Well      06/01/2019

Hidden wiring in a wooden house - how appropriate is it? How to conduct electricity in a log house How to conduct electricity in a log house

A log cabin or a cottage made of timber: any building made of wood, regardless of the impregnation of the material with flame retardants, is a fire hazard, and many owners are wondering if hidden wiring in wooden house .

Is hidden wiring possible in a wooden house?

In an apartment of a high-rise building, in order to lay an electrical network in the premises, concrete walls subjected to gating, that is, shallow grooves are machined. Brick is often easier to do by simply hiding the wiring under a thick layer of plaster. In buildings made of logs or timber, things are somewhat more complicated. Even the highest quality cable can easily burn out due to an accidental short circuit, which is why there is a high probability of a fire. Of course, there is an optimal way out - to lay the network so that all the wires are visible. But to many, this option will seem unaesthetic.

Is it permissible concealed wiring in a wooden house Quite if you use special channels that must fit into the walls. The main requirement is to exclude cable contact with wood. The fact is that even without short circuits, the metal core hidden in the insulation tends to heat up at a high load on the network, which occurs when several household appliances are turned on. It is necessary to take care in advance that the wooden walls do not heat up from the wiring, and this is achieved with the help of special boxes, sleeves or pipes laid in the walls.

Choosing a channel for pulling the cable

So, in order to hide all the wires in the thickness of the walls, you will have to gouge recesses, grooves, cavities in logs or timber, through holes and so on. However, as already mentioned, even an insulated cable should not come into contact with wood. As a precautionary measure, many use metal sleeves, which are completely unsuitable for this purpose (due to poor thermal insulation properties), they are designed to pull outdoor network. For laying cables inside wooden walls, special metal tubes are designed, in last resort- non-combustible or plastic, which tend to fade without external intervention. Let's consider both options.

Metal cable channels are preferable for the simple reason that they are completely non-flammable. In addition, wall shrinkage should be taken into account, due to which plastic pipes, unlike copper, are easily deformed. On the other hand, the channels must bend in the corners, and in this case, if you are working with copper, you should be patient. The fact is that first a wire is pulled into the tube, after which it should be carefully bent on a special pipe bending device. In this case, the place of the bend must be with a certain radius, otherwise there is a possibility of damage to the cable.

Plastic channels are less preferred, although they are more cost-effective and save a lot of money when laying the electrical network. It is best to simply place them in the grooves knocked out at the ends of the logs that limit the doorway, in extreme cases, use them to pull wires through the walls. It is better not to lay plastic tubes in the thickness of the partitions between rooms, remembering the shrinkage of the crowns. The grooves with cable channels are closed with plugs cut from a board or a bar, which are subsequently closed with platbands or masked with a special wood putty, followed by surface grinding, as well as stain and varnish.

The easiest way to hide the power grid in a log house

The layout of the premises is best done not along the walls, but either under the floor covering or under the ceiling sheathing. Since this placement of cables is considered secretive, we lay along the logs (or under them, if on the floor) copper tubes, connecting in special junction boxes, which in no case should come into contact with the tree. It is desirable to separate such intersections of highways from the sheathing with asbestos or metal sheets. In the wall, at the end of each groove for a network branch, we hollow out a recess for the mounting box, on top of which a socket or switch is attached. The diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its wall is selected depending on the cross section of the wire.

Wire strands, even those covered by junction boxes, must be insulated with caps, especially in places where wood is located in close proximity. If you plan to sheathe the walls with clapboard, you can run cable channels directly along their surface without gouging grooves. Just in this case, non-combustible plastic pipes are most appropriate, and, regardless of the material, the wires must be completely hidden in them, especially at the junction points with junction boxes. Alternatively, a combined scheme is possible, when the mains are hidden in metal gutters and pipes under the wall, floor and ceiling sheathing, and the point-to-point wiring is performed semi-open, in boxes.

Open wiring in a wooden house as part of the design

It is not at all necessary to hide the cables if the walls are not planned to be hidden under the crate with subsequent finishing with plaster or under wallpaper. It will be perfectly combined with log partitions between rooms, in a wooden house this solution can become part of the design. However, if it seems to you that the electrical network stretched along the walls and ceiling will not be combined with paintings and rugs, it can be laid in plastic boxes that will fit into any environment.

It is also allowed to lay cables in special channels of decorative skirting boards, which is convenient for renovation when you don’t want to make an apartment look like an office using boxes. Some homeowners use plastic corrugated tubing, which is flexible but does not protect the wiring at all and does not have an aesthetic appearance. In non-residential premises, cables are often mounted using metal brackets, this option is appropriate in the bathroom or in the bath, as well as in the workshop, garage, cellar or barn.

An external electrical network is convenient in that it is easy to find and repair damage caused by a short circuit or for another reason.

The most interesting is the open one, made in the "retro" style, when copper insulated wires twisted with a pigtail are pulled straight along the wall, fixed with ceramic insulators. In stores, you can often find models of sockets and switches in the style of the 30-40s, with massive cases (although there will almost certainly be a ground contact in the sockets). The only condition for organizing such a network is to observe a gap of 10 millimeters between the cable and the wall. However, this type also has disadvantages, in particular: open access for children to wires (in case they want to cut them with scissors), as well as the high cost and lack of ceramic rollers for fastening a two-wire twist.

Hidden wiring in a wooden house is a good combination modern technologies electrical wiring and a healthy microclimate created by natural materials. However, it is not an easy task to correctly carry out the hidden installation of conductors in a house made of logs; only specialists with the appropriate qualifications can carry out such work. Otherwise, you will have to do with the installation of the cable open way.

Advantages and disadvantages of hidden wiring

Why do many people want to make hidden wiring in a country or city log house, and not a simpler open one? Due to a range of benefits.

If the wiring in a wooden house is installed correctly with your own hands, then:

  • getting better appearance walls and ceilings, wiring elements do not violate the design of the room;
  • sockets and switches do not protrude above the wall surface and do not cause inconvenience when rearranging furniture;
  • the fire safety of the structure is increased due to the absence of cables on the surface of the walls, the risk of mechanical damage to conductors is reduced;
  • simplifies the process decorative processing walls, in particular, wallpapering;
  • protruding electrical wiring is not going to dust and dirt.

But the installation of hidden wires in log houses is associated with certain difficulties and dangers:

  • it is not possible to regularly check the condition of the insulation of electrical cables and replace damaged sections (and damage, even microscopic, can cause a short circuit);
  • the complexity of supplementing the system with new connection points;
  • high cost of materials used and installation work;
  • the possibility of laying concealed wiring only at the construction stage wooden houses.

Since a fire can occur in a room from a bar even if a small spark appears, the installation of hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house must be carried out in strict accordance with a number of regulatory documents: PUE, GOST R 50572.1-93, SNiP III-4-80, SNiP 3/01 /01-85 and SNiP 2.08.01(6.17). Following the above requirements is not a whim or reinsurance, but necessary condition home security.

Features of installing hidden wiring

Installation of hidden wiring in a wooden house has whole line features, and the owner of a timber residential structure needs to be prepared for them. So, you can proceed to the installation process only after compiling and recording the wiring diagram, as well as after agreeing this diagram with specialists. The circuit must be drawn up in such a way that the number of turns and bends of the electrical cable is minimal. At the same time, priority should always be given to fire safety, and not to aesthetic issues.

Electrical wiring is not carried out inside logs without reliable protection. The main is laid only on non-combustible surfaces (in most cases, the cable is placed in a copper or steel pipe). Access to junction boxes must always remain free.

Contact of the conductor with the bar is not allowed. This means that channels must be formed in the walls for wiring, and then pipes should be inserted into these channels. After that, the cable must be pulled through the pipes. To facilitate this process, an additional conductor wire is used. Vertical channels for wiring are made during the laying of the log house, and horizontal channels - after the completion of the construction of the walls. The measurement of insulation resistance is performed twice: before and after pulling the cable through the pipe.

In the places where electrical elements are installed, as well as in the areas where the wire passes from one room to another, it is necessary to install insulating structures: metal boxes, sleeves, linings, etc. Asbestos plaster can also be used as insulation.

The connection of the insulating pipe and the box is carried out by threading or welding. The sharp edges of the structure are closed with plastic plugs. To protect the wire from damage while pulling through the pipeline, it is recommended to use plastic end sleeves.

Of great importance is the number of channels laid. If there are a lot of them, then it is necessary to use a protective pipe large diameter, And it can be difficult to fit into timber walls. The importance of residual current devices (RCDs) or difavtomatov (devices that combine circuit breakers and RCDs) is increasing. With hidden wiring, there should be several of them: to turn off the external and internal circuits, as well as the circuit with maximum load. It will not be superfluous to ground each pipe and junction box.

To facilitate the installation process of the highway, masters often combine hidden wiring with open wiring. For example, cable entry to switches and sockets can be carried out in an open way. The use of combined wiring is considered acceptable from the point of view of safety standards.

What should not be done?

Many craftsmen (especially beginners) who install wiring in a wooden house make a serious and dangerous mistake - they lay the wire directly through wooden structures. The reasons for this error are the hope for the strength of the insulating coating of the conductor, as well as reliance on foreign (American, Finnish) experience.

In a number of Western countries, hidden wiring in the house is pulled directly through the holes in the logs. However, in these cases, double grounding is provided, minimizing the risk of fire. In addition, in the west, ground wires without a braid are used, due to which the RCD is triggered if the insulation is damaged on any section of the route. Our ground cable is insulated and provides effective protection only the end user.

Various unpredictable processes occur inside the wiring channels: temperature and humidity changes, dust accumulation, various deformations (especially when the house shrinks). These processes can cause microdamage to the wire insulation. Also, a breakdown often occurs between parallel cables at increased loads. All this can cause a short circuit and fire. If the wiring is not fenced off from wood flooring, then a fire occurs.

It should be remembered that when performing flush mounting, the cable must not be laid along wooden bases without any protective structures, as well as in corrugated pipes, plastic boxes and metal sleeves located directly on combustible surfaces.

By hiding the cable in smooth or corrugated plastic pipes, the master puts the electric line at risk of damage by rodents. In addition, such coatings are unstable to possible mechanical damage (for example, a person decided to hang a picture on the wall and forgot where the wiring was, as a result of which he pierced the pipe with a nail).

But main reason, along which plastic pipes, as well as steel corrugated hoses, are not used to protect the electric main, is the inability to withstand the temperature that occurs when the conductors are shorted (it can reach 5000 degrees).

The walls of steel corrugated sleeves, in contrast to the walls steel pipes, very thin and not designed for this level of heat. The channels through which hidden wiring can be laid in a wooden house must have localization ability, that is, the ability to withstand the short circuit process for the time it takes for the fire to self-extinguish.

However, there are cases when the use of a corrugated pipe or a box made of non-combustible polyvinyl chloride (PVC-ng) is still possible. For example, if the pipe is closed on all sides with gaskets made of fireproof and non-heat-conducting materials, which include alabaster, concrete, cement plaster. The thickness of the protective pad depends on the power of the wiring.

Some craftsmen try to simplify their work by resorting to the most primitive installation method - laying a track in layers of cement or alabaster plaster. In this case, one layer of material is laid down, and then, after laying the cable, two or three more layers are applied. This method does not meet fire safety requirements, because the plaster absorbs moisture and may crack over time, losing its insulating properties.

Track design

Work on the installation of hidden electrical wiring begins with the preparation of a diagram of the future route of electrical cable lines. The drawing up of the scheme should be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the PUE and taking into account the future shrinkage of the house (the route should be designed in such a way that when the house shrinks, the main line does not get pinched).

The number of twists and turns should be kept to a minimum. If wiring is difficult architectural features buildings or the presence of communications inside the walls, then special steel or copper junction boxes are mounted in difficult areas. At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that there are as few such boxes on the highway as possible, because each extra link weakens the stability of the chain. In addition, the boxes must not be closed with ceilings and decorative elements, as they impede access to devices during maintenance, control, and measurements.

The installation depth of the pipeline for the electric cable must be such that the strength of walls and ceilings is not violated. The location of junction boxes and bends must be calculated so that, if necessary, it is possible to replace wires in a faulty area without dismantling or damaging wooden structures.

Selection of protective pipes

How to make hidden wiring in log houses Right? Only using steel or copper boxes and pipes. Steel products are easily cut into fragments of the required length, and are also connected in many ways: by soldering, welding, tees, threaded couplings. Sustainability similar products corrosion is increased by coating them with a protective paint.

The price of a steel pipe is comparable to the cost of a high-quality corrugated hose. Copper pipes are more expensive, but they are easier to install and are almost not subject to negative environmental influences. They are used if you need to carry out a complex branched electrical main, because they can be bent in any direction without the use of special tools.

The wall thickness of the pipes depends on the cross-section of the conductors of the wire used. If the diameter of the core of the copper conductor does not exceed 2.5 mm 2, then the wall thickness of the pipe should be 2.5 mm or more. For a core with a diameter of 4 mm 2, the wall thickness should reach 2.8 mm, 6-10 mm 2 - 3.2 mm, 16 mm 2 - 3.5 mm, 25-35 mm 2 - 4 mm. The thickness of the cable used (including insulation) must not exceed 40% of the inside diameter of the protective tube.

Conductor selection

For laying hidden electrical routes through wooden houses, conductors marked VVGng (A) and VVGng-P (A) are intended. These are cables with solid copper conductors (the number of conductors is from 3 to 5). These products are double insulated:

  1. PVC inner layer that insulates each core and is color coded as standard.
  2. External non-combustible protective shell made of composite plastic. It is characterized by high strength and flexibility, it allows you to pull a long conductor through the pipe using a special steel cable.

These wires can be used at temperatures environment from -50 to +50 degrees. The insulation has anti-corrosion properties, it is resistant to chemical substances and to temperature fluctuations. The characteristics of these products are determined by GOST R IEC 60332-3-22.

Conductors VVGng LS, VVGng-P LS are not inferior to the above-described cables in their properties. In addition, they do not emit hydrogen chloride and opaque substances harmful to humans (this is evidenced by the LS index).

hide in wooden wall you can also use the NYM cable, manufactured in accordance with GOST 22483. It consists of 3-5 copper conductors and triple insulation:

  1. Each core has a PVC sheath with standard color coding.
  2. All conductors together are covered with a protective polyolefin composite.
  3. The structure is encased in non-combustible PVC.

This electrical conductor is manufactured according to the German VDE technology. In wooden houses, the use of cables intended for use in urban areas is prohibited.

Laying wiring on ceilings

Many residents of wooden houses are wondering if it is possible to avoid such a complex process as installing pipes inside walls when laying hidden wiring? There is one option that greatly simplifies the installation process. This is the arrangement of hidden electrical wiring along the ceilings in the attic. However, the same requirements must be met. fire safety, as well as when laying the highway inside the walls. Wiring in the attic is isolated with metal pipes or trays. Through the strobes, only the descent of the wiring to the sockets and switches is carried out.

In most cases, the master makes wiring over the floors using steel or copper pipes but if the wires are often under different angles change direction, it is advisable to use copper or steel galvanized trays with lids. They can accommodate several wires at the same time in any direction. They perfectly isolate the electrical cable from the wood from which the ceilings are made.

Trays are connected to each other with riveting. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the grounding of each tray separately. At bends, the trays often form corners that can damage the cable insulation, so corrugated insulation must be put on the cable in appropriate areas. Trays can be used when laying wiring from both external and inside overlap. In the second case, the structure can be closed with drywall or grooved board.

Installation of switches and sockets

If the material from which the house is built is wood, then special attention should be paid to the installation of sockets and switches. In the places of their installation, special sockets should be drilled, into which protective metal boxes and securely connected to the pipes through which the cable is supplied. Then, the devices to be installed are placed in the boxes.

It is very important to ensure a reliable connection of the pipe and the box into a single whole, only in this case it will be possible to properly ground the structure. It is possible to connect boxes and pipes by welding or soldering, in this case the most reliable contact of the main parts is ensured, the joints are resistant to mechanical stress and corrosion.

Another method that is used for steel pipes is the connection to the box by screwing nuts. In this case, threads must be present at the ends of the pipe, and the nuts, after tight tightening, must be additionally fixed and protected from corrosion.

The recommended protection class for technological and distribution boxes is not lower than IP-54. Such structures are protected from the penetration of household and industrial dust, as well as water splashes.

But the resinous array of dried wood - dangerous object for an occasional spark: can turn into a tragedy with technological errors or negligence during installation.

Therefore, for the installation of electricians in a wooden house in a hidden way, you can only take on having basic technical training and having thoroughly studied the rather tough current regulatory documents:

  • GOST R 50572.1-93;
  • SNiP 3/01/01-85;
  • SNiP III-4-80;
  • SNiP 2.08.01(6.17).
  • "Rules for the installation of electrical installations" (PUE).

Wouldn't it be better to entrust this crucial stage of construction professionals?

Why is hidden wiring in a wooden house so attractive?

Surely aesthetics of walls and ceilings:

  • there are no wiring elements that violate the design of the room;
  • sockets and switches recessed into the wall do not cause inconvenience when arranging furniture;
  • the surface of the wall is easier to use for wallpapering;
  • properly executed wiring increases the degree of fire safety of the building;
  • ease of replacing the cable in the pipe;
  • less risk in mechanical damage wiring;
  • protruding electrical fittings do not collect dust and do not become a support for the web.

What makes hidden wiring an object of increased danger

  • Inaccessibility for constant revision of the state of insulation and replacement of areas subjected to aging and destruction (microdamages can cause a short circuit);
  • complications in the work on supplementing the electrical circuit with new points after the expiration of time;
  • the technical complexity of installation, effective only during the construction of the house;
  • the need to create false structures that can hide insulating pipes;
  • the high cost of work, materials;
  • the cost of a special tool.

What are the features of installing hidden wiring in a wooden house?

  1. You must be prepared for the fact that according to the wiring diagram you will pull not only wires and cables, but also meters of steel or copper pipes - a prerequisite for insulation. In a wooden house, even a centimeter of wire should not come into contact with wood. Pulling a cable or wire through a tube is a troublesome task that requires patience.
  2. To introduce insulating pipes into the body of the wall, you will have to ditch, drill, cut down a place for wiring. This work is dusty, dirty, laborious.
  3. Vertical channels are drilled during the laying of the crowns of the log house, horizontal (with a special drill) - after the completion of the walls.
  4. A conductor is laid in the holes - a wire with which the cable will be pulled.
  5. All places for installing wiring elements and transitions from one room to another must be well insulated with metal boxes, sleeves, "glasses", linings, asbestos wrapping or insulation with alabaster plaster.
  6. The number of main channels acquires significant importance: for a large number you will need, as insulation, a corrugated pipe of a rather large diameter, which is difficult to hide in a log wall.
  7. The importance of the residual current device (RCD) is increasing, several such devices can be installed with hidden wiring: to turn off the external circuit, the internal circuit and the circuit with the highest power load.

Rules for performing internal wiring in a wooden house

  1. Electrical wiring is carried out only on the basis of a scheme agreed with specialists, with the minimum amount twists and turns.
  2. The electric main is laid exclusively in non-combustible materials.
  3. During installation, priority is given to fire safety tasks, not so important - to aesthetic wishes.
  4. It is advisable to lay channels in the structural recesses of door and window openings, under skirting boards, false ceiling cladding.
  5. Corrugated pipes used as channel insulation are protected from all sides with asbestos gaskets during installation. For the same purposes, taking into account the estimated power of the wiring, alabaster or cement plaster, concreting is used.
  6. Galvanized insulating pipes and boxes are connected by threading, welding. Sharp edges are protected by plastic caps. Copper protective elements flared in the connection.
  7. The wall thickness of the pipe is selected taking into account the cross-section of the conductors of the wire (example: 2.8 mm - for an aluminum conductor of 10 mm2, or a copper conductor of 4 mm2).
  8. The cable (together with the insulating layer) inside the insulating pipe must occupy up to 40% of the internal volume.
  9. The insulation resistance is measured twice: before and after pulling through the pipe.
  10. Distribution boxes must remain freely accessible.
  11. For concealed wiring, wires and cables with a triple insulating coating and marking "ng" are used.

Wiring in the ceiling of a wooden house

To the virtues wooden floors can be attributed:

  • high bearing capacity;
  • resistance to vibration;
  • preservation of the geometry of the structure;
  • reducing the overall weight of the structure;
  • erection speed;
  • versatility of use;
  • suitability for floor screeding.

Flaw there will be one, and it will be revealed during the fire:

  • wooden floors quickly pick up an open fire;
  • are prone to collapse.

How to be?

  1. Cable protection with pipes.
  2. Therefore, there are no concessions for electrical wiring along floors: only the placement of cables in pipes. By the way, electrical wiring on floors is the most convenient way to install hidden wiring. Gates for pipes to switches and sockets, in this case, descend from the main cables.

  3. Metal tray for complex layouts by overlap.
  4. True, if the change in the direction of the wires is very frequent and at different angles, then it is more rational to use blind copper trays with lids instead of pipes. They can lay out several wires at once and in any direction. They perfectly isolate the wiring from the wood of the floors, and are attached to each other by riveting. Such trays, in order to reduce the cost of work, are also made of galvanized steel.

    The process of stacking trays is complicated by the need to take into account and circumvent structural elements at home or cut them with subsequent reinforcement. In this case, you can not do without the skills of performing tin work.

    Mandatory grounding of each tray separately will be required. At the turn, the trays can form an angle that is dangerous for the integrity of the cable, therefore, in this place, corrugated insulation is put on it.

    Tray insulation with hidden wiring can also be used from the inside of the ceiling, subsequently closing the entire false ceiling structure with drywall or tongue-and-groove board treated with flame retardants.

  5. Risk is not always a noble cause.
  6. The most primitive installation method is electrical wiring on ceilings in layers of alabaster or cement plaster, when one layer is laid down, and after laying the wires, 2-3 cm of a new layer are thrown. This method is very risky for fire safety (due to the likelihood of cracking) and is rarely used.

  1. Type of cable for wooden house will be different from that used in urban development.
  2. The most suitable cable is NYM, it has triple insulation and a sheath made of non-combustible material (polyvinyl chloride).
  3. The greatest reliability in protection electrical network difavtomats combining 2 protective devices possess from emergency failures - circuit breaker and RCD (residual current device).
  4. It is worth remembering: grounding each junction box and each pipe will not be superfluous.
  5. The connection of pipes must be reliable: use welding or soldering.
  6. When choosing pipes, give preference to pipes made of copper: they bend better and easily take the shape of a prepared gutter.
  7. To protect the cable from damage when pulling it is necessary to use end sleeves made of plastic.
  8. Settlement of the house should be taken into account to prevent pinching of the highway.
  9. When lining walls with clapboard or wooden wallpaper, you can do without drilling the walls, skipping main pipes wiring on slotted grooves.
  10. You can combine hidden wiring with open: in places where wires are connected to sockets or switches.

All photos from the article

Everyone knows that wood ignites quickly and burns quite actively. So any buildings made of timber or logs, even if the building material is impregnated with flame retardants, still remain in the elevated group. fire hazard. That is why, when erecting buildings from a log house, fire safety issues are in an important place, and in particular under special attention- electrical work.

Ensuring the power supply of a wooden house

The task of ensuring the safe functioning of the electrical network at home must be solved first on paper, that is, everything starts with a project.

At the development stage, decisions are made about:

  • Connection to the central electrical network.
  • Organization of the introductory device.
  • Way of laying electrical cables.
    It could be:
    1. Hidden wiring in a log house.
    2. Open, located on top of structures.
  • Appliance installation method:

    1. Switches.
    2. Dimmers.
    3. Sockets.
    4. Light fixtures, etc.

Not qualified as an electrician, it is better not to take on the development of the project and its implementation with your own hands.
Invite specialists from a good-quality firm to both design and install the electrical network at home in order to close the issue of security once and for all.

For those who intend to perform electric installation work independently, this material will come in handy as an instruction for a phased solution of the problem.

Electrical connection to the house

Connection to the power line is carried out in two ways:

  1. Air-less costly and quickly feasible. To do this, use a self-supporting cable with the estimated number of cores and their cross section.

For your information!
The calculation of the power of an autonomous electrical network is carried out taking into account the planned load, which depends on the number of electrical equipment in the house.

  1. Underground - more expensive and time-consuming, but has a number of advantages:
    • The cable laid underground will not disturb the exterior of the building and the farmstead.
    • In this case, the cable is reliably protected from damage, which prolongs its service life.

For underground laying of the input line to a wooden house, a power copper cable should be used.