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How to recreate an English romantic garden on your site: advice from a landscape designer. Landscape style in landscape design: learning English romance English garden in the country

The British value above all landscape design natural motifs: randomly planted shrubs, sprawling trees, winding paths, lawns on the lawn and, of course, quiet ponds under the shade of a weeping willow. At the beginning of the 18th century, such a vision of the landscape even supplanted in Europe french style, with its symmetry, rigor and thoughtfulness. It is not surprising - in the English garden a person feels like a piece of nature, and not its owner.

Starting point for creating a garden in English style always serves even, in open spaces without the slightest hint of figured outlines.

Although the style emphasizes the maximum proximity to nature, the lawn still slightly violates this rule - it must be neatly trimmed and cover the ground with a thick carpet. Thanks to this, your garden will be very well viewed from almost any point, and the plants, instead of being buried in the grass, will be able to reveal their beauty to the maximum.

Landscape design: how to create an English garden according to all the rules?

The English garden is surrounded by trees around the perimeter, the landscaping is replete with bushes and hedges growing in a free manner, the walls are curled with climbing plants. Many lawns are randomly scattered across the lawn, a path naturally winds between them. English landscape design is practically devoid of artificial structures, for example, the same rock gardens - except that the area is really rocky and natural motifs suggest the presence of stones. If you really want to put a gazebo in the garden, try to plant around it, for example, parthenocissus, so that it curls the structure with its young shoots.

The English style in landscape design emphasizes the desire to merge with the surrounding nature, therefore it is acceptable if the boundaries of the garden are slightly violated by plants from the outside, for example, the branches of a forest growing nearby will spread over your hedge. The house should be, as it were, on the sidelines or harmoniously enter the composition. This can be easily achieved with the same climbing plants braiding the wall of the house overlooking the garden. As many bright flowers as possible should be planted near the house, in maximum density to each other - rainy England is immersed in bright greenery and flowers, why are we worse?

In dry areas of your garden, this effect is easily achieved with drought tolerant plants. The easiest way is to plant a ground cover periwinkle and barberry bushes, which are very undemanding to moisture. In shaded areas, it will be best to feel, which in this case will fit perfectly into natural motifs. In the depths of the garden, bright colors will be out of place - here they should maintain an advantage deciduous plants reign peace and quiet.

English style in landscape design - create a pond and plant vines!

Avoid straight lines, strictly defined ovals or squares. If the area of ​​​​your site allows you to create a small pond, which is one of the most striking details in the English style, make it completely indistinguishable from a natural reservoir. . Lilies and water lilies will emphasize unity with nature, and weeping willow will create an atmosphere of peace and quiet. English style allows benches in the nooks and crannies of your garden, landscaping will not suffer from this.

A flat terrace outlined by a wall of two or three bricks of orange stone will look very good in front of the house. On such a wall they fit very harmoniously garden lights and vases with flowers. It also does not hurt to decorate the window sills of the house with hanging flowerpots with the same petunias. Plants for the garden and home are selected any, depending on your preferences and climate, the main thing is the observance of natural motives.

The minimum of artificial structures that is allowed in an English garden should also follow the main rule of style - everything should look natural! Therefore, if you want to install an arch, make sure that vines curl it as soon as possible, if you need to make a border - let it be natural stone. You can make paths from saw cut wood or gravel - but try to avoid straight lines and clear boundaries, let them dissolve into the lawn. A bridge with openwork handrails will fit very well in landscape design. You can apply this decoration element even if you don't have a body of water - under the bridge you can drop shade-loving plants.

It will be organic to choose this style if you have a plot in the forest or on the edge of the forest, or it is a wet lowland area, there are large forest trees, and also, if the site is predominantly shady. The shape of the site can be any, but the most the best option- if some of the boundaries of the garden are "wrong". best size plot for this style - 10 acres or more.

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A house on a plot of this style should not be conspicuous; its walls would be good to use for vertical gardening. Girlish grapes are perfect for this. The basis of the English garden is a lawn, or several lawns interconnected. Lawns are so popular that even paths are “made” out of them. Naturally, for such paths it is necessary to sow a grass mixture that is most resistant to trampling.

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Along the perimeter of the lawn are usually planted ornamental trees and shrubs, but may also be fruit. traditional element- a pond of a landscape view, overgrown looks especially beautiful. Weeping willow will look best next to him. Well, in addition, it is better to decorate the reservoir with perennials growing near the coastline: cattail, forget-me-nots, bathing suit or marigold. Siberian irises, sedges and reeds will make the perfect stylization.

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The most suitable trees for an English garden are those with a weeping and pyramidal crown. There are few flowers in the English garden. The basic principle is that bright flowers are planted only near the house, and discreet ones are preferable in the rest of the territory, and these are mostly perennials that look like “natural” plants. However english garden unthinkable without roses - a whole collection of them, including ground cover and climbing ones, would be quite appropriate here, and delphinium and foxglove would be suitable companions for them.

There are many pavings in this style. For some of them, for a more complete styling and decoration, you can use ceramic tiles " self made”, which you will paint yourself with paints for ceramics. Place it in some places among the brick or masonry. If you want to decorate a path that is so heavily used, you need to use floor tiles.

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Features of the layout of the English garden:

The house is located in the back of the site or hidden behind the trees.

Sculptures should be clearly visible.

Pavilions are placed at the intersection of paths.

The whole garden is not visible at once.

Decorative and fruit trees planted along the perimeter of the lawn.

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Bright flowers are planted only near the house, in the rest of the territory discreet ones are preferable.

The lawn should be visible from all the "species" points of the site.

Respect for old trees, they are included in the layout.

Color solution:

The main color of the garden is green, and as many shades of it as possible. Use plants with silver, lettuce, light green, and dark green foliage.

English style plants:

Trees: hazel, larch, chestnut, birch, oak, mountain ash.

Shrubs: lilac, mock orange, deren, euonymus.

Perennials and flowers: Rogersia, ferns, hostas, common rhubarb, bergenia, columbine, roses, delphinium, foxglove, phlox, giant onion and common wormwood, cattail, forget-me-nots, bathing suit, marigold, Siberian irises, sedges and reeds.

Style accessories:

Benches: wooden, forged or stone.

Location of benches under trees, on podiums, on retaining walls.

Small and low podiums made of stone or stone-like tiles.


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"European" handicrafts.

Inclusions ceramic tiles- to decorate the paths.

Containers - flowerpots on one leg.

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Separate large stones and boulders.

An English garden is designed to look natural, to be a place for reflection and relaxation. This style appreciates naturalness and invites you to stroll through the garden. The English landscape involves maintaining a balance between the traditional formality, even stiffness, of the English, and wildlife, adding elements of mystery and romanticism to the landscape.

Getting the perfect landscape design in the English style is quite real, even if you have never been to England and are thousands of kilometers away. The right use of color, decor elements, materials, plants and fittings will turn any garden into a stylish, well-groomed and impeccable place. It is these characteristics that are associated with everything that is associated with the country of foggy Albion.

Nature was perceived by our ancestors as a dangerous, unfriendly place. The merit of England lies in the fact that it was this country that completely changed this attitude towards environment. The world beyond the threshold of the house began to be appreciated, they realized its importance not only practically, but also aesthetically.

On appearance English gardens were influenced by such areas of science and art as history, philosophy and geometry. The innovative and integrated approach of the British to landscape design has completely changed gardening. Under its influence, the line between the internal and external spaces of the house is blurred.

The English style in landscape design has brought a lot of details that seem already familiar and banal.

So, the classic English manor included:

  • A pond was always in every garden, even if it was small, but with natural, winding outlines.
  • Hedges - this type of fencing was used to keep animals from getting too close to the house, at the same time, not completely blocking the view of the area.
  • Hilly lawns - English landscapes are characterized by alternating embankments and plains. The hills reflect the natural landscape better than a flat field that looks dull.
  • Groves of trees - they were loved to be planted next to the house. A group of trees looked good with lawns on the hills.
  • Public, open parks - many people came to the English garden to relax, admire the flower beds, chat and just sit on a bench in the shade of trees.
  • Grottoes were romantic hiding places. They were built to look like natural dark caves, but were shallow and safe.

Style Features

Design in English is old-fashioned, natural materials and colors, romanticism and a craving for antiquity. And skillfully selected contrasts give a feeling of the absence of a clear structure and plan. The secret is that there is a plan after all. The English Garden blurs the line between wild nature and modern progress. This accounts for the success of the style as well as its continued popularity.

Neatly trimmed boxwood hedges side by side with lush, bright flower beds. Natural materials such as limestone or straw are combined with brick to combine fluidity with a clear structure.

First of all, the English park is based on geometry that is not conspicuous. Seen from above, the paths converge to a single center, while circles and rectangular shapes fit together to give the landscape a sense of order and completeness.

Mandatory elements that will make the garden truly English:

1. Low hedges and flower walls.

Visually, this distinction different zones in the landscape will give the effect of a maze and mystery as you move forward. Avoid wild, overly lush borders.

English landscapes are the main geometric figures like oval, circle, rectangle and square. Each part of the space should be clearly organized.

2. Several main types of plants.

Monoconcept when choosing flowers for a flower bed is one of the key features of the English style. Do not try to plant everything in a row, it is better to focus on two or three types, but use their various shades. There should be a contrast between the variety of colors and the subtle calmness of the environment.

3. The same elements in the decoration of the house and the surrounding space.

Reusing materials such as stone or brick in garden walls, columns, pools, and fountains can help bring home and garden together. Emphasize on a skillfully chosen combination of different textures so that the garden becomes an inseparable part of the living space, and the house itself is an extension of the external space.

4. Abundant flowering annuals.

They can bloom for five months, which not every perennial or shrub can boast of. Use annual plants in symmetrical plantings, paths, in the center of the flower bed or along the edges. The English-style garden is characterized by several bright elements on a neutral background.

Decoration and decor

An English park near the house and the exterior itself has several characteristic featuresForged gates and grates, a tall chimney, dark wood paneling on the walls. Let's take a closer look at what else can be brought in and adapted to our conditions.

English style in landscape design and its details:

  • Materials - brick, straw, limestone, cobblestone.
  • Decor - wicker fence, round baskets in the shape of a bee swarm, garden benches, old cars.
  • Colors - delicate gray, moderately pink, pale cream, olive, all shades of green.

The traditional English landscape is, above all, a skillful imitation of nature. For decoration use simple natural materials. If this is a hedge, then it should be low (about 1 meter), woven from willow branches or turf. Hive-shaped straw baskets with opening lids give the garden a rustic feel, plus they are comfortable and roomy.

The British do not like to throw away old things, instead, after a little restoration, they find interesting things for them. design solutions. For example, an English garden, which fits easily into general form grandma's car or big cans, especially if they are stylized antique. By the way, flowers will look original if you plant them in such a tin instead of a regular pot.


England, having become the center of garden fashion, offered to combine seemingly incompatible things in gardens and parks - greenery and stones. Huge antique vases on a pedestal, standing in the middle of a perfectly mowed lawn, statues of beautiful boys and girls, brick arches over the gates - all this is a tribute to the past.

The entrance to the house is a special place, like a visiting card of the owners. Branched roses, under which it is almost invisible brick arch above the entrance, deliver not only aesthetic pleasure. They declare that already from the threshold begins the garden in the English style, with powerful supports of the arched vault, entwined with delicate and fragrant flowers.

The British know how to honor their traditions and ancestors, so symbolic ruins of columns, castles and fortresses are often found in their gardens. English landscapes provide such historical flavor in abundance. And on our soil, it will be replaced by large blocks of unhewn stone, cobblestones and bricks as part of an unfinished wall. The main thing is to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site with the size and number of design elements on it.

The grotto as an imitation of a natural cave is undeservedly considered a relic of the era of romanticism. It was the gardens of England that became an example in the creation of artificial grottoes on a limited plot of land. Internal voids, small in area and equipped, are perfect for secluded relaxation, pleasant memories and contemplation of the landscape. Especially on hot summer days when you really want to cool! However, remember that English landscape design requires a thoughtful approach, so it is better to entrust the process of building a grotto to construction professionals in order to think through everything. technical details and guarantee safety.

Endless lavender fields and vineyards, peace and quiet, mixed with sea air - this is Provence. At…


It is difficult to imagine an English garden without paths that run through the entire garden and, bizarrely meandering, return to the house. The materials for them are simple and are in every household: gravel, tiles, cobblestones, bricks. The paths can be single or parallel to each other, then the lawns and ridges planted between them will be harmonious. Important Rule- narrow the path if it leads to a cozy and secluded place, and make it wider if it comes to an open space where people gather.

gravel path

Design in English is a gravel path, it does not require large expenses and is the easiest to make. Although it looks casual, a stone or limestone border will give it a finished and right kind and will fit perfectly into the English garden. Another practical option railings - metal and aluminum.

Use a shovel to clear the area, choosing the appropriate width and distance. Deepening by 10-15 cm, install a fence around the edges. Then fill in the gravel, evenly distributing it so that the curb protrudes at least 3-4 cm above the surface. It is advisable to choose a light and calm color.

The main task is to leave the gravel inside and prevent it from spilling. English garden demands permanent care, and for this it is necessary to periodically level the path with a rake and pull out the weeds. Renew the mix every few years with a few shovels of new gravel. The smaller the stones, the more pleasant it is to walk on them. But larger fractions will not be washed away even by a heavy downpour.

However, gravel also has disadvantages:

  • such paths are not suitable if the territory has hills and slopes from which pebbles will constantly crumble from top to bottom;
  • small pebbles can get stuck on the sole and spread throughout the house;
  • sharp stones can hurt if you step on them with bare feet, so be careful with gravel if there are children in the house;
  • removing snow in winter, you can accidentally capture part of the track.

English landscape design also prefers stone or paving slab paths. These materials are more durable than gravel and do not require additional maintenance. The shape should preferably be square or rectangular. Stones can be laid out both close to each other and at some distance in order to plant grass in the gaps or ground cover plants. The installation technology itself is simple - heavy stones are alternately laid out on a layer of sand, picking up right size. The result is a road folded like a puzzle that will serve several generations of the family.

paving slabs very decorative and will become an organic addition to the English park. Its service life is several decades, while it can withstand heavy loads. On the marked area, sand or fine gravel is compacted, then a curb is placed and the tiles are nailed with a hammer.

Remember to artificial material, which you put under your feet (for example, embossed concrete, large tiles or glass), there should be a lot of greenery on the sides. Bushes, arches of climbing roses and vines, mixborders along the length of the paths are features of the English style.


It is difficult to imagine landscape design in the English style without water. The gardens of England organically include this element. Here you can see a small pond in the depths of the garden, with natural outlines of the banks and benches around. The reservoir should not be deep, and it is advisable to put a hedge near it or plant a number of tall shrubs and perennials that will hide the corner from prying eyes.

A classic English park is a place for calm relaxation, so it is not characterized by noisy waterfalls and rapid streams of water. Blue sky reflected in mirror surface pond or pool, creating a feeling of peace and quiet. You can adapt a vase or statue under a small fountain, as in the photo, and put it in the center of a green lawn. Lay out the pedestal with plates, bring one path to it, and break the mixborder along the edges. It remains only to sit comfortably on a bench and enjoy the murmur of water, contemplating the English landscapes.

Along the perimeter of the flower bed, you can dig a channel and fill it with water, leaving one side connected to the main part of the garden by a small bridge or passage.

Modern landscaping is hard to imagine without water bodies, and if earlier the creation of an artificial reservoir was…

Garden flowers, shrubs and trees

To create the effect of the ease of an English-style landscape, you need to plant plants in layers. That is, the tallest should be at the back, lower - take place in the middle, and place the smallest on the edge. stick colors. Choose primary colors either only in cold shades (blue, purple, white, cold pink), or warm (red, orange, yellow). So create a single concept of the garden.

David Austin Roses

The British prefer romantic, old-fashioned flowers. If you live in a dry climate, make sure they have enough water. The gardens of England cannot be imagined without such plants as: roses (especially popular varieties of the English breeder David Austin), mallow (Malva sylvestris), daylily (Hemerocallis), delphinium (Delphinium consolida), peonies (Paeonia), charming (Cosmos), foxglove ( digitalis), Snapdragon(Antirrhinum).

Lavender (Lavandula), catnip (Nepeta cataria) and hosta (Hosta) will occupy the middle level. Thanks to soft shades, they will create a perfect contrast with the saturation of annual and perennial flowers.

An English park is also trees. For a hedge, yew (Taxus), hornbeam (Carpinus), eastern thuja or flathead (Platycladus orientalis), boxwood (Buxus), magnolia (Magnolia) are suitable. They tolerate shearing and shaping well, and are suitable for creating topiary figures. The fence will be hidden by evergreen spruces (Picea abies, Picea orientalis), junipers (Juniperus communis, Juniperus virginiana), pines (Pinus sylvestris).

We create a stylish garden with our own hands

Using 6 simple steps you can bring the English style in landscape design to any country cottage area.

1.Plant 2-3 kinds of flowers, only in large quantities.

For example, varieties of roses William Baffin and New Dawn, which, due to their volume, can decorate fairly large areas of the garden.

Rose "New Dawn"
Rose "William Baffin"

2.Use combinations of contrasting shades.

A real English garden demands correct use colors. Yellow and lemon daylilies harmonize well with purple and purple alliums. And red peonies with pink foxglove.

3. Set a border.

It may not only be hedge or a path, but also a house for pigeons, a bird feeder. They organically fit into the space, creating the integrity of the composition. Wrought iron railings and fences will separate one section of the garden from another without completely blocking the view.

4. Highlight your garden furniture.

The English style in design offers instead of the usual colors - gray, green, brown - to paint the furniture in bright, bold shades that attract attention. A red table, an orange bench will not let the eye get bored, even when nothing is blooming in the garden. And do not forget about the old days - the older things look, the better.

Forged or ordered from the master, they will add individuality and romantic notes to the garden. It is better to place them in a shady corner of the garden.

5. Pay attention to the view from the inside.

Attach climbing plants around the pillars and columns. This will create the effect as if they are floating in the air on their own. It would also be appropriate to place statues and stylized ruins in your English garden.

6. Sun and shade go great together.

An English-style garden perfectly combines a shade-loving hydrangea planted near the north wall and succulents that prefer bright sunlight. So ready cozy zone for rest and eating.

Walk in the garden in England.

One of the most popular design options for a personal plot in Europe is the English style. It is ideal for large areas, turning them into beautiful gardens reminiscent of fabulous landscapes. This style tends to idealize wildlife, so there are no boundaries for fantasy and romance.

English garden design rules

When it comes to English style, it is almost always a garden with a perfectly trimmed lawn, many flowers and decorative elements that is meant. It is clear that such a landscape can be created only in large areas, numbering a hectare or more. But a corner in the English style can also be arranged on 10 acres, hiding it as a secret behind a hedge.

If household plot large enough, has a slope, a pond and other natural irregularities - you can start working.

The most important rule of landscape design in the English style is bring the result as close as possible to the natural landscape, slightly "embellished" it bright colors. No need to level the slopes, the crooked bank of the pond, cut down trees and shrubs. We need a competent adjustment of the existing landscape.

The second rule is “no” to straight lines and strict forms. Paths should be winding, lawns uneven, bushes "uncut". Flowerbeds and mixborders should be scattered in a chaotic manner and full of a variety of flowering plants.

The third rule is the presence of a terrace in front of the house, which will gradually lead its inhabitants and guests into the world of a fabulous landscape.

The fourth rule is to use natural materials in the design of the English garden. These are sandstone, gravel, wood cuts, wood, natural gray stone and others.

The only thing that doesn't fit into the big picture is the perfect english lawn, neatly trimmed and well-groomed, which you will not find in the wild. But only thanks to its presence it is possible to emphasize the beauty and grandeur of flowering and woody plants.

Lawn and ivy are the background for all other plants in the English garden. ivy, girlish grapes, clematis or hops simply must be entwined with the walls of the house, gazebos, baths, fences. This technique allows you to artificially "age" the buildings, turn them into medieval mansions with a special history.

The English garden, the landscape design of which can be developed independently, does not accept rock gardens. Boulders, thuja, colored decorative rock do not fit into the landscape style. The only exception is the presence of natural mountainous ledges and slopes. The site should have many trees and shrubs characteristic of the area. Weeping willows look very beautiful, especially if their branches lean towards the surface of the reservoir. You can plant spruces, maples, larches. Of the shrubs, preference should be given to barberry, forsythia, Japanese quince, action, hydrangea, lilac. Let them grow freely, because among them modest paths will wind.

annuals and perennials in an English garden they are planted quite densely. Sometimes taller plants hide smaller ones with their stems, but this is also considered acceptable. As for color, there are no boundaries at all. Flowerbeds and lawns should be pleasing to the eye, and any color will do for this purpose. Bluebells, petunias, phloxes, lemon balm, lavender, crocuses, irises, primroses, tulips, begonias, marigolds, ideally grow "in close quarters", spices and wild cereals. The window sills of the house must be decorated with flowerpots, and gazebos should also be decorated.

Landscaping in the style of an English garden is the hiding among the vegetation of benches for relaxation, gazebos, barbecues, swings, bridges and others. decorative elements. You can create a composition from a dilapidated wall or a stone fence entwined with ivy and wild herbs. It is better to prefer benches and arbors made of wood and forged openwork elements. Stone vases with flowers, bridges over ponds with forged railings, antique-style statues look beautiful and harmonious. Ideal would be the layout of the recreation area near the pond. By the way, a pond, artificial or natural, needs to be “populated” with water lilies, duckweed and others. aquatic plants. A narrow stream, the banks of which are the edges of the lawn - the most suitable option For middle lane Russia. Along such a stream, a winding path can pass, which will lead to a cozy gazebo.

In landscape design, landscape English style has long become native in Europe and America. In the vastness of the English garden, you can shoot romantic films, paint pictures and just admire nature, slightly embellished skillful hand corrector.

Landscape style in landscape design imitates the natural landscape. Therefore, at first it may seem that when creating such a park there will be no particular difficulties, in fact, here you need to take into account and know a lot: the local flora, landscape features, have a sense of proportion and artistic taste. All elements placed in the landscape garden should look natural, the lines of the natural park should be soft and smooth. The English style in landscape design is in many ways the opposite of the regular one. If symmetry, correctness and clarity of lines and geometric shapes prevail in a regular park, compositions in a landscape park are asymmetric, straight lines are replaced by winding ones, you will not find geometric shapes in this type of park either. We invite you to understand these tricks in more detail.

The romantic style in art and the landscape style of landscape design developed in parallel, because. The natural world has served as sources of inspiration for artists and writers.

Typical English garden - perfectly manicured lawn, flowers and trees planted in such a way as to create the most natural impression

The landscape in the English style allows you to be in the bosom of nature immediately outside the threshold of your home. The landscape garden will help to recreate the atmosphere of the old manors, noble nests of the romantic 19th century. The natural park has always been a source of inspiration and harmony for a person, where you can listen to birds singing, the quiet murmur of a stream, fall in love and write poetry.

The main features of the landscape style

The reproduction of the natural landscape should be natural - the paths have a winding shape, if there is a pond with a bridge on the site, it should form a single whole with the natural landscape of the site.

Of course, an English-style garden requires the same care as any other, but the traces of maintenance should be invisible. This has nothing to do with lawns, since the tradition of mowing lawns and constantly maintaining their neat appearance in England has been observed for more than one century, people from Foggy Albion also brought it with them to America and Canada.

Well-groomed lawn, bench, natural composition - typical English landscape

Plants for an English garden must be chosen carefully, it should be based on plants from your region that are well adapted to this climate. They will look good in the garden at any time of the year - in the summer in the rays of the bright sun, and in the winter under a snowy blanket, delight with bright colors in autumn and fresh greenery in spring.

Advice. If you want to create an English backyard garden, start with a lawn. Various compositions should be located around it - lawns, groups of shrubs and trees, flower beds.

A full-fledged English landscape garden can only be created on a large plot. If the area of ​​​​your site is small, you can recreate the natural landscape in one of its corners.

In both English and Russian estates of the 19th century, the park always had a pond in which water lilies grew, duckweed floated, and thin, picturesque willow branches leaned over its surface. If your pond is small, plant one or more dwarf weeping willows near the edge.

If there is a natural pond on the site, you only need to clear its banks a little, you can plant plants according to your taste and take care of the grass carpet

A small pond in the English style - the shores are lined with gray stone, there are no clear outlines, the plants near the shore look like a natural composition

Different areas of the garden are combined with the help of winding paths, for the creation of which natural materials are used - sandstone, saw cuts, cobblestones.

English houses are buried in greenery and flowers. Therefore, in order to recreate the English style in landscape design, you can plant many unpretentious flowers in the garden and directly near the house. In our conditions, mallows, roses, pansies, delphinium. In spring - crocuses, tulips, daffodils.

This is how you can create an English flower garden - the flowers are planted in dense groups, the flower garden smoothly passes to the porch of the house

Flowers in flowerbeds are planted in groups and very densely, so that flower patches on high and low stems are beautifully combined. In English flower beds, the plants are lush, as the climate in England is humid.

Selection of decorative elements

The landscape garden will be perfectly complemented by gazebos covered with ivy and grapes, lattices and arches for flowers and climbing plants, benches installed in recreation areas.

Materials that will help create an English-style garden - wood, natural gray stone and various forged items. Forging elements can be widely used everywhere - benches, an arbor, a bridge over a pond, a hedge of graceful curls forged metal combined with wood, they form an integral ensemble in the English style.

At the entrance to the house and directly in the garden, you can place tubs and ceramic pots with small trees and ornamental shrubs.

The original composition near the house looks quite English, the British love bicycles. Old bikes have flower boxes that grow climbing plants.

Today on sale there are a wide variety of hanging flower pots, with which you can decorate the English garden and courtyard of the house. Pots are suspended from the porch, cornices, arbors. And you can plant hanging petunias, geraniums, pelargoniums in them.

This variety of petunias hanging pot turn any place in the garden into a beautiful corner

The walls of an English house are often covered with ivy. Exist different types ivy - with pure green and variegated leaves, a combination of a couple of species on the wall of the house will add an English flavor to your garden.

When creating a landscape garden, try to ensure that each of its elements is part of nature, not conspicuous, but forms a single harmonious whole with the overall composition.