In a private house      20.04.2019

DIY street crafts with photos and videos. Beautiful crafts for the street (yard, cottage) from bottles and plastic bags

DIY garden crafts can bring you great pleasure. Choose the figurine that best suits your character and the design of your garden. let's try to make garden figurines out of cement with our own hands. The process is surprisingly not as complicated as it seems. But the result is really amazing!

See what beautiful flower containers you can make from cement mortar and an old rag. Indeed, crafts from improvised materials!

Decorative openwork ball made of cement.

For work, we need a solution of cement - we mix a thick solution of 1 part of sand, 1 part of cement.

We immerse the rope in the solution, it can also be strips from an old T-shirt, etc. We inflate balloon, we prepare a stand for him, where he will dry. It can be a regular bucket. We wrap the ball with a rope in cement mortar.

After the solution dries, blow off the ball with a needle. All! Our garden art object is ready. Can be dyed as desired.

Original crafts for the cement garden.

Agree, it looks like dragon eggs)) We will do this from cement.

We take the same balloon and cover it with cement mortar. Here you can add a tablespoon of gypsum to the solution, but you need to work quickly.

After the solution dries, remove the ball and paint the inside of the egg. Can be used as an Easter decor in the country - making it a flower arrangement of primroses.

Crafts for the garden. DIY garden gnomes made of cement.

These cute garden gnomes are also very easy to make.

For the gnome, we need cement, a metal rod, a stocking and ropes. Pour the cement solution into the stocking, insert it into it for strength metal fittings. Twisting the rope, we form spouts, legs. Let's not forget about the beard - this is an additional piece of material under the gnome's nose. We hang the gnome by the top of the hat and leave to dry.

When the cement dries, remove the gnome and polish it on top with a more liquid solution of cement and gypsum. We are waiting for the gnome to dry and we can tint or paint. Cute, isn't it?

Garden fountain with leaves.

We will not talk about the principles of creating a fountain in the country. This topic is a separate article, and you can read it in detail here. We will make leaves out of cement.

We need a large enough sheet, and with the help of cement, we form a copy of it.

After drying, the sheet can be worked out and painted in more detail.

And you will become, almost free of charge, the owner of such a beautiful fountain.

Original flower beds with their own hands.

Are you not a sculptor? But believe me, you can make these original flower containers.

We need a plastic container, foam plastic, reinforcing mesh. We make a cement mortar by adding a spoonful of gypsum directly into the palm of the mortar and this is how we form our “sculpture”

But not all of us are fans of modern abstract art. But you can do garden crafts in a classic style.

But, because you are not a sculptor yet, you need a template - it may well be an old doll.

Because it will not be just a decorative garden figurine, but a flower garden in the form of a girl's head, then the upper part must be cut off.

Then the head is painted. In order to give texture, the template is first painted with dark gray paint. Allow to dry and apply a layer of lighter paint. After drying, a layer of even lighter paint is applied with light strokes.

This is a very simple process, and all the examples of this style that you see in the article were made by teenagers in a craft class.

Beautiful crafts for the garden. DIY garden figurines.

For those who liked the process of making concrete crafts, we will tell you another simply stunning technique for creating garden figurines.

Yes, we need the old doll again!

First, we strengthen the doll with hot glue and a bamboo stick for sushi on a heavy stand. By the way, we can also make it from cement. we cut out the wings of an angel from polystyrene foam, fasten it with hot glue to the doll. We will give the doll a new dress and, with the help of dabs of hot glue, create a more interesting texture on the wings and hair.

We coat our template with a solution of cement with gypsum. We paint.

Now, with the help of old toys, you can make almost any garden figurine yourself.

Flowerbed cat.

This funny flowerbed cat is made from a plastic bottle and cement. We will need: cement, sand, gypsum, water, a large plastic bottle, wire, paint, wooden slats, varnish.

The owner of this cat Koneva Natasha will tell us how to make such a funny figurine with your own hands. We cut off a plastic bottle - it is this container that will be our flower garden. In order to prevent the cement from slipping off the plastic, we tightly wrap it with wire. We shoot down from the rails wooden frame. We attach our plastic container to it.

kneading cement mortar the consistency of thick sour cream at the rate of 1 part sand, 1 part cement. We will add gypsum only to the finished portion, which is in our hand, because. the gypsum solution hardens instantly. We work with rubber gloves.

We take a handful of the solution in our hand and add a tablespoon of gypsum to it. We knead it in our hands, roll it up with a sausage and fasten it to the frame. So step by step we impose portions of the solution on top of each other, creating the necessary bulges and smoothing the surface.

We sculpt the face of our cat from small balls of mortar in much the same way as we sculpted from plasticine in childhood. In order to small parts better kept, before attaching them to the body, we lubricate the surface of the figure with water.

We polish the surface of our garden figurine with a wet hand. To dry the figurine, cover with cellophane for 3-4 days. On the first day, the figure must be periodically additionally moistened with water. After drying, sand the surface with sandpaper.

You can paint such a figure water-based paint, enamel, car paints. After painting, cover the surface with varnish. For the winter, the garden figurine must be removed from the street, because. frost can crack it. Perhaps you want to get yourself such a wonderful cat.
The great thing about cement figurines is that they are cheap to make compared to garden figurines from metal or wood. You can start with simple crafts for the garden, which can be no less interesting than some particularly complex ones. You can combine cement with other materials. - for the face of this little garden fairy "Ladybug" they took the head of an old doll.

The long-awaited summer has arrived. I really want the plot kindergarten summer looked bright, lively and interesting! The site of the kindergarten can be independently and without extra costs decorate various crafts. Children enjoy riding a giraffe and a zebra, sitting and relaxing next to a frog. Even our "Pyatochka" is treated with delicacies.

Adults also come to our site to admire our "guests" and take pictures with them. The comfort and beauty of our site allows us to solve educational problems, involving children in the process of learning, because they develop curiosity, creativity, and communication skills. I want to create comfort for every child.

I present to you the photographs summer area which we designed together with our parents. The ideas are mine, but the embodiment is the parents, to whom I am always immensely grateful. I would be very happy if someone takes note of our work!

Summer decoration of the preschool educational institution. Photo

Registration of the site in the preschool educational institution. Master classes

summer decoration do-it-yourself site in a preschool educational institution

Such bees will not only decorate the yard, but will also become an excellent methodological, educational tool for preschoolers.

In summer, the bees all day

Collect nectar is not too lazy.

They'll take it away later.

The beehive is your wonderful home.

A bee buzzes over a flower

And in a hurry to collect nectar.

All the nectar that will collect

Turns a bee into honey.

Do-it-yourself decoration of the kindergarten courtyard

You can decorate the territory of the kindergarten with garden figures, which are in abundance in stores for the home and garden. But you can make your own garden figure. For example, a heron.

In the summer they can decorate the kindergarten site like this interesting flower beds- garden hedgehogs that can be made even with children.

The winter guest - Penguin - can also decorate the kindergarten plot.

How to make such a Penguin, see

A lazy crocodile can also decorate a preschool plot

In summer, children play a lot outside

These fun skittles will help preschoolers play bowling.

Do-it-yourself bowling pins. Master Class

And you can make such a garden man with your children very quickly, especially the material in kindergarten for such flower arrangement will surely be found.

Such a funny turtle will also decorate the site of the preschool educational institution and it is not difficult to make it.

Children are very fond of fairy tales, so characters from fairy tales can decorate the kindergarten site. For example, fairy tales "Kolobok"

How to make such characters, see

Each owner of his own land allotment is a potentially happy person. In the country, you can not only enjoy working on outdoor recreation, have a barbecue party, but also give free rein to your own imagination. Here, handmade crafts for the garden will certainly come in handy. All new, best examples And practical advice according to their implementation - in this material.

Read in the article

The best garden and garden design ideas with your own hands: photos of flower beds and their main types

Few owners of country estates leave the land without work. It is a pleasure for a city dweller to poke around in the black earth and enjoy every flower and sprout. There is even a kind of competition between neighbors in the plots: who will grow the most luxurious tomatoes or break the most.

Just in the organization of flower beds there are several secrets, thanks to which you can "score points" in the dacha competition.

The main types of flower beds

"Strict" flowerbed regular flowering. Its main features are clear geometric shapes, the frequency of planting and the simultaneous flowering of all plants. These are not often used in private areas because they fade quickly and require a complete replacement of the contents. On city streets this work is carried out by municipal services. They grow flowers in a greenhouse and plant them in a flowering state to decorate streets and squares.

All-season flowerbed. This flower garden is arranged in such a way as to accommodate plants with different flowering periods. It can be anything, including irregular shape. Groups of frost-resistant plants can settle here, which will delight the eye until the snow falls, meadows of primroses, perennials with summer and autumn period flowering. If you choose plants wisely, such a flower garden will not require annual planting. All care will be reduced to the replanting of plants that died for some reason.

About form and content

The second stage of planning a flower garden is to determine its shape:

  • Multi-level flower garden. The surface, consisting of several different levels, will immediately attract attention. You should not immediately take on a large pyramid - just try your hand at a small version. This design is not difficult to water and take care of it - a pleasure.

Flower garden - pyramid

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Landscape designer at VENUS DESIGN studio

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“Before you start creating a flower garden, do not be too lazy to read information about the features of the selected plants and the rules for caring for them. It is better for forgetful summer residents to sketch out for themselves a small memo for each flower with important information.

  • Blooming carpet. A very attractive flower garden. It consists of many low plants planted in a certain order. The alternation of shades of green and colorful buds form intricate patterns. This beauty has only one drawback - time-consuming care. Planting such a flower bed is a long and painstaking task. Watering can only be from a hose, otherwise there is a risk of trampling tender sprouts.

For your information! Plants of different heights can come into conflict in the flower bed. Too high will hide the low ones from the sun and will not allow them to develop.

  • Flowerbed on the wall and others vertical options. Do not immediately aim at creating a complex vertical composition. Try experimenting with . As pots, you can use plastic bottles, pipe trimmings, old shoes. All this is fixed on a vertical surface and filled with earth. A flowering fence will undoubtedly become the highlight of the garden.

Idea! It is not necessary to plant only flowers in a flower bed. Try placing bright kohlrabi, juicy lettuce and delicate green carrots there. It will be not only beautiful, but also a useful decoration of the garden.

  • Flowerbed-solo. In such a flower garden, plants of only one species. Roses, dahlias, chrysanthemums, gladioli are planted in mono-flowers. How more plants, the more attractive the flower garden.

And a few more examples of decorating a garden and a garden with flower beds with your own hands in the photo:

Trying our hand at sculpture

For a summer cottage, it is completely optional to build statues in full height, unless it was a scarecrow from feathered predators. Small funny figurines of animals or fantasy characters will add a cute charm to garden paths. You can make them from any material: from the remains of building materials to old pots and lemonade bottles.

Admire the photo: do-it-yourself wooden figurine

Most often on garden paths you can meet gnomes, in different cultures they are considered the patrons of all plants. You can cut a little man out of a stump and paint it with bright acrylic or sculpt it out of clay and plaster.

The second option requires the manufacture of a reinforcing structure so that the sculpture does not fall apart from an accidental touch.

The basis for a small sculpture can be cut out of foam or a frozen piece construction foam. and then coat it with putty. After the layer dries, it needs to be sanded and painted. On this basis, animals are especially good - squirrels, hedgehogs, birds - storks, herons, ducks, owls.

Important! Such sculptures must be properly placed in the garden. Frogs, snails and ducks have a place near a pond or fountain, owls and squirrels - on a tree, and a curious gnome can look out from a rose bush.

Such original ideas of sculptural decoration for the garden, made by oneself, will delight the eye for more than one year.

The magic of painted stones: photos and practical tips

No offense will be said, but crafts made from household waste cannot be compared with the natural charm of wood and stone. These materials naturally and noblely fit into any garden design.

Stones suitable for painting must be collected in advance. The best place for this - the bank of the river or the sea. Large smooth pebble great option. You should not stop only at perfectly even specimens. The original shape can be a great stimulus for fantasy coloring.

Idea! Porous boulders can also become an art object if painted from yellow, I next to plant a plaster mouse.

If you can’t find a suitable stone, it doesn’t matter. You can simply make it from cement or plaster. You do not even need to invent a form for pouring. It is enough just to make a recess in the ground or sand, cover it with polyethylene - and you're done. Cement or gypsum can be tinted with tinting paste. To save on mortar, stones can be made hollow.

Advice! Big fake diamond it is better to cast without moving far from the place of future installation.

For stone painting, it is better to use acrylic paints the following reasons:

  • dry quickly;
  • perfectly applied to the surface of the stone;
  • safe at work;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • do not fade from the sun.

Before starting work, the pebbles must be washed from sand and dirt and dried thoroughly.

The first layer is PVA glue. He act as a primer. You can paint only after the soil is completely dry. The second layer is the background paint. It is evenly applied to the entire surface and also allowed to dry completely.

The third layer is the drawing itself. You can first sketch a sketch of the future picture on paper and transfer the diagram to the stone with a pencil.

Idea! If complex ornaments or landscapes are not yet obtained, try painting pebbles with emoticons. Another option is ladybugs. They are very easy to complete.

This is how stone crafts for the garden are made with their own hands. All novelties can be used to design flower beds, garden fountains and paths.

For example, pebbles with the image of frogs and fish will be harmoniously located near the pond, the edges of the paths will be emphasized by products with ornaments.

For example, we offer a photo of original DIY decor ideas from pebbles:

ladybugs and frogs on pebbles - water lilies

Idea! If you draw crosses and tac-toes on the pebbles, the children will have something to do on the lined playground.

Crafts for the garden with your own hands: all the novelties and crazy ideas

In addition to those listed, you can build an incredible number of other country tricks with your own hands. Photo examples and numerous master classes will help in mastering this exciting activity. Here are some original ideas, perhaps some of them will come in handy on your site:

For the manufacture of flower beds, a case from an old grand piano or upright piano is suitable. Medium-sized musical instruments, fastened together, can become a support for loaches.

Structures woven from cut branches can become original decoration garden. It can be both abstract figures and something concrete, like baskets or wattle instead of a fence.

Old large mirror can no longer find a place in the house? No problem. Do not throw it away, especially since it is a bad omen. If you hang it on a fence in a dark corner of the garden, it will add light to the plants and visually enlarge the territory.

Antiques and antiques are great decoration for the site. Everything can be used - from a spinning wheel to vintage irons.

Wonder - benches

This necessary element garden can be made from the most different materials and decorate with flowers or carvings. If next to such climbing plants Fence as an art object

The fence is a great platform to place your own garden decor. Bright gloves and mittens, flower pots, or even lace doilies. There are a lot of tips for decorating the fence.

A body of water or a fountain can change the climate of a site. Plants will like the constant humidity in the air. It is easier to breathe near the fountain, and goldfish can be settled in a small home pond. Eat different variants design of a garden pond.


Owners of private houses always show creativity in decorating the yard, front garden, many make figurines and other crafts for the garden and vegetable garden with their own hands. This is especially true for places where family or guests gather, so that everyone is cozy and comfortable, pleasing to the eye, and resting the soul. flower beds original form and bright colors in the garden create high spirits, the subdued light of flickering lamps will make the evening by the homemade pond romantic and full of hope.

For that to make crafts in the garden look harmonious and there was no accumulation of individual objects that did not fit together, you should first consider the place of each figure, provide for the location of decorative borders and fences, arrange benches, tables and allocate space for stationary and mobile flower beds. You should look through all the stocks of available materials, think about what you need to collect, maybe not immediately, but gradually, most importantly, include the planned craft in the general set of the yard exterior, garden and vegetable garden.

Do-it-yourself materials are suitable for DIY gardening, which, at first glance, are the waste of the past construction works, for example, any remnants of wood, cement, stones, putty. Useful broken bricks, plastic and metal plaster mesh, pieces of tiled and ceramic tiles. Container from food products, in particular, glass and plastic bottles of various colors will serve as a material to make beautiful garden with your own hands. Photos of numerous crafts can be viewed on the Internet.

decorative crafts

Flowerbeds, flower beds and pots

For the arrangement of stylized places for growing flowers in the garden, objects that seem completely unsuitable for this business will do. Old and unnecessary rough things from past life quite adequately put a contradiction to the lush growth of greenery and emphasize the tenderness of blossoming buds.

For making do-it-yourself flower beds in the garden and in the garden in the form of a flower from the old car tire will need:

  • old tire from a car;
  • chalk or black marker for marking;
  • sharp knife;
  • paint on oil based and solvent;
  • brushes.

To begin with, mark the cut lines on the surface of the tire with a marker in the form of flower petals so that after the cut, the inner part of the tire is separated from the outer side and the petals are obtained, respectively, in two parts. After that, the inner part of the tire must be turned inside out and inserted back into the outer contour. Bend the petals outward, cover the inner cavity of the flower bed with fertile soil. Paint the outer walls in one color or decorate in different colors with stripes.

Craftsmen build flower beds made of wood for the garden and vegetable garden, using for this various poles, which are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Thus, it is possible to fence off a place for a new flower bed or update an existing one in order not to move it. A small picket fence is made of wood around the flower bed. It can be dyed bright colors or left natural, it all depends on general style design.

Wattle will look beautiful in the design of the edge of the flower garden from long thin branches that remained after pruning the garden. They are cut off lateral processes, remove the bark. Prepared branches wrap around standing uprights small height. Such wicker fences are usually coated with yacht varnish for shine and preservation of wood.

Mobile and portable flower beds and flowerpots are made from large plastic eggplants, for example, from building soil or antifreeze, they use old, broken carts, basins, pots, bathtubs. From plastic bottles they make figures, leaving one of the large and hollow ones in the center of the base for placing soil and growing plants.

Such portable items must first be adjusted, sand, remove rust, paint. Old shoes look original, for example, boots or boots, which are painted with bright oil-based paint. Mobile flowerbeds are convenient because they can be put together in a certain composition, choosing different options for each new reception of guests.

Make mobile a mobile flower bed in a broken cart or stroller you can do it yourself. First you need to inspect the bottom of the device so that it is not rotten. If this happens, then you need to reinforce the wire frame, lay a new bottom. Be sure to use paints that will give the flower garden holiday look. For such a flower bed, you do not need to carry water, it is enough to bring it yourself to a column or an outdoor yard tap.


Certainly, in summer, many fresh flowers grow on the site, and yet the use of decorative flowers from plastic bottles will make an unforgettable composition in the garden. Artificial flowers are used to decorate green curly walls of plants that do not bloom. For example, a barn wall entwined with green strands of plants will look very advantageous in combination with large white plastic bells framed by lush greenery.

Bells are easily made from white liter bottles kefir or milk, cutting a whisk from the walls of the vessel. They are put on a wire, which is threaded through the centers of the green covers, then fixed on the climbing stems of living plants.

For a romantic date in the shade of trees, you can arrange real bouquets of roses on the sides of the bench, which are made from plastic bottles. The work will require the availability of materials and tools:

For their manufacture cut out of brown bottles large petals roses oval, then they are slightly corrected under the influence of fire (heating). Petals are collected on a wire, small in the center, and wide towards the edges. Rose leaves are made from plastic bottles of transparent green color, which are screwed with wire to ready-made branches painted green.

In the same way do-it-yourself white daisies for lawns with green grass. They take bottles from kefir or milk. For one flower you need three pieces and one cork per bottle orange color for the middle. Petals are cut out from the side surfaces in a circle and three bottles are put one on top of the other, everything is connected with a wire, which serves as a stem. If the orange cork could not be found, then it is painted yellow oil paint, like the stem is painted green.

A feature of flowers from plastic bottles is that they perfectly retain their shape at high and low air temperatures, do not fade from sunlight.

garden figures

Very big do-it-yourself crafts in the form of figures are popular with gardeners installed on lawns or among trees. You can make such figurines from plastic containers different sizes, cement-sand mortar or construction polyurethane foam on a thick wire frame.

Peacocks from multi-colored plastic bottles look very nice, feathers for them are cut out from the sides of the bottle and mounted on a wire frame. Palm trees from the same material look no less original. Photos of these crafts can be viewed on the Internet.

To make a figure of the sun you will need:

Automotive three-quarters of a tire is buried in the ground. On the side surfaces of the chamber, which have now become horizontal, bottle caps are fastened in a certain order with self-tapping screws using a drill. Then, in a checkerboard pattern, the necks of the bottles are screwed into them, trying to alternate small and large containers. Get the rays of the sun.

From two pieces of plywood cut out a semicircle and attach to the inner diameter of the tire self-tapping screws on both sides. It remains to paint the craft yellow, and after complete drying, paint the mouth with red paint, and mark the eyes of the sun with black. Such funny figurines are recommended to be placed in places where children play, they can climb into the sun and parents will be happy to take a photo.

Useful DIY crafts for the garden


Bird feeders are a must, it is better to prepare and use them together with children so that they learn to help birds in a difficult hungry winter time. You can make a capital wooden feeder, but sometimes, if there is no time, they make simple pallets and tables from plastic bottles that are hung in secluded places on a tree branch. Photos of simple feeders are attached on do-it-yourself craft sites.

It is important for the feeder that there is a place for sprinkled bird treats and a perch where they will lean on their paws when eating. In the version with plastic bottles, twigs or sticks should be adapted, which should be firmly fixed.


To illuminate secluded places in the garden and yard, sometimes you should not buy expensive ceiling lamps. Some craftsmen successfully perform whole ensembles of ornamental lamps with their own hands.

On the terrace or veranda make ceiling lamps from cut glass bottles . Sometimes they take standard bottles, but it will look more beautiful glass containers original form. For manufacturing you will need:

  • several wine bottles;
  • thick natural thread, scissors, matches;
  • emery or sandpaper, black marker;
  • flammable liquid, such as alcohol;
  • bucket of cold water.

At the beginning you need to decide on the height of the ceiling. On the walls of the bottle, make a mark with a marker that matches the size of the lamp. Around the perimeter at the mark, several turns are wound tightly with a natural thread, a knot is tied and the ends are cut off. After that, the thread is well lubricated with a combustible liquid and set on fire with a match. After the thread stops burning, the bottle is quickly lowered into cold water. Glass from the temperature difference cracks at the place where the thread burns.

The joint cracks with irregularities, they are cleaned with emery. Such plafonds can be mounted for burning electric bulbs.. But candles are also inserted into them. Do-it-yourself composition of lamps is arranged in a circle or other figures are made, hung in bunches, improvised chandeliers are made.

Sometimes lamps are made reflective. For these options use stainless steel bowls, colanders. They are placed vertically, and an electric light bulb or candle is fixed in the lower part. A good garden craft is a wall of small reflective lights that are made from cans or beer. They are attached to one of the walls with a self-tapping screw on the wall, the front part is bent or cut off, and a candle is placed inside. Crafts are attached in different sequences in the amount of more than 6-8 pieces. Their glow creates a unique mysterious atmosphere.

Tool for gardeners

From plastic bottles do very useful handicraft with your own hands, which will come in handy more than once for cleaning the yard. Several bottles have their bottoms cut off, then flattened and cut into fringed strips. These blanks are put on each other with necks and fastened to the broom handle with nails or self-tapping screws. It turns out a very rigid panicle, capable of moving a sufficient amount of debris at a time.

All kinds of buckets for harvesting are made from ten-liter or more plastic eggplants, which are cut off on top and ropes are threaded into them like carrying handles.

If such eggplants have a handle on the side, then they make a watering can from the container with their own hands, drilling several holes on top and on the side for water to flow out.

Old wooden barrels or leaky stainless steel containers from 40 liters or more successfully used for waste collection. Previously, these barrels are given a respectable look with the help of multi-colored coloring or funny faces are painted on the front. If in the lower part, almost at the bottom, you make several holes for ventilation or cuts, then you can shoot dry garbage directly into them.

Whatever funny crafts the craftsman came up with for his yard, how many interesting photos I didn’t look on the Internet, but anyway, hand-made garden crafts will be unlike any of those shown in the photo, since the owner puts all his soul into them.

After carrying out garden care work, as a rule, a summer resident has a lot of waste at his disposal: from thin twigs to massive logs. They can be used for firewood, but it is much better to make garden crafts made of wood with their own hands, which will decorate your site and attract everyone's attention.

Landscape Design Elements

garden buildings

Wood can serve as a material for the construction and decoration of various structures: a barn, a well, a gazebo, a barbecue, and so on. Such wooden crafts for the garden with their own hands look especially attractive against the background country house from logs or planed timber, forming uniform style site landscape design.

It should be remembered here that the construction of even a very small structure will require a sufficiently large amount of wood. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the missing amount of lumber will have to be bought in addition. However, the result is worth it.

Organically combining rounded logs and branches obtained after pruning trees in the garden, you can create unique and inimitable exteriors.

garden path

Make your country cottage area Paths paved with saw cuts of trees will help beautiful and unusual. For this, pruning of thick branches and sawn tree trunks that remain after cleaning in the garden are perfect. You just need to make sure that they are not spoiled by pests, as this affects the strength and durability of the coating.

The work is done like this:

  • the tree must be sawn into segments of the same length (diameter does not matter here);
  • treat the blanks with a special compound that protects them from decay;
  • according to the pre-made markings, dig a trench, the depth of which is equal to the length of the prepared cylinders plus 15-20 cm;
  • pour a sand cushion at the bottom of the recess, which is then carefully compacted;
  • only after that you can install saw cuts.

The gaps between large elements can be filled with thin blanks that you have sawn from tree branches.

After work is completed, the remaining gaps are covered with sand or earth. The latter can be mixed with seeds, after the germination of which the path will become even more attractive. appearance.

Fences and supporting walls

Wood is perfect for the construction of various fences. In addition to the main purpose - zoning a site or restricting access to people and animals - wooden picket fence or wattle also perform a decorative function, complementing or emphasizing various design solutions V landscape design. Such a fence can be easily made from improvised materials without spending money on their purchase.

Zoning of the site can also be carried out using supporting walls made of dry tree branches or logs of suitable thickness. This solution will be effectively combined with a log house, log paths, wooden garden furniture and so on. It is only important not to overdo it and keep a sense of proportion.

Decorative bridges

The ensemble of wood crafts can be completed by bridges made of logs and branches thrown over streams or artificial reservoirs. They look very colorful and are often used by designers to decorate the landscapes of summer cottages.

They have one drawback - the need to use a large number material. It is unlikely that you will find a sufficient number of logs and thick branches in your country house. However, in this case, the nearest forest can help out. Surely there is a sufficient amount of dead wood that can be used to good use.

Before cutting down trees in the forest, you need to make sure that by doing this you do not violate the current regulations regarding the use of natural resources.

Decor elements

flower bed

After sawing down an old or withered tree, a massive trunk remains at your disposal, which is most often sawn into firewood and burned in a fireplace or bath. However, with a little imagination, you can turn it into a unique and attractive club that will decorate the yard, barbecue area or outdoor summer kitchen.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • trunk of an old tree;
  • chisel and hammer;
  • chainsaw;
  • planer or grinder.

You won't need a how-to guide. You just need to arm yourself with patience and imagination, and then give an unsightly piece of wood any desired shape. Also, do not forget about the recess, which subsequently needs to be filled with soil and plant flowers there.

When choosing plants, make sure that they are combined with each other in shape, color and flowering time.
So you will achieve the best effect and get rid of the dead wood in the flower bed.

garden furniture

Widespread in Lately received crafts for the garden with their own hands made of wood, acting as furniture. The price of such products made by professional craftsmen is quite high, but you can make a simple chair, table or armchair yourself.

It is only necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. For the manufacture of furniture, it is necessary to use wood with a thick section, which is difficult to find in a summer cottage.
  2. Professional tools and equipment are used in the manufacturing process. If you do not have them, you can rent the necessary power tool at the nearest building supermarket.

Wood processing and furniture manufacturing is carried out in the following sequence:

  • a log or branches of suitable thickness and length are processed with an ax to remove the remnants of bark and knots;
  • with the help of a chainsaw, objects are given the final shape and size;
  • after fastening the parts to each other, they are finally finished with a hammer and a chisel;
  • at the very end, all surfaces should be cleaned sandpaper for perfect smoothness.

So that the resulting garden furniture served for a long time, it must be treated with an antiseptic, getting rid of pests inside the wood, and varnished to protect products from negative external factors (sun, water, and so on).

Decoration of the playground

The wood can be used to make various figurines that decorate playgrounds. They will serve not only as a design element, but also as a game item. For example, a wooden horse. Its production will not require much effort from you.

The work is done in the following sequence:

  1. The body is built first. To do this, you need to take two cut logs large diameter and connect them with small planks. The thickness of the cut should be about 3-4 centimeters, and the diameter should be at least 25 centimeters. Thus, a box is formed, which, if desired, can later be filled with earth in which to plant flowers.

  1. The next step is to make the legs. In order for the horse not to fall during the games, they must be strong and hold the body steadily. Suitable wooden beam with a cross section of at least 5-6 cm or branches of trees of a similar diameter. It is advisable to select the length based on the height of the children.
    Remember that the legs must be firmly attached to the body and planted in the ground. You can use metal corners for rigidity, and bury the lower ends of the bars in the ground.
  2. The final stage is decorative details. This includes the head, mane and tail. The last one is the easiest to do. You just need to fasten a few pieces of rope. The head is made of plywood, which is attached with a jigsaw desired shape. You can attach the head to the body with wooden block 30-40 cm long.
  3. Don't forget to color the figure. This will not only give it an attractive appearance, but also protect the wood from the negative effects of the sun, rain and snow. Remember to use wood varnish or paint that is safe for children and does not emit harmful substances in atmosphere.
    Another way to make a horse out of wood is to use trimmings of branches and logs left after cleaning the garden. But in this case, it is necessary to show remarkable imagination by constructing some kind of sculpture out of them.

You can also make children's swings and a sandbox out of wood. With a little imagination, you can design climbing stairs, mazes and many other items that the younger generation loves so much.

All items installed on the playground must be safe.
Make sure that the base of the swings and ladders is carefully concreted, all parts are securely connected to each other, and there are no nails, splinters, knots and various defects which could injure the baby.

By the way, the old logs at your disposal can be successfully used to make cars, trains, and so on. All you need is a chainsaw and some paint. And the delight that will be reflected on the faces of your offspring will serve you as the best reward.


It is hardly possible to give an exhaustive list of garden crafts that can be made from wood. Having shown imagination, you can come up with many more ideas, each of which is worthy of implementation. After reviewing the video in this article, you will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself.