Mixer      06/17/2019

Products from plastic bottles. DIY crafts from plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic and glass bottles to give. Photo master classes

Plastic bottles in the hands of summer residents cease to be just containers and turn into interesting decorations for garden.

A little work and time, a lot of imagination, at least additional materials, and flowers bloom on the site, funny figures appear, and even serious structures such as arbors and houses. Let's look at the ideas of magic.

Bush with big flowers

You can make such a huge bush with fantasy flowers from plastic bottles completely (with plastic leaves and stems), or you can stick twigs-stems with flower heads between the shoots of some decorative leafy plant.

Let's plant plastic flower in a mini-kindergarten.

An interesting flower color is purple with veins. It’s easy to do: paint the plastic with yellow paint, when it dries, apply a layer of purple and rub it with a brush so that the bottom layer is a little translucent.

Flowers with colorful petals.

graceful flower of blue color. Beautiful.

Decorative trees with plastic foliage and flowers

You can make a flowering tree on a stand. But, perhaps, there is a trunk of a dried tree on your site - use it. How to make lush colored foliage? Cut off the bottom of the bottle and cut the plastic across with scissors to make a spiral. Bottles, of course, color before cutting.

The photo above clearly shows a simple attachment of foliage to wooden surface basics. First, we fasten plastic caps with screws, and then we screw bottles with spiral foliage onto them.

To make a ball tree, the easiest way is to use a grid, to which the flowers are attached with wire. But first you need to make many, many colors.

suspended airplanes

Good airplanes are made from plastic shampoo bottles. You can paint it with acrylic paint or decorate it with electrical tape of different colors, and then hang it on tree branches. By the way, children enjoy playing with such toys.

Daylily bush and chamomile from plastic bottles

We use rigid metal rods as stems. Everything else is made from plastic bottles. How and what to paint - look.

Huge daisies in the garden - a feast for the eyes.

Flower meadow on the lawn

A clearing of flowers of the same type looks original. We make any, attach it to a rod-stem and plant it in the grass.

Butterfly with plastic wings

It is not difficult to make a butterfly from two pots: we glue the pots, paint them. We cut out the wings from the bottle, after which we glue a rope tourniquet on them. Although you can make wings from the grid.

Multi-colored caterpillar from plastic bottles

We cut several bottoms, paint them (better from the inside, so the paint will peel off less), fasten with wire. Ears - from plastic caps. We will either make our own eyes or buy puppet ones in the store.

Bouquet of plastic flowers

They will never wither.

sun rays

We make a laughing sun from a tire, and its rays from plastic bottles. We fasten the corks to the tire, screw the bottles into them, paint everything in one color.

Large plastic bottle flower

The base of the flower is a plastic bottle. The larger the bottle, the larger the flower.

Funny people

A simple idea, but so many emotions!

Plastic bells

Who has seen such huge bells in nature? But that doesn't mean that since we haven't seen them, they don't exist. Let's do it!

floating flower beds

If there is a reservoir on the site, we will make floating flowers. We fasten corks along the edges of the wooden disk, and plastic bottles in them.

Cockerel from a bottle

To make such a funny cockerel, both a glass and a plastic bottle will do.

Dacha life is not only planting seedlings, weeding beds and harvesting, but also calm, measured days in the bosom of nature. On suburban area the whole family gathers, friends and acquaintances come, and everyone wants to relax. Surprise guests with comfort and original ideas possible by building interesting crafts from glass bottles for giving, which are in every home. From them you can make interesting figurines, functional objects and just decorations for the garden, gazebos and houses.

Glass bottle torch

Lighting remote garden areas is not always possible. It is often difficult to conduct electricity to the gazebo or recreation area on the site. lighting fixture can serve plain bottle out of wine. Torch It is quite easy to make from a glass bottle. You will need:

  • a bottle of wine - a vessel made of dark glass will look more spectacular;
  • a cord that will act as a wick;
  • fuel (kerosene, gasoline);
  • decorative pebbles or simple pebbles for filling;
  • metal cover;
  • nut suitable for the neck section.

In the bottle, about half, you need to fill the stones. This will not only give decorative look vessel, but also increase its stability. A torch from a glass bottle must be filled with fuel and a cord inserted. A metal cap is attached to the neck of the bottle, in which you need to make a hole for pulling the wick.

When everything is ready, check if the cord is wet and try to set it on fire. Such a lamp can be placed on the table in the gazebo or mounted on the wall.

Glass bottle bird feeders

In order to have more birds in the country in winter and make it easier for them to survive the hungry time, you can do bird feeders from a glass bottle. It is very easy to build them. You will need a bottle, which will need to cut the bottom. Do not try to make the cut line very even, it is better if it is embossed. Millet, seeds or other bird food are poured into the bottle, its cut part is covered with a saucer and turned over. In this case, grains or seeds in a small amount will spill onto a plate. Leave such a feeder on the balcony or veranda, the birds will fly in and peck at the food, and the seeds from the bottle will spill out on the saucer again.

You can make bird feeders from glass bottles that will be hung from trees or other supports. To do this, you need to make several holes in the walls of the bottle with a diameter of at least 1 cm. After the food is poured into the bottle, the birds will be able to independently get it through the holes.

Bottle vases

Vases with flowers, dry or artificial plants create coziness and warm atmosphere in the house. They can be placed on tables, on the floor, on shelves, and even hung from walls. Everyone can make vases from glass bottles. The main thing is to connect fantasy to this case.

Vases from bottles decorated with salt.

If you cover the vessel with coarse table salt, it will look like a snow-white vase. Prepare a newspaper on the table with salt sprinkled on it, and treat the entire surface of the vessel with any glue for glass surfaces. Now roll the bottle over the newspaper, and sprinkle those places where the salt does not stick by hand. Winter, New Year's bouquets will look great in such a vase.

Bottle vases decorated with jewelry.

Similarly, you can create a vase designed to look like pirate loot. Coat the vessel with glue and attach beads, rhinestones, pebbles, chains, glass to it. If you put a wire ring on the neck of the bottle, on which chains are strung, then by interlacing them, you can create the effect of a fishing net.

Decorative lighting from bottles

Simple wine bottles that have not yet ended up in a landfill can be an excellent piece of decor and lighting in the country. Just cut off the bottom of the bottles and insert small light bulbs into them. Such decorative bottle lighting will surprise your neighbors, who will definitely ask how you managed to create an original chandelier.

Fences and fences from bottles

From bottles you can build any fence. Many summer residents make fences for the front garden, palisades or real monumental protective structures from glass containers. Fences and fences made of bottles are able to realize any creative idea, as well as create a unique look at their summer cottage.

bottle palisade

A summer resident with minimal skills in construction will be able to create such a fence. To build a bottle palisade you will need:

  • multi-colored glass containers for drinks;
  • poles for supports;
  • metal fittings;
  • drill, grinder, welding machine.

Install supporting pillars, pulling out a hole up to 1.5 m deep and cementing them. Between the posts below and above, weld metal fittings, weld vertical pins to the bottom bar. They alternately need to put each bottle on them, having previously drilled a hole in its bottom. When all the bottles are planted, the upper end of the pin is welded to the horizontal reinforcement.

Bottle fence.

In order to build a capital bottle fence, you will need a large number of glass containers. Using multi-colored bottles, you can create a specific color scheme or even a drawing on the fence. The sequence of actions when creating a fence:

  • for the foundation, dig a ditch 35 cm deep, place the bottles in it with their necks up and pour the cement-sand mixture up to the shoulders;
  • let the foundation dry for about 8 hours;
  • put the bottles between the protruding necks, so that one "looks" inside the site, and the other - on the street;
  • each laid layer must be treated with a cement mortar before starting a new row.

This kind of bottle fence sunlight beautifully "plays" and gleams, creating a unique atmosphere of celebration and magic.

Decorative flower beds from glass bottles

Alcohol glass containers can be an excellent excellent material for creating beautiful flower beds in the allotment. Decorative flower beds made of glass bottles are durable, in order to build them, special tools and materials are not needed, and even a novice summer resident can handle the matter. In appearance, the most common flower beds from bottles are:

  • round and square;
  • with bizarre contours and patterns;
  • high flower beds.

Bottles can simply be stuck into the ground, but it is better to dig a recess, install glass containers neck at the bottom and half fill with soil or sand. So the design will be more stable. In addition, using this method, it will be possible to estimate in advance how the flower bed will look and, if any bottle does not match in color, replace it.

From glass bottles, you can create multi-level flower beds that will decorate any suburban area. To do this, you need bottles and a cement-sand mixture. The dishes are laid out in a circle with a neck towards the center of the flower bed. After laying the first level, you need to fill empty seats between the bottles with a solution, after which the second row can be laid. Each new row of bottles is located with a slight offset in relation to the bottom row, i.e. in a checkerboard pattern. The last row is smeared with mortar, soil is poured into the center of the flower bed and flowers are planted.

How to use plastic bottles in the country

Plastic containers are gardeners' favorite utensils. It is used for watering, for mixing solutions and spraying plants, for picking berries and much more. Passing by garden plots, you can often see them on mowed lawns and among flower beds bright figurines of animals and birds, fabulous trees and flowers, original growing equipment ornamental plants. If on your site or in the house there is a container for mineral water, carbonated drinks or beer, and you do not know how to use plastic bottles in the country, use the ideas of experienced summer residents.

Birds and animals from plastic bottles

Fairy-tale animals under the bushes and bright birds in the flowerbed create a good mood and delight the eye. Designing such crafts is becoming fashionable among summer residents. Usually, any available material and household tools are used to create animals and birds from plastic bottles. To get started, you can practice and make a peacock - a beautiful bird with a luxurious tail.

You will need:

  • plastic containers of different sizes;
  • blue bags;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • foil;
  • scotch;
  • fishing line, rope or wire;
  • brush and paints.

The bird's body is formed from a 5-liter bottle, and the plumage is created from bags that are attached to plastic with adhesive tape. The most important part of the figure is the tail. To make it, you need to remove the bottom from the bottle and cut off the top, make 3 vertical cuts along the surface to get 3 sheets. From one edge they need to be rounded - you get a feather. The rounded part is notched along the edges to make it look like a fringe. On one side, circles of blue polyethylene and silver foil are glued to the tape.

Thus, you need to make a lot of feathers and attach them to the bird figurine with a stapler. The more rows of feathers, the more luxurious the peacock's tail will be. Having mastered the simple design of a bird, you can make other crafts from plastic bottles for a summer residence.

Mosquito trap from a plastic bottle

Drink containers can also be of practical use in a summer cottage where there are a lot of mosquitoes. From a 2 liter container, you can make an excellent mosquito trap from a plastic bottle, on which “bloodsuckers” will flock.

Construction fabrication:

  • cut a 2 liter bottle into 2 parts to make a funnel (upper part) and a “sump”;
  • pour hot water into the lower part and dissolve sugar and yeast in it;
  • insert the upper part, turned upside down, into the "sump".

The carbon dioxide emitted by the solution will attract mosquitoes, which, flocking to the smell, will penetrate through the neck into the "sump" and die when they get into the solution. The fluid in the vessel must be changed daily. If you add jam to the solution, then other harmful insects will fall into the mosquito trap from a plastic bottle.

Piglet from plastic bottles

To decorate the garden, you can make funny animal figurines, for example, piglet from plastic bottles. This will require big bottle 5 l, 4 small bottles for legs, plastic container in order to cut out the ears, paint and brush.

The pig's body is a large plastic bottle. The lid on the neck will serve as a nose-patch. For small bottles, you need to cut off the neck at the shoulders - these will be the legs. To insert them, you need to make slots. In the same way, ears cut from plastic bottles are inserted into the cut holes. assembled structure a plastic bottle piglet can be painted any color and placed among the flowers in the garden.

Palm trees from plastic bottles

exotic tree on personal plot or at the entrance to the house will delight guests and owners of the cottage all year round. Build palm tree from plastic bottles is quite simple. For this you will need;

  • container 1.5 l dark brown;
  • container 1.5 l green;
  • wire;
  • scissors.

The trunk of the tree is made from dark bottles with a cut neck. The first bottle must be well deepened into the ground so that the support is stable. The next one is inserted into it, and fixed with a wire. According to this principle, the entire trunk is assembled to the desired height. At the top of a palm tree made of plastic bottles, a green container is inserted upside down, the bottom of which is cut off, and the entire surface is cut into long strips. The whole structure is fastened with wire. The green stripes of the upper bottles must be tilted so that they hang down. The more cut bottles to fix on top of a palm tree, the thicker its "foliage" will be.

Plastic bottles for watering and growing plants

Plastic beverage containers are great for growing seedlings. Depending on the needs of the root system, the bottle must be cut in height. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants can be dived into it and installed on the veranda or in the house before planting. When it's time to transplant the plants in open ground or in a greenhouse, seedlings are easily removed from plastic containers, and the roots are not damaged.

Many gardeners use plastic bottles to grow and water plants. In pots from cut bottles, you can plant a bush of fragrant parsley or basil and install a vitamin garden anywhere. In the event of sudden frosts, plants in plastic bottle pots can be quickly rearranged to a warmer place.

A simple plastic bottle can serve as a sprayer for watering the garden. In this case, you do not have to water the beds with a watering can or walk around the area with a hose. To make a sprayer, it is enough to pierce a few holes in the bottle and connect it to the hose.

Vertical garden from plastic bottles

Creation vertical garden from plastic bottles - not only useful, but also an exciting activity. You can connect the whole family to it. Adults create a structure and plant seedlings, and children decorate bottles. Most likely, for the first time the idea of ​​​​a vertical garden came to a very economical summer resident, because in order to grow plants in bottles, huge territories are not needed.

It is enough to cut the plastic container so that you get a container for planting and fix it on the wall of the house, on the fence or balcony. There are several ways to make pots or hanging beds:

  • cutting the bottle across - you get a semblance of a pot;
  • cutting the container lengthwise - a horizontal container for plants;
  • cutting across and turning the container upside down - unscrewing the lid from the bottom, you can avoid overflowing the plant.

A vertical garden made from plastic bottles is ideal for growing flowers, climbing plants and vitamin greens. You can cut lettuce or parsley right from a pot that hangs on the wall. Thus, the greens will always remain clean, and it will not need to be rinsed under running water for a long time.

Vertical gardens can be a wonderful decoration for walls and fences, because plastic containers can always be painted in any color or decorated to look like a funny muzzle of an animal or a fairy-tale hero. The costs for such original beds are the most minimal, because any owner has plastic bottles.

Plastic bottles are inexpensive and available material, from which you can make many unique and original things that can not only decorate your garden or yard, but also bring practical benefits. In this case, you do not need to have locksmith skills or construction works and buy expensive tools and equipment. The instructions below will help you realize the most unusual ideas.

Flowers from polymer containers

Start the creative process of decorating suburban area you can by making flowers from plastic bottles for the garden. This will not require much effort from you, and the result will exceed your wildest expectations. Having got the hang of it, you can make not one flower, but an original and unusual flower bed that will delight the eyes of all the inhabitants of the cottage and its guests.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. The required number of polymer containers. Garden crafts from plastic bottles of the same size and shape will not look very attractive, so it is advisable to diversify the feedstock. Remember what larger size bottles, the larger the corollas will be.
  2. acrylic paint. It is used for coloring plastic, therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to check the operating instructions and make sure that the selected composition is suitable for application to a plastic surface.

If your bottle garden is “grown” from already painted containers, there is no need to buy paint and apply it to the parts, which will speed up the manufacturing process and reduce its labor intensity.

Further work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Bottles must be cut off. No need to remove a large amount of plastic, just separate the cork itself and the coat hanger. The rest of the container will go to the petals and whisk.
  2. Using a garden knife or clerical scissors, petals of a suitable size and shape are cut out of the bottle. Do not separate them from the bottom of the bottle, as the latter will act as the middle of the bud to which the “stem” is attached.

  1. To give the petals a more natural shape, they can be rounded. Will help with this warmed up with the help blowtorch or gas burner knife or metal rod. The first crafts from plastic bottles for the garden are unlikely to be perfect, however, as you gain experience, your products will look better.

  1. You can also make a multi-layered flower. To do this, a second one, cut out in a similar way, is attached to the first part with the help of an awl and wire.
  2. The last step is to attach the stem. The material for it will be a metal rod, a wooden stick, a strong wire, and so on.
    You can decorate the flower stem as follows:
    • cut a tape from another container, which wrap the stem, and then fix it by melting both ends of it;
    • wind a green hemp rope around a rod or stick, which is glued with PVA glue.

crafts from plastic bottles for the garden does not have to be large and tall.
short small flowers also look attractive.
It is only necessary to organically fit them into the landscape.

Useful Devices

Do-it-yourself garden crafts from plastic bottles can deliver not only aesthetic pleasure, but also perform a lot useful features. Their scope is limited only by your imagination.

Solar Water Heater

If you have not yet installed country house electric or gas heater, ensure that the water in the shower is heated up to comfortable temperature solar collector will help.

Like other crafts from plastic bottles for the garden, this device is made from polymer containers without the use of complex and expensive equipment. Price hot water in this case, it will be equal to zero, which, among other things, will help you save on utility bills.

So, to design a collector, you will need the following materials:

  • plastic bottles with a capacity of 2 liters;
  • empty milk bags;
  • polymer pipes with a diameter of 100 and 20 mm;
  • fittings for plastic pipes(tees, angles and plugs);
  • glue for joining plastic parts;
  • matte black paint;
  • sandpaper;
  • duct tape;
  • paint brush;
  • wood saw;
  • mallet.

The manufacturing process itself, for convenience of presentation, it is advisable to divide into several stages:

  1. The bottom of plastic bottles is cut off, after which they are inserted into one another in pairs and glued together. The seam must be sealed.
  2. A frame is assembled from pipes. Parts with a diameter of 100 mm are needed to form a frame, and smaller ones (20 mm) are suitable for connecting bottles to each other in a common network. Use fittings in the right places.
  3. The entire collector is mounted on a sheet of plywood, upholstered on top with black milk bags. Pipes are painted in the same color. This will help to increase the heat-absorbing characteristics of the parts and increase the efficiency of the entire device.
  4. The finished structure must be installed on the roof of the house or its south wall. The collector must be fixed at an angle to receive maximum UV rays.

According to the inventor, the collector panel, with an area of ​​1 sq. m. effectively heats up water sufficient for washing one person.

Growing plants

What else garden crafts Do-it-yourself from plastic bottles can be beneficial? Naturally those that help in growing plants. We are talking about containers for seedlings, as well as devices that help water the lawn and garden in the summer.

To make both the first and the second product is not particularly difficult. It is enough just to cut off the neck of the bottles and make holes for drainage or water dispersion.

If you paint a pot or diffuser with acrylic paints, you will get a garden decoration made of plastic bottles that will also carry a payload.

Buildings and constructions


Immediately after buying a suburban land plot, any summer resident wants to build a dwelling there to hide from the weather, store tools and just relax after hard work in the garden.

Therefore, talking about what kind of garden crafts you can make from bottles with your own hands, it would be useful to mention the possibility of building a temporary (and maybe permanent) residential house from them.

Before replacing traditional bricks or cinder block with polymer containers, read the following tips:

  1. Bottles need to be filled with river sand. This will increase their strength and reduce the thermal conductivity.
  2. Between adjacent rows, it is recommended to lay a reinforcing metal mesh, which will further strengthen the finished structure.
  3. The cement mortar does not stick to plastic, therefore, in each bottle it is necessary to make many holes, which will allow the mounting mixture to interact with the sand inside the container.
  4. During laying, it is advisable to fix the necks of the bottles with twine or wire until the solution has completely hardened. This will prevent the spreading of the wall being built.

The polymer from which the bottles are made loses its properties over time from exposure to adverse environmental conditions.
Therefore, do not expect that your house will live more than 5-10 years.

Other elements of the building can be made from the material in question:

  1. Roof tiles. To do this, plastic bottles need to be heated in the sun so that the polymer softens a little, and then pressed with a steel or wooden sheet with a load on top.
  2. Slate. It's even easier to make. It is necessary to remove the neck and bottom of the bottle, and then cut it lengthwise into two parts. You can fasten the received elements together using adhesive compositions. You just need to carefully monitor the tightness, otherwise your roof will leak.

Gazebos and greenhouses

However, these are not all ideas for a plastic bottle garden. After all, this material can be used to construct a gazebo or greenhouse, replacing them with expensive polycarbonate or fragile glass. Polyvinyl chloride, from which containers are cast, has similar consumer properties.

Work on the manufacture of gazebos is carried out as follows:

  1. Using wooden bars, metal corners or polymer pipes, you need to make a frame for the future structure.
  2. Using a drill, awl or hot knitting needle, holes should be made in the bottom of each part. Then all the bottles are strung on a fishing line or string, the length of which slightly exceeds the height or width of the frame.
  3. The resulting clusters are fixed both along and across the frame. The layers need to be additionally connected with each other with wire to reduce the vibrations of the bottles in windy weather.
  4. Give an attractive appearance You can use containers of various colors and sizes, creating a beautiful ornament from them.

A pergola and a greenhouse are built similarly to a gazebo, so there is no need to describe this process in detail.

Car parking place

Few motorists like it when their "iron friend" stands under the scorching rays of the sun, rain or snow. Therefore, many build carports for cars, using corrugated board or polycarbonate for this purpose.

However, a regular plastic bottle will work just fine. The resulting design will cost you inexpensively, and with due imagination, you can make a canopy that will serve as one of the decorations for your summer cottage.

The work needs to be done like this:

  • a hole is made in the bottom or cork of the bottle, after which a fishing line, twine or wire is fixed there;
  • then the resulting blanks are attached to the frame, forming dense rows;
  • to protective covering was not excessively mobile, the bottles can be additionally cross-linked;
  • to protect against sun rays parts before installation, it is advisable to paint with acrylic paint.


Garden crafts from bottles are not only a way to save money on the purchase of certain devices or decorations. With their help, you can show your creative inclinations and emphasize individuality.

More more ideas and how to implement them can be found by watching the video in this article.

Plastic bottles are a material available in every home. If you have not yet figured out how to “put them into action”, the Motherhood portal offers craft ideas for joint activities with a child!

Plastic bottles can be used to make a lot of things, from animals and toys to sports equipment, from delicate flowers to lampshades and curtains.

Plastic bottle toys

Using plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5 liters, you can design animal figures. Look what a wonderful dog turned out of green bottles!

Try to simulate an airplane. You can glue the frame with colored paper and make portholes with passengers. Or just put your favorite toy in a special slot.

From a plastic bottle, straws for a cocktail and a ping-pong ball, you can use a stapler to construct a helicopter.

A real "waterfowl" catamaran for dolls can be made from two plastic bottles.

A more complex craft using heating and melting structural parts looks simply gorgeous. Look, it turned out to be a real Frog Princess!

By heating and melting plastic, you can make a naturalistic crayfish, and then "settle" it in an aquarium.

A series of colorful nesting dolls can be made from plastic bottles pasted over with colored self-adhesive paper. The second option is paints for glass surfaces.

From several bottles, movably fastened together with screws, you can get a bright and memorable snake or shark, as you like.

As part of New Year theme try making adorable colorful penguins from the bottoms of plastic bottles. We cut them, put a “hat” on the penguin, color it, add bright details: a pompom and a scarf.

If you need a craft with a Christmas theme, try making an Orthodox church out of plastic bottles. The dome tops are easiest to mold from plasticine, crosses are made from wire, and then wrapped in golden metallized paper. White edging gives a special elegance to the craft. window openings on colored plastic. They can be done with a "stroke" corrector, or a thin strip of white plasticine.

In a similar way, you can build a whole castle. Plastic bottles will form the frame for the four corner towers. Slots are made in them for windows or loopholes, on top they are coated with plasticine, on which the texture of brick and "white stone" decorations are applied. The walls of the castle are made of cardboard and also coated with plasticine. This impressive craft is sure to bring a lot of joy to your child.


Children are interested in insects. Together with them, draw and cut out a beetle, butterfly, cockroach or caterpillar from a plastic bottle. They must love it!

If you approach the issue more carefully, then you can build an insect from bottles in all details.

Starry sky in a bottle

Inside an ordinary bottle, you can create a magical and fabulous galaxy. We will need: wat, glycerin, colored sparkles and a little dye. We put a piece of cotton wool inside a transparent jar or bottle, add sparkles. Pour in a jar of glycerin to obtain the effect of viscosity. Then add food coloring. You can make several shades inside one container. But at the same time, each time we add cotton wool and sparkles. Carefully fill everything with water. We glue the bottle cap along the edge so that it is airtight.

homemade flowers

From an ordinary green bottle, you can make a bouquet of lilies of the valley in a vase. To do this, cut the bottle according to the scheme. We put large foam balls on thin twigs-stalks.

By cutting and melting the necks of plastic bottles, you can get magnificent flowers.

With a certain skill, you can depict cacti and other indoor plants.

Do you want to add color to a dull winter landscape and plant fabulous plants right on the snow? Plastic bottles come in handy!

From colored plastic cups you can make asters. To do this, cut off the rounded edge, make cuts, wrap the edges of the cups and connect them according to the scheme.

Vases and coasters

Using the lower parts of plastic bottles, we model flower vases. Such homemade vases not inferior to real crystal!

Household crafts

We offer practical craftswomen to engage in the manufacture of crafts that occur in everyday life.
Make a beautiful stand for storing needles. Perfect gift mom or grandmother, easy to make and affordable even for a small child.

Schoolchildren and teenagers can please their mother or girlfriend with a unique mobile phone holder while charging. Such a useful hand-made, painted with stained glass paints according to your own sketch, will undoubtedly bring joy to your loved ones!

The hostess will always need a transparent container in which it is easy to find the right thing. Such a storage box can be made by a boy as a gift to his mother. To do this, you need to cut a plastic bottle, walk along the future joints of the box parts with a heated awl, forming holes. It remains to connect the parts of the product with lacing or a zipper.

If you are a schoolboy and are thinking about what to give your dad or brother, pay attention to these homemade dumbbells for sports. You will need several bottles, two wooden sticks for the handle, glue, electrical tape and ordinary sand. A fun and useful gift is guaranteed!

It is easy to make a convenient scoop for garbage from a plastic bottle with a handle.

Even slippers can be made from a plastic bottle. This product looks unusual. But the question of convenience remains open.

A stand for jewelry and jewelry can also be made from the bottoms of plastic bottles.

Interior details

You can pretty much surprise and amuse guests at a theme party by making wall compositions-heads from canisters and plastic bottles.

From plastic bottles, you can cut out such delicate and elegant panels that the audience can hardly guess what it is made of.

Using plastic bottles, you can create a lamp, a night light or a chandelier.

And you can make a lampshade from plastic cups.

Using the bottoms of transparent bottles, you can create original and stylish curtains.

Crafts for the New Year from plastic bottles and disposable cups

A Christmas tree made from disposable cups and tinsel can decorate your lobby or classroom.

Stylish New Year's bells are obtained from the top of the bottles.

Having painted the bottoms of the bottles of bluish plastic, we create a round dance of snowflakes.

A plastic bottle can serve as a frame for a funny Santa Claus. We make the face of the New Year's grandfather from a napkin or colored paper, hair and beard from cotton wool.

And such a snowman can be made by the whole group in kindergarten. Success on the show New Year's crafts secured!

Get ideas and start creating! After all, there is so much more to do before the New Year!

Photo sources:

Plastic bottles are not just a container for water, but also an excellent material for creativity and. Some craftsmen manage to make something out of them that is difficult for many to imagine. All you need in this business is the actual material, scissors, sometimes paint, glue and free time. Also, it would not hurt to turn on creativity and stop looking at the container from under your favorite soda as an ordinary thing. So let's get started!


This craft is easy to make, so that's where we start. In this, you can plant flowers for the summer or use piglets as. This will revive anyone, especially children will be happy with this creation.

Tools and materials:

  1. Five liter plastic bottle. Their number is according to the number of piglets that will be created. 1 container - 1 pig.
  2. Sharp knife, most convenient stationery.
  3. Bottles - 0.5 l or 1.5 l, 4 pieces for each piglet.
  4. Glue.
  5. White enamel and red or pink paint.

Manufacturing sequence

The container must be rinsed and dried, and if there are labels on it, they should be removed, as they will interfere. If you decide to make a planter, then cut a hole in the upper part so that there is where to plant flowers and pour earth. If you create garden sculpture, skip this step.

The smaller bottles will be used to create the legs. They need to be cut from the neck by 10-15 cm or to the length that is needed.

Advice! The more hooves you make, the higher the piglet will be. Moreover, the containers should be selected of the same volume so that the limbs come out even and beautiful.

Advice! In order to make it more convenient to glue the legs, cut each neck in the widest place with a fringe and bend its edges.

Now the important task is gluing. For this you can use:

  • Glue "Moment".
  • Glue "Titan".
  • Thermal gun. It is most convenient to work with it, although the plastic can be deformed from hot silicone, so it should be handled with extreme care.

Advice! It is more convenient to glue two limbs, since after applying the adhesive, they need to be held for some time for high-quality bonding. Use glue according to the instructions.

After everything dries, you can cut out the ears, they will be from the same material as the entire piglet. It is convenient to cut them from the lower parts, as there is a factory bulge there. The shape is natural, the size is arbitrary. For ease of gluing at the bottom, you can also make a fringe - like on legs.

On a note! It is most convenient to glue if you are making flower pots. The cuts in this case must be glued to the container from the inside with the same composition.

Now the creative stage - painting. natural color - pink, but you can use another if you wish. Experienced craftsmen it is advised to use it, it fits well on plastic and is more durable. You need to tint only on the outside, but carefully so that the color of the bottle does not shine through. It is very convenient to hold the lid-piglet. Do not forget to cut and glue the tail, it is also made of plastic, it is more convenient to paint it before gluing. Eyes can be drawn or bought, these are sold at any sewing store.

Important! If the piglet is to be used as flower pot, it is necessary to make holes in the lower and side parts for the free outflow of water.

Fly agaric for garden decoration

A detailed master class on making fly agarics from bottles is on the video:

  • Circle the contours of the future creation with a black marker, it is advisable to take one that is not erased immediately, because you still need to work with the workpiece.
  • Remove the stencil and cut out the blank with scissors.
  • The wings should be bent along the body of the butterfly up.
  • Painting is carried out from the inside. Since the decoration will be colorful, you should wait for each subsequent layer to dry before applying a new color. Nail polish in this case is very convenient to use, because it has a thin brush.