Mixer      06/13/2019

Monarda: characteristics of species, medicinal properties and cultivation features. Other methods of reproduction. Monarda fistulum or wild bergamot

Monarda - herbaceous plant The Lamiaceae family has up to twenty species, most of which are perennial plants. The plant got its name in honor of the physician Nicolas Monardes, who described the monard in his books.

The historical homeland of the monarda is North America and Mexico, where in some places it grows like a weed. In Europe, and specifically in Spain, for the first time the monard was brought by Columbus. But, unfortunately, the Monard was forgotten for a long time. And only after a whole century in Europe and Asia, the monarda began to be grown as aromatic plant, because in almost all types of monardas, inflorescences, stems, and especially leaves, have a strong aroma. The aroma of Monarda is very different: both mint and citrus, and bergamot. Therefore, it is not only itself little susceptible to pests, but also scares them away from neighboring plants.

The stem of the plant is straight, from 65 to 120 cm high, the leaves are light green, oval, pointed at the ends, serrated along the edge, with sparse pubescence, arranged oppositely. Monarda has a long, horizontally growing rhizome. Racemes or capitate inflorescences of tubular-funnel-shaped fragrant flowers 6-7 cm in diameter, arranged one above the other along the peduncle. Depending on the species, the color of the flowers is white, pink, red, lilac or purple, and the varieties with red flowers are the shortest. Monarda blooms profusely, from July to the end of summer.

In culture there are annual and perennial plants. perennial species monards are unpretentious and winter-hardy, are excellent honey plants. Monarda looks great in group plantings of the garden. Some flower growers do not like the monarda for the somewhat disheveled appearance of the flowers, but they have a special charm. And therefore, seeing the monard in bloom, the eye involuntarily stops at the bright spot that it forms.

Thanks to the high decorative the monard is placed along the path, in separate curtains near the reservoir or recreation area. Monarda is decorative in the flower garden long time- at first it blooms magnificently, and then flower stalks with fruit-nuts decorate it for a long time with their unusual appearance

It is recommended to grow a monard in one place for no more than five years, because by this time the middle part of the bush dies off and the decorative effect of the plant as a whole decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to divide and seat the monard at least once every 4-5 years.

Place for landing.

Monarda must be placed in a place protected from the wind, otherwise its stems will bend. Depending on the species, the monarda prefers different places for its growth and sunny, open areas And penumbra. For example, monarda double grows best in moist semi-shady areas, and monarda fissile likes drier areas well lit by the sun. In the sun, the monarda blooms luxuriantly, but less long than in partial shade.

The plant is not undemanding to soils, but grows best on light, calcareous. Does not tolerate strongly acidic and very damp places. Planted in such places in 1-2 years may die.

The landing site is prepared in advance. To do this, the soil is dug up, cleaned of weeds, compost (2-3 kg per 1 m 2) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (30-40 g per 1 m 2) are applied. Then do holes where a handful is added wood ash, mixed with fertile soil and watered abundantly. Plants are planted at the level of the root neck, without deepening, while carefully compacting the ground. Then water again and slightly loosen the soil. Watering should be daily, but moderately, until complete growth. Plants are placed at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other so that they have a sufficient feeding area.

Monarda breeding.

Monarda is propagated by seeds and division of the bush. An overgrown monarda bush is recommended to be divided and replanted in autumn or in early spring. The bush is divided into parts containing 2-4 strong shoots, and planted in a prepared hole. At autumn transplant cuttings will bloom next season. When dividing the monarda, you can choose the bush you like the most and propagate it. At the same time, the beautiful color of the flowers will be preserved and the harvest can be obtained in the first year after transplantation.

You can grow seedlings from seeds. Seeds are sown in mid-late March, not earlier than seedling did not outgrow. 2 weeks after germination, they dive. At first, the plants grow very slowly. Plants are planted in the garden at the onset of stable warm weather. Be sure to water when planting. With seed propagation, the monard does not bloom in the first year after sowing.

Monard care.

Monarda care is quite simple: loosening, timely feeding and weeding. Monarda responds well to fertilization - feeding with mullein (1: 5) or mineral fertilizers(50-60 g per 10 l of water) contribute to the formation of the growth of a large number of stems with large leaves and inflorescences. top dressing organic fertilizers must be alternated with minerals. When dry hot weather sets in, it is advisable to mulch the soil with peat or humus so that the root system does not overheat.

Although the monarda is quite winter-hardy, in autumn it is not bad to mulch the plantings with compost with a layer thickness of 2-3 cm. In the spring, carefully loosen the plants and feed them with nitrogen fertilizer (10-15 g per 10 liters of water). Two weeks later, as soon as the plant begins to grow, it is necessary to add superphosphate (10-15 g per 1 m 2).

After cutting the greenery, the plants must be fed and watered abundantly, while be sure to loosen the soil. After this, the monarda quickly grows and re-blooms.

The use of Monarda.

Currently, monarda is widely used in floriculture: in mixborders, group plantings, and in the design of recreation areas. Gorgeous in bouquets - lasts more than 2 weeks in water. The long flowering of the monarda and the aroma are liked not only by people, but also by many beneficial insects, primarily to bees and bumblebees, because it produces a lot of nectar. In winter, inflorescences with seeds are also decorative and useful for birds.

All parts of the monarda, except for the roots, have a pleasantly tart and fairly persistent aroma due to the content essential oil , the individual components of which are found in mint, basil, savory, cumin, hyssop and other aromatic plants. Monarda flowers and leaves are added to salads, okroshka, soups, meat dishes, casseroles, cereals, jams, drinks, which gives them an original taste and unique aroma.

They can also be used in canning cucumbers and tomatoes. Lemon monarda is part of the Earl Gray tea, giving it the aroma of real bergamot.

The crop is harvested in the second year after sowing, because the monarda does not bloom in the first year. Branches are cut at a height of 25 cm from the soil surface or branching level. For salad and for brewing, you can collect individual leaves all season. For blanks for future use cut branches during flowering and dry in the shade.

All types of monarda have a strong bactericidal effect. You can use its juice to heal wounds. In modern medicine, monarda is used to treat burns, insect bites, and is used to prevent infections in the oral cavity. Monarda lemon is used to treat bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. For fractures and wounds, tea brewed from dry or fresh monarda is recommended (2 tablespoons of crushed leaves, flower stems, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain and add sugar to taste. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day). In addition, monarda improves digestion.

Due to the essential oils emitted, the Monarda can be called the guardian and healer of the garden. She herself is practically not damaged by pests, but also scares them away from nearby growing plants.

Possible failures in cultivation.

Monarda is prone to diseases such as powdery mildew and rust. Plants planted in damp places may rot shoots. Therefore, in early spring, it is desirable to treat plantings with copper-containing preparations that increase resistance to diseases. But if the plant is grown for food or as a raw material for treatment, then it is better to use folk remedies: treat with infusions of onions, garlic, tansy, tomato tops.

The disadvantages of the monarda include early exposure of the stems from below, so it must be decorated with undersized plants.

The best partners in the flower garden.

The best partners for Monarda are phloxes, veronicas, catnip, aconites, various cereals, stubble, rudbeckia, goldenrod, heliopsis. With the participation of the Monarda, you can successfully arrange a flower garden in rustic style. If possible, the monard should be planted in the center of the flower bed. If the monard is planted separately, then stunted flowers should be planted around it so that the stems bare from below are not visible.

In conclusion, I would like to say that many people now know and use the monard. This plant is a godsend, it is both a vegetable, medicinal and ornamental plant. Some are used in decorative purposes, while enjoying the aroma, others in cooking, others for treatment, the fourth are used as honey plants.

Plant a monarda in your garden and you will never regret it. And yet - write about your acquaintance with this wonderful plant.

Monarda is one of the most beautiful plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family. You can meet her in almost all corners of the world, on various continents. Monarda owes its name to the famous naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who thus forever entered the name of his colleague Nicholas Monardes into history.

This Spaniard throughout his life diligently studied botany, and Linnaeus considered it fair to name one of the plants he studied in his honor. Monardes himself in his works called the monarda Canadian oregano. A few centuries later, this name changed to lemon mint and remained in this form until Linnaeus proposed his own version.

Planting a monarda and caring for it is very fascinating process loved by thousands of gardeners around the world.

Description of Monarda

Monarda is a relatively tall rhizomatous plant. Usually its height reaches one and a half meters. Monarda leaves have a pleasant smell and an oblong shape. It is not difficult to recognize the monard by the pointed edges of its leaves. Flowers collected in a neat brush have small size. Their diameter usually does not exceed 7 cm.

Monarda flowers are found in nature in a variety of colors, the most common are white and red varieties. Flowers grow all over the surface of the stem, making this plant very beautiful. The seeds are located inside the Monarda fruit, which appears before the gardener in the form of a small nut.

Monarda seeds have high germination. They keep it for 3 years. Monarda does not require many sites for planting. The plant can be planted on the same plot of land for 7 years.

Gardeners love monarda not only for its external virtues, but also for its pleasant floral aroma. Moreover, this smell is suitable not only for ennoblement of the territory. IN last years it became fashionable to use monarda as a spice. Many connoisseurs even add it to tea and implement planting and caring for monarda exclusively for this.

Planting monarda in the spring

Monarda's care and landing open ground can be carried out before spring, if we are talking about hot regions. This process does not require special preparation from gardeners. It is enough just to wait for a more or less warm February day and send the seeds to the ground.

Until April, the stratification of seeds will take place, and the cool spring climate characteristic of Russia will only speed up and facilitate it. And in April, the gardener will be able to enjoy the shoots that have appeared, which will be so thick that after a few more weeks they will have to be thinned out.

Do not plant Monarda on land plot which is covered with snow. The snow cover should be eliminated, and the earth should be warmed up by tightly covering it with a cellophane film. The heated earth will then be much easier to loosen and mix with sand.

When the site is ready, all that remains is to sow the seeds. Monarda does not need great depth: the seeds should be planted no deeper than 2-2.5 cm. Soil can also be used to sprinkle the sown seeds, but many experts note that ordinary sand is much better suited for this purpose.

Sowing monarda in autumn

Monarda care and planting can be carried out not only in spring. Many gardeners carry out this process before winter. If you chose this option, it is worth moving on to planting only after the season is finally over, and all the seeds have been collected.

For sowing monarda before winter, it is very important to take into account the climatic conditions of the region in which you live. For a successful process, it is required that a serious cold snap sets in: on one side of Russia, it comes already in early October, and on the other, it will have to wait until December. Warm weather is dangerous because the seeds can germinate ahead of schedule.

A bed for seeds should be prepared in advance, as the earth takes time to settle. Between the furrows, it is worth observing a distance of at least 0.25 meters. Seeds are sown no deeper than 2.5 cm.

By the beginning of spring, the resulting seedlings need to dive. This will provide garden plot beautiful and hardy shrubs. Experts advise to show more patience, as the monard rises very slowly.

Planting a monarda and caring for it at home

Monarda, planting and caring for it in the open field, which requires a lot of effort from the gardener, can also be grown at home. Moreover, among Russians involved in planting monarda, this method is the most in demand.

In order for everything to work out, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Seedlings are sown already in the middle of winter, in order to be ready for transfer to open ground in April. Ordinary wooden boxes filled with drainage and soil suitable specifically for flowering plants;
  • Seed placement should be at the level of 2 cm;
  • It is important to keep the temperature at least 20 degrees. To do this, the box can be covered with a film or a plastic bag.

At home, the monarda ripens much faster. In less than a month, the long-awaited shoots will appear, and after another 3 weeks, full-fledged leaves will already ripen on them. After that, you need to dive the monarda into separate glasses or more capacious containers as soon as possible.

Monarda does not really like moisture, so you need to water it carefully so as not to harm the plant. Due to the abundance of moisture on its stem or leaves, rot may appear. And here is the light necessary condition for the growth of monarda, it is very important that the plant always stands in a well-lit place.

It is better to avoid high temperatures, it is worth keeping the climate at 20 ºC, otherwise the monarda will stretch unnecessarily. If, nevertheless, this happened, you need to add earth to the glass with the monard - this will help to avoid deformation of the seedlings.

As new leaves appear, the monard must be hardened. To do this, at least once a day, it is worth taking it out for cold balcony and leave it there without heating for an hour and a half. The time that the monarda spends in the cold should gradually increase. And after 2 weeks it can be safely transplanted into open ground.

How to create conditions for planting Monarda in the ground?

Monarda, planting and caring for it in the open field, which requires a lot of effort, will be able to fully bloom in a short time only if the gardener creates all the conditions necessary for it. This is not difficult to do, but you still need to be very careful.

For the monarda, you should choose a plot of land that is well heated by the sun, which is reliably protected from the wind at any time of the year. However, the monarda will be able to adapt in semi-shaded places. The soil she needs is light, generously enriched with lime and minerals. The soil should be moderately moist, but not waterlogged, as this can adversely affect the growth rate of the plant.

Spring is the perfect time to plant and care for monarda. But a place in the garden for her should be chosen in advance, even in the fall. The selected area is cleared of all weeds, treated to protect against pests, enriched with manure (at least 2 kilograms for each square meter).

Among the minerals that are especially useful for monarda, potassium salt, superphosphate and any lime are distinguished. Also, nitrogen fertilizers will not be superfluous, but they are added immediately on the eve of planting.

Landing monarda

Monarda care and planting in open ground should take place after a sufficient number of leaves have formed on the seedlings. This will happen no earlier than 2-3 months after the start of planting operations.

Monarda bushes should be at a considerable distance from each other (about 60 cm). A newly planted plant needs abundant watering.

Monarda, transferred to open ground, is not at all afraid of Russian frosts. She can easily survive even sub-zero temperatures.

If the gardener used seed planting, he will see the first flowering only in the next season. But if he resorted to the help of seedlings, the monarda may bloom already this year, but for this you need to take care of it especially reverently.

Monard care rules

In spring and autumn, the monard does not need large amounts of water, but in the summer it should be watered as often as possible. In the hottest weeks, the monard should be watered daily.

If the gardener, for some reason, neglects regular watering, the monard may get sick powdery mildew. In this case, the care and planting of the monarda can be in vain, since the plant may not be able to cope with this disease.

Monarda, like any flowering culture, needs active feeding. Agricola and Kemira are best suited for this purpose. It is necessary to treat the plant with them at least twice a month until the growing season comes to an end. Fundazol will help protect the bushes from various pests. The Bordeaux mixture can also contribute to a successful fight against insects.

Monarda reproduction by dividing the bush

For successful landing monarda and caring for it, the plant needs to be propagated. The easiest way to do this is by dividing the bush. In addition, only this method allows you to preserve the characteristics of a particular variety and avoid the emergence of beautiful, but valued much lower hybrids.

The division of the bush can not be engaged until he is at least 3 years old. When the required period has passed, this procedure can be carried out twice a year: in the middle of spring, taking advantage of the fact that at this time the soil is properly warmed up, and at the very beginning of autumn. In order for everything to work out, you need to carefully remove the roots of the monarda from the ground and separate them.

New bushes return to the ground at the previous level of depth. It doesn't take long for them to grow. After 2 years, the resulting bushes will grow strongly, and the method of dividing the bush will have to be used again.

Propagation of Monarda by cuttings

Another method of breeding monarda is associated with the use of cuttings. To implement it, the gardener will need at least 7 cuttings 0.1 m long. These should be shoots from a large bush that have not reached the flowering stage.

All leaves growing from below on the handle are cut off. The upper leaves are not completely removed, but are trimmed.

For cuttings, you need to prepare a spacious box in advance, where they will be planted. The container should be filled with a mineral-rich substrate. However, you can do without it - the cuttings will be able to take root in a container filled with water.

Not later than after 3 weeks, the cuttings form a developed root system. After that, they can already be transplanted into open ground, with no doubt that they will be able to survive in it.

Diseases and pests

Monarda is a plant that rarely suffers from diseases and insect pests. Bushes have a strong innate immunity, which is explained by the fact that they contain essential oils.

However, during the hot months of the year, the monarda can get sick with powdery mildew. Bushes endure this disease heavily and can even die from it. To protect your pet from powdery mildew, the gardener should regularly water the plant and mulch the soil.

Of the harmful insects, the weevil can harm the monard, but it is not difficult to drive it away. In general, planting a monarda and caring for it will not take much effort from the gardener if he can do all the necessary procedures on time.

Collection of Monarda seeds

From year to year, monarda seeds ripen at about the same time. It occurs at the end of August or the first week of September. Since the seeds can spill out and die, during this period you need to carefully monitor the bushes.

Monarda, planted and cared for in the open field for which the entire season was carried out, will inevitably give a sufficient number of dried seed plants. In order for them to finally ripen, they are cut and left to dry in a cool, shady area of ​​​​the garden.

The resulting seeds can be immediately sent to the ground. But most often they are stored in order to use the next season. As noted above, Monarda seeds have high germination and do not lose it for 3 years.

Monarda, obtained as a result of planting seeds of hybrids, will not be able to perform a parental function. Seeds extracted from it will never give life to a new plant.

You can also leave ripe seeds. In this case, during the winter months, birds will be able to eat them, and you will act as a breadwinner for a dozen feathered guests.

Preparing the monarda for the winter period

The annual monarda is not able to cope with the severe Russian frosts, so the flower beds are cleared of it for the winter. But the perennial monarda is able to withstand even severe cold (down to -25ºC).

If even more severe frosts are promised in your region in winter, you can help the monarda by covering it with cellophane, straw or hay for the winter. Since this coating can scatter all over the site due to the wind, it is worth pressing it to the ground with any heavy load.

As soon as spring replaces winter, and subzero temperature will remain in the past protective covering quickly removed from the ground. This will help the plant to quickly move away from hibernation and prepare for the new season.

Monarda varieties

Care and planting of Monarda in open ground would not be so interesting process if this plant did not have many varieties. Below we will talk about only the most popular of them.

It is customary to attribute citrus, hybrid and point varieties to annual species of monarda. The citrus monarda is the tallest annual in the world. Its growth can reach 1 meter.

The leaves of this plant contain a large number of essential oils, why lemon monarda often compared to basil or mint. It is this variety that is used as a spice, adding the plant to tea to give it a unique taste.

It was born in Holland, where local breeders spent several years breeding a new plant. Lemon monarda was also used in its creation, so the leaves of the hybrid variety smell the same as the leaves of the variety described above. The care and planting of a hybrid variety monarda is a process that is fundamentally different from breeding other varieties.

Known in wide circles under a different name. Botanists commonly refer to it as horsemint. It is not difficult to distinguish this variety from the rest because of the large orange leaves that completely surround the inflorescence.

The types of perennial monarda include double, fistulous and hybrid variety. Botanists learned about the double monard in the middle of the 17th century and first described it in their writings.

This variety has a considerable height - about 80 cm. The leaves are oval, pointed, almost odorless, but very beautiful, which makes the double monard very popular among gardeners. The flowers have a pronounced purple hue, which becomes even more saturated towards the end of flowering.

The horned monard is also known as wild bergamot. Her homeland is North America, where she grows freely without anthropogenic impact. The horned monarda is one of the tallest varieties and reaches 120 cm.

Soft fluffy hairs grow on the surface of the leaves. The flowers are pale lilac. Russia has become the birthplace of the dwarf pimento monarda. Care and planting of this variety require special attention from the gardener.

The hybrid perennial monarda is famous for its color variety. Its flowers can be white, red, purple, purple, and these are just some of the long list of colors and shades found in nature.

Medicinal properties

Care and planting monarda in open ground can also have practical benefits, since the plant has unique healing properties. Monarda contains not only essential oil, but also a whole complex of vitamins, among which vitamins of group C occupy a special place.

Essential oil is an unsurpassed antidepressant. It can also be used as an anti-anemic property, and even helps a woman with the implementation of reproductive function. If you regularly consume essential oil, the possibility of suffering from radiation sickness or the formation of sclerotic plaques is minimized.

Monarda is actively used as a cosmetic product. It helps in processing oily skin in people over 45 years of age.


Yes, the care and planting of the Monarda, of course, bring a lot of benefits. But there is a category of people who are strictly contraindicated in breeding this plant. In no case should it be consumed by pregnant and lactating women. Monarda can also be dangerous for small children (under 5 years old).

This is a fragrant spice, a plant of the Lamiaceae family. Its homeland is North America.

Monarda has long been used as a seasoning and medicine. By the 19th century, this herb had become known throughout the world as bergamot, American lemon balm, and lemon balm.

Grass bergamot is an annual or perennial up to one and a half meters high. The leaves of the plant are oblong-lanceolate, straight, serrated, fragrant. Monarda-bergamot flowers are small, come in different colors: white, red, purple, yellow, speckled. They gather in inflorescences of 6-7 cm in diameter.

Monarda attracts with its bright color of flowers and amazing aromas. It is used as a spice in cooking, added to tea, used in folk medicine.

The chemical composition of the monarda

it is an essential oil plant. Accordingly, essential oils are the main biologically active component of the plant. Thanks to them, the monarda exudes a characteristic aroma. Also, the plant is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, it synthesizes amino acids, bitterness, bioflavonoids, tannins, cellulose, pectins.

Monarda essential oil contains about 40 components, 16 of which are essential. Most samples of Monarda essential oil contain carvacol and thymol as the main element.

At different types plants their content is from 41% to 85%. Also in the essential oil of Monarda, there is a high content of sabinene, terpinene, cymol, thuyene, borneol, thujol, linalool, myrcene, cineol. Within plant species, forms are distinguished that can vary greatly in oil composition.

The healing properties of Monarda

The healing properties of Monarda are provided by its chemical composition. The most valuable product obtained from this plant is essential oil, with a broad spectrum bactericidal action. Monarda essential oil also has antioxidant, reproductive, antianemic, immunomodulatory, and radioprotective properties.

well known anti-stress properties of monarda. At constant fatigue the use of this plant affects the central nervous system, its tone increases, vivacity appears, strength is restored.

The properties of the Monarda plant are used to speed up the healing process for eczema, burns, bronchial asthma, salmonellosis. Fights viruses, fungi, mycoplasmas.

Monarda has medicinal properties to fight helminths. Thymol, contained in the plant, has an anthelmintic effect. But the plant is used in conjunction with other means to combat this problem. Monarda also activates the action of antibiotics, which reduces the amount of their use.

The use of monarda in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the use of Monarda is popular. A positive effect is observed in diseases skin, gastrointestinal tract, problems of the central nervous system, gynecological diseases, fungal infections.

The presence of a large number of biologically active components makes it possible to use Monarda in homeopathy. In this area, it is used exclusively fresh. Plant extracts have a pronounced antimicrobial effect, positively affect the digestive processes.

Did you know? Monarda oil extract can be used for medicines. It is prepared at home by placing a dry plant in a container with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, heating the mixture to 60 degrees for two hours. Filtered oil is used for the common cold and for the treatment of wounds.

The use of decoctions of Monarda allows you to stimulate the immune system. This remedy is used for colds, for their prevention. Monarda can be brewed into tea.

With conjunctivitis, washing the eyes with monarda is indicated. You can also wash any wounds on the body, make lotions to them, which speeds up their healing.

For diseases of the mouth, gums, throat, Monarda tincture. Rinsing with tincture contributes to the rapid healing and healing of wounds and sores on the mucous membranes. It is useful to gargle with Monarda for sore throats.

In inflammatory gynecological diseases, douching is used. Also have medical preparations with the content of monarda, prescribed for such diseases.

Regular consumption of monarda helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, contributes to the normalization of cell activity. There is a gradual cleansing of the aorta and blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques.

Did you know? Monarda in the form of essential oils is used as an "air purifier" from microbes and pathogenic bacteria. During epidemics, it is very handy to add it to aroma lamps.

Application in cosmetology

Monarda in cosmetology is used in the form of essential oil, decoctions. The problem of teenage acne, acne and other skin diseases, including foot fungus, is also solved by the external use of decoctions, tinctures containing Monarda. Effectively used to eliminate the problems of oily scalp, seborrhea treatment.

From the decoction of the plant, masks are prepared with the addition of blue or white clay. To prepare decoction, you will need 2 tablespoons of raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 10 hours in a thermos. Such a decoction is suitable for washing to stop inflammation in the pores of the skin.

Also used to delay old age. Regular massages using this oil renew cells and slow down the aging process.

Monarda is added to creams, skin care products after being under the sun, in anti-aging lines. The use of products with this component tones the skin.

How bergamot is used in cooking

Not only in folk medicine and cosmetology, the use of Monarda flourishes. In cooking, this herb is also often used, but more often it is called bergamot.

Leaves, flowers and shoots of monarda have a tart pleasant aroma. In culinary recipes, it is used fresh and dried.

Examples of the use of Monarda-bergamot in cooking:

In sweet dishes, bergamot is combined with lemon balm, cinnamon, cloves, orange zest.

Procurement of raw materials from monarda

The raw material for medicines and culinary dishes is the ground part of the plant. The most favorable period for harvesting is the beginning of flowering. It is at this time that the plant has the highest concentration of essential oils.

Cut grass is dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated area. Thick, rough stems can be removed immediately, which will facilitate the further preparation of infusions and fees. Raw materials should not be crushed too much, because this can damage the essential oil glands. If this happens, the essential oil will evaporate, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of the raw material.

Monarda is an aromatic and medicinal flower. It's blooming ornamental plant with two-story bright flowers. Monarda has a lemon scent. This plant has many names: wild bergamot, golden melissa, Indian nettle.

Did you know? Monarda essential oil has bactericidal properties and anthelmintic activity.

Monarda varieties

- This is the most common type of plant. Grows wild in the area North America, reaches 80 cm in height. It has been in culture since 1656. It has different variants color, the flowers are small and collected in a capitate inflorescence, which reaches 6 cm in diameter.

This species is native to Mexico and California. The plant is higher than the double monarda, there are more branches. The stems of the plant reach 120 cm in height. The flowers are small, collected in spherical heads. Each stem has 5-9 inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter.

There is also a dwarf form of the piped monarda. They grow up to 35 cm, with lavender flowers.

Monarda hybrid. This is a combination of varieties of double and fistulate monarda. The plant reaches 100 cm in height. Flowers are varied.

These three types of monarda are the most common, as they are all decorative and very fragrant. All this is due to high content essential oil in the plant.

Grows wild in the USA and Mexico. The plant differs in that the leaves, flowers and stems smell strongly of lemon, mint and zest. Monarda is used as a spice and ornamental plant.

There are also various varieties Monards:

"Mahogany" is early variety. The flowers are dark red, the petals are twisted at the ends. Blooms until frost.

"Adam" has scarlet flowers, grows exclusively in the sun.

"Croftway Punk" is the most attractive variety with a lilac-pink color.

"snow white"has pure white flowers. The plant looks spectacular in single-varietal plantings.

"Panorama" comes in crimson, pink, purple, white, red and purple. Flowers can be grown by combining them with other plants.

Did you know? Monarda is used to flavor tinctures and wines.

Where and how best to plant a monarda

Growing monarda does not require a lot of effort. The plant is best planted in a sunny place on light soils, as in damp and acidic earth the plant develops poorly.

The site for the plant is prepared in the fall, clearing it of weeds, digging and fertilizing the soil with peat, manure, potassium salt and superphosphate. Monarda planting begins in the spring, periodically fertilizing the plant with nitrogen fertilizing.

If you decide to grow monarda using seeds, then this should be done in February. It is sown directly into the ground, and within two months the plant undergoes a natural stratification.

In April, you can expect the first strong shoots. If there is snow on the site, you should remove it and cover the area with a film, as the earth should warm up. After that, loosen the earth and add a layer of sand.

Important! Monarda rises very slowly.

Two months later, when the plants sprout, and three pairs of leaves are formed on them, the seedlings are transferred to the prepared site. The distance between them should be about 60 cm. After planting, abundant watering is necessary.

With frosts down to -5 ° C, the plant feels normal. Monarda begins to bloom in a year.

Most often, florists plant a plant in seedlings. They are sown in January-February in boxes for vegetable crops for the plant to sprout by spring.

You also need to mix the seeds with sand. The proportion should be 1:4. Then they are sown, sprinkled with sand on top. The depth should be no more than 2.5 cm.

Seedlings germinate in three weeks. After this, another three weeks should pass, and new plants should be dived into containers according to the 3 by 3 scheme in order to increase the feeding area.

Seedlings are planted 3 cm apart and placed in a greenhouse. The temperature under the film must be at least 20 °C.

Did you know? Monarda was named after the botanist Nicholas Monardes, who described it. From the UK, the monard came to Europe, where it is bred with the name "golden melissa" or "Indian nettle".

What neighbors to choose for Monarda

Since monarda is used in landscape design, you need to know which plants it best coexists with.

In any case, you need to choose a sunny place, as for bergamot it is Better conditions For active growth and flowering. Wormwood and hydrangea go well with such a plant.

Don't forget about dahlias and phlox. In any combination with these plants, the monarda will look like a queen.

Did you know? For fractures and injuries, tea with the addition of dry or fresh Monarda grass is recommended.

Monarda care in your flower bed

After planting, you need to properly care for the monarda, then the plant will bloom for about ten years.

After flowering, the leaves, stems and flowers of bergamot fall off. It takes place in September. Pruning can be done with garden shears.

Important! If the shrub has grown densely, you can cut off several stems or roots.

At the end of April, the Monarda again dissolves. When caring for this plant, remember the importance of watering and fertilizing.

In the hot season, when there is a danger of powdery mildew damage to the plant, it is important to timely water the monarda.

The plant must not be allowed to dry out. Otherwise, the monarda may be affected by a fungal disease.

At the peak of the heat, the plant should be watered daily. Also, in dry summers, you need to mulch the area with the plant with leaf humus and peat. This should be done in spring and autumn. Often you need to remove weeds and loosen the ground. This will provide the plant with rapid growth and abundant flowering.

Care also provides for the feeding of bergamot. This should be done with granular "Kemira" or "Agricola". Feeding is carried out every two weeks from mid-May until autumn. For prevention in spring and autumn, the monarda is treated with "Fundazol" or copper sulphate.

It must be remembered that a weakened plant looks unattractive and blooms worse.

Did you know? Monarda has an antiviral effect, it is useful to insist and drink it for colds.

How to prepare the Monarda for winter

It is also important to prepare the monarda for winter, as this avoids some diseases and the death of the plant.

Approximately mid October the stems of the plant should be cut to 10 cm.

By the end of October fallen leaves should be collected in the garden, as pests or a fungal infection can settle under them for the winter.

In November it is necessary to mow the lawn and remove the dead elements of the plant, the remaining leaves and needles.

Since the plant is winter-hardy, it tolerates temperatures down to -25 ° C, but it needs additional protection. You can provide it with the help of mulching or laying spruce branches. This will save the plant from freezing during the wintering of the monarda.

Did you know? Monarda is one of the best means in the treatment of cough, bronchitis.

Monarda breeding

Now that we have fully studied the care and methods of growing monarda, we should move on to propagating this plant.

Since the seeds do not retain varietal characteristics, it will be more reliable to propagate the plant by dividing the bushes for 3-4 years.

This procedure is carried out in April or early autumn. The bush is dug up, the roots are cleaned from the soil under water and divided into equal parts. Slices need to be processed with crushed coal.

Then the delenki are planted in the pits, which are prepared in advance. Transplantation of such divisions will have to be done two to three years after planting, as the plants grow up to 1 m in diameter.

The plant can also be propagated using cuttings. They are cut from the shoots before the flowering of the monarda. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, and the upper ones are shortened by a third. The length of the cuttings should be 8-10 cm.

Monarda is a representative of the Lamiaceae family, which got its name in honor of the botanist and doctor from Spain, Nicolas Monardes. This Spanish scientist first described the monarda plant and told Europeans about it in his books Medical History of Western India and Glad Tidings from the New World, calling it a virgin soul mate or a Canadian organ.

The lemon flavor of Monarda has many advantages. With it, a person feels himself in a fresh and clean environment. Very attractive for any grower is the fact that many plants, which at the same time do not belong to citrus fruits, can fill his flower garden with this smell. Among them are lemon balm, lemongrass, some varieties of thyme and basil.

However, the aroma of Monarda has the most pronounced similarity with citrus, in addition, various shades are mixed in it. It is for this reason that in England it is called bergamot, and the official name of one of the species is pronounced as “lemon monarda”.

Varieties and types of monrada

It has a size of 70-90 cm, although rare specimens can reach 100 cm in height. The stem is tetrahedral, erect, branched. The leaves of the plant are oval, elongated, with teeth. The flowers of the plant can have a variety color palette: these are bright red flowers, and snow-white, and deep purple, and hot pink. The inflorescences are 6-7 cm in diameter. They grow on the stem one after the other.

Herbaceous perennial plant, which reaches a size of 0.7-1.5 m. The root is long, horizontal. The stem is tetrahedral, straight, has small hairs. The leaves are pale green with pink veins, oblong, have large teeth. The flowers are collected in a capitate inflorescence, have a lilac or purple hue.

The plant belongs to the mint family. The plant has a strong root, and resistance to all diseases and pests. It is used as a seasoning for meat, salads. Also used as a flavoring for making jams and many desserts.

This name connects all hybrids of double and tubular varieties. This is a perennial with a height of up to 100 cm. The color of the flowers can be very diverse: from white to purple. Also, the size of the flowers is different: from small, collected in inflorescences, to large, single. Among the varieties of this hybrid, there are a large number of sub-cultivars that differ in flowering density, shade of leaves, and flowers.

This plant is also a perennial. Belongs to the family of yasnotkovye. It has a large number of branched stems, the height of which reaches 60-120 cm. The leaves have teeth. The flowers are lilac, have the form of small balls, the diameter of which is about 6 cm.

The plant is a hybrid. Perennial, reaches a size of 80-100 cm. It has a long horizontal root, a straight stem. The leaves are pale green, opposite each other, have short petioles. The flowers have a rich red color, collected in a capitate inflorescence. All parts of the plant have a lemon-mint tart aroma. The plant is used as medicinal purposes and as a condiment. The variety is resistant to cold, as well as to diseases and pests.

herbaceous perennial that has unique flowers. Belongs to the mint family. The height of the bush ranges from 700-900 cm, some specimens can reach up to 120 cm. The leaves are oblong with pointed tips. Possess in green and pleasant aroma. On the stem are located opposite each other in pairs. The flowers are small, have a pleasant aroma, collected in capitate inflorescences.

A compact plant with pink, rather large flowers collected in capitate inflorescences. The bush is undersized, only 40 cm tall. The plant is compact and suitable for growing in containers. All parts of the plant have a pleasant smell. Its leaves are used to make tea.

Herbaceous perennial plant. The stems are tetrahedral, the height of the bush is up to 150 cm. The flowers can be of various shades, but they are all collected in capitate inflorescences.

This small plant, which reaches a size of 30-35 cm, has flowers collected in a dense plume. It has a pronounced aroma of bergamot. Used for growing in flower beds. The leaves are used as a spice.

If you look at the plant from afar, it may seem that huge spiders with furry paws are sitting on the plant. This plant has flowers. All parts of the plant exude an unusual aroma, so they are used as a spice. Among other things, the flower looks gorgeous in bouquets.

Perennial, which has a long root, the stems of the plant are tetrahedral, reach a height of 150 cm. The flowers are white, collected in dense whorled inflorescences. Used for group plantings in flower beds, and also looks great in bouquets.

Herbaceous perennial. The plant has the form of a bush with numerous straight stems. It is long lasting and abundant flowering. Large capitate inflorescences have a much ruffled appearance. The color is both pale pink and deep red. Gardeners appreciate the plant not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal, as well as taste qualities. It is used to make tea. Looks great in a flower bed in group plantings.

Reaches a height of about 100 cm, the flowers have a red tone. Used to decorate flower beds in group plantings, looks great in bouquets.

The plant has the shape of a bush with a straight stem, the height of which is 70-120 cm, the stem is tetrahedral, the leaves have a pleasant smell.

It is a herbaceous perennial with silvery green leaves and two purple-lilac flowers. The height of the bush is about 100 cm.

Herbaceous perennial plant with a pleasant lemon scent. Forms bushes up to 45 cm in diameter. Small purple flowers collected in whorled inflorescences. His appearance reminiscent of candelabra. A distinctive feature of the hybrid is long and abundant flowering.

Belongs to the family of yasnotkovye. Flowers have a pleasant color and attractive shape. The plant reaches a height of up to 110 cm. Distinctive feature hybrid is its powerful stem and small dark green leaves. The flowers are bright red, have a fairly strong aroma.

perennial pretty unpretentious plant. The flowers have a dense spherical shape and an unusual wine-red hue.

Monarda planting and care in the open field

This flower grows best in the sun, but can grow in partial shade. True, in this case, its bushes will be lower, and flowering - less plentiful.

It is necessary to select a place for planting plants that will be well protected from the effects of winds, since the stems can bend and bend, losing their beauty.

On hot days, it is necessary to moderately water the monarda, in no case, not allowing the soil to become waterlogged. Also, the plant does not like overly dry soil.

To prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, it is necessary to water the plant in dry weather. If the summer turned out to be hot and dry, then it is recommended to mulch the soil with peat.

Bergamot garden is one of the varieties of Monarda. It is grown during planting and care without much hassle, subject to the rules of agricultural technology. All necessary recommendations on cultivation and care you can find in this article.

Soil for Monarda

Monarda is not particularly demanding on soils, but still prefers light calcareous fertile soils. It does not do well in heavy, acidic and marshy soils. It can also grow on poor soils, subject to constant feeding.

The soil for the future growth of the flower is prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up, weeds are removed and compost, manure or peat is added in the amount of 2-3 kilograms per 1 m 2, superphosphate - 50 grams and potassium salt - 30 grams.

If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to additionally add 40 grams of lime per square meter. In spring, the soil is enriched with nitrogen fertilizer. Plants are planted at a distance of 60-70 centimeters between rows to provide enough free space for nutrition and growth.

Monarda fertilizer

Top dressing of the plant is carried out during the period of active growth and flowering. Also, the monarda needs additional feeding during the formation of new shoots and during the transition to a dormant period.

  • In spring, the plant should be fed with a complex of mineral fertilizers. 12 days later, repeat the procedure.
  • In autumn, the monarda is fed with potash and phosphorus compounds.
  • During active growth, foliar top dressing is allowed. The leaves are sprayed with mineral fertilizers, as well as microelements.
  • When excessive high temperature air, the plant is treated with Epin's solution.

Monarda in winter

For the winter, the ground part of the plant must be completely cut off, and in the spring it will grow back.

The roots of the plant are frost-resistant and survive winters well without additional shelter.

Monarda growing from seeds

When growing monarda from seeds, they are sown in open ground in May to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. For one square meter, the consumption should be no more than 0.5 grams. In order to more evenly disperse the seeds, they are mixed with sand.

The seed germination temperature is 20 degrees. Monarda seedlings initially grow very slowly. It is necessary to constantly weed them, preventing weeds from drowning. Young plants are transplanted, first at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other, and then at 20. Grown from seeds, the monarda does not bloom in the first year.

If desired, seeds can be sown in March to obtain seedlings. The ascended monards, after two weeks, dive according to the 3 × 3 cm scheme. It can only be planted outdoors once the threat of frost has passed. The distance between plants in one row is 30 centimeters, and between rows - 60 centimeters. Be sure to water during planting.

Monarda reproduction by dividing the bush

For reproduction by dividing the bush, it is necessary to select a healthy plant, 3-4 years old. The bush is dug up and divided in the fall.

Each of the formed parts should have 3-4 shoots and roots. Delenki are planted, like seedlings, and watered several times.

Monardas also practice reproduction by segments of roots, considering this method the most effective.

Diseases and pests

When growing in a place that is too dry or overfertilized, the plant is affected by powdery mildew. Rust damage may also occur.

For treatment, drugs based on copper are used. They are suitable only in the case of growing monarda for bouquets.

If the plant is eaten, then the processing is carried out by natural means - infusions of onions, garlic or tansy. In general, the flower is quite resistant to both diseases and pests.

Monarda medicinal properties and contraindications

Monarda essential oil is very valuable medicinally, especially when it comes to monarda fistula, although the official and traditional medicine Almost all species and varieties of this plant are successfully used.

Almost all of its zones are endowed with healing qualities - flowers, foliage, shoots. These include strengthening immunity, toning the central nervous system, helping to improve well-being in case of weakness and fatigue, relieving stress, and getting rid of depression.

At the same time, the substances that make up the oil (in particular, thymol) help the body resist aging, strengthen the walls of capillaries, stimulate the diuretic apparatus, favor the expansion of coronary vessels and lower blood pressure.

Monarda has long been used as a fragrant and healthy spice that improves digestive function. In summer and autumn, when canning takes place, its stems are placed in jars to prevent spoilage of the products they contain.

Monarda lemon is an excellent seasoning for salads, but, for the most part, it is used as a flavoring for tea, fruit drink or kvass in order to give drinks a subtle lemon-resinous aroma.