Mixer      04/03/2019

Planting echinacea seeds in open ground is a first aid kit from nature. Versatile flower echinacea - appropriate in any garden

What is echinacea? Planting and caring for it in the open field, photos, as well as methods of breeding, breeding echinacea will be described in this article. If you want to combine business with pleasure, be sure to plant a beautiful echinacea on your site. There is a good reputation for this representative of the Aster family, and it is well deserved. Echinacea has long been successfully used in folk and official medicine, and bright large buds, somewhat similar to multi-colored daisies, adorn our gardens and flower beds.

Echinacea is a perennial flower: it is unpretentious, easy to grow, and has a good survival rate in a new place. The plant is easily propagated by dividing the bush or sowing seeds. For planting echinacea, it is better to choose sunny places, but, as practice shows, it also feels good in partial shade.

There are no special requirements for the type of soil either, the only exception is light sandy. If you have soil with high acidity on your site, then before planting given flower it is recommended to pre-lime. The most common type of echinacea is Echinacea purpúrea. This is Echinacea purpurea, which was first described by Carl Linnaeus, the world famous botanist, in 1753. Later, much later, scientists classified echinacea as a separate genus and identified 10 species. All of them have an external similarity and they can often be confused. However, it is Echinácea purpúrea that is most often used to treat, create medicines, decorating garden plots, flowerbeds.

Echinacea - planting and care

The planting process itself can be carried out either in autumn or in spring. Hybrid varieties reproduce mainly by division (vegetatively) - this method, as well as the generative one (seeds), will be discussed a little later. So, for planting seedlings, you will have to dig small holes, 5-7 cm deep. The distance between them should be about 25-30 cm. If you plant divisions, make sure that the holes are slightly wider and deeper than the root system of the plant. You can simply bury the seedling in the soil and gently compress the earth around it, you can also pre-place compost in the hole, and then the plant itself. After planting, the bushes should be watered.

If the echinacea flower was purchased in a store, in a container or in a pot, then landing pit should be deep enough and wide (about 40 cm). Experienced flower growers it is recommended to mix compost, garden soil and river sand in equal proportions, this mixture should cover the hole by about 1/3. Next, the echination is carefully removed from the pot by transshipment, together with an earthen clod, they are placed in an already prepared hole. It is recommended to immerse the seedling in the soil to the depth at which it was in the container.

Keep in mind that only in the second year of life will your echinacea bloom. Growing and caring for it will have to consist of regular generous waterings (preferably in the evening). Cleaning weeds, loosening the soil are self-evident garden worries. When it comes to fertilizing, echinacea can do just fine without them. However, if you want to feed your favorite flower, then it is better to start this business from the second year of his life. Usually, echinacea flowers are fed with wood ash and rotted compost, mixed in equal parts. Doing so better in spring or in autumn, after the plant has faded. You can also use various complex additives for flowering plants like Agricola.

Faded buds are best cut off immediately, unless, of course, you intend to collect seeds from them. With the onset of autumn, around the end of October, the ground part of the plant should be cut off, covered with compost and dry foliage. Do not forget that Echinacea purpurea can freeze if the winter is snowless. That is why mulching with foliage or spruce branches is only welcome. As regards the collection seed, then it is necessary to collect it only after the flowers have fully ripened. Their darkened centers are an indicator of maturity. Remove the seeds from the center of the bud, remove the flower remains, transfer to a glass container or a cloth bag. Remember that the seeds lose their germination capacity very quickly, so it is not worth delaying the sowing of a new population of echinacea.

Echinacea, photo of flowers:

Speaking about caring for a plant, one cannot ignore the topic of pests and diseases. Echination has pretty good immunity, but sometimes anything happens. The cause of the disease may be improper care or even the weather. heat and high humidity(frequent rains), as well as temperature fluctuations, can provoke the appearance of an ashtray ( powdery mildew). This disease can also happen from oversaturation of the plant with nitrogen supplements. In this case, the good old Bordeaux liquid will come to the rescue. If your echinacea flower has been affected by a fungus, then remove all infected fragments as soon as possible.

As mentioned above, this plant propagates by seeds and dividing the bush. The division is considered the most convenient and effective method, which is best done in spring (April) or autumn, when foliage falls from the trees. The seed method is quite lengthy, but it is optimal for flower growers living in cold regions. When sowing in a container, you will have to subsequently transplant echinacea into open ground. Now let's take a closer look at these two methods.

Reproduction of echinacea by division

To do this, you should choose healthy bushes that are already at least 4 years old. The plant must be carefully removed from the ground, making sure that the root system is not damaged. Next, we divide the roots in such a way that 3 or 4 renewal buds are present on each division. It is not necessary to disassemble the rhizome into many small fragments, it is enough to select 2-3 high-quality well-developed divisions. After that, the selected parts are recommended to be placed in Kornevin's solution (for two hours), and then planted in the soil in the manner described above. When planting, make sure that the root neck is above ground level. It is better to cut off the upper part of the echinacea so that it directs all its strength to rooting.

Echinacea - growing from seeds

To collect seed material, also try to select the healthiest and strongest bushes. Seeds can be sown directly into the ground with the onset of spring (April), when there will be confidence that there will be no more frosts. After that, it is enough to lightly sprinkle them with soil and wait for shoots that will not slow down to appear even at a temperature of +13 ºC. This method is best suited for those who live in the warm regions of our country. Be generous with the seeds when planting, in any case, you can always thin out too thick seedlings later. In other cases, it is better to use the seedling method, pre-sow the seeds in containers.

When to plant echinacea seeds? Best time for this - February or the first days of March. The appropriate soil is poured into the containers in advance, grooves are made in which the seeds are placed to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. About 2 cm should remain between the seeds. From above, you need to very carefully sprinkle them with the thinnest layer of river sand or the same soil in which they are were planted. After that, you should irrigate your "flower garden" with water from a spray bottle ( room temperature). Next, the container must be transferred to a room where the temperature varies between +14..+18ºC. At night it is better to cover it with glass or cling film, but in the morning the protection will have to be removed. Under such conditions, it can take a month and a half before Echinacea purpurea sprouts. Growing with a container method always takes a long time, and this is normal.

Do not forget to periodically moisten the earth - your efforts will be justified. Having hatched, the seedlings begin to grow rather quickly, as if compensating for long weeks of calm in the stage of planted seeds. Get her out of the way sun rays but keep it light.

When can you transplant echinacea? Strengthened seedlings are planted in open ground after May 10-15, they are surrounded by standard care. Be prepared for the fact that in the first year they will not please you with flowers, but only grow foliage and reach 20 cm in height. But next year you will already be able to admire the bright fragrant buds and collect a supply of medicinal raw materials from the bushes grown with your own hands.

Echinacea - varieties, photo

Today there are many beautiful hybrids of Echinacea purpurea. All of them are highly decorative, are honey plants and compete with each other in beauty. Echinacea differ in color, the shape of the buds, the height of the stems, but at the same time they are all similar to each other. It is quite difficult to single out some special varieties, and it is even more difficult to describe all the available ones. Below I will present photographs of those varieties with which I happened to get acquainted.

Variety Supreme Cantaloupe:

Variety White Swan:

Grade Magnus:

Variety Hot Papaya:

Grade Secret Passion:

Grade Cranberry:

Variety Cranberry Cupcake:

Echinacea Strange, photo:

All varieties of this flower deserve attention, they will adequately emphasize the features of your landscape design, and if necessary - hide its shortcomings. From mid-summer until the end of September, an attractive and not capricious echinacea will give you beauty and aroma. Planting and care in the open field, photos of flowers, the nuances of growing are now known to you. Do not waste time, stock up on seed or delenki.

And may you succeed!

Variety Little Red Riding Hood

Echinacea: healing flower

Echinacea - one of the most marvelous plants that came to Europe from the North American continent. It has great healing power and is used in traditional medicine and pharmacology, extremely decorative, unpretentious to growing conditions, moreover, it can long time grow in one place, delighting the eye with its stunningly beautiful flowers.


Echinacea purpurea was introduced into cultivation in 1692. For the first time this plant was described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753 under the name "purple rudbeckia" ( Rudbeckia purpurea) and attributed it to the genus Rudbeckia, and only forty years later Echinacea was separated into a separate genus. The main difference between these genera is that in rudbecky reed flowers in baskets are very rarely red, and bracts on the receptacle are soft, in contrast to echinacea with its purple or crimson reed flowers and prickly hedgehog on the receptacle. Obviously, the very name of the plant comes from the Greek word echinos - barbed.

The genus Echinacea belongs to the Asteraceae family ( Asteraceae) and includes, according to various sources, from five to nine species. The most famous types Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench(Echinacea purpurea), E. paradoxa Britton(echinacea strange- the only yellow echinacea in the genus), E. pallida Nutt(Echinacea pale) and E. angustifolia DC.(Echinacea angustifolia). Only Echinacea purpurea has been well studied, it is widely used in medicine and is popular in ornamental gardening.

Homeland of Echinacea purpurea- Atlantic North America, USA and Mexico, where it grows wild in fields, limestone wastelands, rocky hills, in dry steppes and on damp rich soils, in light sparse forests, but always in open spaces. During July- August bright colorful spots of echinacea attract attention, enlivening the landscape faded from the heat. American Indians, aware of the healing power of echinacea, cultivated it centuries ago and used it as a universal remedy for a variety of diseases.

Echinacea came to Europe shortly after the discovery of the American continent and since medicinal plant cultivated in Germany, France, USA, Moldova, the European part of Russia.


Echinacea purpurea- perennial herbaceous plant height 90-130 cm with beautiful flowers resembling large daisies. Stems erect or slightly branched, rough, covered with bristly hairs. The rhizome is many-headed, branched, with numerous roots deeply penetrating the soil, edible, strongly burning in taste. Basal leaves usually with five longitudinal veins, on long winged petioles, broadly oval, serrated, sharply narrowed towards the petiole, collected in a rosette, pubescent on both sides. Stem leaves with three veins- sessile or almost sessile, lanceolate, rather rough, arranged in regular order.

inflorescences- large baskets with a diameter of up to 15 cm, with radial placement of petals and a protruding cone-shaped prickly receptacle, are located at the top of the stem and in the axils of the upper leaves. reed flowers- with an underdeveloped pistil, purple-pink, pointed at the top, up to 5 cm long; bisexual tubular- reddish brown. The receptacle of the baskets at the beginning of flowering is flat, then becomes convex, almost spherical or conical, on it between small tubular flowers there are dark-colored subulate prickly bracts. Flowering plant in July- September about 60 days. Only tubular flowers bear fruit. Fruit- tetrahedral, oblong brown achenes 5-6 mm long, with a small tuft, up to 3000 pcs.


The roots and herb of echinacea contain essential oil, resins, phytosterols, carbohydrates, isobutylamides, fatty oil, and various other substances. In plants, 7 groups of biologically active substances were found, which include polysaccharides, flavonoids, caffeic acid derivatives, essential lipids, alkylamides, vitamins and microelements.

The main active ingredients with immunostimulatory activity- polysaccharides- found in all organs. Simple sugars, oligosaccharides (sucrose) and polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, inulin, pectin) have been isolated from echinacea. Fructosan inulin was found in the roots. Its greatest amount is characteristic of Echinacea angustifolia (5.9%), and it accumulates to the maximum in autumn and winter, while in summer its amount is minimal.

All organs of the plant contain essential oil (0.01-0.3%), the main component of which- non-cyclic sesquiterpenes. Glycosides, betaine, resins, organic acids (palmitic, linoleic), as well as phytosterols were found in the roots. The most important derivatives of caffeic acid include echinazides, chlorogenic acid, sinarin, which increase the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases and accelerate the healing process. Echinazides accumulate in the roots, are present in trace amounts in the flower, and can be as effective in killing viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa as penicillin. The roots contain echinacin, which has cortisone-like activity and accelerates wound healing. In addition, the roots contain betaine, echinacene, echinacoside, arabinose, fructose, echipolone, fatty acids, glucose, inulin, polysaccharides, resin, protein, tannins, vitamins (A, C, E), carbonates, sulfates, chlorides, phosphates and silicates, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron cations and many other substances. In the dried roots of Echinacea purpurea and angustifolia, alkaloids characteristic of Compositae were found in a small amount (0.006%).

Flavonoids and rutin, tannins, starch were found in the aerial part of Echinacea purpurea, and the total content of fiber, pectins, hemicellulose and other insoluble carbohydrates is about 38% in terms of dry matter. Echinacea has the richest mineral composition: potassium and calcium, silver, lithium, sulfur, copper, molybdenum, nickel, barium, beryllium, vanadium, manganese and zinc, selenium and cobalt, which are extremely important for the immune system. In the last century, alkaloids were isolated from echinacea. Echinacea purpurea is characterized by the presence of betaine-glycine, and in Echinacea pale and purple, the presence of saponins, which have virus-neutralizing and immunostimulating activity, is noted.


Echinacea- one of the most popular medicinal plants, which has a long history of use in folk medicine. The roots of the plant in America have long been considered the first remedy for bites. poisonous snakes and blood poisoning. In addition, all kinds of ulcers, tumors, colds, infected wounds, animal bites, and severe infectious diseases were treated with echinacea. From the end of the 17th century Echinacea angustifolia has been included in the USP. European pharmacopoeias describe two types of Echinacea: Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea angustifolia. The Pharmacopoeial Committee of Ukraine approved a temporary pharmacopoeial monograph for the roots of Echinacea purpurea.

In the last thirty years, echinacea has been studied all over the world. It turned out that it increases the effectiveness of any traditional methods of treatment. Clinical experiments have shown that echinacea increases the activity of white blood cells (macrophages), which can prevent the onset of the disease or reduce the symptoms of a cold. Extracts from the roots and herb of Echinacea with flowering inflorescences are part of more than 240 drugs, including a patented remedy for the treatment of AIDS. Echinacea preparations have a stimulating effect on the immune system. It manifests itself not only in adults, but also in children, as well as in elderly people, in whom the functions of this system are reduced due to the general aging of the body.

In Russia, the drug estifan was obtained from the herb Echinacea purpurea, since 1995 it has been approved for use in scientific medicine as an immunostimulating agent. Today, pharmacies sell a lot of drugs from foreign companies, which include echinacea purpurea and angustifolia.- antiseptin, prostavit, uroflux, "Active Day", "Echinacea" and "Golden Root". They also produce lollipops, sweet sparkling water and tea with echinacea. In classical homeopathy, echinacea is used to treat purulent inflammatory processes, sepsis, erysipelas, etc.

Experts recommend taking echinacea for any septic conditions, symptoms of blood poisoning, meningitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, burns, boils and purulent ulcers, gangrene, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, candidiasis, psoriasis, eczema, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, postpartum infections, trichomoniasis , gonorrhea, herpes, hemorrhoids.

Echinacea may be a useful adjuvant in the treatment of cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is effective in states of mental depression, physical and nervous exhaustion, and has a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system. With prolonged use of echinacea, oppression does not occur nervous system. Preparations based on echinacea purpurea are used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, chronic pyelonephritis, inflammation of the thyroid gland. Echinacea tincture improves the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, as well as those who have undergone radioactive exposure, the components of this plant are able to suppress the growth of tumors. Juice from fresh inflorescences accelerates the healing process of wounds with burns of I-III degrees and severe bedsores. In this case, the analgesic effect of echinacea is manifested. Echinacea preparations are used for diseases caused by exposure to harmful chemical compounds contained in the air and food (heavy metals, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides).

As it turned out, echinacea not only stimulates antiviral and antibacterial immunity, but also directly, like antibiotics, causes the death of bacteria, viruses and some fungi. It is especially effective to use echinacea during epidemics, as it helps the body cope with viral diseases. Echinacea extracts inhibit the growth and reproduction of streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli. Preparations of this plant are effective in the treatment of prostatitis, gynecological disorders, various wound processes (trophic ulcers, osteomyelitis). Juice from fresh inflorescences accelerates blood clotting. In general, the product is recognized as non-toxic, but in some cases it is not recommended to take echinacea.- during pregnancy and lactation, with tuberculosis, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, collagenoses.


As an ornamental plant, echinacea is planted on the lawn in separate groups in combination with more undersized perennials, near the trees. The plant can be used for cutting, echinacea inflorescences stand in water for a long time.

As ornamental plants Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea strange are more often grown. It is on their basis that many varieties and hybrids have been bred that combine the best features of their parents.- large inflorescences, magnificent coloring and pleasant aroma. In addition to the traditional pink-raspberry range, selective echinacea are orange, yellow and white. Some varieties have fragrant flowers. Echinacea varieties are popular in modern garden culture: with pink-raspberry petals- Merlot, Hope, Magnus, Ovation, Pica Bella, Rubinstern (Ruby Star), Ruby Giant, Springbrook's Crimson Star, Raspberry Tart; with white petals- White Luster, White Swan- low plant (up to 1 m) with pale cream, almost white flowers; with yellow petals- Harvest Moon and Big Sky Sunrise; terry- Razzmatazz; low (55-60 cm tall)- Bright Star, Little Giant, Fatal Attraction, After Midnight (Emily Saul), Kim's Knee High with rose raspberry petals and Finale White, Cygnet White, Kim's Mop Head with white petals. small size of these plants make them suitable for the front row of mixborders and growing in containers.

Today, original varieties with unusual flowers Summer Sky (Katie Saul)- bicolor echinacea with unusually large and fragrant flowers, which have peach petals with a pinkish halo at the core; Prairie Frost- first cultivar with spotted foliage, flowers with pink-purple petals and a bronze-brown centre; Art's Pride, Sunset- flowers with peach-orange petals; The King- very tall variety (150-220 cm) with huge (up to 15 cm) reddish-pink flowers; Granatstem- plant up to 130 cm high, large baskets (diameter up to 13 cm), reed flowers purple, at the top with two teeth, somewhat lowered; Sonnenlach- up to 140 cm tall, baskets up to 10 cm in diameter, reed flowers dark purple, lanceolate. To maintain a high decorative effect and prolong the flowering of plants, you need to cut dried flowers and, after a hot day in the evening, spray the plants with water. After the flowering of the central inflorescence lateral processes it is better to remove, as they will have a different shade.


Echinacea propagates by seeds and vegetatively.- division of the rhizome in early spring or late autumn. Seeds do not need stratification, but germinate for a very long time- up to 40 days, and they need enough moisture and heat, so it is better to sow them in a greenhouse to plant ready seedlings on permanent place. Otherwise, by the end of the first year of life, only a rosette of leaves is formed in plants. In order for the plants to bloom in the year of sowing, echinacea is sown at the end of February.- in early March, in a box with earth to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, sprinkle with a very thin layer of soil or washed sand on top, carefully moisten. Optimum temperature for seed germination 13°C. In mid-May, plants are planted in open ground in a sunny place. Echinacea does not like waterlogging, but it does not tolerate drought well. It prefers sunny places and well-drained, sufficiently moist and fertilized soils.

The plant is heat-loving, so in harsh winters in the northern regions, it is desirable to cover it with a layer of leaves. It is grown on rich, necessarily deeply cultivated soils with the addition of lime, on light sandy soils it grows worse. Mature plants usually winter well without shelter. In one place, echinacea grows well for 5-6 years.

Echinacea care comes down to maintaining optimal humidity soil and protection from weeds, and it is quite resistant to diseases and pests.

At the end of flowering, the stems are cut to the ground and spud planting echinacea garden compost or good garden soil with humus.

For medical purposes, plants are used from the age of two. The aerial part of plants, together with leaves and flowers, is harvested in summer during the period of mass flowering, when many biologically active substances accumulate in them. Cut the plants in the morning after the dew has completely dried on them. Freshly picked echinacea can be prepared for the winter. half glass bottle with a screw cap, fill with echinacea flowers and leaves and pour 70% alcohol or strong vodka. In two weeks medicine ready.

Small bouquets of echinacea are dried in the shade under a canopy or in the attic. Sometimes the flowers are dried separately, spreading them in one layer on any available bedding.

The best time to harvest the roots- autumn, the end of vegetation of plants. If you did not have time to prepare them in the fall, you can dig them out in early spring, before the leaves grow back. Roots should be washed well running water, cut off damaged or diseased roots. You can dry them in the shade, in the open sun and even in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. The dried medicinal raw material of echinacea retains its healing properties during two years.

For centuries, echinacea has endowed people with its extraordinary beauty and healing properties. Echinacea is known as the "American golden flower" or "evening sun" for its lovely purple flowers. And today, with its unusually attractive inflorescences, it will decorate any garden, and beekeepers will appreciate it.- because she is an excellent honey plant. Blooming from mid-summer to mid-autumn, Echinacea flowers attract many butterflies, bees and bumblebees to the garden. As a honey plant, the plant is valuable because it blooms at the end of summer, when the main honey plants have already faded. From one hectare of continuous crops of Echinacea purpurea, you can get 60-130 kg of honey.

Photo Ziborov T. Yu. ( gardenia.ru)

Olga Korableva , candidate of agricultural sciences

(Ural Gardener No. 1-2, 2011)

Echinacea improves immunity by producing interferon, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. The tincture is prepared from the inflorescences of the beautiful echinacea flower. It helps in the treatment of neurasthenia, sinusitis, laryngitis, cystitis, influenza, prostatitis, it is often prescribed in combination with antibiotics to maintain immunity. Externally used to treat furunculosis, urticaria, insect bites, herpes. Echinacea actively fights infectious diseases, E. coli. It can rightly be called a natural effective antibiotic and immunomodulator. This plant is still being studied by scientists to this day, as it still holds many secrets.

The flower itself is a stem up to 1 m long, straight stems with a light rough structure, basal leaves are collected in a rosette, baskets can reach a diameter of 15 cm. when sowing in open ground or in the year of planting, if through seedlings. Runs from July to September. The most popular is Echinacea purpurea.

They put her on personal plot for landscape decoration, in a flower garden, or in medicinal purposes. Grow beautiful flower Echinacea can everyone, as planting and care is quite simple. Suitable for any climate, it is not afraid of rain or heat, it will also endure less than ideal soil composition. It goes well with, phloxes,. This is an excellent honey plant.

How to plant echinacea from seeds

For planting, choose an open sunny area. If the soil has an acidic pH, then. Seeds with a shelf life of more than 1 year have a very low germination rate.

Echinacea seeds are planted in open ground in late April-May. Shoots appear in 2-4 weeks. However, under the conditions middle lane Russia is recommended to grow echinacea through seedlings.

To grow seedlings, seeds are planted in late February-early March, previously, they are pressed 0.5-1 cm and a thin layer of sand is sprinkled on top. Germinated at a temperature of 13-15°C. As a substrate, sandy soil or a mixture of garden and wood ash. Shoots appear within 2-5 weeks, at this time it is necessary to maintain soil moisture. At night, crops can be covered with polyethylene, creating the effect of a greenhouse.

Young seedlings are transferred to open ground in May, when their height is 10-15 cm. They are planted in holes, at the bottom of which a drainage layer is made of crushed stone or expanded clay. The distance between the holes is 30-40 cm.

Echinacea Care

The plant does not like frequent watering, once every 2 weeks is enough, in the heat it is possible more often. Water in the morning or evening. Regularly remove weeds, faded inflorescences. Transplanted after 4 years in the spring for rejuvenation. Top dressing begins to be carried out a week after planting and during the budding period, using a complex mineral fertilizer or organic matter in the form of a mixture of compost and wood ash. This will allow the plant not to stagnate, but to develop and bloom magnificently.

Waterlogging of the soil or stagnant water causes diseases, spots appear on the leaves caused by spores of Cercosporus, and the flower dies from this. Detected damaged parts are removed or treated with a fungicide. Curvature of peduncles is caused by viruses. Sick plants are immediately removed from the site so that other plants are not affected.

Of the pests, echinacea is loved by bedbugs and slobbering pennitsa.

For the winter, at the end of October, the ground part is cut off, and the root neck is mulched with peat, spruce branches or compost. Top with a layer of dry leaves. Such a shelter for the winter will allow the plant to successfully winter and not die in a snowless time.

Echinacea is usually propagated by seeds or division of the bush. The division is carried out by those plants whose age is 4-5 years. In early spring, the rhizome is divided into several parts so that each division has 3 or more buds. Then they are kept in a growth stimulator for 2-3 hours, after which they are planted so that the root collar is at ground level.

The echinacea plant, first described by Carl Linnaeus, migrated to European horticultural culture from the east coast of North America. However, the famous scientist mistakenly attributed the overseas guest to the genus Rudbeckia, and Echinacea was isolated as a separate genus only 40 years later. But the name, translated from Greek meaning "hedgehog", perfectly suits the culture. Just look: the large pineal core of the echinacea basket, made up of tubular flowers, really resembles a prickly hedgehog. In our area, gardeners call it "American chamomile."

In mid-latitude conditions, a pretty American woman, representing the Astrov family, got used to it very well and managed to gain many admirers among gardeners. But the popularity of echinacea is due not only to external attractiveness and delicate aroma. The main advantage of culture is its extraordinary healing power. Thanks to high content polysaccharides, tannins, flavonoids, organic acids, resins and essential oils Echinacea has many health benefits. On its basis, antiviral, antimicrobial, wound healing and antifungal drugs are made. Alcohol tincture echinacea flowers treat nervous disorders, depression, impotence, infectious diseases. Fresh juice of the plant is able to heal burns and wounds, and when taken orally, it increases blood clotting. A decoction of rhizomes is indicated for chronic fatigue, colds and inflammation. It is easier to list what diseases echinacea does not treat.

And, mind you, with such significant positive characteristics, the "American chamomile" is completely undemanding to care for. Keeping this miracle of nature is easy and pleasant.

When to plant

Echinacea can be grown from seeds or propagated vegetatively. Depending on the method chosen, the landing time is determined. So, seeds are sown for seedlings in late February - early March, and seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the last days of May. Sowing in open ground is carried out no earlier than the second week of April.

Concerning vegetative propagation, then the bushes are recommended to be divided and planted in the spring in the second half of April or in the fall during leaf fall.

Growing from seeds

Unstable spring weather is not very conducive to the development of fragile seedlings, so in mid-latitudes it is more reliable to grow "American chamomile" through seedlings. It is advisable to make a substrate for sowing on your own from garden soil, compost and sand (2: 1: 1). Ready-made soil mixture should not be used, it contains peat, which will delay the already slow germination of echinacea seeds. The order of work is as follows:

  • The soil is sterilized in a preheated oven, poured into a low container, compacted and leveled.
  • Large echinacea seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, lightly sprinkled with soil and sprayed with water through a fine sprayer.
  • The container with crops is placed in a cool place at a temperature of +13 °C.
    The appearance of the first shoots will have to wait a long time, sometimes the germination process takes 35–40 days. Do not forget during this period to regularly moisten the soil in the container as the top layer dries. By the beginning of summer, the seedlings will grow up, get stronger, and they can be relocated to open ground.

Select a brightly lit area for echinacea with nutritious, loose soil of a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Sandy, waterlogged or acidic soils for "American chamomile" will not work. Echinacea seedlings are planted in holes 5–6 cm deep, maintaining an interval of 30–40 cm between seedlings. Before planting at the bottom of the holes, it is recommended to add some compost. The bushes are rolled into holes, sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly.

In the first year, echinacea grown from seeds actively forms a dense rosette of leaves and will bloom only the next summer.

It is possible to pass the seedling period. In this case, the seeds are sown immediately in the garden in cut grooves 1.5–2 cm deep, spilled with water, and covered with a thin layer of garden soil. However, this method is not very good for the regions of the middle zone, since sudden changes in spring temperatures often destroy tender shoots.

Vegetative propagation

Dividing a bush is the fastest and most convenient way to propagate echinacea, but it only applies to adult specimens that have reached the age of 4–5 years. If you have at your disposal suitable plant, then proceed as follows:

  • Dig up the intended bush, being careful not to injure the rhizome.
  • Divide the plant into several parts so that each division has 3-4 renewal buds.
  • Dig a separate hole for each new plant, the volume of which will be slightly larger than the root system of the seedling.
  • Add a handful of compost to each hole, submerge the division and dig in.

At the end of the planting work, water the newly planted bushes abundantly and mulch the soil under them with rotted compost.

Important! It is recommended to rejuvenate the bushes by division every 3-4 years, otherwise your echinacea will grind and degenerate.

Basic care

  • Plantings are watered abundantly and often, appointing a procedure for the evening hours. Echinacea tolerates short-term thirst well, but in the event of a prolonged drought, the marginal flowers wither and wither. It is also undesirable to flood the plants, otherwise the brightly colored tongues will turn pale and fall off. In addition, high soil moisture contributes to the development of fungal diseases and leads to decay of the root system of the bushes.
  • Echinacea does not like neighborhoods with weeds, so weeding the site is a necessary procedure for it.
  • They feed the "American chamomile" twice a season: at the beginning of the growing season, the soil is filled with humus or compost, and at the beginning of budding, the bushes are watered with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer.

If you're planning to harvest echinacea seeds, keep a few of the prettiest buds. At the end of the season, when the reed flowers fall off and the prickly “cones” darken, collect the seeds with a gloved hand, clean them from dust and dry. Echinacea seeds do not differ in high germination, so it is advisable to sow them immediately. To stimulate the formation of new buds and prolong flowering, withered baskets that are not intended for collecting planting material should be cut regularly.

Echinacea in winter

Echinacea is quite resistant to low temperatures, but it is unlikely to survive a frosty, snowy winter without shelter. First-year plants are especially vulnerable to cold weather. Therefore, in the last days of October, all echinacea shoots are cut off, the root neck is mulched with a thick layer of compost, and then the plantings are covered with dry foliage or spruce paws.

Diseases and pests

Healthy well-groomed echinacea has strong immunity and practically does not get sick. But the unimportant well-being of cute “hedgehogs” indicates a violation of agricultural technology and unfavorable conditions of detention. In a hot, rainy summer with frequent temperature changes, the plants are affected by powdery mildew, which can be recognized by a bluish-white loose coating on leaves and shoots. The development of a pathogenic fungus is also facilitated by abundant nitrogen supplements. In the fight against infection, it is recommended to use a solution of colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux mixture. In addition to powdery mildew, fungal diseases such as septoria and cercosporosis, which appear as spots on the leaves, pose a threat to the health of echinacea. Finding an infection in early stage, it will be possible to save the plant by simply removing the damaged areas, but if the infection has taken effect, the plants will have to be treated with fungicide preparations (“Ridomil Gold”, “Topaz”, “Fundazol”).

It is possible that echinacea is affected by viral diseases, from which its leaves turn yellow and dry out, and flower stalks are deformed. In this case, there is only one way out - the immediate destruction of diseased specimens and disinfection of the soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. It is a pity, but there is no cure for viral damage to plants yet.

Species and varieties

In horticultural culture of 9 natural species Echinacea are grown only 2:

  • Echinacea purpurea is a spectacular perennial about 1 m high with rough stems. Broadly oval basal leaves, collected in a rosette, sharply narrow to long petioles. The lanceolate stem leaves are arranged alternately. Baskets with a diameter of 10–14 cm consist of red-brown tubular flowers and long marginal tongues of a purple-pink color. The best varieties species are recognized Sonnenlach and Granatstern.
  • Echinacea Sunset is a hybrid form of culture obtained by crossing Echinacea paradoxus and Echinacea purpurea. From the original species, the plant inherited best performance- strong branched stems, impressive sizes of inflorescences-baskets, a variety of colors and a wonderful aroma. Varieties worth paying attention to: Julia, Cantaloupe, Ivnin Glow, Cleopatra, Passion Flute.

Landscape designers recommend growing echinacea in small clumps or in the background of complex flower beds. In the "hedgehogs" group, they harmonize perfectly with panicled phloxes, multi-colored autumn asters. Echinacea looks very impressive in the company of rudbeckia, monarda, cosmea and pyrethrum. Cut flowers stand in water for a long time, and when dry, they are used to make winter floristic compositions.

Collection of medicinal raw materials

For medical purposes, the collection of baskets and shoots of echinacea is carried out in the midst of flowering. In the morning, when the dew drops are completely dry on the plants, the bushes are cut, tied in bunches and dried in the shade. Flowers can be prepared separately and dried, scattered in one layer on a paper sheet.

Rhizomes are harvested in autumn, at the very end of the growing season. The roots dug out of the ground are washed under running water, diseased and rotten areas are cut off and dried in the oven or in the sun.

The collected raw materials are stored in glass or ceramic dishes, and dried echinacea retains its healing properties for 2 years.

But! Do not thoughtlessly treat all known diseases with echinacea. You can take all kinds of drugs from the "miracle chamomile" only after consulting a doctor. Like any medicine, echinacea has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, progressive tuberculosis, and others.

Echinacea "Purple Emperor"

This interesting plant was brought from the American continent. Known for Echinacea Echinacea) since 1753, when Carl Linnaeus described it as purple rudbeckia. A few decades later, an unpretentious perennial flowering medicinal plant was isolated in a separate genus. It is distinguished from rudbeckia by the crimson and purple color of the flower petals, prickly, like a hedgehog, bracts, long flowering (up to 3 months!), Unique healing properties. And according to their decorative properties it differs little. All this led to the fact that echinacea settled in our gardens for a long time. Planting and care, photos of plants - you can find these materials in this article.

Landing site preparation

First, we choose a place: it should be sunny and sufficiently moist (without stagnant water). In the shade, the flowers will be smaller, while in well-lit places they can be up to 15 centimeters in diameter. On acidic soils, lime is preliminarily applied, dolomite flour or other deoxidizers. For echinacea hybrid varieties good drainage is needed. When planting plants in a permanent place, they maintain a distance of up to 40 centimeters.

Propagation method - division of the rhizome

This method is considered less time-consuming; when propagating hybrid varieties, it is the only possible one. In addition, when dividing the rhizome, echinacea can bloom as early as the year of planting. You can plant it (and even need to rejuvenate the plant) 1 time in 3-4 years. This is usually done in early spring (if necessary, in autumn, but there is a danger that the plants will not have time to prepare for winter). The echinacea bush must be carefully dug up, divided into parts so that each of them has 3, and even better 4 renewal buds. Delenki before planting does not hurt to treat with a root formation stimulator.

The root neck of a planted plant cannot be buried during planting.

Reproduction by seeds

echinacea seeds

Stratification is not required for seeds, but their germination is not very good. Seedlings may appear on the soil surface in 2 weeks and 1.5 months.

If you want to see echinacea flowers in the year of planting, they should be planted for seedlings as early as late February or at least early March.

Soil is poured into the planting containers and seeds are planted to a depth of 1 centimeter (the distance between rows is 2–3 centimeters). Sprinkle with soil (thin layer) or sand on top, water carefully. Seeds will germinate faster if they are treated with Epin before planting, and after planting, maintain the room temperature at about 13 degrees. Emerging shoots need careful moderate watering, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. If the seedlings have risen too densely, they are thinned out, if necessary, dive into cups.

Echinacea shoots

In open ground, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in mid-May. It is allowed (especially in the southern regions) to immediately plant the seeds in a permanent place. And so that the seedlings that have appeared are not pulled out along with the weeds, you can somehow mark the landing site (for example, enclose it with a decorative fence). It is possible to plant seeds before winter.

A new method of propagation of echinacea - meristem

It is still used in nurseries and laboratories. The top of the plant is cut, the meristem. Tiny seedlings are being prepared for sale. When buying merisystem seedlings, be aware that it is undesirable to immediately plant them in a permanent place, it is better to first transplant them into flower pot with nutrient soil and put it in a semi-dark place for about a month, at this time to carry out regular, but scarce watering. When waterlogged, such seedlings die. After the plants get stronger, they can be planted in a permanent place. If there is a need to immediately plant meristem seedlings in open ground, after planting it is covered with the upper part plastic bottle and shade from direct sunlight.

Echinacea terry "Double Delight"


This culture does not need any special care. Watering during a drought, removing weeds, before flowering - top dressing with complete mineral fertilizer, and after its completion - the introduction of phosphate fertilizers. Echinacea responds well to top dressing with fermented nettle infusion.

Plants normally tolerate droughts and frosts, temperature changes, are not too demanding on the composition of the soil, but grow slowly in the first years.

Pests and diseases infrequently affect echinacea. But with excessive moisture, plants can get sick with fungal diseases. In this case, the affected shoots are removed, if necessary, they are treated with fungicides. Pests tend to appear when there are a lot of weeds in the flower garden, on which they like to settle. It is necessary to tear out weeds and treat the flowers with special preparations.

After flowering is completed, the shoots of echinacea are cut out, the rhizomes are spudded, compost or fertile soil is sprinkled on top, you can additionally cover with leaves or twigs coniferous trees(especially in regions with a cool climate).

Echinacea "Hot Lava"

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