Well      06/14/2019

Indoor plants for a children's room: the main thing is to choose the right one. Useful flowers for a children's room Flowers for a children's room for girls

Flowers in the nursery are not only a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room. In addition, they moisturize the air, please the eye, create comfort and a positive atmosphere in the house. Moreover, each plant has its own beneficial properties. And, when the question arises whether flowers are needed in the children's room, the answer is only positive.

Only here are houseplants choose for the nursery, this needs to be sorted out. First you need to take into account the age of the baby. If he is still quite a baby and has not even learned to walk, then flowering ones that the baby will admire, such as violet or chrysanthemum, are perfect.

When he already begins to walk, he will explore everything that he can reach. And children explore almost everything through their mouths, and, reaching for the leaves, the flowers may want to try what their taste is. At this time, try to put the flowers in the children's room higher and choose non-poisonous plants.

If the child is older, then he will want to feel like a little naturalist. He may express a desire to take care of the flowers on his own in order to grow and replant them himself. Here it is desirable to choose those species that quickly take root, easily take root in the ground and bloom soon. Then the kid will see the result of his work and his interest will not be lost.

When choosing indoor flowers for a nursery, pay attention to their beneficial features, safety and smell. Some plants or their pollen can cause allergies, others are poisonous, and the pungent smell of others can interfere with a child’s sleep.

Another important point- flower pot. In the children's room, it will become another decoration, so it may well be bright and colorful. If the flower will stand on the windowsill, do not buy heavy pots, opt for plastic options. After all, a child can accidentally turn it over and be injured. And, conversely, if it stands on the floor, then a heavy, stable ceramic pot will be just right. In addition, you can decorate it with your own hands along with the crumbs. This moment of creativity will only increase the child's attachment to the plant.

Hippeastrum is better known as Amaryllis

What to put in the nursery

Indoor plants in the house fill the air with oxygen, moisturize it, positively affect the moral and physical condition of the child, and simply improve mood. Here are some varieties that can be placed in a room, with brief description their beneficial properties.

  • Money Tree. It increases the ability to work, contributes to the good mood of children, and promises parents an increase in income. In addition, a child who does not eat well, Money Tree increase appetite. It is easy to care for him, it is enough to water and wipe the leaves of the plant.
  • Fern. It has a powerful energy that helps relieve stress, focus, puts the nervous system in order. Perfect for schoolchildren, it helps to improve their academic performance.
  • Hippeastrum. Refers to plants that kill harmful bacteria and viruses in the air. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to achieve peace of mind and make the right decisions.
  • Soleirolia. Very well cleans the air in the room from exhaust gases and street dust. This plant is able to fight depression, prevent its occurrence and simply cheer up.
  • Calla. It has preventive properties for all senses: hearing, smell, taste, vision, so it is perfect for a child's room. In addition, calla is able to improve mutual understanding between parents and the child.
  • Cissus. It will help the student in his studies, if he treats it lightly, sets him up in a serious way. It makes you want to learn something new in the field of education.
  • Tolmiya. It brightens up gray everyday life with one of its looks, gives a positive life, energy for new exploits.
  • Maidenhair. Soothes, relaxes. Its action can be compared with a glass of milk at night - it improves sleep, relieves feelings of fear. Place the maidenhair on the bedside table near the children's bed and your child is guaranteed wonderful dreams.
  • Violet. Especially white. Helps to get rid of negativity in thoughts and soul. Fills the atmosphere with positive, gives a good mood.
  • Cyclamen. A great helper for parents of capricious children. It calms and stabilizes the nervous system. And with its smell helps to develop the creative abilities of the baby.
  • Cerapegia Wood. Radiates soft energy that improves mood. Putting it in the children's room, you will settle in it peace and reliability.

Pay Special attention on the:

  • Chinese rose. It encourages children, relieves fatigue, stimulates thinking, improves creative abilities;
  • geranium. Most good medicine for a child with a disease nervous system, also contributes to its prevention;
  • citrus. Their smell invigorates the child. orange or lemon Tree perfectly cleans the air, killing bacteria, and the fruits that it will bring will only please your child.

Harmful species for children

  • Orchid, gardenia, lily have a cloying, obsessive smell that will interfere and the child may have a headache from it.
  • cacti. It is believed that they have heavy energy. But you should not put them at least because of the thorns, which are so difficult to pull out of the child's hands later.
  • Dieffenbaffia, euphorbia, hydrangea, asparagus are poisonous. Of course, only when ingested, but no one guarantees that the baby will not want to try them.
  • Ecmea, neoregelia, yucca have heavy energy. This will burden the child and spoil his mood.

Putting a flower in the nursery, do not forget to properly care for it. Everyone has specific guidelines for how much they need. sunlight, moisture and mineral fertilizers. Use them, it will benefit the plant, and in return it will please you.

photo: depositphotos.com/STRANNIK9211, tuelekza, belchonock

In kindergarten, the child spends most day. Therefore, it is natural that parents want it to be cozy and comfortable there, just like at home. Houseplants can help with this.

They not only look beautiful and ennoble the interior, but also bring a piece of wildlife into the life of every kid.

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, flowers in kindergarten also bring practical benefits.. They perfectly clean the air from dust and toxic substances. Phytoncides, which are secreted by some green "pets", have bactericidal properties.

Scientists have proven that in a room where there are indoor plants, the number of harmful microorganisms is halved. Plants increase the level of air humidity, which is especially important during the heating period.

In addition, representatives of room flora have a positive effect on the mental and emotional health of children, bring joy, and relieve fatigue. And yet - this is an opportunity to get acquainted with the outside world, learn how to care for plants, develop responsibility and kindness.

However, despite all the advantages of having indoor flowers in a kindergarten, not every one of them is suitable for this institution.

Color Requirements

Choosing flowers for kindergarten, it is important to be careful and focus on childhood. In view of this, the main characteristics of plants are:

  • Flowers for kindergarten must be harmless!

    unpretentiousness- they should not be too capricious and demanding, so that both the staff and the children themselves can take care of them. It is important that the flower can recover quickly, because kids can accidentally damage it;
  • Safety- all plants in the garden must be non-poisonous and absolutely safe: without thorns, thorns, berries. After all, children want to touch and try everything. Since some babies are prone to allergies, flowers should not give off a strong fragrance or collect a lot of dust on their leaves;
  • Air purification- it is better to give preference to those species that benefit health, namely, they purify the air of dust, bacteria, toxins, enrich it with oxygen;
  • Accommodation- it is important to arrange the flowers in the room in such a way that the level of natural light in the room does not decrease.

Better suited are those species and varieties that have pronounced parts - the stem, leaves, flowers. This will help children learn the structure of green friends.

Best Plants

Dangerous for children

You can read more about unhealthy plants

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As you know, indoor plants can help in interior design and add a cozy atmosphere to the house. And what about the children's room? In fact, a child's room needs more plants inside than any other room in the house. Indeed, besides the fact that indoor flowers are undeniably beautiful, they are also useful, as they absorb toxic substances and pathogens, and also enrich the air with oxygen.

  • Planting a nursery is especially necessary if it has furniture made of chipboard or MDF, plastic windows, and/or .

Plant care can also be a great way to instill in your child a sense of responsibility, an interest in exploration, and a love of nature.

  • Unfortunately, not all types of houseplants are suitable for a nursery. Even the most familiar and seemingly harmless representatives can cause allergies, burns, poisoning (when taken orally) and injuries.

From this material, you will learn which indoor plants are best suited for a nursery, as well as how to instill in a child an interest in botany and successfully fit a garden into the interior.

13 Best Plants for Nursery


Fittonia is not only unpretentious, non-toxic and affordable, but also very beautiful due to the variegation and color of its leaves. Depending on the variety, they can be green, red, yellow, purple and even pink! Just imagine how such a delicate plant will organically fit into the interior of a girl's room.

citrus trees

Lemon, tangerine and orange trees- this is the perfect choice of plant in the nursery. First, their leaves secrete essential oils that kill harmful microorganisms. Secondly, a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma will help your baby improve his emotional state, relieve insomnia and irritability. And thirdly, citrus tree you can easily grow it yourself from an ordinary bone, which will undoubtedly be interesting for the baby.

Mother-in-law tongue (Sansevieria)

Sansevieria - Pretty unpretentious plant with cute decorative leaves and small white flowers. It grows well and fairly quickly, but loves special care. It is recommended to clean the leaves with a damp cloth every two days - when sansevieria breathes, it cleans the nursery from substances released from furniture or floor coverings. In this selection of photos you can see examples of how this plant looks spectacular in the interior of a nursery.

Ficus lyre

This variety of ficus has large leaves, shaped like a beautiful musical instrument lyre. At home, the lyre-shaped ficus grows by 20-25 cm per year and quickly turns into a magic tree. The child will be able to take care of his ficus on his own: it is enough to water it once a week in winter time and 2-3 times a week in the summer, periodically wipe and spray the leaves.

Kalanchoe is a fairly popular plant that does not require special care, blooming in beautiful pinks, whites, yellows, reds or lilac flowers and having a pleasant smell. It is not for nothing that they call it the “room doctor” - Kalanchoe is able to reduce the number of harmful microorganisms in the air, and its juice has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound-healing effect.


Chlorophytum is the most powerful air purifier, because in a day this plant can destroy about 80% of pathogens in its immediate vicinity.

Chlorophytum is also good because it easily tolerates penumbra, which means you can put it almost anywhere and even in the back of the room


Violets are loved by many for their non-toxicity, unpretentiousness, as well as a variety of colors and shapes of flowers, so you can choose exactly the plant that fits perfectly into the interior of your child's nursery.

Violets - perfect flowers for a girl's children's room

This delicate plant looks like a Christmas tree, which will not leave indifferent any kid. Cypress secretes phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria, besides, the plant is a kind of “green vacuum cleaner”, as it attracts dust, while purifying the air.

This fluffy can be safely put in the nursery, because it looks so much like a Christmas tree, but it doesn’t prick at all

During the winter holidays, the cypress tree can be dressed up with miniature Christmas tree decorations.

hibiscus ( Chinese rose) is a flower that will look great in any children's room and is just right for a beginner grower. The maintenance of hibiscus is not only not difficult for a child, but also interesting, because if you do it well, the plant will delight with regular and almost never-ending flowering.

This pretty plant is perfect in almost everything - it does not need to be watered, fed, transplanted, sprayed and illuminated with phytolamps often. In short, a dream for a lazy gardener! However, it has a drawback - poisonous leaves. Eating them causes poisoning, and the juice that gets on the skin causes a small burn. For this reason, zamioculcas can only be placed in the room of a grown-up child, who definitely will not dare to taste it.

Fern Boston (nephrolepis)

Indoor species of ferns are non-toxic and unpretentious, they are also good because they grow quickly. Ferns are said to help schoolchildren cope with stress and recuperate.

Herbs for salads

In addition to flowers and plants, the child can independently grow on his windowsill spices. It will be not only interesting, but also useful for the whole family. We advise you to start creating a mini-garden by planting watercress and basil, which grow all year round, quickly give a harvest and do not require complex care. But it is better to refuse the cultivation of onions and parsley. Onions smell too strong, and parsley grows poorly and slowly.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium is a bright and fragrant flower whose fragrance can soothe, beautify, add freshness, and also hide some unpleasant odors. In addition, it destroys pathogenic microbes around it, repels insects, and its leaves can even be used in medicinal purposes. For example, with otitis or toothache. And at the same time, you should be careful with this flower, as it can cause allergies.

The following tips will help you and your little one create the perfect home garden in the nursery:

  • Children are happy to take care of plants and flowers if they treat them as their "pets". Invite your child to give a green friend a funny name and tell known factgood words, as well as listening to beautiful music in the room, help plants grow better and faster.
  • It is more pleasant and interesting for a child to do gardening when the plants "live" in cute pots and planters. By the way, they can be transformed or made by hand. In the following selection of photos, you can get some original ideas.

These pots are cut from the lower parts plastic bottles and painted with acrylics

The old globe can gain new life in the form of a flower pot

The body of a toy truck is an almost finished planter!

A boring plain pot can be turned into a ... head with green hair in a couple of minutes.

If simple clay pots do not fit into the interior of the nursery, just paint them acrylic paint in the right color

  • Plants that tolerate dry air well and do not need frequent watering - for example, ferns - can not only be placed on the upper shelves, but also hung. So you save space and decorate the interior in an original way.

  • home garden and work zone can perfectly sit at the window together - the main thing is that the plants do not interfere with the penetration of daylight.

  • Large trees and bushes are best kept in mobile pots on wheels. So you can easily change their location and facilitate cleaning of the room.

Flowers in pots look good at home and have a positive effect on well-being. Many plants humidify and purify the air. When choosing potted flowers in a child's room, you need to remember the safety of children and avoid plants that can harm the child. Find out what flowers are best for a child's room!

When choosing flowers in pots for a child's room, you need to take into account the stage of development of our child. Babies pay attention to rich colors, slightly older 2 year olds “explore” the world by touching various objects, without thinking or by placing them in their mouths. Be careful when choosing colors for a child's room. The slightest inattention, and the child can eat a piece of the plant. More and more older children will be happy to take care of new plants, they can choose options with interesting colors.

What plants should be avoided in the nursery?

  • Poisonous houseplants containing adverse chemical compounds that cause disruption of the digestive system, sometimes the nervous or cardiovascular system. Poisonous houseplants: Dieffenbachia, Anthurium, Rafidofora, Spathiphyllum, Monstera delicacy, Philodendron, Common ivy, Mil's spurge, poinsettia (Christmas star), Croton, Common oleander or Pink cataranthus;
  • Indoor plants with sharp leaves: dracaena, indoor yucca, echmea, tricolor pineapple;
  • Indoor flowers with thorns: cacti, miniature roses;
  • Flowers with a strong smell, small allergies can not tolerate odors, for example, hyacinth, narcissus, lily, jasmine, hippeastrum.

Fortunately, the range of indoor flowers is so large that you can choose those that do not threaten the life and health of the child.

Gerbera - interesting flower for a children's room because of the large and permanent flowers on strong stems. There are many colors from cool white to warm red. Blooms from mid-late spring to late summer. Likes bright rooms with a moderate temperature of 16 ° C. Gerberas need to be watered when upper layer substrate will dry. Fertilize during the growth period every 2 weeks with fertilizer for flowering flowers; in winter, during the dormant period, you can completely abandon watering. The plant does not tolerate damage to the roots, you need to carefully transplant.

Peperomia "Luna red" stands out with a corrugated surface, delicate, heart-shaped, dark red leaves. In summer, white inflorescences grow on thin stems. Peperomia prefers a bright place with slightly diffused light and a temperature of 21 ° C. Likes economical watering, it is better to water when the top layer of the substrate is dry. Fertilize once a month with special fertilizers.

Chlorophytum is one of the easiest indoor flowers to grow. Prefers a bright place and temperature in the range of 16-21 °C. In conditions of insufficient lighting, it is well acclimatized. White flowers appear in summer. Fertilize every 2 weeks during growth, stop fertilizing in winter. Chlorophytum loves moist soil and spraying. Overfilling should be avoided. After flowering, shoots grow on the shoots, and over time they release roots. A child can tear off such a flower and plant it in a separate pot. Thanks to this, the young gardener will gain the first experience in plant propagation, his passion for growing can ignite.

Hanging tradescantia is a vigorous plant with glossy leaves. Likes bright places high temperature 16-21°C. Tradescantia has interestingly colored leaves. You can find varieties with dark green leaves, with silver stripes and red sheen or light green with white stripes. Tradescantia is pinched for better seal shoots. Water regularly, once a week, fertilize once every two weeks.

Nephrolepis Bostonis is an extremely popular fern, perfect for a child's room. Likes slightly shady places, must be protected from direct sun rays. Prefers temperatures in the range of 16-21 °C. Nephrolepis must be fertilized every 2 weeks, in winter once a month. You need to remember to maintain a constant humidity of the substrate in the pot.

Living plants in the baby's bedroom create a harmonious, cheerful environment with clean and healthy air. A child, watching the growth and flowering of plants, learns the world, learns to respect it.

In the article, we choose flowers for the nursery in terms of safety, improving the microclimate, and ease of care.

Plant Requirements:

Nice appearance pleasing to the eye.

Endurance, fast recovery after possible damage as a result of the games of restless children.

Beneficial effect on air composition:

  • cleaning from dust and chemical poisons,
  • moisturizing,
  • enrichment with oxygen and phytoncides.

Security measures

When choosing pots or planters, give preference unbreakable materials. If children accidentally knock over the plant, they will not get hurt. And you just have to collect the land back.

When placing flowers within reach of toddlers, make sure that the pots are as stable as possible, secure them or protect them so that they become out of reach.

Timely care. Green pets are beneficial if they are cared for as they should: they are watered, fed and dusted on time. It accumulates harmful pollutants, which return back into the air.

No place in the children's room

To all kinds of creepers. Their long shoots carry a certain danger. A curious kid can get confused in them.

Plants that cause allergic reactions:

creepers (philodendrons, ivy), monsters, ficuses, geraniums, ferns, euphorbia, kalanchoe (its juice in allergy sufferers can cause Quincke's edema), catharanthus, rhododendrons (especially at the time of flowering).

In fairness, it should be said that many of the representatives from the above list are very favorable for health (geranium, ficus or Kalanchoe), so it should not be taken as a dogma.

Look at the well-being of the child. And if you decide to place Kalanchoe or ficus in the bedroom, then put it in such a way that the children cannot contact them until you are sure that there is no allergy.

Plants with poisonous juice:

euphorbia, ivy, ficus, philodendron, oleander, lamer, dieffenbachia, monstera, spathiphyllum, adenium, hydrangea, gloriosa, begonia.

The juice of these plants can cause skin burns (if you break a branch, tear off a leaf) and poisoning if ingested.

beautifully fertile, whose berries can be a temptation to eat them: nightshade (browllia, nightshade, decorative pepper), billardiers, brunfelsia, passionflowers.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to inspire your child that breaking, picking leaves and tasting ANY plant is very dangerous.

Strongly scented during flowering(the smell may be an allergen):

rhododendrons (azaleas), jasmines, freesias, gardenias, tabernemontans, hyacinths, primroses, pelargoniums, etc.

Many of these flowers are very useful, so they can only be taken out of the nursery at the time of flowering.

Prickly succulents (cacti), long-leaved and holly plants. Small children can easily injure themselves on sharp edges or thorns, knock over the pot on themselves, pulling on the long leaves.

But when the child grew up and began to sit at the computer, the place for cacti is at the monitor, they perfectly absorb harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Too big flowers(monsteram, dracaena, dieffenbachia). An attractive daytime appearance can appear at night, frightening the baby.

Plants for a child's bedroom

Lavender and laurel perfect for the kids bedroom.

Their phytoncides are beneficial for the psyche, soothe, slow down the heart rate, relax, improve sleep.

Even in the old days, it was customary to hang laurel branches at the head, and put dry lavender under the pillow.

Myrtle, peperomia, eucalyptus, rosemary- these are home healers, they disinfect against microbes and enrich the air with phytoncides, facilitate breathing, strengthen the protective functions of a child's fragile body, and help prevent colds. They are recommended to be placed in the bedrooms of frequently ill children.

Myrtle calms restless children, reduces if any appear. Delicate aroma relaxes, gives a good sleep.

Peperomia- a friendly flower, sets the household in a peaceful, blissful way, suppresses negativity. All types of peperomia are good, except for climbing.

Eucalyptus improves sleep, actively moisturizes the air, promotes rapid recovery from illness. No wonder it is called the "tree of life". Eucalyptus energy is powerful, helps to cope with stress and other people's negative impact.

Rosemary frees the atmosphere of the house from low vibrations, brings harmony and love into it.

Sansevieria produces oxygen around the clock, serves as an effective absorber of formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene emitted by furniture, floor coverings, etc. Strengthens the immune system.

Dangerous are cylindrical (it has very strong shoots ending in sharp strong spikes) and long-leaved (you can get hurt on the sharp edges of the leaves, tip the plant over yourself) sansevieria. These species cannot be put in the room of a very small child.

Chlorophytum- a real fighter for clean air, will work hard in housing after renovation or recently built.

Absorbs harmful chemical substances, produces oxygen, neutralizes the radiation of electromagnetic sources. It has a light joyful energy.

Watch for shoots thrown out in the spring, they should not hang in long lashes, cut off or plant new daughter outlets in the mother pot.

Spathiphyllum(female happiness, lily of the world) - very effective humidifier air and filter for acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene and many other chemicals. Soothes, calms, pleases the eye.

And although its juice is poisonous, I have included the peace lily for its virtues in this list. If you are sure that the children will not taste the plant, accidentally break it or smear it with juice, then feel free to place it in the bedroom.

Hibiscus(Chinese rose) brightly enliven the room. It will purify the air from pollutants, the aura of the room - from tension and negative emotions. Soothes capricious and naughty.

During flowering, hibiscus is touchy, does not like touching and feeling unnecessarily, and if you forget to water, it will not be offended.

Begonia cleanses the atmosphere of bacteria, fungi and other nasty things, ionizes and saturates it with ether carriers, facilitates breathing and colds. Stabilizes the psyche of children.

Important! Any plant, as well as dust on the leaves, mold and fungi on the soil with frequent watering, can cause an allergic reaction. Be attentive to the well-being of the crumbs and immediately remove the source of the allergy from the room.

A few tips:

Choose plants with your child taking into account his interests and desires. This step teaches children to take the initiative.

Take care of flowers yourself let children with early age(years from 5). The guys get used to work, become kinder, more attentive to nature and people. Communication with green wards develops thinking, normalizes the psyche.

If there is no interest, you can awaken it by buying, or better by making, the original flower pot in the form of a favorite toy (truck, little animal) or any other idea.


The baby's room should be safe and comfortable. This is the space where the first fantasies and hobbies appear, habits are formed. The more beauty and positive surrounds the child, the more creative and happy he grows. Indoor plants help us with this.

Choosing flowers for the nursery and teaching them how to take care of them, we achieve several goals at once: we bring up responsibility, caring, empathy, instill a sense of beauty, expand the horizons of the younger generation.

When a child feels sympathy for a green pet, an invisible connection is established between them, a favorable exchange of energies occurs. And therefore, it does not hurt to ask your son or daughter if you like the flower before placing it in the baby's room.

Health to you and your beloved crumbs!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.