Mixer      06/23/2020

Pellet and pyrolysis boilers. Pyrolysis or pellet - which type of solid fuel boilers to prefer? Combined pyrolysis pellet wood boilers

Comfort and coziness in the house is unthinkable without heat. More recently, the assortment in specialized stores left no choice when buying a heating boiler. One or two stoves were forlornly huddled in shop windows. Now the situation has changed and the buyer is offered the widest range of heating appliances.

Boilers offered by manufacturers today differ in the type of fuel, power, design and many other parameters. Even the unshakable classic solid fuel stoves can differ in the type of fuel used.

There are three main types of solid fuel stoves:

  1. Standard. Where the usual coal and firewood act as fuel.
  2. Pellet. For their work, pressed granules from sawdust, shavings and other woodworking waste are used.
  3. Pyrolysis, or "upper combustion boilers". Such devices are capable of operating on all types of fuel. If everything is more or less clear with the first option, then pellet ones require more careful consideration.

Pellet solid fuel boiler

For the operation of a pellet heating boiler, fuel is loaded directly into the combustion chamber. The loading of pellets into the furnace and their supply to the combustion area are fully automatic. In the furnace itself, the fuel burns as in a conventional solid fuel boiler or in a fire.

A pellet boiler, as the name implies, requires a special fuel for its operation - pellets. They burn with the help of a special pellet burner, where they get through a special screw mechanism. The main advantage of a pellet boiler is the ability to operate without maintenance for a long time.

Depending on the capacity of the hopper, the oven will maintain the temperature for a week or even longer. Compared to conventional boilers that require daily maintenance, this is quite convenient. Pellet solid fuel boilers, despite complex system automation are considered quite reliable and do not require constant repair. However, the automatic fuel loading process has certain disadvantages.

For example, planned Maintenance It is impossible to carry out the boiler on your own, for this you will have to contact the service department. In addition, when buying such a solid fuel boiler, the cost of the pellets themselves should also be taken into account. For the manufacture of granules can be used different kinds wood residues and other materials, which affects the price and quality. Buying pellets now is no problem, the choice is large, but it is better to prefer reliable manufacturers and not save on quality.

It should be noted that pellets made from conifers wood, it is undesirable to use. this is fraught with resinous deposits on the screw conveyor and the walls of the combustion chamber.

Pyrolysis solid fuel boiler

The design of the pyrolysis boiler is also not simple. Such a heater consists of two chambers interconnected by ceramic nozzles. The chambers are stacked one above the other, and the fuel must be loaded into the compartment located on top. Here the fuel will undergo a decomposition process. In its lower part, the fuel is heated to a temperature at which it begins to smolder.

The conditions in the gas generating chamber do not allow firewood or pellets to fully flare up, and pyrolysis gas appears as a result of smoldering. The intensity of the creation of gas from the wood is regulated by a fan, which, if necessary, increases or decreases the amount of air in the lower combustion chamber. The gas resulting from the smoldering process enters the lower chamber through ceramic nozzles. It burns much more efficiently than solid fuels and with less environmental impact.

The combustion temperature of pyrolysis gases can exceed 1100Cº. The principle of fuel separation makes it possible to realize the following advantages of such boilers: low ash content, soot on the heat exchanger and the walls of the combustion chamber remains in minimum quantity. Automatic control combustion process allows to provide high efficiency, more than 90%, and as a result, the interval between fuel loadings increases up to 15-16 hours. It should be noted that only dry firewood is suitable for use in a pyrolysis boiler.


Comparing coefficient useful action, price, ease of operation and availability of fuel, we can confidently talk about the advantages of a pyrolysis boiler:

  • Almost any type of wood fuel is suitable for its operation, whether it be firewood or pellets.
  • The high combustion temperature of the fuel provides high thermal power boiler.
  • The main effect is the combustion of pyrolysis gas. Unlike pellet and other solid fuel boilers, gas is much better controlled by automation. This means that the likelihood of a possible breakdown is reduced.

Of course, a pyrolysis-type boiler will initially require a solid cash investment, but over time, these costs will pay off with interest. Boilers intended for industrial use will require a connection to electrical network. However, power supply is also required for pellet boilers.

If you want to buy a solid fuel boiler, and you are interested in double-circuit boilers in Moscow - you will most likely face a choice: to purchase a pellet or pyrolysis boiler. As of today, both of these types are quite popular, but they differ greatly in efficiency and in the principle of action. Before you finally decide, you need to familiarize yourself with at least the basic information about pellet and pyrolysis boilers.

Pyrolysis boilers

The design of the pyrolysis boiler itself implies the presence of two main compartments. Fragments of wood are loaded into one, after which they are heated in it to a very high temperature. The low oxygen content does not allow them to burn, but it helps to remove all moisture from the fuel. In addition, such heating contributes to the decomposition of wood into fractions and the formation of so-called pyrolysis gases. The mixture obtained as a result of heating is fed into the second compartment of the boiler, in which the combustion process is already carried out directly. This wood treatment provides very high energy efficiency. Fuel burns much more slowly, and at more high temperature. In addition, you can load wood fragments into the boiler even once a day - this greatly facilitates the work with the device. The undeniable advantage is the ability to remove all moisture - it has the property of a strong decrease in efficiency in conventional solid fuel boilers.

Pellet boilers

The main fuel for solid fuel pellet boilers is a special material - pellets. These are pellets made using a special technology, which weigh relatively little and can be poured into any fuel compartment without any problems. The raw materials used for the manufacture of pellets are agricultural waste, as well as wood, which is not subject to further exploitation. Thus, pellets are also an environmentally friendly raw material. The main advantage of pellet heating boilers is the almost unlimited period of operation of the device without refueling - it all depends on the volume of storage from which the pellets enter the boiler. Each device of this type is equipped with a special dispenser that redirects a certain amount of pellets into the fuel compartment every hour.

If you want to buy a Beretta pyrolysis or pellet boiler, please contact us.

Pellet equipment with automatic feeding fuel - a progressive technique that uses special wood pellets. For their manufacture, pressed shavings, sawdust or other wood residues are used.

The main advantages of this type of equipment are:

  • reliable and thoughtful design;
  • simple installation and start-up;
  • environmental Safety use;
  • operating economy.

Our catalog contains models from different manufacturers representing popular global brands. You can also buy a pellet boiler from us. Russian production which are initially adapted to local climate conditions.

Solid fuel boilers for pellets with automatic fuel supply

Pellet boilers of the latest design with automatic fuel supply are an excellent choice for country cottages where there is no central gas line. This heating equipment is reliable and durable. Here, the security system is thought out to the smallest detail, so you do not need to constantly monitor the operation of heating equipment. When the flame goes out in the burner, fuel leakage is absolutely excluded. If the electricity goes out in the house, the boiler will not stop working, using the loaded pellet to the end.

In other words, for pellet boilers, automatic fuel supply is an innovative development that greatly simplifies the operation of this technique.

Russian-made pellet boilers

The price of Russian-made pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply is significantly less than that of foreign counterparts, so you can save your money. cash. It should be borne in mind that the quality of our boilers is constantly growing. Therefore, when using Russian-made heating pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply, you should not worry about the reliability or durability of your purchase, as this domestic equipment uses advanced and highly efficient technologies. According to experts, Russian pellet equipment is able to withstand heavy loads for several decades.

Pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply

The owners of this equipment primarily note the high efficiency, as well as the versatility of use. Indeed, there are units that can use not only pellets, but also other solid fuels. The price of a pellet boiler with automatic fuel supply in the Tekhnodom online store partially depends on the situation with the exchange rate, since many models are imported from other countries. In the catalog you will find all the necessary information regarding a particular model. This is about detailed descriptions, application features and photographs.

In St. Petersburg and Moscow, you can also buy a pellet boiler with automatic fuel supply at the manufacturer's price at the company's representative offices that are open in these cities. For advice, call the indicated phone numbers.

Today on Russian market presented a large number trademarks, offering pellet boilers of various modifications and functionality.

By design, all the wealth of choice can be combined into just a few groups. To make it easier for you to make a choice, we recommend paying attention to just a few parameters that will give a complete understanding of whether the game is worth the candle in one or another sample under consideration.

1) Efficiency of the pellet boiler heat exchanger:

Efficiency index - directly affects your annual costs for the purchase of pellet fuel - the higher this indicator, the lower your costs.

Usually it ranges from 80 to 90%, however, there are models in which the efficiency reaches 92% due to a well-thought-out heat exchanger.

Some manufacturers offer for an additional 10-12 thousand rubles to increase the efficiency from 85 to 90-92% to purchase turbulators for their boilers, which is not the most the best option due to the fact that these steel elements are not durable and you will have to periodically buy new ones for the same 10 thousand.

It is better to immediately select a boiler in which a developed heat exchanger guarantees maximum efficiency without additional wear parts.

Remember, after buying a pellet boiler, your heating costs are just beginning - choose the most highly efficient models with maximum efficiency. They can be found for the same money as the most popular models with less efficiency.

2) Type of pellet boiler burner:

There are two types of burners - flare and retort. Each type has several varieties.

Let's talk briefly about flare burners: either expensive, or not of high quality and not durable. Both options do not increase the rationality of the choice. Therefore, we recommend narrowing the selection of the boiler to designs with retort burners.

Retorts are vertical and horizontal type. In both types, there are not whimsical solutions, but this factor should be taken into account. Unpretentiousness means the ability of the burner to work on pellets of any quality without failures. There are many solutions from different manufacturers - almost all of those presented in our catalog cope with this problem.

In our opinion, horizontal tray-type retorts are more practical - in them, the risks of clogging with combustion products and emergency shutdown of the boiler are minimized.

3) Fire safety of pellet boiler:

This problem is solved different ways, we advise you to select boilers in which the pellet supply is organized using two screws with an air break in the transport channel - according to statistics, boilers with such an architecture of the device feeding the pellets to the burner are the most fireproof.

If you are offered a boiler for 10-20 thousand rubles cheaper, but with a single screw feeder - think about the future ...

The described signs of a quality boiler are not exhaustive, but they will help reduce the risks of not right choice almost to zero, so we recommend that you take this information into service before going to the store.

Today, in economical Europe, solid fuel boilers (pellet and pyrolysis) are one of the most popular types of heating. A solid fuel boiler does not require electricity, gas or liquid fuels; ordinary dry wood or coal is enough for it. In this, it is not much different from a conventional stove, but much more economical, more efficient and safer.
Solid fuel boilers are perhaps the most independent and independent way heating country houses, because solid fuel boilers are in no way connected with engineering communication systems: neither with electricity, nor with gas pipelines, and even more so with centralized systems heating. Consequently, solid fuel boilers are absolutely indispensable in remote remote settlements.
Despite the fact that such boilers are inherently very similar to a conventional oven, they are usually equipped with modern systems automation, equipped with all the necessary sensors responsible for the safety of equipment, temperature and other important parameters.

One of the important classifications according to which solid fuel boilers are divided is depending on the material of manufacture of the heat exchanger. There are cast-iron and steel boilers that run on solid fuels.
Cast iron solid fuel boilers considered to be more durable. Their peculiarity is that they heat up for a long time, but at the same time they cool down slowly, but they must be operated with extreme caution, because cast iron is a material that is quite fragile and can crack from a sharp temperature drop. Fortunately, currently modern technologies made it possible to improve cast-iron boilers and reduce their fragility.
Steel solid fuel boilers are more resistant to the "whims" of temperature, but have another drawback - weakness to corrosion, which is usually caused by condensate. Cast iron boilers do not suffer from such a problem. It is this disadvantage that makes solid fuel boilers with a steel heat exchanger less durable, but cheaper. In any case, the duration of operation that solid fuel boilers with a steel heat exchanger have depends on the quality of the steel and its thickness.
Boilers made of sheet steel are less susceptible to destruction from a sudden change in temperature, since steel is a ductile material. The walls of such a boiler are thinner than the walls of cast iron, and in order not to get burned, the outer part of the body is isolated from the inner part with modern non-combustible materials. So if you live in country house constantly, it is best to purchase a solid fuel boiler made of cast iron. And if you live in a city, but visit the house and heat it only during your presence, then it makes sense to install a steel boiler. A steel solid fuel boiler can also be used as an auxiliary boiler if there are often interruptions in gas or electricity in your area. Some elements of the boiler, if desired, can be replaced or new ones added in order to switch to the new kind fuel (gas or liquid fuel). True, one nuance must be taken into account here - the efficiency of such a converted boiler will be slightly lower than that of a boiler specially designed to work with gas.

Pellet boilers

It is a complex engineering device that heats the coolant by burning derivatives of wood or coal fuel: briquettes or granules (pellets).

The operation of solid fuel boilers in automatic mode allows not only to reduce operating costs by shifting to automation most worries about the maintenance and control of the operation of the equipment, but also, using a solid fuel boiler with automatic loading, to achieve a level of comfort in the use of gas boilers. Such solid fuel boilers (automatic) are still a rarity on the Russian market, but given the promising opportunities, we can assume a great future for them.
Pellets are made from wood waste, which is crushed and pressed into small pellets in the shape of a cylinder. Their size is from 6 to 14 mm in diameter and not more than 70 mm in length. For the production of this type of fuel, chemical components are not used, and therefore pellets are an environmentally friendly material and at the same time have a high calorific value. The use of pellets makes it possible to reduce the presence of a person in the operation of the boiler by automating the process of feeding pellets into the boiler. When transported in a car and stored in a private house, they take up little space. Pellet heating equipment is produced abroad, and in Russia. Domestic models, as a rule, are cheaper than imported ones, while foreign ones have more service functions.

Pellet boiler device

Pellet boilers are steel structure, constituent parts which are the body, burner, furnace, heat exchanger, fuel tank and chimney. After burning the fuel, hot gas is formed; when it leaves the furnace, it flows around the heat exchanger and transfers almost all of its heat to it. The "smart" design of pellet boilers is the key to an amazingly high efficiency (at least 85%). The power of the devices varies from 15 kW to several megawatts. The heat exchanger is made from various materials such as cast iron or steel.

How do pellet boilers work?

Boiler maintenance is easy. It is enough to load fuel into the bunker. Pellets are fed into the furnace from a special bunker by an automatic conveyor. The capacity of the regular bunker provides the boiler with fuel for about 7 days, then the storage is refilled. If desired, this process can be fully automated. The fuel is ignited automatically. This process involves an electric heating element and a fan that blows air into the furnace. When the fuel burns steadily, the ignition system turns off.

Varieties of pellet boilers

  1. Equipment designed only for the use of pellets;
  2. Conditionally combined boilers- they usually work on biogranules, but, as a "reserve" fuel, they are able to accept briquettes or firewood for a short time;
  3. Universal coppers - can work at any solid fuel. It is enough to dismantle the pellet burner, and the device is ready to be loaded with traditional solid fuel.

Benefits of heating with pellets

  • Biogranules are almost completely recyclable. Moreover, a negligible amount of combustion products is removed automatically, no more than 1 - 2 times a month;
  • Feeding pellets and the whole process of work (receiving heat and hot water) are fully automated;
  • The cost of pellets is lower than other solid fuel. Biogranules are always available on the market. Buying a "refueling" for pellet equipment is not a problem;
  • Ideal for heating a private house, cottage, where there is no possibility of heating with gas.

Pyrolysis or gas boilers

Pyrolysis boilers are able to burn wood gas produced during the combustion of firewood, thereby significantly increasing their productivity and efficiency. The fuel in them burns out almost completely, leaving almost no ash. In them, the wood is first completely dried at high temperature and a small amount of oxygen, turning into charcoal and a volatile part - pyrolysis gas, which then burns with high efficiency in the furnace. As it burns, the gas interacts with active carbon and, as a result, the smoke at the exit from the boiler contains much less harmful impurities.
Compared with classical method combustion, pyrolysis boilers use the unique ability of solid fuel to go into a gaseous state at high temperature and in the absence of air. Pyrolysis boilers have a slightly higher price than their classical counterparts with the same power, however, high efficiency and ease of maintenance justify the cost of the purchased boiler in the shortest possible time.

Pyrolysis boiler - device and principle of operation

The pyrolysis boiler works like this: fuel (firewood) is put into the upper chamber, ignited, the chamber door closes and the boiler fan turns on. As soon as the temperature inside the upper chamber rises above 250 ° C, the wood begins to char, releasing generator gas that enters the lower chamber through the nozzle. Here, secondary air is mixed with the gases obtained as a result of pyrolysis by pressurization and they burn out, returning some of the heat to the lower level of the fuel bookmark. Secondary air - an air flow that envelops the fuel in the upper chamber on the sides or enters through special slots in the door of the lower chamber of the pyrolysis boiler. Heat is taken from the pyrolysis boiler and transferred to the coolant (water or air) through the contact of the pipeline with the coolant with the bottom of the lower chamber of the boiler. From one full load The fuel (upper) chamber of the pyrolysis boiler generates heat from 6 to 12 hours, depending on the quality of the fuel and the need for heat.

Fuel for pyrolysis boiler

On practice pyrolysis boilers on solid fuel can work effectively on any type of solid fuel, whether it is wood, peat, brown and black coal. Of course, the duration of complete combustion for each type of fuel is different and it looks like this:

  • soft wood - combustion time is not more than 5 hours;
  • solid wood - burning time about 6 hours;
  • brown coal burns in about 8 hours;
  • black coal burns up to 10 hours.

Pyrolysis boilers are most efficient when working on dry wood. It is dry firewood with a length of 45-65 cm, the moisture content of which does not exceed 20%, that not only provides the maximum power of the boiler, but also extends its service life. Buying pyrolysis heating boilers, without doubting the effectiveness of their work, can be safely bought by those who have the opportunity to buy dry firewood or at least dry them if the humidity is exceeded. If there is no confidence in this possibility, then you can choose a modern high-tech heating boiler, in the furnace of which 80% of highly efficient pyrolysis fuel combustion and 20% of traditional combustion are combined. Modern combined boilers provide high-quality combustion of not only firewood, but also wood waste, peat, coal or any mixture thereof with a moisture content of up to 50%.

Advantages of pyrolysis boilers:

  • high efficiency achieved by two stages of fuel combustion, as a result, complete combustion of fuel and high efficiency - up to 90%;
  • work with one bookmark is enough long time, up to 12 hours (for conventional wood-burning boilers, about 3-4 hours, but for top-burning boilers, this figure is higher - from 30 hours on wood, up to 6-7 days on coal).
  • the possibility of automatic regulation of parameters, the combustion process allows automation, is easily regulated and controlled;
  • less often it is necessary to clean the ash pan and gas ducts;
  • integrates into almost any heating system without requiring any major changes;
  • laying of unchopped logs is allowed;
  • environmental friendliness achieved by burning more harmful substances in the lower chamber, so that they are not released into the atmosphere;
  • very high heating rate of the coolant, water or air, up to comfortable temperature 60°C.

Disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers:

  • the need for electricity necessary for the operation of the fan (smoke exhauster);
  • high cost compared to conventional heating boilers;
  • the need for low moisture content of fuel, firewood should have a moisture content not higher than 20%;
  • in work they require a high load, when it drops below 50%, combustion stability is disturbed, tar accumulates in the smoke channel;
  • all models of pyrolysis heating devices are single-circuit units that do not heat water for domestic needs.

And yet, the high environmental friendliness, efficiency and economy achieved due to the complete combustion of fuel and scanty heat losses fully compensate for the shortcomings of pyrolysis gas-generating boilers and the circle of their admirers is steadily expanding.

The specialists of the company "Termogorod" Moscow will help you choose the right one, buy and install a heating boiler find an affordable solution. Ask any questions you are interested in, telephone consultation is absolutely free, or use the form "Feedback"
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