to create an atmosphere of peace and comfort, in which the sound of running water will allow us to relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday work. On the one hand, I want the fountain to be in a zone of constant visibility so that it can be admired from anywhere in the site (but most often this desire is unattainable, because there are buildings, trees and tall shrubs on the territory), on the other hand, to be located near the recreation area .

If you are planning to make a submersible fountain, then you need to consider the following nuances:

  • the fountain should not be placed directly under a tree or a tall bush - falling leaves will not only clog the water, but can also cause the pump to break down. In turn, the root system of a tree can cause the destruction of the entire structure;
  • a fountain in even a small pond will cause high humidity and possible damage to the facade if it is located in close proximity to the house or other buildings;
  • it is also important to take into account the wind rose in your area, at least the prevailing wind direction. If you place a pond with a fountain on the leeward side, then most time will have to deal with garbage collection, and not enjoy the beauty of the structure and the sounds of pouring water;
  • but also absolutely open area yard is not the best option for the location of the fountain (especially for the regions of our country, where summer is very hot). During the day, light and shadow should replace each other. Otherwise, the water in the tank may become very hot, which leads to the failure of the pump. Yes, and the water will turn green faster in constantly hot water.

Choosing a bowl for an artificial pond

In this matter, the defining criteria will be the type of fountain and the size of the reservoir being made. In order to optimize the costs and time for making a fountain with your own hands, the easiest way is to choose a ready-made composite bowl from the available range of stores. A wide range of shapes, sizes and colors will allow you to do this effortlessly.

Experts recommend choosing bowls made of composite materials, because they do not have temperature deformations. If your pond will have small size, and you do not care about the choice of some original form then it is better to buy ready-made version. Otherwise, you will have to make a bowl yourself - this is a laborious process that takes a lot of time. But as a result, you will get the perfect vessel for your country pond. This topic is extensive and worthy of a separate publication. But not all the elements for the garden fountain have been selected yet.

Choosing a DIY Fountain Pump

A fountain pump should not be easy to push a jet of water to the desired height, as is required in a country waterfall or an artificial stream, but also to push water from the right pressure to a certain height above the surface. Of course, there are formulas for finding the required pump power for a given jet height and optimal hose diameter, but for those who do not want to delve into the details of the calculations, we offer the following list of correspondences:

  • for a jet height of 50 cm, the diameter of the hose is 1.5 cm, and the pump capacity is 1000 l/h;
  • for height 100 cm, diameter 1.5 cm, pump 2000 l/h;
  • jet 150 cm, diameter 2.5 cm, capacity 3000 l/h;
  • head height 200 cm, hose diameter 2.5 cm, power 5000 l/h;
  • for a jet with a height of 300 cm or more, you will need a hose with a diameter of 2.5 cm or more, and a pump with a capacity of 8000 l / h or more (but such designs are used extremely rarely for a country landscape).

There are many types of nozzles for creating original views jets, they all leave an imprint to choose from specifications equipment. In any case, all pump parameters will be indicated in its labeling, on the box and in the product data sheet. If you want to make a “geyser” type fountain or use original nozzles (such as “bell”, etc.), then contact the consultants in the store for help.

Decorating a country or garden fountain

Of course, the main criteria for choosing a decor for a fountain will be only your imagination and financial capabilities. Although, for many types of decor, the costs will be symbolic. For example, if you chose a polystone fountain model, then decor is not needed at all. Such models are most often presented in a fairly concise design and do not require decorations.

If you want to create the most natural atmosphere close to the wild nature environment on the entire site as a whole and near the fountain in particular, then it will not be superfluous to adhere to the following simple recommendations:

  • to decorate the fountain, use stones of one, maximum of two breeds, because in nature it is rare to find a pile of stones that differ significantly in their aesthetic qualities;
  • plants that will be in close proximity to the fountain or located in a pond, it is better to choose from the class of those for which water or very high humidity is a natural habitat;
  • if in your artificial reservoir fish will live, it is necessary to find out in advance whether a particular decorative breed is able to calmly endure the noise of falling water.

In custody

The listed options for fountains and the photos proposed for them are only part of the ways to create an original source of water for suburban area, a private courtyard or just a local area. There is no limit to the imagination for creating combined models, the use of non-standard materials. Whatever your choice, it is important that any fountain will give your site a special flavor, make the landscape design complete, more harmonious, increase humidity and create a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere in the recreation area (or near it).

IN Lately the so-called "vertical fountains", which are literally a "water wall", are especially popular. They look stylish, modern and easily fit into almost any style of landscaping without taking up much space.

https://www..jpg 890 610 Dix https://www.pngDix 2017-06-04 10:30:30 2018-11-30 11:15:24 Country fountain: a variety of ideas

In specialized stores today you can buy very original. The range of such goods is quite large, as they say, for every taste and color. Many people like it when the murmur of a small trickle of water is heard in the house. These sounds allow you to relax and calm down after a hard day's work. However, most consumers do not know what can be done. special costs is not required, as, however, and knowledge.

Construction material

So, below we will describe how to make a fountain at home. For creating original design you will need:

  1. Glue.
  2. A container that will serve as the basis for the fountain.
  3. Approximate scheme of the fountain
  4. Large sink.
  5. A small piece of hose commonly used for cleaning aquariums.
  6. Polyethylene film.
  7. Expanded clay, decorative multi-colored soil and shells various forms and sizes.

A large sink will serve as the central detail of the entire composition. A pump and a hose are needed for pumping water, and multi-colored soil, shells and expanded clay are for decoration. In addition, you need a small piece polyethylene film. So, expanded clay can be purchased at any flower shop. As for the soil black, red, and it is better to use a special mixture for aquariums.

We select the capacity

A home fountain should be strong enough and at the same time beautiful. Therefore, the container for its base should be selected more carefully. The first step in the manufacture of a structure is the selection of a vessel. For the fountain, in this case, you can take a flower pot. If there is no such container, then you can use a flower pot, a beautiful basin, a clay vase, and so on.

The most important thing is that the vessel does not leak. If, for example, in flower pot there are holes, they should be sealed with epoxy glue.

Choosing a pump

Since everyone can make a fountain at home, it’s worth Special attention give to the pump. After all, not everyone understands them. There are several with a spray tip and a regular one. In this case, the first option is not suitable. First of all, splashes can get outside the main tank. And one more thing - we have a completely different idea.

Therefore, to make a mini-fountain with your own hands, an ordinary pump will be enough. The tip can be made by yourself. In this case, the pump should simply raise the jet up.

First stage

So, how to make a fountain at home at no extra cost? First you need to cut off a small piece of hose, about 10 centimeters long. After that, you need to put it on the pump tip and see if the hole in it is completely open. It is on this that the power of the jet that will be supplied to the fountain depends. The finished structure should be installed at the bottom of a pre-prepared container.

The home fountain in this case will be with a large sink in the center. This is where the water will come out. Therefore, it is necessary to make a hole in the sink that will fit the hose in size. This can be done using conventional drill. Of course, the sink should be drilled carefully so that its walls do not crack.

Stage two

The layout of the fountain is quite simple. With its help, everyone will be able to assemble a similar decoration for their interior. When the pump is installed in the tank, expanded clay can be poured, which must be covered with polyethylene from above. A hole for the hose should be made in advance in the film.

Polyethylene is necessary so that expanded clay does not float when wet. After all, water will be poured into the container. After that, multi-colored aquarium soil should be poured onto the film.

Washbasin stand

The composition will not look if the main element is simply set on pebbles. Therefore, you should make a neat stand. So, how to make a fountain at home, which will not only soothe with the pleasant sounds of flowing water, but also be a wonderful addition and highlight of the interior? A beautiful stand can be created from pebbles. They can be held together with epoxy glue. When making the stand, do not forget about the hole for the hose.

Assembling the structure

When the stand is ready, a hose should be passed through it. If it is too long, then it needs to be shortened. Otherwise, you will see where the water is coming from. Now you can install the main element - a large sink. In the previously made hole, stretch the hose just one centimeter.

That's all, it remains to decorate the fountain. To do this, pour some shells around the sink and put the most beautiful pebbles. All this can be purchased in the store - for lovers aquarium fish or as a gift.

If there is no large sink, then it can also be replaced with any suitable item. The main thing is that you can make a hole for the hose in it. The design of a decorative fountain for a room depends entirely on the imagination of its creator.

The final stage

After the composition is completely folded and all its elements are fixed, it is necessary to pour water into the container. There is no point in completely submerging the soil. So the fountain will lose the main idea and its charm. The most important thing is that the pump is completely hidden under water.

Now you can turn on the fountain. To do this, plug the cable from the pump into the outlet.

That's all, homemade fountain ready for the room. However, it is worth remembering that the water from it will gradually evaporate, especially in the hot season. Therefore, it will be necessary to add liquid to decorative fountain at least once a week. More often if necessary.

You can mask the cable from the pump to the outlet. In addition, the indoor fountain can be decorated with artificial flowers. This will give the composition a more effective look.


Now you know how to make a home fountain. It does not require large expenses and special talents to create it. Enough to turn on the fantasy. It doesn’t take much time to make such compositions, but they will delight you for more than one year.

Any fountain, even the most modest size, will become a bright accent in landscape design. On summer days, this is a great opportunity to improve the microclimate in the recreation area, because the fountain acts as a natural air humidifier, and even at noon it will be cool and fresh near it.

Decorative fountains and features of their installation: we select the style, place and equipment

Before you build a fountain in the country, it is important to ensure that its design matches general style landscape design, and he himself was proportionate to the site. The larger the area of ​​​​the site, the more massive and representative the fountain can be - on a standard six acres, a large structure with sculptures and high sides will look extremely ridiculous.

Therefore, the type of landscape should be taken into account:

  • classic garden - a garden with a strict, consistent layout is perfectly complemented by a sculptural fountain: ancient gods, young maidens, cupids and monsters
  • natural garden - “natural” fountains, geysers or mini-waterfalls framed in a naturalistic style will be appropriate here natural stone, pebbles and wood. Or it can be a stylization of a spring, in which a timid trickle of water breaks through a pile of stones.
  • modern garden - fountains are built from metal and concrete, natural and artificial stone, polymers and glass. Such a fountain is a thoughtful composition, the stylistic belonging of which is emphasized decorative elements making it rich and interesting. Minimalist fountains are characterized by thin, filamentous jets of water.
  • country music- it can be a composition of clay jugs and boulders, stylized as an old well. A characteristic element of such fountains is often a mill wheel.

Separately, it is worth mentioning floating fountains - they can be launched into any relatively large body of water. In these fountains, the pump has a special float, so it can drift freely over the entire surface.

It is very important to choose the right place:

  • the fountain should not be located in the zone of active sun - the sun's rays will provoke the development of microscopic algae, the water will "bloom"
  • at the same time, you should not place the fountain near trees - the root system can damage the fountain bowl, violate its tightness. In addition, leaves, fluff, seeds and fruits that enter the water will clog the filters.
  • drops of water should not fall on plants, garden furniture or the walls of the house - excessive humidity can cause damage to things and provoke the death of plants. The recommended distance is at least 50 cm from furniture, walls and plants, but here you should also take into account the height of the jet and the possibility of moisture being carried by the wind
  • proximity to a source of electricity to connect the pump

The next step in creating a fountain is the selection of equipment:

  • container - for the fountain bowl, you can use ready-made plastic fonts (tanks), which provide reliable waterproofing and differ in frost resistance and durability. For a large fountain, you will have to prepare and concrete the pit manually
  • pump - the continuous movement of the water flow is ensured by connecting the pump. The pump from the bowl, through the pipeline, takes water and pressurizes it to the nozzle, thus the pump acts as the "heart" of the entire system. According to the installation method, pumps are divided into two types. Submersible (underwater) mounts in a bowl, directly in the water (Fig. 1), they take water directly from the font and feed it through a pressure filter to the nozzle. They are located on a slight elevation - this will prevent bottom sediments from entering the pump. The main advantage of such a pump is ease of installation and compactness.

The surface pump (Fig. 2) is mounted on land, it sucks water through the filter through the water supply and then delivers it to the nozzle under pressure. The advantage of this approach is the reliability and durability of the pump, as well as ease of maintenance. The power of the pump is selected depending on the desired jet height (water flow intensity) and the available fountain bowl.

  • filter - important detail For home fountain. From the bowl of the fountain, water enters the pump, in most cases, with some contamination. If the water is not filtered, the pump will quickly lose its efficiency.
  • backlight - add decorativeness to the fountain, especially in the evening
  • receiver - a pressure tank, the installation of which will maintain a constant pressure of water entering the nozzle, thereby achieving stable operation of the entire system

If it is not possible to connect to electricity, you can assemble a fountain in the country with your own hands without a pump. Its design is based on obtaining a liquid pressure drop. This will require a large container filled with liquid, and a nozzle installed 0.5 - 1 m higher than the liquid level. Due to the pressure drop, water streams will be pushed out, but they will be rather “sluggish”, they will not splash much. This option is suitable for fountain streams. In addition, you will have to constantly monitor the liquid level, since the water pressure created with this design is quite low.

An important point is the selection of nozzles. They will help diversify and transform the fountain, creating a variety of water patterns, forcing water to flow in the right direction. The water passing through the nozzle is distributed in a certain way, foaming, spraying, saturated with air.

How to make a fountain with your own hands in the country: a step-by-step guide

The technology for creating a simple fountain with your own hands is quite accessible, let's consider it using the example of a fontanel fountain. It will be a spectacular detail in any garden, while it is easy to operate, it can be easily cleaned, repaired and put away in the barn for the winter without much effort. Picking up appropriate place, we dig a round hole, the internal recess of which should correspond to the size of the container for the bowl used for the fountain (Fig. 3). Around the pit, we additionally pull out a gutter with a depth of about 10 cm.